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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.39 MB, 2091x1465, Golden Eye boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7890975 No.7890975 [Reply] [Original]

Was it really that good?

>> No.7890981


Even back then I didn't like it because I thought James Bond was a really gay series. I had Quake and Duke Nukem on the 64 and both were better.

>> No.7890985

It's not as good as its most fervent defenders say it is but it's also not as bad as its most seething haters say it is either. As someone who beat it on 007 recently I would say it's a solid 6-7 out of 10. Perfect Dark and the Timesplitters series really add a lot to this formula.

>> No.7891052
File: 257 KB, 1920x816, GEbhp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not excellent, but it's pretty good.

>I thought James Bond was a really gay series

>> No.7891083

put the imaginary gun down faggot

>> No.7891095

the selling point is definitely the multiplayer, its quite simple but gets the job done, specially for fucking '97

>> No.7891153

The single player campaign was good on its own.


>> No.7891164

The first time I ever played it was when I was a kid. My brother was much older, and he played it while I joined in to play multiplayer sometimes.

I've since been revisiting it recently, and it really is very good. The single-player mode has a lot of variety to the missions, and the higher difficulties not only add extra objectives (rather than just being only "enemy HP/intelligence up, weapons/ammo down" as you might expect), but there is more to do with the cheat codes that you unlock for doing the different time trials for each level.

The multiplayer is probably just okay in all honesty; It was absolutely a phenomenon in its day, but "multiplayer shooter" has dominated the popular game market for decades now. It was one of the earlier examples, and the first really good original shooter for consoles, but it's not like it's the most amazing MP experience I've played (to the point that the same team already did better in both Perfect Dark and TimeSplitters).

That said, the single-player is totally worth your time. If you've got an N64, then there's no reason to avoid it unless you hate shooters or something.

>> No.7891184

I bet the people commenting here weren't even around to play it when it first came out.

>> No.7891203

Let's be honest, Timesplitters 2 basically makes this game irrelevant.

>> No.7891205

TS2 has a weaker SP campaign.

>> No.7891207

Hard disagree in every way. More diverse environments, weapons, objectives, everything.

>> No.7891213

I'm 29.

>> No.7891218

If it had a modern source port it would be viewed much better as it would have modern controls and all the QoL shit that brings. Maybe it will decompiled and we'll see that in the coming years.

>> No.7891219

Mission design took a hit, in my opinion. GE was a lot more open ended, and I like that because it gives the player a lot more agency on how they want to tackle the mission. None of this is to imply TS2 is bad. It was probably my most played gamecube game next to Melee.

>> No.7891224

Just play Goldeneye Reloaded

>> No.7891225

Did you try the leaked XBLA version?

>> No.7891226

I'll give it to you on that one, TS levels are more linear accross all 3 games but GE has plenty of sub-par levels and nothing that's hakf as cool as Neo-Tokyo, Return to Planet X or god-tier Siberia. Mapmaker also supplants most criticisms. GE was a good game for 97 but I couldn't go back to it now, whereas all 3 TS games are as fun as ever.

>> No.7891231

Nah. Not the same thing. It's like Perfect Dark to Perfect Dark HD

>> No.7891239

Not really. Aside from the fact that they were more faithful in their reskinned graphics, the game lets you turn on the classic graphics with the press of a button. You can flicker between the two during gameplay and basically get the same game, except at a higher and more steady framerate.

>> No.7891247

Reloaded isnt the same but its still a decent fps with modern controls

>> No.7891258

Thread theme:


>> No.7891263

It badly needs an AI upgrade. Make them like 20% faster or something

>> No.7891265

you weren't really the target audience then, the people to really ask about this game were born in or before 1985.

>> No.7891268

yeah, it's not bad at all. I have a hell of a time using dual stick aiming, and there's some texture issues (probably from xenia) but the port is pretty cool.

>> No.7891269

What does that have to do with him being there and playing the game and enjoying it?

