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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.86 MB, 1280x720, sc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7966704 No.7966704 [Reply] [Original]

Who was your main ?
For me it's Raphael

>> No.7966718

my wife Cassandra

>> No.7966734

When I played I usually gravitated towards Ivy or Raphael.

>> No.7966814

For me it's Yoshimitsu or Voldo

>> No.7966819

Whoever has the biggest honkers

>> No.7966824

So Ivy or Taki kek
Also great picks

>> No.7966830

For me, it's Taki.

I love how she's basically nude but they've colored part of her body in red and poof, not porn.
Japs are geniuses

>> No.7966835

Taki. That roll-to-jumping-upward-slash-to-dive combo was some crazy shit.

>> No.7966837

Japanese have invented the tightest clothes matter ever

>> No.7966852 [DELETED] 

I don’t recognize this, must not be retro.

>> No.7966883


>> No.7966896
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Yunsung and Mitsurugi

>> No.7966897 [DELETED] 

But it is

>> No.7966935

Berserker for that insanely great grab

>> No.7966937 [DELETED] 

What game is this?

>> No.7966943 [DELETED] 

Soul Calibur 2

>> No.7966946

Assassin was my jam, but I also played a lot of Talim. It's all about the fast characters in these games.

>> No.7966951 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 2000x1209, C5C72F47-DA3B-4D99-BB20-C813419CE271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see. So it isn’t retro after all.

>> No.7966958

Not sure why, but I could never choose a main when it came to Soul Calibur. I got Paul in Tekken, Baraka in MK, Dan/Ryu in Street Fighter....but when it came to Soul Calibur I've always just chosen at random. Mitsurugi, Voldo, Yungsung, Kilik, Maxi. It's always been a crapshoot.

>> No.7966961 [DELETED] 

According to this board's rules it is

>> No.7967041 [DELETED] 

Childhood is being a Nintendo drone and saying the GameCube version was best because it had Link. Adulthood is realizing Heihachi and Spawn were both better than Link, and playing the PS3/360 port because it had both of them

>> No.7967048

Sophitia, of course.

>> No.7967057

Siegfried since Soul Blade.

>> No.7967152

So Nightmare this time ?

>> No.7967297

>widescreen is wide
i could use almost any character and stomp anyone i played, and i'm not very good.
it's faster to enumerate the characters i DIDN'T like in SC2: Necrid and the extras.

>> No.7967301

What about Charade ?

>> No.7967381

he looked dumb but i used him a lot in VS just to mix it up even more

>> No.7967403
File: 279 KB, 349x448, oyol87jj1un11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever i wanted to play this game with someone, i'd just ask "want to offer your soul?"

>> No.7967428

woah that's just...badass. Mind if I take this line?

>> No.7967618


>> No.7967625

Nightmare or Astaroth. If it was someone who didn't know how to play I'd always pick Kilik and just do the move where he nutshots them over and over

>> No.7967829
File: 31 KB, 104x110, Comics-Animated-Gifs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American comics did that for decades

>> No.7967875

go ahead, it's all yours lad

>> No.7967895
File: 44 KB, 700x700, sc1_sophitia_static_obj_by_wadamen-d75vdke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When playing fighting games I make sure to pick the cutest girl and force myself to outplay any detriments or tier. No exceptions. The cutest girl will always win.

>> No.7968505


>> No.7968557

Before she became the disgusting titcow she is today.

>> No.7968563

but primarily Charade

>> No.7968571

nightmare's armor was always so sick to me

>> No.7968575

she was a titcow in II. i think ivy may be the only character in II that has bigger tits, and even then it's close

>> No.7968614

For me it's Ivy and her three hit combo that launches just high enough so you can grab them out of the air with the sword whip

>> No.7968661

Cervantes And Spawn.
But to win simply pick nightmare and spam horizontal slash, mix a few kicks in to confuse the AI and repeat.

>> No.7968718


>> No.7968860

Talim or Cervantes.

>> No.7968960

I mained the forward and backward parry and grab commands and the character was just a skin

>> No.7969360


>> No.7969368

What we have now doesn't compare to >>7967895.

>> No.7969420
File: 331 KB, 1280x720, sc6_sophitia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mad. Each release her tits get bigger and her cloths more skimpy. I know the stereotype is that gamers should love this, but not me. I picked a maiden, one which has deteriorated each release. If I had to evaluate the roster again I might skip over her.

>> No.7969431

I had the Gamecube version and nobody thought Link was particularly fun to play as.

