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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7888565 No.7888565 [Reply] [Original]

Retro battlestation thread?

>> No.7888594
File: 262 KB, 1280x763, 2D2A171F-475F-4F32-BF9C-E75C4904C307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple as. Not gonna bother with original hardware for systems made before 2000.
Not a bad setup OP but the LCD TV is small and your audio is lacking as far as I can tell. Also, no Sega systems? Shaking my head.

>> No.7888596

its mess
i will never understand why people leave the mess of cords going every which way

i keep controllers in airtight containers stashed out of sight- & all the power/av/component cabling in wooden dressers in a closet until needed

you can have a highly functional /BST/ while preserving the integrity of the aesthetic of the room

>> No.7888597
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>> No.7888618
File: 79 KB, 644x502, CRT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7888630
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you're probably from the crt thread
the minis are perfect for camping &
solar/battery setups

the hilarity of having the complete retail genesis/snes library on hand during the apocalypse while living your new life out of canned foods seems... comfy

>> No.7888632


>> No.7888634
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>> No.7888635
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x3024, F1DF369F-CE1F-4DB2-9510-ED31E658B4AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a mess & im not cleaning

>> No.7888638

nothing cringe about using a monitor fast enough to keep up with low-latency gameplay

i use a gaming monitor often also
not 1ms but near 5 as i bought it in 2017

>> No.7888646
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>> No.7888659

Post yours then.

>> No.7888675

5ms is great to me. Even if it's not, I'd rather not know what I'm missing out on. Don't need to be tempted to spend more $ on gaming right now.

>> No.7888714
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I'm actually not, though I used to be. I mostly got out of the CRT game, but I have 2 5" B&W sets left for kicks. I also have an 8" PVM I got at a thrift store recently but I need to sell it, it's just in storage right now. Your apocalypse scenario sounds extremely comfy.

>> No.7888893
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>> No.7888902
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>> No.7888908
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>> No.7888914
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>> No.7888918
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>> No.7889113


all of these are godtier

>> No.7889129

H3h3 really went to shit lately lol. I want that setup

>> No.7889241
File: 1.89 MB, 4000x2252, Proto RGR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved in like 15 months ago, just getting to setting up the retro game room now. When this day started this was room was wall to wall boxes and other crap from moving. Still looks like a mess but so much progress was made. Kinda wish I painted first but I figure i'll get around to that later.

>> No.7889257 [DELETED] 
File: 589 KB, 959x871, Don't buy a MiSTer mister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here's a pic of a battle station no one should buy.

>> No.7889258

this is the most seething image I've ever seen

>> No.7889280

Because it makes you seethe? Okay then.

>> No.7889931

Cope, it'll never play Saturn/playstation at full speed

>> No.7889950

>buying a DE-10 nano during a global silicon shortage & unprecedented pandemic derailing supply chains indefinitely

>overpaying for a shitbox

why are misterfags like this?
ebay has them well over the cost of actual hardware until you sperg over microcomputers

>> No.7889951

its gonna be great anon
post another WiP pic

>> No.7889956

>get gameroom all set up
>fairly orderly
>it goes to shit because I have extremely low energy
>too overwhelmed to clean it up

>> No.7890150

Absolutely, plan to take a pic after every major thing is done. Gonna hang the flat screen on the wall later today and sort more of the big boxes

>> No.7890631

Indeed. They shill this overpriced piece of crap way too much on /vr/.

>> No.7890652

It looks like a midgame scene from a VN

>> No.7890901

i always wondered what that kid planned to do when he had to pee. maybe it was like that south park episode where cartman's mom held a bedpan under him.

>> No.7890956
File: 56 KB, 500x500, 1620285723386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to put together a few racks like this for the SFC and N64. What is this stuff called? Is it something stupid obvious I can't find on amazon?

Thanks fellas, I know this is an easy question but it's hard to know everything about everything ever.

>> No.7890960

those screens seem too small for a living room couch setup and that flat panel looks like a neckache

>> No.7890969
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>> No.7891112

The Reddit-rack.

>> No.7891176
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>> No.7891291

extremely comfy

>> No.7891395
File: 3.20 MB, 4032x3024, FDE8F446-6ED3-4643-9499-A39E866B9FE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

believe in yourself

theres a neat drawer style on for n64 very expensive for what it is
get a vhs case for cheaper
or 8track case for gen2 stuff
better yet, stash all the games out of site

i miss my heavy sony so much
maybe get a bigger/sturdier stand

needs furniture
i use those drawers tubs too but hide them

>> No.7891404

pc case looks like a fucking monitor

>> No.7891405
File: 60 KB, 394x640, E3D27189-8FAF-48AF-923A-15D96B846BD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats in the tank anon?
juvenile male green mandarin dragonet
not recommended as pets but so beautiful & peaceful towards the seahorses also sharing the tank/swamp
(month 11)

>> No.7891412
File: 91 KB, 498x640, B5A7428D-29DD-42C7-91A9-F7EAD8FC2E30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snowblind alpine S
it is a transparent monitor and i use it to display VLC videos on loops

>> No.7891413

Fuck is that black box with the beige surround?

