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File: 119 KB, 600x338, oldschool tr games lara croft ruins where she belongs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7874039 No.7874039 [Reply] [Original]

Tomb Raider thread!

>> No.7874398

I haven't touched these games since the 90s but I'm still disappointed at the contrast between the first game and the two following sequels. The human enemies, fewer tombs, less sense of isolation...I know all of this has been said countless times but I can't help but wonder what could have been.

>> No.7874424

This franchise isn't going anywhere anytime soon. They'll inevitably make something similar to the first game eventually. It's a million monkeys at a million typewriters situation.

>> No.7874425

I see I bump

>> No.7874460

Which one is this?

>> No.7874472 [DELETED] 

Horse sperm.

>> No.7874478

There is absolutely nothing wrong with urban levels and human enemies.

>> No.7874487

That's fine, it's just personal preference really

>> No.7874789

Delete this, the urban levels suck.

>> No.7875692

h-hey bros. does anyone know the n-n-nude code? h-haha asking for a friend...

>> No.7875737
File: 112 KB, 364x240, SLUS_001.52_17062021_005309_0815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished this level a couple of days ago and holy fucking shit.. This is a nightmare to play if you abide by save crystals only like Tomb Raider 1 was designed to be played. It has the most enemies out of all levels save for Place of Midas and Temple of the Cat (and from what I could gather they simply couldn't fit in more enemies because the memory would be overloaded at this point). Every misstep is potentially fatal - there's very little room for mistakes and the level seems to have been conceived with developers trying to think ahead of the player as they progress into the next section. It's pretty tense and frustrating to get through the same thing over and over again and hope you don't fuck it up on a one second timing as your concentration starts to give in.

IGT was 58 minutes but I'm sure it must have taken over 5 hours. No other level took such an effort to get through as this one. And it's actually pretty straightforward with the most deadly traps not being optional like Atlantean Stronghold (save for that last jump). Not my favorite level but without a doubt the most hardest of all Tomb Raider 1 and I certainly respect a lot the devs for the insane level design and how much they tried it to feel infernal and maddening, echoing the situation Lara is faced with.

>> No.7875805

The blockiness and design of classic Tomb Raider levels fits wilderness and tombs a lot better than it does buildings and cities. Why does Lara need to push a switch to open her big square front door? Why are switches on top of buildings only accessible by jumping across awnings and in random alcoves in buildings, and why are those switches doing shit like rotating small sections of roof or opening random far-away doors? Some of this shit still doesn't make sense in tombs too, but it's more odd in an urban context.

>> No.7876351

Is it possible to get Core Design back making games again?
I know we're never getting Tomb Raider games from them again but i just want them trying to attempt what they did on old Tomb Raider games now with having the benefit of better technology to work with.
I hate what TR as series become, Core Design always had it right and they just happened to be one of those developers that were designing early 3d games.
They could still make better games without the reliance of tank controls in my opinion and still make them challenging.
Despite the challenges in old TR being designed around those tank controls, i do believe it would be possible to replicate it with tighter controls because a lot of it was about dexterity with platforming and mastery.

>> No.7876561

Those guys are probably in their early sixties now, think they are looking to arrange their retirement rather than go back to crunch time

>> No.7876582

Played first one for the first time recently. Adored it. Second one had a strong start, then oil rig kinda ehhh, then 8 hours of fucking shitty shipwreck underwater levels. Still need to finish and play the others

>> No.7876584

Save crystals are only a thing for the ps1 ports dude.

>> No.7876672
File: 1017 KB, 320x180, 1619465712934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess we're stuck with this god awful joke for 'platforming' in the series for eternity.

People will just continually lower their standards on the gameplay as long as they find Lara to still be attractive.
The series will never not be an Uncharted clone now, and it bothers me because the original TR games are far better than Uncharted.
They also provided a feeling a far closer to being Indiana Jones or something with all of the things the game makes you do.
Platforming, puzzles, problem solving etc.
Constantly being on your own and never being told what to do or how to do it, it's all about experimentation.

>> No.7876915

I think even you would get the original devs out of retirement and convince them to work on another TR title, it will still be similar to NU-lara/Uncharted/scripted slowmo events simply because muh publisher/investors/mainstream. Developer freedom is pretty limited nowadays i think.

>> No.7877481

Didn't they mocap for the animations? Why the fuck do they look so bad.

>> No.7877504

Lol that gif.
I beat Shadow when it was free for PS+ a few months back. It is indeed an Uncharted clone but at least it was better than Uncharted. I wanna ask though: what was so bad about eagle trial? The cinematics? Can you post a clip from the OG raider games that shits on it platforming-wise

>> No.7877654

Its the magnetism that makes Lara land correctly after an missed jump that looks ridiculous, other than that the animations look very natural.

>> No.7877668

you know, with all those places in the tomb raider games, i always wonder why lara croft never explored the pyramids.

>> No.7877840
File: 340 KB, 750x1048, delmgm2-90b97c13-a2c7-4355-98de-719c422dd619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last revelation

>> No.7877849

No they don't look natural. They're very stiff and look awkward as hell.

>> No.7877867
File: 146 KB, 683x745, Plan-of-the-Giza-complex-From-Cultural-Atlas-of-Ancient-Egypt-p-158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giza section of The Last Revelation is literally set there, Lara gets to explore The Great Pyramid and smaller Menkaure's one as well as tiny satellite pyramids surriounding the complex. I marked her path:

- Sphinx Complex
- Underneath the Sphinx

- Menkaure's Pyramid
- Inside Menkaure's Pyramid
- The Mastabas

- The Great Pyramid
- Khufu's Queen's Pyramids
- Inside the Great Pyramid

>> No.7877871
File: 116 KB, 1079x681, 7a1cfe32f21e8677aa70d6b9022932b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly, the interior of The Great Pyramid is "somehow" accurate to the layout of a real one, of course altered for the game but not that far away. She goes down the shaft, then up, to great gallery and to burial chamber, where she uses broken sarcophagus to find secret passage. It's slightly altered but general layout is somehow similar enough.


If you watch this video you can see that her routes are similar to the layout.
- 1st she goes red path, (up to around 2 minute mark)
- 2nd green path, to trigger bolt of light
- finally all the way down blue path.

Of course in the game scale is off, there are extra traps, pits, boulders and triggers but overal I'm surprised Core went this close.

>> No.7878538

Play The Last Revelation (good) and the first quarter of Chronicles (decent). They're as close as the franchise ever got to recapturing the sense of exploration and isolation inherent in the first game.

re: Atlantis, If you highdive from the platform the Scion is on and fall all the way down to the lava at the bottom of the level the height is far enough that Lara will scream three times before hitting the bottom.

>> No.7878553

Tank controls were what made Tomb Raider. The precise controls and distances of Lara's movement were specifically designed to match up with the size of the "blocks" that comprised each level. It's why you can look at any gap in the first Tomb Raider and instinctively know whether or not you can clear it or not, and whether you can do it from a standstill, or will need a running start, and whether you'll land on your feet or will need to grab the ledge. Putting modern controls in a classic style Tomb Raider game wouldn't fit at all.

People who tend to have trouble with tank controls lack a center in the brain that handles abstract spatial reasoning. It's the same reason why some people don't do well driving remote controlled toy cars.

>> No.7878565

Based history buff and/or autist

> urban levels
> in a game called TOMB RAIDER

Nah, it makes perfect sense to be having gun battles in the middle of Venice in broad daylight or having Lara infiltrate Area 51 and kill a hundred and fifty American soldiers with literally no police response or consequences whatsoever.

