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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7855337 No.7855337 [Reply] [Original]

Post /vr/ MMORPGs

>> No.7855465
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, 2moons-black-zombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IT'S DEKARON (or 2Moons if you are a real fan)

>> No.7855541


>> No.7855787

is runescape still worth playing?

>> No.7855793

OSRS is worth it for the nostalgia trip if you liked the game. RS3 is kind of okay but if you play it make a new account and do an ironman, they don't blast you with microtransactions if you make an iron man.

>> No.7855794
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>> No.7855801
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>> No.7855802

I only played OSRS for like. 2 hours. I don't really have nostalgia for it, is it still worth it? Seems like a silly question but it seems like that's the one everyone talks about and plays, I never see anyone talking about the new runescape

>> No.7855805
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>> No.7855816

If you don't have nostalgia or friends to play with, its a pretty boring game. It's honestly just a cookie clicker, you're meant to waste hours and hours and hours of your life just clicking rocks and shit, it takes months to get a high level in any stat if you're not paying for member benefits. Stats are status symbols in the game because it signals you clicked more cookies than others did.

>> No.7855837

RS3 was alright, had it on my second monitor while working, cant really afk that hard which I was told it was good for since. I did like the fact that you basically had to craft evernything but even after 40h of grnding and doing quests i had no idea where anything was other than trees and ore to mine. doing some combat might have been fun

>> No.7855879
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Does Second Life count? GameFAQs classifies it as an MMORPG.

>> No.7855935

my world went downhill after 2003 man

>> No.7856037

my worlds been getting worse and worse every single year my friend

>> No.7856119

Yeah, it plays fine of PC hardware from 2001, so it's /vr/.

>> No.7856142

God I loved the shit out of RuneScape classic. I played it for 2 years when it was released. Got to level 108 until the changs at jagex closed it down for some bullshit reason.

>> No.7856179

Do you play it now?

>> No.7856257

Hey guys this is omer from ememoh hut.com doing a first impressions video on 2moons

>> No.7856270

do people still play it?

>> No.7856579

Dead game. Lost its identity.

>> No.7856716
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RIP RuneScape Classic. I played it a ton in 2002-2004. They shut it down back in 2018. :(

>> No.7858187

You can still play it on private servers

>> No.7858192

gay as fuck empty servers you mean

>> No.7858246

get your friends together and play on them

>> No.7858252

I need to look into this. That screenshot suggests much.

>> No.7858260

>it takes months to get a high level in any stat if you're not paying for member benefits.
Even if you pay, it takes forever.
I used to love the game as a kid, then played for a while about two years ago and got a mid-level account. It's not that great because it's basically autism-simulator, all you do is click on shit and watch number go up. There isn't that much skill involved unless you're doing PvP against good players or high level PvM, but getting to that point takes forever if you're a new and don't know what you're doing. The quest system is pretty unique for a MMORPG though.

>> No.7858393

No one plays it? A shame

>> No.7858443

When are we starting a /vr/ classic runescape server

>> No.7858776

any classic shit alive filled with real autistic human being instead of bots?

>> No.7858836
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>> No.7858983

Probably not necessary. OpenRSC is pretty great, and has a few creature comforts that make it less awkward to play, like not having to use the fucking sleeping bag.
Give it a try. It'd be nice to play with actual people

>> No.7859015
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I used to play a shit game called Knight Online. In retrospect it was terribly designed, features were missing because the devs were either lazy or retarded, and the company running it were about as morally balanced as EA. But I had friends, a clan, and it was fun.

>> No.7859365

I miss the official City of Heroes/Villains servers. I played the private server both before and after it was leaked to the general public but the magic of meeting randoms that would normally not play video games, or normies was gone because those people were not in game. Back when the official servers were up you could find yourself teaming with a parent and their kid, a geriatric and a crazy RP fanatic thanks to the magic of public queuing.

>> No.7859570

I tried to play the private server but the game was frankly super boring

>> No.7860965

looks really good

>> No.7860998

I played this too. I actually liked the combo system but the P2W stuff and all the cheaters got annoying and I didn't like one of the expansions. But it was still probably the most fun I had with an MMO because of the people I played with.

>> No.7861212

are there any /vr/ mmorpgs that people still actively play?

>> No.7861354

how do you find friends in mmorpgs?? I never can

>> No.7861378

Might depend on how the game is designed. Knight Online was pretty basic and there was no downside to having more people in your group most of the time even if they weren't that good as long as they were actually trying and not just leeching off of you, in some ways you got benefits like getting a little more XP from monsters. So that probably pushed people to play together more and after regularly playing with people for a while you'd just start grouping up more often, then forming or joining a clan, etc. Probably helps that Knight Online wasn't extremely popular either so you'd see the same people more often.

>> No.7861387

It was super popular with the Turks
>i afk oke

>> No.7861447

I had an incredibly slow start until a vet clan pretty much adopted me. We all got on regularly and they would help me level by suffering through early content with me. I remember some kind of update made clans dissolve, reset, or something. I was worried because I didn't have anyone added as friends and I think you had to be a certain level to shout on the server. Well, ANOTHER vet clan came by and shouted for me making it so my clan could come find me again. Super wholesome community. Too bad I was just on the rebound from RuneScape taking away free trade/wildly, so I was just bouncing from mmo to mmo every month just to fill the void. I never played knight online again.

