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7965820 No.7965820 [Reply] [Original]

How was the Xbox viewed when it first launched in 2001? Did people really treat it as a serious console back then?

I was a kid at the time, and literally everyone I knew at school at the time just owned a Gamecube or a Playstation 2. The few kids who had an Xbox usually just had it because their dad owned it.

>> No.7965824

No one I knew took it seriously until Halo 2.

>> No.7965828

It was aggressively targeted at teen to college age people so its not surprising no one in your kindergarten had it

>> No.7965830

I got one for xmas when it came out, I was 9 years old at the time. I unironically was really disappointed when I opened the box. I wanted a gamecube so I could play some doopin epic Mario and Pokemon games, not this scary M rated shit. What the fuck is Halo Combat Evolved? Other than the double pack that came with the console (Sega GT/Jet Set Radio Future), that was the game I had to play. I didn't like it.

Fast forward present day, and not getting a Shitcube was the best thing that ever happened to me. Halo 2, which came out later, was and remains the greatest multiplayer experience ever crafted, meanwhile the Shitcube didn't even have online. So I guess you could say the Xbox was this busted weird thing you didn't want, until you tried it then realized this was it. This was, the future, of gaming.

>> No.7965832

Edgy, western, sjw etc... I've seen this thread before. Mods deleted my chink joke, but let a guy spam the board. I know the board is slow, but that's not fair. I don't want the spammer to be banned or until the spam ends, let it happen. but I didn't like that, maybe the spammer is a mod.

>> No.7965834

>Did people really treat it as a serious console back then?
Yep. Halo.

>> No.7965839

People who liked Japanese games (which were more mainstream back then) usually hated it. Unless they know about Ninja Gaiden or Otogi

>> No.7965840

>Did people really treat it as a serious console back then?
Absolutely. It was the "most serious" console. People older than 12 didn't want a nintendo lunchbox lol

>> No.7965875

wrong, kotor.

>> No.7965881

Do you know the people he knows?

>> No.7965921

It was seen as the next big thing, had some major hype around it, kind of like when the first Playstation came out a few years before.
The only thing that stopped me from getting it was it didn't play DVDs straight out of the box while the PS2 did, so I got PS2 (eventually).
I have only ever seen a Nintenda Gamecube once in my life, no-one I knew had any interest in it nor viewed it as a console worth owning when the competition appeared so much stronger (PS2-XBOX).

>> No.7965967

XBOX as a brand picked up steam INCREDIBLY fast. I'd almost say it felt unprecedented but Playstation managed to do it bigger the gen before. Microsoft also was riding high on a steady wave of recognition as more people were getting computers . PC gaming was getting popularized among more casual audiences and the idea of a console that was a "gaming computer "was a big sell. And while I'd argue it took until late 97 or even mid 98 for Playstation to really establish itself as a brand, XBOX was taken seriously by early 2003. By then it was clear Gamecube would be the niche console.

Nintendo mismanaging so much goodwill early on ended up helping Xbox succeed. . The direction Nintendo went in chased a lot of older fans away.

>> No.7965991
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>The few kids who had an Xbox usually just had it because their dad owned it.

That's pretty funny, I ended up getting one mostly because my dad was interested in it. I only had a PS1 up to that point and I had played some PS2 games, but the Xbox seemed a lot more futuristic and beefy to me, like it was capable of a lot more. PS2 graphics looked like cheap paper dolls compared to the graphics on the Xbox. Of course, I had no idea what PC games could look like, so it felt like Xbox was the pinnacle of gaming at the time. The first games I had for it were THPS3, Project Gotham Racing, and JSRF. I played them until I developed blisters on my fingers. I ended up getting a PS2 a few years later but it never left an impression on me like the Xbox. It felt to me like the Xbox had more interesting and innovative games. Shenmue II blew my mind and is to this day one of my favorite games of all time, and it felt insane seeing pictures of Steel Battalion and that huge fucking setup it came with, PS2 never had any shit like that.

>> No.7965993

Seen it as a cash grab. Looked like desperation from Microsoft.

>> No.7965997

Did any games on the original Xbox use the analog buttons?