I'm pretty sure the only reason they added a shitload of hitscanning human enemies in Tomb Raider 2 was because people figured out that you could cheese a lot of the combat in the first game by standing on a block and firing your infinite ammo pistols at whatever animal you were fighting while it ran around in circles.

>> No.7878728
File: 95 KB, 1600x903, Tomb-Raider-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This won't happen unless/until we see another big videogame industry crash.

The push toward bigger and "better" AAA games means that they can never go back to what worked in the past. They have to keep adding more and more shit. More and more buzzwords. The graphics have to get "better". The action setpieces have to get grander and have more explosions. Lara only killed 600 people in the last game, so she has to kill 800 people in the next one. There has to be a grand worldwide conspiracy. It will cost $69.99 and have a collector's edition which will be $109.99 and will feature three exclusive weapon skins but if you preorder now you'll also get access to Lara's gold pistols and a multiplayer XP boost.

The next game will be the first in a second trilogy of the third reboot and instead of talking about how they're going back to the style of the original game they'll talk about how even though they've desexualized her to the point where she looks like a slightly chubby ten year old boy with the next game the new Nvidia™ BreastFX™ middleware means that there are more polys in Lara's left tit than there were in the first five games combined.

>> No.7878735

they should have just turned it into the 3D metroid of the 90's

>> No.7878807

That's nice and all but LAU showed the platforming could be modernized/streamlined while still retaining similar level design and atmosphere. If you just want more of the same, there's literally hundreds of fan levels.

>> No.7878819 [DELETED] 

Oof and Yikes…privileged white woman raiding brown peoples’ heritage sites and stealing cultural artifacts is NOT a good look in 2021

>> No.7878842

LAU were nothing like classic Tomb Raider games. The movement was different, the level design was different, and the entire style of the game was different.

The first thing you do in Legend is kill a bunch of mooks while your "support team" is constantly chiming into your earpiece. That's the exact opposite of classic Tomb Raider gameplay.

>> No.7878867

That's really only in Legend.

>> No.7879050

Anniversary and Underworld were fun, but they were still nothing like classic Tomb Raider. Anniversary cut out a ton of areas and streamlined the ones that were kept, and the level design was completely different. They also added the "focus" effect that was mandatory for bossfights.

Underworld was better than Legend in terms of classic atmosphere, but it still wasn't the same. It definitely came the closest out of the three though. I played the PS2 port, so I am willing to admit that the (at the time) next gen versions may have had some differences.

>> No.7879182

True but you need to consider that the Saturn "port" also uses the save crystals design and this is presumably the first platform Core Design was developing the game plus even after the Playstation became the trademark of the series they still continued to use this system in the following games. I'm not saying you can't play with save states or using the PC system but I just prefer to go with save crystals because I assume when they design the levels and create progresssion they take those factors into account when they decide where the save crystal should be placed thus making the whole experience feel more genuine to what the devs intended for players.

>I'm pretty sure the only reason they added a shitload of hitscanning human enemies in Tomb Raider 2 was because people figured out that you could cheese a lot of the combat in the first game by standing on a block and firing your infinite ammo pistols at whatever animal you were fighting while it ran around in circles.
To be fair though this was a legitimate approach to combat in TR1 since most its core design is around platform and problem-solving so figuring out the best strategy using your environment to fight on hordes of enemies never felt strange to me. There are some segments where it's not that easy to simply pick one spot and snipe them out and you seriously run into the risk of getting stuck into their attack animations and watch more than half your lifebar fade away while nervously trying to get off the shitty situation you just made for yourself so there's that.

>> No.7879358
File: 2.15 MB, 1922x1080, 1923939485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wanna ask though: what was so bad about eagle trial?
I'll try to find some examples to give you in a moment, I'll post a few follow up posts from this one, but the first thing I'll highlight is the way Lara grabs things in Shadow or any newer Tomb Raider.
There was a change that came along in Tomb Raider Legends where it removed the need to manually grab surfaces.
As you can see in Anniversary menu here they called it manual grab.
You basically become magnet hands, it's a common thing being used in games a lot nowadays.
Uncharted and many other games do it and it's a mechanic that makes the experience more casual and requires just one less input from the player and also removes a timing element.
That's the first thing to point out.

>> No.7879489

Wow I never knew underworld got a ps2 port. It looks really bad, and apparently a lot got cut. Give it a second chance on the PC version. If I'm not mistaken it even got some of the original devs to help with the level design.

>> No.7880023
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, 1995820480111.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for delayed reply.
Secondly that gif i showed you mirrors all the reboots attempts at actual platforming, you can't miss jumps to platforms like that because you're magnetized to surfaces.
Yep, it doesn't even stop at the magnet hands on trying to grab ledges, you can notice it if you pay real close attention.
I noticed it pretty much all the time throughout playing the reboots and how i was making jumps that Lara would have just fallen to her certain death in the old games.

So onto this next part: There's a lot of pretty sophisticated jumping sequences in the old games, this one is from TR1 Unfinished Business, Level 4 The Hive.
Instead of trying to explain this one to you I'm gonna post a follow up post to this one that explains what is actually happening.

(sorry for quality, i can't into compression, so framerate looks slower than it really is)

>> No.7880024
File: 1.48 MB, 770x1748, catonahottinroof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explanation of that webm highlighted in red.

>> No.7880070

The first secret in St. Francis' Folly also requires you to "game" the jumping system quite a bit.

>> No.7880336
File: 2.81 MB, 1280x720, 1911849051.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one I'll post, this is a pretty clever platforming puzzle from TR1 level 6 Colosseum
Basically there's a secret room you have to get to, but the game's tank controls would prevent you from reaching it in time because Lara takes too long to face a different direction and she would miss the timer on the secret room.
It requires the player to be familiar with Lara's move set to reach it in time.
So you have to jump upward while facing forward the whole time to a sequence of jumps in an upward spiral.

When people talk about how the new TR games are shit, it's true.
It's not just a bunch of jaded boomers refusing to play anything that isn't old.
The newer games are glorified interactive movies made for casual babies.
Problem solving went out the window from the series, as did puzzle solving and difficult platforming.
Core Design were always the real talented developers that actually understood how to design games well and Crystal Dynamics are a bunch of hacks.

>> No.7880380
File: 72 KB, 651x1024, AtwrMxDV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /hopelessly in love with Lara/ here?

>> No.7880415

Correction: puzzles that require any thought put into them.
Newer games still have puzzles, but their way easier.

>> No.7880428
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x720, 1482336693054.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One extra last additional comment, old TR always had this sense of weight and momentum going on it's physics and gameplay, so it required you to actually get running starts before jumps or you would just fuck up and fall to your death and die.
Pretty sure that wasn't a thing in the reboots from memory.
The reboots were just so forgettable that i struggle remembering every aspect of them sometimes.

>> No.7880615 [DELETED] 

save crystals bad

>> No.7880667
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, 1948506821.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, one last webm because i wanted to show you how dog shit Nu Raider is in comparison to the originals.
TR1 Level 5 St. Francis' Folly
I just want this series back to not being complete shit again.
But it will never happen because they already attracted the casual audiences the moment they released the reboot in 2013

Was this the secret room you were referring to?
There's like 3 ways of solving this platforming challenge.

>> No.7880740

I played the very first one. Great graphics for 1996 and good gameplay but the controls sucked balls. And sometimes the gameplay was too tricky and I had to resort to YouTube videos and shit and had to give up.

If you want a game with Tomb Raider like gameplay and doesn't have any of the negative factors of Tomb Raider there's Atlantis The Lost Empire for PlayStation.

