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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7892358 No.7892358 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.7892409

dangerously cringe

>> No.7892518

Leave it to the french to take the faggiest game and make a cartoon

>> No.7892548

Careful not to cut yourselves on that edge, FF7fags.

>> No.7892564

I'm a DQchad akchually

>> No.7892603

This Is going to be woke shit isnt it?

>> No.7892608

Is "woke shit" the new "thanks Obama"?

>> No.7892613

is there literally any reward or advantage to playing tetra master? or do you get absolutely nothing for it?

>> No.7892624

FF7 is only marginally less gay.

>> No.7892631

>less gay
bro. FF7 has a scene where the protagonist gets anally raped by a group of naked body builders in a hot tub. it's literally one of the gayest games ever made.

>> No.7892636

That's just your personal fanfiction.

>> No.7892638
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>> No.7892645

>how dare you call out obvious bias in media intended on normalizing deviant behaviors and instilling racial guilt. Swallow the product down and get excited for next product

>> No.7892646
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They better make an episode about how soft garnets ass is.

>> No.7892649

Still less gay than 9. I mean, it's gayer than Top Gun, but 9 is even gayer than that.

>> No.7892657

So yes then.

>> No.7892659

I'm sorry anon, but FF7 has a crossdrsssing segment, a potential male date segment, and tops it all off with hot tub rape. FF7 is really fucking gay.

>> No.7892751

Not arguing that. 9 is still gayer.

>> No.7892758


>> No.7892771

you're on a board filled with balding gen xers and early stage millenials who grew up worshipping jewish hollywood media so you aren't going to find much sympathy here anon, but I agree with you. regardless of how old a game is, if I see it as cucked, I will throw it in the fucking trash. my kids play these games and I'm not going to expose them to subliminal faggotry.

>> No.7892869
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No, not unless there some recent trend of French stuff being woke that I haven't heard of. I mean, this is the same country of degenerates that gave the world Wakfu (pic related). Also the DKC cartoon.

>> No.7892873

What''s with the one chick in the back, does she join them?

>> No.7892874
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SoR4 was pozzed as fuck, that was french. Not to mention everything Ubisoft puts out is pozzed.

>> No.7892881

Never got around to playing it, what was pozzed in it?

>> No.7892896

lots of blacks, with the black character being intentionally the strongest one to incentivize people to use it, the main villain was the whitest guy in the game.

>> No.7892903

>Ubisoft Karl Marx
What game?

>> No.7892909

One of the Assassins Creed, AKA the worst franchise to come out of the 7th gen.

>> No.7892941

>Cyber Studios

What did they do?

>> No.7892947
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A bunch of animated series I've never heard of.

>> No.7892972

>he's never heard of cloud bread

>> No.7892978

Holy crap I've never heard of any of these series and I don't think anyone has ever showed up on /co/ before? Even Teletoon hadn't shown these probably

>> No.7892993
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I know, right? And /co/ is no stranger to making threads about cartoons and comics that are obscure outside of France. Who knows if they do good work, but if it was Square-Enix's idea to shop FFIX around to French studios they should have went with the guys that did Wakfu.

>> No.7893094

strongest character in Cadillac and Dinosaurs is Mustapha so by that logic Capcom was already pozzed in the 90's

>> No.7893097

>the main villain was the whitest guy in the game.
FF7 is pozzed asf wtf

>> No.7893150

Sephiroth isn't even a villain zoom zoom.

>> No.7893156

yea sure, he was the victim all along
you're an absolute tard

>> No.7893158

He was talking about Rufus

>> No.7893164

Confirmed for not playing the game you triple nigger.

Rufus barely matters faggot

>> No.7893175


>> No.7893418

It's almost like people aren't a monolith.

>> No.7893420
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>depicting black on black crime is pozzed now

>> No.7893426

But it isn’t a cartoon about X though.

>> No.7893494

Wakfu guys are probably being too busy earning money FROM Wakfu. You'd have to pay them a shitload to do something else.

>> No.7893663

Pierre (((Sussmann))). From the same studio that made Zorro half-Chumash and gave him a strong female twin sister.

>> No.7893751

>with the black character being intentionally the strongest one to incentivize people to use it
Floyd is Polynesian, not Black.

>> No.7894286

Why? It's already a game without choices and therefore already a show you just happen to watch on a video game console.

>> No.7894743

Adam was the strongest in the first one, but Axl was better for single player since he was balanced. If you played Adam, you wanted someone else playing Blaze.

>> No.7894781

>Adam was the strongest in the first one
Yes but no, one of his attacks was bugged to only do 1 damage when it would do double-digits for everyone else.

>> No.7894863

Decent rpg, barely a FF. Terrible art style but good execution, minigames are ass, typical animu cringe script, still stuck in the "buy the strategy guide to find all the secrets" era.
Still better than X onwards.

>> No.7895301

> who grew up worshipping jewish hollywood media
No, we grew up worshiping Japanese media. You're confusing us with /tv/.

>> No.7895305
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>french cartoon
how unfortunate.

>> No.7895309
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>barely a FF

>> No.7895536

Why do the French lap up shit with this art style

>> No.7896027

Oh fuck off. It was the first and last classic style FF they ever did. Not every FF can be edgy steampunk and nihilism shit.

>> No.7896034
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Because they have excellent taste.