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File: 157 KB, 256x329, Star_Wars_-_Shadows_of_the_Empire_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
798276 No.798276 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell was this for a kid in 1993?

>Hoth, ok I remember that from the movies
>wtf who is Dash Rendar?
>why is he in Han Solo's ship?
>why am I not Luke
>why didn't they just release a Jedi game?
>oh another shitty space level

>> No.798336
File: 19 KB, 200x300, it was a book previously you fucking nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was made for real star wars fans, not you. you don't know star wars, faggot. You're a poseur star wars nerd, fucking sad.

>> No.798334

93? Are you 11?

>> No.798332

>What the hell was this for a kid in 1993?


>> No.798340

I loved that book and the comic that came in my Nintendo Power.

>> No.798353

Pretty sure this came out close to 97

>> No.798354

I thought that book was terrible, with Xizor trying to get into Leia's pants the whole time and failing due to a Wookie cockblock.

>> No.798429

Its based on the books

>> No.798438

Go and read a book once and a while!

>> No.798475

Yeeah it was 1996/1997.. it was an N64 game, OP needs to do his research before Complaining about good games.

>> No.798502


Its also a PC game, but good lukc finding a copy or getting it to work, even at the time it was buggy as all hell

>> No.798498


It was an N64 launch title. Plus it has more to do with Star Wars than any official media since

Ending is also grin inducing as fuck. There needs to be a Dash and Kyle bro-op adventure

>> No.798508

>another shitty space level
fuck you mate the space levels were the best part of the game

>> No.798773

it was explicitly marketed as a Star Wars Interquel

>> No.798775

It was a book and a toy line...Shadows of The Empire wasn't a mystery to us back then

>> No.798781

>being a kid

>> No.798814

this and it was fucking awesome. The first game I played on n64 and you better believe i beat it front and back with many replays.

>> No.798910
File: 21 KB, 278x425, sote1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i need to booty romp your candy ass? dash rendar was alpha as fuck, and fun as fuck to play as. this game was a nice break from either being a pleb jedi or flying around in an x-wing all the god damn time.

i actually liked all the other star wars game but this one provided something that wasn't provided by any other one.

>> No.798929

>That train level where you jump from cart to cart
>All that cool scenery you can't jump onto halfway in the level

Many fond memories.

Also, that debug cheat has one hell of a method to get access to

>> No.798979

>debug cheat
I still can't get that shit to work. tried it when I was little and just gave up.

>> No.798985

it was pretty heavily advertised as an interquel between ESB and RotJ with a book, toy line, soundtrack, and game.


>> No.799096

It works. Just use your chin for the control stick movements that you have to make. That's how I always got it to work.

>> No.799110

The underage is strong with this one.

>> No.799309

Never could get myself to make it past the sewers because of how fucking scary it was until years later.

The final battle is so much fucking fun, and killing Boba Fett, an AT-ST, plus an IG-88 is manly as fuck

>> No.799426

oh yeah, I know it works, I just never had the patience to stick with it and enter it all the way.

>> No.799441

You're not alone, my girlfriend rants about it to this day.

>> No.799457

I still have that book!

>> No.799640

that game man

the fucking emptiness
the fucking wampas
the sewers
the train level

>> No.799737

Didn't this game have a cheat of some sort that practically required both arms and possibly your head to input the code? Wampa something, I think.

>> No.799750

Star Wars episode 5.5
I remember getting disappointed because the n64 game cut out things from the novel

>> No.799774

Come to think of it, it was quite a bit of free advertising for the SE revisions of the original trilogy, which came out about that time.

>> No.799780

fuck you OP that game was great

>> No.799785


I take it you dont remember the marketing blitz for SE too well. Shit was everywhere. We rolled around town collecting standees at the end of it, I think I still have four or five hidden somewhere

>> No.799792

Special Edition hype was fucking enormous. People forget that they were in THEATERS. The actual changes were pretty unnecessary, but they really did manage to hook an entire new generation on Star Wars.

>> No.799805

Just because IG-88 boss fight and the sewer level made you wet your pants on fear doesn't give you the right to bash a great Star Wars game! Man the fuck up !!

>> No.799815

I read that book. One time I accidentally ate like a half ounce of mushrooms and the cover of it came out into the room and I said "whoa, a nigger" and then I lost 2 hours of time and all I remember is the sunflower from the Hanson mmmmmbop video.

>> No.800474
File: 448 KB, 1300x1180, 1456363-ig_88___cotf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell was this for a kid in ̶1̶̶9̶̶9̶̶3̶ 1997?

>Battle of Hoth! Man, this is awsome!
>Blasting stormtoopers as DASH MOTHERFUCKING RENDAR
>Dude, it's like I'm really in SPAAAAACE! Jesus, Star Destroyers!
>Thank god, I'm not Luke. Hell yeah! Illegal swoop bike racing!
>Blasting shit with blasters is so much fun! Check out my stylin' jetpack!
>Holy shit! IG88! I will scrap your ass, you rusty bitch!
>Oh my god! Jetpack fight against Boba Fett!
>Hell yeah! Imma blow up your palace Xizor!
It was pretty cool, I guess?

