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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.70 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20210525_173716272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7861025 No.7861025 [Reply] [Original]

>enter thrift store
>walk to video game section
>SH3 on glass display
>check the price
>exit store
I hate this gay world so fucking much

>> No.7861031 [DELETED] 


Then remove yourself from it you low-income nigger

>> No.7861034

Blue sky to forever..

>> No.7861037

>got all 4 SH games a decade ago
>enjoy bandwagon zoomies screeching about their prices for years
Get fucked fag lmao

>> No.7861041

>willing to spend $183.00 on a video game
millennials in a nutshell, go buy more Funko pops bitch boy

>> No.7861053
File: 807 KB, 1068x1213, ebay australia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some sold listings from Australia. Glad I got all my games years ago

>> No.7861054

Imagine paying any amount of money for PAL turds

>> No.7861069

This entire series is easy as fuck to play on PC, who cares what an original copy costs?

>> No.7861071

where did that happen in the game? I only remember the book store and the clothing store in the mall. seems a bit on the nose.

>> No.7861082
File: 90 KB, 1366x768, 416f633340f9e04f5828aa28058e3336eba2f6c8da7de5c913b784d248c6aeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not emulating
>not buying a PS2 or launch PS3 and modding it
>judges the entire world based on the price of some pieces of plastic whose contents he can have for free

>> No.7861085

>Got SH3 for $35 a few years ago
>Got SH2 for $25
The prices have gotten fucking loony since the memeplague.

Hello, AZanon.

>> No.7861121

I got SH1 not long after release, SH2 when it came out as a Platinum Hits release for XBOX (not sure why I waited so long for that one since I loved 1), preordered SH3, and imported SH4 before it came out in the US.

>> No.7861127

Who the hell is willing to pay that much for this game?

If you are then I have a copy of SH3 for you to buy.

>> No.7861297

>i will never be a real console haver

>> No.7861312

Sounds like real console havers are idiots who waste money needlessly

Meanwhile I'm enjoying a superior version of the game for free lmao

>> No.7861324
File: 305 KB, 1600x1200, 01 (201).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still vividly remember buying this game brand new from the store. i went with my mom and when i brought the case up to the register the guy was like
>"silent hill? this is some really sick stuff"
fuck that guy for trying to shame me and my mom for buying me that. (i still have the game along with the soundtrack it came with for the first wave of buyers)

>> No.7861326

lol imagine being this retard

>> No.7861381

>why thing valuable
you can get it for free off the internet, but you still want to buy a copy
that's why it's valuable

>> No.7861389

>imagine spending money for the lesser experience

>> No.7861390

Are you underage?
Why dont you have a copy already?
You had like 10 years to buy it

>> No.7861413

start collecting ps3, 360, wii u games before price shoots to the moon. Get in early on the next thing so you dont have to be a whiner

>> No.7861414

>you can get it for free off the internet, but you still want to buy a copy
No I don't?

>> No.7861429

this argument is so dumb
if you buy anything but cheapest food cheapest housing cheapest clothing you are "wasting money needlessly"

people buy shit they enjoy and makes them happy, owning games like this is something enjoyed by a lot & growing # of people and since they came out a while ago in a limited number its expensive now, no point in crying and coping all day if you didn't get in in time its like gold or getting established on youtube or twitch first

>> No.7861465
File: 8 KB, 224x225, 1597181124938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck i'm rich

>> No.7861476

>silent hill
Mednafen or Beetle PSX, grab a redump copy from archive.org.
>silent hill 2
PC version with http://www.enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2/#
>silent hill 3
PC version with https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/1331-silent-hill-3-pc-fix-by-steam006/ and https://www.moddb.com/mods/silent-hill-3-audio-enhancement-pack/downloads/silent-hill-3-audio-enhancement-pack-version-2-0

The best experience is F R E E, baby.

>> No.7861495

Sounds like you're coping. jk. Nothing "like" about it. Grade A 100% pure poorfag cope.

