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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7941318 No.7941318 [Reply] [Original]

whoever was involved in this, both the seller and buyer, are total perverts.

>> No.7941334

Wata is cancer

>> No.7941412

The entire idea behind game collecting and grading makes no sense. For things like antiques or cards, they're considered valuable because there is a low amount of them to begin with, and ones in pristine quality exist in the single digits. There are countless copies of Mario 64, and as long as it functions well enough to boot the game the experience is exactly the same as any other copy.
This is literally a fake industry and/or money laundering

>> No.7941423

Money laundering art collector scam. Oldest trick in the book.

>> No.7941431

Definitely fishy, or new money who doesn't know what they're doing. The game was common enough and still new enough that it is in the realm of finding shipping boxes full of sealed copies. This isn't like Action Comics #1 where that will never happen.

>> No.7941458

It’s worth playing not worth owning.

>> No.7941476

Imagine not knowing how money laundering works in 2021

>> No.7941493
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"Yeah dude, it's fun getting into older games. Pretty cheap too if you know where to look!"
"Retro games are really cool and all, but it can get pretty expensive sometimes. I don't know why they want over a hundred bucks for Earthbound but whatever, I can just hack my Wii and put it on there. Won't be the same but hey it's good enough."
"As far as I'm concerned at this point, money launderers, scalpers, resellers, speculators, and coomlectors everywhere can get on their knees and suck my dick. Pic-related."

>> No.7941543

It's more of a shame for people who got into collecting and have had it coopted by these types of people. Fortunately it seems like the turbo spike is primarily affecting sealed games to this point, with most boxed games still at least semi-manageable on a case by case basis.

>> No.7941581
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Not only did I just save you all 1.5 million dollars, but I shipped it to you instantly, in a form that is easily reproducible and portable with original quality; far better than can be observed than a printed copy on some cardboard sealed in a hunk of acrylic that isn't even oriented correctly.
The game is equally playable too, which is to say not at all.

t. The man who saved the Mario boxart community

>> No.7941586

>"original quality"
>it's missing the ESRB rating and Nintendo 64 logos

>> No.7941587
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>imgur ruins the image quality worse than twitter
fucking how

>> No.7941596
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hello friend

>> No.7941601

Stupid argument, why would you even bother with this when it wasn't the real deal?

WATA is still a bunch of disgusting fart sniffers and the retards funding this nightmare are a blight on game collecting, worthless scum "investors" who just jump into cheap hobbies to try and scam a buck off of people. That said, the notion that "you can just print a new one off" is as retarded as saying that for any fucking collectible. Do you just print money too, cuz "it looks the same" ?

>> No.7941613

The notion of collectables is what's retarded. Yes in fact its worth is invalidated by the fact I can reproduce a 1:1 copy that is indistinguishable from the original.
We're talking about game box art, not money so the analogy is ignored.
What's worse is that we're talking about the packaging for a game, the thing meant to be discarded after you open it, while the thing you paid for is the game. People who are willing to pay over a million dollars just to guarantee they have authentic cardboard from the era with the same ink, are mentally ill imo.

>> No.7941619

Yep, these types hop in, rape it, make their million, and leave. These people are admittedly just former comic collectors who needed WATA and Heritage to hold their hand and guide them into game collecting. They don't know what they're doing, beyond that it is making them a quick buck. Nobody gave a shit about inanities like Left Bros vs Right Bros until these retards told people to care.

>> No.7941637
File: 263 KB, 814x811, Screenshot_20210711-174404_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rely on some worthless grading service that has months and months of backup
>have no knowledge of what you're selling, have to rely on outside people to "authenticate" shit
>have the dumbest buyers who won't shop on ebay and instead spend $1k on things they can buy for a fraction of that price on ebay
>sell mislabeled products
>use some backward, pointlessly convoluted bidding system
>have terrible servers that crash
>fees out the fucking ass
>overall offer a service that's worse than ebay
>this fuck is the face of your service
What value is Heritage providing these people? Their system is broken, crashed yesterday in the middle of their multimillion dollar auctions set, forcing them to end it. They're charging more than ebay but somehow offering a shittier service.

Really makes you think.

>> No.7941654
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>9.8 grade copy
I gurantee you that was pulled straight from a shipping container with several other copies. Of course wata STILL hasn't released any population reports which totally isn't shady at all.

>slabbed sideways
Good fucking lord do they not have cases that will fit the games horizontally?