>> No.7891415

Based Wii U chad.

>> No.7891464

i dunno
lm currently cleaning up i swear
a lady is coming over and i cant seem like a fucking sperg- i didnt tell her i collect videogame shit

maudio usb c interface
mackie powered mixer
atari xegs & keyboard
commodore 64 mini/maxi
wangblows i9 10th gen pc
sega astro city mini
neo geo mini

>> No.7891483

based Atari user. What are you up to on the XEGS?

>> No.7891484

>VLC videos on loops
For what purpose?

>> No.7891496
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, 924788D1-397F-4489-8A9C-9672EE513EBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serves no functional purpose whatsoever
it just looks neat
steam wallpaper engine is also used

>> No.7891502

i sometimes make a videoplaylist on vlc of my captures of myself playing and leave them running while i fall asleep

its kinda comfy

>> No.7891513

the xegs and jag were the last "consoles" i was missing

im not well versed on microcomputers- but brewing academy has a neat everdrive style solution that i'll probably be ordering soon

graphically its like a slightly better 5200 with nice sound

xegs exclusive library is small
but i gravitate towards shooters as im often v busy with work

>> No.7891546

The UNO Cart? I have one for my XLs, highly recommend it. It's the best cost / performance ratio for A8 flash carts, especially if you're mainly looking to game.

>> No.7891657

What the fuck is this cringe?
Whats your youtube channel, tranny?

>> No.7891737


>> No.7891987

kek i do have a youtube
but only a fool would give sauce here

"ultimate" i need one that can work with other 800/ST systems later on
ill definitely pick one up
its just im moving soon

>> No.7892012

Oh nice, the Ultimate is radical. I didn't need all the features so I went with the UNO. I'm probably going to get a Fujinet soon which will pretty much cover every base I can imagine.

>> No.7892129 [DELETED] 

not retro
fucking zoomer tranny

>> No.7892158
File: 145 KB, 720x960, 1605240899394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you reduce dust? Do I really have to swipe everything every 3 days to keep the dust from piling up?

>> No.7892221

>responds to literally a question in the thread

stop being a sperg lol
i use the pc to play complete libraries of /vr/ shit genius

imagine hating rgb this much

>> No.7892241

dust is our reminder to be grateful for what we have & take care of our limited time in this fleeting existence

i dust about once a week and reminisce on the past

>> No.7892298

ill check the uno out
i want the complete xegs library all at once on there haha

>> No.7892359

The uno will do that, it's mainly a cartridge and XEX device, but it has limited ATR disk image support. I have the whole XEGS library and pretty much every other cart game and misc software I want. As well as an ass ton of games in XEX format. It's also super affordable.

>> No.7892363

/vr/ is becoming more reddit than /v/.

Not referring to this thread.

>> No.7892369

kill yourself

>> No.7892384
File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, A800BD0E-9DAC-43CF-B9FF-75D10E00ACE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mods are strict but
the entire site is flooded with bots/shills and sperglords - par for the course

just follow the rules exactly anonkun

>> No.7892391

i was worried about its performance being so cheap

ill grab one payday
thanks anon

>> No.7892398

I do not care about the janitors retarded obsession against everything possibly off topic. It's just since sixth gen the redditors have come here.

>> No.7892415

/v/ isn't even reddit its just underage

>> No.7892420

Do you play the Atari 7800 very often? Any interest in the Jaguar despite the insane prices?

>> No.7892421

Are you at least a cute tranny?

>> No.7892440

Did a redditor fuck your mom or something?

>> No.7892443

god damn thats a huge TV

>> No.7892446

My father actually owns a reddit account which he made in 2005 or 2006 because he thought that he would need it like he needed an email for work. He never actually used it though. So technically yes.

>> No.7892449

this is gonna sound fake and gay
but im hot in real life &
get fucked often im not posting my girlfriends on a mongolian image weaving forum anon

im not a degenerate i literally have an american and gadsen flag hanging in my room idiot. i carry the bible in my car everywhere i go

the exclusives are hit and miss on the 7800 - recommended still because of how it looks & 2600 compatibility

i got it CiB for $35 on craigslist
get a different controller
hyperkins or build one its not hard

>> No.7892451

Dang you must be young if your dad uses the internet. My dad can hardly use a remote control.

