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7932864 No.7932864 [Reply] [Original]

Is the speed accuracy worth 40 dollars more than the original super game boy?

>> No.7932889

If you frequently play Game Boy, if this would be your primary way of playing your Game Boy games, and if you want the music to sound exactly as on the handheld, then yes.

>> No.7932913

I think the original is better because its a bit faster so you get less frame skipping about every 3 seconds.

>> No.7932920

what did you mean by this?

>> No.7932930

Its good for the link cable if you onou got 1 GB for trading.

>> No.7932937

Yes. The higher pitched sound and music gets annoying after awhile.

>> No.7932946


>> No.7932978

is this the one compatible with gbc cartridges?

>> No.7933014

>SGB released 1994
>SGB2 released January 1998
>GBC launched October 1998

>> No.7933047

No, maybe you're thinking about the gamecube GBA player

>> No.7933057

there are "gbc" games that i'm guessing work on a GB and the SGB

>> No.7933101

>asking strangers on the internet whether something Worth It™

>> No.7933128

The frame rate of the gameboy and the snes don't match so every 3 seconds you will get one duplicate frame aka no movement.
I was testing this on sd 2 snes and the original was better.

>> No.7933147

Did you never play a gameboy in your entire life? The speed up sound makes the music sound terrible on SGB1. SGB2 is better, it also includes a link cable port. Not that its very hard to try them both, SGB1 is dirt cheap.

>> No.7933150

>I was testing this on sd 2 snes and the original was better

>> No.7933246

I truly doubt your ears are that sensitive to the slight pitch adjustment.

>> No.7933267

I own two copies of Dragon Warrior Monsters and a SGB2 just so I could breed a King Slime easily. With one cartridge the breeding formula is insanely convoluted.

So yeah. It's worth it. You fucking noob.

>> No.7933276

There's nothing "slight" about it you dumb nigger, it's the most obvious pitch change imaginable. It's like listening to a 33 on 45.

>> No.7933279

They added a GB Player core to the SD2SNES / FXPak last year. It let's you swap between GBP1 and 2 timings.

>> No.7933283

How does that work exactly, is it an emulator?

>> No.7933284

Lol its not that bad you drama queen

>> No.7933290

Sure I'm joking about the record analogy, but it absolutely is bad, it's not barely perceivable. I have my consoles hooked up to my receiver with 8 speakers, it's quite noticeable. Not only is the SGB fast and out of tune, but it's also 800x louder than my other consoles and I have to have my receiver at 1 when playing.

>> No.7933296

This proves you never played a gameboy in your entire life. After playing Pokemon Red 1000 times I know how its suppose to sound like.

>> No.7933298

Yeah. There's an FPGA on the cart, and it simulates the Game Boy chip that's in the Super Game Boy, and then runs the ROM of it as well.

>> No.7933302

No idea how accurate is though for this topic, stick to real thing.

>> No.7933304

Ah, I suppose that's how it handles SNES expansion chips too. Cool.

>> No.7933308

It's pretty accurate. Even prehistoric man runs correctly. The community put a lot of time into getting it right.

If you want it to run better, you can do that too, and there are options to increase the sprite limit, etc.

>> No.7933345

No I get that but it’s not exactly perfect yet

>> No.7933349

It's literally, scientifically, not remotely that drastic.

>> No.7933354

keep scrolling nigger I already said that was a joke but the spirit behind it was true and gave my set up in >>7933290

If you're listening on a hifi set up like I am, yes, it is noticeable, it is immediately and obviously noticeable, it isn't a slight nitpick that you would find after 30 minutes. But you don't have to have 8 speakers to notice. All you have to do is hold up your gameboy and check side by side. Even if you're listening on a shitty mono output from a 10" VCR CRT combo, the pitch is noticeably off, the harmonies and chords sound out of tune.

>> No.7933361

I think the only thing imperfect about it is that it doesn't have a link port.

