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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7944978 No.7944978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

boy i sure love killing the same 5 enemies with the same 5 guns over and over again

>> No.7944980

I never got the appeal either. Quake is all about the deathmatch.

>> No.7944989

Not only that, but the same 5 enemies that each take 5 super shotgun rounds to kill, just to make your 5 weapons feel weak as shit.

>> No.7945013


>> No.7945031

>not judging a retro FPS by the time it came out in
You can shit on any retro FPS.
Wolfenstein 3D? Yay, same three guns, same three enemies, level after level of looking for the keys to get to an elevator. All bosses are bullet sponges defeated by glitching them around corners or abusing a health/ammo stash,
Doom? Space marine that can't jump 8 inches runs around grainy locations. Find key, find elevator, repeat. Wolf 3D with faked elevations that don't matter since you don't aim up or down anyways.
Duke Nukem 3D? First person platforming in fake skewed perspective 3D, chock full of trial and error gameplay moments where something explodes or falls suddenly and you die if you were in the wrong spot or not expecting it.
Unreal? Slowly exploring massive empty worlds full of nothing of value looking for the next place to go.
Goldeneye 007? Empty levels with setpieces, brain-dead AI, and slowdown in singleplayer, and tiny levels with 10 frame per second gameplay in multiplayer.

Go be a faggot somewhere else OP.

>> No.7945053

Yeah but PCfags on this board act like Quake was this revolutionary leap in FPS gaming. It’s just the same id gameplay but with polygons. Not even close to the same thing as seeing Mario 64 for the first time.

>> No.7945063 [SPOILER] 
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boy i sure love killing the same 1 enemies with the same 1 guns over and over again

>> No.7945082

Quake is still one of the best playing, best feeling FPS ever.
You can tell Romero really cared about the "feel" of his games.
It's a shame id was sabotaged from the inside by Tim Willits during development.
Both Quake 2 and Doom 3 feel like ass to play. I'm not sure what stars aligned for Quake 3 to feel as good as it does.

>> No.7945090

>It’s just the same id gameplay but with polygons.
It was like every other FPS at the time in that regard, but it was more than just 3D. It also had movement tricks like bunny hopping and rocket jumping. Single player was basic, but the multiplayer was an entirely new FPS experience. No more was using corners to your advantage and map knowledge the two main skills in a FPS deathmatch. Now you needed movement skills as well. Movement skills would go on to play a role in Unreal Tournament(how many servers had the teleporter banned since pros would dominate with it?), TFC(which was a Quake mod), and Counter Strike. Movement skills play a large role in many modern FPS games as well.

I find it funny you try to claim it wasn't revolutionary when it was the first real 3D FPS that pioneered game mechanics that would still be copied to this day. Again, go be a faggot somewhere else. Make a thread about something you actually like instead of a thread whining about something you don't.

>> No.7945093

All of those games are overrated as fuck though, just like Quake.

>> No.7945097

Alf tranny thread.

>> No.7945101

Multiplayer I’ll give you. The single player is nothing special beyond the heavy metal inspired setting.

>> No.7945117

>All of those games are overrated as fuck though
>not judging a retro FPS by the time it came out in
You're still a retard who's trying to judge a retro FPS by modern standards, or against games that came out years later.

>> No.7945152

BBBASED. Boring ass gray game that is literally BTFO by earlier games like Duke

>> No.7945159

>not judging a retro FPS by the time it came out in
System Shock shits on every single one of them with its gameplay variety.

>> No.7945162


>> No.7945168

Fuck you, just fuck you. Quake 1 is the best game ever

>> No.7945169

>best feeling FPS ever
The gunplay feels pretty weak.

>> No.7945175

>Yeah but PCfags on this board act like Quake was this revolutionary leap in FPS gaming. I
except it fucking was.

>> No.7945178

Kys OP, worthless zoomie parasite.

>> No.7945180

Not particularly, at least the single player. The multiplayer was and still is fun.

>> No.7945187

it was the first time 3D level design was used to this level.
The ennemies had projectiles that worked in a very specific way (grenade launchers)
the use of water.
How the traps were design (especially compared to Doom)
The movements.

Again, to this day, fps games take notes (and line code) from Quake.

>> No.7945189

It was a revolutionary leap in the video game 3D graphics technology, but as an FPS game it wasn't a leap.