>> No.7966015

I knew like 2 people who owned it, everyone just had a PS2 instead, I knew 4 people who owned a gamecube so in a way double. After Halo 2 came out I knew 2 more people who got an xbox. I don't think it was until the 360 where it became the defacto console everyone had. I"m surprised it sold as well as gamecube did since I would meet more people who actually owned one but whatever, maybe my small town wasn't a good sampling.

>> No.7966019

Almost all the sports games.

>> No.7966021

I thought it would fail since having cheap pc hardware was pretty lame, Ps2 has Gran turismo 3 and nothing on pc could compare in terms of graphics so I thought it would be like a shitty Dell office pc running windows 98 with Quake 2 style graphics.

>> No.7966026

lmao they made no money on xbox 1. microsoft lost about $125 for every system sold, which cost $425 to manufacture. it was made worse when they lowered it to $200 to drive sales.

>> No.7966027

These copypastas are getting worse

>> No.7966034

Mostly just for toggling features

>> No.7966094

Dudebro college kids saw it as a Halo/sports machine. A few people saw it as a Ninja Gaiden machine. But most people saw it as a nogames machine. In retrospect, the original Xbox deserves way more credit. In addition to having the best console versions of multiplats that gen, it also had a good amount of solid exclusives. With how much support it got from Sega alone, you could call it an unofficial Dreamcast 1.5

>> No.7966098

Plus it was easily hackable and you could upgrade the hard drive and pirate all the games, and put emulators on it.

>> No.7966102
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I got one because I was a spoiled kid who got everything. I already had the gamecube and ps2. I was incredibly disappointed with the Xbox. It had no games. By the end of its lifespan I had collected 3 games total for it: Halo, Fable, and Unreal Tourney 2003. Only one I liked was Fable. Eventually I just destroyed the Xbox with a sledgehammer because I was bored and wanted to see how sturdy it was (very, built like a tank). I do slightly regret that because I could have probably sold it to one of your losers who think it wasn’t a useless piece of shit.

>> No.7966116

Really only weebs pushed the nogaems machine thing and that was ironic because most of my favorite Xbox games are Japanese. I really have no idea how you could not browse and not find at least 10 interesting XBOX games unless you absolutely needed them to look like 2000's anime style. It felt like gatekeeping in a way because people were comfortable with the sony/Nintendo duo and having a third console take up games felt like a financial hit on them.

I'm mostly unimpressed with how the brands come since then but the original Xbox felt like a soulful little console. While pound for pound it probably had the weakest library I still wouldn't give up any of its exclusives.

>> No.7966123

It came in with kind of a holier-than-thou attitude and was off-putting. Particularly the hype surrounding Halo.
Over the years I have warmed up to the Xbox brand but I still think it's a stupid name.

>> No.7966127

Why do I still come to this site?

>> No.7966130

About a year after it was out the homebrew scene on it really started to take off and people who were not that interested in it before became much more so when they say you could emulate Neo Geo and CPS2 on it at full speed.
Being able to play those games on the living room TV with multiple controllers and take it to a friend's house was a huge deal if you were an upper teen or college student who was interested in arcade games.

>> No.7966139

And the thing is those weebs were rather wrong because a lot of Japanese games did get Xbox ports, but they got overlooked.

Hyper Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition
Street Fighter III Third Strike
Soul Calibur II
Guilty Gear XX #Reload
King of Fighters Neowave
Dead or Alive 3
Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball
Metal Gear Solid 2

Just a few of them.

>> No.7966152

I bought one a few years after launch for Halo 2 and I wasn't disappointed. H2 on early Xbox Live is still one of my fondest gaming memories. KOTOR 1 & 2 were also fucking fantastic.

>> No.7966160
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It was treated as an absolute joke with contant ribbing on the fuckhuge controllers.

>> No.7966162
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>> No.7966172

Gunvalkyrie was such a good casual filter

>> No.7966179

> didn’t get Steel Battalion

Either you wasted your spoiledness or weren’t that spoiled. You were bad at research at any rate.