>> No.7892459

If you work in a serious business environment you're sort of made to, regardless of age. A lot of business were using the internet back then.

>> No.7892460

True. My dad is a doctor and up until about 2 years ago, everything was done on paper. He has no interest in computers.

>> No.7892467

That's unfortunate that he was forced to change. I hate the internet and I hope some sort of mass society collapse happens soon so it can be destroyed by lack of maintenance.

>> No.7892468

i'm gay for you already bro :3

>> No.7892469

i like alternate color PS2s
I remember seeing an ad in a magazine as a kid about a whole bunch of different colored PS2s for halloween but I cant find any proof of them even existing now

>> No.7892471

cringe as fuck kys

>> No.7892484


>> No.7892493

t. coomlectors mad I'm not participating in the fucked up retro games market.

I could drive to my parent's house and get the Genesis/NES out of their attic (I plan to do it before they move again) but honestly, why bother? Old ass systems emulate perfectly. I want to *play* the games. I don't need to deal with my old scratched PS1 discs.

>> No.7892502
File: 1.15 MB, 2452x1496, 1590462506744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do -oomerfags have to force their unfunny forced meme into literally everything?

>> No.7892529

what an odd thing to raid a board for

>> No.7892536
File: 606 KB, 997x811, Screenshot_20210613-153436_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit messy, it's enough for me though.

>> No.7892543

They were originally no-fappers, they thought that by forcing yet another ugly wojak edit that it would cause more to join their weird cult. At some point later on they decided to start forcing those cringy x year old -oomer labelled self-insert images. Possibly the worst forced meme to happen to this website.

>> No.7892595

final final fantasy vii fantasy
that white text needs to say episode VII so badly haha

the shelving reminds me of my neighbors house / my good memories made as a kid swapping games
it was 1998 so those were the exact systems we had +gameboys

>> No.7892601

kekked audibly

they're real i dunno about orange though

i dont think im a "coomlector"
i enjoy repairing/maintenance on old electronics +sharing games with my nephews & niece

i do burned discs and flashcarts

>> No.7892610

Agreed, I love the poster outside of that. Crossover stuff is fun to me.

And for sure, my bros and I had shelving like that growing up so its nostalgic in a different sense for me. Good times.

>> No.7892665

>maybe get a bigger/sturdier stand
i reinforced it with a 2x4 below the top. it's sturdy af now =)

>> No.7892706

not sure if youre making fun of my cutting board i used under the aquarium or not since i cant see your 2x4 in your photo haha

saltwater is highly corrosive & the board underneath gives it some "flex" so the glass doesn't stress-crack over time

i test my crt furniture by standing on it lmao

>> No.7892725
File: 3.25 MB, 4032x2268, 20210506_211154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of moving this setup to a different room in my house. This basement room's a bit too dark and musty.

>> No.7892734

Lights and a humidifier my guy. But if you have the space somewhere else then do you.
Better to leave a dark musty room for storage than try to live in it.

>> No.7892736

Based Sasquatch kitty.

>> No.7892925

>Sasquatch kitty

>> No.7893116
File: 1.58 MB, 3025x2268, 20210402_112752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here he is sitting still

>> No.7893123

Post more like these. I don't give a fuck about your room and your epic collection.

>> No.7893147

>seething poorfag

>> No.7893160

Then why are you here? Move along son...

>> No.7893169

Man I'd love a small tv like this on my desk.
What model is this?

>> No.7893191

My nigger, you'll want to get into some 3d printed stuff and customize something as a base. You'll be overpaying for anything niche and specialty made out of metal.

>> No.7893214

Aren't basements prone to flooding as well? I've never understood why people start their epic gamer rooms in one of the most vulnerable rooms in a house.

>> No.7893226

thnx bb

>> No.7893227

would pet & try to pick up

>> No.7893230

i dont think the mods would allow a meme /bst/ thread despite the potential

>> No.7893392

You got it; always happy to help a fellow Atarian.

>> No.7893484

no i'm dead serious. TV is 100 pounds and i'm about 180 and the thing can handle me fine i made for damn sure because i will never find another trinny like that in 10 lifetimes.

>> No.7893504

Get a duster, wiping now takes 10 seconds. Pledging your consoles helps

>> No.7893525
File: 1.09 MB, 2656x1494, trin_20210624_093650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i cant see your 2x4
it's there my dude

>> No.7893545
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x1836, 20210624_094713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sound from the tv is mono but i use the optical out of a ps2 to go into a DAC and play with stereo headphones.