>> No.7891271

not him but I'm also 29 and my first shooters were marathon 2 and quake 2 that my older brother let me play. I remember sleeping over at a friend's house in 1999 and playing this with him and his brother and thinking how trash it seemed. it might have been targeted at 17 year olds but even 7 year old me was smart enough to know this game was a 7/10

>> No.7891282

>call a game trash and then rate it as a 7/10

/v/ has ruined you people

>> No.7891284

That would probably make it too hard to keep up with, unless you're playing with KBM on an emulator or something

It's the same as someone saying they were "alive for 9/11" if they saw it when they were 8 or 9. Sure, they were there, they were alive, and they could conceive what exactly had happened, but they hardly represent a position able to offer anything approaching a respectable level of insight or perspective on the event in question.

>> No.7891285

if it isn't a god tier game like Diablo 2, yes, it's basically trash.

>> No.7891289

Being 8 or 9 during 9/11 was definitely old enough to understand how big of a deal that was, my man. You severely underestimate how much kids understand.

>> No.7891290

you hardly represent a position able to offer anything approaching a respectable level of insight or perspective on the discussion in question.

>> No.7891292

Yes. It was so revolutionary it caused waves of game delays when people realized their Quake clones weren't going to cut it anymore. Even outside of the FPS space people were picking apart the game to extract any cool feature they saw and include it in their own game. Half-Life, Thief, Deus Ex, SiN, No One Lives Forever, Hitman, the list goes on.

>> No.7891293

clever response, perhaps the kind of person who only ever repeats what is heard

Beyond "It was bad" or "people died" or something basic, I would be surprised to see much more than that. Surely nothing beyond basic recognition of cause and effect and of the suffering or hardship involved.

Likewise, anon's perspective on goldeneye as a 6 year old would still be basically meaningless. No real insights could be gained besides the answers to questions like "do you like this", "is this fun", etc.

>> No.7891298

>Beyond "It was bad" or "people died" or something basic, I would be surprised to see much more than that.
Anon, most adults in this country aren't going to analyze it past that level and we're holding 8 year olds to that standard?

>> No.7891301

maybe you were a retarded child because at 8 years old I could absolutely have told you mechanical things I liked or disliked about a game.

>> No.7891305

>goldeneye as a 6 year old would still be basically meaningless.
You say this, on /vr/ of all boards? Where 90% of these threads are "shit I played when I was a kid"?

>> No.7891306

How was he gay? He spends half of every movie fucking sloots

>> No.7891309

terrible response, perhaps the kind of person who only ever follows what is told.

>> No.7891338

If you say so, I thought it was cool as fuck as a kid, almost as cool as Doom 2 or Quake 2.

>> No.7891349

It seems clear to me now that there's a disconnect between what I said and what I thought people would read. Whether anon liked the game or not was always to me irrelevant; You can show a game to someone young at any time and ask them what they like/dislike, whether it is new or old. You don't have to "have been there" to see the appeal of a good game, at least mechanically (obviously graphical impact may well be lost on them). Sorry if I didn't make it clear that I don't see anything important about what someone thought of the game as an individual compared to its footprint within its time.

What is much more important to me for the "people who were there" element is how much they were actually aware of what was going on. By that I mean not what they thought of the game, but how much they were aware of the world around it, both the effect and perception it had in the gaming community, and the impact that it made on the industry at large. Some kid's input of "I like this" or "I dislike that" on its own is largely unimportant to capturing the overall impact of the game at large. I'd much sooner ask someone who was at least in teenage years, someone who was reading a lot of magazines and following game info wherever else they were getting it. Better yet would be adults, or people who were active in the industry, as they would have had a much clearer picture of what was going on with a game and its reception. That said, people who were kids could at least give anecdotal insights like "everyone I knew was playing it" to attest to its popularity among players (as far as a few people's experiences matters to that sort of observation anyway).

>> No.7891360

This whole zoomerboomer retardation has become insufferable. People whine about the newer gens being allowed is what ruined the board but seriously, it's all on you. Two years ago this retarded meme was nowhere to be found but now suddenly everyone one wants to feel like a 30 year old among teens for some dumb reason.
>inb4 more idiotic calendar marketing shit

>> No.7891383
File: 118 KB, 600x808, 1621535411404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>console FPS

>> No.7891389 [DELETED] 

>Two years ago this retarded meme was nowhere to be found
because the new generation was not allowed.

