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File: 104 KB, 1000x975, C39BD1F0-F126-4940-82B2-C9C99DC5E561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7967735 No.7967735 [Reply] [Original]

Am I fine playing this for a first time walkthrough? My only other option is to play the Saturn version on my rhea. What would you choose?

>> No.7967747


>> No.7967787

Director's Cut is fine, as long as it's the non-DualShock version.

>> No.7967805

But the music is superior in the DualShock version.

>> No.7967842
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>> No.7968338

Why do you
Say that

>> No.7968542

Yes, Resident Evil isn't an obtuse game like a point and click adventure, in fact it's made to be figured out in play. The whole character balance of the game hinges on you not knowing exactly where to go, actually. Jill's 2 extra item slots don't compare favorably to Chris's stats except in a playthrough where you're keeping items and wondering which ones you'll need soon.

You also cannot trigger any trap that you do not have the means to stop or evade, although you may have to just put an item back to stop something and come back with something else to actually solve the trap.

>> No.7968561

Good advice here. Also consult a walkthrough if you ever feel completely stumped, there's one puzzle with a very obtuse solution.

>> No.7968574

If you have the option between the two versions, I highly recommend the Saturn over the Director's Cut. The reason being the Director's Cut is just far too easy, even as a Chris. You can also play the very original, another acceptable version, but the Saturn version will probably kick your ass if its your first Resident Evil game. Which is good because that's where a lot of the fun is.

>> No.7968635

>The reason being the Director's Cut is just far too easy, even as a Chris.

What the fuck? Have you actually played Arranged Mode?

>> No.7968656

>recommending Virtua Biohazard

>> No.7968694

I should have been clear, the original game is best played through those versions. I agree arranged mode is great fun. I say play the original then go do arranged mode if you want more. The extras in the Saturn version also are great and I think it might even be better than the original but I think some people think the models are pretty terrible. I like them though.

>> No.7969727

What do you mean by that? Sorry noob here

>> No.7969938

I guess it's just a play on words on how some Saturn games had Virtua in the name.
Was Saturn RE really that much more challenging for the western release? I imported the JP release just to own a physical copy and it really seems true where they made the Japanese versions easier.

>> No.7970292

Pretty sure the US Saturn version has the same overall difficulty tweaks that the US PS1 version had. Fewer ink ribbons per pickup, enemies with more health, you take more damage. The Saturn version has ticks and the second Tyrant for Chris in both regions. The Japanese version will keep kicked heads and exploded arms on screen for the duration of the room as well but that's a visual tweak.

>> No.7970386
File: 1.11 MB, 1110x582, saturn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Saturn version has tweaked/higher res backgrounds too. It'snot a huge upgrade but I can definitely tell the difference playing it back to back with the PS1 version in places like the portrait puzzle room.

>> No.7970838

>they made the Japanese versions easier
They made the American versions harder, and for the totally organic and respectable reason of preventing Americans from completing the game during a rental period. Japanese is the true difficulty, end of story.

>> No.7970843

>Am I fine playing this for a first time walkthrough
What a dumb fuckin question. Obviously people played this shit for a first time walkthrough over 20 years ago. You are a dumbfuck

>> No.7970847

Yes it’s completely fine. Ignore the fags that whine about the soundtrack. They’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

>> No.7971036

people make too big a deal out of the director's cut. it's not an improvement, just a different way to play so you'll be surprised if you already played the original by new jump scares.

>> No.7971045

The Saturn version is the real version. The Playstation version added a bunch of casual babby shit like autoaim and twice as many ink ribbons, and the Director's Cut butchered the soundtrack.

The Saturn version also had a Battle Mode that the PS1 version lacks.

>> No.7971073

While the Saturn port is indeed cool, you’re also misinformed and therefore shouldn’t be trusted. There are two Director’s Cut releases. The first one from 1997 has the arranged mode and additional costumes as well as retaining the original soundtrack. The “Dual Shock” edition release from 1998 is the one with the new soundtrack.

>> No.7971121

The Dual Shock Edition is the only version that is available digitally, so if he's playing it on a modern Playstation that's the one he would be using.

Even if he isn't, both Director's Cut versions have auto-aim and increased ink ribbons, making the game a complete breeze to get through and robbing it of any tension whatsoever.

Since he posted a picture kf the Director's Cit, we can assume he will be playing one of the two versions of it, both of which are inferior to the Saturn original.

