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7863435 No.7863435 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7863450

Its a good game because of the puzzles. Otherwise it would just be another unremarkable RPG. The djinni are cute. The sequel was better than the original.

>> No.7863468

Based and redpilled.

>> No.7863473


>> No.7863475

Never quite saw the appeal. Fun graphics but remember playing it as a kid and finding it unremarkable. Not really certain why it developed such a cult. Maybe it's because I didn't play the second one, I know they're a single story.

>> No.7863493

Best JRPG of all time.
>good graphics
>good music
>good battle/combat system
>big world that doesnt feel empty, every location is interesting to explore
>engaging puzzles move progress in main parts and dungeons of the game
>doesnt require excessive grinding
>good boss battles
>good post game content
It does have too many cutscenes, but if youre playing it for the first time it shouldnt be much of a problem.

>> No.7863495

Fun RPG with nice graphics and good music but a boring story and unmemorable characters hold it back from being truly great.

>> No.7863504
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It's good and the only real downside is that it's too easy which can be fixed with mods.
I really enjoyed the story and the world building the game does. While the former isn't TOO amazing it had neat stuff like having a perspective shift with the second game and the latter is legit awesome since it's VERY rare to get to see how magic systems influnce different parts of the world in fantasy and it was cool as hell seeing how psyenergy was interpreted and used by different cultures in 2. The only other media I can even think of that does that is Wheel of Time.

>> No.7863507

Overrated at time of release for sure.

>> No.7864052

Very good game but can be extremely dialogue-heavy at times.

>> No.7864115

I only got half way through, need to try and finish it

that's why you make a fast-forward hotkey on your emulator.

>> No.7864449

good continuation of shining in the darkness series

>> No.7864501

Loved the level of interaction from its gameplay systems in the overworld, loved the graphics, loved the music. I just don't like the battle systems, they feel repetitive to me and mis-matched djinns didn't provide a good enough benefit to make the game as mechanically flexible as it should have been.

>> No.7864507

Generic j****g with ugly ass graphics on top

>> No.7864560

It was ok.
The game has no end btw, buy and play part 2. Fuck ganes like that, I'll never play that sequal.

>> No.7864573


>> No.7865287

Trumpkino. Makes Mothertrannies seethe for some reason.

>> No.7865295
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Do I play the rebalanced version of GS and Lost Age instead of the originals?

>> No.7866139


>> No.7866273

>Do I play the rebalanced version of GS and Lost Age instead of the originals?

>> No.7866317

Never understood the appeal. Most generic JRPG I've played.

>> No.7866339

Fantastic game. Reading the minds of NPCs is fun, the puzzles are incredibly fun and make every dungeon a highlight, battles are incredibly fast and visually impressive. It even sounds great, this was probably the best showcase of the GBA's power during the launch window.

>> No.7866575

It sticks to the fundamentals, good story, some neat puzzles and abilities. Overall just fun

>> No.7867125

Babby's first handheld rpg.

>> No.7867139

Has serious potential to be one of the best jrpg franchises. Held back by bloated dialogue for the most part, and how easy it is to a lesser extent. Would love to see another jrpg take its puzzle approach to dungeons rather than the usual enemy gauntlet.

>> No.7867148

It also suffered terribly from not telling you what to do. There's a difference between being railroaded to GO HERE and having a few NPCs to give you hints about where you should go. It's super easy to get lost and have no fucking clue where to go next.

>> No.7867228

If you want more JRPGs that spice their dungeons up with puzzles, you can try Lufia 2 or the Wild Arms games.

>> No.7867995

Incredibly boring.

>> No.7868018

Based WoT Reference

>> No.7868425

Fine RPG i guess. Never really experimented with the Dijinn classes

>> No.7868475

When I was a kid I restarted the fight with the two villains at the end of the prologue about 10 times before realizing it was a forced death lol. I felt like such a moron. I just got so frustrated by seeing the title screen after 20 minutes of gameplay that I'd just power the system off.

>> No.7868697

Jarpig. All that needs to be said.

>> No.7868767

I thought it was shit. Extreme case of guide game, and zero incentive to experiment with the Djinn which is supposed to be the defining gimmick.

