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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 51 KB, 640x445, Shadows-of-the-empire-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
794252 No.794252 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Stuff from games that scared the shit out of you as a kid. Bonus if non-horror games.

This game was really fucking freaky for 10 year old me.
>Dem Yetis
>Dat depressing level where you jumped on trains
>Dat creepy robot boss that stalks you and makes scary noises

>> No.794259
File: 97 KB, 1417x1417, heretic_cdobal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saberclaws attacking from shadoes, iron liches, maulotars, that fuckign music...

Awesome game tis one

>> No.794274

>calling wampas 'yeti'

do you even Star Wars?

>> No.794290
File: 348 KB, 1024x768, tr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.794346

a shark boss in a mickey and donald game
the sound as it approached...

the skeleton swordwielder in original prince of persia (dungeon 3?)

welcome to the machine, ecco the dolphin
no bonus: eternal darkness, the mansion. half your staff was possessed. fucking hell

>> No.794645


>calling wampas "yetis"
>calling a dianoga a squid

Get the fuck out.

>> No.794903
File: 98 KB, 640x893, alteredbeastsms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your own death scream in Altered Beast SMS.

Scared the shit outta me when I was 4.

>> No.794915



>> No.794921


That looks like LSD, but I don't remember that area.

>> No.794928

2001: a space odyssey: the game

>> No.794937

i don't understand why this game is praised in any sense, it's fucking awful, the gameplay, graphic, frustratingly hard everything... and also it's kinda gay.

>> No.794938

the level in supermario 64 where theres those plants with mouths that want to eat you gave me recurring nightmares for years

>> No.794943

Fuck off.

Tomb Raider 2, the butler in the tutorial area (Lara's Mansion) just follows you around endlessly unless you lock him in the freezer, making groaning sounds and banging plates around.

>> No.794946

>eternal darkness


>> No.794997

Space station and Tawfret from Jet Force Gemini. Made me run back to the ship countless times.

>> No.795049

A little after Half Life came out, and I was a kid, I had a demo install of it (remember those?)
I liked playing around with it, listening to what the guard dude and the scientist were saying (without really understanding anything, I didn't into english yet back then), gazing at the ZOMG 3D GRAFIX and stuff...
But I did never NEVER venture into the gaming experience itself, as in going through that corridor that lead to the rest of the level where the enemies started appearing, because I was pants-shittingly scared of the headcrabs, and just the thought of facing one of them terrified me to my soul.
I spent some time with that psychological blocking of mine, and I remember it spilled into other games too, like Gunman Chronicles, I always thought there would be some terrible monster ahead and it would kill me.

Weird thing is, now I recall I used to play Doom II normally a couple of years before.

>> No.796054


So underage it hurts, get out and never return

>> No.796059


It was never praised, and was considered fucking awful for a long time. It was just fairly ubiquitous because it came with many Megadrives on a 3 in 1 cart I think

>> No.796076
File: 103 KB, 320x320, 1424592-bk_snacker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.796083

Everything about SM64.

>> No.796121

star wars shadows of the empire definitely was creepy as fuck for some reason

i always thought so anyway, then one day my 6 y/o cousin came around and wanted me to stop playing it because it was too scary LOL

there was definitely some weird aura to that game...

>> No.796129


It took me years to finish that sewer level. The amount of scary shit in that level was astounding. I remember shutting down the game the first time I got to the boss. Holy fuck that thing was horrifying back then

>> No.796134

Shadows of the Empire really captured what I used to love about Star Wars. The universe, despite being all sci fi and what not, was incredibly hostile and scary. All the tech, while advanced, was rugged and dirty looking. Being stalked in a huge disgusting junkyard by IG-88 (who looked like he himself was scrapped together by misc. parts) was an absolute nightmare. Then episodes 1 2 and 3 rolled around and we realized Lucas created this atmosphere by complete accident.

>> No.796148

God I miss the early 90s Star Wars universe. I'm slowly collecting every book from that era.

>> No.796162

recommended listening while browsing this thread:


>> No.796179

That game was just creepy as fuck.

>> No.796193


amazing game, a lot harder than many n64 games too

>> No.796237

>Disney's Aladdin (SNES)
>2nd cave stage
>finish stage
>hey there's the genies lamp! cool!
>Abu grabs gem
>everything turns red

Fuck that sequence. once the game froze on me there and it scared the shit out of me.

>> No.796251

>Majora's Mask
>everything about it

>> No.796265
File: 301 KB, 430x320, ig88.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The IG-88 fight frightens me to this day.

>> No.796271

>I'm slowly collecting every book from that era.
Hurry up about it. Disney is putting all of them out of print. They may or may not be shutting down the entire book division for things that aren't focused on movie era characters.

They buy Marvel and Star Wars, but they don't rerelease Marvel Star Wars? What kind of Jews are running Disney?

>> No.796279
File: 16 KB, 227x248, Sinistar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.796303

This scared the shit out of my little brother when he was young. I fucking love that game.

>> No.796323

fuck that fucking boss. I never did get past it.

>> No.796995

Oh I find all of then second hand. I haven't paid more then $1 for any of them. There's this awesome bookstore called half price books in my town that always gets them on clearance.

>> No.797007
File: 50 KB, 1072x624, tt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised this mother fucker isn't here.
>Scariest part of my childhood.

>> No.797013


>> No.797032

The eel was scarier

>> No.797036

More like because it was the original pack-in game for the Genesis/Mega Drive, only to be replaced by Sonic.

It was a pretty good example of a pack-in game though, it showed the power of the Genesis/Mega Drive, and showed just how much better it was than the NES, bringing a port of an arcade game that at the very least, looked just like the arcade version.

>> No.797041

>in a haunted house
>Not expecting it to be haunted in some way, shape or form


>> No.798259

the ghosts in Sandopolis Zone

unkillable enemies that chase you always scared me