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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 29 KB, 829x556, Arx-Fatalis-Free-Download-Torrent-Repack-Games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7915350 No.7915350 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any chance for one game to surpass this masterpiece?

>> No.7915391

As a game in general or for it's particular genre?

>> No.7915396

For me, it's #1 of all time in both categories. Even though it's extremely flawed, what it does right makes it way better than anything else.

>> No.7915742

I'm not sure it will surpass it, but Monomyth is our best shot at anything remotely similar these days.

>> No.7915757
File: 70 KB, 1280x704, crazy-taxi-998862-1280x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy Taxi is better

>> No.7915778

2 words man.

Doos Ex.

>> No.7915814

>2 words
New York City

>> No.7916773

any game with a run button

>> No.7916828

Is a good level. What's your point?

>> No.7916931


>> No.7917084

Okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

>> No.7917145

I found it really boring. Gave it a couple days to let it slowly burn. Just didn't have much fun with it. Or for that matter, UUW either, think I'm just more of a System Shock, Thief, and Deus Ex kinda imsimmer

>> No.7917537


>> No.7917592

It was really fucking good. Ultima Underworld might be better but I was never able to get into that game.
Also this >>7915778

Nigga what? Did you even find The secret Majestic 12 base in the sewers

>> No.7917602
File: 3.67 MB, 2438x3484, underworld poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. It's spiritual predecessor was honestly superior. Although I will admit it's hard as fuck to get into these days with it's archaic interface and old-school controls.

>> No.7917618

It probably was a hub early in development. You gain access to some new portion every time you visit. I would've understood complaints about the ocean lab mission but NYC gives you plenty of freedom in what to do or not do.

>> No.7918018

>Although I will admit it's hard as fuck to get into these days with it's archaic interface and old-school controls.
That's not what makes it difficult to get into. It's the dialogue trees that loop with the NPCs that can get angry at you then completely forget they talked to you, completely ripping you out of the immersion. It's why they had no NPCs in SS1.

>> No.7919564

Why do you fags word your topics like this? You're just asking to get flamed for your taste, which is shit btw, not even the best game release that month

>> No.7920097

Holy shit all these guys that didn't even get to the silo level

>> No.7920191

Mother fucker Arx Fatalis is not a masterpiece.

>> No.7920196

I can't say I had this problem playing UU1. I dunno, maybe I did, and I savescummed and don't remember it? The whole game is pretty finicky and you have to be careful to not screw yourself.

>> No.7920210

Which month, June or November?

>> No.7920609

>Says one of the first few levels is bad
>Randomly brings up the last level
>It's still not a bad level

I didn't screw myself. Just the NPCs were extremely jarring.

>> No.7920621
File: 120 KB, 1012x759, two words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Says one of the first few levels is bad
>>Randomly brings up the last level
>>It's still not a bad level
I take it back. Not only did you not get to the silo level, you never even played the game. Another zoomer retard only familiar with the most surface-level memes.

>> No.7920639
File: 85 KB, 640x935, Dark Messiah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does OP think of Dark Messiah aka Arx Fatalis 2?

>> No.7920649

What does a kicking-people-into-spikes simulator have to do with Arx Fatalis?

>> No.7920652

>aka Arx Fatalis 2

>> No.7920736

Gas lighting nigger. If it's the level where you have to climb your way up a silo to kill a guy standing on a crane then it is 100% one of the last levels in the game. You revisit New York a few times but it's still easily within the first 1/3rd of the game.

It has as much to do with Arx as Dishonored has to do with Thief.

>> No.7920741

Actually I forgot ab out the time you have to find the Illuminati guy hiding in a blown up building. Still being a nigger.

>> No.7920863
File: 31 KB, 690x126, Arkane's founder on why he's ready to leave Prey devs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Messiah was originally conceived as a sequel to Arx Fatalis and was made by virtually the same team.
Presumably, the only reason it was forced into an unrelated IP was the low sales of the original game.
Dark Messiah threw away the open-ended aspects and the RPG elements of the original, but improved the combat mechanics.
It compares to the original Arx Fatalis in about the same way Link to the Past compares to Zelda 1.

>> No.7920897

Similar thing happened to Dishonored. They didn't get to make the game they wanted to because Beth got involved.

>> No.7921568

>was originally conceived
>and was made by virtually the same team
Irrelevant. Still no. Those are very different games. I like both but for very different reasons.

>> No.7921668

Oh so you're illiterate too, lmao

>> No.7921669

Don't laugh, but Arx was the first RPG I played where I felt that my actions have an immediate impact on the world. I believe it was early on with the troll or orc sitting in a large cave. Beautiful game and interesting setting.

>> No.7922365

Holy retard lmao. Started off funny and ended up just sad

>> No.7922394

>zomg everyone does not remember every conversation perfectly no matter how many years ago they've played last
Yes, very sad.

>> No.7922401

It's a relatively well-known quote. 132 instances in the /v/ archives, for example. Way to expose yourself as an OLD MEN memefag.

>> No.7922585

>132 instances in the /v/ archives, for example.

>> No.7923441


>> No.7923674

>this masterpiece?
OG UW 1 and 2 > Arx.