>> No.7941668

must be a good way to launder money
oh wait no one needs to launder money anymore because of pedocoins

>> No.7942180

Just because you don't agree with it doesn't suddenly make it invalid. I don't collect either, because it's a huge dump of money on shit that would sit in a box or on a shelf anyway, but that doesn't mean there isn't something to it. Since you're a whiny faggot, here's another example; Both stamps and baseball cards are popular collectibles which could be more or less replicated with little issue. I could effortlessly print myself a copy of a Horace Wagner card, or print onto sticker paper a sheet of inverted Jenny stamps (pictured, just looked up rare stamps, but that means absolutely nothing because they are reproductions. The genuine article is a piece of history, and a connection to a bygone age. Even game boxes can be this; The artwork, the references to other offers or titles being made available, sometimes even the price tag to a defunct store chain, can hold meaning to people. If you want to stand and mock people for spending money on a collectible, then go ahead. If you want to tell them they are collecting trash, then by all means do so. Just don't expect them to share your viewpoint.

And as an upside, at least game collecting doesn't leave you SoL, you can display the boxed game and play the game itself on an emulator/etc.

The only thing I think is particularly retarded is inflating valuation on all this fucking retarded sealed case shit. Fuck comic collectors for deciding to come in and ruin another hobby. Don't make our world a dumpster fire just because yours has already been too fucked up.

>> No.7942675

>horace wagner

>> No.7942724

as much as I love collecting games, I have to agree
it's not art, it was literally printed millions of times, and there will be a high amount of copies for a very long time
more and more people grow aware that old games with packaging have value, so it won't get destroyed

>> No.7942730

doesn't include gold ink so the seal of quality is invalid

>> No.7942748

It's ridiculous.
Just look at some of the original, one of a kind art pieces by very famous artists, sold at the very same venue within the past few years, which didn't even come close to matching... a sealed copy of a mass-produced videogame?
It makes absolutely no sense. Yes, yes, different things, muh million dollar comics and baseball cards. But those things have a track record of being rare. There are reasons for there not to be as many for those particular items, plus they reached astronomical levels after they were already very old. Mario 64 is not that old, and the widespread awareness of the graded sealed game market is in relative infancy. We are absolutely not beyond the time of people finding old shipping cases of new copies, hoarders like that Tim Atwood guy coming out of the woodwork, etc etc. Not to mention the grading company itself apparently has a backlog of stuff currently being graded, and won't even publicly share population reports. Hmmmmm... I wonder why?

>> No.7942760

>Managed to get in the year before the explosion started
>Lucky to have pawn shop nearby that was run by boomers
>Manage to grab Ocarina, Stadium 2, Castlevania 64, Donkey Kong 64, Mario Kart and Mario for $15
>Castlevania 1 and 3 for $10 and $13 and majora for $20, had buy 2 get one free on all systems
>Had to watch it get bought by an entrepreneur who (((educated))) them
>Moved to a more expensive plaza
>Trudged along, accumulating more stacks of games that were too overpriced to sell, Buy 2 get one free only on 360 onward
>Literal stacks of Banjo Kazooie and NES/SNES games when they closed earlier this year
>When confronted all the new owner could say was "Muh ebay prices"

>> No.7942873

>there has to be a low amount of them

Go find a sealed copy in better condition than this

>> No.7942934
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>I can reproduce a 1:1 copy that is indistinguishable from the original.

>> No.7942954

Jokes aside are there reports of people fooling these grading authorities with fakes?
It would be funny to read about them.
>you FOOLS did you even smell the box? This cardboard comes from Korea not Japan.

>> No.7942961

You don't know the condition of anything because the actual product is inside the box. The RAM cart could be busted and the game might not even boot. This retard literally paid 1.5m for a mass produced cardboard box

>> No.7942993

Thread reeks of poorfag cope you


>> No.7943015

100% money laundering. Probably mobsters and the CIA.

>> No.7943036

I don't collect any shit but are you guys retarded?
value is scarcity and there's like 3 or 4 copies of the game in this condition that's why it's a high value, because there will never be a new supply that makes there now hundreds of sealed 1996 marios.
How the fuck do you not understand that this is exactly the same as antiques?
lol at thinking it has anything to do with how opened games can be played.

