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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7924443 No.7924443 [Reply] [Original]

Which retro games are good for Japanese learners?

>> No.7924450
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Pokemon, Doubutsu no Mori

>> No.7924458

Games suck for learning jap.

>> No.7924475


>> No.7924494

this dude learned french from animal crossing so perhaps

>> No.7924617

I learned the majority of french by reading YA novels from the library. Like, thousands of pages of text. I don't think you'll really get that much from some games. With moon it's different because the letters are totally different, but the concept is the same. I guess what I'm saying is try reading manga or something at not too high a level.

>> No.7924638

Go for games that mostly consist of neutrally-written menus and shit rather than dialogue. Japanese fiction dialogue is often full of character, which means weird slurring and slang and all kinds of stuff that's not good for learners. It's like trying to learn English from watching Looney Tunes.

>> No.7924645

I've learned English because of video games. Thank you, Leisure Suit Larry. Took me ages to look up every single word in an actual dictionary but I was young, horney and I had time.

>> No.7924673

It's like everyone telling me to read Yotsuba to learn. I tried but they speak with such slang and stuff it's nothing like how the grammar lessons teach you so I couldn't get more than a few pages in before I said screw it.

>> No.7924734

I'd read more manga if the shipping prices from Japan weren't so ridiculous right now.

>> No.7924765

It's surprisingly very hard to find raw manga online anywhere. The few sites I've found often don't have the most popular stuff or it's incomplete. But there are 10,000 English translation uploads that do me no good.

>> No.7924804

Right? I guess the consumer mentality is more "honorable" over there. Piracy and illegal uploads seem pretty rare.

>> No.7924809

Wouldn't that completely depend on the game you're talking about? Something like Phoenix Wright is all reading. There's some pretty dialogue heavy JRPGs as well.

>> No.7924827

Any game with furigana is a blessing for learners. A lot of kids games will have them. I know the DS Zelda games do.

Unfortunately furigana was pretty uncommon in retro games, memory limitations and/or issues with printing font I guess. You’ll have better luck playing non-/vr/ stuff.

>> No.7924835

It's a combination of very strict anti-piracy laws and the ease of availability. If you live in Japan and want to read a particular manga, it's cheap/free (bookstores generally let you stand around and read for free) and easy to do so. There's very little reason for anyone to take the risk.

>> No.7924842

The kind of games that would have furigana today were all kana back then. Pre-SNES games very rarely had kanji at all.

>> No.7924846

Games with a lot of text:
Dating sims
Visual novels
More recent games have furigana, but I'm not sure when that became common. You should really just memorize all the jouyou kanji anyway; only takes a few months with an SRS.

>> No.7924860

>weird slurring and slang and all kinds of stuff that's not good for learners
You gotta learn the stuff that's not in a textbook sooner or later

>> No.7924867

Yes, once you become more comfortable with the language. It's not meant for beginners.

>> No.7924874

This. Read some manga instead, because of 1) furigana, and 2) you should reread stuff often.

>> No.7924875
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You don't give an English learner shit like pic related and just tell them to decipher it. Gotta learn the basics of the language first.

>> No.7924958

Makes sense, that had so save a shitload of memory.

However, you dont get to know which words are meant to be kanji in that case. It’s still helpful, but a game with furigana is better for learning.

>> No.7924984

I don't understand why Westerners don't upload them though. I understand for a lot of stuff out there would have a very low seeder count and not worth the effort, but for big name series still no one bothers to upload the raws.

>> No.7924995

Most westerners that would have access to scans would be the scanlators themselves, and they'd rather upload their translations.

>> No.7925036

Dragon Quest

grab a notebook, or if you're serious print yourself some 原稿用紙

don't obsess over every word you don't know, but if you see something repeated over and over, like 勇者, copy it down, and try to use the right stroke order. you should include kana-only phrases, and for kanji write down the reading. you can include whatever other notes help you

just skip past any sentences that have you truly stumped, unless it seems to be essential info for the game. with smaller, more strictly grammatical parts of speed like particles and whatnot, don't get lost reading up too much on grammar while you're playing. these practices will ensure you're moving at a fair pace and won't get burned out on the game itself because a minor segment takes you like an hour or something

>> No.7925049

I'm subscribed to a service called Box of Manga which sends 4 semi-random manga volumes of your specified skill level per month for only $30. I feel like it's a decent deal, but of course you're not getting to pick specific things you want, and I've definitely received some stuff that I wouldn't have purchased for myself.

>> No.7925064

Where do they get it though? They seem to upload stuff pretty quick after release so I doubt they're waiting for an import shipment to arrive and then scanning it themselves.

>> No.7925084
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No it's not you fucking retard, it's just that you, like the rest of /vr/, are moronic tranny cucks who have no idea how to look for things which is why you sperg out over shitty "lost media" like Chu Teng that no one ever bothered uploading because it's a game for autistic schizos

>> No.7925169

If you want to really fit in here on 4channel.org, you'll need to do better than just four buzzwords.

>> No.7925185


>> No.7925194

What would you recommend?

>> No.7925198

I've played both 64 zeldas in Japanese, but I'm not sure I can recommend them because sometimes the Kanji gets smooshed and is hard to read.

however, if you can get past that I think they are pretty good.

>> No.7925215

Would you be so kind as to share your source?

>> No.7925218


>> No.7925390

It HAS to be a game where you need to comprehend the text, because the majority of games are completable by figuring out the menus and then "yes" and "no" because the dialogue requires no comprehension. A textual puzzle game like Phoenix Wright or even Professor Layton is a good option. Something like Zelda is not, you will train yourself to look for keywords instead of comprehension.

>> No.7925430
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>> No.7925436

Visual Novels bro

>> No.7925449

check this site out

>> No.7925460

I’m still mad about not getting the end of Bobobo or Keroro Gunso translated into English by scanlators. I can’t even find raws

>> No.7926076

Probably the sort of guy that would recommend decyphering ancient texts. Just do whatever makes you not hate reading the language.

>> No.7926083

why would you even want to learn japanese

>> No.7926117

Layton sounds like a very good choice, actually. Give that a try, OP.

>> No.7926228

Japanese pussy is smaller and tighter than ugly white woman pussy.

>> No.7926421

This right there
Don't focus on some medium because a chinner told you to, play/read whatever you find entertaining enough to devote a lot of time to
Though PC games especially vn type have the advantage of text hookers, voice replay and such

>> No.7926485

Either digital subscription services or they have a buddy in Japan that buys the magazines and scans them in.

>> No.7926813

>Don't focus on some medium because a chinner told you to, play/read whatever you find entertaining enough to devote a lot of time to
This but with asking what games to play. So don't do >>7924443 because all you'll get is people telling you to play boring pokemon or other Dora-tier shit.

>> No.7926858


JRPGs like FFV helped my Japanese a little bit when I focusrd on the practical info like equips and stats.

But like >>7924458 said you're still gonna have a hard time trying to understand the plot dialogue and narration because it's more elaborate and you have to mind the syntax among other things.


Agreed but I would also recommend watching Japanese films (live-action preferably) so you can also notice the enunciation. Listening to songs in Japanese language helps a little too.

>> No.7926871

Watch variety shows, not films. Japanese acting is very very theatrical, so there's a much bigger difference between how characters in movies talk and how normal people talk than there is in English.

>> No.7926938

What are some good japanese exclusive games bros?

>> No.7927005

So you can avoid ideologues purposely mistranslating JP games to push their dumb religion

>> No.7927018

Vidya may be good to test your knowledge, but you won't learn shit from playing