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7879039 No.7879039 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7879042

I always wondered about this. Link isn't an elf, so why is he buried in an elf village?

>> No.7879079

He never scored

>> No.7879117

peperony and

>> No.7879123

So, the first FF takes place in the timeline where link failed to defeat ganon?

>> No.7879202

I live agaaaaaaiiin…

>> No.7879209

>Link isn't an elf
So why do some versions of him have pointy ears?

>> No.7879213

Hylians =/= Elves

>> No.7879217


>> No.7879218


>> No.7879221

What game?

>> No.7879272

Final Fantasy I remake.

>> No.7879280


It's some cruddy, watered-down remake of Final Fantasy. In the first release on NES, that grave belonged to Erdrick, the legendary ancestral hero from Dragon Warrior. The implication may have been that Final Fantasy was such a good game as to surpass and "kill" its competitor.

Somebody at GameFAQs says:
>In the original Japanese FFI on the Famicom, it was "Here lies Link." For the US version, it was changed to Erdrick because Nintendo published the first FF in the US, since Square was basically a non-entity at the time over here. In all remakes, it's been reverted to Link since Square is a bit more successful these days.

I don't know about any of that; I've only played the NES version and haven't looked into the matter further. Anyway I guess the remakes use the "Link" line. Link does fit a bit better than Erdrick, since Link is kind of elf-looking and that town in Final Fantasy is the elf town.

>> No.7879293

are you serious? they are elves.

>> No.7879310
File: 27 KB, 250x232, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>リンク ここにねむる。
>Link sleeps here.

>> No.7879398

Because they're two separate series

>> No.7879426

He never scored.

>> No.7879431


>> No.7879452

You really gotta remember, at the time of FF1's release, there was a grand total of 2 Zelda games. Hylian lore and all that shit wasnt really established yet, so Link was likely seen as an elf.

>> No.7879849

Ze identifies as an elf

>> No.7880020

Keep them coming /vr/

>> No.7880050

Who would have buried him, Ganon?
It's obviously the child timeline, where he later grows old and dies without being known throughout the land as the hero.

>> No.7880112

the japanese version of zelda ii had the line "here lies the hero of loto" and came out almost a year before final fantasy. just a little friendly teasing

>> No.7880126

In the context of Zelda, Hylians are the original humans, before rounded eared humans from other lands start popping up. Supposedly, their long ears give them highly spiritual perception, or "able to hear the voices of the gods" in some printed media.
The Zoras from Ocarina of Time onwards, fill the role of the more traditional elves if we go by Tolkien stereotypes, while Gorons would be the dwarves.

I guess that makes the Kokiri the same as Hobbits?

>> No.7880168
File: 4 KB, 256x240, FDS_Zelda_II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7880475

what does it say?

>> No.7880490

"here lies Luto"
Luto is Erdrick

>> No.7880492


>> No.7880496

sorry not Luto, Loto

>> No.7880506


The Kokiri are Humpits, not Hobbits.

Because I'd hump it. (Saria)

>> No.7880616
File: 174 KB, 500x500, pbvzakFxNp1wi48dlo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, hopefully to clarify, Link's species wasn't stated in the NES era. From the pointy ears, some would assume he was supposed to be an elf. It was only in A Link to the Past that introduced Hylians by name..as an ancient precurser to the current civilization inhabiting Hyrule, meaning Ocarina of Time is finally the proper appearance of living Hylians. In short, Link's a Hylian NOW, but back THEN, it was vague.

>> No.7880632
File: 43 KB, 490x511, Phadk47915;jkaHKSGK7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, and Hylians (and Gerudos) are a fictional race of humans, so if you want to be really technical, his species is human and his race is Hylian.

>> No.7881134
File: 134 KB, 716x564, deepest lore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh

>> No.7881139

Minor nit: the hero Roto sleeps here

>> No.7881157

Kokiri are sprites or something.

>> No.7881159

In the NES era, Hyrule was a fictional medieval European country, as can be seen by all the crosses on Link's shields and in the graveyards.

>> No.7881337


I imagine some elves must have buried him. They live there, after all.

They probably gave him the favor of a nice funeral as compensation for the pains he had clearly suffered in life. (Being elves, they would have shared the spiritual perceptiveness of Hylians, and so it would have been quite clear to them that this strange foreigner died having never scored.)

>> No.7881359

This is the most disgusting fan art I have ever seen

>> No.7881447


Sounds like you haven't been to the Freya Crescent thread

>> No.7881509
File: 3.24 MB, 3438x3790, d515o66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, there's no great artwork of pink-haired Link.

>> No.7881545

Appropiate. Zelda as a franchise died with ALTTP.

>> No.7882036

Came into thread expecting to see this. I was not disappoint. Good job anon.

>> No.7882223

Who thought it was a good idea to take a company only known for making lunch boxes and start making video games?

>> No.7882230