>> No.7969435

Nigga Soulblade had swimsuit Sophitia as a secret character, she's always been the fanservice character.

>> No.7969439

>alternative costume is canon costume
The issue is the primary look is getting worse.

>> No.7969901

Yeah. Drones defend the GameCube version to death over "muh Link", but no one who actually played the game actually liked playing as him.

>> No.7969941
File: 562 KB, 1149x1458, Catwoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 90s was the wildest where a lot of fem leads were just drawn nude and they touched up parts.

>> No.7970074

Mina, she's cute

>> No.7970121

I don't care if the alternate/secret costume with exposed nipples pussy and ass, it's that they keep slutting up the canonical costume from maiden to.... turboslutmaiden.

Also don't mind that she's always been hot, just not sluttastic.

Also fuck these new captchas

>> No.7970131

Nightmare/Sigfried recently, taki/ivy in SC1-3, didn't play 4, Night/sig in 5

>> No.7970194

is SC2 the best 3d fighter ever made?

>> No.7970873
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>> No.7971015

Definitely the best Soulcalibur. They almost got it right with SC6 but not quite.

>> No.7971032
File: 182 KB, 1000x1351, masketta man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7971041

Couldn't you change her panties into different colors with a code?

>> No.7971064

Yes, both her and Mina's.

>> No.7971076

I miss pretending to be Kilik in my garden with a broom handle.
I liked playing as Raphael and Talim though before going Zasamel in 3. Never knew Spawn was a guest character at the time so was bummed when 3 didn't have him.

I never had the memory card corruption happen with 3 actually, I never knew about it until I bought the game again a few years back. My original memory card had my 100% maxed out timer Dark Cloud save sitting right next to SC3, was pretty lucky.

>> No.7971105
File: 136 KB, 650x1350, nf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's talim

>> No.7972514



>> No.7972664

We use to set the health to infinite and try to knock each other out of the ring, mostly Eurydice Shrine. Officially killed the game for me

>> No.7973180

It's gotta be my boy Necrid
Link for when I want to be a little shit

>> No.7973274
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>> No.7973278


>> No.7973347
File: 75 KB, 500x582, Yoshimitsu-Soul-Calibur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7973413

I've always liked Yoshimitsu from SC more than the Tekken version

>> No.7973432
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, bc74a31e9281fb8b4a0601f37c3807d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i coomed to this game so much back then. i didnt have DOA2 nor a console that had it. it gave me a milf fetish or just anyone with silver hair

>> No.7973480

It's a shame the voices (for the dubs anyway) begane to weaken from 3 onwards, Nightmare sounded really great

>> No.7973508

Ngl, having Crispin Freeman voice Siegfried in 3 was the smartest decision they ever made.

Meanwhile in Japan, they've still using the OoT Link VA in 6.

>> No.7973520 [DELETED] 
File: 267 KB, 420x420, 3D9C6485-6FBA-4734-A950-613BBA24B158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”For me it’s ____”
Very annoying snowclone

>> No.7973635

So when are they going to release soul calibur 3 ? The arcade version is completely different from the console version.

>> No.7973651

Glad someone made a thread about it here. Now that almost all old 3d fighting games are playable online, there should be a general of old 3d fighting games.

>> No.7973653

The worst part about snowclones (besides taking a once funny joke/catchphrase and rapidly driving it into the ground and beating a dead horse so that it loses all humor nearly instantly), is that a lot of johnny-come-latelys don't even know the original joke/source, so they don't even know why it was funny in the first place

>> No.7973679

Oh man, i used to whack it to taki's big tiddies as a horny teenager.

>> No.7974682

>6'0" vs 5'11"

>> No.7974723

Talim or Xianghua

>> No.7974829


>> No.7975061

>calling anything else annoying

>> No.7975426

Astaroth and Nightmare

>> No.7975434

imho the voices had much more personality in 3 than in 2, to the point that I always played 2 with japanese voices on

>> No.7975445
File: 42 KB, 280x604, 18196b9c43e7327b2fa01af088f6f756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like SC6 design is a pretty good compromise and is largely similar to her SC2 design? Like I'm not seeing a HUGE difference between the pics here >>7967895 and >>7969420 here. It's the same style of outfit. Same skirt length. Same cleavage with the laces tying it shut. I think her boobs got SLIGHTLY bigger and the rendering tech emphasizes them more but it's not a huge difference.

Soul Calibur has always, always been sexier than DOA. DOA is more gratuitous for sure but the fantastical outfits and out-there designs in Soul Calibur are just so much erotic and imaginative.

