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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 285 KB, 408x408, u7-map-md.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7975403 No.7975403 [Reply] [Original]

>every object in the world can be interacted with
>hundreds of NPCs with fleshed out personalities, dialog trees, and schedules
>massive open world with no artificial barriers or loading screens
>ride carriages, ships, and magic carpets
>decide to rob a bank
>murder the bank teller
>put her inside your backpack
>carry her to Lord British
>have him resurrect her
>sell her back all of the gold you robbed
Poor consolefags, Zelda was no competition.

>> No.7975412

>actual gameplay is total garbage
Every time.

>> No.7975414
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has the absolute worst perspective of any game ever made

>> No.7975417

Looked up a video of it.
Game looks choppy with a camera zoomed in too far.
No catchy music and couldn't find any evidence of boss battles or compelling gameplay.

>> No.7975428


Every time I see a screenshot from this game I feel weird inside. "Why does it look like that?" I wonder. "What made them think that would be okay?" It's like hearing about sociopaths or serial killers. Part of me wants to feel safe in assuming that humans aren't capable of such wrongness.

>> No.7975430 [DELETED] 

The pleb filters are working as intended

>> No.7975435

The pleb filters are working as intended

>> No.7975438

The game looks like it's mostly walking around and reading dialog. The actual animation and framerate are laughably bad so I can see why they chose to focus on something other than combat but reading dialog is boring.

>> No.7975471

Why are you comparing the game to an action-adventure like Zelda instead of JRPGs? Zelda would be unplayable if it ran on this shitty engine. You want people to compare it to JRPGs that look better but don't let you do anything.

>> No.7975494

Because Ultima VII is more action-adventure than RPG, and JRPG fans are so fucking stupid that they aren't even worth picking on. Graphic whores are also irrelevant normies.

>> No.7975496

It's an action adventure game with no action.

>> No.7975503

Bad games filter themselves out of people to play them.

>> No.7975518

There is action, but it's mostly exploration and puzzle solving, which are the real strengths anyways. Same as Zelda, but of course Zelda's world is incredibly generic and non-interactive.
Ultima VII is considered a bad game now? Lol. This board is full of console kiddies and naive zoomers.

>> No.7975526

I mean, you can't even be sure OP isn't a sociopath since one of the things he praises in the game is some imagined scenario about robbing someone, killing them, and exploiting them.

>> No.7975529

"pleb filter" is seriously the gayest fucking buzzword

>> No.7975549

What in the fuck is this?
Didn't they realize how wrong it looks while they were drawing all of this?
I don't usually care too much about graphics but this makes my brain hurt.

>> No.7975558

>Poor consolefags, Zelda was no competition.
the legend of zelda is still going while ultima is dead

>> No.7975582 [DELETED] 

It's good that Ultima died before EA could tarnish the series further. Zelda doesn't even an identity anymore other than being for casuals and normalfags.

>> No.7975583

It's good that Ultima died before EA could tarnish the series further. The spirit of the franchise lived on through Divinity, The Elder Scrolls, and Gothic. Zelda doesn't even an identity anymore other than being for casuals and normalfags.

>> No.7975612

Is ultima 3 or 4 worth playing on NES? I’ve heard 4 is a completely different game but 3 sounds like it’s mostly unchanged. I’m a console fag so I probably won’t end up playing the pc versions.

>> No.7975865

Zelda 1 is extremely action-oriented it's clear you have never played it

>> No.7975894

Ultima was charming but ultimately a very average open-world game series.

>> No.7975901

This screenshot is giving me vertigo.

>> No.7975953
File: 20 KB, 480x320, 564196854968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see more Boktai-perspective in games. It's underused and underrated.

>> No.7976508

Ultima 7 was a downgrade compared to 6.

>> No.7976523

> I’m a console fag so I probably won’t end up playing the pc versions.
Ultima wasn't even a PC series until 6, anybody who says otherwise is full of shit. The PC ports of 3-5 are missing the music, not like it would be possible at the time on a shitbox that only had a beeper. They were officially Apple II games with ports to various systems.
The NES version of 3 is close enough but 4 changes a lot of stuff. The Sega Master System port of 4 is supposed to be close to the original's design, but with graphics that don't look like ass.

