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7981960 No.7981960[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so overrated?

>> No.7981964

there's not that many great games

>> No.7981968

But FF6 is one of them, even if you don't like RPGs.

>> No.7981979

yes, that was my answer. it is overrated because there are not many as good as it

>> No.7981998
File: 1.27 MB, 3625x2858, ff6 towns vs ff7 towns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why super nintendo fans insisted it was better than 7, it's definitely one of the weaker installments. In retrospect it was probably just console warring. There's a shit ton of anti-7 pro-6 image macros they made.

>> No.7982004

>console warring
between snes and psone. sure, pal

>> No.7982005

it was more pro-nintendo, anti-sony. Nintendo fans see everyone else as evil and I'm not kidding. Weird hyperbole.

>> No.7982006

>It's overrated
>but there's not many better games

So do you just hate everything? How do you reconcile these opposed thoughts?

>> No.7982015

i'm just saying for something to be considered overrated, it's usually a mass amount of love for that game. ff6 earns it, but as always because there are not more games at the level of greatness it eventually seems like we're overrating it. the concept of something being overrated is an opinion, and it has nothing to do with whether a person loves something or not

>> No.7982018

Not just the towns are weak, the characters are also weak.

You have just 2 girls out of 14 characters and they literally have the same fucking bio (elite of the empire). And there's far too many joke characters too and the story is basically retarded Disney drivel.

But people love it because of le epic clown xD

>> No.7982020

bruh, ps1 wasn't even out when i was playing ff6 in 1993. and ff7 didn't come out until 1997. there was no console war between snes and ps1

>> No.7982023

>But people love it because of le epic clown xD
I think this is it, kefka isn't even an interesting villain.

? This is from 4chan.

>> No.7982076

Not sure if you're trolling for fun or actually are this retarded.

>> No.7982154

Because it was the last mainline FF to be released on a Nintendo platform. V is better.

>> No.7982159

“Overrated” and “Underrated” are the most overused buzzwords on this site

>> No.7982168

"buzzword" is the most overused buzzword on this site

>> No.7982218

It's not overrated. it came out in the early 90's at the time it was THE BEST rpg and had the best graphics, music and gameplay. you had to be there to experience it. of course a stupid zoomer wouldn't understand you are seeing it with your spoiled and shitty vision where you grew up with well rendered 3d graphics.

ff6 is like the precursor to ff7. its very similar in many ways but since it came out in 93 and in snes its an amazing achievement.
ff7 is an amazing game in itself and it only became that great because ff6 was such a success, they had the "formula" down back when they made ff4.
they are both amazing games for various reasons

>> No.7982298

>But people love it because of le epic clown xD
You talk like a fag.
People love it because it's fun to play.
>I think this is it
No it's not, that guy is a fucking retard.

I can go on all day criticizing FF6, the game is riddled with flaws but if you are so absolutely stupid that you think Kefka is the only reason why people like FF6 I don't know what to tell you other than grow a brain. The game is just fun. It has a lot of engaging systems, a serious story that is fast-paced and surface-level enough for kids in the target age range to enjoy (That age being 8-15 or so). It's the last game before Square really went off the deep end with elaborate cutscenes, convoluted advancement systems, and gay limit break style shit that's more flashy spectacle than engaging. FF6 has like 4 hours of cutscenes vs FF7's 8+. The game is much less of a commitment to play, especially in the open-ended second-half of the game. And even before then the game progresses much faster as far as opening up and letting you explore the world.

>> No.7982305 [DELETED] 

zoomer revisionism at work
what do you expect when they grow up on TV shows depicting the Queen of England as a sassy black woman

>> No.7982310

>since it came out in 93
It came out in '94. For North America it wasn't until October of that year.

FFI - 1990
FFIV - 1991
FFMQ - 1992
Secret of Mana - 1993
FFVI - 1994 (Q4)
Chrono Trigger - 1995
Secret of Evermore - 1995
Super Mario RPG - 1996
FFVII - 1997 (Q1)

>> No.7982314 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7982487

>ff7 is an amazing game in itself and it only became that great because ff6 was such a success
so much wrong here
6 wasn't even the best rpg on the system.
Most people didn't even play it until years after 7 was released, and the majority of people that did play it only knew it as FF3 (until years later). The "7" in FF7 was essentially irrelevant, everyone assumed it was import issues (common at the time).
6 didn't even start becoming culturally popular until mid-00s, when it was meme'd into popularity. Most of the people that had played it by that time were through the re-release or rom. Before that it was just another snes B-lister.

>> No.7982493

It is underrated due to contrarians now. V has taken its place as the overrated meme one.

>> No.7982497

FF5 is the best SNES Final Fantasy though.

>> No.7982509

No everyone still rates 6 and 9 as the "best". 5 is better than 6. And 7 and 10 are better than 9.

