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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 160 KB, 369x270, lttp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7953530 No.7953530 [Reply] [Original]

the great debate, is this the greatest game of all time?

>> No.7953531
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or is this the one

>> No.7953538
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Link’s Awakening > ALttP
Wind Waker > OoT

>> No.7953542
File: 480 KB, 600x800, 2CA05DDF-13D2-4659-B610-391AE6F9995E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zelda games
>"greatest of all time"
Clearly you missed out on pic related.

>> No.7953547

I personally prefer Oracle of Ages to ALTTP.

>> No.7953574

the GB/GBC games are miles better than ALTTP

>> No.7953578
File: 1.54 MB, 2444x2443, 1616453406505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's this one

>> No.7953580

have a (You) pleb-kun

>> No.7953584

Naming your character like this is low IQ humor.

>> No.7953585

>handheld games are miles better than
lol, no

>> No.7953619 [DELETED] 

if you say so tranny

>> No.7953623 [DELETED] 

Case in point.

>> No.7953627 [DELETED] 


>> No.7953628 [DELETED] 


>> No.7953636 [DELETED] 

Tranny game
Braindead furfaggot game

>> No.7953853

this one

>> No.7953986

Neither one is as good as Deus Ex, which to my knowledge is still a video game that happened within the timespan of "all time", but they're good games.

>> No.7954692
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My favourite name is Rapiest. I name all my characters that since I was a kid, because I thought it sounded cool like the sword.

>> No.7954701

Not even a top 5 zelda game

>> No.7954710

Not even in the top 20 SNES games.

>> No.7954713 [DELETED] 

Liked by trannies =/ tranny game.

>> No.7954805 [DELETED] 


you will never have sex

>> No.7954807 [DELETED] 

What's so good about sex?

>> No.7954814 [DELETED] 


>> No.7954816 [DELETED] 


>> No.7954820

lol fucking horrible game

>> No.7954826 [DELETED] 


>> No.7954827

LA > MC > OoA > ALttP > OoS > WW > OoT > BotW > MM > TP > FSA
-cutoff for being a good game-
2 > ST > PH > 1 > SS

>> No.7954864 [DELETED] 

Enjoy it :)

>> No.7954880 [DELETED] 


>> No.7954895 [DELETED] 


>> No.7954916 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7955069 [DELETED] 

It sounds good. But what is the point for it now?

>> No.7955083 [DELETED] 

You will never be an anime girl

>> No.7955443

both low IQ and high IQ. Only midwits take file name creation seriously

>> No.7955449 [DELETED] 

you will never be the sex you wish you are

>> No.7955457
File: 316 KB, 750x980, farts expansion pack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the SNES but this game is overrated imo, the music in particular is way too repetitive (same music for every dungeon, having to hear the orchestral zelda theme literally every time you go outside) and one of the few songs I actually liked (Kakariko) stopped playing like halfway through the game in favor of the fucking main theme.

>> No.7955462

Post a picture of your hands

>> No.7955469

I like the original loz for nes the best. It stands the test of time.

>> No.7955473

haha I played it on virtual console when I was a retarded 6 year old and never found the sword, I should play it again sometime, but unfortunately I'm a music autist and the NES is just too limited in that area for me.

>> No.7955480

I played it in the original NES gold cartridge when I was a retarded six year old. I still play it every now and then. Second quest is a bitch.

>> No.7955489

I don’t buy it. As a kid I used to rename characters after my friends or from books I liked at the time. Using naughty words is juvenile and has never actually been funny regardless of IQ.

>> No.7955497

If I can't name my character "Dr fucker" then I won't play the game.

>> No.7955505

The music is really good in legend of Zelda for nes. Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.7955516

played it for the first time last year, now i really wish i had it when i was a kid. only had zelda 2 and even as a child with no standards i couldnt enjoy that turd.

>> No.7955553

My sis and I would play contra, loz, bayou Billy, double dragon, battletoads, mega man, fucking gay top gun, and anything our local movie rental place had in stock. I miss renting video games.