>> No.7966183

Yeah, the Japanese support for it was actually pretty impressive. You had Ninja Gaiden, Breakdown, Spikeout, Panzer Dragoon Orta, GunValkyrie, Otogi 1&2, Blinx 1&2, Dead or Alive 3, Dead or Alive 1&2 remakes, Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, Phantom Dust, Phantom Crash, Steel Battalion (aka, the greatest mech game of all-time), Crazy Taxi 3, MGS2 Substance, an enhanced port of Onimusha 1, enhanced ports of Fatal Frame 1&2, the PS2 Greatest Hits version of Silent Hill 2, Crimson Sea, Jet Set Radio Future, Outrun 2, Shenmue 2, Killswitch, Winback 2, Rent-a-Hero remake, House of the Dead 3, Virtua Cop 3 (if you physically mod your console to have more RAM), PSO episodes 1&2, Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance, Kakuto Chojin, Bloody Roar Extreme, Metal Dungeon, Dino Crisis 3, Murakumo, N.U.D.E., Gungriffon: Allied Strike, Shin Megami Tensei NINE, and SNK ports of Metal Slug 3 and several King of Fighters games. It's insane to me how many people act like this machine got zero Japanese support whatsoever.

>> No.7966194

This was mainly the aging 80s nostalgia nerd market with a chip on their shoulder over “jocks” playing games. Penny Arcade was part of that zeitgeist until they realized how much of a turn off that was

>> No.7966195

This. I was 16 when it launched in 2001 and Halo weekends were common among my friend group.

>> No.7966201

>Steel Battalion
Just because I was spoiled doesn’t mean I was retarded.

>> No.7966204

This board has so many zoomers that are clearly talking out their ass. It’s always obvious which posters were above single digit ages when the sixth gen was current.

>> No.7966206

What's retarded about owning the greatest mech game of all-time? If anything, it's retarded NOT to own it if you had the opportunity.

>> No.7966209

Problem entirely lies in the lack of JRPGs, which is what that audience wanted. But those devs were solidly innSony’s court since PlayStation did so well with them. By04 it became a clear vicious cycle of Xbox not selling in Japan because of it lacking RPGS and RPGS not being ported to e Xbox because it wasn’t selling well in Japan.

>> No.7966212

My dude sledgehammers electronics he was given , he’s not very bright(or grateful)

>> No.7966213

It’s funny because even Sony decided weebs aren’t worth appealing to during this past gen.

>> No.7966218

Nah, it’s not a zoomer thing, that was the perception at the time too despite us enthusiasts fighting for people to recognize all the gems on the system. They were marketed poorly and Microsoft didn’t support those titles much. By 04 they were so focused on Live and Halo some of the quirk of the early two years fell by the wayside. Plus you had media coverage being mixed on how to approach it, and being unnecessarily harsh on a lot of third party games(IMO at least)

Even now Microsoft does a bad job of recognizing the original XBox’s legacy. I appreciate them trying to keep backwards comparability but they could highlight older games more considering they can tap into a nostalgia market now.

>> No.7966219

It was the most expensive by a decent margin at launch. I remember being pretty wowed by demo kiosks back in the day. It had kind of a weird lifespan because a lot more people started getting them in 04 once the price had come down and leading up to Halo 2, and then there was all of one year where it was this must-have thing before the 360 came out and it was instantly old news. But to answer the question, I don't think it was ever seen as a joke. If nothing else it had Halo and that was enough to float it for the first year or two before it started getting really good

>> No.7966221

But even then, going into the 360 generation, they started to get JRPGs, with Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean 4, Last Remnant, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, Eternal Sonata, Nier Gestalt, Resonance of Fate, Dragon's Dogma, Final Fantasy 13, Phantasy Star Universe, Dark Souls, Enchanted Arms, Stranger of Sword City, Operation Darkness, Spectral Force 3, etc. But people still treated the 360 as a "no weeb games" machine.

>> No.7966225

Useless and irrelevant posts like yours are worse than any of the zoomers on this board.

>> No.7966227

I think A few factors sort of downplayed the anime ween market in games. Xbox succeeding primarily on western support for one, also anime just got way more saturated and accessible. A lot of people liked JRPGs because they were easier to get to than $30 anime VHSs with two episodes a piece or finding fan subs. Now with anime streams being so common , a lot of people who just wanted to experience anime just watch those.

>> No.7966228

The xbox had zero value to me. It spent years unused, just wasting space. Plus they were so cheap, its not like they actually cost any real money. I’m pulling $150/hr pretax these days, and I hardly make half of what my dad used to make when he bought me the shitbox. Destroying it with a sledgehammer was more fun than any game I had played on it.