>> No.7880746
File: 506 KB, 640x480, 0ad9e363-f1ae-4b52-be26-d651d18d84a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed thread
blessed larachad
i used to be

>> No.7880749
File: 133 KB, 423x540, LaraCroftGarrettBlair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to be
What happened?

>> No.7880856
File: 186 KB, 335x800, a2b305b0-508f-493f-94f8-ea04c1501c21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's a huge bulge anon

>what happened?
I still love her and play her games more or less regularly (i was that TR1GOLD CRT anon of the last 2 threads iirc), but it's just that my fanboy-ish level decreased.

Back when I really loved her... damn, TR1 was my first game fully finished on PS1. She showed me a completely new way of taking control of a character. Like, her life was on my hands, every step, huge jump, enemy approaching me, it was all so "non-stop" that i've never seen that in any other games i played later.

As i've said, i played other games while growing up and because of school and shit i had less time 2 play. So it's just that. It doesn't feel the same the first times when you're used to. You know what's about.

>> No.7880859

Thanks for these replies man. You inspired me to give the old TR games a real try. I played one at a cousin's house as a child but they were too complex for me at the time (like 7 years old).
Shadow is nothing compared to this. It plays like an interactive movie. Looks pretty but the gameplay is mediocre. The only difficult part was the overpowered bosses on Hard mode.

>> No.7880938

Yeah well just remember, they are hard games so don't feel like it's hopeless if you're missing jumps all the time and dying, it's just part of learning really.
You're never gonna be good at something the first few times, and it does take a while to get into the swing of things with the tank controls.
If you stick with it though you'll eventually pick it up and get better.
The devs didn't design these games to be easy.
Another thing to keep in mind is there's practically no hand holding in old TR games, you're just thrown into the deep end and it's up to you to figure out what you're supposed to be doing next, tying into the constant problem solving the game makes you do to progress further in levels.
There will be moments you'll just be scratching your head for ages and you just need to think in terms of what you haven't done yet or where you haven't been.
Good luck, hope you can get into and enjoy the older games, because they are actually pretty great once it all starts to click together.

>> No.7881069

What are some other good classic 3D action adventure games with similar level design philosophies?

>the Indiana Jones games
>Soul Reaver
>American McGee Alice?

>> No.7881278

Severance: Blade of Darkness

>> No.7881403

Did you not play that terrible TR game on the PS2? Angel of Darkness.

>> No.7881410
File: 295 KB, 1325x2048, Em3rp5FW8AI35y7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that terrible.

>> No.7881415

Fuck you I liked it.

>> No.7881439

It's pretty terrible. The only good parts are hall of seasons and everything underground during that section... but it's only good because it's copied from older games. It's surprisingly similar to St Francis level.


>> No.7881961

Nah I mean the one in the big hall with the pillars that you start off in. When you start the level its on the upper level on the right hand side if I remember correctly.

>> No.7881973

> Can't see shit, captain

Is the game really that dark, or did you fuck something up with your recording settings?

>> No.7882005
File: 796 KB, 3188x2044, 1623287123505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borderline horror level but the mine carts were a pain in the ass. Still get surprised with how good the lighting looks for PS1.

>> No.7882346
File: 2.93 MB, 720x400, 1478438890252.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully you see this before your playthrough, one more tip: Tomb raider's movement system works on a grid like system, everything can be measured in squares, to give an example: basically the platforms you can reach by jumping are one square high or less and you can land on them safely if you press jump when you're exactly one square away from them.
It's an important thing to remember and familiarize yourself with because it will make you actually aware of why you're not making the distance on jumps if you mess up.
Webm unrelated: TR 2 - Level 1 The Great Wall

>> No.7882503

Tomb Raider 2 had a lot of gauntlets and instant death traps compared to the first game. I'm pretty sure it was a result of the player being able to save anywhere as opposed to having to use save crystals that are scattered through the levels.

>> No.7882546

you could save anywhere in 1, too so that does not make sense.

>> No.7882572

Not in the PS1 and Saturn versions, which sold significantly more than the PC game did.

>> No.7882727
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x720, 194857691114.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could save anywhere in 1
I really wish people on PC could be able to play with the save crystals through a mod or something.
I doubt it's possible if no one has made it yet though.
It was an intended part of the design, the save system actually put the pressure on the player about making mistakes.
It always forced you to be on your toes and think one step ahead of the designers, since they filled the levels with lots of traps and making every hard jump where death and the loss of progress was the inevitably for failure really made the stakes feel high.
This is part of the reason why people mention the older TR games being hard, the save crystals also factored in.
Oh well, at least you're not playing Anniversary or something, since Crystal Dynamics found ways to make that experience even more casual than the originals.

Oh and TR1 - Level 9 Tomb of Tihocan

>> No.7882730

correcting myself

>> No.7882801

I never played TR and bought all the ps1 games on ps3 why am I having a hard time controlling her? is the pressure sensitive shit filtering me?

>> No.7882810

Aesthetics-wise, I think RX Tech Mines is one of my favorite looking levels

>> No.7882851

>why am I having a hard time controlling her?
Takes some getting used to and practicing.
You should be using the tutorial level Croft Manor to get the hang of it before continuing to the main game.
You wanna make sure you're decent with them or you're not gonna get far.
I imagine it must be pretty jarring if you never played the games before or even played early 3d games like this, but they do work fine and the game isn't poorly designed or anything because of it.
It's simply the matter of mastering it.
Just the same with knowing how to use Lara's moveset with back flips and stuff, all important.

>> No.7882914

What he said basically. The tutorials exist for a reason.

Classic Tomb Raider movement is very precise, it's not the looser analog movement in modern games. This may make it feel "stiff" compared to modern 3D platformers, but it also means you have far more control over the character.

>> No.7882948

I'm replaying TR3 after over a decade of never playing it, and I'm surprised by how much I forgot about it, other then how much of a pain in the ass it can be sometimes.

>> No.7883009

thanks anons

>> No.7883093
File: 1.94 MB, 960x720, 1918394116.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one from TR1 Level 5 St. Francis' Folly.
The camera rotation goes further than 180 degrees on the first set of jumps between here and can make this section a bit of a bitch sometimes, but i think it arguably makes it a more interesting challenge for it.
Something people would write off as having shitty camera controls actually plays into the game's strengths on it's challenges from my perspective.
It goes by very fast and it could be a little disorienting first time around, it's also easy to mistime the jump on the second slope if you jumped at the lower part of the second slope and bump your head on the way up and fall.
That's why you need to jump from the correct part of the first slope to be able to reach the correct landing place on the second slope.

>> No.7883416

This is the secret I was talking about here >>7880070

>> No.7884019
File: 3.00 MB, 852x480, Tomb_Raider_have_gift_for_you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7884825
File: 127 KB, 450x581, AP Lara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Lara have any flaws? If no, wouldn't it make her a Mary Sue?

>> No.7884989

To be fair, this camera angle rotation is absolute dogshit. I know I wasted 5 minutes dicking around this secret because I could not get the camera to line up properly when I was jumping back and forth making something painfully hard that using fixed camera angles for that particular moment would make it a lot easier.

St. Francis Folly is probably my most hated level of the entire game for this reason. The design is smart but the devs did a terrible job with the camera work and it really degrades the fun of exploration when things are difficult not because they are challeging but because the whoever designed the level thought that messing with the player's perspective would add on an extra layer of difficulty.

