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7962493 No.7962493 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Mega Man X end here?

>> No.7962501

People stopped caring

>> No.7962506

They didn't make MMX9.

Any post saying otherwise is fanfiction.

>> No.7962507

They clearly ran out of steam by X6.

>> No.7962529

a lot of old series that weren't quite AAA didnt go into 6th gen. smaller, more niche series were already dying off on ps2. especially ones that were already gasping and never truly switched to 3D, and ones that mostly aimed at Japanese market. when huge budgets of ps3/x360 era hit and japanese gaming industry in general started to decline, the future of MMX got uncertain. and the series was already on its last legs after mmx7 and x8. perhaps inafune's departure was the final straw
i often think how MMX could switch to 3D without that much pain. just take DMC or other 3D action as base. but i guess they killed off any momentum it had sometime between MMX4 and 7.

>> No.7962539

X7 killed all expectations of the series going 3D and X8 couldn't dispel the sour taste it left. People hate it for a reason, you know.

>> No.7962541
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X8 was an excellent return to form after X7. Really after X5, X6 and X7 - X8 came together really well and hits new highs for the series in some ways. Unfortunately the damage may have already been done and the next gen jump with X7 might have killed the future of the series. Sales were certainly better world wide but a lack of a greatest hits release indicates it wasn't a winner worldwide either.

A shame because playing X8 indicates Capcom finally "got it" and made a killer game. Review scores look surprisingly low too, I have to wonder if angst over the style may have been seen as out of date. A lot of those classic style games from the era like Klonoa 2, Neo Contra/Shattered Soldier, many shooters like R-Type Final and Gradius V were met with similar sales fates.

It's sad but the era feels kind of forgotten now.

>> No.7962652

X9 is coming in a few years.

>> No.7962693

X6 wasn't supposed to be made at all. Inafune wanted X5 to be the last in the series and finish the story, but they've made another game without him knowing and he was butthurt

>> No.7962963

I wonder if it would have been a lot better if they let him finish the story with X5 and actually gave more time and budget for the game. Because as it is now its such a step down its sad.

>> No.7962978

Inafune's claim to fame is suggesting that megaman should be blue. He pushed his OC (zero) to be the main protag of the series really damn hard but Capcom told him it that making a new series with "megaman" on the title having the main character not be named megaman without any precedent would be fucking dumb.
Then he tried really hard to make the entire series revolve around Zero from that point on and it came to a head in X5 with all the emo shit that happens in that game.

>> No.7962986

Besides calling it "Mega Man X" it would've been fairly reasonable to make the X series be mostly about Zero. It even makes more sense to have Mega Man be in Zero's role in X than the other way around.

>> No.7962989

Best Vidya OST of all fucking time.
I love this game, dunno why.

>> No.7962995

When the game came out people wanted a megaman game with new mechanics. Blue robot dude with a gun. Sword platforming was already taken up by Castlevania.

>> No.7963000

Just make him more like X3 where he has the buster and the sword. But I see your point.

>> No.7963036

X6 is kind of a wonderful disaster. It’s not fun to play but I can’t help but come back to it a lot. It’s enticing

>> No.7963041

What color was he supposed to have been originally?
Wait no it wasn't? 16-bit still was doing whip based CV games. A sword based X game instead would have been one of the few super fast paced and good sword action games during that era actually. Assuming he played like his X4 counterpart that is. But it all turned out find for a few games at least anyways so its all good.

>> No.7963057

Because it couldn't evolve past 2D sidescrolling.

X7 might have been a horrible game, but it had the right idea trying to move out of sidescrolling.

>> No.7963067

>What color was he supposed to have been originally?
Undecided, but blue was selected because it had more distinct shades than other colors in the (limited) palette for Rock's sprites. Rock, the blue bomber himself, was originally designed by Akira Kitamura.
Sorry, I mean melee platforming. I kinda generalized it there, but megaman's formula was very distinctive from run'n'gun games, while having gameplay you see in Megaman Zero was not that unique to go with by that point. I mentioned Castlevania off the top of my head because Rondo came out that same year.

>> No.7963135

This game gave us the dick shattering semen daemons known as Pallette and Layer so I'm glad the series didn't end with X5.

>> No.7963140


He doesn't even get that sword until the end you fucking retard.

>> No.7963292

Zero, not Mega Man, you brain-damaged shaved ape

>> No.7963715

X8 really wasn't that good

>> No.7964392

>Capcom told him it that making a new series with "megaman" on the title having the main character not be named megaman without any precedent would be fucking dumb
It wasn't even that. Inafune thought Zero's design was too radical to be accepted as the new Mega Man so he asked somebody else to design another protagonist closer to what would be expected from a "new Mega Man" before they pitched the game, while Zero would become a supporting a character.

>> No.7964397

>why did they stop making games after the last 5 were terrible

>> No.7964403

Zero was an alright character but the OC donusteel story Inafune made for him was so cringey that he's only really tolerable as a deuteragonist.

>> No.7964536
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Because enough is enough

>> No.7965082
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Red but the NES couldn't be bothered to have nicer shades for it

>> No.7965156

Aside from some unusual time signatures it's really basic sounding stuff.

>> No.7965158

Fun platformers. All a bit same-y, but in a good way. CD X3 was a bit of a step up, adding brief animated cutscenes.
All new graphical style, CD music, animated cutscenes with voice acting that made it feel like a big budget production. Gameplay still fun, but not as tight as X1-X3. While not the pinnacle of the series in terms of gameplay, it arguably has some of the most memorable aesthetics.
Like the bargain bin X4 - same graphic style, but worse music and cutscenes mostly reduced to slideshows. Blew their wad with X4.
Same as above. Only applies to Ebglush versions, but the translation was pretty shoddy for a series that actually had good translations since X1.
Decent enough gameplay compared to X7, but the graphics are meh compared to X-X6

The series just gradually ran out of steam after X4.