>> No.7861462

Best FF
ToAU era > Zilart > Wings >>>>> vanilla > abyssea

>> No.7861592

What retro MMOs are still played today?

>> No.7861706

I suspect his fellow 40 year old 'friends' have moved on...

>> No.7861715

D-do you want to play with me, anon?

>> No.7861727

Does fonline count? It's a autistic russian mod of fallout 2 to make it into a MMO.

>> No.7861745

you were going to play solo anyway

>> No.7861832

is there a way to play runescape in groups? I'm serious. enemies only fight one on one, quests are one on one, outside of minigames there's no real interaction with other players outside of PvP

>> No.7861874

Yeah I think so but not built into the game I don't think. You both just attack the same monster until it dies, right? Not sure how XP is distributed then though

>> No.7861880

When joining a book club you don't all read the book together. It's a place to talk about the same experiences you just had, similar to a chinese basket weaving forum I know of.

>> No.7861882

>enemies only fight one on one
>You both just attack the same monster
I'm retarded and apparently can't fucking read.

>> No.7861917

okay but why can't i do that with a single player game, why does it need to be an mmo

>> No.7861939

You can, haven't you seen the Fire Emblem generals or whatnot on /vg/? An MMO generally will have more content, and more opportunities to express yourself personally so there's more to talk about. I know some people who's only friend-groups are within discords based around single-player games and they just talk about those games all day, would that experience be more intense if they both were left-clicking the same thing? It's possible, but they seem to be having fun.

>> No.7861985

At high level pvm there are group raids. There are some group bosses and bosses you can choose to do with others (you'll have to manually split loot.) Other than that there is group Slayer, but that just ensures you and your friend gets the same task. Playing in groups was more fun back when multi pvp was popular, but that's pretty much dead now.

>> No.7862141

anyone playing runescape classic?

>> No.7862142

No. Its the worst version of an already bad MMO.

>> No.7862861

Yeah the game is mostly based in Turkey now with only one server for NA players. I remember a lot of Peruvians playing it too. I think a lot of servers are pretty barren now though and even during its peak it wasn't as popular as some other MMOs of the time.

>refuse to sell something for less than it's worth
>siktir git a.q

That's pretty nice. The game rewarded you for helping new players in the early days, they'd have a baby bird next to their name and you'd get more XP if they were in your party. That probably helped people see newbs as more than just an annoyance. I don't really remember much trolling ever happening when I played.

>> No.7864330

peruvians? ew

>> No.7864353

What MMOs should I play /vr/

>> No.7864640

classic runescape

>> No.7864845

>baby bird next to their name
God I had forgotten about that. Good times.

>> No.7864872

the worst possible answer

>> No.7864943
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Only real autists know the joys of Minions of Mirth. I swear only like 50 people ever played.

>> No.7864957

is it still up? do people play?

>> No.7864961

What should I play instead?

>> No.7864975

I tried to get into it again like a year ago but the devs closed up their servers.
Some autists on r/minionsofmirth have established a private server though, so it is still playable but I'm not sure what state the private server or community is in

>> No.7864980

Ehh, it depends
Early on you're mostly questing and shit, but it turns into an idle game at certain skill level breakpoints (generally 50 and over).

If you're looking to do something while you watch movies or listen to music, I'd say its worth a try.

>> No.7865028
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>> No.7865031

what game is that?

>> No.7865035


>> No.7865047

any fun?

>> No.7865062

video games are not meant to be fun

>> No.7865313

that doesn't answer my question

>> No.7865329

The answer is no

>> No.7865347
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EQ didn't look like that

>> No.7865354

good thing you blurred out the names I was about to doxx your group and hack their accounts

>> No.7865393

wow did it really look like that??????

>> No.7865412

Yes anon I went back in time 22 years to before the world went to shit just to personally take that screenshot and post it in this thread

>> No.7865417

>not even charming a bat
well your a shit tier druid

>> No.7865420
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>> No.7865423
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>> No.7865424
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>you will never grind out another hell level at hamlord

>> No.7865425
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>> No.7865428
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>> No.7865440
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>all my memories of high school revolve around playing EverQuest with my bros
>manage to recover my original account a few years ago
>log into my old character and check /played
>not even 250 hours
>have literally orders of magnitude more playtime on my WoW account
>almost no fond memories of the game

It was truly a different time to be alive...

>> No.7865442
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Some of my best memories come from an obscure MUD I played in the mid 90s on a server with maybe 20 active users that I doubt I put more than 50 hours in to.