>> No.7884994

This is how you play these games. Lara was incredibly nimble and had acrobatic skills so advanced that I don't understand 'tank control' meme. Do you want real tanks? Play 3D Indiana Jones ones - for example Infernal Machine. He moves like he has a stick in ass. Lara could jump circles around him.

>> No.7885058

She probably does, accoring to Lara's doppleganger from Underworld. Shadow Lara answers Lara's question with "I am you. With the flaws removed!" However I'm not sure if this also applies to classic games, but since Doppleganger is a developed version of Anniversary one, which was based on 1st game.. maybe?


>> No.7885067
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>YouTube in 1996
>he didn't have a printed walkthrough stealth printed from the school's PC lab's printer

Casual as fuck.

>> No.7885075

all printed text sometimes poorly written. Get lost in an area walk around for hours like a moron. Print out walk through. It says
>Okay when you kill the enemies. Then proceed on to XYZ
Walk around like a retard for another few hours cause the walk through didn't help at all lmao

>> No.7885094

Youtube didn't exist until 2005 you fucking liar.

>> No.7885102

I think you guys misread that. He said
I played the very first one,
Great graphics for 1996.

>> No.7885123

That's what I loved about high school. Whenever I needed cheats and walkthroughs, I would just print them out of the computer lab from school. I still have game shark cheats printed on paper for wrestling games. I have all the topless female wrestler code for each 3D WWF game on every system.

>> No.7885130

I remember playing one of these, not the 1st one but still one of these classic ones, where got stuck at some levels for weeks. The 1st one was a massive Egyptian temple, massive level with multiple paths and areas. Then egyptian catacombs from later era, looked like from middle ages? Also massive level with many areas. Then again getting stuck in Arabic city, confusing and annoying. Then having trouble with traps and puzzle in labyrinth under the Sphinx.

Of course youtube wasn't a thing then, and generally Internet wasn't that popular at all. I had to figure it out all by myself. Week of roaming all around this massive temple made me feel like real archaeologist who spend months or years at excavation digs. These games were hard. No doubt.

In comparison, Tomb Raider 2013 for example the most complicated puzzle took 3 minutes to find out. Bells in a ruined windy temple. These games lead players by the hand.

>> No.7885131 [DELETED] 

t. Horse.

>> No.7885141

>I haven't touched these games since the 90s but I'm still disappointed at the contrast between the first game and the two following sequels. The human enemies, fewer tombs, less sense of isolation..
strict puzzle games weren't really popular until about 1999

>> No.7885169
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>> No.7885174
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>> No.7885178
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>> No.7885183
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>> No.7885245

Right get lost for a few days. Get mad stop playing a week or so. Turn it on and figure it out the very first try.

>How did i miss that???????????????????????????

>> No.7885259

This is a good thread.

>> No.7885268

> 223/5.56 rounds when the game doesn't have any guns that fire them
> a 1911 whuch lara doesn't carry
> grenades that don't exist in Tomb Raider
> that complete bullshot on the right


>> No.7885343

Yes, I thought it was pretty clear what he was saying too. Especially because he even says the controls suck ass.. which if you had been playing back in 1996 you would know this was the norm and not the exception. I understand where he is saying though.. Coming back to Tomb Raider after many years you can definitely see the controls are stiff and feel unripe but people need to remember this was one of the true first 3D platformers back then.

>> No.7885351

They didn't have the velociraptors at Lost Valley in beta stages?

>> No.7885380

She has a complete disregard for her own personal safety and has been completely alienated from her family (and their fortune) as a result.

She writes about her adventures to fund her trips and inherited Croft Manor from her aunt.

She killed Bigfoot.

She also killed dozens of innocent people in TR3.

>> No.7885412

Why was TR3s level design so shit?
2 isn't nearly that backtrack heavy.
It's fucking annoying

>> No.7885616 [DELETED] 


>> No.7885857

The controls are fine, you just have poor spatial reasoning skills.

>> No.7885909
File: 186 KB, 1600x686, Tomb Raider 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what'd be really obnoxious? What if we constantly interrupted your exploration and platforming with respawning bullet sponge mosquitoes? Wouldn't that drive you crazy and just end the game on a really shitty note?

>> No.7885916
File: 177 KB, 1600x686, xeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we'll add packs of shitty exploding xenomorphs too!

Which areas did you find back tracky? I thought some of the non linearity was nice actually.

>> No.7886114

I am continuing my playthrough of Chronicles, I am in the Labrynth level in Ireland. Ireland in general is ok but putting creatures that can hurt you in a series of levels where you don't have any weapons is weak. The little Silent Hill baby that follows you around is easy enough to dodge, but bats and rat swarms are a pain in the ass (and the ghost skeletons are shitty too). These levels should have focused entirely on platforming and puzzles without enemies.

>> No.7886279
File: 53 KB, 791x1011, c01829ec85e1caa22e60c708853a641c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. projecting nulara

>> No.7886328
File: 2.65 MB, 4748x4096, 1616973412398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid last tomb, top tier atmosphere and level design, cool ending. Really fuck those mosquitoes though.

Had a lot of fun with it, despite a lot of artificial bullshit and the lesser quality of London/Area 51. It's easy to feel burnt out, the levels drag for too long and pacing could be better. Not sure if I'll keep going for now or take a break.

>> No.7886360

>The controls are fine, you just have poor spatial reasoning skills.

People really have to understand that the controls were designed around the idea that everyone playing the game would use a d-pad or arrow keys. For me the controls are fine. I actually prefer them over the modern controls, in some way. I played the original Tomb Raider quadrillogy on a PC with just a keyboard, and it always surprises me how I move through the environments. It does play like a "flip screen" platformer , or "cinematic platformer" as others call it. Which can be hard to get use to.

>> No.7886363 [DELETED] 

Old Lara was horsefucker too.

>> No.7886364


And Core was actually developing their own Tomb Raider remake for the PSP back in 2006. This was before development shifted over to Crystal Dynamics. The Core developed PSP remake would have had the same type of controls as the original PS1 game:


I was disappointed that this remake never got released.

>> No.7887075 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7887314

Whats the best way to play the originals with a PC? Should I also track down the expansion packs for 1 and 2?

>> No.7887438

The best way is objective, and the mouthfoaming fanboys here will attack you no matter which way you choose..

If you choose Dosbox, you will get attacked by people saying it's horrible jank with low resolution and no hardware acceleration

If you choose OpenLara you will get attacked because it's not authentic enough, and they'll say you should play in software mode with choppy framerates

Either way you will be wrong no matter what you pick

>> No.7887443

subjective* not objective, excuse my fail

>> No.7887504 [DELETED] 


>> No.7887539

If you have the CD and want to run it in Windows:

the CD is just required for installation

>> No.7887634

In the PS1 games she's very rude and arrogant, has no problem telling people to their face that she doesn't like them. She is obsessed with finding ancient artifacts but it's not to sell them as she doesn't even care about money (it's just a mean to fund her crazy adventures). She just loves the thrill of chasing lost treasures in remote and dangerous corners of the world from which few people have come out alive. She doesn't have many friends. In fact I'd say the only people she's truly close to are Zip and her mentor Werner, and in TLR her relationship with Werner has turned sour. It's not clear if she distanced herself from Werner due to professional rivalry or if they butted heads a lot because she's too stubborn to admit when she's wrong. Zip genuinely cares about her but he's probably given himself an ulcer worrying for her safety every time she goes off on another suicidal quest (in chronicles if you die in the falling elevator he starts screaming horrified through the comms). Lara doesn't realize how much her crazy antics hurt other people and frankly that type of friendship is toxic as fuck.

