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[ERROR] No.7933614 [Reply] [Original]

Which one do you prefer and why?

>> No.7933621

NES, it just has more great games

>> No.7933641


>> No.7933643


>> No.7933651

SNES, it just has more great games

>> No.7933671


>> No.7933672

I guess the NES is better if you like hardcore arcade action but the 16-bit consoles have games with more depth, exploration, and content.

>> No.7933678


>> No.7933681

Definitely not this

>> No.7933689

NES is for old fucks

>> No.7933697

honestly, both are great, but for different reasons. it's hard to pick.
NES has the best arcade action that is minimalist and straight to the point. you want old school challenge, you play NES. there's a few great SHMUPS, beat 'em ups etc on it. and, it has Mother 1.
SNES has god tier 2D graphics. it has some of my favorites like Mega Man X, Cybernator, Yoshi's Island, Contra 3, etc etc etc. and more than enough great RPGs, ironically it has the best versions of NES Dragon Quests.
overall for me it's a tie. but if i had to pick 1 to play for the rest of my life, I'd choose SNES. simply because theres more good games that i still havent played on it.

>> No.7933710

No, there are lots of simple yet really fun games
>arcade action that is minimalist and straight to the point
>ironically it has the best versions of NES Dragon Quests
I enjoy Eaerthbound more than Mother 1 but as for the Dragon Quest I'd pick the NES versions any day, there is something really charming about them. Hell, I'd even pick the original DQ4 over the DS remake!

>> No.7933715

NES cause I'm not a jarpig.

>> No.7933718

Jokes on you NES is a Jarpig machine as well. It's just that most of them are pretty obscure. Come to think of it, there are literally more Dragon Quest games on the NES even if we count Chrono Trigger SNES. Also there are as many Final Fantasy games as on the SNES

>> No.7933726

Really though choose, I love how simple the 2d action games are on NES. Just pure reflex and pattern recognition. But snes has so many great rpg games. I can't pick

>> No.7933728
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NES, it has a lot more soul and less mediocrity overall. The low-end of shovelware is as bad as the SNES, but the high-end and replay-ability of the arcade-like titles makes it my favorite console, whereas the SNES isn't even in my top 5.

>> No.7933737

>The low-end of shovelware is as bad as the SNES
NES is my favorite but in what universe do you live, anon? There was so much shovelware and badly design games it puts Steam Greenlight, AppStore and Switch eShop to shame

>> No.7933783

famous NES ones: DQ1-4, FF1-3, Mother 1, rest is pretty obscure. not even the best FFs, some of the best DQs but they got plenty remakes that are arguably better
famous SNES ones: DQ5-6, FF4-6, Chrono Trigger, Eartbound, Romancing SaGa, Super Mario RPG, Secret of Mana, plenty slightly less popular ones like Terranigma, Illusion of Gaia, if you count it—Ogre Battle, etc.
SNES has by far more overall

>> No.7933790

SNES looks the most decent and has better games. NES is too old and the chiptune music is horrible.

>> No.7933793

You forgot about Megami Tensei for the NES and Shin Megami Tensei for the SNES. These are also popular as fuck. As far as jarpigs go NES will forever be my favorite because it has DQ4

>> No.7933794

NES has the better library

>> No.7933796

My vote goes to this. Video games before 1991 wasn’t exciting due to technology limitations at the time.

>> No.7933804

Not even SMB3? Not even Mega Man?

>> No.7933820

Oh come on, NES shovelware isn't nearly as bad as those modern platforms. I'm just saying that the licensed garbage on the SNES isn't any better and frankly it's like 90% of the US library.

>> No.7933825
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snes easily
library variety and more buttons

>> No.7933827

Has DKC, fighting games, a better Zelda, better Metroid, more Mario, better arcade ports, better JRPGs, the Jap/EU design looks the nicest, better controller.

>> No.7933837

>better arcade ports
have to dispute this one

>> No.7933838

these console vs console debates are always retarded. they're completely subjective and impossible to compare. everyone here likes both

>> No.7933845
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Master System
"Speccy" or whatever that stuff is

>> No.7933850

There isn't an arcade game on the NES that I'd rather play instead of SF2, UN Squadron, Turtles In Time, Smash TV, etc.

>> No.7933871

Is mother 1 even worth playing? For RPGs its gotta be SNES... for arcade action its gotta be NES.

I'm definitely a JRPGer.... IMHO Chrono Trigger, FF6 and Earthbound are some of the best games ever made. You also get a ton of amazing RPGs like Lufia 2, Zelda, Gaia, Terra, ext.

But I'm an RPGer so SNES would be my pick.

>> No.7933875

>You forgot about Megami Tensei for the NES and Shin Megami Tensei for the SNES. These are also popular as fuck.
I don't know, maybe they got more popular in the recent years when reddit weebs jumped on SMT bandwagon. but i think i rarely see them mentioned elsewhere

>> No.7933876

>Is mother 1 even worth playing?
yes, you retard

>> No.7933879

Eh...It's a tie

>> No.7933945

>Is mother 1 even worth playing?
If you played other gen 3 JRPGs before then yes otherwise I'd play something simple like Dragon Quest 1 first and then other NES jarpigs. Mother 1 is a pretty damn big and difficult (by NES RPG standards) game

>> No.7934003

Mother 1 is by far the best game in the trilogy.