Learn to use context clues.

>> No.7971141

Given the choice would you say Director's Cut or the OG on PS1 is the best to play through? It sounds like Director's Cut adds in auto-aim and the random zombie head explosion from pistols?
I've had a hankering to play the original RE1, I've finished RE2, CV and some newer ones but only played RE1 on the Saturn about half way.
Was thinking I'd play the PS1 original first with Jill and then the Saturn version to see how it changed with Chris.

>> No.7971163

Do Playstation Chris and Saturn Jill or you will be in for a huge difficulty spike.

Jill is easy mode between the two characters, and the Playstation version is easy mode between the two platforms.

>> No.7971193

Pretty sure it’s context cues, not clues.

>> No.7971210

You only get extra ink ribbons if you choose the easy difficulty setting though. Original difficulty gives you the standard ammo and ink ribbon amounts.

>> No.7971218

It's not.

>> No.7971224

Disagree. It’s definitely cues.

>> No.7971229

It's not.

>> No.7971230
File: 230 KB, 754x424, Sega Saturn Don't Risk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah that's fair then. I didn't realise Saturn would be that much harder. When I first played it I found it quite difficult compared to 2 and CV, but thought that was just me being shite.
OK I'll try PlayStation Chris and then Jill for the Saturn run. If I still want more, I can try Chris on Saturn too.

>> No.7971231

Hmm. It is.

>> No.7971246

He’s misinformed about the extra ink ribbon thing. That’s only if you choose easy difficulty when playing the Director’s Cut.

>> No.7971250

Look it up, then either come back here and apologize, or realize you were wrong but in a desperate attempt to regain some sliver of pride keep trying to be le ebin troll and convince everyone you were "only pretending" to be retarded.

>> No.7971256

I agree with that guy but instead do the opposite. Chris on Saturn is basically the ultimate and final difficulty for the game, it's my personal favorite way to play the game. I'm not sure what you're playing on, but if you want to play the Playstation version just get the vanilla game, as in no director's cut as Jill DC is honestly too easy. Otherwise it doesn't really matter just do everything on the Saturn version its the best anyways.

>> No.7971273

The Japanese difficulty is fucking braindead easy though. Jill doesn't even need ink ribbons and I've seen zombies die in 2-3 handgun rounds at times. You can debate autoaim (I prefer the game without it) but buffing the enemies was absolutely the right thing to do.

>> No.7971330

Thanks for the input. I do really want to try Chris on Saturn as well, if only because it's the 'final' mode as you stated.
I'm going to play PS1 via emulation on PC, and the Saturn game I can play on an actual Sega Saturn.

>> No.7971349

Well I looked it up and it’s a draw. They seem to be pretty interchangeable terms. You’re still wrong about the ink ribbons though.

>> No.7971362
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>> No.7971397

>Even if he isn't, both Director's Cut versions have auto-aim and increased ink ribbons,
For whatever reason, the Dual Shock DC has 2 ribbons per pickup in Standard Mode (doubled to 4 in Beginner Mode). It doesn't have the tougher enemies from the original PS1 and Saturn versions though. And then the Arrange Mode has 3 per pickup. It's weird as hell.

>> No.7971412

Op here thanks for all the input. I’m gonna play the Saturn version because I like challenging games thanks!

>> No.7971431

It's not a draw. You were wrong.

Take this as an opportunity to learn something new.

>> No.7971447

Hey I’m just reporting back, bud. I saw it both ways. See also: keep it close to the chest/vest. We have a draw.

>> No.7971454

the saturn version sucks once you've played the playstation game, which is already an old game. it's like an incomplete version on saturn

>> No.7971472

What do you mean????

>> No.7971481

i mean it's missing so much of what define resident evil and why the series became successful and a sequel was made. it's missing a few little finishes made on the playstation version that created the real game we know

>> No.7971487

I kind of get what he’s saying. There’s something off about the Saturn port. It feels like a ROM hack bootleg of the PlayStation original.

>> No.7971489

The Saturn version came out more than a year after the initial PS1 release.

>> No.7971503
File: 256 KB, 552x464, vhlPwT9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even better

>> No.7971507

i should say it *feels* like it was made before, because it's lacking the goods. but i fucked it all up. all i know is, i played both versions. after playing the playstation one it was obviously an improvement and felt like it was the actual game

>> No.7971574


>> No.7971667

way off: the post

>> No.7971669

director's cut is the american release with the canon japanese difficulty.