In the PS2 games she has a much warmer personality. She's flirty and diplomatic when she needs to be, she's still snarky and loves her cheesy oneliners but her attitude is more positive and she's a lot more sociable. She comes across as aloof and airheaded sometimes.

And then there's Angel of Darkness which is in some weird limbo. She retains most of her PS1 personality but even edgier and more sarcastic. This is an odd game where you have dialogue options like it's an RPG. Usually the "rude" option will have Lara insulting the person she's speaking to and sometimes getting herself killed for it, and the "nice" option is her getting impatient and getting straight to the point.

>> No.7887696

>>>7887314 (You)
>If you have the CD and want to run it in Windows:
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5i5eq4xY8Sk [Embed]
>the CD is just required for installation

I do have the OG discs for TR1, TR3 and TR:LR and Chronicles. No 2. I will give this a try for TR1. But I need to pull apart my PC and put in a disc drive,

>> No.7888096

Will there ever be a Tomb Raider Remaster edition for the PC, like what was done with the Turok series? Anniversary is too different

>> No.7888285


I don't know if its the "best" way, but the easiest way is to just emulate the PS1 versions. You'll get the better soundtrack for TR1, much simpler controller configuration, and access to savestates (if you're a casual).

You'll also be able to play the game with something approximating its chunky PS1 graphical style, or crank the resolution and texture filtering up to get something much cleaner looking.

If you aren't interested in playing the expansions, than outside of graphics and better draw distances I can't think of any areas where the PC versions are better than the console ones.

>> No.7888298

You can emulate the expansions as well

>> No.7888397

>Should I also track down the expansion packs for 1 and 2?
yes if you're not a pussy

>> No.7888405 [DELETED] 

Wow so deep. You jump from platform to platform and can only try it once, whoa. Then you get a useless ammo as a reward

>> No.7888458 [DELETED] 

Don't feed the trolls

>> No.7888465 [DELETED] 

Save crystals is textbook artificial difficulty.

>> No.7888494 [DELETED] 

Save points are not artificial difficulty, doofus.

Maybe your zoomer mind will better understand them if you consider them to be optional checkpoints.

>> No.7888701

>Not in the PS1 and Saturn versions, which sold significantly more than the PC game did.

Playstation? Maybe. Saturn? No. The PC port was a huge seller worldwide. It was one of those PC games that would get repackaged so many times. Given away as free software. All of the classic Tomb Raider games sold well on PC,

>> No.7889117

Just buy them off of gog or steam where they've been patched. Otherwise you'll need to futz around with compatibility settings for each game and hope they don't crash and take your whole system with it.

>> No.7889547

Tomb Raider has sold a little over seven million copies, the majority of which were the Playstation version (counting physical sales as well as digital sales on the PSN).

The PC version was released after the console version and did not sell as many units. You may not like save crystals, but they were an intentional part of the game's design.

>> No.7889548

it outsold Mario Sunshine by like 2 million then

>> No.7889615

>The PC version was released after the console version and did not sell as many units.

The PC versions were released not long after the console versions. It was popular enough to get a second "Gold" release with expanded levels. Though, the original PC Tomb raider is a DOS game, and didn't work on Windows XP directly, as far as I remember. Tomb Raider II and II and the rest are Windows 9x games. Those were sold as budgetware and jewel-case titles for a long time.I I ended up getting Tomb Raider: The Last Revelations in a pack of games that came with my GeForce 2.

>> No.7889617

>Tomb Raider II and III


>> No.7889690

>find nuLara to still be attractive.
Last time she was attractive was in Underworld. Or maybe in the 2013 cgi intro, if that counts.
She could look like Aloy and you still would get people swearing she's still hot, if not hotter

>> No.7889694

Yep, this

>> No.7889714
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>but if you preorder now you'll also get access to Lara's gold pistols
Gold bow*

>> No.7889735
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The true Lara
Who isn't?

>> No.7889738

That's sick and all and I'm glad you appreciate this series as much as you do but I genuinely just can't get past how unresponsive the platforming controls are.
Obviously you can pull off some impressive looking things as your webms illustrate and the moveset is deliberately designed for just that, but fact is when I run toward a ledge, press jump, and Lara decides to run the fuck off of it, then fuck it, not worth my time.

>> No.7889748

the roundheads used bows during the English Civi. War, right?

>> No.7889750
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>> No.7889769

Higly competent characters aren't Mary Sues. And her skill set is perfectly explained.
Also "character NEEDS flaws" is just a meme. Characters need to be fleshed out, nuanced. Flaws can be part of that nuance.

>> No.7889770 [DELETED] 

>it's ok when Lara does it

>> No.7889774 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting, retard?

>> No.7889781 [DELETED] 


>> No.7889790
File: 481 KB, 855x990, 7853616_Lara-Wombat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have no argument and you can't even articulate your strawman.
Got it

>> No.7889830
File: 268 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are your thoughts on Blade Arts? It's Tomb Raider + melee combat.


>> No.7889835 [DELETED] 

you are an insecure faggot
how's that?

>> No.7889848
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Do you have any argument to present?

>> No.7889883
File: 90 KB, 640x480, Demetrius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Alexandria levels in The Last Revelation are absolute kino. When I first played them as a kid I was confused because everything looked so 'greek' when the whole game took place in Egypt but then I learned about the Ptolemaic dynasty. Using the clockwork scarab to deactivate traps was also one of the most creative mechanics in the series.

>> No.7890031

Do the tutorial

>> No.7890039 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 606x1024, jv1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me

>> No.7890084 [DELETED] 

Any non current Jill is based to me, anon

>> No.7890086

Whole game is wonderful. It's a trip through 3000 years of Egyptian history. The only other game that comes close is Assassin Origins. Both obviously had a lot of research and possibly egyptology consultants working on them.

>> No.7890098 [DELETED] 

Go back to /v/ to screech about perfectly fine nuJill.

>> No.7890106 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 1202x1150, 1601907845546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's fine, unlike your absolutely fucked nu Lara

>> No.7890118 [DELETED] 

Yes, nuLara is a disgrace.

>> No.7890130 [DELETED] 

There is no nuLara here
But let's not pretend nuJill isn't just another bland scanface

>> No.7890198 [DELETED] 

>nuJill plain jane
she sucks
Also being better than shitface nuLara isn't a feat

>> No.7890224

They’re both hot as fuck what are you on about?
Absolutely agree. All of the games really are amazing. I love how dated they were at the time desu. It kind of makes them hold up better because you know what you’re getting mechanics wise. It’s very solid.
What? Are you dense? There’s no weight or physics to it anon. You jump at set points on a grid. It’s a grid based puzzle game.

>> No.7890240 [DELETED] 

Made for horse cocks.

>> No.7890265

The new Tomb Raider games have zero difficulty to them, theyre storydriven setpieces with mediocre third person shooting sections, not the worst of the bunch but certainly nothing good.

>> No.7890370 [DELETED] 

wrong character

>> No.7890378
File: 1.81 MB, 2700x1891, 40377447lara_relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They’re both hot as fuck what are you on about?
>BoTh HoT aS fUcK
bitchface and squareface without an ounce of sex appeal, twice as true for nuLara
Hit the road, plain jane fetishist

Pic related IS hot as fuck - looks like Lara - has a design

>> No.7890679

>he doesn't find this hot

>> No.7890875

Hot log-in prompt, bro.

>> No.7890963

>thats scene where lara cant resist the temptation to sit on Cleo's throne

>> No.7891046
File: 136 KB, 900x1375, 1610492578862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queen belongs on a throne.

