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File: 69 KB, 1200x652, 1200px-NES-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7941413 No.7941413 [Reply] [Original]

Age Verification: When the SNES came out, what did people start referring to this console as in conversation?

>> No.7941416

It was always "The Nintendo"

>> No.7941420

Phantom System.

>> No.7941421

Super Nintendo

>> No.7941424

It says what it is right on the controller

>> No.7941429

My tech illiterate boomer parents called it a "regular Nintendo"

>> No.7941467

The poor kid's toy

>> No.7941470

Original Nintendo

>> No.7941472

It was always the NES or just "Nintendo."

>> No.7941474


>> No.7941479

That's it.
Also acceptable

>> No.7941501

People called the "the Original Nintendo" when I was a kid.

>> No.7941504

This is what I remember. Just like PlayStation was PSX until the PS2 came along. No one remembers PStwo though.

>> No.7941509

"Stop talking about your intendo and eat your dinner or you won't get dessert"

>> No.7941743

You have to be at least 18 to post, not at least 50.

>> No.7941752

My family and friends called it "the regular Nintendo" because the newer one was Super.

>> No.7941763

It's been confirmed that the correct spelling is "Ness".

>> No.7941765


>> No.7941767

Fpbp. Its name has never changed.

>PlayStation was PSX until the PS2 came along
In spoken conversation it was always the PlayStation

>> No.7941774

We called it "Vieux Nintendo", which means "old Nintendo".

>> No.7941784

>In spoken conversation it was always the PlayStation
Same here. It was only "PSX" when you scribbled it on the side of the box it was in or on burned game discs. You gotta differentiate between version yknow.

>> No.7941860

the gray ghost, the spruce caboose, the old miss, the old man

>> No.7941861

The old/regular Nintendo.

>> No.7941863

>nintendo paddles
>nintendo tapes
>tune it to the nintendo channel

>> No.7941864

super nintendo

>> No.7941880

the old/first Nintendo

>> No.7941884

I also called it the "start select b a"

>> No.7941886

Control Deck.

>> No.7942259

"Old Nintendo" or "Original Nintendo". Now that I put some thought into it, I think calling it the "Ness" is sort of a last 10 or 15 years thing for me. Post PS/DC emulation discs. I honestly cant remember. I know Video And Arcade Top 10 had some stupid name for it I forget, ACTUALLY as I type this I think Nicolas Picklious was calling the SNES the "Snah Ess" and we all thought he was stupid so never called it that lol. PJ Fresh Phil was the true main host of Video Arcade Top 10.

Anyway I don't remember :|

>> No.7942317

t. born in 86kh8jk

>> No.7942368


>> No.7942526

The nigtendo sixty-poor

>> No.7942542

My brother's console

>> No.7942572
File: 7 KB, 590x322, 1591212773238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what did people start referring to this console as in conversation?
>as in conversation
Do ESLs really?

>> No.7942578
File: 28 KB, 480x463, 1623727284804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard that I sucks cocks. DON'T (you) ME!

>> No.7942594

Super Nintendo

>> No.7942779

The 'cheap TMNT bundle'.

>> No.7942804

kek brit foggy confirmed. enjoy your teenage mutant hero turtles

>> No.7943325
File: 1.22 MB, 1019x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start select


>> No.7943334

We called it Regular Nintendo

>> No.7943340

We got a Sega, so it was called "The Nintendo" in our house.

>> No.7943353

Regular Nintendo.

>> No.7943362

Unsuper Nintendo Power Sega System Base

>> No.7943803

regular Nintendo, we called the SNES "the Super" and Nintendo 64 "the 64"

>> No.7943807

It was a Nintendo and it didn't change where I was. This kind of thing is always regional though so OP is still dumb.

>> No.7943825

No it was “regular Nintendo”.

>> No.7943837

My dad called it the "Sega Nintendo"

>> No.7943853

Based father doing this to push a 10 year old autist's buttons for laughs despite absolutely knowing the names of both consoles.

>> No.7943950

"Nintendo" or "Regular Nintendo"

>> No.7944262
File: 208 KB, 1024x768, Garage_Junk_Sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sold it to your poor friends then laughed at them for having a shit system.

>> No.7944290

SNES or NES? Your pic shows one, your text says another. Anyway, where I live:

NES = "Nintendo", but there were also many clones, each one with a name. However, people nicknamed it "little Nintendo" after the SNES came out, to avoid confusion.

SNES = "Super Nintendo", almost always, even nowadays, when spoken, not written. Very few people called it "Super NES" too.