>> No.7865443

I feel like this post is satire

>> No.7865450
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>no one has posted Ultima Online yet
c'mon people

>> No.7865468

modern internet gamers underestimate the value of playing games in person with your bros

I had 2 friends that were hardcore into PC gaming and we'd do like LAN parties but we'd be playing UO and later on EQ and making 2am Jack in the Box runs

one became a heroin addict and haven't heard from him in 18 years and the other killed himself

>> No.7865473
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>> No.7865479
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>> No.7865485

I miss the days when they were releasing like 10 MMOs a year. I mean, they were all shit, but still. Now you get nothing but kickstarter scams and the occasional western release of a chinese WoW clone.

>> No.7865553

>tfw no /vr/mud

>> No.7865554


>> No.7865557

>attempting to harvest my IP address

nice try, fbi

>> No.7866257

At some point in the 2000s, I seriously thought all future games would be MMOs. Now, nobody cares about them anymore.

>> No.7866267

My friends all played FF11. I never played it. It looked kinda cool though. But I wouldn't know.

>> No.7866279

All of those MMOs were targeting niche markets, then the game industry went full blown "every game must be generic shit that appeals to everyone(no one)" mode. Probably something to do with justifying the $500 million dollar budgets they put into games for shit nobody cares about like voice acting and mocap. Personally I'd rather play a game with EQ1 style low poly graphics where they can churn out massive amounts of content in real time than Activision's WoW's Disney models that take 18 months for a minor update.

>> No.7866281

leveling game was kino

endgame was bot infested garbage with cancerous progression mechanics

>> No.7866316

are there even /vr/ mmos worth playing?

>> No.7866321


>> No.7866427


I still miss it sometimes. Tried it again when it went F2P but it just felt like there was too much focus on grinding for items.

>> No.7866431

>tfw you are in this picture

>> No.7866438

But there is Old School Runecape? Is it not the same?

>> No.7866665

They are two totally different games. OSRS is way better and I understand the nostalgia for classic, but both are shit.

>> No.7866679


>> No.7866728

>MUD gameplay
>EQ1 graphics
>midi soundtrack


>> No.7866731

>is an MMO

>> No.7866760

>entire economy is based around cib retro video games

>> No.7866795

every mud I played just recycled the same handful of maps

I swear literally every fucking mud I ever tried had that fucking south park map, even the fantasy themed muds

>> No.7867381

Small MUDs would use public assets a lot, yeah. Big MUDs would be fully custom content. Not really that weird when you consider that even the server code was basically just FOSS stuff, most MUDs were more about trying to innovate through changes in the game mechanics or even more directly through actual GM interactions, something that's really only possible with a small community. Good MUDs were less about min/maxing and grinding for progression/rewards and more like playing a tabletop rpg but online.

>> No.7867420
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>watching interview with one of the original EQ devs
>guy basically driven homeless after getting laid off
>currently working as a meatcutter
>can hear the depression as he speaks
>dude obviously just wants to go back and play D&D with his bros one last time

>> No.7867962

Oldschool runescape is ass. Classic runescape is good

>> No.7867981

>classic runescape is good
Stop lying. There's no fucking way you actually like it outside of its soulful graphics, everything about the engine is 50x worse than OSRS, and there are no fucking players at all.

>> No.7868078
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>> No.7868091

lol imagine just some normal dude working some normal job somewhere and some new guy gets hired and you're talking about games or something and he starts telling you about how he used to be one of the lead devs for EverQuest

>> No.7868097

RSC had exactly three good things about it
>Player/NPC dialogue was visible to everyone. In practice it was annoying in busy places but it was fun to see conversations take place like that, much better than players just standing doing nothing next to NPCs
>If you were gathering and your inventory was full it just went straight to the ground
>The three hit rule was fairly interesting to account for in combat

Other than that the game is a fucking dinosaur that everyone stopped playing for a reason. A fully featured MMO that you could play on internet explorer on the school computer without having to install anything was cool as fuck but school computers can run better games now

>> No.7868140

God damn, I've been wondering what this game was for like a decade now. I remember in the old days of /i/ on 420chan and 7chan we would raid this little place. Always thought it was comfy even though I didn't like furfags. Every now and then I bring up "there used to be an entire MMO dedicated to furfags" to people and they just laugh.

>> No.7868231

>used to be
dude, that game is still running

>> No.7868592

I knew two girls in middle school who non ironically played this. They weren't furries though, they just liked the aesthetic and playing in dreams (which is what the servers were I guess?) The more I called them out on what the game was though the less they played it lol.

>> No.7868676

p99 group when?

>> No.7868681

When you stop touching yourself at night

>> No.7868716
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does this game count? it isn't an RPG but it's still an MMO game

>> No.7868781


Second Life apparently

>> No.7868948

Which one?

>> No.7868953

Will you play with me anon?

>> No.7868974
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Those were the times. Amazingly picrel actually qualifies as a /vr/ era event.

>> No.7868989
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>"you can play as a motherfucking DRAGON and become like super powerful and shiet and players will form raids to try to slay you!"
>game launches

>> No.7869120

You kind of sound like a dick. Why did you care what they played? My wife used to play Ragnarok Online. I didn't like it as much as her, but I didn't make fun of her about it.