>> No.7975615
File: 110 KB, 233x426, Sophitia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not seeing a HUGE difference
Put on your glasses.

>> No.7975632

Xianghua. Didn't realize until years late remulating that she had butt jiggle

>> No.7975663
File: 2.89 MB, 4582x6732, __sophitia_alexandra_soulcalibur_and_1_more_drawn_by_kawano_takuji__431eff9535d9616b2095903db07e7f18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, can you read? That's fucking Soul Calibur 4 Sophita. I think we can all agree that SC4 went incredibly over the top with the coom.

But I specifically said I was talking about her design in SC6. Her outfit in SC6 seems to be pretty much the same outfit and figure as her 2 incarnation, so what's wrong with THAT incarnation? You posted it before as if it was a massive sluttification like her SC4 outfit, but I'm not seeing a difference? It seems like a deliberate reel back to her older style?

>> No.7975694
File: 1.43 MB, 3416x720, sophitia ingame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said you see a "slight" difference. To some people those details stand out. Someone else already used the same word I would to describe it. The outfit is noticeably skimpier, and her breasts more prominent.
We're talking about appearance, a heavily subjective and detail oriented thing.
What is slight and insignificant to you might be 1 notch over the line for someone else. When contrasted completely with the entire lineage, the difference looks clear to me.

>> No.7975729
File: 201 KB, 1174x1440, Soul Calibur 2 art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The outfit is noticeably skimpier

Is it? Even in this line up I'm not sure that she's even technically showing any more cleavage in 6 compared to 2. The pictures used for reference make it unclear: left most pic is a zoomed out perspective shot where the less high fidelity graphis and sun-baked lighting make it difficult to even see the line of her cleavage despite her breasts still being pretty damn big, while on the other hand the shot from 6 is basically zoomed in on her upper torso with higher fidelity graphics that make it hard not to look. Her breasts might have gotten a bit bigger but it's honestly hard to tell without comparing the models directly as it might just be that the visuals make them more noticeable.

Regardless, I feel like if you say that SC6 Sophita is slutty you have to say SC2 is as well. The outfits are literally identical in terms of how much skin they show. All they really did was add some flowery white draping over the traditional blue corset and white skirt.

I mean look at this fucking Soul Calibur 2 art. Are you gonna tell me that she doesn't look as lewd if not moreso with those barely covered giant torpedo tits?

>> No.7975734
File: 122 KB, 728x582, soul-calibur-sophitia-1280x1024-video-games-soul-calibur-hd-art-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>entire lineage

Reminder that SC6 is a continuity reboot that deliberately reels all the character designs back to the fan favorite sc1-sc2 era. SC3 and SC4 are pretty irrelevant to that reason and everybody knows they're coom anyway.

I know being a bit autistic here but it just weirds me out for someone to take two virtually identical costumes (BOTH noticeably sexy) with the same theme and the same amount of skin showing and say that one is so much sluttier than the other.

>> No.7975757

>The outfits are literally identical in terms of how much skin they show.
This is objectively wrong
As >>7975694 demonstrates, her tits are massive now which = more titty showing
Also, I just saw what they did to Cassandra, literal lingere in VI
I haven't played SC in a long time and I don't think I'm going to; games that have to use COOM to reel players in are extra-degenerate trash. If I want to jack off I'll watch porn. Why do vidya games have to be non stop erotica any more?

>> No.7975761

Bro, I'm sorry but you're writing multiple paragraphs to try and defend a subjective topic as if it's ever going to change either of our minds. Our opinions and preferences obviously differ but I don't understand why you're being defensive like that. I think it looks worse and you don't. She's not even a real character so there's no point in trying to defend her status as far as I can tell. If you want to say her design isn't more skimpy, then so be it, but I disagree.

>> No.7975764
File: 982 KB, 2804x864, Sophitia artworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7975771

>bro it's subjective

Why even have conversations on 4channel.org about video games if the second you have a disagreement you're going to throw up your hands and say "IT'S SUBJECTIVE BRO" and refuse to continue discussion?

I'm willing to agree to disagree. I just think it's an interesting topic (what makes one sexy costume with absolute cleavage "pure" and another "slutty"?), and I'll admit it activates my autism a bit. I'm not particularly invested in this (she's not even my waifu) so it's not a huge deal, but still.