>> No.7861496


>> No.7861508

SH2 and 3 are good but they in no way justify that price tag, fuck I paid like less than $15 for it back in 2014.
Just pirate it and maybe snag a cheap JP copy if you really care about owning a physical copy of any kind.

>> No.7861510

That's not what he said.

>> No.7861531

>not playing the PC version

>> No.7861535

>250-290 bucks for a 50hz PAL copy of SH1

Must be enjoyable to rip people off with things that belong in trashcans.

>> No.7861580

I bought a SH3 for 10 bux in 2007. I'll sit on my copy until I can sell for > $300 because I dont care and would rather just emulate.

>> No.7861636

ur welcome
you aren't missing anything by not pirating na old game...instead donate the money to charities and help the less fortunate children

>> No.7861641

holy shit the fuck is up with the prices? the site I buy from had this for $15
is this an american thing?

>> No.7861642

I watched some fat piggu and her husband pay 175.00 for SH2

>> No.7861646

This game belongs to the world now. It's easily played for free on both PC and PS2, both natively and emulated if you would only exercise your fat brain for a minute figuring out how.

Why is the husk so important to you?

>> No.7861716
File: 96 KB, 550x792, one pirated copy for me pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine paying anything
dumb fatbrain

>> No.7861732

>it's the year 2050
>anon really wants that old shining force game he always wanted
>has to sell his house to buy it
>meanwhile another anon tells him to simply emulate

>> No.7861735

Pal isn't that bad if you aren't gay

>> No.7861736

I did actually but SH3 PC in 2004 or so. It was an awesome version of the game and DVD sized games were still a pain in the ass to pirate

>> No.7861768
File: 525 KB, 220x268, Smug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESR or OPL with FreeMCBoot. Use these acronyms to solve your problem.

>> No.7861812
File: 82 KB, 750x1000, tide pod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the year 2050
>anon is 41
false presumption fallacy. ngmi

>> No.7861817
File: 2.98 MB, 266x200, c24669635e2ed64e142be26504e776f7f3913eff_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a PC port of Silent Hill 3
>all these years I had no clue, thought SH2 and 4 were the only ones with PC ports while 3 was oddly PS2-exclusive

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, anons.

>> No.7861827
File: 194 KB, 2400x1202, sh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand why the price is so high? Are the SH games really so rare? Theyre really popular and there was even a movie so I would think there would be lots of copies in circulation

>> No.7861830

Apparently it somehow went over a lot of people's heads

>"HD" re-release of SH3 announced
>everyone got excited only to be disappointed
>all this time people in the know had been playing the game in HD all along

>> No.7861835

Seems soulless

>> No.7861847

It was apparently a pretty shitty port that's missing a lot of bonus content from the PS2 version but fan patches have improved it over the years.

>> No.7861873

PC versions with mods are 4K @ 60 fps, best everything etc. This "but I must have the PS2 box" thing is fucking autism. Kys, enabler.

>> No.7861929

>go on local craigslists ads
>get the SH2 Collector's edition with minor damage for 20€

Feels good to scam boomers

>> No.7861941

its like you dont want to play REEEEEEE4 instead

>> No.7861959
File: 1.16 MB, 2560x1440, 20210614_120912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly op? i got all four of these for about $25

>> No.7861961

Is The Room on GOG any good? I'm playing through Shadow Man Remastered rn, but I'll need something for afterwards.

>> No.7861962

Holy shit....Was that the mid 2000s? I think that was me! Lmao. Your mom was hot as fuck btw. Little shit

>> No.7861967

No, the pc version is missing some of the best parts like the hauntings in the apartment

>> No.7861974

So, emulating the PS2 version is the way to go?

>> No.7861978

based piratefag

>> No.7861979

that guy is probably dead by now

>> No.7861996

>you will live in a pod
>you will own nothing

>> No.7862035

proof or I'll call bullshit

>> No.7862039 [DELETED] 


>> No.7862045


>> No.7862046

Sadly, 1 isn't. Though I emulated it last year and it was fine.