>> No.7943040

yes idiot have you heard of money? you can get a piece of paper that says $100 on it and trade it for 100 dollars worth of stuff.
>But it's just a piece of paper? it's already written on so you can't even write on it? it should be worth nothing!
no it's a specific piece of paper that can't be replicated exactly that's all you need to make something a store of value

>> No.7943042

Nice cope poor fag

>> No.7943061

This applies infinitely moreso to paid digital distribution but you all praise le fat kike gaben xD

>> No.7943089

You don't know the condition of the game because its in a fucking box. This is not a card or a vase, the product of worth is inside the worthless box. You are literally buying worthless mass produced cardboard that can be replicated 1:1, serves no use, has no function, and was mass produced. This isn't a Black Lotus where there are less than 5k of them still in existence and ones in pristine quality number in the single digits, this isn't a 130 year old baseball card that has 1 copy left in the entire world, its a fucking video game box that millions of people threw out in the garbage the day after christmas.

>> No.7943092

>while the thing you paid for is the game
I pay for the physical copy, if I only wanted the game then I would pirate which is what I do when when a physical copy isn't available or I don't want to pay for it
Die Gabe

>> No.7943106

Even acknowledging W*ta is lending them credibility

>> No.7943176

>its a fucking video game box that millions of people threw out in the garbage the day after christmas.
Well that's part of the reason why a mint sealed copy is scarce. Nevertheless, as I mentioned before and as you allude to, we do not know how many other mint sealed copies are out there. WATA won't publicly say how many they've graded, which could have something to do with WATA (who is in bed with the Heritage Auctionhouse) charging a 2% "liability" fee for high end items. And until this, sealed Mario 64 wasn't a headliner. Now that there are articles about one fetching that much? More and more people will be inclined to get their sealed copies graded, or sell what they already have. Also the game is still new enough that we absolutely aren't out of the era where a case of new copies could be find or turn out to be in a collector's collection. Somebody going that balls deep on a relatively uninteresting item in a young market is suspicious. At least those sticker sealed SMBs had reason to be rare and have a very slim chance of being devalued by more copies turning up.

>> No.7943216

A sealed Legend of Zelda also broke records on Heritage Auctions a few days earlier. It's just byuu quietly selling off his most prized collectibles piece by piece now that he's "dead" and there's no one to judge him

>> No.7943351

Dunno. How many times have you heard about them being fooled? Or catching a fake? With the massive number of fakes out there you should have heard plenty. Unless they got fooled.

>> No.7943356

i want to make a game where you break protos and hoarded games out of their acryllic faggot jars

>> No.7943370

we don't really know how many copies there are in that condition. there could be 10k copies out there in better condition than this one.

also this reeks of the same money laundering shit that plagues the art world.

>> No.7943469

>Well that's part of the reason why a mint sealed copy is scarce. Nevertheless, as I mentioned before and as you allude to, we do not know how many other mint sealed copies are out there
Literally the only possible value this has is that it haven't been opened in 20+ years and it's in good condition, in which it's been graded by some organisations we know nothing about
It's peak ridiculous. Literally the most sold video game on the N64 and it's only claim to worth here is that it haven't been opened by a kid on a random Christmas, but if it did, regardless of condition, it would lose a million+ $ in value

>> No.7943472

I'm aware that one of them got caught giving different ratings to the same item, meaning there was no actual real rating system to begin with

>> No.7943532


Good times.

>> No.7943662

>meaning there was no actual real rating system to begin with
of course theres no real grading system, its a fucking cardboard box. It's like "grading" the 15 year old stack of paper plates that your grandma forgot was at the back of her cupboard

>> No.7943670

Meh. At worst shows it's not an exact science. Could have been as simple as all that retarded grinding gave it a that "new game smell" that skewed the results.

>> No.7943673

well yeah, everyone suspected that already but it's real nice to see them getting caught
There is absolutely no fucking way they can grade most of this shit on a 100 point scale, that's ludicrous, even a 10 point scale would probably be hard enough to be consistent at

>> No.7943857

>not an exact science
True, but when apparently a handful of points on the scale can dictate to investors (these aren't collectors now) whether to spend $1.5mil or some amount in the five figures... yeah.

>> No.7943869
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For reference, from the recent auction set. Player's Choice marked off.

>> No.7943870
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And to expand it back to include a 9.x sale from just earlier this year

>> No.7943876

in this case it's the condition of the item that makes it expensive. you'll never find a copy of SM64 that is this pristine.

You're generally right though, there's no reason for gamecube games to be as expensive as they are, for example. It really is just cashing in on nostalgia and zoomers buying games they heard about on youtube.

>> No.7944037

Was this the same company that graded that fake SNES prototype cartridge a while back?