>> No.7869145

>why did you save them from interacting with pedophiles and other degenerates who could've coerced a couple of naive underage girls into god knows what

>> No.7869176
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To be fair, sucking pedo dick in Runescape is the best way to get trimmed armor. Some people might call it it "abuse", but they're just jealous of my sick getup.

>> No.7869185

Well that's very different from what you were implying where it just sounded like you were accusing them of being furfags.

>> No.7869196

You kind of sound like a dick. Why did you care what drugs they took? My wife used to do meth. I didn't like it as much as her, but I didn't make fun of her about it.

>> No.7869206

I mean, if you want to equate Furcadia to meth, that's cool.

>> No.7869213

its probably worse desu

>> No.7869387

i always thought this looked neat but never really played it beyond looking around a few times since i didn't really have anything to say to anyone

>> No.7869456
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I seriously played so many shitty asian MMOs in the later 2000s as I tried to find something to replace what Runescape had become. I don't just mean the countless gay nexon and nexon like games. Silk road, RAN online, Rappelz, 9dragons, and so many more that I can't remember because I'd play it for just 1 day before moving on. Nothing could capture me like Runescape did.

Btw, anyone play this one "social dating" MMO called Oz World? Creepiest experience with a community I have ever encountered in the 2000s. It was really close knit and everyone had met up with each other irl. Some got married after meeting in game. Sounds fine, until you open up the players profile and see what they look like irl. It was probably a pedo hotspot in retrospect lol. As far as gameplay went all you could do was fish. You would use the fish you caught to make new bait to fish more fish. Zzzz

>> No.7869513

I will, playing with even 1 other person would be fun.

>> No.7869565

I knew a hot preppy chick around 20 years ago that went on Furcadia. I'm sure the vast majority of the population was furries, but a reasonable chunk seemed to be girls who enjoyed an avatar based chatroom, just like how there was a similar ratio of IMVU users that weren't into extra shitty softcore cybersex.

>> No.7869574

part of the experience of EQ was that you never knew what was going to change from update to update, knowing every detail of every update for the entirety of the server's existence in advance just turns the entire thing into a checklist simulator and completely shits on what the game was

>> No.7869592
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>sir this is a high fantasy elf simulator

Sad to see how far EverQuest has fallen

>> No.7869598

>the feels when Stones plays

>> No.7870206

I'm actually a younger person (just graduated from college) and I make it a tradition to do a LAN party every year for my birthday, sometimes more often. There really is nothing like it. I'm glad I was raised by a gamer father.

>> No.7870384
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when did games become so soulless

>> No.7870752

play eq99

>> No.7870771

>cut off your peepee

I guess mental illness is a *sort* of personality trait

>> No.7870887


>> No.7871656


>> No.7871675

I loved all 3 EverQuest games. They are my benchmark.

>> No.7871683

EQ2 had absolutely no redeeming qualities

>> No.7871775

3 princes was my favorite encounter ever. TSO also had a lot of good encounters.

EoF was mainly EH and FTH, though.

I went to prison after TSO, so I don't know what happened after that.

>> No.7871936

should've requested a cell with internet access smdh

>> No.7871946

Oh, they wouldn't give me internet access after what I did. Technically I shouldn't even be on the internet right now.

>> No.7871974

I had smuggled cell phones, but that's about it

>> No.7871979


FFXI Everquest Lineage

First 2 have a few private servers that are decently active and retail servers which are surprisingly active.

>> No.7871985
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Sherwood Dungeon

>> No.7871994
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Metin 2

>> No.7872000
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And I think Cabal is /vr/ too, but not too sure. Old enough, since there's Cabal 2 already.

>> No.7872028

I'm guessing you're the one saying "Gas the Kikes"?

>> No.7872046
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Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine
Came out in 2007, but looks a bit older. It was kinda boring, to be honest.

>> No.7872067

This game looks fun, does anybody play?

>> No.7872254

LOL I remember this. I'm assuming it got updated since 2007, but it had a shelf time of about 15 minutes back then. Bland dungeons, enemies, and combat. It's hard for me to call it a mmo because it never had more than 20 people online. Is it any better now?

>> No.7872467

no, I was explaining that jetfuel can't melt steel beams

>> No.7872496
File: 278 KB, 1024x768, nexus-snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was your first MMORPG? For me, it's NexusTK, a.k.a. "Kingdom of the Winds." Yeah by today's standards it's nothing special, but for late 90's and early 00's standards? This game blew my freakin' 13 year old mind.

>> No.7872548

Wings of the goddess had good music though.


>> No.7872590

Dude I've been looking for this game forever. I had strange issues with moving and clicking on loot where it wouldn't register so I never got far. The reason I was looking was because I remember this anime esque style of art and tibia gameplay being really popular for a few years, but now I can't remember or find any.

>> No.7872625

Clicking on loot? You pick up an item by standing on it and pressing ,

>> No.7872808

I don't remember the specifics. I think I played this in 2005. I just remember it not being very responsive for me. It could be lag/servers but I played other mmos at the time too. I loved how it looked.

>> No.7872813

>mixed-resolution pixel art
based as fuck

>> No.7873330
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03-05 were the best years

>> No.7873358

Looks actually kind of cozy. Was it fun?