>> No.7976534

Some people will use PC for any type of personal computer and others will only use it for IBM PC and clones.

>> No.7977107

This is still much better than U7.

>> No.7977164

yeah, it could be the greatest game ever but video games are a visual medium and if its perspective is giving me a headache then I'm giving it a hard pass.

>> No.7977930

>ultima 3 or 4 worth playing on NES
console port. obviously not

>> No.7977954

As >>7976523 said, the NES port of 3 is fine, as is the SMS port of 4.
The really bad ones are the NES port of 4 and 5 and the SNES port of 7.

>> No.7977961

>the NES port of 3 is shit, as is the SMS port of 4.

>> No.7978041

so that's why Tibia looks like it looks

>> No.7978070
File: 242 KB, 600x400, ultima6_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The style comes from Ultima 6. Like U6 Tibia is still tile-based and the perspective was a way to add depth without the confusion of isometric projection.
For U7 it didn't really offer any advantages since it was no longer tile-based.

>> No.7978083

It always means "garbage game that I have nostalgia for because I was a stupid kid and didn't know any better". It is never, ever used in any other form beyond that.

>> No.7978216

The Ultima makers were HUGE Zelda fans. Zelda 1 was a MASSIVE influence on Ultima 6 in particular.

"Gameplay" doesn't just mean "combat", you fucking moron.

>> No.7978221

>exploration and puzzle solving, which are the real strengths anyways. Same as Zelda

Absolute nonsense. Puzzles in Zelda are GARBAGE. The post-N64, pre-BOTW Zeldas (which were the puzzle-centric ones) are ALL SHIT.

>> No.7978225

In what way? Genuinely curious what your take on this is.

>> No.7978231

What part of gameplay in the game isn't garbage?
The puzzles are limited to levers, stacking crates and similar bullshit.
The mystery isn't properly solvable.
The exploration is terrible since the world is too cramped.
Even the dialog system isn't that good.

>> No.7978518
File: 1.95 MB, 2016x1512, But_then_EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked both U7 games and the Zelda games. I didn't think of them as competition back then, just different games that offered different experiences.

>> No.7978562

Black Gate cut down the complexity in order to appeal to dumber players. The game was redesigned with flashy visual gimmicks over substance.
For instance in Ultima 6 you have fog of war, line of sight and a range for light sources while in Ultima 7 you always see the entire field and light only changes the color.
Dungeons were simplified and reduced to two floors instead of the vast labyrinths of 6.
Combat got turned into real time without player interaction.
Advancements from the World of Ultima games such as the quest log are also lacking.

>> No.7978565

OP BTFO'd in one post. This looks spectacularly retarded.

>> No.7978601

>no one except 100 turbo nerds pc fags autismos now in their 40s played and remembered
>aged like complete dog shit

>> No.7978635
File: 265 KB, 671x491, react zeldas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Zelda was no competition lol

Ultima's last game was in 1999, and it was so awful it permanently killed the franchise and all future games got cancelled

And Zelda? A worldwide iconic smash hit of a franchise with yet another sequel on the way, and it's going to sell millions

How's Ultima doing, again? ;)

>> No.7978637

You get the fuck right out of here with those sensible opinions, mister

>> No.7978646

Actually, you forgot Ultima4ever.

>> No.7978689

uh yeah have fun with your simulation wankfest, I'll be playing good games.

>> No.7978694

Ay yes, Lord British now spending his twilight years designing a piss-ugly baby's first unity asset heightmap mmo for 50-year old literal larper boomers still wearing their moth-eaten renfest clothes

>> No.7978695

op BTFO, that looks like absolute horseshit.
>duhh i'll just spam "filtered" because i can't actually write an argument defending this trash game!

>> No.7978698

You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.7978705

Lol, you seething fucking retard. I know exactly what I'm talking about. "Lord British" is a washed up larper faggot writing a below-amateur second life clone for actual baby boomers.

>> No.7978707

And he was replaced with Lady British for Ultima4ever.

>> No.7978712

OH wow, so an even shittier boomer game?
fucking lol, ultimacucks lapping up this trash

>> No.7978714

If Ultima is dead, why is Richard Garriott still so damn rich?

