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File: 73 KB, 500x710, breath-of-fire-snes-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7969542 No.7969542 [Reply] [Original]

You guys didn't tell me it was good. Thanks for nothing, asswipes.

>> No.7969549

Our thinking was that you would overreact and embarrass yourself

>> No.7969584

Because it isn't. You're welcome.

>> No.7969604

I wouldn't call it good, but it's a perfectly serviceable JRPG. Sequels are better.

>> No.7969628

it is good but the 2nd one is even better

>> No.7969689

It's boring as fuck. Play 2 or better yet 3.

>> No.7969723

I saw 1 and 2 on the SNES switch channel, thought I would give them a go. I'm having fun with 1, but it's good to hear that the sequel is even better.

>> No.7969806

Boring as fuck. Play 4 or better yet 5.

>> No.7969813

It's okay for a jarpig. We mostly like real games here.

>> No.7970010
File: 2.44 MB, 1600x1600, 1581607572754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 is good, 5 is interesting but should have been a spin off, but 3 is peak Breath of Fire imo

>> No.7970081

1 was fun for a while, but that ending sure dragged.

>> No.7970132

Heard the game was tedious and grindy, but it turned up to be pretty engaging, at least for me.

>> No.7970190

You don't get it, we like to be able to fuck your mom at any point between combat turns.

>> No.7970193

Why does everyone hate Dragon Quarter? I know it's a different formula, but people tend to act like it's irredeemable trash. Same with Unlimited SaGa in relation to the rest of the SaGa games

>> No.7970259

>it's a perfectly serviceable JRPG
yeah that's exactly what OP would have heard me say, if he'd asked.

>> No.7970543 [DELETED] 

cringe godless chinks at it again

>> No.7970584

There's a benevolent dragon god tho

>> No.7970618

Because it has Breath of Fire in the name and it's nothing like other BoF games. Same reason people hate BK Nuts & Bolts. If they just called it "Dragon Quarter" it would be lauded as a PS2 hidden gem.

>> No.7970636
File: 53 KB, 600x694, q53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1, shit beta
2, got their crap together
3, simply amazing, what we've been asking for
4, It's 3, but it's the apocolypse and looks neaterish
5, Cool strat game, kinda weird

>> No.7970649

>Acclaimed all across the world for almost 3 decades
>Why didn't you tell me
Dude wtf

>> No.7970947

Are 1 and 2 actually worth playing? Do you gain anything from having played them and going onto 3 and 4? Genuine question because 3 and 4 look good while 1 and 2 look like generic SNES jrpg schlock.

You may seethe but I really think Chrono Trigger and FF6 are the only games worth playing on SNES and hold up to modern standards. Every other JRPG on the console either has a better remake (FF4/5) or aged poorly and isnt worth playing (Secret of Mana)

>> No.7970986 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 453x583, 1621041654841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling a game that filtered you "beta"
>tumblr pic0vpgw

>> No.7971019
File: 294 KB, 1600x800, SI_WiiUVC_BreathOfFire_image1600w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a avid BoF1 defender here

Baby's first RPG? Yes, it is. But it has Capcom's polish and aged better than DQ1 or FF1

Repel item actually works, Dragon transformations are OP as they are meant to be, actually good sountrack and pacing

Crazy as fuck plot with furries that keeps you engaged

And more, I'm seeing people all around experimenting with the first game now in Switch and saying it was pleasing (much more than comments about 2)

>> No.7971021

Loved everything about it but random encounters drove me nuts. My inv was full of the repel item

>> No.7972670

You have a terrible, cringey, mainstream oriented zoomer taste, but yeah you can totally skip BoF 1&2.

>> No.7972679 [DELETED] 
File: 2.97 MB, 305x305, soy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7972702

BoFII is good too, but I think I like BoF a bit better. I like the dragon transformations in the first one and the thief guy (I think his name was Karn?) was pretty based.

>> No.7973240

>It's better than these debut games from ten years earlier
Not even true. Dragon Quest was at least trying to do something new, but BoF1 just blends into the crowd of forgettable 16-bit JRPGs

>> No.7973289

>the thief guy (I think his name was Karn?)
The burger release had to censor him hard lol

>> No.7973312

What was the thief guy like in the Japanese version of BOF 1?

>> No.7973465

I dunno why but this style of art, like the bold colors. It looks so good to me

>> No.7973587
File: 100 KB, 760x470, bof1-gba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7975695


>> No.7975903

5 is where BOF decided to invert a lot of shit. Instead of revealing that the world is actually going to shit it has the world immediately be shit, and to further emphasize the reversals of its common themes it makes Nina the silent one instead of Ryu and drags her down to "Worthless non-person" status instead of being literal royalty.

>> No.7975915

1 and 2 have some ties but each BOF game is ultimately its own story with eons apart, but they all focus on Ryu's incarnations and his conflicts with the Gods. 2 is worth playing but for the love of God get the retranslation patch, it has some issues but they are nothing compared to how facefucked the original US release was.

3 is very slow-paced, a very slow burn, but it is worth playing. 4 is where they get everything right and is an enjoyable game. 5 is controversial but an interesting game worth checking out.

>> No.7975925

Just 2 is