>> No.7862051

Now I just need to know which Bookman's. Are you in Tucson? Or the one in Mesa? Or even, my God, Flagstaff? Bookman's prices have gotten nuts in general over the last 15 years. They've trended ahead of EBay in prices a lot of the time.

>> No.7862071

How is this scamming? Sounds like you found a good deal for 2021

>> No.7862283

If you're not on a toaster PC that can't do PS2 emulation, yes.

>> No.7862297

>not modding your console to play backups

>> No.7862338

The PC version is awesome and supports 4k

>> No.7862354

SH4 always struck me as odd, I remember the Xbox version being in used game bins fucking everywhere at EB games back in the day. But I guess that’s what a good cult following can do for you.

>> No.7862407

I wanna know why some of you can’t afford 200 bucks

You guys really can’t afford $200? For a game that you can play and enjoy, and sell back on eBay in a year or two for more then you bought it for if you really wanted too.

I’m being serious...you guys can’t afford two hundred fucking dollars? $200 doesn’t even cover a week of groceries, I spend almost 200 bucks every week on just gas alone for my truck. What the FUCK can you guys even do with 200. Do you guys not go to work? Do you guys make minimum wage? Do you guys not have a savings? Seriously TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. It’s not a lot of money, I can’t believe it that we have these threads every day. I’m not even trying to troll or joke, two hundred is not a lot of money for anything in this world.

>> No.7862614

Why would the sales clerk go against his Jewish overlords? He should be happy to sell you the game, Mr noseberg won't be able to afford his 7th Yacht otherwise.

>> No.7862841

Yeah dude SH3 is a $1,000 game easy. Can't believe people are balking at a measly $200 for it.

>> No.7862981

>he feels superior for wasting money for no real purpose
You can call me poor now, which I am sure is the only argument you can give right?

>> No.7862986

Are you retard? It says right in your link that they are there in the games code but for some reason deactivated AND that somebody found a way to activate them.

>> No.7862992

For me it was persona innocent sin for $300

>> No.7862994

The og xbox port of sh2 is perfectly fine and 40 dollars. Same with 4. Shame it never got a port of 3.

>> No.7863046

I’ve been saying this as well. Prices for Ps3 though have kinda skyrocketed since the store shut down psyop and some games go for 100s of dollars but you can always find someone selling them cheap. I still don’t get why Folklore is like $250 now but luckily I got it when it came out lol.

>> No.7863148

>>7861025 i just pirate everything on pc with a controller or my hacked wii
fuck paying hundreds of dollars for old games

>> No.7863224

His argument that you can buy it, play it, and sell it for more later is a pretty strong argument.

>> No.7863290

Is it? One thing I know is that the worth of games is that it's hard to get even the slightest of profit of them unless your actually dealing with something that isn't as common

>> No.7863418

>The og xbox port of sh2 is perfectly fine
It's missing effects, same as the original PC port. Enhanced edition fixed all of that, and is free, so there's no reason to waste $40 on an objectively inferior port.

>> No.7863421

>start collecting ps3, 360
Most of them have dlc or need patches, dont they?

>> No.7863451

Yeah if you get the games for 1 or 2 bucks the dlc costs more than the actual gaem

>> No.7863607

yeah if you collect western fotm dogshit

>> No.7863915

I'll never forget buying Killer is Dead from FUCKING GAMESTOP and the cashier telling me not to buy it cause it makes the women "boobs on legs".

>> No.7863928

It's easier to emulate on PS3

>> No.7863941

I never understood them trying to talk people out of purchases. I can understand if it casually comes up in conversation like
>Oh yeah that game, no offense but those are kinda shit
when you're getting something else and love niche games. But for the most part it just seems like the employees are trying to hoard the niche games to themselves to resell later.

>> No.7863967

It's quite easy if they go up as they have now. You won't retire on it, but buying it, playing it, and reselling it for a little more takes out any possible sting.

