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File: 185 KB, 256x357, Lion King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7912843 No.7912843 [Reply] [Original]

Name a harder game. Actual game, no romhack or indie shit.

>> No.7912859

lmao just try every door bro

>> No.7912863

Its ez.

>> No.7912878

Journey to Silius on the NES.

>> No.7912930

Did you also get filtered by that level where you have to swing from the monkeys, ride the ostrich etc.? Think it was the second one. I never beat it genuinely as a kid, had to resort to skipping that level using cheat codes. I tried playing through the game again just last year, SNES version this time, but I legit started swearing at the very same part. Doable now, but takes a bunch of tries to the point shit ain’t funny anymore.

>> No.7912942

It's really just the stupid battletoads ostrich part. Everything else is pretty reasonable.

>> No.7912951
File: 102 KB, 800x536, 296237-atlantis-no-nazo-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am genuinely convinced no human could 100% this game without a guide. Even beating it at all would be impressive honestly.

>> No.7912953

Is this bait? This game is not hard.

>> No.7912956

Journey to Silius is easier, at least there you have an infinite ammo projectile weapon and the auto scroller in the game is way slower.

>> No.7912959

how is the ostrich part hard? im sorry but the first section has arrows telling you what to do, and the second section isn't that long and easily remembered.

>> No.7912975

Go back and play this game as an adult. You will wonder why it kicked your ass so bad as a kid.

>> No.7912976

Played it a lot in 90-s on 486 pc on keyboard. Did not remember anything particularly hard about ostriches. Tried recently SNES version - ostriches level us freaking impossible. Barely beat it with a lot of savestates abuse. Dunno, probably infinite free time helped back in 90s.

>> No.7912979

everest isnt that hard bro i just sprinted up and down in an afternoon after my lunch break. didnt even take a jacket

>> No.7912981

I did recently. It's harder than ghosts n goblins, castlevania, contra, and battletoads

>> No.7912987

LOL it is not. I haven't touched this game in years and just got past the second level with a single continue on normal.

>> No.7912994

It's the movement, mainly the jumping.

>> No.7912997

Not only that but there is a 1up right before the second ostrich ride. You get as many chances as you want.

>> No.7913010

ghosts n goblins and castlevania have checkpoints. all 4 of them can have some progression into them without wanting to throw the game out the window on the first 2 stages

>> No.7913017

get a load of this contrarian

>> No.7913020
File: 123 KB, 600x400, dio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holyyy divahhhhhhh

>> No.7913021

How the fuck is this game hard? It's trolling right?

>> No.7913068

>retarded shitposting
make sense

>> No.7913083

post your no-death runs if you're so great

>> No.7913098

these games aren't hard anyway

>> No.7913103

Not him, but
>don't like what you're saying
>will gaslight you by pretending your post is hard to read or poorly written
Fuck you, you're the worst and I hate the ESL meme.
>make sense
Fuck you twice for LITERALLY ESL posting, too.

>> No.7913116

The timing is fucked and tricky, and it sucks to get pushed back when you invariably fuck it up the first several times. Don't pretend it doesn't.

>> No.7913132

>Name a harder game
Build in cheats. Hard game.
zoom zoom

>> No.7913170

Journey to Silius is easier.

It's not hard it's just shit.

>> No.7913175
File: 82 KB, 500x710, alien-soldier-sega-genesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien Soldier which also happens to be the best game of the 4th generation.

>> No.7913186

I swear the jumping just doesn't work right in this game. Tried several cores and they all behave the same. Like it buffers or disables after attacking, or it's just random. I don't get it but it just drops my goddamn jumps now and then. Don't even care to gitgud because of it.

>> No.7913214

I beat this game as a kid but tried to replay it again and got filtered at the second last level with the lava that one shots you.

>> No.7913217

english is the world's language, you'll just have to deal with esl, fag

>> No.7913406

>not understanding the language
you hate the esl meme because people call you out for being esl

>> No.7913431

I always got filtered by the lava level in this one. That part where you are floating on a rock on the lava, have to jump off, get chased by a boulder, then have to jump back onto the rock was my limit

>> No.7913436

Yea, this is the one that made me get a game over. The ostrich level wasn't a problem. There was a specific jump in particular in the lava level that seemed impossible and where I lost all of my lives.

>> No.7913469

I want to ____ that bird

>> No.7913668
File: 659 KB, 600x611, 1615902551361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside

>> No.7913804

I can only guess that that other guy was taking issue with the "it's" instead of "it's trolling" but it makes perfect sense to me. "it" referring to the posting people do about this game, not the game. I think he's just a bad-thinker. Can we get an catchy initialism for that.

>> No.7913813

ah fuck I made a typo too, I'm doomed

>> No.7913832

It's a pretty manageable game if you sit down and git gud. The hyena lair level can trip me up though.
I'd say Kid Chameleon is harder.

>> No.7913972
File: 175 KB, 220x312, 220px-Contra_-_Hard_Corps_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got nothing Simba.

>> No.7914046

This shit isn't near as hard as people make it out to be. Everyone gets their ass whooped on the second level then just quits after that the game is extremely beatable.

>> No.7914048

You're fucking delusional if you think this is harder than those games.

>> No.7914057

super street fighter 2010: the final fight
ghosts and ghouls and goblins

the hardest part about this game is the giraffes and that really only takes a handful of game overs to figure it out, if youre dumb.

>> No.7914061


>> No.7914159

> mkaes sense
is a typo but
> make sense
is pure ESL posting.

>> No.7914335

Toki Going Ape Spit.

>> No.7914358

No, I hate it because it's the hot new way to smugly dismiss someone. It's annoying. Sure, man, I'm sure both of my posts sound fresh off the goddamn boat. I guess the meme will continue to gain traction because it is infuriating, and that's all that matters. Fuck meaningful discussion and real arguments and shit.

>> No.7914368

What's worse is when people use it, I'm not sure if THEY'RE retarded for not understanding a simple turn of phrase or unconventional wording that makes sense within the context of the discussion, or if they're just shitting me. There, I've all but guaranteed it to appear twice as much now, because le trolling xD, but whatever. It had to be said. I even predicted your shitty-ass "you only hate it because you're ESL" response. I knew some dickhead would say that obvious shit.

>> No.7914508

That's not even the hard version of that game, you worthless toddler

>> No.7914537

Journey to Silius is definitely harder than Lion King

>> No.7914541

bad take

>> No.7914595

But it's got a 100 levels!!! More than Mario! Isn't that awesome!?

>> No.7914598

>t. Xi
Also, gays should be electro-shocked.