>> No.7955557

I hate sports games, but double dribble, blades of ice were pretty sweet too. You could hit people.

>> No.7955576
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This, it amazes me that there's even so many people that think it's the best game on the SNES when you've got stuff like Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger, FFVI etc.

>> No.7955580

I thought that game sucked. I still don't get what the hype is. But just don't get it.

>> No.7955582

I'd rather play castlevania, or ninja gaiden

>> No.7955601

I mean the hardware itself, it's not really zelda's fault but the chiptunes all start to sound samey if that makes any sense. I mostly play SNES and PSX games which have fantastic sound quality.

>> No.7955603

You mean SM? The default controls are a bit awkward and honestly I never fully accepted them as being all that comfortable, but the real star of the show are the environments, monster designs and OST.

Stuff like this is why it's one of my all-time favorites:

>> No.7955606
File: 125 KB, 600x800, Ultima 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some believe Zelda to be the greatest game series of all time.
>Some know better.

>> No.7955617

Link to the past is the platonic ideal of video game

>> No.7955725

It was outdone by the Gameboy games.

>> No.7955979

Most overrated game of all time

>> No.7956112

I guess you could say the same for SMW then

>> No.7956115
File: 66 KB, 360x512, 39987DD2-9B63-4375-ACAA-FBE77301905A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bow before your god

>> No.7956131


>> No.7956229

It’s not even a top5 Zelda, OP. Here’s the truth


>> No.7956237

No, Zelda II is better.

>> No.7956242

No, you stupid faggot. 1 + 2 are the ONLY good ones. ALttP is probably 3rd but still trash.

>> No.7956245

>Blades of Ice
It’s called Blades of Steel, you fucking idiot.

>> No.7956326

botw is not the greatest zelda, though i like how you include la and z1, they shouldn't be written off just because they're old

>> No.7956328
File: 53 KB, 539x356, metroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go bro

>> No.7956330

did you know that the opening music was a rendition of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r30D3SW4OVw but they ran into copyright issues with them wanting to release the game as a launch title? dude threw together zelda's iconic music overnight !

>> No.7956347

but, it wasnt a launch title

>> No.7956363

was it really not? it must have been released close, otherwise they wouldn't have gone through the effort to make the zelda title music, they could have just wanted another month for the copyright on bolero to end

>> No.7957230

Absolutely this. It gets praised to hell and back for minimal reasons.

>> No.7957236

Ocarina is best. Link to the Past is pretty darn fantastic

>> No.7957237

IMO it deserves the praise. I think people forget or don’t realize just how early ALttP came out in the SNES’ life cycle. It was released in 1991 in Japan and 1992 in North America.

>> No.7957286

The best Zelda game was unironically Zelda 2. This is not a joke.

Zelda 2 was insanely ahead of its time. It had an XP system. It had a magic system and MP. It had leveling. It had unlockable moves and items. It had an open world. It had random encounters. It had plenty of side quests. Amazingly, all of this was done in a 2D side scroller. Holy shit.

Zelda 2 was only hated because the difficulty was decently high (though dumbass casuals never bothered to cast the Shield spell, which halves damage and is basically free, or Life to heal). You also need to do all the side quests, get all the magic, and actually use it. The game was also released before RPG-style "leveling" was understood by everyone, so lots of players failed to grasp the XP system correctly. This made the game harder than it had to be. But Zelda 2 was an absolute fucking masterpiece.

>> No.7957291
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no it's not even in the top 100

this isn't 1993 lmao

>> No.7957293
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>> No.7957302
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>ahead of its time. It had an XP system

>> No.7957303
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>> No.7957305

>Zelda 2 was only hated because the difficulty was decently high
The game is just fucking bland as hell, everywhere you go is boring... I'd rather play metroid 1 because at least that game has some cool music when you go deep.

