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File: 158 KB, 284x351, GTASABOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7977931 No.7977931 [Reply] [Original]

When San Andreas came out in 2004, its soundtrack contained hip hop from the golden age of 1988-1996 (Tupac, Biggie, NWA, Ice Cube).

If they made this game today, it would contain 2008-2016 hip hop like Drake, Lil Wayne, Soulja Boy, and B.O.B.

>> No.7977942

Great thread, OP.

>> No.7977960
File: 912 KB, 240x176, 1572305751513.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what really would happen if they released it now
>90% of the music would be missing
>in its place, generic royalty-free music
>commercials for pisswasser beer
>talk radio stations toned down in content
>in-game ads to buy GTA Coins for GTA V
>"CJ, buy the tank! Use your GTA Coins"

>> No.7977995
File: 881 KB, 350x350, rää.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drake, Lil Wayne, Soulja Boy, and B.O.B.

>> No.7978001

If they made it today it would be an RP MMO

>> No.7978010

Weird because Rockstar made 2 GTA games that took place in the time you mentioned and those artists you listed have barely any music in the games.

>> No.7978021

>When San Andreas came out in 2004, its soundtrack contained hip hop from the golden age of 1988-1992
>If they made this game today, it would contain 2008-2009 hip hop

>> No.7978024

the game was set in 91 why would it have new music in it

>> No.7978027

They set the original 12 years before the game was made.

2004 - 12 = 1992

Thus if they made it today, it would be set in 2009

2021 - 12 = 2009

>> No.7978031

Not looking forward to the inevitable wave of bling/ringtone rap nostalgia

>> No.7978032


>> No.7978038

Didn't he get cancelled for being a crazy conspiracy theorist and flat earther?

>> No.7978051
File: 195 KB, 800x1134, 528370-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make pic related today
>give it a 2005 OST
Terrible logic. They purposefully based those games in specific periods, they didn't just pull some arbitrary number out of a hat and set the game that many years in the past.

>> No.7978057 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 1039x710, 1625571577663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger "music"

that's why Vice City is the best GTA

>> No.7978181 [DELETED] 

Uber based

>> No.7978184

The best era of rap is the first half of the 2000s.

>> No.7978296

They set it in the 90's for a reason

>> No.7978340 [DELETED] 

Most of the music worth listening to in that game came from black hands.

>> No.7978361

>best music in GTA Vice City is probably Michael Jackson ones
>muh nigger music!!!
what did the muttoid mean by this

>> No.7978373

What about KDS-T?

>> No.7978402 [DELETED] 

funny how the only argument vice city fags have is "le epic 80s soundtrack".

>> No.7978410

The best jam in San Andreas is Hollywood Swinging at the beach

>> No.7978423 [DELETED] 


>> No.7978460

>first thing you hear in the game is billie jean

>> No.7978496

If they rereleased this game for new platforms they'd gut Radio Los Santos which has all the classic hip hop players associate with San Andreas. Due to some licensing bullshit.
And that's why you should never buy remakes, you moppet.

>> No.7978503

They already took out MJ from the PS3 rerelease of Vice City, licensing him again was probably too expensive :(

>> No.7978505

This. Doesn’t GTAV take place in modern day 2013?

>> No.7978531

Why would they include 2000s rap in a game set in the 90s?

>> No.7978560


>> No.7978661

Wrong, retard. It would contain the same music, because the game takes place in 1992.

>> No.7979421

Imagine ever listening to the nigger station when there's tom petty and danzig in this game

>> No.7979427

>>in its place, generic royalty-free music

I haven't played a GTA game in like a decade, is this really the case now?

>> No.7979434

Rockstar has repeatedly patched out music from the steam versions of their games. Hope you didn't fall for the steam meme, because these patches aren't optional.

>> No.7979472

Standard nu/vr/

>> No.7979510

Every so often a rapper will sue rockstar and claimed he had no royalties paid so they patch the tracks out. Happened with the Kurupt tracks on GTA V that Daz produced

>> No.7979532

>because these patches aren't optional.
I can't think of a single GTA that doesn't have a restoration patch. While I wouldn't necessarily recommend the purchase, he's not necessarily going to miss out if he does.

>> No.7981250

Kek, those apes from 2001 in the background fighting while this man's face turns red.

>> No.7981297 [DELETED] 

nigger culture ruined white culture, satanic panic was unironically right except it should have been directed towards the more silver-tongued hiphop

>> No.7981492 [DELETED] 

white people don't have culture

>> No.7981618 [DELETED] 

Implying any bitch ass white crackers have ever made good music.

>> No.7983096

GTA is not king.

>> No.7983117

His career was already over he just humiliated himself so badly that a comeback wasn't going to be possible.

>> No.7983174

The way people look back at a moment tends to be different and more generalized than how they actually lived it.
Also didn't IV had Kanye or something?