>> No.7966231

I think weebs would have liked the system a lot better if it did not have the mutant green and black color scheme and was called something other than Xbox.

>> No.7966232

The Xbox did end up outselling the GameCube by a small margin though. Yes it was primarily popular in North America but it’s still pretty incredible that Microsoft managed to beat Nintendo on their first try.

>> No.7966238

The PS4 was very western focused as well. Sony essentially shipped off all their weeb games to the Vita and then let it die.

>> No.7966243

>hehe does it have green screen of death??
>lol its just a PC, in a few months we will have all Xbox games running on PC too
I remember these two

>> No.7966251

Oh of course, by the 360 days anyone arguing that Xbox had no Japanese support was just stupid. They definitely improved on that front and early on they had a lot of Japanese exclusives in general . It’s a testament to how influential the short life of the first console was that previously apprehensive devs realized they had to get on board.

>> No.7966256

I just didn't care for the look of the games I saw as exclusives on the system. Fable had that western computer MMORPG look to it. Don't really know how to describe it other than than that. It did nothing to capture my imagination like Twilight Princess did.

>> No.7966260

RE: the 360

I recall when it was announced and released it was considered a bit of a joke because the original Xbox had not been out that long yet, and it was not regarded as much of a technical leap by people who didn't quite understand the hardware. I remember hearing people say the only benefit it had was HD support and that the games would look identical.

Of course in reality the 360 is a fair step above the original Xbox in performance.

>> No.7966262

Nice flex and all but I’m just thinking you were bad at researching games.who the fuck was buying Unreal Tournament for XBox? You got Halo but not Halo 2 even though that was out by the time gable was out? Did you not have friends to play on it with?

>> No.7966269

Hey fuck you, bro. The Unreal Championship games were great.

>> No.7966270

Most common in my own experience was: PS2, then Xbox, then gamecube. I had a small circle of gamecube friends but it seemed like literally everybody else had the ps2, while a lot of people had both gamecube and Xbox or just Xbox alone.

>> No.7966272

No point getting Halo 2 when my friends were playing counter strike. As for Unreal, I just bought it on a whim because I needed more xbox games. Despite all this, I ended up getting a 360 as well and only played Fable 2, Fable 3, and the katamari exclusive on it. What a waste of a console. I still have the console in storage at my dad’s house.

>> No.7966276

The second one was great, but the first one was just a downgraded console port of UT2k3, which was then rendered obsolete by UT2k4.

>> No.7966278

On Xbox though? I always though getting those games on a console was just something you did if you didn’t have a PC that could run it.

>> No.7966280

Halo multiplayer is entirely different from something like Counterstrike. Frankly you really missed out by not playing both.

>> No.7966281

Well, Unreal Championship 2 was it's own original game, that remains exclusive to Xbox to this day. The first one, as mentioned, was a downgraded port of UT2k3.

>> No.7966285

Unreal Championship ≠ Unreal Tournament. It was a spin-off series, not a port.

>> No.7966287

I don’t disagree, because I did end up playing a lot of Halo on my PC (loved the custom maps), but I didn’t like playing FPS with the giant controller that didn’t fit my hands. The dualShock 2 was literally perfect, sculpted to fit my hands precisely. My friends and I did have some LAN parties with Halo back then (remember when consoles had LAN support?) and it was pretty fun for like an hour.

>> No.7966291

Dude makes 150 an hour and his dad owns a dealership, man, he’s above Halo 2.

>> No.7966292
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>> No.7966295
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I went look it up and this was definitely the game I was referring too. Sorry for misremembering.

>> No.7966296

Great graphics but it had zero software compared to the PS2, the only real competition that it had was the Gamecube for the second place.

Compared to the PS3 their japanese dev support was still pitiful, the 360 also sold very badly in Japan for a reason, Xbox will always be a repository for western trash first, everything else later.

>> No.7966301

Sony’s consoles are no different. The PS4 had only a small fraction of the Japanese titles the PS2 and PS3 got. Persona is the last holdout that’s not multiplat.

>> No.7966307

The PS3 honestly didn't have many more JRPGs than the 360 did. It definitely had more, but not by much. Demon's Souls, the Tales games, the Atelier games, the Disgaea games, Drakengard 3, and Ni no Kuni come to mind.