>> No.7864123

they must have been kids who thought that because they worked for le vidya store they were an authority on games that people relied on or something

>> No.7864275

>not comprehending the thing you're reading

>> No.7864314 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 2910x2320, IMG_20210615_102607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really feel for you Ameribros, but if its any consolation games like Rule of Rose is easily over 350 euros.

>> No.7864324
File: 1.71 MB, 2320x2910, IMG_20210615_102520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry Ameribros, but you guys have way more games that are far out of my reach if its any consolation.

>> No.7864345

>I wanna know why some of you can’t afford 200 bucks

Fuck off game flipper.

I can technically afford like 50 copies a month. I could grind them up and mix then with a glue and mold them into a fake cock and fuck myself worh it.

But I dont. Because that experience isnt worth the asking price. Just because you are buying this up banking on the peices to double again, doesnt mean paying even more is ok

>> No.7864354

>It's quite easy if they go up as they have now. You won't retire on it, but buying it, playing it, and reselling it for a little more takes out any possible sting.

Fuck off with your pyramid seem shit

>> No.7864489
File: 66 KB, 852x480, hobo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted from my stolen iphone

>> No.7864510

I was literally 5 years old when the game came out dumbass, and now that I'm 23 I want to be able to play it on my old ps2 I've had since I was a kid, but now I don't know if I should even bother, I don't want to spend that much on an old game.

>> No.7864515

>FreeMCboot memory card
>SATA enabled network adapter
>a hard drive
>OPL and WinHIIP
you're welcome

I will not live in a pod
I will not eat the bugs

>> No.7864536

>$200 doesn’t even cover a week of groceries
that's a lot of money on food. Only reasonable if you're buying for a family or some shit
>I spend almost 200 bucks every week on just gas alone for my truck.
Yikes! I spend about $45 on gas for my sedan
>What the FUCK can you guys even do with 200
groceries AND gas, for one.

At this point I think the reason people are pissed about prices is not because they want to play the games, but that they feel like they missed out on an investment opportunity. I have a decent-sized collection of physical games that I'm happy with.

>> No.7864775

If all that's true you're an incredibly stupid person

>> No.7864802

I will sell my copy of this shity game to you, based retarded buyfag

>> No.7864810

Or I can download it and spend the money on something not easily replicated like a weird controller, a CRT, or a system not easily emulated. I can buy a hundred of them. I just don't need to, retard.

>> No.7864815

Don't listen to this idiot just mod them and get those games for free too. 360 will be a pain, but Xenia blows and will always blow, and you'll learn how to solder.

>> No.7864820

Or I can just download it and save myself time, money, and effort lolol

>> No.7864906

> $200 doesn’t even cover a week of groceries,
what the fuck, what kind of shit do you americans buy? Where I live, the cheapest supermarket you can easily get around with 20 euros

>> No.7865027

what is the point of buying it if you're going to sell it? you could easily pirate the game if your goal is only to play it. if i'm buying a game it's because i want to own it.
if i really liked a game i might pay $200 for it but silent hill isn't worth that lmao
if i paid $200 for every game i only liked as much as silent hill then i would be broke

>> No.7865141

>At this point I think the reason people are pissed about prices is not because they want to play the games, but that they feel like they missed out on an investment opportunity. I have a decent-sized collection of physical games that I'm happy with

No, they are pissed some dork getting covid bucks decided to use them to drive up the price of games, preventing them from having the same experience they had as a teen, forcing them to shell out something like a car payment for a luxury good or invest time into pirating, which depending on the system is varying levels of inconvenient and annoying.

No one that is complaining about the price is complaining about muh investment. Its 100% the price making doing a thing more annoying.

>> No.7865148

But why would I want to overpay for another copy?

>> No.7865149

>what the fuck, what kind of shit do you americans buy? Where I live, the cheapest supermarket you can easily get around with 20 euros

Probably a 40 or 50 year old wage slave given how much he spends on gas. Probably eating out at least once a day, which is another 70 per week. If he eats out every meal, that's about 200 a week.

