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File: 31 KB, 380x263, SuperMarioRPGSNESCoverArtUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7906913 No.7906913 [Reply] [Original]

Does this game hold up?

>> No.7906920

Only JRPG worth playing.

>> No.7906954

Yes. placed it against a wall once. Didn't move.

>> No.7906964

It didn't hold up the day it was released.

>> No.7906969

legendary game, ton of hidden contents and truly a unique rpg.
Is it hard? Well no. But as a kid it was.

>> No.7907000
File: 67 KB, 512x448, smrpgsample-get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thoroughly enjoyed it, but as someone who playtested the upcoming retranslation and compared it with the official version: the original translation is one of the aspects that arguably aged the least gracefully.

>> No.7907006
File: 67 KB, 512x448, smrpgsample-hype.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In-the-know: retranslation is roughly a week away from completion (pic not final).

>> No.7907009

I personally found it more enjoyable than TTYD.

>> No.7907013

The original line is clearly better in the top left

>> No.7907046

>Strong womyn who can take care of herself in US version
>Just thanks Mario in original jp script

Other than that the original translation looks better.

>> No.7907058

Hell yeah.

>> No.7907071

Hold up what? You could place a mug of coffee on it and it probably hold it up. An apple. A pack of gum. Probably a lot of things could balance on top of SNES game.

>> No.7907091

Yes. With Chrono Trigger, while both are easy, they're JRPGs that just flows wonderfully in that you're never stuck at the same place for too long. It's the magnificent pacing that makes these games pretty great
Also SMRPG has a shitload of hidden shit and secrets to discover, just like the later PS1 FFs, but without going overboard with the shit minigames like finishing a race a 100 times or some dumb shit like that
I believe we're also recently cleared out some secrets details with the help of Lazy Shell

>> No.7907092

Smithy is the best final boss out of the whole Mario RPG series.
Also it has Culex with FF4 boss music.

>> No.7907116
File: 392 KB, 1302x6807, MarioBound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top left has already been caught and addressed by now. So is some of the bottom left (to a degree, as much as space constraints allow). Right side should still represent the final though. This beast went through so many internal phases that it's a relief the author is finally feeling satisfied enough with it to release very soon. The author grew up in the days when games were done when they were released and doesn't really believe in the modern "release it incomplete and patch it up later" approach, you see.
Here's a way juicier shame: this entire exchange was one of the first things added as a sort of easter egg over a year ago, but the author had second thoughts midway through as the project morphed from more of a hobbyist one into a serious top-to-down retranslation. Pretty much everything from the early "relocalization" phase has been analyzed to death and gutted with a knife, so its impact is now minimal, which is for the better. Virtually every line is much closer to the Japanese and so the script has much more clarity as a result.

>> No.7907137

What's that scene look like now?
Any other juicy tidbits?

>> No.7907180

Looking good, but..WHY Kero Stick?

>> No.7907363

This game fucking sucks, it sucked when I first rented it at blockbuster and it still sucks now after I've played earthbound and gen 1 + 2 pokemon.
Shitty rpg, not fun at all. Cool graphics though.

>> No.7907495

As a guy who loves JRPGs and has played quite a bunch of them, it's one of the very best I've ever played.

There is only one flaw to it that I can think of right now, it is way too easy, but even that is subjective since I like some challenge.

The music is AMAZING.
The graphics and sprites are beautiful.
The dialogue is funny and entertaining from beginning to the end.
The easter-eggs and references are fun.
The game is just fun and doesn't take itself seriously at all.

9 out of 10.

>> No.7907549

Paper Mario is garbage compared to this

>> No.7907556

Also the only ONLY flaw about this game is that half the accessories you don't have a fucking clue what they do

Was very frustrating as a kid

>> No.7907560
File: 5 KB, 250x55, SpoilerScene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to my notes, it was basically reverted except rephrased to sound less like he's directing them and more like he's just focusing the camera, and the funeral line was replaced to approximate Japanese saying. He's also more humble when introducing himself and isn't bragging about being the best like Woolsey's version. Only vestige of the EarthBound draft is that he shouts "FUZZY" instead of Japanese "CHEESE" (the Mother 2 guy apparently said "CHEESE SANDWICH" instead of "FUZZY PICKLES"), which was kept as it doubles as a SMW reference (the Fuzzies on Cheese Bridge).
Other juiciness? One of the baffling things early on was adding multiple names for certain things. Example: in the game's intro, it originally said "Princess Toadstool" and "King Koopa", and a line or two would refer to them as "Princess Peach Toadstool" and "King Bowser Koopa", but it would mostly use the usual names. Rationale was because SMRPG released when SM64 was around the corner (Peach Toadstool) and it was still common to see cartoon reruns (Bowser Koopa). It culminates in an admittedly clever rewrite of the scene where the party is introduced in Nimbus Land, where they're announced by their usual names but the punchline is that they're recognized by their old names. It looked like something Nintendo would do in hindsight but it changed the joke too much. In the end, it was the right move to axe it, as attitudes shifted and we agreed loose stuff like this was probably better off in a spoof hack or one of those dime a dozen text edits.
I think that was changed too, but I'm not 100% sure. It's probably a holdover of the "literal" phase when Tadpole Pond was Kero Lake (yes, and Moleville was Ducati, but like the above example, there were references to their Woolsey names as alternatives at one point). I could go on with more things that'd embarrass the author now, but maybe I should stop ribbing while I'm ahead. Wouldn't want to cause any more delays lol.