>> No.7957308

Final fantasy is a much better game than Zelda II and the world is much more fun to explore. That's despite the shitty turn based mechanics.

>> No.7957314

Why are they resurrecting every shitty 1 off retro game now

just let it beee jezuz

>> No.7957318

the Toki reboot is pretty damn good though

>> No.7957319

but why

nobody even knows the property, they could just make something original and it wouldn't lose them any money

>> No.7957405

Just got to the Dark World. When does it get good?

>> No.7957525

Incredibly fucking based anon. While I disagree with Zelda 2 being the best, it's definitely top 5 for me.

>> No.7957546

Because one autist had a dream and saw it through to the end. It wasn't about the money. Zelda is about money. Toki is about soul.

>> No.7957558

Kill yourself

>> No.7957569

I kneel Anon kun

>> No.7957646

I don't understand the subtitle. "A
Link to the Past". What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.7957745
File: 149 KB, 220x307, 220px-Alien_Soldier_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is better than Gunstar Heroes and is easily my favourite Megadrive/Genesis game. I don't see how retards say "trashure" when this is a work of art. Have you fags even played it?

>> No.7958008

Game is pretty kino but it does ask a bit much of the player with the controls and the absolutely ball busting difficulty

>> No.7958194

The second greatest, I believe the official list goes like this:

1. Deus Ex
2. A Link to the Past
3. Mega Man 2

>> No.7959427

This guy gets it. LA, I dare say, is the GOAT Zelda game.

>> No.7959491

1 = 2 = ALttP = LA = OoT = MM = WW > TP >> PH > MC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SS

>> No.7959506

>but the chiptunes all start to sound samey if that makes any sense


>> No.7960579

>I mostly play SNES and PSX games which have fantastic sound quality.
I mostly play NES games which have even better sound quality

>> No.7961175

SNES music is way more samey than NES music

>> No.7961234
File: 261 KB, 800x1136, 16093-super-mario-bros-3-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No game has ever topped this one as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.7961445
File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, nobuoplaying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chiptunes all start to sound samey if that makes any sense
It does, but it doesn't mean I respect your opinion. It means you only care about the "sound" of the music and have no appreciation for its content.
Many such cases.

>> No.7961448

No that would be >>7953531
But alttp could have been a lot better.
Imagine a version of ALTTP with more freedom to explore and complete the game in a different order, and a world map that was twice as wide as what we got (ideally a similar ratio a the original LoZ). That would have been a lot better.

>> No.7961606

>imagine more of good game
sounds good

>> No.7961769

not even in MY top 20 games. I finished this game when I was 7 years old and replayed it fully once or twice again. haven't touched in 20 years or so

>> No.7961818

>It had an XP system. It had leveling. It had random encounters.

These are all objectively bad traits

>> No.7961830

>two steps to the right, level ends
>but it's full of secrets and secret passages

yeah nah give me a challenging and satisfying level design, this is shit

>> No.7963638

can't be. bought it on my 3ds when i was 13 and i got bored of it pretty easily.

>> No.7963685
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>> No.7963691


>captcha: W0K80

>> No.7963717


>> No.7963782
File: 53 KB, 300x464, 300px-MiyamotoSW97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haven't Played:
>Triforce Heroes
>Cadence of Hyrule
>PH & ST
>Crossbow training
>CDI games
>BS games
>Tetra game
>Tingle games

>> No.7963786

I prefer OoT and MM. Every time I try to play through ALttP I get bored when you first switch dimensions and stop playing.

>> No.7963791

Based and Correctpilled

>> No.7964384

It was a launch title for the Famicom Disk System, but not the NES.

>> No.7964771

Why are there so many Mario characters in Link's Awakening?

>> No.7964773

Probably just the devs having fun. There were no set guidelines or autistic lore back then that they had to follow.

>> No.7964776

nobody has this debate because these games are shit. zelda 1 is better than a link to the past and majora is better than ocarina. plus zelda sucks

>> No.7965095

Because it's a dream.