Probably eats out every meal, works all day, orders new games from his phone and only gets to play them a few hours on the weekend, if that. Wouldn't be surprised if he is too tired from work and just watches streams, let's plays and porn

>> No.7865191

You gotta add in the tips.

>> No.7865201

What kind?

>> No.7865543

So I'm sure this is bait but you must be some massive fat fuck to be eating $200 on groceries and your car sounds like it destroys the earth when you drive it. I think most people can afford $200 in general but to spend that amount on one game is nuts really. Maybe it's a shock as I paid £8 for it back in 2004 but its the principle - fuck paying that much for one game, no matter how rich you are

>> No.7865679

To play it on hardware, if that's important to you. Emulating is fine, that's my preference personally.
If you're a collector than who cares? You're the people driving up the costs anyway, and so then the irritation is just you didn't get to it first.

>> No.7865692

If you really wanted to play the game, you should've get a FREEMCBOOT Memory Card + OPL with a USB or network, you are just a fucking retro wannabe who wants to have the plastic.

>> No.7866859

bookmans represent

>> No.7867861

Don't most modern games have a "complete edition" released a couple years after the initial one?

>> No.7867868

No. Though many 360 games seem to work okay on PC and have all the patches. PS3 as I understand it is more limited. It's MS's best virtue that they basically gave some random engineers money to spend 15 years doing backwards compatibility work until it basically does work right.

>> No.7867870

For some reason SH3 is the only PAL Silent Hill that supports 60hz. Not even Shattered Memories supports it and that was released after hd tvs were already commonplace. Konami is truly a shitty company.

>> No.7868207

you can pirate games and play them on the hardware though

>> No.7868245

>wasting $200 on an .iso that costs $0 on the internet
Unless you're treating this as an investment that you expect to increase in value, you're retarded. Simple as.

>> No.7868259

When ever I see prices like that at a thrift store I start scheming to shoplift. Thrift Store my ass. They don't pay for their inventory.

>> No.7868270

>off-the-shelf piracy
extremely based

>> No.7868275

investing in video games is pretty fucking retarded too

>> No.7868286

Bookman's does. They're a second hand shop not a donation run business. Donation run businesses tend to push that money into a cause of some sort though which is their point.

>> No.7868306

> liking retro
> calling shit gay
> having no money
ayyyyyy welcome to late 20s early 30s faggot

>> No.7868335

Well that's different, but that's extremely bad business for someone who's not a specialty shop.

>> No.7868567

not soft modding console to play from backup, HDD, network, or even a [SPOILER]USB stick[/SPOILER]

>> No.7868581

Might as well confess my biggest sin, when I was 12 I ended up getting a black label copy of SH2 and ended up trading it for a copy of Turok: Evolution and Spiderman The Movie.
>look back
>big sad

>> No.7869312

>not comprehending the thing you're reading

>> No.7869335

If youve got a slim ps2, you can get swap magic and a piece of paper to block the disc sensor. Any game you want for free on a disc.
Or you can flash a ps2 to read from and hdd. Just takes a usb stick.
Or you could emulate. Pretty sure that game works.
No reason to get sucked into the retarded mark up of old games right now.

>> No.7869347

This is one of those cases where any criticism we could give you is less painful than what you already feel.

Chalk it up to being a dumb kid and move on.

>> No.7869635


>> No.7869652

all my podunk shittown has is no snes games in goodwill and a 2nd & charles crap snes sports games. at least 3 retro games stores advertised and never opened. fuuuck

>> No.7869674

>at local game shop around 2015
>decide to buy jetset radio
>cashier tells me about how he was really dissapointed with the game when he got it because it was nothing like pro skater, and asks me if im sure i want it because its not very good
why do game store employees always have the shittiest taste

>> No.7869794

>If youve got a slim ps2, you can get swap magic and a piece of paper to block the disc sensor. Any game you want for free on a disc.
Or you could just use Mechapwn and not worry about disc swapping https://github.com/MechaResearch/MechaPwn

>> No.7870285

It's all a popularity and demand thing.

