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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7910924 No.7910924 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>want Jam
>already expensive
>Scott the woz releases video where he brags about owning it
>price triplicates

>> No.7910943

Why would you want that? You can already get the Sonic trilogy+Knuckles through different means, the Sonic 3D world isn't that worth it.

>> No.7910982

>Wanting to own optical media
You get what you deserve, fag

>> No.7911023
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Who the fuck is paying several hundred dollars for Sonic Jam of all things. Is it really just Scott the Pozzed's braindead middle class zoomer fanbase begging their parents to buy it for them?

>> No.7911056

holy shit that sounds legit scary to me, imagine all those little onions zoomies who dont have to save up for shit asking there parents to buy them expensive games and then not giving a fuck about them, leaving the disc out of the box, and the booklets in the sun and then jacking up the price years later when theyre older

>> No.7911090

I imagine they take good enough care of their shit since it is plastic cred for them, but having dealt with or otherwise witnessed some of them in real life, there is still something inherently embarrassing about seeing some teenager/early twentysomething who grew up watching GameGrumps carrying on about how this or that game is totally awesome (because their YouTube big brother simulator told them as much) and totally worth however many hundreds of dollars "they" paid for it. If a console wasn't the most current of it's production company's output during your lifetime, you shouldn't collect for it. I don't collect Atari 2600 shit, because I'm too young for it and I'd inherently be a poser fucktard if I did otherwise. Stay in your fucking lane.
>inb4 gramps
OK, sure, but I guarantee you that the vast majority of the kids who buy games for 80s and 90s consoles are desperate for approval from people who actually played these games when they were current. I'm just glad I got the vast majority of the retail games I want ages ago (mostly when they were in retail stores) and don't have to mess with competing against people who think Sonic Jam is a $300 game.

>> No.7911249

Soulful collection of the classic games that are actual ports, not emulation. Extra modes like time trials, spindash for sonic 1. Also you'd be surprised but there aren't any modern collections with 3&K

>> No.7911250

just get the import version, all the text is in english

>> No.7911275

Shhhhh. Don't give the YouTubers ideas for videos, or else their legion of fans will drive imports through the roof. Granted, it is pretty much inevitable at this point.

>> No.7911303

>If a console wasn't the most current of it's production company's output during your lifetime, you shouldn't collect for it. I don't collect Atari 2600 shit, because I'm too young for it and I'd inherently be a poser fucktard if I did otherwise. Stay in your fucking lane.
What's wrong with going back and playing consoles/games you missed out on? I didn't grow up with Atari but I own one today and enjoy playing it every once in a while. However, I guess it's not quite the same since Atari games are cheap as hell. Curious if you'd still have the same opinion if games like Sonic Jam weren't going for $300+

>> No.7911656

>wanting physical copies of old games
first problemo

>> No.7911893
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First World problems require Second World solutions

>> No.7911904

I think it's fair to rail against idiots who collect if someone told them to, but I will also say that anyone whole collects games for consoles they grew up with, beyond titles that they originally owned or titles that they always wanted as a kid, is equally as stupid.

If you're ever buying anything for "completeness" then you fell into the mental trap that these same dumb kids fell into.

>> No.7911906

Scott the schnozz

>> No.7911909

Not him, but buy old consoles all you like. But buy a flash cart or an ODE where applicable.

If you've got no love for this plastic, there is absolutely no reason to own it. You can play these games on real hardware without ever having to pay for carts or discs with little Jimmy's permanent marker on it. And it's exactly as accurate, way more convenient, and one hundred percent the same exact data and general experience, and you're less likely to wear down the contacts on the hardware.

>> No.7912062

You could just buy boxed copies of the Genesis games for way less money if you consider yourself a "collector"
Or >>7911250
Or emulate/play off an ODE like a sane person, people have recreated all of the bonuses this port has in ROM hacks for the original games

>> No.7912067

At least Saturn is piss easy to accurately pirate, unlike the Dreamcast with its GDI files.

>> No.7912271

Sonic Origins will change that next year though.

>> No.7912756

Good thing I bought my copy in 2014 for $80. Lmao

>> No.7912758

Just burn it on a Cd, you nimrod

>> No.7912764

aside from the 3D world, Sonic Jam is kind of a mess. The slowdown in the games really kills it.

>he doesn't know about CDI

>> No.7912775

How is GDI difficult to pirate?

CDI is garbage

>> No.7912810

I love you people think kids give a shit about some shitty second rate Sonic game.

>> No.7912815

Apparently they do, if what OP says is true. Adults don't watch some "wrong generation" zoomer to tell them which games to buy.

>> No.7913110

>The slowdown in the games really kills it.
I know you never played Jam. Only Sonic 2 has slowdowns, not the rest. Also while Sonic 2 has slowdowns in places where the original didn't, at the same time it removes slowdown where the orginal had. Original Sonic 2 has slowdowns.
Jam is not a mess at all, it's a great way to play the classics apart from the MD orginals.

>> No.7913126

>tfw missed the chance to get it for 150 at a local store

>> No.7913220

Im fine with younger people having an interest in retro but only if they themselves were the ones whos curiosity nurtured that interest. If you got into it through watching some hype machine cringe personality or for "cred", then you can just kys right now.

>> No.7913223

>there aren't any modern collections with 3&K

isn't 3&K literally on steam

>> No.7913254

From what I seen in my shithole country kids get into old stuff from lofi amvs and ease of access and piracy.

>> No.7913259

in middle school i used to collect sega saturn games. this wasn’t the 90s this was the 2010s. i was a weird fucking kid.

>> No.7913275

Why did you do this? Genuinely curious what makes an underageb& develop an interest in Saturn. Was it YouTube?

>> No.7913293

It is.

>> No.7913308

Curious about this as well. Full respect if he legit got into it on his own cause he just wated to try out older stuff after gaining a fondness for vidya.

>> No.7913582

wasnt allowed to play m rated games so i mainly grew up mainly with nintendo and sonic games. also watched a lot of avgn and classic game room growing up, which intrigued me even more. it was a bit of both youtube and my own gaming experiences that got me into it. as for the saturn in particular i was intrigued by sega's history and their strange hardware/business practices. the saturn just had a lot of cool underground games, both 2d and 3d. ended up getting out of it because the games were expensive and i just emulate now.

>> No.7914357

Based scott

>> No.7914362
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Zoomer here. I got interested in retro games through hearing about either SEGA games or games with my favorite composer Noriyuki Iwadare. It was only a matter of time before I would fall down the FM synth rabbit hole and now I listen to a ton of PC-98 OPNA music. Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.7914524

Thats what I do, but the import isn't expensive or unreasonable if you value the original disk.

>> No.7915491
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>Being too poor to enjoy the original experience
>Being too young to enjoy the original experience
Cease, faggot.

>> No.7915635

Kinda the same thing for me. Buying the SEGA Mega Drive collection on the PS3 for £15 (initially only to play Sonic) opened my eyes to so much stuff. Streets of Rage, Ristar, Ecco, Shinobi 3, and so on, and I wanted more. I had only dabbled in emulation prior to that point, mainly with the Dreamcast for whatever reason, but ever since then, I've been interested in Retro. YouTube helped too, I guess.

>> No.7915685

>fans of an eceleb get to own a cool collector piece and not actual fans of the franchise
I hate this timeline