>> No.7971679

>inferior to the Saturn
This meme needs to die.

>> No.7971682

no, it rearranges items and monsters

>> No.7971704

you're eating out of the hand of an idiot. look for an infographic as the thread is muddied water at this point.

>> No.7971713

here's how it is:
saturn version is bad
playsation version is good
director's cut is if you got bored with the game and want to have the monsters and items arranged a bit differently so you're sorta playing it anew. it's not the superior version.
play the original playstation game.

>> No.7971719

that's arrange mode, stupid. hence the name. burn this thread and all the horseshit info in it.

>> No.7971726

If you can get your hands on the non-Dual Shock Director’s Cut I see no reason to play RE 1996 over it. You get the original experience bundled in with all the extra content.

>> No.7971752

Manual aiming is what the game was designed around. They added autoaim very late in development, sometime after Jan. 31, 1996, based on the publicly available beta builds. They were changing and tweaking stuff right up until the last possible minute.

>> No.7971757

when the game was re-eleased in america as the director's cut with re 2 demo disc, it had arrange mode on it. that's what we know as dc

>> No.7971859

I played arranged years after I finished the standard mode on the original release, so I pretty much forgot most of it and couldn't appreciate the changes. Did it arrange key items as well?

>> No.7971871

yes. key items and specific targeted items or jump scare moments are changed to catch you off guard. it's just an alternate way to play the game

>> No.7971940

So hard to make sense of the opinions in this thread theres about 50 unique opinions

>> No.7971958

I unironically agree. It's seriously more spoopy.

>> No.7971983

Just based on what I know about the games and various posts and my own research I'm probably going to try Jill on PS1 RE1 vanilla and then Chris on Saturn.

>> No.7972054

well, don't stop there. play both characters in the ds game and the gamecube remake for one character and then maybe go HD for PS4 on another, and then go back and compare to Saturn Jill... play the game for the rest of your life

>> No.7972067
File: 3.83 MB, 1800x1200, RE guide test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking confusing. Here's a reference image some anon made a few threads prior. It's like Capcom produced these games so that you'd want to keep one copy of each release around, I swear.

>> No.7972152
File: 3.35 MB, 1500x1000, RE guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made that and updated it a little bit based on some feedback I got. I dropped the DS version from it because I replayed it a couple times and it's so different from the original releases as far as things like enemy behavior and animations that it's almost another remake itself. It didn't feel right trying to compare it to the versions from the 90s.
There's also the Japanese releases and weird stuff like the PowerVR PC version, but I just wanted to hit the common ones the vast majority of players are likely to encounter today.

>> No.7972163

Sounds like a comfy life tbqhwu

>> No.7972247

The Saturn version is definitely better. Director's Cut has a horrible soundtrack.

>> No.7972308

Director's Cut non-DualShock has the original soundtrack. The DualShock version is the one with the horrible soundtrack.

>> No.7972525

Do the zombies in RE1 ever shuffle their positions as the player moves through the rooms? Does anyone have any examples of them doing so if they do?

>> No.7972879

Sometimes they do. The 2F corridor that connects to the statue puzzle room (with the poison) is one example.

>> No.7972881

Clown farts

>> No.7972931

One track that you hear for five minutes tops. Wow, it’s literally nothing.

>> No.7972973

This is really interesting. I saw before a webm too where the zombies in the 2f east hall move around, the one above the stairs. But I can't remember exactly how or where they move.

>> No.7973412

There's also some weirdness with the 2F fireplace room. It's usually empty but sometimes 2 zombies spawn in there if you go back in. I'm not sure exactly what triggers it.

>> No.7973434

Why wouldn't you be fine playing RE:DC on PS1? That's what I bought with my first PlayStation.

>> No.7974324
File: 86 KB, 800x600, 1626929290330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To my knowledge the saturn version is a port of the ps1 longbox with some extra features (new enemies, battle mode, zombie wesker Easter egg...), so that means you're missing out on some qol stuff like auto-aim, fewer ink ribbons, and somehow even more bullshit hunters. The director's cut you posted seems to the the pedagogical choice for how to experience the game. I've been told the Arranged Mode on it is pretty tough. My advice is to go in blind and don't play with a guide or watch videos or anything like that. Thats the true way to experience this timeless classic, far more important than which version you play. Oh and no save states either (this should go without saying but it's especially important for a survival horror game)

>> No.7974410

>My advice is to go in blind and don't play with a guide or watch videos or anything like that

well consider you just spoiled the features of the saturn version i guess he can no longer do that.