>> No.7975774

I posted my opinion and now you're trying to convince me to change it. That's not a discussion, that's an argument and a pointless one. You're objectively wrong and I'm not even attacking you for it, and you know this because of the way you're using weasle words.
You're saying it's slightly different, then 1 post later saying they're identical. You're focused on one aspect then another. You're all over the place and this is indicative of a bad personality. Meaning I don't want to talk to you specifically. I have no problem discussing the original topic rather than have someone try and convince me that an early gen model and a late gen model which have undergone generations of change "are virtually identical".

What's the end goal, I say "you know what you're right, I love new Sophitia now".

The answer is no. Find someone else to nag.

>> No.7975796
File: 926 KB, 895x1366, concept art comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I posted my opinion and now you're trying to convince me to change it. That's not a discussion, that's an argument and a pointless one.

Again, why are you posting opinions and hot takes on 4channel.org and responding to people if you don't want to have an argument/discussion/whatever you want to call it? And what makes it any more pointless than any other discussion on this board?

>You're saying it's slightly different, then 1 post later saying they're identical.

Boy oh boy could it be because maybe I'm re-evaluating and considering changing my opinion as I post? Maybe just maybe you've convinced me a little? Like yeah bro maybe at the beginning of the conversation I thought it was identical but looking at it further I think it's different but only marginally so? Maybe I'm going back and forth in my own head and trying to consider your opinion?

Like I can't say for certain HOW different they are without directly comparing the models in t-pose side by side or looking at the concept art. In fact here, fuck it. Here's the closest bit of concept art I can find. I'll say based on this that her boobs look about the same size to me, but very slightly more skin is shown around the cleavage side. I still think it's weird as shit to say the SC2 design is "pure" compared to the SC6 one though.

>You're all over the place and this is indicative of a bad personality.
>your a bad person because of an autistic late night 4channel.org discussion

Okay fag.

>early gen model and a late gen model which have undergone generations of change "are virtually identical".

No ones arguing that she hasn't been redesigned several times. The point was more that the newest design is an attempt to return to the theme of the first two games and the costume overall is similar

>Find someone else to nag.

You are on an anonymous image board anon. Nobody is forcing you to respond. You don't even have a screenname to defend. Just don't respond if it offends you that fucking bad. Shit.

>> No.7975798

>What's the end goal, I say "you know what you're right, I love new Sophitia now".

It's a conversation lighten the fuck up. You can stop responding or pretend to be another anon at literally any time.

>> No.7975812

>It's a conversation lighten the fuck up.
after writing a wall of tears because some Anon called you annoying

>> No.7975814

Who are you top 3 girls?


>> No.7975817

>Unironically thinking your can be "nagged" on an anonymous image board, after crying "IT'S SUBJECTIVE!!! DON'T TRY TO CHANGE MY MIND!!!!" over an autistic video game discussion.

>> No.7975821

>anon posts an opinion
>you argue with 2 or 3 of them trying to change their mind
>anon says it's subjective
>you goad them for their subjective opinions
>get upset when they respond honestly with their subjective opinion like you asked for

>> No.7975831

More like

>Anon posts opinion
>Ask for explanation of said opinion and begin having a pleasant and perhaps fruitful discussion
>Suddenly anon starts insisting "it's subjective!"
>"Okay but is it..."

Besides, throwing your arms up and saying "I-IT'S SUBJECTIVE...!!!" is ALWAYS cowards shit. It literally does nothing except back out of a convo in the most irritating and pansy-ass way possible. Literally don't start a discussion or post takes if you're just gonna do that.

>> No.7975841

>Literally don't start a discussion or post takes if you're just gonna do that.
Pushing your opinions on other people is not a discussion. In the same vein I'd ask you to stop posting bait since it adds nothing to the thread. You're telling people not to make on topic posts because it upsets you personally while ironically being the instigator. I can't tell if this is supposed to be a mock or not.

>> No.7975842

>Pushing your opinions on other people is not a discussion.

Are you mentally ill? Let me repeat: this is an anonymous fucking image board. Nobody can push anything on you. Nobody can nag you. Nobody can force you to respond. You don't even have a fucking screenname to defend.

Also this is how conversations with human beings work. People have discussions and disagree and try to explain their own point of views and possibly convince or at least communicate to others how they feel. I'm sorry for getting nasty hear anon but you started it with the personal attacks, but you have to be a seriously fucked up if you see a mild convo on video games as "PEOPLE FORCING THEIR OPINIONS ON ME"

>You're telling people not to make on topic posts because it upsets you personally while ironically being the instigator.

No, I'm telling you that people who post hot takes and then chicken out of the resulting discussion by saying "IT'S SUBJECTIVE BRO!!!" are fags.