>> No.7907623

it does, so does this one (SNES)

>> No.7907632

>But as a kid it was.

No it wasn't.

>> No.7907659
File: 486 KB, 512x448, Enhanced_filters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But does it have Croaka-Cola?!

>> No.7907663

the fuck'm I looking at

>> No.7907664

That's actually a brilliant translation.

>> No.7907682
File: 338 KB, 512x448, Zoom_filters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent hack that changes the button prompts to Xbox ones for his roommate or something.
It was literally stolen from another hack filled with references to things such as Naruto and Austin Powers.

>> No.7907693

RHDN needs better submission screenshot standards I see. How do you have both an Ultra Shroom and a Max Mushroom in this game?

>> No.7907740

one of my favorite RPGs. I like that it isn't just a walking sim like most JRPGs, but more like an isometric platformer. rhythm system adds more fun to battles too. graphics are really cool. the only downside is plot and characters, my standards are low but typically with JRPG you get better than that.

>> No.7908438

Best turn-based JRPG of all time.

>> No.7908439

Even for a kid the game is TOO easy. Only real flaw to it.

>> No.7909237
File: 64 KB, 215x128, SMRPG_SuperSuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played through it for the first time during the summer of 2019, and found it to be fairly enjoyable, though I'm bothered by my inability to earn 100% completion.

>> No.7909238

I died so many fucking times as a kid.

>> No.7909285
File: 53 KB, 859x318, Croak-a-Cola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was literally stolen from another hack filled with references to things such as NARUTO and AUSTIN POWERS.
Wow. Oh well, "Croak-a-Cola" is still inspired... Wait a minute, I've seen it before. Scratch that.
fyi, the only reason I'm aware of this is because my ex was into Fairy Tale and tried to get me into it, and there's a lot of overlap with Naruto fandom so I wouldn't be surprised in the least.

>> No.7910631

Its a solid 6/10.

>> No.7910639

>Xbox ones

>> No.7910648

I found it relentlessly boring even as a kid. Managed to beat it, but it wasn't a fulfilling experience. I prefer Paper Mario 64 by a long margin.

>> No.7910672

The checkpoint system sucks. I didn't want to keep playing it.

>> No.7910801

Disagree. Used cartridge to jack up my fridge, snapped in half. Did not hold up.

>> No.7910831

yes, its a light hearted mario rpg, that has great battle mechanics.

>> No.7911835

I try and play through this game, and every time I get to the forest area and just replay Paper Mario 64 instead.

>> No.7911860

I agree. The original peach line is funnier but the other original ones are good.

Did any of you ever play Steven Universe Attack the Light? It is a Steven universe game with Mario rpg gameplay and it’s actually a lot of fun. I haven’t played the sequel though

>> No.7912003
File: 97 KB, 640x687, abf98e1257295f8d78e051a68b53b410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top Right has more appropriate Psychopath for the spikey enemy and I don't see how anyone can think otherwise, many of Woolsey's Psychopaths were notoriously mangled and that's a good example, this one gets a gold star from me.
>Bottom Left demonstrates overall closer name translations like Koopa Shell, a Badge (something Paper Mario stole), Overall(s), and much better description as it was never a Kinklink and somewhat making sense of its "shell".
Neutral/Needs more info:
>Bottom Right, I presume Culex was completely rewritten, and there's another text box that wasn't in Woolsey's version (or the text was rearranged)? I need more context here.
>Top Left had a bunch of empty out-of-character fluff but now it's too stiff and empty (you said the line was already edited so that's why I'm putting it here instead of below).
>Bottom Left, despite fixing NokNok as Koopa, replaced Froggie with Kero. I know it was already mentioned that amateurs replaced Kero with cringey modern anime fandom nonsense but I strongly urge this be double-checked and reconsidered if it wasn't already changed. Also, I wonder if "Soft Pants" is a good replacement for "Fuzzy Pants" - why not "Fluff Pants"? And I'm iffy on Invincishell - I know it's retranslated but I think CourageShell was one of Woolsey's names that made more sense.
Overall? Cautiously looking forward to it but I think I'll scout ahead with Lazy Shell editor when it's out and see if I glance more that I like before deciding to give it a playthrough.

>> No.7912221

I don't know why but it didn't click with me, I played it a couple times but never got close to finishing it. I adore Paper Mario 1+2 and Superstar Saga, also enjoyed the two Superstar Saga sequels though not nearly as much. Furthest I made in Mario RPG was when I played it as a teenager but even then I'd already played Paper Mario so maybe it was already too much of a step back.