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File: 14 KB, 220x222, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7935878 No.7935878 [Reply] [Original]

hasn't aged a day

>> No.7935901

Metroid 2 has aged exactly 10,762 days.

>> No.7935947

I can't think of a single game like it

>> No.7935953

t was bad even when it came out.

>> No.7935997

The only thing that has aged in this game is graphics. Even the soundtrack is still good

>> No.7936091

Metroid II is the most underappreciated Metroid game. Also, it's still great.

>> No.7936093

Game Boy Kino

>> No.7936109

It's crazy to think I'm old enough that I had a friend that was hugely into the Metroid series, and would borrow my Super Game Boy just to play this game more comfortably. I never played the games, but I remember him showing me a ton of stuff from Metroid II, like the Spider Ball, or the final boss, and watching him fight all the different versions of Metroids.

>> No.7936131

that doesn’t mean time doesn’t apply, moron

>> No.7936273


>> No.7936298

its one of the shittiest games I've ever forced myself to complete... Fuck, even metroid 1 is better. I hate metroid II

>> No.7936303

that doesn't seem like that many.... how do people accomplish so much with their lives in so little time

>> No.7936307

the soundtrack is the shittiest ever

>> No.7936326

Imagine getting filtered by Metroid II

>> No.7936393
File: 10 KB, 250x226, gumpei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game has zero loading times. Think about that.

>> No.7936426

My cartridge has yellowed. Still an amazing title

>> No.7936570

Really great game

>> No.7936573

>Think about that.

>> No.7936576

Can I get a qrd on this game?

>> No.7936580

you go to the metroid homeworld and kill all the metroids. what the hell am I supposed to tell you?

>> No.7936630
File: 47 KB, 542x602, wojak-old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you include leap years

>> No.7936657

You're damn straight it hasn't.
- Better graphics than the original
- Creepier atmosphere
- Introduces several items that would feature in Super Metroid
- Is to date the only entry with a proper fucking Spider Ball
- Too many vast improvements over the original to list
I've never seen so many people filtered so hard by a game so accessible. It's truly baffling, but I suppose one should expect no less from thumbsucking Primebabies.

>> No.7936672
File: 57 KB, 616x353, qa4g4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7936686

If only it had been shiggy instead...

>> No.7937514

If someone can't appreciate Metroid 2 BGM I instantly think we have different tastes in virtually everything

>> No.7937541

It was always what it is. It will still be the same in 1000 years. Metroid 2 Bestroid 2.

>> No.7937550

it will be 1000 years old.

>> No.7937553

You will be 1000 years forgotten.

>> No.7937591

I wonder what gender Metroid will be 1000 years from now... I mean, she already went from being a boy into being a girl...

>> No.7937675
File: 38 KB, 600x600, brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7937717

qrd on this game? How is it like Return of Samus?

>> No.7938438
File: 53 KB, 700x700, 47B2774C-F564-4870-BE59-7B711CE7E53E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metroid 2 has aged exactly 10,762 days.
From and including: Sunday, 24 November 1991
To, but not including Saturday, 10 July 2021
Result: 10,821 days
It is 10,821 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.
Or 29 years, 7 months, 16 days excluding the end date.
Or 355 months, 16 days excluding the end date.
Alternative time units
10,821 days can be converted to one of these units:
934,934,400 seconds
15,582,240 minutes
259,704 hours
10,821 days
1545 weeks and 6 days
2964.66% of a common year (365 days)

>> No.7938441

>Better graphics than the original
lol no, obviously

>> No.7938616

this game and strider are examples of why you shouldn't have too big player character sprites. both games feel horrible to play because of it

>> No.7938620

I couldn't get into the Mega Man GB games or Mega Man 7 because of that.

>> No.7938763

Probably should have had a smaller Samus sprite. Other than that it’s great.

>> No.7938769

is this the only game to ever have noise music?
i mean compare this to https://youtu.be/aY4LhtdfPiA
it was way ahead of its time

>> No.7938774

this one's even better. only metroid 2 and castlevania 3 have this magical silent horror film atmosphere that no game will ever recreate

>> No.7938795

II was the first game not to use a palette swap for the Varia suit, and it looks great.

>> No.7938829

It absolutely did. Color and resolution limited the game but it still managed to have more detail and animation in its sprites and backgrounds.

