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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7916839 No.7916839 [Reply] [Original]

I'm zoomer. Can someone explain why anyone was ever impressed by PS1 graphics. Weren't arcade games at the time a generation ahead?

>> No.7916841

Arcades were not in your home.

>> No.7916845

There was a time when you didn't have to keep dumping money into a game to continue playing.

>> No.7916848

Compare to gen iv and see why

>> No.7916852

Arcade games have always been a generation ahead, at least until the late 2000s. Having fully 3D games in the home for that price was insane

>> No.7916869

Speaking from personal experience the 3d was pretty crazy even if it looked like ass. Tomb raider was mind boggling

>> No.7916870
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Being able to play pic related at launch in the comfort of your home, looking almost as good as the original arcade version, when everything else that same year looked like Lotus Ultimate Challenge and Top Gear, was that big of a deal.
You kids remember how that Crysis game made everything look ancient by comparison when it came out, right? Same deal.

>> No.7916879

Kid, the years where games were jumping from 2D to 3D were incredible.

It was a whole different way to play games. Having that at home in a console was nothing less than amazing, besides the PSX catalog was insanely rich. Horror games, fighting games, platformers, etc.

And that goes for PC Games too. Playing Doom or Tie Fighter for the first time was astonishing.

>> No.7916881

Do you know what art is? Good art + tech, whether low or high, often impresses people

>> No.7916892 [DELETED] 

I'm a boomer and that's exactly what I thought at the time, I spent 5th in arcades. I avoided PS1 until emulators fixed long load times and jerky textures

>> No.7916895 [DELETED] 

What were some of your favorite Arcade games from the era?

>> No.7916952 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 708x800, 1625180338652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a boomer and that's exactly what I thought at the time, I spent 5th in arcades. I avoided PS1 until emulators fixed long load times and jerky textures

>> No.7916993 [DELETED] 

I don’t know. I never played them. Just went there and hung out.

>> No.7916998

Based. First game I played in 3d was Mario 64 I still remember running outside the castle in complete and utter awe. I was 5 at the time and that moment still sticks in my mind.

>> No.7917000

something like ridge racer blew away every other racing game at the time, for the first time good looking, fast performing 3D was in homes and for a very affordable price. $1200 PCs couldn't touch it. $400 saturn's weren't up to the task. PS1 only got better and better to the point where we are today that people are still frequently blown away that certain things are achieved on the PS1. It's the little box that could.

>> No.7917002 [DELETED] 

Only loner losers had PS1. Everyone with actual friends had nintendo for coop multiplayer. Gaystation had cringe anime games

>> No.7917007 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck even comment on it then? Holy shit you're legitimately retarded, bet you just sucked dicks on the stalls and didn't even get paid for it.

>> No.7917010 [DELETED] 

Stop projecting nerd

I was friends with everyone at that time and had a ps1. Just never really played it since it didn't have that many games that I knew about.

People that use the word loser are usually creepy scary cringey types that I never would want to be friends with

>> No.7917012 [DELETED] 

Ok loser try getting laid sometime. Nintendochads pull pussy easily

>> No.7917025

The Saturn was not $400 by the time the PS1 was released.

>> No.7917112
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>Weren't arcade games at the time a generation ahead?
Only a handful of them that cost so much they were extremely rare to see outside of very large arcades. Which for at least half of the USA living outside large metropolises was something a person might visit once a year or even less.

The arcade games you'd see at a cinema or a department store were CPS2 or Neo Geo stuff with the odd racing and shooting games like Cruis n' series (later San Francisco Rush) or Area 51. Time Crisis if you're pretty lucky. Or Tekken, which basically looked like a PlayStation game. The arcade was technically superior, but not by a lot.

>> No.7917161

Not knocking arcade, but in my town we didn't really have an arcade scene so arcade was pretty much irrelevant to me. 8 year old me was thinking "Holy shit, this is a huge jump from my SNES/Genesis," not "Meh, there's arcade games I never play that look better"

>> No.7917173

Most americans never seen arcade machines beyond an old pac man at pizza hut, which was a 25 minute drive from my house

>> No.7917762

>why anyone was ever impressed by PS1 graphics

have you ever laid a eye on SNES graphics before?

