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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7913270 No.7913270 [Reply] [Original]

Just got a new 2DS XL. What are the best emulators for this? Or am I better off using Retroarch instead?

>> No.7913278
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Should have gone with a Vita.

>> No.7913302

Just emulate DS games on it and GBA games on it. The library is huge AF

>> No.7913334

I definitely will. I'm planning to have it as an all-in-one (sort of) retro emulation console. I know that retroarch is a bit janky, so I'm looking for dedicated emulator for each consoles, the ones that work pretty well at least.

>> No.7913424


>> No.7913463

Retroarch can do pretty much everything up to PS1 fine, but SNES is janky. You want the standalone SNES9X for that.

For GBA games you want rom injections over emulation, and for DS you want Twilight menu, unless you already had a flashcart.

Deadalus supposedly can run N64 at acceptable performance, but I haven't tried it.

>> No.7913478

I would recommend just getting a flashcart for DS games, theyre like 10 bucks

>> No.7913535

Cool thanks. Quick question though, are the PSX Retroarch core and PCSX Rearmed the same?

>> No.7913584

The core is based on PCSX ReARMed yes, dunno if there's a standalone. It used to run like ass, but then some guy made some crazy optimizations and now almost everything is playable at full speed.

>> No.7913621

retroarch doesn't work that well in my experience, the same exact emulator will run fullspeed in the standalone version and run at sub-fullspeed in RA (ie. genplus)

The other pain I noticed is that there isn't really good file management in the standalone emulators. You can't easily scroll through lists or search quickly in gen plus for example. Be sure to break your games down into many folders so that you don't have to scroll a lot.

that's for the core or for the standalone? I remember horrible performance the one time I tried it, but that was somewhen I can't remember.

>> No.7913624

why would you emulate on a 2ds? even ds games look like shit on it.

original hardware or go fuck your mother

>> No.7913652

He seems to be confused about DS; It's pretty much all native on there.

As for anything retro, the screen is 240 so it means every home console it emulates can be done at native resolution.

Add this to the huge library with the DS/3DS support and you get a good supply. As you point out, one might prefer to see DS games at native res (in which case a DSi or DSiXL is pretty much your best option) but I also know why you would prefer just having one device.

>> No.7913753

>hat's for the core or for the standalone? I remember horrible performance the one time I tried it, but that was somewhen I can't remember.

RA core. Again it used to suck, but then some guy came up and did some wizardry and now it runs most things full speed. Give it another try

>> No.7913809


Not OP but I bought a Vita once for $50, never got around to modding it in favor of just updating my old PSP and buying it an extended battery, sold the fucking Vita for 50 or less, and now my PSP has a bad stick and the screen is beginning to die.

I’m a retard and I remember it every day

>> No.7913824

that's a pretty small-time mistake anon, you could have done much worse. Imagine having bought a Jaguar at launch for example.

If you want to get another vita, you can buy them from Japan for about 100. Sure, it's not 50, but hey, that's life.

>> No.7913831

Vita is the best pocket emulater. Great screens, great controls, easy to hack, has a PSP mode, and plays PS1 games officially. Even has ports of PS2 era games. I just wish mGBA got better support and non-crackly audio.

The 2DS line lacks the 3D bullshit in front of the screen, so games shouldn't look too bad. Both my New 3DS and XL have worse screens than my beat to shit DS Lite.

>> No.7913848
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>> No.7913852

>Not having both
Are you poor or something?

>> No.7913854

>buying a flashcard and 32gb SDcard when you can just play from Twilightmenu and use a forwarded

>> No.7913864

>having shit vita and good vita
for what reason nigger
retroarch sucks.
GB,GBC,GBA with VC from hshop, SNES/nes/genesis/PCE whatever with their respective emulators (snes9x, virtuaNES, picodrive, TemperPCE).
DS - twilightmenu

>> No.7913867


Retard question but can Japanese vitas be hacked and operated in English?

>> No.7913910

The OLED Vita can occur burn in when running emulators at native resolutions.

>> No.7913912

It's objectively the best model.

>> No.7913934
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only in extreme conditions and you know it.
it's objectively a downgrade in everything except for battery life, even loading times are slower on slim for some fuckedup reason

>> No.7913958


Out of curiosity what’s the battery life comparison?

>> No.7913993

ds games look crappy on the 3ds and 2ds. they look amazing on the dsi xl. once i got a dsi xl, i never played a ds game on any other device.

>> No.7914092

Sony claims slim has around 2 more hours of playtime than fatty

>> No.7914102

it's the same, just no black bars

>> No.7914113

why does everyone just recommend a flashcart then?

>> No.7914115

are snes9x and virtuaNES better than than injecting roms to the nintendo made VC emulators on the new 3DS?

>> No.7914118

because they're idiots who already wasted money

>> No.7914120

yes better, it has more functions

>> No.7914237

flashcart tends to be a little more compatible and suffers from fewer bugs and performance issues. it's still not worth buying one, as twl works well enough

>> No.7914272

Everything looks like shit on the 3DS systems' top screen unless you run the console with 3D on and the game supports it. The pixels are rectangular and you have the shutter assembly in front of the screen.
Games that mostly use the bottom screen, like Picross, are fine though.