>> No.7966308

Japanese developers are abandoning Sony in droves after their recent bullshit. They're basically a western company now.

>> No.7966314

It came out when Microsoft was the Big Bad of the software industry. Nintendo was on the ropes after the N64 and the sentiment was here comes another outsider company trying to take over the industry, and this time it's an American company. And everybody knows American games suck.

>> No.7966319
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The PS2 had a shitload of games nobody at all wanted to play. I don't know if you can say that about the Xbox.

>> No.7966320

People said the same thing about Sony coming in. American or Japanese, both companies were/are massive conglomerates that had practically infinite money to ensure their consoles succeeded.

>> No.7966325

You don't know what you are talking about, the Playstation still has japan-only games, the Xbox rarely ever got them in its whole history.

Western trash is shit that no one will taste would ever want to play, like fuck half the Xbox libraries is just games ported from PC.

The Switch's popularity is giving japanese devs and opportunity to release their games there, its not about "bullshit" its about Nintendo dominating sales.

>> No.7966328

I’m not talking about Japan-only. I’m talking about Japanese games that were regularly localized for the western market back in the PS2/PS3 days. The PS4 era was very much western-focused by comparison and like I said, pretty much everything but Persona is now also on Xbox, even Yakuza and Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.7966329

They have always been playing the long game. Why the fuck you think they’ve been buying up properties and shit now?

>> No.7966340

Not sure about Microsoft itself but Bill Gates and his cronies have been buying up all the waterfront property around me (washington state). They even tried to buy me out but I declined their offer.

>> No.7966346

The thing is XBOX got the edge through a few exclusives, but mostly multiplats. Not the more niche titles. So it drove this perception as Xbox being a more bland alternative to PS2. Ninja Gaiden is probably the least normie friendly title of the top 10 best sellers.

>> No.7966351

This neglects the fact that they make profit off the discs, I remember bringing that up in a middle school economics lesson and my teacher mentioned it costs pennies to print a disc. Which doesn’t account for developer payment sure but is still a valid point.

>> No.7966369

Fantavision was unironically great.

>> No.7966406


>> No.7966416

Maybe there's not a correlation between those two things, but I can tell you're definitely retarded.

>> No.7966559

I don't think I payed attention to the Xbox until 3 years later when the modding scene for it started really developing.

>> No.7966604

It's so strange to me to look back and know the PlayStation and the Xbox launched only a scant six years apart in NA.

Back then it felt like an age had passed.

>> No.7966613

When I was a kid I had the Sony consoles and my best friend had the Xbox. I remember thinking the Xbox was the more mature console with games like Halo and Morrowind

>> No.7966637
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Let me give you a bit of understanding of the times otherwise the answer will not make sense. Most of everyone where i lived played on a Gamecube in 2001-2003 until when i entered in High School everyone sort of moved on from Gamecube, Pokemon and Nintendo with the exception of a few dedicated Nintendo fans and went to the PS2 or Xbox. As their libraries became more unique and were giving experiences that Nintendo was not able to give or support with their consoles. For example PS2 had an extremely amazing library with 3rd party Japanese companies with Final Fantasy X of the JRPG end Katamari Damacy,Billy Hatcher And The Giant Egg of the wacky yet interesting gameplay gimmick end, with a few exceptions of 3rd party companies giving out Burnout 3,2, WWE Here Comes The Pain etc etc. While Xbox had mostly Western developer support with games like KOTOR, Blinx The Time Sweeper, Doom 3, and it's huge breakout being Halo which was surprising to most who played it when it came out and during High School when Halo 3 came out everyone in school talked about it. It was not until much later on Xbox was billed more as a good competitor to PS2 but not really a great competitor as you can see by the sells.

>> No.7966667
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It does not help that Sony moved their PlayStation office to California and you had Jim Ryan a saxon who won the power struggle for the CEO who is clueless and basically let go most of the precious Playstation studio they had which was Japan Studio that literally supported AA, 3rd party development while also at the same time made games. Heavily involved with Ape Escape, Ico, And yes even Shadow Of The Collusus. By basically telling them that they could either work for Asobi Team or they can take the pink slip and go home. Most of the talent just has decided to move on to Monolithsoft for Nintendo which has become Playstations version of Japan Studio with 3rd party development, making games, and also support.