Game Boy isn't the PS2. Very simple to emulate, and doing it on a SNES gives you accurate video output and controls to the Super Game Boy experience, so it is fairly authentic, and generally indistinguishable from the real thing, unless you make adjustments to it yourself like increase the sprite limit or add MSU-1 music.

>> No.7933365

he obviously doesnt have a gameboy or ever played one, his opinion doesnt matter.

>> No.7933372

It’s authenticity isn’t the problem, emulation quirks need to be ironed out, like that frameskip you were talking about, do you even know if the real one does that?
clock speed shouldn’t affect the frame rate like that

>> No.7933379

The SNES video output timing is fixed, so yes, the real one does that.

>> No.7933389

>SNES video output timing is fixed
What are you talking about dude

>> No.7933393

If the frame rates of the SNES and GB aren't identical, frames have to be skipped or duplicated. It's not rocket science m8.

>> No.7933402

So according to you GNG, Star Fox and Gradius 3 don’t have framerate issues because it doesn’t match the SNES

>> No.7933414

The fact that some SNES games have slowdown and duplicate frames for that reason does not change the fact that the refresh rate of the SNES is fixed.

>> No.7933418

Which is why I’m telling you the SGB emulation may not be perfect

>> No.7933421

I'm telling you that if it were perfect, there would necessarily be a mismatch between the refresh rates causing duplicate or skipped frames.

>> No.7933441

>The frame rate of the gameboy and the snes don't match so every 3 seconds you will get one duplicate frame aka no movement.

>> No.7933445

God, this is common knowledge people, just look up the clockspeeds between the gameboy and SNES, OP even addressed it by saying the problem was fixed with the SGB2.

It's very insignificant, nobody would notice it while playing, but it does do things like slightly up-pitch the music. If you've ever played pokemon G/S on it, you'll see that the in-game clock is slightly ahead. After a week or so, it will be a minute or so ahead.

>> No.7933448


>SNES 256x239/224 @60.10Hz
>GBI ULL 480p @59.72Hz

GBI ULL = Game Boy Interface Ultra Low Latency. It's a build of GBI for the Game Boy Player that exactly matches the Game Boy/Color/Advance's timings. Other builds which run at regular NTSC timing also have duplicated frames.

>> No.7933459

>the harmonies and chords sound out of tune.
I hate when tone-deaf people pretend to be audiophiles. Everything is 100% in tune with itself, it's just marginally higher pitched on the whole. Doesn't impact harmony whatsoever.
Keep pretending to know how music works.

>> No.7933465

If I want to play SGB on my PC do I need a SNES emulator or a GB emulator?

>> No.7933470

Go listen to DWM2 on an SGB right now. I'll record it if I have to. Frequent clashes in sound that aren't there on the original gameboy.

>> No.7933481

a GB emulator would probably be the better option as you get the colors from the SGB but with the speed of a normal GB game. But you are missing out on custom frames and custom pallets, though BGB has some good pallet customization built in.

>> No.7933508

>I'll record it if I have to.
You're a fucking moron.

>> No.7933510

he probably wants it for the sgb enhanced games

>> No.7933528

well what I want is the custom palettes

>> No.7933534

For the guy itt that thinks the SD2SNES emulates exactly the same as the original hardware

>> No.7933556

Sound used to be a lot worse, yeah. That was always the one thing that was off, but it is certainly a lot better now, even before the fix in that thread.

It's definitely not completely off though. The guy can't even put into words what he thinks is different anymore after that fix, which could very likely mean that not much is different, if anything. Maybe get out MDFourier and measure it, but in either case the Github history is evidence of how much effort everyone has put into it

Nobody is saying your real SGB2 is obsolete, dude. Just saying the SD2SNES offers a very authentic experience, in addition to all the other shit it has.