>> No.7978716

>m-my shitty boomer games that no one plays anymore and have no market presence are g-good because h-he got rich off stupid cucks like me!!
ahahaha nice argument ultimacuck
enjoy slurping that "lord british" cum down

>> No.7978720

You still don't know anything.

>> No.7978724

Huh? That was genuine question, I never played Ultima games, I'm just wondering, since series is dead for 20 years, how does he manage the wealth.

>> No.7978726

>n-n-nooo you don't know!!
ahahaha who fucking cares about some shitty cucked ultima games

>> No.7978727

lol no clicks for you jethro

>> No.7978737

He invested his money and made some lucrative deals with NCsoft. He doesn't need to make games to secure his liftstyle.

>> No.7978762

I've been wanting to try Ultima, which would you guys recommend?

>> No.7978779

Start with 1, 3 or 4. 4 is the part almost everything afterwards builds upon so it's best not to skip it. 1 is an extremely simple game that can be completed in a few hours. 3 is more of a conventional RPG.
If you want a taste of the later entries, check out the two World of Ultima games: Martian Dreams and Savage Empire since those are set outside of Britannia and not connected to the plot.
Ultima Underworld 1 is a highly recommended to anybody. It was shoehorned into the series and you won't miss much without prior knowledge.

>> No.7978795

They're all pretty much shit. Look at the seething boomers in this thread.

>> No.7978808

It might not be shit to me.
I'll give >>7978779 recommendations a try.

>> No.7978809

these games are basically trash for autists with learning disabilities

>> No.7978814

good fucking luck
let me know if you don't kill yourself from boredom

>> No.7978843

If you want to play everything start at 1. If you want to play all the Avatar games start at 4.
6 and 7 are the ones considered the high point of the series, and the only ones that seem remotely playable. 1-5 are pretty crappy games overall. Look at other games you could be playing during the same time period (like Zelda 1 & 2).
1 & 2 are essentially programming experiments. Very bad but can be funny because of the amount of weird shit in 1, and 2 combines the worst MMORPG grinding for random drops with a story and world design that Lord British didn't take seriously at all and you can tell he's just fucking around and doesn't care.
3 is an old boring RPG if you like those. 4 and 5 have some good ideas, like 4's virtue system and 5 was the first attempt at a living open world. Too bad the games aren't fun.

>> No.7978863

5 is a good game. It managed to create an oppressing atmosphere with relatively simple means.
9 is perfectly playable nowadays.

>> No.7978896

These games were literally made before the concepts of "balance" or "game design" were ever thought up, I don't know why anyone would want to waste time on this trash.

>> No.7978907

zoom zoom

>> No.7978909

I'm literally older than you, and I know better than to waste what time I have left playing stupid garbage for boomers who can't figure out how to open excel.

>> No.7978910

That's not quite true. Wizardry had actual game design and playtesting even back in the early 80s.
And there's more to games than just that.

>> No.7978945

It's not as bad as you think and it's actually very comfy. Then if you played Ultima Online later and other isometric stuff it gets even comfier to go back to it

>> No.7978949 [DELETED] 

>Lord British
Stop stealing from Gradius, faggot.

>> No.7978951

Ultima 1 is literally just some high school kid fucking around in QBasic and you can tell

It's fucking magical though

>> No.7978959

That's Akalabeth. He was in university when he made Ultima 1.

>> No.7978960
File: 361 KB, 792x482, F8ADE97E-58CC-418F-8A97-79FB4EC19E7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm literally older than you
>waste what time I have left playing stupid garbage for boomers
go play some cinematic games and go back to /v/

>> No.7979626

Look at all of the seething normies in this thread, lmao.
This board is as bad as /v/ now.

>> No.7979671

Look at OP. He brought it on his dumb fucking self. If you can't compose a post right you don't deserve a thread.

>> No.7980137

>Ultima 1 is kinda fun for a game that's essentially the result of a high school kid messing around on the computer
>No that's Akalabeth. Ultima 1 was a big serious commercial release that he made while in university.
Typical Ultima. Looks like something a kid made when he was bored, it's actually an entry in a franchise of games that were actually sold in stores for full price. Made by a grown man who put years of work into development and doesn't do anything else.

>> No.7980148

nice ty! I'll give 3 a shot it was only 15 bucks aha

>> No.7981829
