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786103 No.786103 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /vr/

Ever since this board's conception, I've been meaning to get you guys to play emulated through netplay with varying degrees of success. I'm glad to see that nowadays there are sporadic threads here and there, but most of them have been shortlived, and rarely have we gotten enough people to play 4-5 player games like Mario Party 2 or Super Bomberman 5. And what I've noticed is that people tend to rely on someone else who has their ports open, rather than learning how to open them themselves.

The purpose of this thread is for me to teach you how to do it, so that maybe someday netplay threads aren't actually just the same 2-3 guys talking to each other waiting for a random newcomer. Please bear in mind that there is no standardized way to do so, as every router has it's very own interface. But I'll try my best to answer each of your questions and guide you through it.

Feel free to join me (us?) over at #/vr/_Netplay in http://www.rizon.net/chat for general questions, setting up a game with someone else or just to chat.

This wasn't written beforehand so bare with me while I slowly redact this.

>> No.786121

so could we play Smash 64 over this?

>> No.786282

a) Setting up a static IP

It is very important to setup a static ip address, if you are going to use port forwarding. When you have port forwarding setup, your router forwards ports to an ip address that you specify. This will probably work when you initially set it up, but after restarting your computer it may get a different ip address. When this happens the ports will no longer be forwarded to your computer's ip address. So the port forwarding configuration will not work.

>Step 1:
On Windows 7, open up the start menu, and look for the Search programs and files box.
On Windows XP or Vista, click Run.

>Step 2:
Type cmd in the Search programs and files box (Run box in XP or Vista), and press Enter on your keyboard.

>Step 3:
Type ipconfig /all in that window, and then press the enter key. This will display a lot of information. If it scrolls off the top you may need to enlarge the window.

>Step 4:
I want you to write down some of the information in this window. Take down the IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS. Make sure to note which is which. We are going to use this information a little bit later. We are only concerned with IPv4 entries, you can ignore the IPv6 stuff.

If your DNS IP is the same as your Default Gateway IP, it means your router is just acting as proxy between your computer and your actual DNS. Using this IP will prevent you from connecting to the internet. In order to find your true DNS IP, you'll need to log in to your router by typing the network IP address you just wrote down (192.168.x.x or something similar) in your web browser, and look for your router's Status Page. If all else fails, ask your ISP.

>Step 5:
Once again open the start menu. This time click Control Panel.

>Step 7:
On Windows 7, single click Change adapter settings on the left side of your screen.

On Windows Vista, double click Network and Sharing Center.

On Windows XP, double click Network Connections.

>> No.786290 [DELETED] 


>Step 8:
You might have more than one Internet connection listed here. You will need to determine which adapter is your connection to the Internet if this is the case. Right click on your network adapter and choose properties to open up the properties window of this internet connection.

Step 9:
On Windows 7 and Vista, click Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) and then the Properties button.

On Windows XP, click Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) and then the Properties button.

Step 10:
Before you make any changes, write down the settings that you see on this page. If something goes wrong you can always change the settings back to what they were! You should see a dot in the Obtain an IP address automatically box. If you do not, your connection is already setup for a static ip. Just close all these windows and you are done.

Pick an ip address and enter it into the IP Address box. The ip address you choose should be very similar to the router's ip addres. Only the last number of the ip address should be different. If the router's ip address is, I might choose The ip address you choose should end with a number between 1 and 254, and should not be the same as the router's ip address. Every device that connects to your network needs to have it's own ip address.

Put the subnet mask we previously found in the subnet mask section. The default gateway should go into the Default gateway box. Enter the dns servers we prevoiusly found into the two DNS Server boxes. Click okay all the way out of this menu.

If you find that you can not pull up webpages, the problem is most likely the DNS numbers you entered.

That's it, you should be done! If you can't connect to the internet go back and change your configuration back to what it originally was.

Source with pictures: http://portforward.com/networking/staticip.htm

>> No.786293


>Step 8:
You might have more than one Internet connection listed here. You will need to determine which adapter is your connection to the Internet if this is the case. Right click on your network adapter and choose properties to open up the properties window of this internet connection.

>Step 9:
On Windows 7 and Vista, click Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) and then the Properties button.

On Windows XP, click Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) and then the Properties button.