>> No.7917767

This - Ridge Racer was a big deal at the time.

>> No.7917770

Some of them still looks impressive to me today like alone in the dark a new nightmare and its light effects.

>> No.7917845

Sega only price matched a month after the Playstation launched in America.

>> No.7917962

even things like "first person perspective" were novel and everyone was curious what various games might feel like.

>> No.7917968

I am glad I grew up when they jumped from 16 bit to 32 and 64 bts.

Playing OOT and Mario 64 was absolutely insane. What a blast this was, nowadays there is no differences between a PS3 and a PS5 games no point to new systems at all.

>> No.7918045

The arcade version of Virtua Fighter 2 came out in 1994, and it still pretty good, at least compared to what other games came out at the time. Tekken 1 came out after and doesn't come close. Neither do Tekken 2, 3, or the arcade version of Tag, either.

>> No.7918062

Arcade graphic quality games in your home. Is it really that hard for zoomers to understand?

>> No.7918067

arcades were never a good metric
arcades are huge machines with dedicated hardware, designed to run one game exclusively
they were also fuckmassive, expensive, and no one had them in their home

if you look back at the old atari years, youll see people happily picking up 2600 ports of arcade games that were about as crude as could be
the difference was they were in your home, and you didnt have to put in a quarter in every time you died

the graphics on some early PS games like crash bandicoot definitely turned heads because, while not necessarily at an arcade level, they were well beyond anything the last gen of consoles were capable of, and also were in full 3D. even many arcade games back then werent in 3D. then there was also the fact that PS games came with CD-audio.
it was an impressive piece of hardware at the time for how cheap it was

>> No.7918068

At the low end, arcade games were the complete and accurate version while the home version was stripped down (especially PS1-based 3d arcade games). On average, 3d fixed the texture warping that defined PS1, and didn't suffer from N64's vaseline filter. In rare (in Sega's) cases, the 3d looked like 6th gen 5+ years ahead of time

Home consoles couldn't even run the advanced 2d games from Capcom and SNK without major cutbacks. Saturn's 2d ports using the Japan-only RAM cart were a revelation because they were almost exactly like the arcade, something you never really saw before at home, and something that wasn't commonplace until 6th gen

5th gen was overall a huge jump in quality from the 16-bit era, but you at least knew other people were playing games that were a lot more technically impressive, in more populated areas or on PC or in Asia

>> No.7918078
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drop a pin so i can punch your eyes out of your head you worthless little faggot.
metal gear solid was literally like being in a movie and it looked impressive and crappy simultaneously, it's hard to describe it and you had to be there.
the infancy of 3D gaming was like living in a digital fantasy realm. The blocky, warped way of things somehow made it more tangible and mysterious. that "aesthetic" being a meme is for good reason, it looked just as cool back when it was new.
anyways, the arcade was always the big boy, but 3D at home...was pure PURE magic....if it was done well. also, most kids weren't going to the arcades all the time, that was unthinkable to have at home.
yeah the warped look got outpaced technically very quickly, but it didn't matter. games still looked great on PS1. In the case of something like Final Fantasy VII, the true full motion video made a major impact on the visual identity. This was new, and impressive.
also worth noting back then everything was 240p/480i, played on consumer analogue tvs, and i shit you not, it made them look more "real" and that isn't some rose tinted meme.

>> No.7918107

arcade games were always a generation ahead until the early 2000s
The whole idea for most people was trying to get close to that experience in the comfort of your own home. Ports were hit and miss on earlier systems too but by the Saturn/PS1 era games could be nearly arcade perfect aside from graphical downgrades or framerate.

>> No.7918125

It was one of - if not the - biggest jumps in quality between console generations. Each subsequent generation has seen diminishing returns on improvement to its immediate predecessor

>> No.7918132

MGS1 nails a very period-specific aesthetic for that darker sci-fi sort of anime style. Gone in Twin Snakes if I recall though

>> No.7918197

Man I miss the wonder of the transition period between fourth, fifth and even sixth gen. Improvements to visual fidelity were moving so fast and there was so much optimism in the industry. I was hoping that VR would have at least caused another massive wave like that but it kind of fell flat.