>> No.7944041

He 100% over paid like a retard. But cardboard isn't easy to keep in 9.8/10 condition for 20 plus years

>> No.7944043

>you'll never find a copy of SM64 that is this pristine.
We'll see, I guess. A headliner like this will bring more out of the woodwork, I'm sure of that. Even from HA's recent sales, it looks like there are a lot of good condition SM64s out there.

>> No.7944102


Imagine paying a billion dollars for an original Tamagotchi

>> No.7944112
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rip collectors

>> No.7944213

I have it on very good authority that such a thing will happen in all of our lifetimes. bank on it.

>> No.7944232
File: 62 KB, 960x719, 57343415_2814005272007267_1758630017828388864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that jump in price from a 8.5 to a 9.8 grade
it's exactly x50 the price of the 8.5. a 9.8 could be like 100,000 lets say, but 1.5 million is nuts
Even with the other 9.4 from earlier this year >>7943870 9.8 still makes no sense

>> No.7944242
File: 34 KB, 471x495, fzero6gamessealed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never find a copy of SM64 that is this pristine.
More will show up now that the buzz is gonna get out there about this sale, and WATA already has a backlog of about 6 months, there's likely already other copies waiting to be graded. A 9.8 grade is really high yes, but something like that would very likely come straight from an old shipping container with several other copies like pic related.

>> No.7944273 [DELETED] 

rigged market

he's right.

> a seal box of seal boxes of f-zero
what's this worth? $10 million?

>> No.7944278

rigged market

he's right.

> a sealed box of sealed boxes of f-zero
what's this worth? $10 million?

>> No.7944280
File: 292 KB, 1059x568, Screenshot_20210712-172837_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grading taking forever, either because they have an inordinate number of things to grade or want to trickle things out gradually
>no published population report
>in bed with the auction house that handles the vast majority of their meaningful sales
>auction house takes a gigantic cut of sales price
>pic related from WATA's grading fee information page
>^A group of collectors joined forces Feb. 6 [2019] to purchase the game, including some of the biggest names in video games and collectibles as a whole. The buyers include Jim Halperin, Founder and Co-Chairman of Heritage Auctions of Dallas, Texas; Zac Gieg, owner of Just Press Play Video Games in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and Rich Lecce, renowned coin dealer, pioneering video game collector, and owner of Robert B. Lecce Numismatist Inc of Boca Raton, Florida.
>FOR HARD EMPHASIS: buyers include Jim Halperin, Founder and Co-Chairman of Heritage Auctions of Dallas, Texas
>the world record sale for a videogame has gone up 15 fold in just two years, with the current record a far less interesting item than the first
Don't you just love fair and honest dealings in the collectibles market?

>> No.7944298

>what's this worth? $10 million?
Some boomer collector coming from some other burnt-out collecting hobby like comics or cards would probably think that

>> No.7944324

This is just money laundering. No one is actually spending that much.

>> No.7944337

>handful of points
Talk about >not an exact science
>fudging the data
>failing at fudging the data
Cool copestory brolet.

>> No.7944347

>fudging the data

>> No.7944357

100% this. Exactly the same thing rich people do with art sales.

>> No.7944445

I don't give a shit about these retarded grading system items (they all seem made up to fill the pockets of the players investing in this market) but do you anons know where a eurofag can get those acrylic display cases for vydia? I know UKGraders sell them but currently don't have them in stock plus with Brexit other eurofags are now being hit with import taxes which means it gets more expensive to buy from there. I don't mind ordering from China if it's cheap but good quality.

>> No.7944505

>you lived long enough to see your children's toy hobby used for money laundering by white collar criminals

>> No.7944520

>100% this. Exactly the same thing rich people do with art sales.
it's not how it works. the reason why art is expensive is because there's only one copy of it (usually) and they're all documented. nobody knows how many copies of whatever game for retarded toddlers exists in top sealed condition. it's all assumptions based on fantasy from groups of people with little credibility.

>Imagine not knowing how money laundering works in 2021
Imagine being a namefag that posts on reddit? go back.

>> No.7945181

>scribbles over data that contradicts its argument
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.7945195

Fine, I'll take the bait. That was a Player's Choice rerelease, so it wasn't really an accurate comparison point.

>> No.7945208

it doesn't matter how many times you repeat that there are millions of this (when obviously, as has been explained, there aren't, there's 3 or 4) you bring nobody any closer to agreeing with your sperg

>> No.7945253
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>Do you just print money too, cuz "it looks the same" ?

>> No.7945254

>No population reports.
Fucking hell. Genuinely, how long is it going to be until Wata gets shut down by the feds?