If there is anything really telling for this current generation and the succcesses of the Xbox, PlayStation 2, and Gamceube Generation vs the current one it is that there is a huge lack of AA games, experimental games and truly a lack of interesting ones. There is no real cheat codes, there is no such thing as secrets, or hidden characters, not even just cool beta stuff hidden in the background. A lot of gaming nowadays is just Movie Blockbusters when in the past it was every 2 years or so you would get a few huge ones and then have it stuffed with AA, 3rd party games to keep people waiting. Everything is so reversed from what it use to be and it's just harrowing.

>> No.7966902


It was intriguing that a new player like Microsoft of all companies were coming out with a "DirectX Box" console when it had been mostly Sony/Sega/Nintendo up til that point. It was also interesting how much closer to a PC it was, that you could install Linux on it and that the controllers were actually USB, but with a different shaped port. I wasnt much of a console gamer at the time so these are the things that stood out for me back then.

>> No.7966908

I did not know a single person that had an Xbox back in 2001/02. Most of its potential customer based already had either a PS2, a Gamecube or both, and the Xbox didn't really have anything going for it that would make them buy another console on top of that. Its exclusives weren't very interesting and it had way too few of them.

>> No.7966910

Definitely, mostly by people that recognized that the PS2 and the GC were lame and owned by faggots and children. Other than the people that wanted the ps2 for dvd purposes, which is respectable.

>> No.7966920

everyone deemed it as a joke for its weight,marvelled at its price and power but desu its library was shit compared to the ps2

people hated the duke controller

you needed a peripheral just to play dvds which pissed people off

oh and cause it was MS everybody thought it was gonna be epic,ms didnt really hit a stride till the 360

>> No.7966924

xbox was "ahead of its time" in having no gaems. most of its games were on pc either before or shortly after hitting xbox, including halo. which left a smattering of games like jsrf and conker live and reloaded that all people did was criticize, so by any random idiot's own admission, the console was just not worth owning.

that is, unless you are that uncomfortable with who you are as a person that you think owning an xbox made you a mature gamer. in which case you should just turn in your dick and balls right now

>> No.7967002

Halo wasn’t released on PC until 2003. I wouldn’t call that “shortly”. You missed out on a lot of good games with your misconceptions desu.

>> No.7967028

no i didn't? what part of this didn't you get? yeah, two years is a long time if you were ten when xbox released and two years was a relatively big fraction of your life thus far, but anyone with foresight knew that microsoft would want to have all its titles available for its own proprietary operating system. halo was the most "extreme" example in xbox's favor; kotor hit pc 4 months after release, half-life 2 was a year behind, psychonauts had concurrent releases.

>> No.7967104

This most closely matches my experiences. It seemed like a cool console but its timing was just awkward.

>> No.7967108

Frog posting faggot

>> No.7967121

It was pretty hyped from what I remember. People were actually enthusiastic about capitalistic competition and someone else attempting to enter the space.

>> No.7967126

What about stuff like Ninja Gaiden and Otogi or the other Sega titles you didn’t mention? You’re leaving out a lot.

>> No.7967135

Typical PCfag assumption that everyone in the early 00s owned a capable desktop gaming PC that could run the games you mentioned better than Xbox. That wasn’t even remotely the case. The Halo: CE PC port was jank btw.

>> No.7967163

And that's not even considering all the Cave shmups it got, or the Treasure ports like Guardian Heroes with online multiplayer and Radiant Silvergun with online multiplayer

>> No.7967168

i'm not doing the work of the counterargument for you

you can argue that not everyone had the specs just don't say that owning an xbox was anything more than a compromise versus owning a sony or nintendo console with 4x the exclusives

>> No.7967175

I’ll always argue that owning an Xbox + GameCube was the way to go over PS2 + GameCube. The only things you truly missed out on were some JRPGs, Metal Gear Solid 3 and ICO/Shadow of the Colossus.

>> No.7967179

>Treasure ports like Guardian Heroes with online multiplayer and Radiant Silvergun with online multiplayer
Why the fuck are these trapped on the 360? Why does Treasure keep porting Ikaruga to everything instead of these?