>> No.7982515

No every contrarian zoomer rushes to say 5 is better whenever 6 is mentioned. It's the same thing that happened with 6 and 7 years ago.

>> No.7982523

But it's not contrarian if it's been the truth all along.

>> No.7983062

It's really not.

>> No.7983076

I still, and always have, preferred FF4. 6 has some shinier new tech and larger scope, but 4 just felt more like a classical fantasy story with believable characters inhabiting their world. 6 just felt too much like "too cool for school" teens being given roles they didn't fit in. It's subtle and subjective, but 4 always stirred my imagination in a way 6 didn't.

>> No.7983079

Quit being a fag. It's a good game. Deal with it.

>> No.7983085

>ff7 is an amazing game in itself and it only became that great because ff6 was such a success
I don't get how selling 300,000 units in America converts to a behemoth selling millions lmao. It had nothing to do with 6, it was all the hype and marketing from Sony.
Funny you say this because the intense love of FF6 came from contrarianism against 7. FF5 is a better GAME, more suited for JRPG purists than tourists with a mental age of 11 who only play the games "for its story" (loooooool). Deal with it.

>> No.7983089

I'm gonna add, what's happening with 6 as of late is what happened to Sonic CD; now everybody can access to these games, they try le hidden gem meme and discover that its reputation is inflated because of contrarianism. So of course there's a pushback. They also try V and discover it's a solid and fun as fuck game as long as you're not manchild who still gives a fuck about anime stories for teenagers in JRPGs. As long as more people start actually playing 6, you're gonna read more opinions thinking it's overrated. Cover your ears and eyes, snowflake.

>> No.7983128

It's pretty easy and cinematic compared to previous entries.
4 had an in-depth story, but 6 had legitimate cutscenes and set-pieces that are memorable.
This simultaneously makes it a sign of when JRPGs became good to some people and the beginning of the end for others.

>> No.7983323

>Most people didn't even play it until years after 7 was released, and the majority of people that did play it only knew it as FF3 (until years later).
That's true of most FF games now but the vast majority of "love" for 6 originates from the people who played it before 7 came out.

Yes, 6 does get a boost from some 7 backlash but if you think that's all of it you need to really to detach a bit from your delusion that the narratives playing in your head based on a handful of forum posts you read represent reality..

V isn't overrated at all. It's easily one of the best games in the series. It has more content than IV, and it's far more balanced and robust than VI. It has a well-designed progression through the world that balances non-linear exploration and gameplay with a linear story and progression. It consistently builds to the finale and feels like a finished game where the FF6 is cool for what it is but the ending isn't very climactic as RPGs go.

There's an easy, objective argument that V is the best of the three SNES games. And if you like the fast-paced 16-bit style of Final Fantasy more than the overwrought Playstation style, it's doesn't take contrarianism to prefer V.

This is stupid. There are almost no true contrarians among FF fans because all the games are fairly good and each one is a little different.

>It had nothing to do with 6, it was all the hype and marketing from Sony.
It was both, plus the fact that FF7 is a legitimately high-quality game especially the first part (a big part of the hype was the 30-minute demo disc where you played the opening bombing mission). Stop being an idiot and making stupid over-simplified points about things you don't understand

>> No.7983341 [DELETED] 

As I said earlier >>7982523 FF5 has always been the best of the SNES games. And most people agree with me who have played them all. Even as a kid I enjoyed 5 more just cause I could change out jobs and freely choose how I rekt shit.

>> No.7983386
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>> No.7983412

What's the best version of V? I'm thinking of playing through the GBA port but not sure.

>> No.7983414

>Nintendo fans are the devil
Way to project, and also, rent-free.

>> No.7983430

The very concept of something being "overrated" is borderline brain damage. It implies objectivity where little to none can exist.

>> No.7983438

>story is basically retarded Disney drivel.
Of all the criticisms you could make regarding this game, you have to choose the one that could apply to 70% of the games in the series...

>> No.7983443

FF5 is literally the only one with an anime story. It is a haremshit isekai with loli and trap

>> No.7983446

It's an insult to 7 when people imply it's a remake of 6. Fans of 6 are truly delusional, there is no DNA of 6 in 7 and that is what makes 7 the better game.

>> No.7983450

You lost me at "believable characters". In what way? The more classical fantasy appeal I get, but Golbez for example is about as believably written as Darth Vader.

>> No.7983456

i dunno, I can kind of see it. Mind you, I think even if they started out in the same place as 6, it's obvious the destination ended up being considerably different.

>> No.7983462

Protip: 6 is just as customizable as 5. By putting different relics on different characters you get every ability from 5. The difference is you don't have to grind to get abilities. This is the supposed "gameplay" jarpig grindmonkeys are referring to when they pretend 5 is good