On Super Nintendo, Super Mario World is the most common SNES game. It should be super cheap based on the amount of copies there are. However, the game is well regarded, so people can get away with selling it for $25.

A buyer's market can sometimes suck.

>> No.7872084

>he can't into backup devices
makes sense why you'd advocate for buying a game only to resell it after finishing it, lol

>> No.7872579

I've got an xbox Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 4 ps2 and the HD collection on the ps3. Am I the next Rockefeller?

>> No.7873076

im so happy i was such a fucking hoarder as a kid.
other kids thought i was retarded for not trading stuff in to get new games for cheaper and friends would offer to trade for stuff but i would always refuse just in case.

>> No.7873134

Are people really buying these though?

>> No.7873137

They're sold listings

>> No.7873147

Well I feel like a retard. Anyway, wtf? That's crazy. I wonder who buys those. How can they be worth so much to people?

>> No.7873239

Some people have more money than sense

>> No.7875151

>A buyer's market can sometimes suck.

You mean a seller's market. Buyer's market means that prices are cheap and things aren't selling for much.

>> No.7875156


silent hill 2 on Xbox strangely isn't worth that much. HD collection isn't even worth wiping your ass with

>> No.7875162
File: 15 KB, 430x431, 6d194e950e9da284c712bcba97690ac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went into retro game store last week
>saw an unsealed copy of medievil for 75 dollars
>saw an unsealed copy of mario is missing snes for 100
>virtually every "old" game had boosted prices and they all had a sticker that said "ebay" on it

how in the fuck can this be accepted as legal? you are effectively price gouging based on entire speculation from internet markets. you can theoretically make something 1000 dollars just because some fucking sold listing for a game said so. just close your fucking store and make it online only if you're going to facilitate this bullshit

>> No.7875705

Video games are magic portals to new worlds.
While 160 dollars seems like a lot of money, to someone this is their ticket to relive in a different world and immerse themselves outside of this hell reality.

Imagine if emulation did not exist and things weren't as mass produced as they are now.
I imagine certain video games would be almost priceless. they would be coveted
Like a glowing magic stone in your hands ready to teleport you to another dimension.

>> No.7877462
File: 1.80 MB, 2016x1512, Heather_or_Eileen_I_cannot_decide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel fortunate to have gotten the games back in the early-mid 2000s. It is good, but not $185USD good. Fortunately there's emulation and PC versions with fixes which you can experience the game. I love the games enough that I do revisit them every now and then, typically around Halloween so I have no interest in letting it go especially since it is so much more difficult to get it back at that price.

It is because $200USD cannot cover groceries that we cannot afford $200USD. That is a bit over a quarter of my bi-weekly take-home pay. I make more than minimum wage, but managers and our current pandemic-related issues can adversely adjust our hours. Savings is a distant thought when bills take the lion's share from the remainder. Two hundred may not be a lot to you, but it is a lot to many people.

>> No.7877553

I hate what has happened to thrift stores more than anything. They just copy ebay pricing now. Before, they were, you know..... THRIFT stores.... but oh well.

>> No.7877937

I got sh2 and 3 for 50 2 years ago at a store

>> No.7877971

It isn't that I cannot afford $200, I just cannot think of any video game that's worth paying that. Also, nobody owns just one game, you have 10 $200 games and it's $2000 just sitting there. No, $2000 wouldn't change my life, but I'd rather spend it on other things. I post here because I like the games but I guess I can't help but feel a bit sore when I remember how cheap this stuff used to be little over a decade ago.

>> No.7877991

just emulate it

i just sold a copy of Silent Hill 2 for 100 bones didn't even have the manual in it

>> No.7877994

>pyramid scheme

based financially retarded anon

>> No.7878214

The worst is when they don't feel like taking off the old price sticker when it originally got sold for $10 and is now selling it for over a hundred. I don't know who in their right mind thinks that looks acceptable.

>> No.7878236

it's mostly for preservation, a lot of sellers don't want to try and meticulously remove stickers and potentially damage the product irreversibly

a potentially mint game with a pesky sticker is better than a game all fingernail'd up

>> No.7878243
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Meanwhile in the uk its worth fuck all.

