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7953729 No.7953729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Mfw the Official Nintendo Magazine UK used to refer in writing to the "Sega Sadturd" "Dreampants" "Phony Greystation" and "Greystation Poo"
>Mfw the writers used to tell people to send in photos of smashed up Playstations to get a reward

Was it like this everywhere or was this just British gaming "humour"?

>> No.7953734

>american confuses edgy with banter

>> No.7953736

Because calling people retarded for doing stupid shit was not taboo unlike today.

>> No.7953739

All of that sounds pretty based. What's the problem

>> No.7953741

i don't remember psx magazines being like that but the ps2 ones were, i guess the psx was so assuredly superior no one felt insecure but since the ps2, gc and xbox were all so similar it was a different situation, once got a magazine that came with stickers you can put on your friends consoles, changed my buddy's gamecube into a lamepube
i would assume he is british if he knows this shit

>> No.7953747

Lmao seething greystation owner

>> No.7953762

> Was it like this everywhere or was this just British gaming "humour"?

Our gaming magazines used to bash consolefags if they were PC-oriented and PCfags if they were console-oriented.
If a magazine was about both consoles and PC, the writers were dividing into two camps and bashed each other.
"Consoles vs. PC" war still going on to this day, although there is like 1 surviving gaming magazine left.

>> No.7953768

Oh, and there was one PC/console magazine which was pro-Nintendo to the max, used to praise every Mario game and shit on every Sonic game

>> No.7953796
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Joseph Shepherd is FED UP of Phony Greystation shills.

>> No.7953804

>Fony Greystation People
You know deep down in his heart he wanted to say "faggots"

>> No.7953808

"it's just banter" is the british equivalent of "why are you not laughing it's just a joke bro"

>> No.7953814

Banter =/= juvenile namecalling

>> No.7953818

Soft cunt grow a pair

>> No.7953820

A late 90s britfag would prefer to call them POOFTERS instead

>> No.7953827
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>> No.7953831

>Do the Japanese think we're stupid? Well we're NOT! (with the exception of Scousers and Boro supporters!)
Kek based

>> No.7953847

it was soul

>> No.7953874

>my brain is vast yet I need more information
I'm stealing this line

>> No.7953934
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A seal's best friend

>> No.7953941

chill bro it's just banter

>> No.7953975
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>for every Tekken we have Fighters Destiny

I had a subscription to this mag even though N64 Magazine was superior

>> No.7953979

I wonder if the N64 would have been in an overall better shape had the N64DD actually came out as expected instead of infinite delays

>> No.7953993

juvenile namecalling =/= edgy

>> No.7954001

Based. Fuck dogs, fuck nigdogs and fuck doggers.

>> No.7954010

Bong gaming magazines are so fucking cringe. Remember this is a country that actually defends their garbage celebrity tabloids.

>> No.7954012

It wasn't like this in the USA. You'd hardly even find a mention of the competition in any of the magazines dedicated to one system.

>> No.7954035

More like GAYstation heehee

>> No.7954036

You look at shit like the Daily Sport, and wonder, what the fuck is up with British journalism?

>> No.7954050

"Take it easy, it's just a joke" is a valid response to people overreacting to jokes.

The internet is meaningfully more aggro now, only the language is slightly tamed.

>> No.7954157

because it's fun and the market is 12 year old boys?

>> No.7954162

the british press is weird in that it's dominated by conservatives rather than libs like in the us, turns out that makes it even worse and you end up with weird shit like the fucking sun where on page 3 it'll be PHWOAR 18 YEAR OLD NIKKI'S BANGIN' NORKS and page 5 will be VILE NONCE SAVAGELY RAPES 17 YEAR OLD BY TAKING HER OUT TO DINNER

>> No.7954167

Dog steak is delicious

>> No.7954173

i want to try it but the west is such a pussy-verse that i can't even fucking get goat meat even from muslim shops

>> No.7954204

Are you a brit? If you come to the US on holiday you can get goat meat from Mexican restaurants. And Dog meat if you hang around asian communities, mainly Hmong. They eat it all the time. Had a Hmong GF for a while and her family would BBQ a mutt for special occasions

>> No.7954226

britfag but i live in a part of europe that somehow has even worse food than the uk, my gf's family lives in seattle so i do go to the us once in a while, will see if i can get goat from the mexican butchery in the ghetto next time i'm there lol, dunno if there's a hmong community there though, mostly japs and han in the asian district

>> No.7954239

"It's just a joke" only ever comes up as a defense mechanism when someone tries to say something stupid and nobody agrees with the person.

>> No.7954247
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I wonder where they all are now...

>> No.7954249

You should be able to get the goat in Seattle that's a foodie city. You will see it in the restaurants as birria de chivo tacos.

>> No.7954265


>> No.7954295

Would take Nicola and Tamsin out to poundtown after a few pints

>> No.7954312
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At least one guy gets it.

