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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7974808 No.7974808 [Reply] [Original]

It is so common to see people state that the Megadrive/Genesis is far superior to the SNES. However, after roughly emulating and beating 20 Megadrive games over the course of a year, that is a fucking lie. This console barely has any good games. It is the most mediocre system of the 16-bit generation. I'm not a Nintendard either. I prefer the SMS over the NES. However, after playing quite a few titles, the only good ones I can name are:
>Gunstar Heroes
>Alien Soldier
>Sonic 2 and 3
>SOR 2 and 3
>CV: Bloodlines
>Monster World 4

And those are what I call good, not amazing. These are games that are actually worth your time. This library is fucking shit. Sure, a few of those games named above are masterpieces (Alien Soldier, Gunstar and MW4), but that list pales in comparison to what is on the SNES (Super Metroid, Terranigma, SMW, Super Ghoul's 'n' Ghosts, DKC2, UN Squadron and Demon's Crest to name a few). How can retarded fanboys call the SNES a console with no games?

>> No.7974817
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>> No.7974836


>> No.7974886
File: 398 KB, 367x512, TLW JP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best version of Flashback save for the original Amiga
>Vectorman and Contra Hard Corps
>Comix Zone
>all the Road Rash games
>Beyond Oasis
>Shadow Run
>Pirates! Gold
>Beyond Zero Tolerance
>Rambo 3
>Centurion: Defender of Rome
>Midnight Resistance
>Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday
>Toejam and Earl
>Dune II
>Mega Turrican
>fucking Jurassic Park and pic related

>> No.7974902

OP is and will alwats be a faggot

>> No.7974941
File: 17 KB, 256x240, smw64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But did the SNES have Super Mario World 64? Didn't think so.

>> No.7974973

OP here.
>Comix Zone
Good game at first, but becomes very repetitive. Not really close to being amazing. The OST is bloody great, though.
This is a shit game, man.
>Contra Hard Corps
Haven't played it yet, but was never a big fan of Contra.
>Beyond Oasis
Good but very flawed game.
>Toejam and Earl
Played this with a friend. It was okay.
>Road Rash
Played this back on the SMS. It was a good game game, from memory.
>Rest of the games
Haven't played them yet. I will give quite a few a go, though. Thanks for the list, anon. However, from the ones I have played, none really stand out.

And you will always be an illiterate fag.

>> No.7975051
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>i emulated 20 games
>so my shit opinion means anything

>> No.7975064

the genesis is sega's worst console (not counting peripherals like the sega cd and 32x), which isn't really surprising since it's the one that pandered the hardest to the west. still, there's plenty of solid games you're missing:
>bahamut senki
>beyond oasis
>blades of vengeance
>castle of illusion + world of illusion
>comix zone
>contra: hard corps
>crusader of centy
>cyborg justice
>dashin' desperadoes
>decap attack
>dynamite headdy
>ecco the dolphin + tides of time
>gley lancer
>golden axe 1+2
>haunting starring polterguy
>herzog zwei
>king colossus
>light crusader
>outrun 2019
>panorama cotton
>phantasy star 2-4
>rocket knight adventures + sparkster
>shining series
>splatterhouse 2+3
>super fantasy zone
>target earth
>toejam & earl + panic on funkotron
>twinkle tale
>undead line
>vectorman 1+2
>vixen 357

>> No.7975081

Sounds like Sega's best console to me. What the fuck did the shitturn and master system offer?

>> No.7975114

god-tier japanese kino. and then the dreamcast just effortlessly runs circles around all of them.

>> No.7975116

SNES games are all style/gimmicks over substance, compare Streets of Rage to Final Fight, Final Fight on the SNES has a great artstyle and awesome graphics but weak gameplay, SoR has awesome graphics gameplay and music. There are no good beat em ups on the SNES, every SNES beat em up has some obnoxious gimmick that makes it less fun.

>> No.7975123

Ghouls n Ghosts is objectively better than Super Ghouls n Ghosts, though.