>> No.7975845

didn't read

>> No.7975847

Link, i loved to spam with bombs and arrows. But my friend just fucking spammed me with raphael. Cheap ass character.

>> No.7975848

Okay fag.

>> No.7975851

Nobody is forcing you to respond.

>> No.7975854

Yes, I choose to because I can tell it annoys and that amuses you, plus I want to get the last word.

>> No.7975856

And that amuses me*

You get the picture!

>> No.7975857

Nightmare. I loved the sense of weight the animations had, and the eye on Soul Edge following the opponent. Why did Namco stop doing that after 2? It was a cool touch that really sold the "this sword is alive" thing.

>> No.7975860

I legitimately feel bad now. I figured you were underage when you said "take". If this is the truth then you can have it.

>> No.7975868

Hey, it's a good descriptor word for how fags talk these days.

But hey, if I'm underage for still responding, then what does that make you?

>> No.7975872

>But hey, if I'm underage for still responding, then what does that make you?
The person I'm responding to is mad at someone else for posting their opinions and ironically asking them to post their opinions because if they don't they're a "coward". But then when I do so they get upset. This is funny to me and I fully acknowledge that it's childish but I'm also not going to pretend like it's not funny to watch him not follow what he's posting himself. All I have to do is reply and you throw an actual tantrum. I don't even read it and you keep going while projecting everything you're feeling on to nobody. It's mean but it's also funny. When the opportunity is there it's hard to resist.

>> No.7975876

>Childhood is being a Nintendo drone and saying the GameCube version
Link - just to piss off this 12 year old cretin.

>> No.7975880

You know what anon? I've changed my mind. I'm not going to shit up OP's lovely thread anymore, and in retrospect I shouldn't have taken it this far, since there are more anons in this thread than you and me.

You can have the last word anon, its on me. But you're still an overly sensitive fag with a chip on your shoulder who doesn't know how to respond to other human beings and takes mild discussion and disagreement as "opinions being forced on me" and "nagging".

>> No.7975919

SC2 has a lot of easy combos, it's easy to get competent with basically every character without a lot of practice

>> No.7975923

I remember making every character fight every character one time each in CPU battles and recorded the results. Assassin won by a landslide so I always main'd him.

>> No.7975938

It's pretty low priority. It being PS2 exclusive kinda limits the appeal.

You're backpedalling. That's SC4 Sophitia, everyone knows that's the most sexualized game in the series. SC6 is fine, except for the exploding clothes part it's no more sexualized than SC2.

The Soul series was ALWAYS a borderline waifu fighter, get over it. The series doesn't even mind having half naked dudes in it if that's your thing. Fan service has always been a thing, SC4 just took it overboard.

>> No.7975946

>You're backpedalling. That's SC4 Sophitia
We're talking about sc1. 4 came later, and 6 after that. Her tits are bigger in both and her outfit skimpier too.
I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.7975949

No, faggot, I'll just repeat the facts and you'll accept them.
>You're backpedalling. That's SC4 Sophitia, everyone knows that's the most sexualized game in the series. SC6 is fine, except for the exploding clothes part it's no more sexualized than SC2.
And we are not talking about SC1 specifically.

>> No.7975951

>And we are not talking about SC1 specifically.
I don't know who you think "we" is but me and the other posters were specifically talking about sc1 and contrasting it to the subsequent games. That includes 2 all the way up to the latest.

>> No.7975954

No we aren't, faggot. >>7968557 is not talking about SC1. You not having reading comprehension doesn't change anything.

And you're still trying to dance around the fact that only SC4 was more sexualized than the entire rest of the series. What a fucking whiner.

>> No.7975957

That post isn't me. The posts are this
>>7967895 (me)
>What we have now doesn't compare to >>7967895
>I'm mad. Each release her tits get bigger and her cloths more skimpy.
I don't know what you're talking about but it has nothing to do with "us".

>> No.7975963

>That post isn't me.
Learn how to post anonymously, you are in a conversation in which the starting post >>7968557 precadates the rest of the conversation, and you bitch about reading comprehension.

You're not even right, Sophitia, with the exception of SC4, has always been exactly the same. SC1 and 2 Sophie are the same sexualization.

>> No.7975969

My post is 2 posts before the one you linked retard. And that's not how it works anyway.

>> No.7975971

Stop posting. Learn to post anonymously. It doesn't matter who you are, you've ruined an entire thread and won't stop posting after being shown to be wrong and you're still replying.