>> No.7938885

He's full of shit. I've played through ESA several times and it's not like Metroid 2 at all.
It's still pretty good, mind you, but it doesn't have the "hunting down monsters to expand more of the map" thing like Metroid 2 has.

>> No.7938913

All games age. Aging is simply a function of time passing since release. What's in question is whether a game has aged WELL or aged POORLY. Metroid 2 has mostly aged well, but it does have some jank in it from hardware limitations like how the zeta and omega metroids get caught and frozen on the edge of the screen, forcing you to jump at them to unfreeze them which practically forces you to take a hit.

>> No.7938934

yeah you're right. in 1991 the metroids functioned perfectly, but 20 years later their behaviour has evolved.

>> No.7938940

It's more that it was typical jank common to games of the time so it was accepted as normal but now going back it's harder to excuse it thanks to being more used to that jank having been solved.

>> No.7939523

>Sunday 24 November 1991
Huh. Didn't realise I was exactly a month older than Metroid II. My graphics have also aged gracefully.

>> No.7939573
File: 122 KB, 1000x972, e6k76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a basic 8-bit metroid game with no frills
>It doesn't match it 100% so it's nothing like it
pic rel

>> No.7939586
File: 188 KB, 500x380, 1433185725142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic 8-bit metroid game with no frills
>has swinging hookshots, air dashes, charge shots, spread shot upgrades and a massive post-game quest that involves translating a cipher and finding super bosses
>no frills

Anon. If anything it's more like Super Metroid with -SOME- of its gameplay mechanics, mainly with the non-linear exploration and focus on getting new tools and abilities to progress. But to compare it to Metroid 2 where the big focus was hunting down and killing shit for progression is just daft. Hence why you're full of shit. You wojak posting fartknocker.

>> No.7939594

Where'd you find the exact release date? I tried to find it not too long ago but Wikipedia and everywhere else I looked just said November 1991.

>> No.7939602 [DELETED] 

In spite of something so gamey as an enemy counter you need to reduce to zero to win the game it does a really good job of making the playthrough seem like an organic adventure, No level breaks, primarily atmospheric music, transitionary areas meant to psyche the player up before encounters, I struggle to think of many game on the 16 bit consoles that were as advanced in that area.

>> No.7939850

>here to wipe out an animal to extinction
>every time you kill one, the planet literally undergoes a geological shift
Maybe Samus should have said "what if I shouldn't do this" instead of "great, this opens up the next area so I can kill more"? The fact that the galaxy nearly got its shit pushed in by parasitic cloning gummies as a corollary to this event isn't lost on me either. SR388 didn't deserve this bullshit.

>> No.7939893

To be fair, I think the earthquakes and acid shifts are meant story-wise to be coincidental to Samus killing the metroids rather than caused by it. The planet is just unstable. There's even one time when you kill a few metroids and an earthquake brings acid back UP and traps you until you kill another metroid.

>> No.7940068

>every time you kill one, the planet literally undergoes a geological shift
>should have said "what if I shouldn't do this"
that would make for a good game actually..

>> No.7940070

>My graphics have also aged gracefully.

>> No.7940076

>All games age. Aging is simply a function of time passing since release.
no? not at all actually derp
>What's in question is whether a game has aged well
>mostly aged well
not a singular quantifiable measurement in hours
>it does have some jank in it from hardware limitations
only screen size, but as said from time to time, it adds to the atmosphere to experience cramped graphics in isolation with no map

>> No.7940825

I'm very sorry about your autism.

>> No.7940826

Her actions kind of did say that at the end when she chose not to kill the baby metroid that hatched.

>> No.7940992

Seeing this thread inspired me to beat this game for the first time, and I’m honestly surprised at how much they were able to do with this game on the gameboy, it is honestly impressive. Thank you /vr/

>> No.7940994
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x3024, 847B1EA7-C6EC-494A-95A5-B2FD0DC21161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add image

>> No.7941013

Congrats anon. Rite of passage.

>> No.7941205


What a retard.

>> No.7941210

>can't refute

>> No.7942423
File: 42 KB, 93x173, down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 megabytes, think about people like me when you imagery!

>> No.7942595

>even metroid 1 is better
Metroid 1's the best game in the series, so that's not surprising

>> No.7942602

>more detail and animation
And we all know that in art, more is the same as better

>> No.7942651

Metroid 1's sprites and backgrounds are primitive because the game is old, not as an artistic decision.