>> No.7869186

Reading this thread made me think that, (however valid) complains that it's too easy or not that great of a plot in the great picture of (J)RPGs, it sold well, had good reviews from critics and audiences, people will tell you this day how much SOUL it has, etc, but series is basically irrelevant today. And I think the reason is as simple as Camelot not doing more games. Reminder that there are 3 games only because the first one had to be divided into two because everything couldn't fit on a single GBA cartridge, then story was pretty much done until the DS game, which came a whole 8 years later when the GBA titles were out of the collective people's mind and the DS was nearing the tail end of its lifespan. That game ended in cliffhanger and we had no news of the sequel 11 years after, with the enterity of the 3DS lifespan finished I might add.
And even beyond talking of direct story sequels, world is rich enough and gameplay bases have plenty of potential so that figuring out spinoffs/gaiden games shouldn't be that hard.
Like, imagine if any series considered relevant today like Pokemon, Persona, Fire Emblem, even smaller ones like Atelier or Kiseki could be in the place they are on people's minds if they did 2-3 games total, no ports or remakes, almost a decade between each one with no official news inbetween.

>> No.7870307
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Full of soul. Literally don't understand comments about it being generic. I can't enjoy other JRPGs with their shitty dungeons and boring worlds compared to GS.

>> No.7870341

I loved the shit out of it as a kid, was one of only a few GBA games I owned (I had FF1&2), I don't know how it would go playing it now though. The puzzles were fun and trying to get all the djinn was pretty interesting.
Could never get into the second one for some reason, maybe because I only ever emulated it.

>> No.7871491
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Insanely deep and thought-provoking.

>> No.7871856

Good Game but
If if you could skip the long cutscenes then it would be better.

>> No.7871868

Neat puzzles outside of battles, chore to play and the translation is horrendously wordy.

>> No.7871886
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This. Here's hoping Golden Sun gets the Advance Wars treatment next.

I mean he's not wrong.

>> No.7872081

>Here's hoping Golden Sun gets the Advance Wars treatment next.
Please no. Just let it die in peace.

>> No.7872283
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Why? GS1 and 2 remake on the Switch would be sick.

>> No.7872360

Looking at the AW1+2 remake, I see:
>The 3D graphics look like a shitty knockoff mobile game
>Half the infantry has been blackwashed
>The COs have been turned into westernized off-brand anime abominations
So let's not. Let Golden Sun stay the way it's supposed to be.

>> No.7872428

Pretty sure only the English version is super wordy and repetitive
NoA strike again

>> No.7872435

i vaguely remember the magic system feeling like a half-baked idea

>> No.7872456
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>There's black people in the army?!?!


>> No.7872695

Way to misrepresent my point.
Racial quotas are outdated and prejudiced. Furthermore, modern Nintendo has demonstrated an unwillingness to eliminate such abhorrent practices from their products. With that in mind, it's not a good time for a remake of Golden Sun.

>> No.7873406

Not great

>> No.7873753

I wanna lick Mia's sweaty ______

>> No.7873767

Yeah but the booba were improved and I wanna see Mia's, Jenna's, and Karst's booba in HD

>> No.7873771

French version is extremely wordy and repetitive as well

>> No.7874047

Should I play these patches versions over the originals on my first play through?

>> No.7874057

To me the world is very compact and varied, and incredibly nostalgic, but I think it's not very appealing to those who didn't grow up playing it desu.
For most RPG fans the story is important and even I think it's lackluster

>> No.7874665
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>> No.7874669
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>Should I play these patches versions over the originals on my first play through?
Maybe. They might be pretty tough for you, though.

>> No.7874824

Reminder there's a Reloaded hack that balances the game and makes it more difficult.
Haven't played it yet but I've heard it's good

>> No.7874827

Nvm I'm dumb, just saw someone already linked it

>> No.7874874

Wasn't there another project that re-translated the scripts to closer to the source material? That's more something I'd be interested in.

>> No.7874907

I loved it as a kid, and it resulted in me making some friends. The Gen-Xers of Retronauts seem to not like it. Maybe the overlong cutscenes are unfun?

>> No.7874957

Couldn't get into it. So much freaking talking.

>> No.7875009

>I can't enjoy other JRPGs with their shitty dungeons and boring worlds compared to GS.
You're used to shitty dungeons and boring worlds so anything with actual thought and care put into it is confusing for you.

>> No.7875264
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It's okay, buddy.

>> No.7875267

>so anything with actual thought and care put into it is confusing for you.
Yeah, that's why people don't like GS. The soul is confusing to them.

>> No.7875379

what JRPGs are better than Golden Sun?
I played FF1-7 back in the day and none had interesting worlds, except for Midgar at the beginning of 7. the characters were better than GS, but the gameplay wasn't good. overall they were meh

>> No.7875423

Play Chrono Trigger.

Also any Mario RPGs are nice and fun.

>I played FF1-7 back in the day

Give FF4 through 7 another try.

>> No.7876884

Interested with this one too if anyone knows.