>> No.7893573

this nigga still thinks his wega is like the rarest thing ever lmaoo don't think we forgot how hard you chimped out on here when you first got it

>> No.7893620
File: 1.26 MB, 2984x2296, trin_20210327_015833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still pumped about it man. brings a smile to my face everytime.

>> No.7893705
File: 154 KB, 747x1222, vrstation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine!

>> No.7893860

Basado, I've seen your setup before. Would be better if you had a sound system though

>> No.7895612


>> No.7895683

replacing the carpets, painting the walls to something dark, and working on the lighting situation will work wonders. the dark is counter intuitive but if you have a windowless (or nearly) basement no amount of tapioca wall color is going to make it better. and that failure will only make it look worse. so go dark and just set up good lighting through lamps or a few targeted ceiling lights.

>> No.7895710

more like BASED

>> No.7895729

yeah I moved in December, I made sure I painted every room before setting stuff up when I could. Cause I know once that shelving is up, and things are setup, I'll never have another chance to paint, hah.

>> No.7895821

good eye it wasn't even displayed
i guess tons of people never got theirs and the dude was stealing peoples money

i know someone who personally knocked on his door to ask for a refund
(didn't answer but he was home)


>> No.7895825

Frightening aura.

>> No.7895872 [DELETED] 

If you are a tranny maybe

>> No.7896223

32 inch, I'd love a 36 inch JVC

Kinda wish we did that, are closing date was close to our apartment lease ending.

>> No.7896376

mine turned out to leak during the spring, the old homeowner never disclosed that, the cunt. We had the foundation completely redone right after we bought the house. This spring our basement was dry as a bone. It also doesn't take much to cool a basement room during the summer.
that's a good idea, replacing the carpet would definitely cut down on the stale air.
he's a good boy and would let you

>> No.7896380

My dad ordered me one for my birthday a million years ago —he wouldn't ship so my dad opened a PayPal dispute and he sent right away. I sold it a couple years back for something like double what it cost. Catskull Electronics makes one now that's readily available and looks to be better anyway. Fun device but I found it kind of a pain in the ass to do anything cool with.

>> No.7896625
File: 269 KB, 1280x960, Desk and Bookcase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7896705

This is perfect

>> No.7896857

Not bad but you should play bare knuckle instead

>> No.7897438

> i carry the bible in my car everywhere i go
Oh so you are a degenerate

>> No.7897450

Nice Doom poster

>> No.7897458
File: 1.15 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20210606_214221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as before

>> No.7897493

>playing with headphones

>> No.7897596
File: 407 KB, 638x508, retro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7897864

all men sin anon
its an ugly fact of life
some choose to seek forgiveness
in the end, all things will be known

its comfy
i remember doing this A LOT with 3DO as a kid so no one would wake up

i might grab the catskull one
they have shipped me other shit
reputable sellers

midines needs preprogrammed midi sent to it or live channel splitting via routing shenanigans

i cant give away all my secrets
im working on a full length album haha


still good
i miss my lava lamp even though it got disgusting by the end

the top monitor makes me nervous af

>> No.7898526

lol I understand the MIDI intricacies, I just didn't care for the rigamarole. Also I don't have it anymore, and yeah Catskull is legit.

>> No.7898720
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>> No.7898726
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>> No.7899442



>> No.7899467
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Same as last thread.


>> No.7899471
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>> No.7899481
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>> No.7899484

Let's see your sound system.

>> No.7899496
File: 80 KB, 700x547, yamahans1001-Q2.MjPmP3jPsayxqJY6tIJQ2YYjxEEX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty basic, just 2.1 sound.

I have an HK AVR245 receiver in the first image, some matching small HK speakers, and a 10" Infinity sub.

I have much better speakers (Yamaha NS-10 Monitors), but no room to set them up at the moment.

It's pretty good for all the retro stuff, but I do want to get my monitors set up again when I can spread out my stuff to the living room downstairs.

>> No.7899516

I paid $50 for the sub from a pawn shop, and the amp, speakers, and monitors were all free from friends.

It's all I need, but to be honest the amp is kind of shitty. If really like to get a nice Sansui amp from the 70s or 80s as my permanent piece.

>> No.7899807

Peak comfy

>> No.7899839
File: 7 KB, 295x326, 1621912711957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kinex car
Yup 2004 alright fuuuuuuuuuck where did the years go?

>> No.7900629

atari st on top?
what is it anon

>> No.7900661

Looks like an Atari 800 or 400.

>> No.7900684

Great little panny

>> No.7900701

Simply gorgeous

>> No.7900763

D Series forever