>> No.7954324

Yes. Taking power away from words.
Term of endearment here.
>soft little fag
What you are.

>> No.7954449


>> No.7954465

>Only Liverpudlians and Middlesbrough subhumans like Nintendo 64

This is the funniest thing I’ve ever read

>> No.7954473

>for every tekken we have fighters destiny

n64 bros we got too cocky

>> No.7954474

On their eternal quest to personally execute any motherfucker that owns a GreyStation or a HexBawk

>> No.7954482

Oi! Wot’s yer problum with tha North?

>> No.7954489

Nuthin guvna just ate scouse bastards n scumbag boro fans yakna wut a meen?

>> No.7954506

"ate the Norf

>> No.7954519

>they give him Wing Commander 4 instead of 3

>> No.7954534

It kinda does. Are you actually upset that they were edgy? I think it's neat. Kinda stupid, but neat none the less.

>> No.7954536
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Luv me Nintendoe sixteh fawr
Luv me Goldeneye
Luv me Marreo 64
Luv me Banjo
Ate Gaystation poofs
Ate Sadturn cunts
Ate Crash Bandehcoot
Ate Soneck thee 'Edgehog
Simple as, la.

>> No.7954549

I hate Crash Badehcoot too

>> No.7954589

>Reply to a post ending in 96
Trolling you softly

>> No.7954595

no, it comes up when sensitive faggots act like sensitive faggots

>> No.7954608

>This is what zoomers consider "edgy"
You would not have survived on this site ten years ago, kid.

>> No.7954610

How did they come up with greystation but not gaystation? Was gay not a common insult back then? Well, I guess brits used words like poof and fairy or some shit. But greystation is lame, it's just a description of the console's color?

>> No.7954618

Probably not. The DD format is still different from a CD and so devs would still get hung up on its failings over taking advantage of its benefits. And given the poor reliability of those kinds of drives (zip/ls120/jazz...) I'm going to say as retro enthusiasts we dodged a bullet there.

>> No.7954626

What the n64 really should have done was double down even harder on cartridges. Make a super 64 pak that's twice as big as the regular pak with a more advanced PCB for "expanded games".

>> No.7954630

the playstation brand wasn't gay yet. In fact it was pure heteronormative lad culture at launch in the UK. Calling it gay when you were promoting colorful nintendo childrens games would be perhaps stones thrown in glass houses.

>> No.7954641

Technically nintendo got fucked over with carts. Whereas CPUs, RAM and other general IC lithography was shrinking ever smaller to cram much more on for more power at the same price, due to a complete lack of demand (outside of nintendo) for ROMs no one was developing the technology to create cheap high capacity ROM chips. If there had been a company like Sandisk with a secondary market for mask roms like they did for NAND flash then we'd have had 1GB carts by the end of the console's lifespan rather than 64MB.

>> No.7954651

Eh, Nintendo wasn't a casual children brand either by that point. It's the end of the SNES era which still had plenty of mainstream 3rd party titles, and of the four launch titles mentioned in the magazine only the Mario game is bing bing wahoo, which even older players still loved then. Nintendo fans could get away with calling others gay until at least the gamecube launch.

>> No.7954653
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On the other hand, the UK Nintendo mag clearly was part of some kind of subtle marketing push from above to present the N64 and later the GCN as part of that very same lad culture, which is where the cringey and crude jokes in this thread came from. Going for a "Gaystation" insult would have probably been too edgy even for the late 90s but was absolutely in the ballpark of what NOM was doing.

Around 2006 the magazine relaunched with a new staff and ownership for the Wii era which was markedly more professional and dropped pretty much the entire tone and style from 1996-2005. Coinciding with the point where Nintendo as a whole said "fuck it" and just embraced the kiddy image and stopped fighting it.

>> No.7954661

yeah, that's what I was thinking, it seems like the technology around that time was heading more towards flash storage and I was wondering if something like CD quality audio could have been stored on a cart with something close to 1GB of storage.

>> No.7954696



lol, yeah. Really subtle.

>> No.7954749

Flash didn't take off until the 2000s, too late for Nintendo. Flash did exist towards the tail end of the N64's life but only in tiny capacities that spent more time pretending to be EEPROMs than trying to be new fancy tech. If you could have convinced manufacturers that flash was the future of storage a few years earlier then it's conceivable that by maybe '98 you could have had 256MB (2Gbit) cartridges using some kind of read only Flash style derivative. CD audio would have been possible, maybe more the PS1 style XA to save space. Hell, the N64 had enough CPU power to do MP3 if you had a good programmer. Better textures would probably have been a more interesting use though. You likely would still need a small 8MB mask ROM to boot the N64 off of and then some kind of interface chip to bridge the two technologies. But sadly by '98 there were only tentative steps to create floppy replacements in USB flash sticks.