>> No.7942667

Congrats man, I'm glad you enjoyed it! If you decide to play it again and try for a better time, might I suggest skipping a few missile tanks? You only need about 40 to clear all the Metroids in the final area before the Queen Metroid, and no missiles at all to defeat the Queen herself. Simply jump into her mouth and roll into her stomach and plant bombs there. She'll spit you out each time, but it delivers way more damage than missiles. You'll need all five energy tanks in order to last long enough, but she'll be dead in no time.

t. just beat Metroid 2 for the first time in years a couple of weeks ago, didn't remember where a lot of things were, followed the strategy above and got a nice time of 2:35.

>> No.7942669

technology informs graphic presentation, more news at 11

>> No.7942681

>no missiles at all to defeat the Queen herself
Not exactly true, don't you have to hit her open mouth with missiles to freeze her in place so you can roll in?

>> No.7942683

I was thinking she eventually opens her mouth anyway, but you're probably right. You don't need a whole lot left over to beat her, in any case.

>> No.7942686

The NES had superior technology to the Game Boy, Metroid only looked worse because developers had much less experience.

>> No.7942695

Superior in some ways, but I think people exaggerate how much more advanced the NES was. For example, Famicom famously needed to use special mapper chips or the extra memory in the FDS in order to do multi-directional scrolling in games, but if I'm not mistaken that's something the Game Boy could do right out of the box.

>> No.7942696

Correct me if I'm wrong here:
While game boy did have inferior technology to the NES, Nintendo was able to make the development easier which is why you see a greater number of complex games early into the systems life compared to most of the early arcade style nes games.

>> No.7942701

>The NES had superior technology to the Game Boy
even more news at 12

>> No.7942852
File: 26 KB, 361x361, games do age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah he's right games do age, proof is right here

>> No.7942897

the only games that could age poorly is live service stuff with online functionality, the moment it ceases to be popular and new servers are shut down

you cannot even play Dark Spore anymore for one

>> No.7942902

>taking my joke comment serious

>> No.7942968

I’m interested to know why you prefer the first metroid to something like super metroid. I’m also a fan of the first one but I couldn’t put it over super.

>> No.7942970

Sorry, I’m a phoneposter

>> No.7942972

I had no idea you could roll into her mouth and lay bombs, but I’m definitely gonna try doing that on my second playthrough.

>> No.7942986

damn i thought everyone knew! it might be more tight lipped than aerith's death

>> No.7943753

The NES didn't have superior technology to the Game Boy, it had higher res and more colors. The Game Boy's actual under-the-hood hardware blows it out of the water. The CPU is running at 4.19MHz compared to 1.79MHz on NES, and has a slightly more advanced chipset; the NES had very few registers (where the data is worked with in the CPU) and the GB had over double them and larger, meaning it had to waste fewer cycles juggling pieces of calculations and addresses. So it runs faster and is more efficient.

At storage, the BTFO is huge, because the GB had 8KB general purpose RAM and another 8KB video, compared to 2 and 2 on NES. One noticable effect of this difference is NES had to feature tons of image reuse in creative ways, but the chad Game Boy could just load more tiles/sprites and so generally had a greater variety of things on the screen and in levels.

>> No.7943762

Just comparing the size of the map in Metroid 1 and Metroid II, or the repetitiveness of rooms in Metroid 1, demonstrates the storage advantage of the later game. I still think the art in Metroid 1 is worse than it needed to be though.

>> No.7944072

as expected from unmodified software

>> No.7944725

Good post.

>> No.7945426

doesn't feel like a day over 7000

>> No.7945482

first time I got to the end of this game was in the middle of the night using my battery powered light attachment
>wait what did the metroid counter just increase!?
gave me a nice little jump

>> No.7945489

>first time I got to the end of this game was in the middle of the night using my battery powered light attachment
>gave me a nice little jump
With little things like that and the Metroid hatchling following you, it's clear that they were looking ahead to the next game and how they'd make the series more cinematic and story-based. It's a memorable moment, for sure.

>> No.7946489

why didn't they just let you charge your gameboy with a charging cable? t. zoomer

>> No.7946504

rechargeable lithium ion batteries weren't a thing until the 90s

>> No.7946543

Because if you ran current backward through the AA batteries they would catch fire and explode.
However, the Game Boy did actually have power cable accessories you could plug into them to run them directly off wall power without the need for batteries. They made ones to plug into your car's cigarette lighter as well.