>> No.7918221

VR never was going to be the next big thing considering how much more inconvenient it is to set up. The normie appeal just isn't there

>> No.7918234

Never forget that the first Tomb Raider was originally a Saturn game.

>> No.7918238

and yet it looked and ran better on playstation. saturn never stood a chance.

>> No.7918320

Arcades were dead past the mid 80s outside of fighting games.

>> No.7918335

In 2002 my parents bought me Chinese Genesis clone, me and my cousin also had one. We both were so jelaous of our other cousin's ps1, because games looked mind blowing there. I first saw doom and mdk on pc in 2003 and also was blown away.

>> No.7918337

And it looked like dark mess there with horrible framerate

>> No.7918398
File: 153 KB, 977x716, LarasCraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. Lara's character model is better on Saturn. Isn't that half the reason to play it since you're looking at her ass the whole game? And the WATER is better!

>> No.7918406

This is the first I've heard of that...We were robbed, Satbros..If only sega had the foresight to secure it as an exclusive.

>> No.7918474

The Genesis could play downgraded ports of 1988/89 arcade games. The 16 bit systems were hopelessly behind the arcades by 1995. Then you at the big PC games in 1995 (dark forces, descent, crusader no remorse, Warcraft 2) that would all be impossible for the last Gen consoles and they all came to the playstation. No console ever had this many current hit PC games before. You had the best the PC had to offer paired with passable ports of the latest arcade games.

>> No.7918506

Forgot to list C&C and mechwarrior 2 from 1995, both of which also came to playstation.

The only big PC games from 1995 that didn't make the jump to playstation were the point and click adventure/mystery genre (the dig, I have no mouth and must scream, Gabriel knight, full throttle). Those remained a niche for the PC until the genre died off.

>> No.7918536
File: 320 KB, 795x1567, MM8Satsucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And the WATER is better!
Don't that sound familiar.

>> No.7918538

I was not impressed by the graphics. I had a PC and I already knew 3D was coming. But I appreciated having the grahics in an affordable home machine.
Arcades were pretty much just fighting, racing, and shooting at that point. On a home system, you can experience a story, build a character, and explore a world.

>> No.7918542

I have no mouth and must seeth stayed at pc I chuckled

>> No.7918557
File: 66 KB, 1086x265, Racing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weren't arcade games at the time a generation ahead?
same can be said about NES, PC Engine, Mega Drive, SNES, and their arcade contemporaries

>> No.7918576

I can say that the psx fight even the so-called 64bit Nintendo64 cause of only one thing: the games. Not the graphics, not the hardware. The games. There was a MASS of it and most of them where pioneers, others successors
Like... Final Fantasy, arcade games, metal gear, etc....
Psy had a mass of unique games... Even if there history is in another "system".. Treasures like abes odyssey, treasures of the deep, kula world, resident evil... lifeforce tenka, agent Armstrong, fighting force, parappa the rappa, Wipeout... Forsaken.. Breath of fire...gta of course... Other systems made there own games.. The most were shitty ones... GameCube checked that problem and renewed licensed games like resident evil.. But didn't work...psx is a phenomenon I would say it's the Only real gaming console spread and loved soooo far... And even from the programmer's and designers side...

>> No.7918584

Use common sense instead of trying to big brain everything, get off your high horse /veddit boy.

>> No.7918619

>I'm zoomer.
You just said the most zoomer thing I've ever read on here.
I believe you OP.

>> No.7918640

>Weren't arcade games at the time a generation ahead?
wow anon it's almost like most people couldn't afford a 15,000 dollar military supercomputer meant for plane simulations (Daytona USA) for use in their house

>> No.7918647

Because the jump to 3D literally made entirely new experiences and genres possible that weren't before. You're sadly too young to have experienced just how insanely freeing it was to play Mario 64 after playing Mario World or god forbid actually playing Ocarina of Time on launch which felt like playing a game plucked from 5 years out of the future.