>> No.7965135

that is true, Wart is even in there

>> No.7965456

So I recently played ALTTP in a couple sittings on the switch. I had dropped in here and there over the past 20 years or so but never played it to completetion in a reasonable amount of time.

What I will say is that it was better than I remembered/expected as a total experience. However, I’d say it was a little soulless in the feel, especially the dark world. Running through dungeon after dungeon it felt
Like the dark world wasn’t that big of a part of the game really even though the majority of the dungeons reside there. I’d say at least half if not 3/4 of the dungeons are forgettable and repetitive while the last quarter are fantastic.

Given the time of release, the technology of the time, and the story in its entirety I’d say this is a masterpiece at the end of the day.

However, for me it probably goes OoT, LA, and then ALTP.

OOT was just so revolutionary in every way and added so much we had never seen before in the genre just in the basic gameplay and story, let alone all the side stuff and engaging activities (fishing, horse racing etc.)

>> No.7965459

Ocarina is better.

>> No.7965461

>it was a little soulless in the feel, especially the dark world
the dark world is possibly the most amount of soul the game has
the only way that the entire other overworld fit on the cartridge was through using a clever pallete swap technique

>> No.7965612


Also how does the comfort of the micro compare to the original gba or the sp? Never used it because it looked gay

>> No.7965617

imagine not being white...

>> No.7965621

thats a pretty wierd way to say you like taking it up the ass by your wifes boyfriend

>> No.7965726

Maybe that’s why I felt the lack of soul as opposed to a legitamite different world

For me, a populated world is what gives the feeling of being depth and soul. The burnt out buildings in the village and the few remaining NPC’s do a great job of capturing the feel of the desolate world Ganon created but it felt lonely and cold. But I guess that was the point

Playing on the switch you have the save-state feature which is the only way I would ever have time to play these games anymore. Makes boss battles much quicker. So maybe in playing without the save states you appreciate it more but by the end of it I wasn’t blown away with nostalgia, but I also wasn’t bored or disengaged

>> No.7966047

>not even in MY top 20 games
Wow, really? And you have really low standards. Surprising

>> No.7966049

Don't insult ALttP like this

>> No.7966926
File: 482 KB, 586x423, ZeldaOcarina_1998MiyamotoInterview_protoCart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'know what anon, you're right. revised to MC=ALBW down a place.

>> No.7968583
File: 143 KB, 723x666, 1626713851506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third post best post.

>> No.7968585

Go away, SIGSEGV.

>> No.7968638

>retards say "trashure"
you mean australia troon?

>> No.7968704

reggie playing zelda with miya, wholesome :)

>> No.7968731
File: 86 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the best on the system.

>> No.7968742

Cringe. I bet you think prank shows are funny.

>> No.7968756

Awful opinion fuck you

>> No.7968783

da fuck do you know about me? you dont know SHIT

>> No.7968842

No. It's boring.

>> No.7969934
File: 1.86 MB, 1000x1132, 1552924128539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes it is.

>> No.7971606
File: 56 KB, 370x270, Chrono_Trigger (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know what the best game ever made is (pic related). Where are my Chrono chads at?

>> No.7972535

I don't understand how there are adults out there who still hold this game up as the greatest ever.

It's easy, short, and simple with not much real depth or challenge in combat or anything else, and the atmosphere and presentation is really barebones compared to later Zelda titles. Don't get me wrong I loved it as a kid and was obsessed with it, and I understand both that nostalgia is a powerful thing and that the game was hugely groundbreaking on release, but I just feel there's not THAT much reason to return to it as an adult. If you want top down combat and exploration, Ys Oath in Felghana has incredible combat in a faster paced mold. If you want puzzles and atmosphere and story, Alundra is way more intense. etc.

Like I dunno it's a decent little game but today that's all it is.

>> No.7972718

I unironically agree with a lot of your points but I wouldn’t call it a masterpiece. It’s areas are pretty bland, the overworld blows, and it can be a little too cryptic for its own good.