>> No.7891423
File: 429 KB, 220x147, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's good but Perfect Dark/Timespiltters 2 is better.

>> No.7891486

lol didnt read

>> No.7891515

The PC port is amazing

>> No.7891516

idk, detective/spy shit is gay to me. I want to kill demons rising out of hell not work for MI6.

>> No.7891621

I kept playing it as I grew older, where I appreciated the game more and more.

>> No.7891626

Git gud or die trying.

>> No.7891743 [DELETED] 

>thinks spy shit is gay
>doesnt mind playing as an incel jew killing saturday morning cartoon monsters

>> No.7891802

what is wrong with his mouth?

>> No.7891819


>> No.7891861

No. And the 64 controller was especially dogshit for first person shooters unfortunately.

>> No.7891862

Acquire skill.

>> No.7891867


>> No.7891869

You're wasting valuable git gud time.

>> No.7891872


>> No.7891958


Its even better.
Besides the good soundtrack and the multiplayer aspect, its also an amazing speedrunning game.
Still being played today should be enough of an indicator that this game is not shit.
/vr/ usually just hates on everything for the sake of hating.
Until one day, when 90 % hate it, suddenly people praise it again.

>> No.7891973

I mean I said it was good it's just not the most amazing shooter ever made. My problem with it is that the weapon selection is kind of limited and the game is really stingy with the more creative gadgets, limiting them nearly exclusively for the objectives only. Also, not all of the levels are as open ended as the game advertises, with it varying between open levels and literal tunnels.

>> No.7891983

What was the reasoning why they didn't release that? The people who owned Bond said no? Or they had to repay all the people for their faces to be in the game?

I remember when the XBLA version leaked there was a reason someone said but i can't remember.

I played that one and had fun. Wack though i dont have a jtagged 360 or i coulda played it on the actual xbox

>> No.7891996

>The people who owned Bond said no?
I think that's the short of it. Those people also hate Goldeneye for other silly reasons, like the blood, the fact that Bond can be on a team with a villain in multiplayer, that multi camera angle that showed bond getting wasted when you died.

So basically remove a lot of shit that makes it fun. I say this as someone who enjoys the EA-published Bond games.

>> No.7892002

>he only likes Doom
Sad state

>> No.7892005

Stop being bad at videogames.

Actually, it was Nintendo who vetoed it, the Bond people were ok with it. Also the XBLA version has an uncanny valley effect to it which I can't describe, I think it's the fact that they're still using the original animations, which look awkward with the much higher definition guns.

>> No.7892124

Sounds pretty gay dude. I would rather fuck sloots

>> No.7892220


>> No.7892230

Everybody and their dog woulda bought that shit if it was released.
Whatever the reason was. It was a corny one.

>> No.7892260 [DELETED] 

Objective - probably not. It's still amazing fun, but when you call it the best of the best in 2021 - when soooo many great shooters have come and gone over the years - it stretches credibility.

For the controller - what seems like it may be a flaw might actually be partly responsible for Goldeneye's unprecedented longevity - it makes it different. It makes it unique, and people like a little variety from time to time.

PC games will come and go, and some of them might objectively be better than Goldeneye if they had the same place in videogame history, but Goldeneye will always be there and you will always be able to play it the exact same way as you did back in 1997 (was going to say as when you were a kid but Goldeneye was one of the first games to attract normie adults in a big way).

>> No.7892263

Objectively - probably not. It's still amazing fun, but when you call it the best of the best in 2021 - when soooo many great shooters have come and gone over the years - it stretches credibility.

For the controller - what seems like it may be a flaw might actually be partly responsible for Goldeneye's unprecedented longevity - it makes it different. It makes it unique, and people like a little variety from time to time.