>> No.7933563


>> No.7933595

You just don't want to be proven wrong. Your ear can't lie to you. Voices that use heavy vibrato/echos will affect the other voices as well at a different speed, DWM2 is full of effects like that. At any rate, say the word and I'll fire up the SGB and my normal GB side by side.

>> No.7933597

You still get that on BGB or any other gameboy emulator. Bomberman GB for instance has multi-player without link cable, I used to play it on the PC with a friend all the time.

>> No.7933610

Not him, voidbrain. Just someone who knows something as fine as the pitch-shift being sperged over won't be reliably demonstrated with a recording unless both parties have sophisticated enough equipment to record/listen to it, and even then the possibility of degradation on the scale we're talking about isn't even close to 0%.

>> No.7933620

Are you joking? It's a noticeable difference. You would hear it night and day no matter if I recorded it from my cell phone or did a direct line in feed.

>> No.7933632

The only thing BGB and other GB emulators can't do is play sound or music generated by the SNES (which only a couple SGB-enhanced games did, granted).

>> No.7933635
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Fine. Quit talking shit and just do it, faggot.

>> No.7933640
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>> No.7933670

Alright, brb

>> No.7933685
File: 10 KB, 250x226, gumpei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say so. I have one. I'd get one now before they explode in price.

>> No.7933696

I don't think it is, but I also have many GBs and the SGB is but one way that I enjoy GB. I can't say I've really noticed the music that badly, and I'm usually really keen to notice that kind of flaw, so I'd say don't bother unless you just want to know you have it exactly right.

>> No.7933724


from the same tv, same volume, one from my SGB, the other from my wii's vba emulator. I was going to record from my GBA SP as well but it's on the charger right now and the battery is shit so I'm not gonna be able to turn it on for another two hours.

Anyway, you'll notice in addition to the pitch that the other voices all become a giant mess together.

>> No.7933735

Yeah... I don't believe it. I call bullshit on that

>> No.7933739

>comparing to an emulator
Are you using a real SNES with your SGB?

>> No.7933740

How else can I prove it to you? I'm standing directly in front of my TV, what you hear in that recording is exactly what I heard with my own ears.

This isn't even some random ass complaint that only I've made, the SGB has been known for having sound problems for decades.

>> No.7933747

All the games I've played where fine on it

>> No.7933749

Most are tolerable. Koichi Sugiyama soundtracks are not tolerable. DQ 1+2 are also bad on my system.

Yes. And I'll turn on my SP as soon as its charged enough.

>> No.7933752

I played DQM2 and I don't remember any ear rape

>> No.7933759

Hopefully you played it at the lowest possible volume.

>> No.7933760

it sounded just fine

>> No.7933767

then you must have had nothing to compare it to, I pity that innocence.

>> No.7933805

I think your SNES or SGB is damaged man — the audio output is definitely hot on the SGB but that's just broken. What you're hearing is distortion and has nothing to do with the marginal increase in speed/pitch.

>> No.7933848

If you're emulating the playing and the player is normally faster than the gameboy, then just speed up the emulation to compensate.

If you're losing 1/180 frames, just speed it up by like x1.04 and then you'll be *profiting* 5 frames.

>> No.7933853

>Koichi Sugiyama soundtracks are not tolerable.
Sir, this is a Gameboy.

>> No.7933881
File: 127 KB, 219x297, R.6e7db9e730f05bb429d8f6e2aae3ac6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are "gbc" games that i'm guessing work on a GB and the SGB

Only the black cartridge GameBoy Color games do. There are a lot of original GameBoy games that have Super GameBoy support (image related logo). The Super GameBoy 2 fixes the speed issue problem with the Super GameBoy 1. It does not play GameBoy Color games. Look at the game timer in this video: The first Super Game Boy is too fast. Super Game Boy 2, which was released in Japan only fixed the issue:


>> No.7933917
File: 252 KB, 733x733, 73fbb3ae-c53a-4b37-8834-d4bf6398b913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a game with SuperGame Boy support. What that means is, the game pak will include some custom boarders for the SNES to display, and will have custom colour profiles. The SGB can really only display 4 colours, or more than that for static title screens. But it can use different 4-color pallets for different screens/ maps in the game. Plus some game feature SNES enhancements with graphics and sounds. Carts with SGB support were really common between 1994 to the release of the GameBoy Color (1998-1999).