I’d love to see another Zelda made in the same form as this one though. I think there’s a lot of potential in Zelda 2 that could be fully realized today.

>> No.7972750

based Chrono bros

>> No.7972807

>Zelda 2 was only hated because the difficulty was decently high (though dumbass casuals never bothered to cast the Shield spell, which halves damage and is basically free, or Life to heal)
People who didn't like Zelda 2 were filtered way before that. Most were likely filtered by the dark caves. The experience goes something like this:
> loves Zelda 1, rents Zelda 2 one day
> start game, get dropped into the world
> start exploring the overworld
> fight some monsters, figure out the road/off-road mechanic and side-scrolling gameplay (cool idea!)
> visit the town, talk to some people. leave.
> want to go find a dungeon because grinding overworld randoms is simple and boring and there's nothing to do in town.
> find a cave
> its dark, OK maybe I'm not supposed to come here yet
> go find another cave
> its also dark I can't see anything, enemies attack me and there are pits in the floor
> ok whatever, this is annoying
> (shuts off game, returns the rental and never plays it again)
This is just not a great way to start the game. Sure, the dark cave you have to go through to progress only has one enemy in it. And maybe there's a townsperson who hints that's what you're supposed to do (I forget). Making this the FIRST real challenge you have to overcome, before you've had a chance to get hooked on the fun aspects of the game, is not up to Nintendo's typical design standards.

>> No.7973625

Kirby too, lol

>> No.7973672

Holy fucking based SA2chad

>> No.7974162

correct series but wrong game. The best game of all times is Zelda Majora Mask, followed by Donkey Kong Country 2 and Kirby Super Star.

>> No.7974172

This game fucking sucks. I don't care it's the truth.

>> No.7974552

ALTTP beats all these games, Alundra is basically a shitty Landstalker.
Oath of Felghana is not even that fun, I like the original Ys 3 better and Ys 6 has a better story.
2 D dungeon Alttp is pretty king unless you count the 2 GB Zelda games as a whole game, they are very good too.

>> No.7974559

I've been gaming for almost three decades. I've played Zelda. It's good. I never got the feeling that they were the best games ever. They don't have the best combat. they don't have amazing level design. The dungeons are good. Puzzles fine. The story is fine. Music is great. Most of them of fine games. Greatest ever out of all the video games ever made? I don't see it like that at all. What makes these games special?

>> No.7974628

>Alundra is basically a shitty Landstalker.

It has story and atmosphere though. Mood. Also the puzzles are actually challenging whereas most of Link to the Past is "oops I spent 10 extra minutes in the ice palace because I forgot to check under that one pot for a key". Not to mention most of the dungeons in attlp can be cleared in like 10 minutes if your not a child.

>Oath of Felghana is not even that fun

It's straight up one of the best "action" games ever made. Platforming, hack and slash, and bullet hell all in one. I honestly prefer it over stuff like Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden.

If you actually think Link to The Pasts combat where you bounce off of enemies when you hit them like your in a bouncy castle swinging balloon swords at eachother is better than even the most average of action rpg's let alone the best of the genre than your a retard.

>> No.7974645
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>> No.7974646
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found the red dit orc worshipper

>> No.7974650
File: 27 KB, 680x233, redditfags1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey everyone. We are speaking to a High IQ free thinking red dit tor here.

>> No.7974847

> I've played Zelda.
Which ones?
> Why special?
The general answer is that they don't do anything wrong and are playable by anyone. They do a lot of things good and nothing bad. Usually, the worst major criticism you can level against them is that they could be deeper and more challenging, but even so they are never shallow or trivial. Other games might do something better along one dimension, but with an unbalanced result. Even with Ocarina, my harsh criticisms here are focus heavily on child Link and depend on subjectively preferring more combat and less futzing around talking to NPCs and playing stupid minigames. If you like that shit I find boring as fuck, Ocarina delivers.

