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788676 No.788676 [Reply] [Original]

Just beat Megaman 3. I have only played the first three and plan on starting on 4 soon. Please tell me it gets better guys. 1 was fun and 2 was amazing 3 just sorta felt meh. The bosses seem weak and there really wasn't all that much memorable music. Does it get better with 4 onwards?

>> No.788684

3 is considered to be best in the series by this board so you'll probably get angry replies, but I personally think 4 and 5 are much better.

>> No.788693

>3 just sorta felt meh.
I will fucking fight you.

>> No.788698

4 has the most useful weapon selection in the series, next to 9, so it's pretty fun. The Cossack/Wily stages in 4 are much better than 3's endgame, which felt barren and rushed.

>> No.788706


Don't get me wrong. The game is well enough on it's own but compared to the first 2 (mainly 2) it feels rushed. I will say it was cool to put all the old bosses again though.

>> No.788713

>Does it get better with 4 onwards?
Depends on your taste. Megaman NES games are about on the same level of quality. Don't let any of the brainwashed people tell you the other three games are garbage for simply not having another number behind their titles.

>> No.788718

It actually was rushed, and as a result, Inafune considers it his least favorite game in the Classic series.

>> No.788742

It's never an artist's job to recognize the best of his own works anyways.

>> No.789097

>it feels rushed.
It was.
>I will say it was cool to put all the old bosses again though.
The Doc Robot stages were my LEAST favorite part and indicative of the lazy design.

>> No.789121

>mega man 3 hate
>mega man 3 was a rushed pos
Do you guys want to fucking die?

>> No.789126

Rushed, yes. POS, no. It's still among the better ones.

>> No.789127


Relax there champ

>> No.789129

>3 just sorta felt meh.
Troll or bait thread?
Either way OP is a faggot.

>> No.789136

No one called it a piece of shit. The meanest thing anyone has said about it so far has been "meh."

It being rushed is an objectively true statement. The developers admitted it and there's a bunch of unused content in the game. Chill out, breh.

>> No.789140

Forgot to add this, but I myself like the game, and it's one of the better NES Mega Mans, but I always did feel it was a bit rushed, and reading the interviews and developer notes just confirmed it.

>> No.789151


Get over it. Someone said it was meh, not trash. Holy fuck.

>> No.789157

Claiming the music wasn't memorable was a lower blow, honestly.

>> No.789169

you would probably not like 4 as much, and it goes downhill from there.

>> No.789170

That's a matter of personal preference, but almost every element of the game was rushed.
>title screen with no intro segment
>music (admittedly subjective but generally less catchy)
>tangled boss weaknesses
>lazy and easily manipulated password system
>super exploitable rush jet
>doc robot stages

>> No.789184

>lazy and easily manipulated password system
How exactly is the password system different from any other Megaman?

>> No.789185

>music wasn't memorable
Um, you did play mega man 3 right? Not even snake man shadow man tickled your funny bone?

>> No.789204

The game itself was rushed. That doesn't automatically imply every single aspect was rushed. The music of 3 is some of the finest in the entire series. Nothing about it makes me feel it was rushed.

>> No.789205

For one, the E-Tank variable is independent from any other acquisition. Once you identify the one dot that controls it, you can just change it on any of your passwords to a red dot in the corner to give yourself 9 of them. IIRC, the bosses are also paired off with dots that are also easily solved.

>> No.789226

Rushed probably isn't the best word for the music, but something about it seemed lacking to me. MM2 had some really great tunes. MM3 had stuff like Shadow Man. It just felt like a step backwards to me in terms of quality.

>> No.789228

That's your opinion and I can respect it, but I disagree completely.

>> No.789234
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Fair enough. Thank you for the civil discussion.

>> No.789392
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>Snake Man

>> No.789405

maximum autism

>> No.789504

>not spending an entire summer cracking the password systems in every Mega Man game
Get on my level.

>> No.789551

OP, you should watch this
He hit the hammer on the nail

>> No.789580

Mine might not be a popular opinion, but my favourites classics are 4, 5, 9 and 10 (you can emulate them just fine with Wii emulator Dolphin, btw).
Then I'd play good romhacks like Rockman 4 Minus Infinity, Rockman 5 Air Slide, Rockman 5 Dr Wily's Dream Machine.
I used to think 2 and 3 were my favorites, but somehow I don't feel like replaying them anymore. Some tedious parts of 2 turn me off, and 3's extra content feels more tedious than fun.

>> No.789590

I understand you not liking Mega Man 3.

4 is absolutely awful. Especially if you didn't like 3, that will just make it worse. The Washed out colors, constant slowdown, and poor level/boss design will eat you alive.

5 is... alright. It's a small step up from 4 but it's very forgettable.

6 is about the same level as 4. Some people like it though.

>> No.789596

MM VII is most memorable MM besides I.

>> No.789902

If 3 felt 'meh' for you, you probably won't be impressed too much by 4 or 5. I can't speak for your taste in the music, I liked alot of the tracks in 3.