>> No.7946657
File: 87 KB, 750x507, 1609672544209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is AM2R?
Should I finish the original before playing it or it's basically a straight upgrade?

>> No.7946660

AM2R "upgrades" Metroid II in the same way that Zero Mission upgraded Metroid 1.
If you're here on /vr/ you're not allergic to old games so it's worth playing both.

>> No.7946663

Thanks, will do.

>> No.7946753

overglorified romhack

>> No.7946792

I played M2 after playing AM2R and I feel that it altered the experience for me in a way. You should probably finish M2 first so you can appreciate it on its own.

>> No.7947318

Metroid 2 is a really simple game and has some layout repetition like Metroid 1, Samus just has slightly more capabilities to her. So it's a very different game to any modern Metroid, all of which bar Fusion are essentially just trying to be Super Metroid as hard as they possibly can. Super Metroid-likes are *good* but not very similar to 1 and 2 so they're worth playing.

But! Before you go, look up romhacks. Metroid 2 has a colorization (GB to GBC) romhack that does literally nothing other than make the game a little nicer looking with appropriate colors and it's pretty well done. There's no loss in using that kind of thing and might make it a little less monotonous.

>> No.7947345

>But! Before you go, look up romhacks. Metroid 2 has a colorization (GB to GBC) romhack that does literally nothing other than make the game a little nicer looking with appropriate colors and it's pretty well done. There's no loss in using that kind of thing and might make it a little less monotonous
This, but if >>7946657 checks the EJRTQ Colorization hack out, he should be warned that it's a perfect colorization in every way BUT the best (under 3 hrs) ending, where the hack's artist made Samus a black woman.because muh representation. There's a patch on the romhacking.net forums that fixes this (apply after applying the latest EJRTQ patch): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/510355811965337600/562512318936776719/metroid_ii_-_color_ejrtq_v1.3_-_addendum.ips

>> No.7947368
File: 74 KB, 397x310, 1598445726829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll finish the original, then try that color hack to shoot for best time and then check AM2R then.
Thanks, lads.

>> No.7947386

>the hack's artist made Samus a black woman.because muh representation
No fucking way.

>> No.7947395

doesn't matter as long as she's attractive, i like women

>> No.7947423
File: 15 KB, 800x720, metroid_ii_-_color_ejrtq_v1.3_beta-190127-210132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a good plan m8, hope you have as much fun with the original as I did.
I wish I was joking. Spoiler pic related.

>> No.7947425

Heavy negroid features are profoundly unattractive.

>> No.7947428 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 800x720, 1626228214868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a good plan m8, hope you have as much fun with the original as I did.
I wish I was joking. Spoiler pic related.

>> No.7947430 [SPOILER] 
File: 178 KB, 320x288, 1626228292077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's how the patch I linked to above fixes it.

>> No.7947440

That coloration looks really nice.

>> No.7947464

It makes it more like super metroid but mutes what made the original metroid II stand out imo, it's less of a tight, foreboding adventure than just another colorful metroidlike.

>> No.7947483

those big puckered smacking dick suckin' lips
dat phat ass
those black nipples on that brown skin
and then the contrast in color when firing ropes on her

gimme some negress

>> No.7947516

>and then the contrast in color when firing ropes on her
You're supposed to fuck the woman, not use her to put on an art exhibition, faggot.

>> No.7947792

Damn I had no idea about this, guess I never got sub-3:00. My first playthroughs of Metroids look like a geriatric coma patient and I guess 100% is always my next play, not going fast. Maybe I only hit this game twice.

>> No.7947826

The enemy and lack of map make it feel much more tense and dangerous compared to SM

>> No.7947828

>not as an artistic decision.
And we all know that whatever was done consciously and without limitations looks better

>> No.7947896
File: 128 KB, 620x559, 69197-Metroid_II_-_Return_of_Samus_(World)-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, the point you think you're making would work a hell of a lot better if the same artist (Hiroji Kiyotake) didn't draw graphics for both titles and that Metroid NES wasn't the first video game he'd ever worked on. Metroid for NES looks good because Gunpei Yokoi hired let two newbies spend 10 months trying to develop a game only for the entire department to join in during crunch time and polish it up (https://www.nintendo.com/nes-classic/metroid-developer-interview/)), whereas Metroid for Game Boy looks good because it was 5 years later and by that time they actually knew what they were doing.