>Step 10:
Before you make any changes, write down the settings that you see on this page. If something goes wrong you can always change the settings back to what they were! You should see a dot in the Obtain an IP address automatically box. If you do not, your connection is already setup for a static ip. Just close all these windows and you are done.

Pick an ip address and enter it into the IP Address box. The ip address you choose should be very similar to the router's ip addres. Only the last number of the ip address should be different. If the router's ip address is, I might choose The ip address you choose should end with a number between 1 and 254, and should not be the same as the router's ip address. Every device that connects to your network needs to have it's own ip address.

Put the subnet mask we previously found in the subnet mask section. The default gateway should go into the Default gateway box. Enter the dns servers we prevoiusly found into the two DNS Server boxes. Click okay all the way out of this menu.

If you find that you can not pull up webpages, the problem is most likely the DNS numbers you entered.

That's it, you should be done! If you can't connect to the internet go back and change your configuration back to what it originally was.

Source with pictures: http://portforward.com/networking/staticip.htm

>> No.786341

b) Forwarding ports

When you host a server, be it for file transfers or online videogame mutiplayer, the software listens for incoming traffic on a specific port range. If these ports are closed, whatever clients that attempt to connect to you will be forcefully rejected, and no connection will be established. Most computer firewall software allows you to add programs to their exception list the first time you execute them automatically, but most router firewalls do not.

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to open these ports manually. Please note that each router brand and model has a very different kind of interface, so it's impossible to write a universal guide.

The following website http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm has detailed, specific guides for a great number of router models and brands and has a wealth of information on how to open ports for many different software. But, alas, does not cover each and every one in existence. I encourage you to try and find yours if it's included. If not, I will try my best to guide you using a guide for another router.

Feel free to ask any questions.

>> No.786353
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For this example, I will be using screenshots from a 2wire 1000hg router.

>Step 1:
On Windows 7, open up the start menu, and look for the Search programs and files box.
On Windows XP or Vista, click Run.

>Step 2:
Type cmd in the Search programs and files box (Run box in XP or Vista), and press Enter on your keyboard.

>Step 3:
Type ipconfig /all in that window, and then press the enter key.

>Step 4:

Make note of the IP address.

>Step 5:

Open your web browser, and type in this IP address. You'll see pic related.

>> No.786362 [DELETED] 
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>Step 6:

Click the Firewall Settings button, or anything that looks like it on your router's interface.

>> No.786375 [DELETED] 


>Step 6:
Click the Firewall Settings button, or anything that looks like it on your router's interface.

Depeding on your router, you'll see a list with every device currently connected to your router along with their MAC and IP address, and some firewall exceptions if someone else had set some beforehand. Some routers also keep a list of every device that has ever connected to your router, even if it isn't connected at the moment (if you suspect someone stealing your internet connection, you can find out now).

>> No.786380
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>>786353 (You)

>Step 6:
Click the Firewall Settings button, or anything that looks like it on your router's interface.

Depeding on your router, you'll see a list with every device currently connected to your router along with their MAC and IP address, and some firewall exceptions if someone else had set some beforehand. Some routers also keep a list of every device that has ever connected to your router, even if it isn't connected at the moment (if you suspect someone stealing your internet connection, you can find out now).

>> No.786404
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>Step 7:
Click the Firewall Settings button. Use the Select a computer box to choose a computer to forward ports to. This box contains a list of computer names that are visible on your network.

Some routers feature drop down menus listing every device with varying degrees of detail, while others show a table with each device. Alongside these, most routers also have a predetermined list with the most popular applications preconfigured with the rules necessary to get it running without much hassle.

>> No.786465
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On a related note: you shouldn't fiddle around with DMZ mode unless you know what you're doing or trust whoever decides to connect to your server. Just saying.

>Step 8:
Click the Add a new user-defined application link.

You will get a Window similar to this one, regardless of router.

The Application Name can be whatever you want, but it helps if you name it exactly as the software whose ports your forwarding. Just remember that you can't use a name that's already being used by another Exception Rule.

Next you'll choose Protocol. TCP or UDP. Some routers allow you to choose one or the other, while others give you a third option to choose both simultaneously.
Also, depending on the software your opening ports for, you'll need one or the other, or both. If the software documentation doesn't say which, it's better to open the ports using both protocols.