PC games will come and go, and some of them might objectively be better than Goldeneye if they had the same place in videogame history, but Goldeneye will always be there and you will always be able to play it the exact same way as you did back in 1997 (was going to say as when you were a kid but Goldeneye was one of the first games to attract normie adults in a big way).

>> No.7892264

timesplitters 2 was great, used to make a custom map called "battlefield earth" with my cousin and vs bots

>> No.7892498

Is buying a CIB golden eye 007 off craigslist for 70 Moose dollars worth?

>> No.7892528

Fucking loved it as a kid, played hundreds of hours on it and that's fun no autist jaded adult can take from me.
Have I played it in the last 20 years? No, I don't really feel like it, I'm not sure why but I don't care what it might be considered now, it was a fun game when it released.

>> No.7892531

Runs terribly on emulators but YMMV

>> No.7892563

This, I think Goldeneye at its core is a great game but is held back by the hardware and controls, they tried doing too much on a machine that could barely handle it. I think whether or not a game can age gracefully should be taken into account when assessing if a game was "good" and Goldeneye if played on original hardware has aged like fucking milk.

>> No.7892579

If you turn AI reaction time up and damage down, it plays like a great arcade title. And it's not so much a shooter as it is an Exploration game, considering the objectives and level design. It will always be a classic and it probably looks acceptable in HD.

>> No.7892583

Not a rip off for CIB. If you want it boxed go for it.

>> No.7892593

It's too bad they weren't able to make several Bond games with that particular engine. Perfect Dark is a game that has not aged nearly as well, but the multiplayer was innovative there. I was so sure there would be more map-maker games and software by now that would allow you to make games that rivalled it.

>> No.7892615


>> No.7892760


Tfw the next bond game after this was tommorow never dies

>> No.7892861


>> No.7892956

Perfect Dark was better

>> No.7893048

It was good for people that didn't have a good internet connection or expensive pcs to network and multiplayer

So ya in a way

Used to play it on the big screen tvs as a kid

>> No.7893631

Absolutely not it’s almost unplayable on the N64

>> No.7893635

Depends if you're playing on real hardware or on an emulator?

>> No.7893645

Yeah the multiplay was fun as fuck.

>> No.7893682

yes, i fucking hate this board

>> No.7893863
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, Goldfinger64.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7893870
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, Goldfinger64 Miami showroom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7893874
File: 944 KB, 1366x768, 1965 LEVELS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7893876

We thought it was so bad the buyers remorse gave us hysterical laughter (poorfag teenagers) and we returned it the next day

>> No.7893878
File: 925 KB, 1366x768, 1975 LEVELS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have a few more levels to complete for The Spy Who Loved Me 64

>> No.7893883
File: 2.80 MB, 640x360, TheSpyWhoLovedMeN64.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7893887
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, Spy64 - Egypt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XBLA (never played it)

>> No.7893902
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, Moonraker64 - Aztec.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie would make a better game IMO, if it was set entirely in South America.

>> No.7893909 [DELETED] 
File: 2.84 MB, 1280x720, Moonraker64.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7893921

Fuck all the sloots you want king, but cheering on a spy to do it is cucking yourself, hence why the series is pretty gay

>> No.7893930

>it is cucking yourself
goddamn some of you cuckold obsessed motherfuckers are stupid

>> No.7894772

This level design looks boring as fuck.

Are you some kind of retard?

>> No.7896125

I only ever played multiplayer at a friends house and eventually we moved on to Perfect Dark, but it was very fun. We used to play three or four guys against a bot on highest difficulty. We named him Ali Baba. He used to equip the rocket launcher and run up to us and shoot into the ground.

>> No.7896228

I remember when it was released. It was the best FPS at the time. Everyone one was playing it, and most of us didn't give a shit about James Bond. The movie it was based on was two years old at that point.
It was the game that single-handedly made people take FPS on consoles seriously.
Other than Goldeneye, there was Shadows Of The Empire, which wasn't as good, and Quake on PC. Computers were becoming more popular, but they were still very expensive, so not everyone had one. More people had consoles.