>> No.7975164

Ranger X still hasn't been mentioned. Bit of a learning curve but definitely good. Fwiw I do rate Snes library a little better. Plenty of garbage in both

>> No.7975181
File: 221 KB, 1600x1143, 1_NvBtw3pEdmenVrZGhm-2ZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. This guy is 100% right = >>7975114
The SMS has the three best 8-bit games of all time, which are WBIII: A Dragons Trap, Phantasy Star and Golden Axe Warrior. It also has some other good games, such as Golvellius, Shinobi (best port of the original), DD and Kenseiden. It may have a small library, but it is sure kino.

I have played 90% of games you mentioned. I liked Dynamite Headdy (forgot to add that). However, I did not play Rocket Knight Adventures. That is a game which looks amazing.

Yes, I will fork out $200 for a game which I might not like. Fuck off, retarded faggot. I have too many games just sitting on shelves doing nothing. I do agree that playing a game on original hardware is of course far superior, but some of my favourite games have been discovered through emulation (e.g. Rondo, SOTN and MGS3).

No. The double jump makes it the best. Ghouls 'n' Ghosts is still good, but I'd rather play the arcade version any day.

>SNES games are all style/gimmicks over substance
Really? I l feel as though Sonic 1, Altered Beast, Golden Axe and Toejam&Earl are the epitome of style/gimmicks over substance. Both consoles have their fair share of this. Style and aesthetics, if done right, can improve a game. Demon's Crest has this dark and gothic atmosphere, which improves the experience just so much more.

>> No.7975184

Shit taste

>> No.7975195

Super Nintendo's bread and butter was JRPGs. Genesis was better for action games.

>> No.7975219

Both are as equally good and equally as bad in their own ways. There's a reason there was no definitive winner that gen, and why people still fight today.

You can say the NES won
You can say the PS1 won
You can say the Gameboy won
You can say the PS2 won
You can say the GBA won

But SNES and Genesis?

We won.

>> No.7975246

>console war shit
go away

>> No.7975302

How does it feel to have such a terrible opinion, TC?

>> No.7975312

>I'm not a Nintendard either.

>> No.7975323

t. Balding 40s nintendork

>> No.7975373
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The SNES is the only Nintendo console I like. The rest are all fucking shit. N64 had some pretty good games, but far too few. Then, the GC (and subsequent consoles) had nothing. I'm not a fanboy of any company, because brand loyalty is just manipulation.

Does this stand for "to care"? Nice rebuttal by the way, anon.

Don't self reflect, seething sega tranny.

>> No.7975374

>after roughly emulating and beating 20 Megadrive games
Only played 20 games via (Rough) Emulation and posts a pic of a Mega Drive II.

>> No.7975375

Stop playing shit games, just because you were told to. Fucking faggot.

>> No.7975381

20 was the number I beat. I played roughly 40-50 different titles.

>> No.7975421

>I played roughly 40-50 different titles
..and you're still (roughly) expected to be taken seriously?

>> No.7975493
File: 112 KB, 410x598, 2C5706A4-C6F9-4160-B4A7-C3A79E60EF46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst thread on /vr/

>> No.7975631

>completely missing the point
You already proved you're retarded. Now you're just showing off. Of course you own too many games. Faggots who larp about shit like "emulating and beating 20 Megadrive games over the course of a year" to start a console war thread are totally gainfully employed adults who own anything.

>> No.7975635
File: 308 KB, 737x583, dskdmksdjv nejwcdmemv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phantasy Star II-IV
>Beyond Oasis
>Vixen 357

I'm not saying it's better than SNES, because i'm a metroidfag, but I do love the aforementioned games and find it difficult to see why you wouldn't.

>> No.7975637
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, 63D0F74A-4A7B-4C0B-BDEB-7AD357191D37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reading that essay + didn't ask * ratio

>> No.7975662

>worst thread on /vr/
quite an achievement considering that it's up against some pretty stiff competition.