6 is my least favorite in the series, but it does introduce some interesting mechanics that might interest you, such as rush adaptors and alternate paths leading to 'fake' bosses.

6 is pretty weak in music imho, so don't get your hopes up.

7 is very polarizing for MM fans. If you like the others enough to play through them, do it. It boasts the most difficult final boss in the series.

8 gets shit on alot for its anime nonsense, but it plays well, has a great soundtrack, and the spritework is downright gorgeous.

Have fun, OP.

>> No.789906


Nigger please, Megaman 2 has shit level design compared to Megaman 3 and arguably inferior soundtrack.

>> No.789909


>> No.789913


I don't even like that one as much as I like Bubbleman stage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR6ycUzw7HI

Wily 2 is highly overrated. Sure it makes you hype but the other stages have way better music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFYKSIkC3J0

>> No.789920


Bubbleman stage and Metalman stage have the two best tracks of MM2.


>> No.789930

>levels get more themed and not as silly as snake man
>sound quality in MM2 is shit compared to MM3/4/5/6
>bosses more technical
>charge shot
>two castles to beat
>fucking cheap ass wily bosses
>Toad man is glitched

>> No.789934

Guys, even the worst megaman tracks are well made.

Though if you think its fun to argue, why not? Posting my favs from each game:


>> No.789954

4 freezes because they put too much animations and enemy mob counts that the NES countnt process it all. If it was 16bit it would have been beautiful.

5 is kind of meh. The bosses were kind of boring and forgetful, but the level designs were so good and I loved the concepts they did for star man, gravity man, and wave man for their levels.

I loved 6's boss fights. Its the opposite of 5 imo. Good bosses but horrible levels.

>> No.790049

I agree!

>MM1 - wily stage
>MM2 - Quick Man
>MM3 - top man
>MM4 wily stage 1
>MM5 - protoman stage
>MM6 - Blizzard man
>MM7 - robot museum
>MM8 - frost man
>MM9 - concrete man
>MM10 - sheep man

>> No.790059

Yes it does get better. 3 was meh, capcom rushed to get it out after 2's success and the quality suffered. 4 is an excellent game, 5 sucks, 6 is another excellent game, 7 sucks, 8 is ???, 9 and 10 are both very good.

>> No.790098

I just played through VII, and I don't really understand why it gets that much hate. Yes, the sprite is different. Big woop. The art direction is amazing.

>> No.790110

OP here, weird to see one of my threads still going this long. Allow me to clarify myself.

By no means is Meagaman 3. It is good level design and interesting bosses. I said it was only subpar when compared to the other Megaman's I played(all my opinion). And while to me most of the music was forgettable, I will say that Shadowman and Snakeman have some damn good themes. I was mainly curious as to why MM3 was so popular when compared to the other ones.

>> No.790129

Ultimately I think it's a combination of

1. Nostalgia
2. Pressure (look how some people responded to you for voicing your opinion)
3. It was the one that introduced Protoman who is a huge fan favorite

>> No.790318


go ahead and have your opinion, I ain't mad. mm3 is my favorite of the series because the control is snappy, the stages are a lot of fun, it introduced the slide/Rush/Protoman (lots of change for the series), it was the first one to include dialogue that I remember... and personally I think it has the best soundtrack. also it is really long with 24 boss fights before the Wily machines. mm2 is my second favorite, then 4. I freely admit that 4 is a nostalgia thing, it was the first game I bought with my own money

mm3 also offers the second controller trick, which got my mom off my ass because I could give my little sister the controller and she would sit quietly and help big bro beat the game

>> No.790321

Because it has slide/rush but doesn't have the charge shot.

>> No.790326

>mm3 also offers the second controller trick
I used to tip my NES Advantage over so it would keep the stick in that position and just use a regular controller in the first slot.

>> No.790328


I did that too when I played alone.

except I used my feet.

>> No.790337
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>Top Man

>> No.790395

mah nigga :)

>> No.790640

I'm gonna post every song i like in the megaman series. Wait a minute.

>> No.790649

Start a new game and put one dot of either color in the top right, A6.

>> No.790653



Fire man:

Guts man:

Elec man:

Cut man:

Bomb man:

Wily boss battle:

Wily stage 1-2:

Wily stage 3-4:

Great, overall.

>> No.790656

I Like everything in MM 2 with the exception of the Boss themes.

>> No.790662

You know what forget it. In terms of music:

God tier:

Megaman 9
Megaman 2
Megaman & Bass (GBA)

Good tier:

Megaman 10
Megaman 3
Megaman 1
Megaman 4
Megaman 7

Meh tier:

Megaman 5
Megaman 6

>> No.790705

Megaman and Bass is too hit and miss. The hits are good, but no way would it go in God Tier in my opinion.

>> No.791051


>> No.791069
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>> No.791092
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Elec Man
Wood/Flash/Heat Man tie
Gemini Man
Toad Man
Napalm Man
Yamato Man
Shade Man
Grenade Man
Hornet Man
Sheep Man

I fucking love classic Megaman tracks.

>> No.792053 [DELETED] 

Wh... this better not be some elaborate prank.