>> No.7933936
File: 80 KB, 250x244, pepe-boomer-monster-thumbsup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like listening to a 33 on 45.
That's unironically the most boomer sentence I've ever read on /vr/, and that's saying something

>> No.7933938

That's wild because it's the most cringeworthy hipster thing I've read here.

>> No.7933952

Yeah, for example, Kirby Dream Land 2 has a special title screen and the world select has full colors on top of enhance sound for the SGB
IIRC, the Game Boy Space Invaders even has an exclusive full SGB mode

>> No.7933971

Even if you pretend to be deaf, the problem still exists. Boy systems run at a clock speed of 4.194 MHz (I believe 4.194304 MHz to be exact) and the SGB runs at 4.295 MHz (4.295454 MHz). This causes a video “stutter” every few frames, which is most noticeable in side-scrolling games. Also, the games play slightly faster, which also results in a slight audio pitch change. Theres a reason SGB1 is dirt cheap, it sucks.

>> No.7933980

>>>7933917 (You)
>Yeah, for example, Kirby Dream Land 2 has a special title screen and the world select has full colors on top of enhance sound for the SGB
>IIRC, the Game Boy Space Invaders even has an exclusive full SGB mode


Lots of GameBoy games (First and third party) had these features from 1994 to later releases. I think some developers may have actually taken into account the speed difference of the SGB and optimized their games for it. The original GameBoy in 1994-1998 was ancient, and I think any overclock was welcome.

>> No.7933992

The "problem", as we're discussing, is audio; I'm aware of and don't care about the video situation. The marginally faster clock speed results in a slight pitch shift upwards, and has absolutely no bearing on the "quality" of the sound. Each channel is simply pitched up accordingly. All harmony, melodies, noises, etc, are in tune with one another exactly as they are intended to be, just fractionally pitched up. Unless you have perfect pitch, this will sound perfectly fine, just a little higher. The examples posted above are not indicative to my experience with the SGB; the problem in that MP3 is distortion, not pitch inaccuracy or speed.

>> No.7934000

Ignoring a obvious problem doesn't make you appear smart, it just makes you look retarded.

>> No.7934012

I'm not the one looking retarded here, friend.

>> No.7934027

You're the one that wasted all this time defending a shitty super game boy. I just wanted to see how long you would draw this out, lol.

>> No.7934034

If there is a problem, it would be with the SGB, I don't have any audio issues on my normal cartridges. I'll do a SNES soundcheck in a second. The sound output on my SGB is louder, when I have everything hooked up to my sound system I have to play SGB games on the lowest volume, while I generally play SNES games around 8. If I turned my TV down to 1 it would sound better but I kept them both at the same volume to demonstrate that the output is louder on my SGB.

It's just the most immediate example I could think of of altering the speed changing the sound, as I used to play with the speed a lot when I was growing up. If you didn't grow up with records then I guess it's hipster to you.

>> No.7934048

>It's just the most immediate example I could think of of altering the speed changing the sound, as I used to play with the speed a lot when I was growing up. If you didn't grow up with records then I guess it's hipster to you.
Glad I'm not the oldest person here.

>> No.7934063
File: 38 KB, 474x532, OIP.7ta3fUb3E2dQlZ4C9kBa7wHaIU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>https://youtu.be/ff3_iPi0JMs? [Remove]

And I just want to say. I bought Donkey Kong Land for my Super Game Boy adapter. I did not own an OG GameBoy. I really liked Donkey Kong Land, I think it is one of the better GB platformers. I look back and realize that I played it from start to finish on a Super GameBoy connected to a TV, and the slightly faster clock speed actually makes this game play better on the SGB than it does on the OG GameBoy. DKL doesn't have a clock timer, rare were well aware of the speed increase.