>> No.7878270

The amount of bullshit GameStop pulled on me in 2010...
>Can't sell you this $25 Gameboy Player...uhh the startup disc is scratched
>Sorry bro uhh can't sell you WarioWare Twisted...I was hoping to play it later so...

>> No.7878459

working at a video game store is a dead-end normalfag job

owning your own, on the other hand...

>> No.7878505

wow you're telling me PAL trash is worthless, who would have guessed

>> No.7879064

I think most people here bought that years ago. I was checking my ebay history and I spent $1800 on vydia over the last 12 years there but I'm fairly certain that if I were to sell it today I would get 4x or 5x the value I put in - mostly because it was bought a long time ago and when prices were reasonable. It seems like a lot and I know it is for a lot of people (considering it's not even an hobby) - $1800 - but considering the timelapse we're talking about $150 per year. In restrospective I don't really regret it because it's money I can afford and it's better than wasting in some devalued asset plus we have the luxury of doing this with something we really loved a lot and grew up with.

>> No.7879169

>>there's a PC port of Silent Hill 3
>>all these years I had no clue, thought SH2 and 4 were the only ones with PC ports while 3 was oddly PS2-exclusive

Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 4
Silent Hill: Homecomming

all have PC ports. They are not so-hard to find online and patched with all sorts of fan fixes.

>> No.7879203

you live in a big city? that is shit for a thrift store no matter what, but good deals are still out there. i regularly find $30 and up games for 2-$3 at my local shops. cartridge stuff has dried up though. everyone knows that stuff can be valuable now.

>> No.7879216

Don't steal, but they're being huge assholes and you're right that they're not a thrift store if they're doing that shit.
I'da offered them 5 bucks for it.

>> No.7879626
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>spend my freetime having fun playing games
>go online sometimes to shitpost and find new games to play
>don't waste my life bitching about prices and just emulate instead
>have a stash of my favorite games from when I was a kid to show off
Sucks to be a faggot.

>> No.7879670

I've hoarded a whole lot of rare and interesting games over my life, from CIB retail games to dev stuff to arcade cabs and PCBs. It feels weird to have people begging me to sell something I paid like $20 for a few years ago. So, it isn't like I'm bitter over prices because I missed out entirely and am sitting on the outside looking in, it has to do with not having purchased everything I ever wanted, and now if I want a new thing I have to pay out the ass - though overall, I've come out "ahead," if there is such a thing. But the thing is, I don't care about monetary value. Any other hobby i have is either cheap or free (watching TV, drawing, weight lifting with equipment I already have), I don't drink or indulge in other costly consumables, I don't care about cars or fancy city slicker clothes, so if I sell, what am I going to do with it? Buy more games? Piss it away on Blurays? More games that are now laughably overpriced and wouldn't be worth the price, at the expense of parting with stuff I already have?

So yeah, it isn't that I'm a jealous zoomer. Just sad to have a reasonably priced hobby descend into rampant inflation at the hands of latecomers and people hoping to strike it rich.

>> No.7879934
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Did SH3 get an official PC port like 4 did? Did all the ps2 games get to PC? I would imagine the PC ports + fan mods would be the way to go.

And, lastly, is 4 the only one that got a modern re-release on PC? If so, barf.

>> No.7879959

if what you are getting at is along the lines of: "i miss just going around and picking up games I never played before for cheap and discovering neat stuff", i agree with you

>> No.7880047

You can also run SH1 through Duckstation. It's not great, but if you can make the controls make sense, it's definitely playable

>> No.7880078

All the thrift stores in my area went to shit nearly a decade ago. Goodwill was the first to get greedy, and at first it ws only a few stores. Now they just throw anything that isn't a sports game on shopgoodwill.com now. All the other thrift stores are just as bad now. A local, independent one I walked into had a stack of N64 games a few months ago. Asked to see them, all were $100+ each for games like Mario Kart and Cruisn' World. Laughed and walked away.