>> No.7891089

>complaining about a free login for a site that hosts pirated coomer content

>> No.7891345

Why would anyone create yet another account some some faggy webforum they're going to look at once and then never bother with again?

>> No.7891926

From what I'm seeing the best way to play is getting both older GOG packs or these newer ones
then installing these
For The Lost Artifact you need the ISO separately:
And for TR3, TLA, TLR and Chronicles you need the widescreen/FOV patch

They recommend using Peixoto for TR3+ (which is a bit cancerous to install and can possibly conflict with dgvoodoo2) and/or dgvoodoo2. I think TR2 and others have problems with the secrets and don't work properly when you find them all, so you need to switch for patched exes and other unofficial stuff found only in old-ass forums. It's a huge fucking mess.

>> No.7892059
File: 65 KB, 765x758, D2476405-DB65-40CE-8906-9EED449C3E65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why isn’t pic related sitting on the throne?

>> No.7892265

I was looking into it a few days ago, looks like it's just straightforward corridor level design with too much combat. Also looked into other stuff mentioned in these threads like the Mummy or Atlantis adaptations and they also look very shallow.

Which really highlights how TR1 got so much right on the first try; how did such a small team come up with not only revolutionary gameplay and animations, excellent atmosphere and iconic characters, but also the complexity and verticality of the level design, so many new fresh ideas at the time, on the first try? That's what's really impressive. Usually groundbreaking games nail on aspect but lack in others, still feel like prototypes that following games will improve upon.

>> No.7892272


Tomb Raider 1 looks like it's trying to be Prince of Persia in 3D. They already had the model for the game design. Then they took the story from Indianna Jones and gender flipped it.

>> No.7892352
File: 84 KB, 1920x744, 1622055462328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just adapt 2D design in 3D it's that easy
Not that easy I would think, considering thinking and designing in 3D would allow completely different ideas and rules, etc. to make real use of its inherent possibilities, like the verticality. Compare St. Francis' Folly or the Cistern to many of the other early 3D action adventure games that were just flat corridors, look at Deathtrap Dungeon for instance.

I don't know if I'm explaining this right, but in Prince of Persia your progress is really you progress one trap at a time, one jump or action at a time, one screen at a time. Everything you see on screen is what you get. It's a series of isolated moments of linear problem solving, and that's also what you see in most early 3D games. You do this short room with a small combat, and then run through this next corridor with swinging blades, and then this small jumping over a pit section etc.

But in TR1 you had these huge rooms where you had to really apprehend the entirety of the level section to progress, you have to take "the whole" into account, not just going from moments to moments. You're not just following a path, you make decisions about how you explore the space, and the three dimensionality of the environment is really well thought out and taken advantage of. That's how they hid so many secrets in the level too, so many being out of sight unless you start experimenting with improbable jumps or discovering new perspectives from reaching a different place.

And that's really something they came up with without having an established 3D design rulebook to follow, and something few successors even bothered replicating to such an extent.

>> No.7892379

Toby Guard commenting on St Francis Folly design
>“…It’s quite common that game designers even when they have a 3D vertical space that they can play with, they tend to sort of end up making long, flat things anyway. So that particular area from the original game was just sort of let’s go as vertical as we possibly can…”


>> No.7892761

Because she fucked a dog.

Pay attention to what she moans the next time you're playing MGS3 and you get to the section where she's knocked out and you have to carry her.

>> No.7892819

> Game developer of the original game and the game developer of the remake talking about the inspiration behind their design decisions

This is super interesting

>> No.7892834


I hate how flat so many games are. One thing I loved about Dark Souls was the verticality.

>> No.7892851

>I hate how flat so many games are.

The original Quake did a good job with vertical elements. The OG Tomb Raider series is great for this.

>> No.7892997
File: 2 KB, 88x125, 1620340exca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>log in screen
If it's nuLara, no, she's not attractive. No matter how much you fix and bimbofy her.
Her face is still shit, She is still and unconfident charisma/sex appeal vacuum. She still DOESN'T LOOK LIKE LARA CROFT.

>> No.7893002

This is just an hyperbolic generalization, anon.

>> No.7893037
File: 666 KB, 1920x1080, imp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally impossible.

>> No.7893091
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, tr3gold_2021_06_24_05_20_31_733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to get all classic games (up to Chronicles) working with all expansions, no inventory crashes, full AA, widescreen and some level fixes. Tomorrow I'll see if they all work when portable on my other W10 PC and upload a pack afterwards.

>> No.7893119
File: 254 KB, 1995x2813, legend Lara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving thumbnails

>> No.7893259

jesus christ, i don't remembered LegendLara being so hot
well, i prefer this. Let the new era be like they want without dirtying the old games.
agree. It always caught me

>> No.7893429
File: 729 KB, 875x1137, 161186render2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jesus christ, i don't remembered LegendLara being so hot
The plain jane brainwash is causing you troubles.
Here's the cure, anon

>> No.7893495

She's clearly padding her tits there

>> No.7893509
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>> No.7893518
File: 71 KB, 559x596, d5bdf0d5-5c57-4942-92b0-89a8b9a9f2b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7893519

You're right. She's padding her tits with more tits

>> No.7893521

Remember when female videogame characters in western games were allowed to be sexually attractive?

>> No.7893553
File: 111 KB, 933x952, 16238fitting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean when whe weren't at war with common sense?
Yes, I do

>> No.7894550
File: 411 KB, 1280x1595, lara_croft_classic_by_sparkietheartist_delwfkk-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favourite Lara's line?

>> No.7894651

you got to jump when it strikes

>> No.7894680

If I remember right there was supposed to be a pattern, but the developers couldn't get it to work right before the game shipped, so there's a pretty good chance you'll get zapped no matter what you do. Just run and jump and try and time it, but don't get too upset if you get hit.

You only need to go into and out of the Thor room once, and by that point in the game you should have medpacks coming out of your ass.

>> No.7894695

I beat TR1 2 weeks ago. AMA

>> No.7894705
File: 38 KB, 400x300, stfrancis24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check Stella's walkthrough for such things.
>Proceed slowly down the steps until the disco ball on the ceiling begins to shoot bolts of lightning. To get through without taking any damage, walk to the right, staying close to the back wall. Then turn to so the lightning ball is ahead on the left. Walk slowly toward the gray floor tile ahead. Stop just before the seam in the floor so there's one regular floor tile between Lara and the gray tile (as shown in this screenshot). Now take a diving roll over the gray tile by holding Walk and pressing Jump + Forward. Quickly release walk and jump or run forward into the next room.

>> No.7894740

Have you played any fan levels? Pretty crazy how ambitious some of them are, only to be played by like 50 autists


>> No.7894764


how does that work? do you need the base game for this to work or is it stand alone executable? can you play these mods with controller or only kb and m?

>> No.7895161

Are any of the fan levels actually good? I'd be interested in checking them out as long as they weren't amateurish crap (I've played too many godawful fullbright Half Life mods comprised of nothing but rooms connected via empty hallways).

>> No.7895330

A lot of them have a really good comfy atmosphere, but beware that the level creators like making everything as artificially difficult as possible. There's not a lot that have both good atmosphere and are fair to the player.

>> No.7895476
File: 61 KB, 364x240, SLUS_001.52_24062021_232335_0772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so mesmorized by the difficulty of the Atlantis levels I had to redo them again just using the save crystal system. I ran the time counter on each level to determine how long it took accounting for resets. Took note of how many small and large medi-packs were used in total. No weapons but pistol for combat - some sections were done using platforms to avoid direct combat against large hordes of enemies but the majority of enemies were fought head on.