>> No.7934070

Love this game, bro. I agree that the super gameboy is the definitive way to play the game.

>> No.7934101

>Love this game, bro. I agree that the super gameboy is the definitive way to play the game.

When I did get to play my DKL cartridge on a real "Play it Loud" GameBoy, I thought the experience was bad, and the game did feel like it had more lag. I would have never guessed that it had something to do with the clock speed being faster. I thought that the original GameBoy screen just really sucked. Looking back on it. The DKL games may have taken advantage of the slight speed increase.

>> No.7934205

this is what i was trying to tell anon on that Donkey Kon 94 thread last week. for games optimized for SGB they look better on SGB than on the GBC.
Kirby's dreamland 2's definitive version is the SGB one not the GBC palette.

>> No.7934313

>this is what i was trying to tell anon on that Donkey Kon 94 thread last week. for games optimized for SGB they look better on SGB than on the GBC.

That's hard to say if all SGB games were optimised or not. I could imagine that there were devs who beta tested their games using the SGB player. Or they play tested with real real GameBoys and tuned the game to that. The GameBoy CPU was slow. The GameBoy Color did up the CPU to be twice as fast and doubled the memory. GBC games have a lot less issues with slowdown than the GB games. Some devs did take advantage of the SNES speed increase. Look at Animaniacs:


it adds a SNES soundtrack.

>> No.7934319

Bomberman GB has some of the most impressive enhancements, with allowing multi-player on one screen without a link cable using two snes controllers. If you have a multi-tap, you can play four players.

>> No.7934325

>https://youtu.be/a-i5cQNQz7Y?t=9 [Embed]
>it adds a SNES soundtrack.

Game Boy game: https://youtu.be/izuNEJL-Dyo?t=58

>> No.7934338

but for example Return of Samus looks better on SGB than GBC despite coming out before SGB was a thing and both had a custom palette.
many pre SGB and pre GBC games just look better on SGB than GBC palettes, i'm sure there's

>> No.7934348

>Bomberman GB has some of the most impressive enhancements, with allowing multi-player on one screen without a link cable using two snes controllers. If you have a multi-tap, you can play four players.

That is impressive, I had Mega Man V and played it on my SGB. It didn't go all-out with enhancements. It added the basic SNES boarder and multiple colour pallets. But the mind SNES overclock, helps these games play a little better:


>> No.7934359

>but for example Return of Samus looks better on SGB than GBC despite coming out before SGB was a thing and both had a custom palette.

The first time I completed Metroid II was with a Super GameBoy. It looked pretty good with the default colours. But to be honest, I never liked the turquoise BG, so I would go into settings and change it to dark blue or something.

>> No.7934364
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I thought it was interesting that Nintendo used Metroid II as the example for the Super GameBoy NA box. Nintendo even used metroid II for the commercials on TV:

Though, Donkey Kong '94 was the launch game for the Super GameBoy.

>> No.7934393

>allowing multi-player on one screen

Battle Arena Toshienden for the GameBoy has two player with two SNES controllers with the Super GameBoy:

>> No.7934417

And Killer Instinct has this as a Super GameBoy enhancement as well.


>> No.7934478

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers The Movie:

uses SNES enhanced audio.

>> No.7934484


Street Fighter II as two player as well:


>> No.7934613

>It's like listening to a 33 on 33.7947067238913

>> No.7934619

So does it have skipped frames or not?

>> No.7934694

Hank Azaria?

>> No.7934723

kind of crazy all these games did a SGB enhancement. i feel like "accessories" on nintendo consoles gets used super rarely
but i guess maybe this wasnt really an accessory

>> No.7934728

It's like a whole console to itself really. And it sold well. I remember a lot of kids had one.

>> No.7934730

You know how the Switch is really popular?

