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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 251 KB, 2238x1252, 120869E5-9B6E-4059-BCF5-9F78F6481693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7977215 No.7977215 [Reply] [Original]

>predecessor of modern standardized controller.
>No clunky, awkward early 3D shit.
>big game library. Lots of third party support
>step up from more primitive consoles allow more artistic games
>big, open worlds like super Metroid and zelda. Long list of long rpgs. Right after being technically limited to make the game too short, but the games are not too long/you can beat them within a few weeks easily and don’t waste too much time with each one

SNES is the most superior video game console of all time, the graphics are beautiful, the games are very memorable and are big enough to be interesting but small enough to avoid having filler crap. From an era where shit was a little simpler, right before the internet became a thing. This is the greatest system of all time, when gaming truly had a soul. One could argue neo geo was up their but the Nintendo franchises are way more iconic.

The mini snes is nice but does not hold a candle to original hardware.

Fight me.

>> No.7977219

games were always too slow, felt more like a computer than a console

>> No.7977224

One last point I’ll make is it was right before the Pokémon era, which made gaming way more commercial imo

>> No.7977227

>No clunky, awkward early 3D shit.
>what is starfox
>what is stunt racer fx

>> No.7977234

Okay there’s a few exceptions, but on n64 90% of the games were awkward clunky 3D shit, and a lot of ps1 too

>> No.7977241

>predecessor of modern standardized controller
Anybody else not really like the modern standardized controller? Only having 4 face buttons for fighting games sucks. I don't need SNES style bumper buttons above the triggers instead of more buttons on the front.
Clicking the analog stick is pretty gay too, but SNES didn't invent that.

>> No.7977254

Video game consoles are just assemblies of various computer chips.
Chips which are often shared from one console to another.

To get caught up in which one is "the best" assembly of chips in 2021 instead of just playing the best games of all consoles is insanity.

>> No.7977258

You’re no fun, what a neckbeard

>> No.7977261

Literally the only thing you got right is that it has a large library. How embarrassing. Not gonna fight you. I'd never hit a retarded bay.

>> No.7977265

A library of the best games of all time

>> No.7977272
File: 51 KB, 640x629, girl kissing very large cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sooner you realize this simple truth about console hardware the sooner you will be free to just enjoy the games instead of worrying about "who won".

>> No.7977297

Based and 16-bit pilled, most beautiful and fun games designed

>> No.7977309

I'd say 90% of my playing time is spent with either the Super Nintendo or the Mega Drive. They just fit into my tastes. NES and Master System are also good, but I find their successors greater. Too bad 2D gaming quickly disappeared; the 5th gen consoles could do them even better, though almost all of their games was early 3D titles.

>> No.7977312

4th gen
>snes, genesis, turbografx
>arcades still strong
>nes still strong also

>> No.7977316
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>> No.7977339
File: 52 KB, 400x315, 4338493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNES is the most reddit console ever
>Classic™ games, but it's not too difficult or "outdated" for casuals
>Baby's first Gamer™ JRPGs like Chrono Trigger and EarthBound
>2D friendly, therefore low IQ boomers who can't process 3D spaces don't get confused and upset
>99% of the library is family-friendly (ideal for boomers and manchildren who hate anything mature)
>Made by Nintendo™, who is the most cringey video game company with the gayest fans ever

>> No.7977345

Man I’ve been playing these games my entire life, I’m not some reddit dweeb tech bro stereotype

>> No.7977369

he isn't wrong though is he? theres like no hard games on the super nintendo and it runs slow. Anyone that really likes it is a faggot, its ok but the nes was better

>> No.7977379

this seems pretty uncontroversial to me. Many started with DK and super mario all stars and you're right about the 3d garbage that the ps1 had early on. Ps1 is really the only contender here as well.

>> No.7977384

As someone who grew up with a SNES I agree with those who say it was too slow. When you compare some games with their Genesis (which I didn't own as a kid) counterparts such as Castlevania IV to Bloodlines its downright embarrassing.

>> No.7977417


>> No.7977430

Agreed, ps1 is up their, some decent early 3D titles and plenty of good 2d

>> No.7977438
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blocks your path

>> No.7977464

SNES, Gameboy all the way to Advance, and the Switch are the best systems. Wii was okay. PS2 was good as well. 360 was okay for a bit till the jew DLC started to take over. Everything else sucks ass. PC was okay late 90s/early 00s.