>> No.7983180

Yeah it had Flashing Lights complete with a comment about how by the time you're hearing this it will already be ruined by being overplayed on the radio.

>> No.7983187

OP didn't say anything about Kanye...who also has a grand total of two songs from IV and DLC.

>> No.7983189

>Farther away from Vice City's release than it was to its setting
>1986 was always seen as distant and exotic by then while 2002 still feels almost like yesterday
VC was basically Miami Vice and Scarface, SA was following Boyz n the Hood and music videos, what would a GTA game explicitly trying to be excessively 00s be?

>> No.7983259

That's because it was set in the 90s retard

>> No.7983263

>SA was following Boyz n the Hood and music videos
This game's narrative is nothing like that movie.

>> No.7983267

>what would a GTA game explicitly trying to be excessively 00s be?

>> No.7983305


>> No.7983312

IV wasn't trying to "be" 00's, it just was.

>> No.7983316

A satire of contemporary 00s culture wasn't trying to be excessively 00s culture? Isn't that what satire is though?

>> No.7983397


>> No.7983425

Biggie Smalls isn't in the original release of San Andreas. I don't know about the more recent 2010s version though.

>> No.7983769

I just mod in my favorite stations from the entire series in whatever game I'm playing.

>> No.7983959

He's not a west coast rapper.

>> No.7984013

Look up who was President of Def Jam Records from 1988 to 1998.

>> No.7984029

That's pretty simple to explain, it would have been too expensive to have them all at the time.

>> No.7984051

Yes, the financially destitute company, Rockatar Games.

>> No.7984072

>Implying it's about how many resources you have and not about saving costs to make the game more profitable
unnecessarily spending millions on the rights to all the latest major songs when it is acceptable to only have a few isn't something that will please investors.

>> No.7984073

Man I remember thinking the GTA after SA would be set in the 70s or the 50s but then GTA4 came out.

>> No.7984078

They revisited the 70s with the warriors, makes sense that they wouldn't do the same in GTA after that.

>> No.7984080


>> No.7984081

Love that movie. Luke Warm on the game. Wish it would have been better.

>> No.7984087

>he thinks buying rights to the most popular songs is cheap
To put a popular song in a movie it can costs hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, up to half a million dollars.

>> No.7984089

What didn't you like? Never got to play it myself but a lot of people seemed to have enjoyed it

>> No.7984834

Never said it was cheap. But it wasn't going to run them millions.

>> No.7984848

You underestimate how much there is to gain from music royalties. Especially when we're talking about something that sells as much as GTA when your rate is charged per unit sold. It's not a flat fee like music publishing. They're able to negotiate how much they want. Popular/new artists have more leverage to demand a higher rate per unit sold. Lesser known/older music won't be able to do that but they will earn so much fucking money from having their music in a GTA game that it's worth it for them to take it.

>> No.7985156

One wonders just how profitable the advertising has been for the various artists who licensed their music for the Grand Theft Auto games? I got into lots of metal and grunge thanks to Vice City and San Andreas.
If anything, they should encourage Twitch not to censor their music in livestreams, as that's even greater free advertising.

>> No.7986506

Liberty City Stories was excessively turn of the century/Y2K, even making fun of a bunch of 00s cliches GTA 3 had. The story was clearly inspired by Sopranos too.

>> No.7986691

And those royalties come from the profit of games sold, Rockstar aren't outright paying millions to use music.

>> No.7986698

Imagine playing this when 3 and VC exist.

>> No.7986735

>no stats
>no funky glitches
>limited to Los Santos only
fuck no
that's why I'd play SA another time instead of touching 5 again.

>> No.7986753

Yep, but most corporations are greedy and dumb. Too short sighted for ideas like that.

>> No.7986765
File: 377 KB, 456x398, Screenshot_365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no stats

>> No.7986781

>no muscle
>no sex appeal
>can't sit around next to my sports car and listen to people compliment carl

>> No.7986818

But you can?

>> No.7986951

why are you describing yourself anon?

>> No.7986958

if I had those, I wouldn't have the need to do it in a video game

>> No.7987678

Lets be real, the best era of rap was when it and the culture didn't exist.

>> No.7988042

I only listen to K-Rose

>> No.7988076 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 640x418, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it was the era when your mom was getting passed around backstage at the Fat Boys concert. I'm sure she will agree that was the peak.

>> No.7988283

Unironically, K-Rose is great. Even if you don't like country, they picked some great songs that anyone would enjoy.

>> No.7988297

Usually when people like me say they don't like country they're talking about the modern shit. The real thing isn't an exception, it's simply great music. I feel the same way about rap. If you listen to rap music on the radio it's just as shitty as the country music on the radio.

>> No.7988298

It'd still be set in the 90s so it'd be the same or similar music

>> No.7988319

Bad Boys 2 and Collateral.