>> No.7918660

This entire thread has to be bait. Even a zoomer can't be this stupid.
It's been mentioned here but graphically, there was an entire new perspective. It would be like a sudden shift to virtual reality without any of the bugs we se now all at once. People would go apeshit, and in 20 years the newmers would shit all over the graphics asking how they could have possibly been worth playing. It also should be mentioned that almost all the games that came out were new content, not just remastered versions of old games people liked.

>> No.7918665

Back then PS1 graphics to us where like seeing thee witcher 3 when it came out

>> No.7918676
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The long load times and jerky textures of home consoles were unsightly and unplayable for me, I had to skip 5th gen consoles and played in arcades until 3d quality improved with 6th gen

>> No.7918684

why stand at an arcade when you can sit in an easy chair and relax?

>> No.7918685

There were arcade machines, home consoles, handhelds, and PC. Non-zoomers understood the context and the expectations were different for each.

>> No.7918923

You couldn't play FF7 or Ocarina of Time in the arcades. By 1995 arcades were mostly just fighting games, rhythm/dance games, gimmicky gun games and the odd beat or shoot em up. Most of the best game devs targeted consoles. 1985, very different story.

>> No.7918934

I played Ocarina at launch and didn't like how boring it was. I'd already gotten over the Wow 3D phase. I get that it's a landmark title for 3rd person action games but after loving the 2D Zeldas I was expecting more. After FF7 I spent those years playing games on PC mostly.

>> No.7918961

>Weren't arcade games at the time a generation ahead?
Not in many cases. Namco made a habit of either using PS1 hardware in their arcade machines or having graphics that looked similar enough that they could be easily ported over and look about the same. Cyber Sled, Tekken games, Ridge Racer games. All were quite close to their arcade counterparts.

2D games like Mortal Kombat 3 also looked really damn good, but suffered from CD-ROM loading times.

>> No.7918963

>Sega ST-V arcade board
>~$2000-$4000 conversion kits, $5000-10000 for full cabinets depending on the game
Gee fucking wiz, I don't know why?
Arcade level graphics at home for a reasonable price were not a thing till the Dreamcast.

>> No.7919000

Gran turismo and Medal of honor was like Project Cars and Call of Duty WW2 for us

>> No.7919004

>Namco made a habit of either using PS1 hardware in their arcade machines
These boards ran the CPU+GPU anywhere from 2x to 4x faster, and they usually had 2-3x the amount of memory.
Crisis Zone is a really impressive game with TONS of destructible environments and runs nonstop at 60 fps, its the same hardware in a sense as a PS1, but there is zero way that game could run on a PS1 since the arcade version operated at 120Mhz where the PS1 was 33mhz.

>> No.7919009

That image alone blows me away when I think of games from the last 10 years. How graphics have stagnated.

>> No.7919019

The span of the 80s to the early 00s was neat to watch. Everything got crazy better every few years and it really was exciting to watch. That excitement really died going in to the HD era with gen7.

>> No.7919026

I never saw Virtua Fighter 2 outside of an arcade with 30+ machines.

>> No.7919052
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Star Wars Trilogy was out in 1998 at the same time as Ocarina of Time and Tekken 3.
It did seem extremely impressive yet it existed in this sort of fantasy land because it was expensive to play and you'd only the machine (in my part of the country) in amusement parks or massive mall arcades. I played it maybe five times in total.

If you lived in the city and visited a big arcade every day I suppose it would be a lot different.

>> No.7919579

It's like comparing TV to cinema, or recorded to live music. As vidya progressed, arcades turned into bigger, bodily experiences (remember arcades last mainstream boom were dancing games). In the beggining PS1 offered the first wave of 3D arcades and PC flavors. Then went on to develop proper experiences for the medium (managing + narrative)

>> No.7919592
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>Sega only price matched a month after the Playstation launched in America.

Image related was how Sega had to cope against the PS1. .It was cheaper for Sega to package the Saturn with more software than it was to drop the price.

>> No.7919701

…and it still got slaughtered.

>> No.7919936

Well being disc based, the games were able to hold a lot more data. So we got much better music. Also cinematics which were amazing. I have fond memories playing resident evil and Final Fantasy 7.

>> No.7920936

Nobody believed polyphony could make a game look better than GT1. GT2 was viewed on release as straight up folded thousand times japanese magic because it looked so realistic and detailed.