>> No.7978710

>most reddit console ever
>Game Cube
Looks like SNES didn't even make the top 5.

>> No.7978825

You just know.

>> No.7978889


>> No.7978901

how is ps1 more reddit than snes?

>> No.7978918

>how is ps1 more reddit than snes?
gen y instead of gen x

>> No.7978928

maybe thats why it was called the super family computer? i mean its literally right there in the title.

>> No.7978946

Are you listing the BEST 5?
Replace GC with Super Nintendo and thats a fantastic list

>> No.7978950

Filename should be large girl kissing large cat.

Its target audience was casuals which are worse than sports normies.
Kiddie, censored, downright easy games. Music is all mids and highs because bass is too high-test. Sega Genesis and NES are better for hardcore arcade chads. N64 took the mom-approved, kid-friendly sleepover station idea and ran with it.

>> No.7978964

>hurr durr everything i don't like is le reddit
as someone who actually grew up during the SNES era, i can confirm that you're an actual retard.

>> No.7978967
File: 3.37 MB, 5472x2840, SNES-Mod1-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes /vr/ seethe
Name a more based console.

>> No.7979010

You get the feeling that Nintendo at heart always really wanted this kind of system it just took 1-2 console generations to realize it.

>> No.7979038

the color palette is also lots of bright pastels like a Fisher-Price toy

>> No.7979046

Tenchu, Crash, Metal Gear Solid and Need for Speed shit on anything the SNES has to offer
early 3D > the best 2D

>> No.7979048

>Movie Gear Solid
Pick one.

>> No.7979074

The problem with the SNES, at least back in the day, was that the games I would've been interested in weren't localized. Fire Emblem wouldn't see a US release until the GBA. Meanwhile, if you were on team Sega, you got Shining Force 1 and 2, and CD, Dark Wizard, etc. So if you were into strategy, forget it. KOEI was there, but all their stuff was multiplat anyway. And shmups, forget it. Super Aleste is good, but it's no comparison to the Genesis library. I have a laundry list of shmups I loved on the NES, and Nintendo just didn't deliver with that on the SNES. Puzzle games are another area where the SNES was lacking compared to the NES, and especially the GB. If you had the Sega CD, there were genres that weren't even available for the SNES, like VNs, or laser disc conversions. I like the SNES now a lot more on account of all the Japanese ROMs I have access to, many of which have been fan translated. But back when it mattered, the preference was no contest for me.

>> No.7979086

The only ones seething over Super Nintendo is australiakun and assorted /v/ console warriors.
/vr/ in general (at least original /vr/ before the rule change decadence) considers 4th gen to be the golden age, and it is.

>> No.7979480

By today's standards? Yes, but back then? No.

>> No.7979487

>total of 1727 games in all regions
>at least 400 more than the NES
That's a surprise to learn.

>> No.7979579

>predecessor of modern standardized controller
True, but it's soo small and unwieldy. The Dpad is awful. It feels like garbage to hold.
>No clunky, awkward early 3D shit.
Yet everyone's worshipping starfox, mario kart, and f-zero? The pseudo 3D mode 7 was the snes' main selling points. Anyway. Road Rash on the mega drive and Vroom on the amiga/st are better than all of them.
>big game library. Lots of third party support
Gotta agree on that one, but most of the games were boring platformers and zelda clones. The mega drive, amiga, and st had waaay more diverse games.
>step up from more primitive consoles allow more artistic games
Whatever the fuck that means?
>big, open worlds like super Metroid and zelda.
They're really small actually. Super metroid is kinda fun, but it's just metroid with better graphics and controls. A Link to the Past felt smaller and more restricted than the first and second zelda games. Mega Drive, st, and amiga on the other hand, had tons of actual huge open world games.
>Long list of long rpgs.
They're all boring jrpgs. Dungeon Master was a technical feat, but playing it on the ST with the mouse is better. The Genesis had Pirates Gold and other solid computer ports. Other RPG games like Perihelion and Ultima were pretty much impossible on the SNES.
>SNES is the most superior video game console of all time
That's the most dumbest sentence of all time.
>The mini snes is nice but does not hold a candle to original hardware.
The mini snes is a piece of shit emulator.