>They don't have the best combat.
But it's usually really good. I seriously doubt you can find a game with top-down sword/shield combat on the SNES that is undeniably better than ALTTP. At best you'll find something in the same tier or something that leans more toward being ARPG combat (IE rewards decision-making or stat-grinding more than action). I haven't played every top-down 16-bit game but I've played the Quintet and Square ARPGs. They are good but not better than ALTTP. ALTTP's biggest issue is that Ether is OP.

For Ocarina of course I'd say I think Demon Souls blows it out of the water combat-wise, but that came 2 generations later. I shit on Ocarina every chance I get but can't deny that its combat was pretty good for 1998.

> they don't have amazing level design.
They do have really good level design, though. The original NES Zelda has GOAT-tier level design, especially when you count both quests and consider how limited they were as far as shit like boss battles. ALTTP's levels are also great, they're just enough of a maze to make you pay attention and not feel like you're just walking in a boring straight line from A to B (you might even get stuck in a few), without feeling like a "puzzle." Also most of them aren't overly-focused on one gimmick.

>> No.7974912

>Greatest ever out of all the video games ever made?
I'm not one to bestow that title and if I did I probably wouldn't give it to any Zelda except possibly the original NES one.

But I think the reason why you see this sentiment often is that Zelda manages to straddle multiple genres and deliver on the fundamentals in a way that makes them both very broadly appealing and very satisfying to play, on average, without ever leaving a bad taste.

Zeldas are kind of like RPGs in the way you explore a world, but not quite. They are structured much more like adventure games, with items you find being puzzle pieces more than objects in a simulated world. Yet they're also not just Adventure games or Puzzle games because there's a lot of combat. You also get long-term character progression while, the gameplay focus and combat remains on the action and adventure (not the roleplaying mechanics). You always have an interesting selection of physics and gameplay mechanics to explore, weapons and items that do a variety of neat things. It's a fantasy, meaning it appeals to escapism and isn't hampered by any kind of ties to reality (like say, a GTA game).

A Zelda-like game is hard to pull off. They are hard to design and implement well. Almost always, what happens is that you focus on doing one thing much better and targeting the audience that wants that thing better. For example the Souls series does Zelda-style combat way better than Zelda and appeals to people who want a darker atmosphere, but doesn't do the puzzle stuff and isn't as kid-friendly tone. Some other game might focus on doing the puzzles better, but fail at something else. Puzzles are over-rated for action-adventure games anyway. The puzzles are there to give you a reason to pay attention to the environment and give more meaning to exploration. Exceptionally clever puzzles that are really hard to solve isn't why most people play Zelda in the first place.

>> No.7974945

>But I think the reason why you see this sentiment often is that Zelda manages to straddle multiple genres and deliver on the fundamentals in a way that makes them both very broadly appealing and very satisfying to play, on average, without ever leaving a bad taste.

There's another factor: and that's that what you just described is particularly appealing for YOUNG gamers and kids.

As I've gotten older, I've WANTED more "extreme" games that focus on on specific thing more and more. But as a kid it's a big intro to games as a whole.

>> No.7976258


>> No.7976285

It's a good game, probably the first game I remember playing as a kid, and I've beat it 9 or 10 times, but it isn't even in my top 20. It's well crafted and fun, but doesn't butter my parsnips.

>> No.7976293

I played sm once and that was probably when I was 23 or something. I played zero mission before and I didn't had any expectations. So I started znes, I plugged in my ps3 controller, room was dark. Game boot and for a instance when the main menu was shown, I felt like I was back beeing a 6-8 year old, sitting on the floor in my room, having my (ps1/ps2) connected to the tv and playing games again.
I beat it never played it afterwards and I still think of it of one of the best games I ever played.
(never had a snes, n64 etc.)

>> No.7977065

Not even close, it isn't the best game released for the SNES that year, let alone ever. In fact, it's one of those games that baffle me how acclaimed they are