>> No.7945256

don't used game sales kind of work like stocks though? game gets buzz, price goes up. company gets media buzz, stock go up

>> No.7945259

Sadly, the street-level meth heads that make up the majority of income for organised crime are proving reluctant to join the crypto revolution.

>> No.7945260

can we reflect on the fact that the N64 sucked balls and Mario 64 is only a decent title on a terrible platform.

>> No.7945263
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>> No.7945270

Ian we have a SCUMBAG...

>> No.7945289

I kinda miss listening to their podcast. Toward the end, I really only cared about Ian's game store stories, and since that's gone and Ian's heavy political fascination rubbed off on Pat, I don't really care to listen.

>> No.7945337

>Fine, I'll cope the cope
>posted from my mommies iphone

>> No.7945385

when is the IRS going to crack down on this?
there's got to be something shady going on

>> No.7945390

Really surprising how the most common N64 game is incredibly uncommon sealed. All someone had to do to become a millionaire was buy a Mario 64 copy and wait 20 years. Jesus Christ

>> No.7945403

>you'll never find a copy of SM64 that is this pristine.
And why does that matter?

>> No.7945420

when did you realise that bids this outrageously high are probably money laundering ?
i saw a good documentary about how private art trading has a link to the practice of cleaning money and now i can't stop thinking about it when i see such an outrageous price for something that clearly isn't worth it.

>> No.7945826

Good thing I have sealed copies of every harvest moon game and a copy of Super Metroid from back in the bad old days of eBay when excellent condition boxed NES games were 15-20$. Paid 65$ for Super Metroid (10$ of that was shipping). I guess I will continue to sit on them. I have never sold a game before and doubt I will since I don't even need the money.

>> No.7945881

Even more amusing is how bold such a claim is. After you have one going for that much, I'm sure a few more will shake loose.

>> No.7945972

What do you not understand about the quality of the box meaning nothing? You don't play the box, you don't use the box while playing the game, the box holds no data from the game. Its literally a fucking worthless cardboard box meant to house the game during shipping and advertise it on store shelves. This box is not a product anymore than the receipt from the purchase is.
You don't know the quality of the game, which is the actual product. The game could be a faulty RAM cart that doesn't even load. and as long as the game does load and function normally the quality of the product is indistinguishable from other other working copy of Mario 64 because its a fucking video game.
This is obvious money laundering, but if you want to assume its not then this retard literally paid 1.5 million dollars for a cardboard box.

>> No.7946106

you here too bruce? go back to /g/

>> No.7946253

>take out plastic
>product loses 99.9% of its value
so much for climate change

>> No.7946261

probably a money laundering op in plain sight, just like art auctions

>> No.7946276

Wow, nobody in this thread has made either point before. Never considered this.

>> No.7946283

This is why I get so Pissy with Game Stop. Remember how many games you bought sold as "NEW" with zero shrink wrap? Pisses me off.

>> No.7946291
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Glad I could help, friend.

>> No.7946294

I have a first-run Pacman cabinet still in its shipping crate. My uncle co-managed an arcade in the 70s and 80s and he ordered a bunch of them when the game became huge, like every arcade did. This one, some-fucking-how, got forgotten about or just not needed and left in their warehouse for over a decade. The arcade shut down in the mid-90s, he brought this crated Pacman cabinet home, and it sat in his garage until he died in 2005. My aunt wanted to dump it, I said I'd take it off his hands. Just waiting for my aunt to die off so there's no financial dispute when I auction the thing off.

>> No.7946318

>grading authorities
How do you fool scammers?

>> No.7947379
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>> No.7947660

>Good thing I'm a 12yo larper

lmao what a looser. I find them in the trash all the time.

>> No.7948194

The only correction needed for this is the fact that 99.9% of "art" is money laundering

>> No.7948197

Hehe I know what onion article that's from

>> No.7949502

Breaking news. Area man thinks he knows something.

>> No.7950590


>> No.7951530
File: 1.41 MB, 2016x1512, myshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pervert here, what would you give me for this?

>> No.7951989

I'm gonna drive to your house and crease all of the box flaps

>> No.7952072

no balls

>> No.7952217

Man I just want to play video games.