>> No.7967191

People were generally indifferent and thought the controller was too bulky, but Halo slowly grew in popularity through 2002 and 2003 and Dreamcast fans generally favored the Xbox over the other two consoles since Sega was making more exclusives for it.

It generally had a reputation for being the "edgy grownup console" and people appreciated its superior graphical capabilities, but its sales would not have accelerated to the point of success if not for Halo. I remember a lot of people were pissed that the DVD remote was required to watch movies which kind of kickstarted the God-tier hombrew scene to circumvent that.

>> No.7967213

Oh and Silent Hill 3.

>> No.7967257

>PS2 in 2000/2001
"Nice DVD player brah, lol just kidding the new Metal Gear and Final Fantasy games look badass. What's this... Grand Theft Auto III? What kind of- *sees it being played* DUDE HOLY FUCK THIS GAME RULES!!!!!!"
>Xbox in 2001
"Oh shit- we gonna be playin' some Halo and Madden tonight? Fuck yeah dude, the graphics look pretty sweet."
>Gamecube in 2001
"lol what the fuck? Dude they RUINED Zelda! Get that faggoty gay-ass fuckin' lunchbox outta my face! Shit's made for little kids!"

>> No.7967262

Sounds like this loser never played double dash and melee with his bros LMAO

>> No.7967265
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"I don't play with little kids, who do I look like to you, Michael Jackson?"

>> No.7967275

>Dude they RUINED Zelda!
The premise of this post is very flawed. No one had seen what Wind Waker looked like in 2001.

>> No.7967290

>No one had seen what Wind Waker looked like in 2001.

Uhh yeah they did.


>> No.7967293
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I worked at Electronics Boutique/EB Games leading up to and beyond launch. Fucking no one took the shitbox seriously. Seriously, one of the "selling points" we were coached on leading up to release was how the controllers had the breakaway cables in case a kid ran in front of you while you were using it. The whole marketing campaign was dumb.
It's amazing it didn't flop like the Jaguar or the Ngage (the latter of which we also carried during my time there). Had Nintendo been taking themselves seriously and had Sega not capitulated, the fucking Monster Energy/Kyle Box would now be a footnote. Instead, every active duty .ember and veteran has one in their house just like their dependa.

>> No.7967294

That’s some Jap thing. I mean America where Zelda actually matters.

>> No.7967306

The internet was alive and well in 2001 and American gaming mags from the time did coverage on it too.

>> No.7967313

Hmm. I was 13 in 2001 and I don’t recall seeing Wind Waker until E3 2002. I’m not sure I believe you.

>> No.7967320

>shit opinions on the XBOX

Like clockwork. Yeah man Xbox only succeeded cause Japanese companies LET them.

>> No.7967325

Anon you just didn't know how to use the internet.

>> No.7967330

I saw it with my own eyes in 2001 you were just living under a rock.

>> No.7967335

The internet wasn’t a thing back in 2001. Most people still had dial up. Rich and upper-midde class people had a personal computer in the “computer room”. Most normies didn’t go the the library to read gamer news lmao. If it wasn’t in a magazine, it didn’t exist

>> No.7967339

Dial-up didn't stop people from downloading 240p trailers from IGN to watch on Quicktime or Realplayer. Shut the fuck up larper.

>> No.7967340

Halo splitscreen was 99% of its use for my friend circle.

>> No.7967393

Does Xbox turn M$ a profit yet?

>> No.7967406

Almost certainly yes. XBL/Game Pass subscriptions alone are probably very lucrative.

>> No.7967436

Again just because you weren't able to find this doens't mean they didn't exist,the internet wasn't THAT uncommon and tv shows and networks promoted internet access extensively

>> No.7967461
File: 202 KB, 600x800, Screenshot_2020-09-07-880749496a2cb5dd907a8b53c11192f1-jpg-JPEG-Image-600-×-800-pixels-Scaled-90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're describing 1997, not 2001. Everyone I knew except for extreme white trash had a PC and we all had either DSL or cable. Jesus fucking christ, were you even there?

>> No.7967473
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I would actually engage your bullshit, but you'd get so worked up that you'd accidentally start to chug from one of your piss bottles and not the actual bottle of warm Mountain Dew, and the shock would cause you to spill it all over your greasy, sleeveless Metallica shirt, and I would feel bad.