In 2021 it's crap. The control scheme is fucked, and the frame-rate is bullshit. I had no idea how we played this back then, but we did, and we loved it. Didn't have much to compare it to I guess.

>> No.7896234

For 1997, fuck yeah, it was. Couldn't stop playing that, neither could my friends. The speedrunning to get the cheats part was cash too and multiplayer was fun.
It had outstanding music and graphics and gameplay for it's time.
We had Quake one year prior, though. You play Quake today, you have a fucking blast. You play Goldeneye today, you vomit.

>> No.7896243

You play Quake today on a source port with modified source code complete with modern quality of life improvements.

You don't get that with Goldeneye. Go play Quake on dosbox, with 4:3, 800x600, software renderer, no animation interpolation.

>> No.7896258
File: 922 B, 38x20, guns.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7896265

>The control scheme is fucked
Lol no it's not.

>> No.7897101

Fun fact, Goldeneye can have a more modern control scheme if you use two controllers.

>> No.7897108

It has one thing in common with Halo - it's overrated pleb trash played by faggot console kiddies

>> No.7897110

All console FPS games are gimped by shitty controls due to the absence of KB+M.

>> No.7897116

>another shitty alf thread
we get it you got btfo from /doom/ for your retarded opinions and now you are coping

>> No.7898021

I tried playing it like that recently. It's way worse than just learning default which isn't that great either.

>> No.7898150

It was great for it's time, I vividly remember how packed Eletronic Boutique was when it came out my mom had to put me on her shoulders. And this was in a rural part of france where gaming wasn't that big, people have driven from major towns to buy from there.

>> No.7898159

On /vr/ yes it is that good. On /v/ no its complete trash.

>> No.7898163

Then why not say Turok 2?

>> No.7898221

I absolutely loved it at the time. It was unironically the only reason I got an N64.
I tried to play it again a little while ago on an emulator and it just wasn't the same without the right controller. It was made worse by having to calibrate the one I was using and the automatic aiming thing really through me for a loop because I'd forgotten about it.
I wanted to try the remaster they released about a decade ago, but I never got around to it and I'm not sure how much it differs from the original.

>> No.7898412

Yes. But only cause of the seethe picking Oddjob would create in Multiplayer.

>> No.7899735

It's good when you're emulating at 60fps + kb/m
Perfect Dark really feels like a regular FPS.

>> No.7900980

There's a real argument to be made for it being one of the best of its generation. It was a technological leap forward for the genre and the industry, its mission and level design hold up today really well, still satisfying as hell to play. The performance is bad and zoomers HATE the N64 controller but otherwise this game holds up spectacularly in terms of its gameplay.
In fact, it's so good, I'm hard pressed to think of a better FPS game from even the following generation. Timesplitters 2 and 3 are awesome games but what they gain in performance and visuals they lose the sandboxy nature and player agency that Goldeneye and Perfect Dark excelled at. They're more linear experiences. No One Lives Forever is a fun sendup to 1960s spy fiction that oozes style and personality, but in terms of gameplay, especially gunplay, it isn't nearly as good. The genre only got worse after 5th and 6th gen. Once technology surpassed vision that was it.
Playing these games on their highest difficulty offers a far more engaging and satisfying experience than 99% of subsequent FPS games, because Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are actually more than just FPS games, which is why the mission design here is just so important and something that really shouldn't have been abandoned by the genre. Planning your routes and learning these levels, then enacting your plans, is extremely satisfying. Not to mention challenging. These games just don't roll over and let you win, you have to work for it, especially if you aren't looking up guides or watching videos to get your way through these levels like some zoomer. It also helps that the FPS aspect of these games is as good as it is. The location based damage, enemy animations, satisfying sound effects, etc. etc. It's all so good.
Honestly if you don't like Goldeneye I really do have to question why it is you play video games in the first place. The bad things about it are mostly superficial.

>> No.7900991

>You don't get that with Goldeneye. Go play Quake on dosbox, with 4:3, 800x600, software renderer, no animation interpolation.
I do. It plays better than Goldeneye in nearly every way.

>> No.7901025

i also hate zoomers anon