Did anyone play Graal online? Sort of a zelda like MMO.

>> No.7873617
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First ever was Tibia, even though I didn't find it interesting at all and quit quickly. The first MMO I really got into was Ragnarok Online. Played it for thousands of hours in middle school with my RL friends. We got a lot of people from school into the game too.

None of them play MMOs anymore, I still do.

>> No.7873624

Are you Swedish/Polish/Brazilian by any chance? These are the countries where Tibia was the most popular.

>> No.7873629

Polish, a lot of people still play that game here, don't know why, it didn't appeal to me. But for some reason it's still quite popular. At least enough to get mentioned in local gaming news outlets sometimes.

>> No.7873792

It was fun, but mostly with friends, since it is hard.
There was always more than 20, but most were ahead of the first world. I only got I think to the third and it gets stupidly hard.
I'm guessing it is mostly dead now, since it went from shockwave to flash and now it's an installable client. There's a mobile version too, but I'm not sure if it shares the servers.

>> No.7873809
File: 434 KB, 760x390, Screenshot_20210618-030749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, mounts lol

>> No.7873983

>does anybody play?
mostly russians and indians

>> No.7873985

Anyone still play Tibia?

>> No.7874459


>> No.7874984

when did they add that?

>> No.7875567

A single person?

>> No.7876303
File: 90 KB, 320x315, 198288_42696_front_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss this lil nigga like u wouldnt believe

>> No.7876427

play pso2

>> No.7876440
File: 628 KB, 1920x1080, Imissit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barely /vr/, but it's the only MMO I've actually played. A memorable instance of a stellar community propping up an intensely mediocre game.

>janky AF, but unique sort of soulfulness
>wonky payment model
>some of the most unique dungeons / raids
>players would set up "tour guide" raids to walk new players / first lifers through the really long, complex dungeons
>interesting reincarnation mechanic
>DM narration ranged from hilarious cringe kino to Christopher-Lee-reading-the-Children-of-Hurin

This game stands out to me as so full of promise and interesting mechanics, all brought down by shoddy implementation and lack of funds. Like a lot of MMOs it suffered from bloat and eventually lost its way (epic leveling really shit everything up).

Honest to the gods though, if they remade this game on a new, much more stable engine (and made the traps CLIENTSIDE, not SERVERSIDE so trapping wasn't so goddam hectic), I'd pick it back up in an instant.

I miss the good times...

>> No.7877735


>> No.7877846

modern mmos are soulless

>> No.7878843

>see this game in the store
>wtf I loved Phantasy Star on the Genesis
>get that bitch home and stick it in my DC
>wtf is an internet connection I just want to play video games

>> No.7879234

Old MMOs are soulless

>> No.7879436

Hard disagree. Used to have a lot of fun with Runescape back in the day. And UO before that.

>> No.7879453

So play Runescape Classic now

>> No.7879772

It had a more lightweight fullscreen mode too, many players didn't know about it because they weren't smart enough to press buttons on the keyboard.

>> No.7879789

You could play PSO offline. Don't tell me you gave up immediately without playing!

>> No.7879805

why would you play an online game offline?

>> No.7881009

No you can't. Not as it should be played anyways.

>> No.7881253

I remember playing this as a young lad my mom was picky about which games I could play so I couldn't get GTA for playstation cause of the sexual content so she got me this instead, if she only knew. She put in her CC for my account and just left me in the room to play, after I logged in and made my chracter I was overwhelmed by thicc dark elf bitches bending over and shaking their fat asses all over the place whenever I would party with a dark elf I would ask them to do the stretch emote for me so they would bend over everywhere you turn there was a fat dark blue ass in a thong it was glorious.

>> No.7881310

Played that for about 15 years, from 2000 to 2015, was a prominent artist on a server. Now the PC version is a skeleton and the iPhone version is just a soulless money grab.

>> No.7881342

I bought anarchy online in 200* for like 2€, downloaded updates for two whole days, installed them for another day and then gave up because it didn't work on my machine for some reason. Also played a bunch of osrs when it was just rs. I think you could play the actual old school back then if you had members.

>> No.7881506

worst launch of all time has to go to either AO or SWG

kind of leaning towards SWG because I accidentally managed to permanently bug out my character to have infinite summon points, was straight up running around with an army of hundreds of rancors

>> No.7881510
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Based, came here to post this. The true pioneer of the genre and still one of the best for what it offers.

>> No.7881514
File: 383 KB, 680x875, 1616042602328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will never be a FFXI progression server starting from classic

>> No.7881537

>get phone call at 2:30am

>> No.7881567
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>> No.7881573
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>> No.7881574
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>> No.7881580
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>> No.7881591

>Gas the kikes
it was a different time

>> No.7881596

that pic is from 2 years ago you dumb cunt, online gaming is a fucking sewer now because of these people

>> No.7881601 [DELETED] 

truly a barbaric era, say racist shit like that now and you'll be in prison

>> No.7881602
File: 925 KB, 1070x373, ddo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played this game a lot over the years, before finally becoming disillusioned after the latest expansion. It's a fun game overall, but barely an MMO. Original Guild Wars was more of an MMO than DDO is. I've since moved on to Neverwinter Nights persistent worlds to get my D&D 3E fix, actual roleplaying is an added bonus.