>> No.7914308

games don't magically look worse in the same resolution on a bigger screen. The only complaint you can have are black bars.

>> No.7914367

Lower PPI says otherwise

>> No.7914404
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>> No.7914450

Flashcarts are still better than twilight but free is free. Personally I like having something to use in the game card slot and having all my DS games in their own SD card

>> No.7914482

flashcarts still have higher compatibility than nds-bootstrap. not by much, but it does.

plus another minor advantage is you don't need to hack the 3ds to use recent ds-flashcarts, which is nice.

primary advantage of nds-bootstrap is it being free

>> No.7914491

why did you reply to me by repeating the same shit, idiot

>> No.7915613

flashcarts still have higher compatibility than nds-bootstrap. not by much, but it does.
plus another minor advantage is you don't need to hack the 3ds to use recent ds-flashcarts, which is nice.
primary advantage of nds-bootstrap is it being free

>> No.7916042
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>> No.7916206


What are you talking about? DS games on 3ds are stretched out and blurry unless you hold select when starting them, in which case they are teeny tiny but integer scaled.

>> No.7916215

Yes, out of the box. You can also change the O to X confirm button choice with homebrew.

>> No.7916283

idk, i already had a flashcard from my old ds lite but if i didn't id use twilight

>> No.7916367


>> No.7916383

This doesn't fix the problem, it just makes the problem slightly different.

>> No.7916397

Yes, it slightly fixes the blur you're complaining about.
There are a lot of problems of getting a DSi LL, like for instance the wear since console is old, the gamble low quality panel (backlight bleed), and price.
It's your choice If you want to buy a separate device just to play DS games with a probability of slightly better visual experience than on N3ds, but generally speaking it's a bad idea.

>> No.7916460

are you just a ips retard? oversaturation=gooooood

try comparing one of the castlevania games

>> No.7916465

both screens are IPS you goddamn shit-eating reddit tourist, don't talk to me

>> No.7916468

>There are a lot of problems of getting a DSi LL, like for instance the wear since console is old, the gamble low quality panel (backlight bleed), and price.
dsi xl isnt expensive, it costs way less than a 3ds. what is even your point?

>> No.7916480
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anon what's your problem, why did you memearrow my post but only read half of it

>> No.7916493

i dont know why youre so emotionally invested in defending the decision to play ds games on an objectively inferior system

games were designed for ds, they look best on a dsi xl. period. end of discussion.

>> No.7916503
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at this point I feel like I'm being trolled, conversation is over

>> No.7916505

or you could keep posting reaction images, nice cope

>> No.7916946

snes9x runs terribly on 3ds (horrible audio emulation), its best to inject your games into the vc emulator

>> No.7916973

don't listen to>>7916946 lying retard, it's good.

>> No.7917001

hmmm so no one knows

>> No.7917015

Kill yourself

>> No.7917158

he's a retard because snes9x ran bad on OLD 2ds/3ds but it's good on a NEW with updated hardware, which is what OP bought

>> No.7917706

>in which case they are teeny tiny
(almost) same image-size and dpi as a nds (minus dsi xl)
unless you're not using a 3ds/2ds xl, but by that point I just feel sorry for you.

>> No.7918450

enjoy your OLED degredation.

>> No.7918463

I'm definitely thinking of jailbreaking my N3DSXL. If they shut down the eShop then I'd definitely do that.

>> No.7918562


I use TWL Patcher, it still looks like shit on all the settings I've tried. There is no fixing the problem of trying to stretch something 192 pixels tall into something 240 pixels tall, it will just never work. It is obvious if you ever play on a real DS that it is 10x better visually. When I am forced to play on my new 3ds xl I will always hold select, I actually patched my system so anything in DS mode will automatically launch in letterboxed integer scale, because the stretching was so awful. The DSi XL is the vastly superior option.

>> No.7918680
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>There is no fixing the problem of trying to stretch something 192 pixels tall into something 240 pixels tall,

>> No.7918740

>kriss kross
idk if you are extremely based or extremely wiggity wack

>> No.7918823

too bad you already missed the freeshop extravaganza

>> No.7918865

snes9x and twilightmenu++ is all you really need. twilight runs ds, gba and gbc natively. never used retroarch once.

>> No.7918869


>> No.7918872

The wha-?

>> No.7919149


Have you tried playing Metroid Fusion on gbarunner2 for more than 2 minutes? Let me know if you notice anything...

>> No.7919325

Until about 3 years ago, you could literally download free games directly from Nintendo eshop

>> No.7920294

I cant play tomba, medievil, or syphon filter. 3ds cannot handle psx. I wouldnt count on 64 either.

>> No.7920362

>building catches fire
>see idiot run outside to safety
>stay in place

>> No.7920462


>> No.7920464

teenagers(or the dumb fucks, same shit)+internet is the worst that happened to the humanity.

>> No.7920525

omg yes Freeshop/CIAngel was the shiiit

>> No.7920656

use that loader program to make gba and ps1 cias. ps1 games run really really fucking well if you look up the correct loader settings online. theres also a native port of diablo for it