Atlantis: 1:19:31
-11 small medi-packs -8 large medi-packs

The Great Pyramid: 56:52
-7 small medi-packs +4 large medi-packs

Atlantean Stronghold: 1:42:38
-17 small medi-packs -4 large medi-packs

The Hive: 2:22:18
-16 small medi-packs -11 large medi-packs

I cannot stress out how brutal The Hive is. It is by far the most unforgivable and deadly level in Tomb Raider. Even after doing it again, without the surprise effect from many of its traps and largely bullshit enemy placement to throw the player off into its death, it's still a very demanding and harsh threat. Unlike The Great Pyramid and Atlantean Stronghold where most of the resets were centered around areas with traps in it or Atlantis where some small mistakes in certain locations lead to a fatal outcome, The Hive manages to be consistently difficult through out the whole level and resets can happen in just about any location. Props off to Philip Campbell and rest of the Tomb Raider Gold devs for coming up with such hellish level, both in terms of aesthetics and gameplay. I'll be looking forward to see if anything in Tomb Raider 2 or 3 can match it.

>> No.7895715

Yes. You can't even see her tits poking out and the smoothness is consistent with padded boobs.

>> No.7895990

>i only play for sport
>disco ball
fucking faggot trying to be funny
>I'll be looking forward to see if anything in Tomb Raider 2 or 3 can match it.
protip: you won't. TR1GOLD is way more unique in all aspects that the sucesors.
i tried one a few weeks ago, but i couid only use kb and mouse.
Also, couldn't play the first 4 minutes because when I pressed some keys (jump, shooting, etc.) it crashed or the screen turned 90°. I had to get out of the game, open the graphics options and re-set the screen again.

>> No.7896135

>or the screen turned 90°
Some versions of Windows will have screen reorientation turned on by default. The command to change screen orientation is ctrl+alt+an arrow key. If you had control or alt bound as jump and action it would be easy for you to hit all three buttons in quick enough succession for your system to think it was the command.

>> No.7896181

How was anyone supposed to figure this out

>> No.7896240

>ctrl+alt+an arrow key
what is an arrow key

>> No.7896248
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>> No.7896345

he means to press an arrow key in your keyboard. It changes the screen rotation.

>> No.7897148
File: 263 KB, 609x271, Mutant_Fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These abominations scared the shit out of me in AoD. The first time one of those monstrosities rushed me underwater it almost gave me a heart attack. I think the game also gave you a harpoon rifle around that point in the game but beats me why since it did absolutely nothing to the fuckers.

>> No.7897268


Heh I'm in the same boat (pun not intended). Finally continuing TRII after having burned out on the underwater levels after a 6 month hiatus

>> No.7897562

Was there a save crystal of different colour in some of the games or I'm imagining things?

>> No.7897684
File: 292 KB, 383x383, Health_Crystal[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the PC version of Tomb Raider 3 they decided not to use savegame crystals, but they had already placed them in the levels. They changed them all to health crystals which are green as function like a small healthpack whenever you run through them.

>> No.7897686
File: 977 KB, 1920x1080, tomb4_2021_06_24_05_11_07_497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is:

https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1OqvCPbFAHN-7yt4k2TEdeDisQtbnfr-w&export=download (Password is 1234)

All of them work fine with the exception of TLA which may randomly crash at the start or when using the book in the menu.
Included all map fixes I could find. T2Gold has a fixed FOV since the older .exe crashed when pressing "S".
Most require to configure the setup at the start and exit through the main menu, afterwards you can Alt+F4 all you want.

>> No.7897704

Consoles are the best way unless you find a way to mod in all the missing shit into PC:

>> No.7897712

Got all of that here already >>7897686

Done testing them on my other W10 PC and all of them work

>> No.7898635
File: 443 KB, 2018x1873, i0111302675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man! Guess I'll be replaying TR over the next few weeks.

>> No.7898727
File: 1.70 MB, 1921x1080, tombati 2021-06-24 02-34-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem man

>> No.7898854

I'm getting tired of Tomb Raider 3 constantly bugging out on me. I'm replaying Aldwych and I honestly do not remember having any of these issues when I was playing it on the playstation versus pc.

>> No.7899269

>Laura Craft
>small tits
what did they mean by this?

>> No.7899371

Can't have strong, capable, sexually attractive women in videogames or movies anymore, anon. I guess you didn't get the memo.

>> No.7899713 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7899809
File: 136 KB, 739x1195, tomb-raider-1996-concept-art-1jpg-6ab2ea_1280w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to see a new Tomb Raider series that is a throwback to the originals. Complete with original control style. Nu_Lara is kind of boring.

>> No.7900685

I'll make a third person platformer using the exact same movement style and level design as classic Tomb Raider, but using a generic male protagonist who has all of the same movement options as Lara.

Then, I will release my game.

Then, the day after launch, some COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS :^) but highly talented modder will release a free mod that replaces my generic male character with Lara Croft, complete with story adjustments and dialogue changes.

>> No.7900698

Okay, just be ready for Square Enix lawyers to rape your ass.

>> No.7900754

Good luck, lol.

>> No.7900990

Thanks for the upload. Whenever I start the game or anytime there is supposed to be a cutscene it says to download some codec. What do I need to do?
This is for Tomb Raider 1 only so far.

>> No.7901035

You might need this

Strange because my other PC didn't have this issue or maybe I forgot I installed it

>> No.7901068

That fixed it. Thanks a ton, dude.

>> No.7901779


>> No.7901787

that's a capybara

>> No.7902167
File: 1.01 MB, 220x220, f7ecf61c4e7b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where is this from? Some promo video/commercial perhaps?

>> No.7902207

looks like t3 lara

>> No.7902372

Just jumped on a Midas hand for the first time. That was fun ha-ha. The jump over the passway to proceed to the end of the map filtered me though, I was trying dozens of time to do it from the higher place (where water and crocodiles are), but it was necessary to jump from 1 level earlier.

>> No.7902468

>Okay, just be ready for Square Enix lawyers to rape your ass.

Nah. Sqiare-Enix couldn't do anything. There were other Tomb Raider styled knockoffs as well. Duke Nukem PS1 exclusive games. Prince of Persia 3D has the same control style as Tomb Raider. I swear there was also an Indiana Jones game that played like Tomb Raider as well? You could make a fan game for Pittfall. Play just like Tomb Raider, but with Pitfall Harry.

>> No.7902478

>Prince of Persia 3D has the same control style as Tomb Raider.

One of the direct comparisons people made to Tomb Raider back in the day, was Prince of Persia. Or, the plays like Prince of Persia, if it was 3D. It didn't take long for a Prince of Persia 3D game to get released for the PC, that plays just like Tomb Raider Classic.


>> No.7902931

>Just jumped on a Midas hand for the first time. That was fun ha-ha.
Boner fuel. I also like Anniversary version of that bad end.

>> No.7903712
File: 2.89 MB, 800x450, 1596964138728.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7903719

Wow I didn't even know this existed, seems like it got memory holed. How actually is it? Once I'm done with the Raider games, I'll check out some of the games it inspired. What are the best ones?

>> No.7903787
File: 2.21 MB, 2560x1600, Screenshot_20210627-230545_RetroArch (AArch64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't really like the greek levels yellowish colors and decorations, but this one is absolutely beautiful. That is just some top-notch art direction, the room feels real, and got even better after water went up.

>> No.7904462
File: 163 KB, 364x240, SLUS_001.52_10062021_160522_0738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cistern is the most beautiful designed level of Tomb Raider 1. It filtered me when I was young and became my favorite when I played it again as an adult.