Next we have a Port Range. In this section, we'll write down the port or port range that we'll be opening.
If you're just opening a single port, only write it down in the first box and leave the other one blank.
If you're opening, for example, 100 ports between port 1500 and 1600, you write down 1500 in the first box and 1600 in the second.

Everything else can be safely ignored. You can add a Definition or Application Type if you want, but it isn't necessary.

If the router doesn't allow you to pick both UDP and TCP at the same time, you will need to make 2 separate entries for the same port.

After you're done adding your port, click Add Definition or Accept or anything that allows you to save your changes.

>> No.786504


There are some routers that allow you to make Exception Rules, but don't automatically assign them to your computer/device. There should be an option to do so.

I assume that even though this guide will not apply to most of you, that you can figure it out by comparing these screenshots to your own interface. If you're still having trouble understanding how it works, feel free to post in the thread or join the IRC channel I posted in my OP.

Once you've figured it out, you should try opening these ports as practice:


5394 (TCP/UDP)

>Open Kaillera P2P client (http://p2p.kaillera.ru/)) The Multiplayer Client doesn't need port forwarding.
27886 (TCP/UDP)

6000-6009 (UDP)
7000 (TCP)

>> No.786517

OP here. I'm heading off to sleep. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to post them here or drop a message on IRC.

Everything I posted now should get you started Tomorrow I'll talk about what emulators are recommended for netplay and how to start to playing (that is, if you don't figure it out on your own by then). Take care, and have a nice evening.

>> No.786542


*7845 (TCP/UDP)

>> No.786543
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You won't be putting your IP; you'll be putting the router's IP, which is usually the head of your subnet.
You'll usually have 192.168.1.XXX or 192.168.0.XXX.
The router will almost always be 192.168.XXX.1.
Just to help, I'll supplement yours with a Linux equivalent.

You'll want to open your favorite terminal (in most DEs it's just called "Terminal"). execute the command "ip route".
If you get something like "command not found", see *.

2: You'll see something like "default via xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" (like the first command in my image). The numbers specified by the 'x's is your router IP address.

3. You'll put this in your web browser to access your router settings. Most routers that prompt username and password can be entered with "admin" and "admin".

Continue with OP's tutorial.
*: You do not have iproute2 installed. Install it. Otherwise, you can find your gateway IP (or hostname) with "route" and "ifconfig". Go back to 1.

>> No.786562


>Step 4:

Make note of the IP listed on Default Gateway.


Thanks for the correction. I was pretty tired when I started.

>> No.787984

Small bump. I'll get to working on this in a bit.

>> No.788181
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Would I be able to play with PCs if I'm on a Mac?

>> No.788198

Using the same emulator, yes.
That's one of the primary points of a network.

>> No.788215


Not necessarily so. It all boils down to what dependencies does the same emulator on different platforms use. For example, SNES9x/k cannot connect between two computers with different OS (Windows and Mac/Linux), but I think ZSNES actually can.

If all else fails, you can just launch a VM running Windows XP and play from there. We once had a Macfag play with us that way, and he reported having no problems doing so.

>> No.788228

I will asume that you've already:

a) Set a static IP
b) Forwarded your ports on your computer and router firewall

So now you're ready to actually play with other people. But, what kind of emulators support netplay? What's the difference between them? And how do I know which one is the best?

That will be answered shortly. I will comprehend as many options that I have experience with. If anyone knows anything else I'm missing that you feel is worthwhile mentioning, feel free to add.

I will begin in the following post.

>> No.788315
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When referring to SNES netplay, it always boils down to the same pair of tried and true emulators: SNES9k or ZSNES 1.42/1.36. Forget about SNES9x's native netplay. It's great on an actual physical LAN only or >50-30ms.

They both have their own set of pros and cons, and they both excell at different things.