>> No.7934021

Tough choice, but I’m gonna go with SNES just because of the Final Fantasy games being better on it.

>> No.7934042

>I'm just saying that the licensed garbage on the SNES isn't any better and frankly it's like 90% of the US library.
It's also a disturbing percentage of the Japanese library.

>> No.7934110

Calm down zoomer 35 isn't old

Plus you just suck ass at playing real games

Nes is the challenging one for most games

Snes is the easier one and just as fun

They're both good in their own way. 1986-2008 is great for video games. There are tons of options

Not sure you could say the same for this generation of games though

>> No.7934119

These are both fun

Atari kind of sucks though

>> No.7934121

These are both good systems

Atari is unplayable and kind of boring in comparison

>> No.7934131

SNES has a way better library, bigger / longer and less boring games. So that.

>> No.7934139

SNES just has more games that I enjoy
Magical Quest and its sequels, Super Metroid, A Link to the Past, Super Mario World 1 and 2
The only NES game that I find myself replaying sometimes is the first Zelda

>> No.7934165

All popular franchises had better games on the NES. Well, except for Mega Man and Mother, MMX is amazing, on par with the classic entries for me and Earthbound is PK Rockin sorry for the reddit pun it won’t happen again I swear

>> No.7934184

Explain in full detail how Metroid is superior to Metroid 3, I'll wait.

>> No.7934225

Honestly? I prefer 1 because it’s more open and lets you go wherever you want. I fucking LOVE both games but 1 is still my favorite. But it also was my first Metroid game so maybe that’s part of the reason

>> No.7934289

I agree 2009 onwards became full of clingy meme games and games that charge you an arm and leg for add ons.

>> No.7934292

Famicom and Super Famicom

>> No.7934305

snes. i was born in '92, so the first games i ever played were links awakening and super mario world on my older brother's hand me down snes. i didn't get a NES until high school, so not much nostalgia glasses for it

>> No.7934332

It does have more good games, but the library can get pretty samey. The good SNES games are better and more unique

>> No.7934336

LOLno the SNES has a lot less variation in its games since the large majority of them are cartoony mascot platformers and jarpigs.

>> No.7934346


>> No.7934349

>NES has the better library
Obviously not

>> No.7934351

>amazing RPGs

>> No.7934352
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>they're completely subjective and impossible to compare

>> No.7934404


Based Kings. Mother 1/Earthbound Beginnings is an absolute masterpiece.

>> No.7934480
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>> No.7934508

Umm no

>> No.7934623

The NES has an interesting library.

>> No.7934742

Sorry bb, but it's the law.

>> No.7934767

>I'm just saying that the licensed garbage on the SNES isn't any better
In my memory this just isn't true.
The worst of SNES was boring and bland. The worst on NES was damn near unplayable garbage.

>> No.7934773

I'd take weird unplayable garbage that's good for a laugh over 10,000 identical licensed platformers.

>> No.7934775

I agree with you on technicality, but come on, anon. It's close enough for the context. The guy likes RPGs and Zelda is close enough for him. That's all you need to know.

>> No.7934782

Ya idk what happened I have a theory that new money is connected to nerd culture and that's why it mostly sucks. Some of it is ok but I think more entertaining stuff was released 2010 and before

I could even say 1986-2004 beats 2004-2010 in regards to quality and quantity for games.

Maybe PC can change it but idk. I really don't care anyway because I have played all of it yet

>> No.7934789

Yes I realize that is a stupid timeline to talk about quantity. My bad

>> No.7934862

Atari ST has better games than either of them.

>> No.7934868

some posters are /vr/ are really just bizarrely clueless about anything beyond autistic knowledge of the specs on shitty old hardware and the obscure Japanese games that ran on it. Anyone using the term 'jarpig' most likely fits into that category

>> No.7934876

And the Atari 8 bit was even bigger.


>> No.7934952


Because it's a Super NES.

>> No.7934979

Super Metroid > Metroid
Super Mario world > smb3
Link to the past > Zelda 1
Kirby super star > Kirby's adventure
Earthbound > mother 1
SNES Final fantasy > NES final fantasy


Mike Tyson's punch out >>>> super punchout

>> No.7934981

I still like the game a lot but earthbound mother 3 are better

>> No.7934996

NES; it has the best action game library in existence. The palette and soundchip are miraculous, and It's the perfect representation of a time before any casualization and pandering to inept whining fatbrains seeped in. And the technology handcuffed artists in a way that prevented them from coming close to realizing their ugly nerdy visions