>> No.7881606

online gaming has always been a sewer, if anything it's more cleaned up now

>> No.7881612 [DELETED] 

I'd say the people making online games a sewer are the ones who pressure corporations like Activision to ban you because you didn't respect their in-game BLM rally.

>> No.7881617 [DELETED] 

go take your meds anon

>> No.7881619 [DELETED] 

>this passes for an argument among twitter users who routinely forget their meds

>> No.7881627 [DELETED] 

>this passes for an argument
I don't argue with schizos. Just offering advice, take it or leave it

>> No.7881631 [DELETED] 

We get it, you can't defend your position.

>> No.7881650 [DELETED] 

>nooo I'm not the schizo everyone else is the schizo
classic schizophrenia

>> No.7882002
File: 54 KB, 579x480, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite obscure /vr/ mmo was RD online, it was pretty similar to WOW but it was 3 races duking it out and they were pretty different from each otheras far as classes go. Also the game would throw you in PVP maps pretty early one (like lvl 7 or 9) so did learn to like/hate right then and there. To bad it was mismanaged to hell and back and now a days only hardcore players that have been playing for 10+ years are still on it.

>> No.7882061

This is the stuff... although I quit fairly soon after the tileset (upgrade) and the trend of making everything look busy like that. I preferred the clean and simple classic look a lot more.
>15 years, from 2000 to 2015
I'm so sorry. It's cool that you were an artist though. I only made a couple heads and swords. One head I did ended up on their website for awhile, lol.

>> No.7882998

Tibia I swear was on a never level when it came to older mmorpgs. You had no sound, so it made you put something on in the background. The pvp was brutal. When you die, it mean't something. It had a bunch of hidden lore. The player base was awesome. The sense of progression was perfect. It was actually hard. Take me back dude.

Br? Aff

>> No.7883047

Totally forgot about this term

>> No.7883053

You should log onto osrs and join Zezima clan chat. It's based as hell (but also probably a honey pot lol.)

>> No.7883774
File: 283 KB, 1024x768, R8e4d84c422f84dd059b4b7b38be28829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time there was a TV channel available on Sky for us Britfags called 'Game Network', whereupon some guy would, for what seemed like most of the planned schedule of the channel, just broadcast him playing through Myth of Soma. Early game streaming, in a way.

Never tried it, but it looked pretty neat at the time.

>> No.7884247

same, I’m very tired /vr/os

>> No.7884298

anyone still play tibia?

>> No.7884707


>> No.7885457

is it full of racists?

>> No.7885837
File: 12 KB, 416x142, runescape sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real men were playing everquest, ultima online, dark age of camelot, asheron's call, or anarchy online
if you're old enough you may have played something like neverwinter nights aol, meridian 59, or the realm online

>> No.7886119
File: 116 KB, 800x970, 593D9E7E-FAC8-4E91-A192-5B28B01E2EBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id destroy wow and fffxiv both to be able to play asherons call again in its prime

>> No.7887231

what was special about it?

>> No.7887394

Pre-Trascendence Ragnarok Online was the GOAT MMO, had the perfect gameplay, balance, charm and community

>> No.7887958

I started in 2020 and got max combat and all of the hardest quests done and it was pretty fun so yeah I think it's still worth starting today if you're autistic.

>> No.7888321

can you actually play with other people?

>> No.7888571

>being a young lad and playing anarchy online back in 2001 and seeing all the thicc sluts run around in thongs and high heels
I want to go back.

>> No.7888841

Never heard of anarchy online what's it like

>> No.7888923

sci-fi everquest and first MMO to use instances and randomly generated quests.

>> No.7889152

sounds rad, is it still alive?

>> No.7889535


>> No.7889553

>first mmo to use instances
i was going to say that was everquest but you are right, EQ's expansion that added instanced content wasn't until 2003. Personally I hate instanced content, a lot of things get devalued when 1 copy of a mob dies per week for every single guild that is able to kill it. EQ's non-instanced content until LDoN made drops feel great, but then LDoN happened and ruined it

>> No.7889590

Yeah I agree with you. That is part of what made FFXI feel so good as well. It makes a game feel like an actual virtual world when it's all persistent and not instanced.

>> No.7889759

FF14 is better

>> No.7889853


i dont know, it was just so bad ass. it's weird that hardly anyone played it.

>> No.7889872

Why? Any PC game made before 2007 that plays with hardware from 2001 is /vr/.
A GeForce 3 can run quite a few titles up to the mid 2000's.

>> No.7891167

Not really, most of the game is soloing shit, there's very few group content outside of pvp

>> No.7891649

So AO still had open ended dungeons just like EQ, the instanced content was basically randomly generated quests for leveling you could pick different types of categorys of quest to be generated, you could scale them based on a handful of parameter sliders and you could select solo quests or group team quests.
You also still had to walk to the instances so AO had a huge open world and instead of different areas just being empty scenary like 90% of all MMOs out there there were literally thousands of different little instance entrances.