>> No.7974596

Just the zombie wesker really

>> No.7974954


The devs probably wanted to surprise players when they returned to the mansion but they didn't code that event properly (would be my guess..).

>> No.7975642


>> No.7976041

Why is the shotgun so satisfying when you shoot it?

>> No.7976070

uhh no you spoiled several things please be quiet

>> No.7976226

He didn’t spoil anything that’s actually part of the story in the Saturn version. The battle mode is a separate thing.

>> No.7976231
File: 45 KB, 1440x1080, RE1 intro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that RE1 is set on July 24th-early morning on the 25th. Perfect time to replay it.

>> No.7976239

Director's Cut with this mod.


>> No.7976248

Yep I always loved that it’s a horror game specifically set during the summer.

>> No.7976978

No, you were wrong. Get over it, kiddo.

You are either ESL or stupid.

>> No.7976996

A hot, humid Midwest summer is a great backdrop for a horror story too because it's just so fucking miserable. I feel bad for the poor Umbrella workers if that place didn't have AC.

>> No.7977004

Yes this was my first version. I loved it. Been a fan ever since. Graphics are decent for a ps1 game. Sound is amazing. Story is pretty based and voice acting is so bad its nostalgic. Play this then the original RE2 and your in for a fire weekenddd.

>> No.7977008

They had a top secret laboratory miles underground that studied genetics and military bioweapons. I'm sure they had AC lol

>> No.7977097
File: 53 KB, 1920x1080, Pass code 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's everyone's favorite classic RE files? Mine are the pass code bible passages from RE1. I think they really give off an unsettling feeling given everything that was going on at the mansion.

>> No.7977102

I like Jill's Diary, it's a nice sendoff to the file sidequest.

>> No.7977182
File: 149 KB, 450x360, scrapbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the Scrapbook. Strangely both it and the Bible verses on the passcodes were left out of the remake.



May 20. Around 10 PM a 20-year-old young woman's body was found by a passer-by on the left bank of Marble River in the Cider District of Raccoon City.
Raccoon police assume it to be a grizzly or other animal's doing because there are teeth marks along her mutilated arms and left foot that show considerable power. Since she was wearing a hiking boot on her remaining foot, it has been determined that she was attacked in the Arklay Mountains and fell into the river. They are hurrying to identify this woman.



Some people claim they've seen monsters in the Arklay mountains.
The monsters are supposedly about the same size as large dogs and usually run in a pack as wolves do.
This may sound like a group of ordinary wild dogs, but these monsters are surprisingly fierce and hard to hurt.
They say these dogs won't bother you unless you wake them, so you smart readers should stay out of the Arklay Mountains for the time being.
But if you're looking for adventure, check it out! You wanna try?



Due to successive disasters in the Arklay Mountains, the city authorities have decided to block the road leading to the foothills.
At the same time, Raccoon police intend to begin the search for lost people with the help of S.T.A.R.S. team members. They expect great difficulty because of the vast size of the Arklay Mountains and the primeval forest that covers most of the area.
Also people are still reporting sightings of grotesque monsters in the mountains.

>> No.7977248

Eat shit and kill yourself you sniveling little faggot

>> No.7977513

Sega saturnnnnn the models are better looking and so are the backgrounds

>> No.7977581
File: 76 KB, 1024x745, 1615591349617m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the models are better lookin

>> No.7977697

>For me, it's the Scrapbook
I've always wondered how that ended up in the mansion in July.

>> No.7977740

The PS1 versions have godawful clipping at the joints, and the skin on the arms isn't even textured, it's goraud shaded.

Christ on the Saturn looks fucking ripped, too, which is hilarious. Much better than the twink Chris on the PS1.

>> No.7978101

When in doubt, blame Wesker.

>> No.7979624 [DELETED] 
File: 595 KB, 2000x3000, 1578456573915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nicely done Anon. I will save it for newbie discussions of the game. I do think you should keep the DS version is though in my personal opinion. Great work!