Imagine making multiple posts trying to point out who you are. Because literally ANYONE entering this thread cares, as though it changes any of the content or meaning of any of your individual posts.

>> No.7975975

You're the one acting as if the order of posts matters now you're saying it doesn't when you were proven wrong. Not me.

Also I thought you said you were done before, why did you throw your arms up and leave like a coward just to come back and shit up the thread?

>> No.7976283


>> No.7977673

>The arcade version is completely different from the console version.
really? what's the difference?

>> No.7977681

This old pos from the pre-jurassic era looks great but current era state of the art tech 3D porn looks horrifying.

>> No.7977802

>Astaroth is literally pressing his bulge up against Talim's stomach

>> No.7977840
File: 826 KB, 1400x1400, ugly bald bastard hentai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will rain BLOOD today hmhmhm

>> No.7978171

The PS2 version has numerous glitches that, if you know how to exploit them, trivialize the game. You can kill anyone with a throw. The arcade version was going to bug fix these but it got cancelled after being developed, never being officially released.

>> No.7978468

TALIM, we are the same age and I always thought of her being my girlfriend back then.

>> No.7978821

>same age

>> No.7978841


>> No.7978848
File: 290 KB, 512x512, Link SC 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cervantes was my secondary but he will always be my main

>> No.7978856
File: 2.92 MB, 2925x4908, 1588052424869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ivy, because im a submissive pain slut

>> No.7979915

Mitsurugi and Nightmare
Nightmare got me through most of Weapon Master.

>> No.7979920

Talim. Also Link occasionally when I played the gamecube version

>> No.7979921

Wrong. I did enjoy playing as Link. I was quite good with him and remember making a friend of mine rage so badly his mom came in the room to yell at him.

>> No.7979968


>> No.7980001

Hiyama is a treasure, fuck you

>> No.7980004

Speak for yourself nigger >>7978848

>> No.7980007

meant for him>>7969901

>> No.7980065

playing as link was great, it was playing against him

>> No.7980419
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I don't know what my post has to do with Link but
>friend of mine rage so badly his mom came in the room to yell at him
I had a similar experience. We had a group of friends that would rotate out the loser. I won the majority of matches to the point where this one guy was getting noticeably mad.
When I faced him again I lost on purpose (it was his house), losing round 1 and 3. Somehow he knew that my last step towards his attack was an intentional mistake. He lost his shit bad and it caused an argument
>when I win you get mad, when I lose you get mad, I'm done playing.
Then I went home.

>> No.7980495

>that thong

>> No.7980818

Yeah he's great, but I just hear Link when I hear him.

>> No.7980951

Damn, look at her nips
I only remember soulcalibur for nightmare and ivy

>> No.7980970

No, and SC2 fuzzy guard absolutely ruins it. Not competitive at all.

>> No.7981584

Raphael, Nightmare, Kilik. They're my boys.

>> No.7981746

Nightmare. He really hit top levels of fun by SC4. Necrid was good, too. I'd play Necrid just for the fact MacFarlane locked him into this game. It's been so long I can't even remember the two niggers to the right of the random button.

>> No.7982106

lmao you don't even know what the name of the glitch you're referring to even is.

>> No.7982127
File: 10 KB, 245x350, sop4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sophitia's second costume in Dreamcast Soul Calibur is easily her best.

>> No.7984231

reminds me a lot of her second costume in SCII

>> No.7984246

Mitsurugi. I started using Cervantes in 4 and he was OP as fuck. Should try him out in 2

>> No.7984260

I would use Raphael or Kilik
I feel like those are the characters for shitters tbqh

>> No.7985489
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cassandra or lizardman

>> No.7986417

they're not nightmare

>> No.7986780

Nightmare, because I was an edgy kid. I actually learned all his moves and wanted to participate in a tournament after regularly beating the hardest AI, but my parents said it's a stupid idea and didn't want to go with me.

>> No.7986786

Cassandra, used to jerk off so much to her pantyhose.

>> No.7987932


>> No.7987968

Xianghua main forever. Even used Leixia in SCV

>> No.7988146

t. drone attacking a version of a game he's never played

>> No.7988269

I want to impregnate Xianghua
just kidding!

>> No.7988383
File: 156 KB, 640x480, SC2 red tits.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7988890

I only ever played as link and never knew he was irredeemably bottom tier.

>> No.7988915

>mods actually deleted a comment saying Link was the worst of the three console-specific characters
My Lord, get some thicker skin.

>> No.7988932
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