Same concept.

>> No.7934731
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Clock speed mismatches between software and hardware doesn't cause frames to play more than once, this is all utter retardation.

Pitching up music equally also doesn't fuck with the alignments of the notes, go listen to giant steps and then listen to it on 1.01 speed and .99 speed. It *is* different, it *is not* worse or noticeable to even you spergs.

>> No.7934850

Yeah, they’re likening it to PAL/NTSC difference, it’s obviously just autism

>> No.7934874

You can't argue with my ears.

>> No.7935229

>Hank Azaria?

Oh yeah. Now that I listen to that voice...

>> No.7935269

How easy would it be to mod a SGB with a toggle switch? pwmws

>> No.7935368

yeah, weird that Moe Szyslak is trying to sell me a super gameboy

>> No.7935376

>yeah, weird that Moe Szyslak is trying to sell me a super gameboy

Pretty sure this is Hank Azaria as well. They sound alike: https://youtu.be/LtEFEdrrXc4

>> No.7935385

>yeah, weird that Moe Szyslak is trying to sell me a super gameboy

The Simpsons was in its 5th season when the Super GameBoy came out. Hank Azaria was still doing side gigs.

>> No.7935413

a switch for what

>> No.7935420

>clock speed
reffresh rate, retard

>> No.7935624

So no source for your claim?

>> No.7935639

use your ossc and find out yourself :)

>> No.7935754

>a switch for what

turn off correct GB speed.

>> No.7935770

The SGB revived the dying handheld, it gave it an extra 'umph' and made it new and cool again for a little while. Just like before that the Play it Loud brick game boy in different colors also made it cool again for a year , and after SGB the GBPocket being so small made it cool again for another year. and then the GBC came out and made it popular for another while.

With each wave of these GB revisions/accessories/whatever you wannacallthem brought new marketing with new games so all these new games were meant to take advantage of the new marketing. Play it loud brought the "players choice" line and new games like DKL, SGB brought all these new games that were SGB enhanced, when GBP came out we had all these games that had these holographic sticker that said "New game" or whatever so people would know it wasn't your old early 90s GB game. GBC of course had the different box and everything was in color so that's how they were able to lengthen the portables life for so long.

random youtuber will say it was Pokemon who revived the handheld because they read it on wikipedia and while it's true that it made the GBC into a hot seller pokemon came out in the holiday of 1998 and became a phenomenom the next year, this was at the tail end of the original game boys life even without Pokemon the GBC would've remained strong until the GBA's release. in fact pokemon barely made a difference that last year of the GB. It was all about Nintendo giving new ways to play GB games even if basically the same hardware and supporting it with software.

>> No.7936272
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>Hank Azaria?
Sure is. He did Luigi's voice in the episode Marge Be Not Proud as well.

>> No.7936731

SBG1 is absolutely fine, but it does feel and sound slightly different. To be more exact, it's 2.4% faster, and the audio is pitched up by that much as well. For games I'm familiar with, I immediately notice the pitch difference. As someone with a large collection of game boy games it's kind of a no brainer.

>> No.7936950

More like Pooper Lameboy Doo hahahaha

>> No.7937470

So you were lying all along

>> No.7939298
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I never noticed a problem with the original but the retro gaming super nerds who play 40 year old games in pixel perfect mode must know something we don't.

>> No.7939556

mate, they're not the ones who made it

>> No.7939605

>SBG1 is absolutely fine, but it does feel and sound slightly different. To be more exact, it's 2.4% faster, and the audio is pitched up by that much as well. For games I'm familiar with, I immediately notice the pitch difference. As someone with a large collection of game boy games it's kind of a no brainer.