>> No.7979587

>st, and amiga

>> No.7979617

Once they saw the gameboy's success they'd be silly not to. And ever since then nintendo has always done better with handhelds than home consoles. The switch being the pinnacle of it all.

>> No.7979685

compared to what? most previous consoles had two face buttons at best. you could get six button genesis controllers but most games just used three

>> No.7979712

CPS2 was close enough to 2d perfection and produced when video gaming was still relevant.

>> No.7979713

The Genesis was better with arcade ports as well as ports of computer games due to its CPU.

>> No.7979715

>Kiddie, censored, downright easy games

the NES already had censorship bullshit

>> No.7979740

Depends on the port. Street Fighter II and MK2 were better on SNES.

>> No.7979745

but not as watered down difficulty-wise. NES games were generally made back when the arcade quarter muncher mentality was still dominant.

>> No.7979749

Blurry low res graphics. Obnoxious reverb audio. Slow as shit cpu on an 8bit bus. Take your rose tinted poop and fuck off

>> No.7979752

Use RGB SCART, retard.

>> No.7979754


>> No.7979761

256 × 224 + forced hardware blur filter = blurry crap, you fucking asshole

>> No.7979763

>forced hardware blur filter
Does not exist. Also the resolution is irrelevant to it being blurry or not.

>> No.7979767

You mean RGB SCART on the SNES JR. or certain models of 1Chip. SNES RGB is pretty inferior overall, might as well stick with s-video.

>> No.7979773

CPU can't fix 6-bit color palette and lack of ADPCM. Learn 2 deal

>> No.7979782

RGB looks fine on all models. No need to go full autism on different motherboard revisions.

>> No.7979786


>> No.7979803
File: 40 KB, 376x252, SNS-CPU-GPM-02vsSNESMini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that were true. Compare the output of a non-1Chip or SNES Jr. to the output you'll get out of a Genesis, Saturn, or PS1.

>> No.7979808
File: 993 KB, 1169x886, Jailbars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I will.

>> No.7979815

Rarer than a non-blurry SNES RGB signal. Also easily fixed.

>> No.7979818
File: 1.07 MB, 1169x886, The super max of jailbars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also easily fixed.
Just like the SNES.

>> No.7979829

Street Fighter II WW /Turbo on the SNES is a pitiful port. It is missing chain combos, missing the WHOLE intro, missing background animations, missing sprite animations, missing voice samples, missing KO screen animations, the game plays slightly different, resolution is lower, the list goes on and on. Just because SNES was your first toddler console does not mean it was capable hardware, even for the time. The snes is closer to 8bit than to 16bit architecture. And as it stands the SNES is the weakest 16bit console of them all. And that is what you get when your business model is to make money from sold consoles. You might make a profit, but your hardware is shit. And thats where you delusional fanboys come in. Because its your self imposed duty to inflate the slim budget hardware in retrospective.

>> No.7979831

Replacing the caps won't do shit if you're stuck with a 2-chip.

>> No.7979836

And dont get me started on the shit Final Fight port for snes.

>> No.7979856

The arcade game used a 68000. That was going to make it play a little differently in either case. With the Mega Drive you could reuse the same AI code from the arcade.

>> No.7979871

Replacing the caps in a Genesis won't solve jailbars either.

>> No.7979895

Snipping off leg 10 from the video encoder solves jailbars. But you will end up with an RGB only output. Beautiful bright, and clear picture though.

>> No.7980089
File: 23 KB, 500x500, Philosoraptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it doesn't exist then how are there mods that remove it? zoom zoom

>> No.7980093

Most games were easy to finish, yeah. But difficult to master. They always had a lot of meat to them instead of just being unforgiving.

>> No.7980096
File: 32 KB, 512x376, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one looks so much better.

>> No.7980097

Best gaming era is 1993-2002 before the modern trends began.

>> No.7980103

I agree SNES is not as good as the almighty Megadrive, but Hagane is not that easy I guess

>> No.7980261

That why you're posting a pic from one of the most Twitter/reddit series ever, as well?