>> No.7880539

depends on who is sorting through the stuff. in February I found a bunch of good GameCube games out on a rack for 99 cents each at Goodwill (Twilight Princess, Mario Karty RE4) and then recently found Master of Monsters for PS1 for 4$. Certain things seem to slip through the cracks on occasion.

>> No.7880576

Because they have a brain and are not willing to pay hundreds on a popular, well sold video game?

>> No.7880696

European SH3 has both 50hz and 60hz modes though.

>> No.7880787

>using a ps3 to play ps2 games
Enjoy your console dying after 3 months of use.

>> No.7880812

>Cruisn' World

What are these fuck places thinking? These are the type of prices that actual retro gaming shops price a game at when they don't want to actually sell it just display it for years. These are higher than Ebay prices and they're some random thrift stores? What the hell, I feel like this can't be real and must just be an exaggeration or troll.

>> No.7880858

just fucking steal it

>> No.7880861


>> No.7880880

No shit? Where can you buy original copies of these games for $20? Nowhere. Retro stores are all gonna close down soon, and thrift stores know what they got, they're not selling you something valued at $100 for $5.

>> No.7880907

1. Cruisn' World sell for 20-25 loose on Ebay and complete for 45.

2. Ebay prices are always very high.

3. If all games stores closed down collectors would still barter and sell with one another and when we do we typically lower our prices compared to auctions or online stores when we know it's another collector.

>> No.7881321

off Course

>And, lastly, is 4 the only one that got a modern re-release on PC? If so, barf.
Not that I know of.

>> No.7881349

This. They got the games for FREE, they should just set a flat price for every game, regardless of rarity. I remember thrift stores used to do $5 for any games.

>> No.7881352

And they wonder why some people use emulation...

>> No.7881356

Time for your beloved China repros /vr huh?

>> No.7881358

Nah, I don't invest in cheap trash imitations.

>> No.7881369

>best experience
>lists the absolute turdiest ways of experiencing the games
Enjoy your crashes, glitches, fanmade shit and endless fights with compatibility. Sure the shit is free, but it fucking sucks

>> No.7881390

I bought a $200 copy of SH3, don't even give a fuck. I wanted to own a great condition copy, best PS2 game imo, poorfags can seethe and rage.

>> No.7881395
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You're an idiot, becoming part of the problem.
It has nothing to do with being a poorfag, you're giving these idiots license to rip people off.

>> No.7881407

Suck a cock, should I wait until a fantasy point in time where the game costs $20 again? I wanted it now, so I bought it now. Not a problem for me.

>> No.7881437

If they're retarded enough to collect plastic for that much money then they aren't gonna be smart enough to hold a job or make decent money in the first place

>> No.7881516

>fantasy scenario

>> No.7881605

>'best ps2 game imo'
>doesn't own a copy until he has to spend $200 on it because he's a bandwagoning zoomer

>> No.7881663

Awesome, I'll look for a crack of 3. I have the ps2 game but I think I'd like to play it in a new way.

Why does it look like the only SH game to get on to GOG was 4? What a lame and baffling choice lol.

>> No.7881665

*had the ps2 game for years; I didn't pay as much as the other anon but to be honest I did pay that much for Radiant Silvergun many years ago so I can't judge

>> No.7881783

>buying any
look, your smart enough to take the PC version, why bother giving money to Konami? Anyway, get them from somewhere (old-games.ru is a good place) and look up the fixes for each on pcgamingwiki and you'll have the best versions of each you could ask for.

>> No.7881919

Good goy.

>> No.7881970

>that absolute shit condition
>185 burgers

>> No.7881981

I bought the SH collection on the ps store which features games one, two, and three for around $105.00, you got scammed faggot.

>> No.7881991
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>that'll be $20,000, plus tip, site fee, and shipping fee.

>> No.7881997

>have Silent Hill 1 and Silent Hill 2
>literally rich enough to retire

>> No.7882010
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>Have SH1, 2, & 3
>Still a wagie
wtf am i doing wrong here?