For me, it wasn't an issue because I didn't own a GameBoy. Just the SGB adapter. Back in the day, I liked collecting GameBoy games for the device. I use to have a pretty big collection of OG GameBoy Titles. I even bought a GameBoy Color just because it had a better screen than the original units. No backlight, but it was an improvement. The original GameBoy was a bad system for fast scrolling. Because of the ghosting artifacts. I found the slowdown to be less of a problem because of this. The difference was not really noticeable when jumping between the two. In some cases the speed increase probably made the SNES game look and feel a little better for an NTSC TV. In some of the older games, it does have minor timing issues. The Super GameBoy 2 seemed like an excuse to fix this for the Japanese market.

>> No.7940002

>In some of the older games, it does have minor timing issues.
Which ones?

>> No.7940050


Found gameplay footage of Battletoads on youtube played on both and lined them up in a video editor. Audio fidelity varies because one is a potato BANDICAM rip and the other is recent. I applied some compression to bring up the volume.

Starts with SGB2.

TL;DR There is no perceptible variance in pitch.

>> No.7940060


Also here is Happy Birthday being played at 45 speed and 33.


>> No.7940205

>TL;DR There is no perceptible variance in pitch.
>I never noticed a problem
For you.

>> No.7940654

I still don't know why this was JP-exclusive (and it was). Every kid I knew with Pokemon had an original model. Link cable support would have made it complete.

>> No.7940718

>The Super Game Boy 2 was released exclusively in Japan in 1998
it would've released near the year 2000 in the west and that just was way to late

>> No.7940721

>Which ones?
any game with a timer will count down faster. >>7933881
>https://youtu.be/alV7QTMewSA?t=536 [Embed]

>> No.7940761

Gen I Pokemon released in the west in 1998, and surely Nintendo noticed the Super Game Boys flying off the shelves at that point.

>> No.7940771

they were all in on the GC and GBA by then

>> No.7940783

The Game Boy Pocket/Light was still the current model and Nintendo wasn't even about to produce Game Boy Color-only cartridges yet. N64 wasn't even out yet when the Japanese version released.

>> No.7940793

we're talking about in the west, they were well into pushing GC and GBA after it was unveiled and the failure of the N64

>> No.7940804

Know how I know you're a zoomer? The mid/late-90's and the early-00's blend together for you. The GameCube and Game Boy Advance don't belong not in the same decade as the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Color, guy.

>> No.7940806

what are you talking about?

>> No.7940845
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>Possible ESL too.
Lemme spell it out for you, chronologically now.
>Super Game Boy: June 14, 1994
>Pokémon Red/Green: February 27, 1996
>Nintendo 64: June 23, 1996
>Game Boy Pocket: July 21, 1996
>Super Game Boy 2: January 30, 1998
>Game Boy Light: April 14, 1998
>Pokémon Red/Blue: September 28, 1998
>Game Boy Color: October 21, 1998
>Pokémon Yellow: September 3, 1999
>Pokémon Gold/Silver: November 21, 1999
>Pokémon Crystal: December 14, 2000
>Game Boy Advance: March 21, 2001
>Nintendo GameCube: September 14, 2001
Nintendo was NOT trying to pushed for the "GC and GBA" at the time of Generation I or even Generation II (only at Crystal was the N64 and GBC on the way out), and given the official SNES discontinuation was 2003 in Japan and 1999 in the West, it was totally feasible and frankly overdue to release the upgraded Super Game Boy 2 in the West by the time Pokémon initially left Japan. Just slap a Pikachu on it and it'd have been perfect.

>> No.7941131

>GBC on the way out),

As far as I know, Project Atlantis was delayed (GBA is not Project Atlantis) . Pokemon was a hit that reignited sales of older GameBoy units, so Nintendo dropped the GBC as a mild upgrade over the OG model that could play the whole GB back catalog while giving into demand for a GameBoy with a colour screen. The GBC is still based on the old GameBoy, but has a secondary 7MHz CPU mode and doubles the video and system RAM and a 15bit colour pallet (like the SNES) and IR link. The GBC was never planned for long term sales. Just to hold over the classic GB line before the successor came along.