>> No.7967480

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, MGS2

>> No.7967484
File: 42 KB, 1024x576, 1626629656724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rule change
>more /v/tards
>suddenly the shitbox and sadturd have faggots posting here defending them

Pure coincidence

>> No.7967495
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Hey at least Saturn got Nadesico games.

>> No.7967540

>The internet wasn’t a thing back in 2001
Just NO
Stop this madness.
Not here on /vr/.
We can't be this stupid.

>> No.7967548
File: 73 KB, 800x450, well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By 2001 even "extreme white trash" had an old PC and dial-up internet sometimes.

>> No.7967550

>Frog posting fren

>> No.7967619

Is Napster obscure enough by now that zoomers don't know how it signposted the post-AOL, Google honeymoon era?

>> No.7967904

I wanted an xbox when they came out so bad for Christmas. Opening presents and get handed a heavy box.
>this is my xbox holy shit
It's not an xbox. It's a cardboard box with an X drawn on it with some crap to weigh it down inside. Family laughs at me. Feels bad man. We finish up presents and have breakfast. I'm pretty upset i didn't get an xbox but getting over it. I go downstairs after breakfast and there is Halo playing on my tv and an xbox hooked up to it. Absolutely lose my shit and play Halo all day. True story.

>> No.7968113

My dude its been literally 20 years, Let it go.

>> No.7968162
File: 786 KB, 1696x2160, 629397-metalwolfchaos_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe I forgot to list Metal Wolf Chaos, probably the most famous Japan exclusive the Xbox got

>> No.7968487
File: 101 KB, 800x600, xbox hello kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haha you typed /thread yet the thread is still going. hahahaha

>> No.7968507

>Metal Wolf Chaos
>Steel Battalion
>Phantom Crash
>MechAssault 1&2
>Gungriffon: Allied Strike
>Robotech: Battlecry
>Robotech: Invasion
Why did the OG Xbox have so many mech games?

>> No.7968538

Downgrade from 64

>> No.7968649
File: 70 KB, 933x956, 1601296191771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the dying breath of the mecha genre.

>> No.7968672

>EB employee has shitty ill-informed opinions about gaming
it's like I'm really back in 2001

>> No.7968821

image sauce?

>> No.7969103

Xbox was for rich white people. We all know who the audience was for Snoy consoles.

>> No.7969570
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I worked at funco for the GC and Xbox launch. This guy is full of shit and isn't funny. Yeah, the controller got a lot of shit, but the concept of a console with a HDD and online capabilities built in was exciting to customers old enough to have pubes.

>> No.7969609

I bpught one at launch but had no friends and didn't really get the Halo hype at first. I went back to Dreamcast for a few months and then i picked up Oddworldand Amped which were both seriously underrated. Once jsrf and ninja gaiden came out, it was officially as fuck to me. Then I beta tested xbox live and made a bunch of bros. We played every online game. That was picking back up where i left off on Dreamcast but taking it to the next level. I had every console but Xbox was my main. Xbox was unironically for the hardcore gamers

>> No.7969613

>it has goat tier Japanese kino but we hate it
Lmao your average Japanese game fan is a casual brand loyal faggot.

>> No.7969616

>ps2 owning friend or family see's me playing Xbox
>they go buy one
Every time.

>> No.7969653

No way, Xbox for exclusives and multiplats + PS2 for exclusives. GC had what, Rogue Leader and the usual bing bing wahoo shit? No thanks lmao

>> No.7969695

I only got it because i saw Dino Crisis 3 was an exclusive for it, imagine my disappointment.
Halo, Brute Force and Unreal Championship saved it for me.

>> No.7969696

>Dreamcast in 2001
"I heard Sega like- went out of business or something, shit sucks man... but hey Fuckoland's selling em for 50 bucks a pop and you can burn the games to CD's and play em for free! How cool is that?"

>> No.7969758

I kinda want to get an Xbox again now that I have a nice CRT with component. It probably looks fucking amazing that way, in my memories it already was a step above the others at the time via composite

>> No.7969760

I got a DC for my birthday in 2003 cause I convinced my mom to get me one off eBay. It was 40 leafbux with a few games and 2 controllers and provided years of based multiplayer sessions and burnt games aplenty. I still have it and it still works fine. Luv me DC, simple as.