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File: 30 KB, 329x225, Mother_boxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7982392 No.7982392 [Reply] [Original]

This game is 32 years old, and honestly I feel like it's kind of slept on too much. Most people usually say "Well the music's good at least." but most people I've noticed who try to play the game either have only played babyfied nintendo rpgs or expect it to be like Mother 2 or 3. I honestly enjoyed the story and characters more. I guess this game was just made to filter newfags.

>> No.7982397 [DELETED] 

Shit game, shit franchise.

>> No.7982543

Oh fuck off, Mother 1 is my favorite of the triology and it's still a grind fest even more than any Dragon Quest (the game it copies), some dungeons are terrible done (factories, swamp, Mt Itoi)

It pays it off by having a great story and amazing twist without relying of cutscenes every 3 seconds (looking at you M3)

>> No.7982558

The supposed difficulty & grinding is blown way out of proportion by youtube fags. It's a fantastic game just like the other two & I wouldn't change anything

>> No.7982945

It's not slept on. We all love Mother 1 here. Well, except for this anon>>7982397

>> No.7982972

I also do not care for it

>> No.7983136

Seriously. It's totally average in terms of grinding and difficulty.
People are just too used to games where there is never the slightest threat of dying and you can just mash/hold a to win every battle.

>> No.7983153
File: 878 KB, 1732x2504, mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first Mother is a fantastic little JRPG. One of my favorites on the NES for sure. Recently replayed it with the new-ish Mother Restored hack.

>> No.7983348

i dont know i got bored running around empty wasteland for 2 hours. game is bad not because its old (i like original smt games a lot) but maybe because its badly designed

>> No.7983565

this was the first (and still only) rpg that i beat outside of pokemon. its definitely challenging unlike pokemon but i wouldnt consider it a retarded grindfest. the most i did was maybe half an hour to an hour before the factory and mt itoi

>> No.7983576

Difficulty yes. Grinding no. I played on emulator and didn't use turbo the first time through and it gets grindy as fuck. A good game, but I still prefer 2. What you niggers need to do is play the SNES remakes of Megami Tensei 1 and Megami Tensei 2.


>> No.7983868

Great music, awesome writing, and far more grounded events and character interactions than the sequels.
To any anon passing through, listen to Pollyanna and you'll have a better day.

>> No.7983957

For me, it's "All That I Needed (Was You)"

>> No.7985456
File: 769 KB, 1200x1200, 1623632058602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely based, my favorite Mother 1 song too. The versions sung by the composer are pure soul.

>> No.7986892

Mother 1 commercials and promotional images are pure SOUL

>> No.7988040

>more than any DQ game
Having beat all Mother games and a lot of DQ games, DQ1 is way, way more grindy than Mother 1 is, at least in the NES version.

>> No.7989108

mother 2 niggas wya?

>> No.7989524

The original NES one has little grinding. The GBA ports and fan patches fuck with the balanace and spawn rates. Your party joining at level 1 is for balance reasons. You get Lloyd at the factory and on your way to there, during, and back you're going to be naturally killing tons of enemies as Ninten who is properly leveled and giving that exp to Lloyd who will quickly match up to you. Same with Ana. The developers did it on purpose and its why Teddie joins properly leveled to help you with Mt Itoi the first time around and to properly level up Ana in case she wasn't.

>> No.7990958

Shouldn't you get the same amount of EXP though if they halfed the encounter rate and doubled EXP gain?

>> No.7992286
File: 379 KB, 1200x1055, 88865344_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here

>> No.7992980

Beat it for the first time recently and enjoyed it. The difficulty was definitely exaggerated, Mt. Itoi especially since the two generous full heal points made the caves the only real difficult part to me, which was also easy after I made a map. It definitely has my favorite atmosphere out of the trilogy, and the music is a contender for the best as well (I can't decide whether 1's or 3's OST is better).

>> No.7993746


>> No.7993820

Grinding Isn't bad till those 3 places 90% into the game. You just got filtered.

>> No.7993825

YouTube fags spend 100's of hours getting perfect iv shiny pokemon and huff gamefreak's shit I hate normal faggots

>> No.7993958

I've finished Mother 1 more times than any other game in the series, it's my favorite. I actually think it has the most well-balanced gameplay of the series, specifically because it forces you to use your head a little bit and come up with strategies if you don't want to grind. I remember entering Mt. Itoi and making use of paralysis + PSI Magnet in order to safely restore my PP without having to leave. Great fun.

>> No.7994001

This scene actually made me tear up the first time I saw it. It's such a sweet, quiet, nice moment. What a wonderful game.

>> No.7994014

What version do I play pls help

>> No.7994036

NES version.

>> No.7994041

What patch

>> No.7994390

neo demiforce.

>> No.7994395

i mean alternatively if you really want to play the gba version instead it probably has the "best" translation and you're not missing out on much. the patch for that version is available on earthboundcentral.

>> No.7994427

I played the game as a kid and didn't really notice the grinding, and I think this is because I played without a guide, so I ended up grinding without even trying from trying to figure out where to go.

>> No.7994435

It's better after playing Mother 2, really. I think it requires an appreciation for the series to enjoy it so long after its release. I'm not sure I would have finished it if I didn't already love Earthbound.

>> No.7994648

best emulator to play it?

>> No.7995791

Playing these games in order, I hated Earthbound and thought 3 was just OK, but loved 1.
It's very different from the other two. Which is weird when Earthbound is superficially so similar to it.
I think it's mainly the atmosphere that's much better. It's subdued, heartfelt and bittersweet. The game doesn't stuff you with cringe randomness humor at every corner. Even the battle screen shows this in that it isn't being a tryhard with psychedelic effects. Even the lousy soundfound in Earthbound makes me cringe.
There are lots of random encounters, but they make the world feel more oppressive and make exploring it more interesting. And yeah, there is a world to explore, not the decorated hallways of later entries... People will say they get sick of the random encounters, but I never did. You were constantly thinking about the overworld, as opposed to the boredom of going through the countless filler areas in Earthbound that added nothing to the plot in all that inconvenient, padded-out time where they had to put content between the paper-thin plot doing anything at the beginning and the end. And of course, the conclusion to Mother 1 is so much better it's not even worth comparing. The entire sequence after Teddy goes out of commission is pure perfection especially considering it was on the NES. The actual ending makes sense and is unique and wholesome instead of being a retarded deus ex machina from a bunch of people who wrote themselves into a corner. And the game doesn't overstay its welcome.

>> No.7995795

The best experience the NES has to offer outside of Castlevania.

>> No.7995895

SMB3 is the best

>> No.7996998

SMB3 is gay

>> No.7997190

shit taste

>> No.7999574

Mother 1 had a ton of wacky stuff like magicant and the rocket that takes you to the island though

>> No.7999819
File: 131 KB, 800x813, 912395e4cd145dac91453106790d4f37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giegue is cute

>> No.7999830

Just be warned that the GBA version fucked spawn rates fiercely to the point you will get into a fight after a single step after the last, possibly repeatedly. It does render the shittier easy mode patch even more useless if you can get beyond that though.