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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7891585 No.7891585 [Reply] [Original]

What are some western games that sold well in Japan? I know Wizardry titles inspired the JRPG genre, and that GTA from 3 onwards was popular too, but what else?

>> No.7891660

All normalfag shit that sells in the west sells there too
Except maybe sports

>> No.7891687

It's not retro, but Undertale is really big there.

>> No.7891702

FIFA and other soccer games sell well in Japan

>> No.7891708

I rest my case

>> No.7891758

Another World was relatively big there iirc

>> No.7891804

Not retro but inexplicably Days Gone sold more in japan than god of war and horizon zero dawn. I think it had the best frist week sales of all playstation exclusives

>> No.7891806
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Western RPGs are the sole reason the JRPG "genre" exists so yeah.

>> No.7891812 [DELETED] 

not retro

>> No.7891817


>> No.7891818

Define "well." Mortal Kombat was probably not setting any records but it was popular enough in Japanese arcades to get a shout out in High Score Girl.

>> No.7892104

Minecraft, Donkey Kong Country, GTA V.

>> No.7892128


>> No.7892137

Lode Runner and Spelunky still have a following.

>> No.7892154

Witcher 3.

>> No.7892567

>and that GTA from 3 onwards was popular too

I wonder what Japanese players think of CJ and Niko.

>> No.7892570

The wwwwww laughter thing came from Diablo 1. You can find the source on nico dic.

>> No.7892604

Ultima IV specifically had a bunch of ports for 8-bit Japanese machines of the time, even after Dragon Quest arrived.

>> No.7892697

they're thought of as funny and strange characters, generally

>> No.7893031

Japan hates first person shooters.

>> No.7894828

First person shooters haven't sold too well, historically, but the Bethesda Fallouts, Skyrim, and Doom 4 has had some success there, so I think they're warming up to them. I think a big reason is that first person shooters are best experienced on PC near exclusively, and barring few examples, only became good enough in 7th gen, and you know the Japs prefer consoles over gaming on PC by far.

Those who did play Doom back in the day, either on the Playstation and Nintendo 64, or outright on the PC-98, did enjoy it quite a lot, and it's regarded as kind of a cult classic in that sense over there.

>> No.7894841

Plus some of the ports were released in Japan, even Trilogy. Doom had multiple Japanese releases. Primal Rage even had a release in Japan, in fact the arcade PCB even has a Japanese language option.

>> No.7894843

CoDs are (were?) pretty popular over there too

>> No.7894847
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>> No.7894882
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Brøderbund's Lode Runner was really popular on the famicom. Not sure if it counts though, since by that point it was being programmed and published by the Japanese.

>> No.7894891
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I don't know if it sold well but Postal 1 had a Japanese version with two exclusive levels and a Japanese dub.

>> No.7895020

Xbox, Xbox 360 all failed in Japan.

>> No.7895027
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They love the DKC games.

>> No.7895028

Thanks for the breaking news.

>> No.7895035

They fucking love Morrowind in Japan

>> No.7895039

Oh yeah, forgot about that, there was even a Psikyo Lode Runner arcade game.

>> No.7895047

I know Oblivion and Skyrim are popular, but Morrowind? they don't play PC and XBOX games.

>> No.7895060
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There was some weird shit.

>> No.7895065
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Always found extremely puzzling that Killer Instinct was never released in Japan, at least in consoles, not sure about maybe arcade cabs.
Out of all the western fighting games KI is the best one that plays the most like SF, plus it had Nintendo backing and Japan tends to like Rare games. It's a real mystery. Even shit games like rise of the robots had japanese reléase.

>> No.7895167

Thank you for crying piggu.

>> No.7895224
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>> No.7895261

Dead Space was pretty big in Japan, and it didn't even have a release there

>> No.7895582


>> No.7895843

I think they like the GTA series.

>> No.7895879

>great stuff which would have worked in the west stays in the east
>great stuff which would have worked in the east stays in the west
The world is a little bit dumb.

>> No.7896046

The PS1 version of MKII is actually a Japanese exclusive. It never came out in the west.

>> No.7896052
File: 44 KB, 480x360, slavwind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morrowind and other TES games are far more popular in slavic and balkan countries.

>> No.7896053

who doesn't? they sold close to 10 million copies of them... I think DK64 moved about 2 million copies.

>> No.7896056

>Morrowind and other TES games are far more popular in slavic and balkan countries.
Is there an essay on this, or an explanation of why certain regions prefer specific games?

>> No.7896058

It wasn't? I guess I just took for granted it would have been. That's just crazy. It was a giant release by Nintendo. Its not even a game that would have required much of a localization so you can't even say it was a time constraint issue. The only thing I can think of is that Nintendo of Japan went even more hardcore with trying to transition to the N64 and didn't want any more Super Famicom games, tying it in with Star Fox 2's cancelation.

>> No.7896059

I too love asian cum.

>> No.7896061 [DELETED] 

pic related sold only twice as well as blast corps (1m to 2m copies)

>> No.7896064 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7896065

Slavs, like any other third world population, love PC games because they're easy to pirate and building a PC is cheaper than buying a console.

>> No.7896067

One possible explanation for Japan's lack of interest in FPSes is that there might be a greater predisposition for motion sickness in east Asian ethicities. There have been some studies and I don't know if its been firmly established but if its actually true the lukewarm response to the genre would check out.

>> No.7896069
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Yeah, really. Some diehard fans even imported Xboxes just for Morrowind.

>> No.7896071

Koreans, chinamen, and SEA monkeys love FPS games so much though.

>> No.7896076

The male protagonist looks like a 13 year old boy.

>> No.7896546
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Apparently The Neverhood was really popular in japan for a while, it was so popular it managed to get itself a line of keychains and an air hockey spinoff game that was exclusive to the country.

>> No.7896558

Like hell you say?!

What's popular over there in general these days? I've heard the markets shrunk a lot with mobile stuff replacing a lot of stuff.

>> No.7896781

Crash did well iirc

>> No.7897758

Considering they were releasing super fami stuff over there until 2000, i doubt it

>> No.7898543

Well, KI Gold was a huge player early in N64 life and still no japanese release. I'd love to know the reason KI was kept out of Japan, especially because those japanese fighting players (and even devs) who played it loved it.

>> No.7898564

print magazines were kino

>> No.7900570


>> No.7900624

Huh? "w" comes from "warota" which means I laughed and seen as saying lol

Like how Koreans use "k" instead. Same thing

>> No.7900638
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They seem to love Zombie stuff. A Japanese model/actress I know plays Dead By Daylight all the time and posts stories of her playing/her results. She's not very popular but I only know her because she's a very close friend of Moa Kikuchi AKA Moametal. She's also a Based Lightning enjoyer.

>> No.7900705


It's not a household name there like Skyrim is, it's closer to the American fanbase for Gothic 2. It got a boost after a fan translation was released ine arly 2006, but there was a cult following predating that point (this site is from 2005): http://len.s71.xrea.com/morrowind/