(Assuming you're using the updated multiplayer client: https://code.google.com/p/p2pkaillera/downloads/detail?name=Ownaclient.dll&can=2&q= )


● Support for up to 8 simultaneous people playing
● No fiddling with router settings and port forwarding
● Netplay traffic is handled by a central dedicated server that helps keep things synched
● Private game chat support and public chat to speak people outside your game room
● Being able to drop out of a game at any time without disrupting (much) your teammate(s).
● Kicking/banning/muting people from your room
● It's a matchmaking service where you can join other people's rooms, too


● It's slightly (significantly still) prone to freezing/crashing/BSOD (in that order)
● Random, inconsistent FPS drops due to the server trying to keep everyone synched, sometimes stuttering. It's annoying, but rarely does it make it unplayable
● The emulator is based upon (SNES9x 1.42, a 10 year old version) lacks ALOT of options, and incorrectly emulates several games (most Bishoujo Senshi, DBZ Super Butouden 2, etc.)
● Everyone needs to have the exact same ROM version or Netplay won't work (if it somehow does, it'll desynch rather quickly)
● Everyone needs to have the exact same save file, or no save file at all. Else, it desynchs

>> No.788330


(Assuming you're using the updated P2P Client: http://p2p.kaillera.ru/))


● Excellent connectivity between 2 players (ONLY), sometimes informally compared to GGPO's netcode in efficiency
● Basic chat support.


● Requires port forwarding
● The highest ping that it tolerates is around the 150ms mark, after which it starts to desynch very often
● It's slightly prone to freezing/crashing/BSOD, but to a much lesser extent than the multiplayer client
● Everyone needs to have the exact same ROM version and save file. Or else, it'll desynch or outright not work.
● Chat box is an eyesore.

>> No.788373
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● You need to constantly switch focus back and forth between chat and emulator window in order to chat.
● You will hear no sound while the window is unfocused.




● Excellent connectivity between 2 players (ONLY)
● In-game chat that doesn't require switching focus between 2 windows
● Can pause emulation at any time
● The host's save file is immediately shared with the client, so you don't need to upload it elsewhere first
● In case of desynch, host can make savestates and load them for both players to resynch
● You can swap controllers at any time
● You can change emulator latency on the fly to compensate for choppiness at the expense of slight input lag
● It works just as well with between a dialup user and someone on DSL


● It's 2P ONLY, with no multiplayer version foreseeable in the near future.
● Sometimes it outright refuses to connect 2 people via netplay through UDP for unknown reasons
● Most Konami games tend to desynch unless you specifically use ZSNES 1.36 or 1.337
● Interface might be unappealing to some people

>> No.788403
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I would also like to add that these are not the only options for SNES netplay available (and almost every other console I'll be speaking of in this thread).

Honorable mentions are:


Which emulates several other consoles/handhelds as well, including SNES. However, it's command-line only, and even when using it with one of the many fan-made frontends, it's very hard to configure to properly run.


Another multiplatform emulator with netplay that uses BSNES' core, in case some of you actually want extreme accuracy while netplaying.


An mutliplatform emulator... for an emulator... written in Java. The netcode is said to be legendary, but if you can muster enough power to run it, it has a small community of people playing there. Mostly fighting games and other random non-console oddities.

Moving on to the next platform in the following post. Is anyone even reading this?

>> No.788435

I'm reading it, sir. I'd love for Netplay to become common enough for me to be able to try it.

>> No.788518

Small bump. I haven't fiddled with NES netplay in a while I'm refreshing myself at the moment.

>> No.788541

Not OP but yes, various N64 emus have semi-active servers where the pro kids go to play 1v1 matches in Smash 64. Pretty fun honestly.

>> No.788574

>written in Java
Maybe the frontend is Java, but the actual emulator is still C.

>> No.788614


True. But the frontend is a resource hog in itself. Ironic, considering that it's just a chat with basic file transfering built in.

>> No.788626

What's wrong with sites like nesbox? I have never used them myself.

>> No.788689

Found my old emulators and gave them a whirl. Got sidetracked with some vidya. Follow up report will be coming shortly.


Aside from being exclusively web based and written in java, they're slow and laggy, don't offer any kind customization and are 2 player only. They're a more dumbed down version of standalone emulators. They're great for the average facebook LOLgamer who doesn't want to setup anything or fiddle with settings.

I don't really like them, but to each their own.

>> No.788752
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The NES has got to be one of the most emulated platforms available. With so many different emulators to choose from, the newer or more inexperienced users often wonder which one is the best to use.

Myself: I haven't dabbled as much in NES emulation as I have with SNES. Regardless, I think that I'm knowledgable enough to share what I know has worked best with me. As was the case with the previous platform, I will be speaking of mainly 2 emulators: VirtuaNES and Nestopia.