>> No.7904797

>I'll make a third person platformer using the exact same movement style and level design as classic Tomb Raider,

Just invert the level design. swap the starting and ending points and dress the map up differently. Make the wolves look like cougars.

>> No.7904809

This is the stage where tomb raider clicked for me. I like the small room it starts in with that medkit rat trap before dropping you into the main room. The sweet theme kicks in and it's all so mucn to take in and scan over. Absolute master work.

>> No.7905484

Is this some kind of water mod or whole new game engine?

>> No.7905513

Some retarded nudev software to make the game more "modern".

>> No.7905535

I mean to be fair that looks really cool

>> No.7905547


>> No.7905749
File: 496 KB, 1920x3200, 162100toonlara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7905865

It's OpenLara, a pretty cool project that's outlawed here in the /vr/ tombraider bubble, if you come out as pro-OpenLara you will get attacked by the radicals saying you're not playing it the way it was meant to be played (or something retarded like that). Eventhough these effects are easy to turn off in 2 seconds, and it will look like plain vanilla again

>> No.7905924
File: 830 KB, 480x360, lara with bvll.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7906092

Whats the easiest way for me to just hack infinite save crystals in TR3 (and maybe TR1) for playstation?

I have a ps2 + FMCB/OPL etc, i was thinking of just exporting the save files to the USB and then seeing if i can just edit them on my computer to find the line that says how many crystals the save has and changing it to 99?

>> No.7906117

The all weapons cheat for TR3 gives save crystals

L2, R2 x2, L2 x4, R2, L2, R2 x2, L2, R2 x2, L2 x2, R2, L2 x2, R2 during game play. Lara will make a noise if done correctly.

>> No.7906195


i know, i dont want to 'cheat' for real, i just want a way around the bullshit save limitation that people were calling out even back in the 90s. Were not 11yo any more, people havent got time to replay half a level 4 times these days.

>> No.7906218


See if any of these tools suit your needs, or PC version is your best option for unlimited saves.

>> No.7906232

You can just use the save crystals and ignore all the other stuff in your inventory except the items you know you've found and collected on your own

>> No.7906529


excellent, thanks bud

>> No.7906541

I'm confused. Was this some art-style challenge or something? Or someone is struggling with consistent style?

>> No.7906546

Why does every single release on this site contains a game exe (somehow patched I guess)?

>> No.7906559

They would literally had no leverage on you in a scenario described by the other anon. None whatsoever. People did far more blatant shit and nothing ever happened to them.
The only scenario where they can C&D you is situation like DOX, where they've "kindly" informed Nicobass he has five seconds to stop his project and then they will sue. And they would easily win that one, too, which is why DOX development stopped entirely.
Ironically, they can't do shit about the alpha for the 10th Anniversary (the Core one) leaking into the net, because technically speaking, that game doesn't even exist and doesn't use Lara, either. In its current form, all you have to do is switch texture on the character and they can't even TRY to sue whoever would develop that (and it's crowd-developed, so further issues to C&D it if they even tried)

>I swear there was also an Indiana Jones game that played like Tomb Raider as well
No, it played like ass. Indy moved like a cart full of coal. Don't get me wrong, Infernal Machine is a GREAT game, but it plays like shit in terms of movement and platforming. Emperor's Tomb isn't much better.

>> No.7906562

>Why does mini-campaign includes an executive file
Are you new to TRLE or just retarded?

>> No.7906614

I've played every TR except the Game Boy ones and Shadow is legit the worst one in my eyes and I'm speaking as someone who enjoyed 2013 and Rise to some degree.

>> No.7906632

I haven't played a single custom TR level yet, so yeah, absolutely new. Mind explaining what EXEs are for? Do you bake level order into them or something?

>> No.7907267

bros seriously answer m-my friend needs the code

>> No.7908478

id like more games in this style, for example for mobile or something - modernized retro. lara croft and the temple of osiris was nice but too much action, too little puzzle

>> No.7908504

I'm playing the first game on a ps1, completely blind and I never played any other game in the series before. So I finished the whole level where you start out without your guns, just running away from all the enemies
I entered the pyramid thing and now start of the next level I magically have the berettas back but none of the other guns. I was supposed to find the guns in previous level right? Did I make it really hard for myself to finish the game now? Will I get any of the other guns back now?

>> No.7908573

You finished Natla's mines without picking up any weapons?

>> No.7908575


>> No.7908596

If you didn't get shotgun and the rest in that level then you may only get dual Uzi in next one and no other weapon until the end.

>> No.7908646

I just ran away from the dudes with guns. I only found two of the red and blue fuses or whatever, I guess the guns were in that thing that you lower down with the fuses?

How much more difficult will that make the endgame? I would have had a bunch of ammo for the shotgun and the magnums. I already saved though so I'd have to go to the beginning of that level and redo everything to get the guns. So I'm just moving on for now.

>> No.7908654

Unironically I enjoyed Tomb Raider Go for capturing some of the atmosphere and puzzle focus of the original.

>> No.7908661

It's entirely possible, people do pistol only runs, just makes it more tedious for the mandatory fights.

>> No.7908724

Final fights are easy, Lara's guns will do it. Honestly I don't remember using any other extra weapon than shotgun or mandatory crossbow in Last Revelations. Shotgun and Lara's guns are more than enough.

>> No.7908735
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Did you play mobile or pc version? Or they're same?

>> No.7908737

I played it on mobile, then Vita. I assume PC is the same.

>> No.7908738

Let me guess.. you pushed the rock backwards instead of forward in the mining section near the beginning right? Don't worry you can still finish the game with just the pistols but some mandatory fights will be tough. How many medipacks do you have at Atlantis?

>> No.7908754

Go do Lara's Home and don't go back to the main game until you've passed the obstacle course.

>> No.7908813

>I genuinely just can't get past how unresponsive the platforming controls are.

It's not as unresponsive as it appears. The game follows a logic where Lara has to complete ever frame of animation before moving to the next action in cue. It really is Like a POP, Flashback, or Abe's Odyssey in the way it plays. Even in those games, the controls can be frustrating and seem laggy too. This was done because Tomb Raider was designed to play equally across multiple systems with just digital controls. Later TR games moved to analog and direct controls.

>> No.7909032

I don't remember pushing any rock? You're not talking about the big boxes? I got to the first save crystal in atlantis now and I'm at 14 small and 10 large medipacks. 600 ammo for the uzi.

>> No.7909259

1) What am I looking at?
2) How hard it is to make it run on PC if it's not on PC?

>> No.7909270

How the HELL you struggle with those controls or claim unresponsivness?
Or you're playing it on some old-ass PS1 and your controller is simply struggling with imput?

>> No.7909814
File: 358 KB, 639x435, natlas.mines_bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bullshit right here. You're right, I thought it was a rock but it's actually a Natla's cargo box. If you pushed it backwards instead of forward you won't be able to reach for the last fuse and lose the ability to recover your guns for the whole level.

> I got to the first save crystal in atlantis now and I'm at 14 small and 10 large medipacks. 600 ammo for the uzi.
You'll be fine. Even without the Uzi you have plenty of medipacks to take on every enemy on Atlantis and the Great Pyramid.

>> No.7909818
File: 610 KB, 1920x1920, puzzle_time_by_eliottsontot_deg6ock-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lara Croft GO

>> No.7909849

The concept of this game really looks cool and fun. This looks like the most interesting idea you could come up for a mobile version of a game like Tomb Raider. Got to try it some time.