>> No.7922214

what a game
i remember me and my friend down the street taking turns tag-team grinding out some of those stupid long races

i havent seen it in years, but i remember being absolutely dumbfounded by how realistic it not only looked, but played

>> No.7922328

You will never understand because you were not alive. The jump from 2d to 3d was massive.

>> No.7922332
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Great question Zoomer.

The thing that was awesome about the PS1 was that for the first time, the graphics were better at home! 3D graphics at the time were a phenomena like a Tiktok trend or Twitter outrage. People wanted 3D. All this love for 2D games on 32bit consoles is a new phenom.

If you were 7, and got a ps1, and your parents bought a 2D game, you'd be pissed off. It would be like if your folks got you a ps3 for xmas 2023.

>> No.7922362

I didn't even notice the polygons as a kid. I just saw the fluid animations in Spyro and thought it looked amazing.

>> No.7922395

poo poo pee pee fart fart

>> No.7922445

Well said. No micros or dlc. You paid for a game and you got a game.

>> No.7922452

An expansion pack of then was no different from a season pass of today.

>> No.7922481

>Content that was not part of the game, or even existed during its development is the same as content that is planned for the game but behind extra paywalls

>> No.7922482

what is an arcade game?

>> No.7922485

The antithesis of the premise of the PS1. And?

>> No.7922497

>expansion packs were never planned, nor did they ever include cut content

>> No.7924003

In an era where space was a premium you couldn't always afford to just leave crap on the disc.

>> No.7924015

what ps1 games had expansion packs?

>> No.7924018

GTA 1 (london is the expansion). I think Circuit breakers got extra tracks as an expansion via a demo disc - I know they planned it and supposedly it released but i've never managed to track it down. There might be others but those are the two I know.

>> No.7924023

twin snakes looks sterile like mgs2

>> No.7925532

That is Kojima's vision.

>> No.7925957

PS1 kids were only slightly more inclined to leave their room than kids today


>> No.7926593

One of the reasons the PS1 was popular was because it was one of the first consoles to use a CD drive, and that meant people could copy games for it. Although you had to install a mod chip for it to work.

>> No.7926602

That's because Twin Snakes is a Solid Snake Simulation

>> No.7926692

Most things technology have stagnated, not just video game graphics. Graphics were always going to stagnate. 100 polygons versus 500 polygons is a much bigger difference then 10,000 polygons versus 50,000, etc.

Look at the rest of the tech space for example as well. Smart phones have roughly looked the same for awhile, and besides these dumb folding phones nothing new has really come out.

Same with TVs, the first OLED came out in 2007. No new technologies have really come out that really pushed things forward. You have stuff like MiniLED but it's not a radical transformation.

Think of how far computers and phones came from like the 80s to 2000s, and then look at the 2000s to the 2020s.

>> No.7926697

If my mom somehow found me a 60GB PS3 and gave it to me for Christmas I would be ecstatic.

>> No.7926703

Maybe for PC cucks, but I can't really think of a PS game with an expansion unless you consider VR Missions.

It's the PC that created this bullshit.

>> No.7926741

bro u suck dick and n64 is garbage

>> No.7926743

>mario 64
hot garbage

>> No.7926748


>> No.7926753

Anyone who talks about accuracy on this board should walk into a hail of gunfire. This was supposed to be an emulation board and you faggots made it into some jew coomlector garbage. T. one of the first /vr/ anons

>> No.7926810
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FF8 came at the start of the dreamcast era. Dreamcast blew everyone away, but what square was able to achieve on the PS1 was pretty incredible. But before that the crash bandicoot series was probably the best 3d done on any console. Look at the level of animation they were able to achieve. Think about crash getting squished into a cartoony pancake... in 3d! Nowadays the best we just get stiff mocap "acting". Zoomers can't comprehend the soul that went into achieving early 3d graphics.

>> No.7926870
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>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.7926905

>Maybe for PC cucks
Sonic & Knuckles, Nintendo making you buy the same game twice for content that could easily fit on the cart in 1996, hardware expansion packs with the N64. Compared to that, your humble 90s PC expansion seems quite reasonable.