>> No.7980929

>The Dpad is awful
>Road Rash on the mega drive and Vroom on the amiga/st are better than all of them
>solid computer ports
>The mini snes is a piece of shit emulator.

>> No.7981135

>want to buy an SNES and play my Super Metorid and Starfox carts on it
>$70 for parts onry no returns
Fuck normies

>> No.7981247

>only buys on ebay like a normie
Fuck normies

>> No.7981264

Where else could I possibly buy a good unit from? Mercari is pretty sketchy to me in terms of the people that sell on there. Also, how much would you pay for an original SNES controller?

>> No.7981310

there's not even one fact there

>> No.7981741
File: 162 KB, 1600x1200, piss snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its the piss snes

>> No.7981767


>> No.7982538

>Where else could I possibly buy a good unit from?
Apparently nowhere
>how much would you pay for an original SNES controller?
I have dozens so wouldn't buy another unless it was in good condition and ridiculously cheap, like a buck. I might pay a few bucks for a boxed one.

>> No.7982545

>predecessor of modern standardized controller.
Ok, but DualShock perfected the controller.

>No clunky, awkward early 3D shit.
What is StarFox

>big game library. Lots of third party support

>step up from more primitive consoles allow more artistic games
Yes but subsequent consoles also had this.

>big, open worlds like super Metroid and zelda.
So did OOT/MM/Ape Escape/SOTN

>SNES is the most superior video game console of all time
It's amazing but GOAT is PS1/PS2

>> No.7983750
File: 17 KB, 400x267, Hori-Nintendo-Super-Famicom-Fighting-Commander-Controller-SNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the hori fighting commander series?
>what is the genesis 6-button controller?

>> No.7983759

nice way of telling us you have no actual knowledge of the console beyond what you've seen on youtube

>> No.7983763

just get a super famicom, japanese versions are way cheaper and it's definitely the way to go if you don't care about RPGs

>> No.7983770

SNES is pretty cool

>> No.7983771
File: 17 KB, 600x287, Super-Famicom-Console-Set_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has "PAL VERSION" written all over it
>doesn't have the superior famicom branding
i don't think so buddy

>> No.7983776

They are not the modern standardized controller. Hope that answered your questions.

>> No.7983781

the dude was complaining about not having 6 face buttons for fighting games, i.e. what both of those controllers are literally made for and the fighting commanders are still made today

>> No.7983787

Yes but they don't come with the console, which is why he said "standardized".

>> No.7984569

Well I have a physical cart of Super Metroid, StarFox and Megaman X I found thrift shopping a few months back that I want to try out.

>> No.7984586

Genesis and Turbografx definetely had faster paced games. Blast processing is a meme, but it had some truth to it because as far as I can see the CPU in SNES was a bit of a bottleneck.

>> No.7984596

>>predecessor of modern standardized controller.
True, but I think the genesis controller has aged better. Particularly the six button controller. The genesis and saturn controller are great for fighting games to this day. SNES is just kind of like a playstation controller but less comfortable.

>> No.7984842

I throw on like super castle v or dkc or super Metroid or FF6 or mario world. I jump on a yoshi or whatever and it should be awesome! Everything looks better there’s more buttons the controller is better. But then I just go back to the ogs on nes. I’m an old simple 8bit grandpa now I guess.

>> No.7985128

SNES has too many rpgs not enough good platformers. GBA wins

>> No.7985204

Neither did genesis 6 button pads

>> No.7985216

Yes...why do you keep replying to me? I'm aware of this, lol.

>The genesis and saturn controller are great for fighting games to this day

>> No.7985224
File: 60 KB, 800x600, 35480782410401adap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny enough I did a one off bid on this lot and won it for $70 after shipping and tax. I guess that is s good as I was going to get now a days.

>> No.7985234

I've always had a harder time finding SNES games in the wild than I have NES or Genesis ones. They're just not that common in my area.

>> No.7985237

Gosh the only Genesis game I found for the genesis in years was Pier Solar. Before that I use to find Sonic 1 and 2 and never thought to pick them up for like $2 at a thrift store.

>> No.7985243
File: 1.37 MB, 200x254, np.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7985347

go back, segacuck