>> No.800485

That's one of the best Star Wars games ever you fuck.

>> No.800535


>> No.801153

That was the first game I owned for the n64. I remember how excited I was to get that for christmas. I stayed up all night playing it since I'd only just opened it at 9 or 10pm and everyone else went to bed.
I replayed that first hoth level so many times over the next few years, it would blow your mind.
The only thing I didn't like is that the boba fett mission took 40+ minutes with no checkpoints, then the boss battle was hard and had major potential to make it all for nothing.
At some point I found a spot between his ship's laser cannons where he couldn't hit me then just shot it to death with my blaster.

>> No.801161
File: 63 KB, 474x242, 1312723929646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sewers level
>hear a growl and a splash
>see a black, tentacled mass floating in the water towards you

>> No.801180

yeah, that place was creepy
iirc, that was the first mission where you got disruptor ammo

>> No.801194

I loved the huge levels.
Gall Spaceport felt endless.
The train level is fucking beautiful and makes you want to jump down the train and explore that weird planet.

>> No.801197
File: 1.22 MB, 477x252, dudewhat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.801213

>I remember getting disappointed because the n64 game cut out things from the novel

The novel didn't have Dash surviving.

>> No.801232
File: 32 KB, 500x325, a-fuck-yeah-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao this was actually a case where I BLOCKED something from my memory because it scared me so much.

I remember re-playing it and I completly forgot about that part, but when I got to it all these dark memories came rushing back and I had to take a benzo.

>> No.801259


Well...to be fair, it(novel) was pretty open ended, so it could have gone either way. All that was printed was, "there was a flash of light, and Dash was gone." I always took it to mean he did some baller as fuck hyperspace jump. Plus, the SotE comic sequel had a nod to the game too, since you saw Dash at the end.

>> No.801334

the only launch titles were Super Mario 64 and Cruis'n USA in north America.

>> No.802696

I remember knowing nothing about this. I remember the 64 version more though and pre-internet days being cool if you knew the wompa stompa code to play as one. That and flinging wilhelm screaming stormtroopers off cliffs.....those were the days....

>> No.802753

This game was a fucking wet dream come true.

>> No.802798

It was 1996 you dipshit. Or more specifically for the PC version you posted, 1997.

>> No.804293

Thank god that SM64 kept me busy for months

>> No.804320

>taking drugs
>not being drugs

>> No.804938

Still my all time favorite star wars game, followed closely by EP1 Racer.

Seconded. The jedi weren't really what drew me to the franchise, even in the movies.

>> No.804975
File: 91 KB, 500x375, thrillho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw playing shadows of the empire for the first time

Dash Rendar was 90's as fuck and that game was kickin' rad.

>> No.804991

Well that too, but I meant like little stuff. Like how the speeder chase is different (he kills more of them off in the novel).

>> No.805058


Other countries exist. Also US launch games were mario and pilotwings

European launch: March 1, 1997

Pilotwings 64
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Super Mario 64
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

>> No.805198
File: 17 KB, 276x183, depresd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never destroy that Star Destroyer in the final level

>> No.805370

Only country that matters is America.

>> No.805494

i played this as a kid (born in 91) and just thought i was han solo for the whole game. one hell of a hard game, im convinced barely anyone actually beat it.

i got up to the robot boss where you kill it, then it splits in half and drops you into a maze, floating above you shooting in. fuck that, for real.

>> No.805519

You can, but it takes literally 20+ hours on Easy.

>> No.805554

>took it down to 99% after a hour
>will never have the motivation to down that motherfucker

>> No.805561

The Outrider isn't Han Solo's ship

>> No.805762

this game was hard as fuck, i didnt ever finish it i think i did get quite far though

honestly it is one of the better games i have played in terms of atmosphere, that shit was grim as hell

>> No.806068


Those parts of the book WERE terrible and completely uncalled for. The parts that focused on Luke and Vader's place in The Force and Vader's mindgames/investigation into Xizor were excellent, though. Actually, if you view the book as being largely told from Vader's perspective it's pretty fucking rad.

>> No.806702

The concept behind Jedi is pretty basic. A teenager who approaches oriental philosophy for the first time can do better.

>> No.806705

For the N64, yes.
The PSX dominated the European market.

>> No.806740

1993 was 20 years ago

>> No.806765

I was scared to play that sewer level with the tantacles in the water.

I hate any levels with scary shit swimming in the water.

>> No.806774

i thought the book was actually pretty good, although i only read it for the first time after they started that new jedi order bullshit so maybe i just thought SOTE was good in comparison

>> No.806781

To be fair, the first time I saw the Outrider I thought it was the Falcon.

Just for a minute though.