>> No.7891776

You are entitled to your opinion, even if I don't agree with you.

>> No.7891803

Yes absolutely, but there isn't tons of multi-player content and most of it is close to end game content.

>> No.7891839

FF14 is objectively better though

>> No.7891881


unfortunately the autistic people use bots

>> No.7892121

>I seriously thought all future games would be MMOs
I didn't but I fully expected online elements would be integrated into other inherently multiplayer games which is pretty much what happened.

I did expect someone to make sports games that were a little more closely adapted from MMOs, with players playing individual characters as part of a team. Instead it seems to have gone more the other direction where you can just do traditional multiplayer sports with online matchups.

I didn't predict MOBAs and battleground games specifically but I figured it would be something like that.

>> No.7892131

As someone with no horse in this race, what's good about FF14?

>> No.7892142

FFXI was a game that brought people together and made them friends. FFXIV is a game that makes people disposable - part of your instanced dungeon experience but who you will never speak to again.

>> No.7892147

No exaggeration, I got my first job from connections from my linkshell leader. FFXI was a special game.

>> No.7893510

Did they ever get that UI to work on Project 1999?

>> No.7893634
File: 262 KB, 640x480, EQ-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know FFXI was an EQ clone with a final fantasy skin and even played for a month or so at launch. I'm curious about FFXIV because I don't really know what it's like. I've just seen a handful of youtube clips that tell me nothing (wandering around a city, and a raid fighting Kefka). I know it came out after WoW and probably copied stuff from that, but other than that I don't know what it's like to play it compared to FFXI.

>> No.7893643
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>> No.7893660
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True the main issue with that though was that the UI components would obscure part of your viewport. I used both.

>> No.7893772

I've played both for many years. FFXIV is typical for having a strong narrative, this makes it feel similar to the single player entries of Final Fantasy but makes it incredibly exclusive if you just want to jump in and play with friends because they could be literally 30+ hours of gameplay away before you can even join their fights.

Exploration is virtually non-existant, interesting enemies arise from either instances or popped as part of a quest, so you never run into anything you aren't already expecting. The best part of FFXIV are the wide variety of fashion choices and crafting is pretty cool since you get skills.

The final point of distinction for FFXIV is the skill system, it originally had you retain your skills learned from different classes and allowed you to mix and match them to make whatever kind of character you want, similar to FFXII or FFX, as the game was remade and developed they restricted this system further and further and now mixing skills isn't really a thing and while you still can change jobs on the same character there's very little carry-over between them unlike the subjob system of FFXI. If you have a more specific question, I'd be happy to answer.

>> No.7894197

Yeah I made fun of them because it was a game for degenerates. Even if they didn't yiffyiff, those are the kind of people that indoctrinate you into their faggotry. I was on /b/ all the time back then so I was well aware of it. They were my friends too so it was hardly in bad nature. I wonder why you took my post so hard lol.

>> No.7894342


>> No.7894701

not retro

>> No.7895269

Instances are a bit of a double edged sword to me. It's not even up for debate that instances defeat the purpose of being a massively multiplayer online game, but at the same time I really it stops being fun when the top guild of the server decides no one else is allowed to have raid bosses.

Games like WoW and FFXIV are ridiculous though, even if you try to go out in the open world to find people odds are you won't because even the overworld gets instanced to a degree in those games. I think there's a good balance to be found between instanced and non-instanced combat but all modern MMO devs basically just go "eh if we force people to compete they might get annoyed" and make it instanced. Even fucking Runescape does that, Runescape has like 200 servers to choose from freely and they still do shit like giving players a private instance so they can farm their 5mil/h loot pinatas and then wonder why the economy in that game is a trainwreck..

>> No.7895294

Meridian 59 came out in 1996, same year as the launch of the nintendo 64

>> No.7895297

FF14 is WoW but better

>> No.7895307
File: 14 KB, 329x153, Fiesta Online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiesta Online was so good

>> No.7895327

Everquest was 1999.
Fucking faggot Ocarina toddlers who know nothing about videogames and think mmorpgs started with World of Warcraft.

>> No.7895336

Neverwinter Nights was released in 1991, before you were born

>> No.7895921

no one played it because it was shit compared to its competition even when it was new

>> No.7895938

>I know FFXI was an EQ clone with a final fantasy skin

not really, FFXI combat had actual mechanics and there was linear story progression forced onto your character (in EQ you're basically just a genocidal hobo with no background)

>> No.7895953

The first mmorpg was earth 2: the third arch of the 5th technological age 3: science after the 12th great fall of proto-earth 25: the new beginnings.

>> No.7895967

the first rpg was ur mom lol

>> No.7895970

>it was shit

Fuck you.

>> No.7895976

AC2 was so bad it was literally canceled twice

>> No.7895985

>Was it fun?
I liked it. It had a reasonably sized (for the time) open world with two big towns, a few wilderness areas, lots of caves and dungeons to explore, also a small enough playerbase that everybody kind of knew everybody which made it a lot easier to get invested in the in-game politics between various clans, the royal families, etc.