>> No.7948208

Metroid 1 looks great because it's an early NES game, the console that made even mediocre and bad non-artist look like geniuses. And Metroid 2 looks worse because it wasn't made for the NES

>> No.7948212

Your arguments just get worse and worse.

>> No.7949279

You can literally find multiple hacks of Metroid whose only purpose is to improve the sprite and tile design of the game. They're not technology upgrades, more than one person said the design itself just sucks even as an NES game, and then immediately went to fixing it. Other games of similar notability do not get said modifications made for them. I bet Kid Icarus doesn't get hacks entitled "god these sprites suck".

>> No.7949310

What are some of those hacks?

>> No.7949326

>Metroid 1 looks great
Really? For samus's crappy sprite alone it's definitely not great.

>> No.7949334
File: 7 KB, 276x183, proxy-image[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7949413

Got that right, it still sucks.

>> No.7949431

Has aged like milk like every other game that involves jumping from platform to platform.
Hopefully they'll let the genre die a graceless death someday.

>> No.7949891

How do you survive on /vr/?

>> No.7949903

Hard disagree about the tile design. Brinstar, Norfair, etc. look great for a 1986 NES game. It's only Samus' sprite that could have used more polish.

>> No.7949916

The boss sprites.`

>> No.7949936

Games don't age.

>> No.7949985

>filtered by a platformer with floaty physics and near-complete air control
/vr/ has reached a new low

>> No.7950129

Yeah, I guess Ridley and Kraid could have been better. Both are around the size of Bowser from SMB1, which makes me wonder if Nintendo even knew how to animate larger sprites on the NES at that time. (Mother Brain is mostly static, so she doesn't count)

>> No.7950291

Don't lump all of /vr/ in with one loud baiting retard.

>> No.7950341

>more than one person said the design itself just sucks
Wow, more than one person. Open and shut case

>> No.7950345

>Brinstar, Norfair, etc. look great for a 1986 NES game
No need to qualify that. Lots of NES games are among the best looking games of all time

>> No.7950346

Why are you so assblasted about people thinking Samus looks better in the sequel?

>> No.7950350

Every sprite in Metroid 1 is excellent. Do you even have a CRT?

>> No.7950696

>Imagine getting filtered by Metroid II

Metroid II is an easier game than the first Metroid. Each area is almost self contained, you can't progress unless you have exterminated all of the Metroid hatchlings in the current area. It's not a hard game to get lost in. I can run through Metroid II in about an 1:20 minutes.

>> No.7950756

I think that's his point. Metroid II is an easy game, both in gameplay and navigation, so if you have difficulty with that then you're basically retarded.

>> No.7951030

It's not a case of "if they even knew how". The NES is terribly limited at handling sprites (only 8 sprites per line). If you put big sprites, shots and other shit, it would've been a mess

>> No.7951819
File: 144 KB, 640x576, 1611367544873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have finished the original, lads. It's pretty good.

>> No.7951868

Based, glad you enjoyed it. It's one of my favorite Game Boy games.

>> No.7951884

Unlike your mom LMAO

>> No.7953436

How the fuck did it take you 5 hours

>> No.7953440

Ruins the atmosphere of the original.

>> No.7954003

God, look how shit lcd screens are.

>> No.7954034

I'm replaying the game right now, why is the spring ball even in the game? The spider ball is superior in every way and you get it first.

>> No.7954039

You can use the spring ball to jump up to low ceilings and activate the spiderball without having to find a place where the ceiling connects to the ground. It's also faster.

>> No.7954569
File: 80 KB, 640x576, 1602667607961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the colored version.
I did noticed a few new things, best one I saw during the fight with the Queen she can swallow you if you are morphballed when she bites, which was pretty cool.
It has the same feeling of original RE games where it feels much shorter second time through to the point where I wonder how did it take me so many hours to beat it in the first place.
I would say that the colored version the definitive one as monochrome itself doesn't add that much to the atmosphere as I see it, but it was a nice experience to play it first.
Thanks for the recommendation, lads.

>> No.7954627

Not only that, but it's the most efficient way to win if you roll down her throat and plant a bomb in her belly. You can kill her just by doing that 5 times so it's equivalent to about 30 missiles worth of damage.

>> No.7956137

The only good Metroid game.