>> No.7935036

Metroid > Super Metroid
SMB3 > SMW; SMB 2(J) is better than both
LTTP = Zelda 1
Kirby Super Star is terrible, and Kirby's Adventure is almost satisfactory, so it wins. But Dream Course is better than both
Haven't played Mother 1
Contra, Super C and Contra 3 are all equally great
Same with Castlevania 1, 3, and IV, but NES probably gets the edge for having two masterpiece Castlevanias to the SNES' one. X isn't great
Mega Man series on NES obliterates the SNES series
Super G'nG > G'n'G
Super Bomberman > Bomberman
Gargoyle's Quest 2 > Demon's Crest
Battletoads > Battlemaniacs

Both top tier consoles. NES wins

>> No.7935042

Obviously so, SNES library is only good if you like faggy jarpigs

>> No.7935047

>X isn't great

>> No.7935051

>I prefer 1
Based indeed

>> No.7935096

NES because it has less buttons

>> No.7935109

that is true. the games are hard as balls. SMB3 and Mega Man 1 (to name two) are pretty pitiless. As far as the 16-but consoles, I rather think the Mega Drive is better because it still retains some of that oldskool 80s arcade action vibe. The SNES feels too casualized a lot of the time.

>> No.7935178

The NES because there's a lot more experimentation and the games tend to be straight to the point. It's a very meat and potatoes console and as I've gotten older I appreciate that the games don't waste my time as much.

>> No.7935192


The SNES was peak 2D. It had the power, graphics, sound, memory and controller to make games you only dreamed of on the NES. That and the sequels to most of the NES greats were better in every way on the SNES.

The NES is still one of the all-time greats though.

>> No.7935195

snes gets my vote because it's what i grew up with. i like the nes too but a lot of the games filter me hard

>> No.7935202

>Kirby Super Star is terrible
Horrendous opinion. Its a masterpiece

>> No.7935203

Also PC engine / tg16 Bomberman games are better than the super Bomberman games.

>> No.7935220

How so?

>> No.7935228

Single player is much better and the art style is better too imo.

Also it's more likely that a tg16 owner will own a multitap, since the damn thing only has one controller port by default.

>> No.7935554

>Metroid > Super Metroid
you're either a troll or you never made it past the bridge

>> No.7935674


NES games are generally far less forgiving in regards to difficulty, and its JRPG's didn't have captivating stories and music quite like what was on SNES, comparing that genre specifically is like night and day.

>> No.7935682
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wouldn't take the SNES as far as reliability goes

>> No.7935685

This also better sound

>> No.7935687

I don't understand this meme, it's the worst one by far

>> No.7935690

It's not a meme my friend, it's a matter of right and wrong opinions.

>> No.7935819

Let me count the ways:
Fully open world, allowing the player to experience almost anything in any order.
All characters have unique dialogue.
Many things happen that just seem miraculous on the NES, including a full hour of music, and a large quantity of enemy designs.
Story is more grounded than the sequels. Weird things happen, but you're left wondering whether some odditys are actual cause by aliens or are just the kids' imaginations.
Ninten actually confesses his love to Anna.
Game introduced the amazingly useful features of fast travel, losing a fight doesn't cost you progress, saving anywhere after a period of time, and it somehow instills childlike wonder throughout the entire experience.

>> No.7935837

Hmmm lets see...

SMB + 2 + 3 > SMW + Yoshis Island
Zelda 1 > A Link To The Past
Metroid <<<< Super Metroid
Kirby's Adventure <<< Super Star
Mega Man 2-6 = X (it's more complicated than this but I feel like they fair each other out)
Castlevania 1 + 3 >>>> Castlevania 4
Mother 1 <<< Earthbound
Punch Out > Super Punch Out
Any game on the NES <<< DKC

Theyre both even on my book

>> No.7935858

It's as anon said, NES games were more pure, minimalist arcade action SNES games were better at creating cinematic epics.

>> No.7935946


>> No.7935973

>never made it past the bridge
Super Metroid's downfall is that it's too easy. I finished it. It's a good game. It's just not as good as Metroid

>> No.7936007

SMB1, SMB3 > Yoshi's Island > SMB2 = SMW
Zelda 1 > ALttP
Metroid 1 > Super Metroid
Kid Icarus > what the fuck did you expect to see here lol the series died for no apparent reason despite the first game being really good
Mega Man 1-6 = Mega Man X1-X3 > Mega Man 7 = Mega Man and Bass
Castlevania 1,3 > Dracula X > Castlevania 4 > Castlevania 2
Mother 1 < Earthbound
Dragon Quest 4 > Dragon Quest 5 > Dragon Quest 1-3 (haven't played 6 and Chrono Trigger yet)
Kirby's Adventure > the slog that is Kirby Super Star

>> No.7936034
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>Metroid 1 > Super Metroid

>> No.7936062
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Both, I like their aesthetics. Which is why I own both mini versions of the NES and SNES consoles.

>> No.7936137

You're right, except for Metroid and Kirby
Also Yoshi's Island is never better than mario 2

>> No.7936195

ur gonna love the trigger little 30 year old zoomy YA GONNA LOVE IT