And yeah... oldschool pixel art, a cool mythical Korean aesthetic, this whole game was just oozing with pure unadulterated SOUL

I still remember playing Nexus with my friend after school one day, I played a poet (that's what the healer class is called) and he had a rogue, and we were hanging out in the Sonhi Encampment roleplaying a picnic. And like... this was when I confessed my feelings to him ~_~ I told him I loved him, and... well, he didn't take it very well. He logged off Nexus, blocked me on AIM for like twenty minutes, and when he came back I was like "h-heh, not really though! I was roleplaying, that was my character talking, not me!" and I died a little inside.

>> No.7896601

>"in EQ you're basically just a genocidal hobo with no background"
>forgets the part where you get to pick a race, diety, and starting location to shape your background and character

>> No.7896643

>FFXI combat had actual mechanics
EQ had great mechanics. I can go on for days about EQ's design flaws but to say FFXI had "actual mechanics" while EQ didn't just reveals you don't really know what mechanics are and are too lazy or stupid to articulate what you really mean.

FFXI was an EQ clone with a Final Fantasy skin.

Virtually everything fundamental about its design was ripped from Everquest and maybe a few other of the early 3D MMOs. The main difference, apart from being shiny new and expensive, was having a more active narrative and fully animated cutscenes. EQ tended to just dump load of text on you and had OG EQ very primitive/nonexistent capacity for events and cutscenes. By 2002 though, when FFXI came out, EQ had much greater capacity for scripted events.

>> No.7896820

You seem to know a lot about EQ, I've tried it incredibly briefly and was put off because I love exploring and whenever I would find some alcove or cave that seemed to have something to find, it was just empty geometry. Is this because I was playing on P1999 and that version doesn't have anything, or maybe it's something that occurs more later on? It was the only downside, I thought the game had a lot of flavor otherwise.

>> No.7897074

is EQ fun to play today?

>> No.7897573

Depends on what you want out of a game and I can't speak for retail at all. The biggest flaws in the game revolve around class balance, and not in the sense of some classes being overpowered and whatnot but that the challenge of the game was cooperation and coordination, and many of the best ways to cooperate were braindead boring for some classes. It led to extremely conservative play styles.

So the game is more fun if you multi box and play 2-4 characters, especially with friends. This gives you enough engagement and ability to do interesting content solo if you want. I haven't played in awhile but my friends who do have setups that let them easily multi box, but the servers have some kind of limit on the number of vms you can use.

>> No.7897663
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>> No.7897836


>> No.7897931

Yeah. I'm on Concorda.
And bored out of my mind.

>> No.7898098

are other people playing? will you play with me?

>> No.7899564
File: 184 KB, 800x600, dpblocker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only play casually right now myself since I have no one to play with.

I think you're better off finding someone to play with from reddit than me.

Also a b u m p

>> No.7899743

Obviously haven't played the shit that's actually hard

>> No.7899810
File: 833 KB, 1024x768, tibia_parrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tibia was pretty fun before the Skulls system was put in. That kind of shafted PvP because you could troll and steal from people and they had no recourse but to attack you, which gave them a temporary skull which allowed anyone to attack them without repurcussions. Dumbest decision they ever made. Sure you got griefed occassionally before, but if you had the skills or crew you could always fight back, and then if people were being petty thieves or griefers you could always just toss a SD rune at their ass to get them to fuck off, but once the skull system was put into place that griefing was a tactic to mark you with a skull so you'd be fair game to their allies, so you just had to suffer petty griefing or waste time doing everything extra hard to prevent griefing instead. Dumb.
Did they ever add combat? I "played" that for awhile when it was just basically a paperdoll chatroom, I liked the aesthetic.
I loved when the developers made the tropical areas, and gave the parrot creatures "BR? PL? SWE?" spam barks.
>tfw remember when Carlin was a nice english-speaking town before it turned into a Rio favela

>> No.7899818

>this nigga never played Gemstone III off his Prodigy dial-up internet bundle

>> No.7900071

I'm sorry to hear that, dudes, I used to feel the same way, but I just kinda trained myself to be more positive,and confident.

Now, I'm 33, chatting up, and flirting with a few sweet, perky teens (legally old enough to sleep with), with those fine, young ladies being my summer entertainment.

I don't care what anyone says... There is nothing more hot, and rejuvenating than exploring, and manhandling firm teenage bodies, and hearing their soft panting, while you have them, and they confess their love for you.

Besides, the only people who really has any problem with this, are women that are past their prime, so bitterly jealous of these desirable, youthful girls, they can only take their anger out on an attractive enough man able to bed a teen, because they so desperately need some kind of high ground, they wouldn't dare say shit to a teenage girl, but pretend to "care" about these girls, and try to "encourage them away from predators".
like, lol. They can bitch till they turn blue, it won't make them any less undesirable, and for damn sure, it won't keep my dick on the shy side of ripe, juicy 16 year old pussy.