>> No.7952430

Fine art is pretty easy to find in good condition, that stuff isnt just throw around and considered disposable. Seems goofy but it makes sense. The less likely something is to be preserved, the more impressive to find preserved. Finding the mona Lisa in gooe condition isnt a surprise: that shits been behind a glass shield in a amtospherocally controlled chamber. Of course its in good condition

>> No.7952448

God if i had a copy in that grade id put this listing up RIGHT NOW for half the price just to shrek that buyer lmao

>> No.7952454

>condition is the only thing that matters
My point was how crazy it is for people to bid that high for a mass produced sealed game, and one that isnt even hard to find sealed, and not even hard to find sealed in good condition. Also worth noting that WATA was bought out shortly after this sale... cohencidence?

>> No.7952462
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>> No.7952465

Good god imagine the shit in that ceiling foam

>> No.7952482

Why does Sega not seem to attract this kind of autism?

>> No.7952491

Oh it does. This isn't autism, this is either full on market manipulation or clueless boomer investors (though the two go hand in hand).

>> No.7952496

because every other copy will only get more used or damaged or neglected, but this is nearly perfect gem mint and will be taken care of so it will only become more of a perfect example of SM64 in a box.

No, I don't think it matters so much to increase the value. Anyone buying a game for that price is retardedly rich anyway so it probably doesn't matter.

>> No.7952498

The whole point is that thinking this is the only "gem mint" copy of the game is ridiculous.

>> No.7952607

>SM64 in a box.
Ah yes, the timeless classic of our culture.

>> No.7952662

because none of their games were ever that good as to warrant speculation and manipulation

>> No.7952769

Sega fans aren’t nostalgiafags like Nintendo ones are

>> No.7952781

I'm also of the impression that the people who are legitimately getting into sealed game speculation (and not the ones who are engaged in seemingly shady deals to inflate shit) are absolutely clueless when it comes to games. They just hopped over from comics or coins and just view games as tokens. They have very surface level knowledge of the generalities (Mario? He's a big name! Zelda too!), plus a strange preoccupation with random obscure shit that basically no actual fan collectors ever cared about (left vs right side Bros SMB3). Basically just wait long enough until one of their advisors encourages them to go for Sega shit, and then you'll have your $1.5mil sealed Sonic.

>> No.7952793

Have you never seen Saturn prices?

>> No.7953386

Then why did this copy of Mario 64 cost so much?

>> No.7953523

The shrink wrap thing baffles me about US NTSC "sealed" games. In the UK Nintendo games came in Nintendo branded plastic wrapping with NINTENDO logos on the tear off strip. Made it trivial to tell the difference between a genuine case fresh game and those "new" resealed returns that various shady retailers tried to make with their Stationary Box grade shrink wrap machine. But you yanks got cheap shrink wrap from the factory and so good luck telling an original from a reseal.

>> No.7953525

>Of course its in good condition
It gets taken out of its case to be "restored" periodically. How much of that painting is still the original is debatable.

>> No.7953663

>what is money laundering

>> No.7953674

But it's irrelevant when I can put it on a flash cart and play the exact same game.

If it was something analog, you have an argument. You can't overinflate the price of something that can be copied 1:1.

>> No.7953685

You also paid 200GBP for a game that ran at 25fps.

>> No.7953957

this. wasn't there a guy selling turok rage wars sealed from a warehouse find for years on ebay? Not to mention many publishers still in business have alluded to back stock. Probably nothing rare but assuming it's the last pristine sealed copy of anything is wrong.

Fuck, Radioshack dumped NOS stuff from the 70s-80s for years until they finally croaked.

>> No.7954084


>> No.7954109

About tree fiddy

>> No.7954152
File: 7 KB, 166x154, 1421258298380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer collectors after richfags money launder using a 3D platforming classic instead of their super rare™ NES Power Pad game

>> No.7954283


People seem to get too caught up with muh hoarding muh cloud ceiling and overlook the text or what the dude is actually showing.
He is showing a shipping case of SM64. He notes that other shipping cases of SM64 were sent to VGA (aka grading before WATA). There are assuredly several other copies of SM64 in the same, similar, or possibly even better condition than the $1.5 million dollar copy.

>> No.7956516
File: 45 KB, 750x441, karl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Two dudes who had to launder 1,559,700 dollars in crack money.

>> No.7958656

WATA is a scam

>> No.7958661

What the fuck would Conti know.
He is a low level collector by any broad metric and it seems to me he is seething because he could not get in on the big ticket action himself.

>> No.7958680


>> No.7958683
File: 324 KB, 760x760, 1_Zoey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ the shills are all over you m8. You stirred the shitnest w this one. Fuck WATA, fuck heritage auctions and fuck all you parasites ruining the retro gaming hobby for a quick buck.

>> No.7958684
File: 427 KB, 760x760, 1_Jacob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