>> No.7979627
File: 595 KB, 2000x3000, 1578456573915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really nicely done Anon. I will save it for future newbie discussions of the original game. I do think you should keep the DS version in the guide though. That's just my personal opinion of course. Great work!

>> No.7980098
File: 1.08 MB, 498x278, chuckle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twink Chris on the PS1

>> No.7980147

I want a comfy 90s Forensic Files episode about the the dead hiker they found in the river.

>> No.7980236
File: 30 KB, 509x384, jill butt ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the DS version, Jill's butt is bigger in it and you can touch it with the stylus.

>> No.7980240
File: 10 KB, 320x200, jill butt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just sad.

>> No.7980340


Agree with this, and I want to say also I do like the backgrounds but they could be a bit cleaner for reading clarity, but like I said they do look kind of nice as well so I can't fully decide.

>> No.7980349

> A 'cue' is a prompt. Context cues would I assume be peripheral ideas and text that one could call upon. A 'clue' is something altogether different and is something detectives follow when investigating a crime. e.g. 'The only clue they had to work on were some fingerprints on the door handle'.

>> No.7980390

Guys break it up, just kiss already.

>> No.7980415

sorry but no, regardless of the PS1 model's problems, the Saturn models look like abject shit

>> No.7980471

well that's just like, your opinion man

>> No.7980520
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>> No.7980523
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>> No.7980551

>twink christ
my dick moved a little

>> No.7980576

I always played Jill as a kid and for the first time a few years back tried to do a Chris run and did get my ass handed to me. There were sections where I had to do like an hour of gameplay with no dying and I was completely out of ink ribbons and kept dying. It was during the underground part I think. I kept having to go all the way back to the mansion every time I died and I was really conservative with ink ribbons, at least I thought I was.

>> No.7981831

Conservative with ink ribbons means you're attempting a single-segment run.
Kidding aside, the way I always learned these games was to save periodically while learning a section, then reload a save from around right after the previous boss, then trying to do it all in a single segment. So I might use up all my ink ribbons before reaching Yawn, but then I would replay the beginning of the game from memory until I did everything except the first Yawn fight. Rinse and repeat for Plant 42, the second Yawn fight, Black Tiger, Tyrant, and then the end of the game. To be extra safe you can do one save before and after each fight to reduce the headache of a failure.

>> No.7981845

>when Kagami sees my pp

>> No.7981883
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that's the version i used when playing it for the first time a few months back.
i played it on vita though.

>> No.7981938

clown farts.mp3

>> No.7981986


>> No.7982094
File: 590 KB, 1600x2000, jill-bigshinkiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I really wish post like this would stop. Does it add anything posting things like cringe, based, you will never be a woman, ect? I am just so tired of it. I am not saying the post you replied too is that much higher quality, but come the fuck on. Yes, I know.. you will just post cringe again after as a reply. I just hope maybe we can get better quality posts and actual discussions in /vr/ (and as a whole on the net).

>> No.7982109

I guarantee everyone itt that has posted about “clown farts” is just parroting what they’ve heard from youtubers or other RE threads.

>> No.7982132
File: 191 KB, 649x707, 1550223004128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While that may be true, it's not helping anything by posting bait buzzwords. I own almost every version of Resident Evil and I really don't like the alt soundtrack myself. Though, I wouldn't never shit on anyone for liking it. I do bet if you polled everyone who did play it, most find it pretty unappealing. The new basement song is just the worst offender so it became the poster child for the replacement soundtrack. I don't think it helps the composer was a fraud.

>> No.7982746

Tfw only played REmake from the Switch Eshop. Had a blast, and yes i used the stick to move.

>> No.7984454

The police reports from 2. Imagining the events that took place and coming up with how everything got so fucked was always a neat thing to think about. In general, files that detail events prior to the game's story from a normal person's point of view are favorites of mine. That's why 4 will never be above the first three games, the files in that game are shit.

>> No.7984918

Saturn version all the way
More content then the other versions

>> No.7984971

I agree but you need to understand that a large portion of posters are legitimately autistic and can't help but use the board as their hugbox to repeat the same posts over and over. You just gotta ignore them.

>> No.7985007

My favorite file from 2 is the patrolman's report. The one where he chased someone away from a sewer entrance and they dropped a night vision scope and block of C4. I always wondered who that was supposed to be.

>> No.7985014

probably someone from umbrella like Hunk