● Excellent connectivity between 2 players (ONLY)
● Basic chat
● Can make and load savestates at any time (not sure if the host can send them to the client)
● The host reset applies to your client as well
● It works just as well between a dialup user and someone on DSL


● It hasn't been updated in 6 years, and doesn't seem like it ever will
● It currently only supports the following mappers http://virtuanes.s1.xrea.com/vhelp/etc_mappers.html
● In order to change latency, you need to do it before starting the netplay session

>Nestopia (uses Kaillera)


● Supports up to 4 player simultaneous (Kaillera)
● It supports a great number of mappers
● Basically everything noted in SNES9k's multiplayer section


● Basically everything noted in SNES9k's multiplayer section (except the third point)

Likewise, you can use P2P Kaillera client with Nestopia. Links already on the thread. (Will be making a compiled list when I'm done).

>> No.788757
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Honorable mentions:

>RockNESX 2.0

A very old NES emulator. Has a very nice interface but the documentation doesn't indicate what ports does it use, so you're limited to using a VPN like hamachi. The author did away with Netplay in more recent versions.


Still shows signs of being updated, but it absolutely HATES anything other than stock Kaillera. I'm not sure if it's possible to get it to work.

Aside from NESbox or SNESbox (and the aforementioned multisystem emulators), if there's some other emulator with netplay that are worth mentioning, feel free to post.

Next, I'll be talking about Sega consoles.

I'm assuming that you can figure out how to get netplay going on your own. I'll write guides to those after I'm done with describing these emulator capabilities.

Has anyone actually opened their ports yet?

>> No.788982
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Thanks for the very informative thread, OP.
I basically just want to play MAME games online right now but knowing there's an IRC for this will help me.

>> No.788984

Also, you might want to store all this information in another place besides the archive. An image, a wiki or maybe a pastebin.

>> No.789076

I'll be learning this later today. Thanks for the thread OP.

>> No.789246


●You can switch between Windowed mode and Fullscreen with ease.


No problem. And sorry if it's taking long. I'm writing this in a sorta "intruction guide" format during frequent short bursts. I'm getting used to these meds I just started taking, so yeah.


I'll be revising the contents of this thread after I'm done. I need to properly add all these addendums and corrections instead of linking them like an ass.

>> No.789581
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Concerning Sega emulators, I have to personally say that there's really only one worthwhile option to netplay with: KegaFusion. It emulates practically every single console and peripheral prior to the Saturn, all while allowing for some decent Netplay capabilities on the side.

That said, Gens is also an acceptable alternative. While it only emulates Genesis/Megadrive, Sega CD and 32x, it uses Kaillera for online multiplayer, which might be helpful in case you get consistent desynchs while using KegaFusion.



● Support for up to 4 (5??) simultaneous people
● Basically everything noted in SNES9k's multiplayer section


● Supports only Genesis/Megadrive, Sega CD and 32x games
● Basically everything noted in SNES9k's multiplayer section
● Dropping out of a game is a bit different than with standard emulators

Likewise, you can use a P2P Kaillera client with Gens. Links already on the thread. (Will be making a compiled list when I'm done).



● Support for up to 4 (5??) simultaneous people
● Can emulate every console, handheld and peripheral released before the Saturn
● In-game chat, so you don't have to switch between windows
● Every player can share Controller 1 at the same time so you can take turns with single player games
● Netplay can be finely tuned to give the smoothest experience possible (with slight input lag)


● The emulator is extremely sensistive and desynchs if you focus on another window, move the window around or minimize it
● Chat messages appear too briefly on screen

>> No.789674
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●Setting up a netplay session for more than 2 people is a pain, as it isn't immediately obvious


>Nintendo 64

You'll be using PJ64k for this mostly. While mostly any other N64 emulator also has netplay capabilities (through Kaillera compatibility), I can't vouch for how well they emulate games in general.

For those who haven't been paying much attention in the last couple of years, PJ64k also received a minor update not too long ago which uses an updated version of PJ64 as base (not the recent v2.x), bundles it with an unofficial updated Kaillera version and an N64 input plugin called AQZ Netplay that offers an alternative that doesn't rely on Kaillera or require for everyone (beside the host) to open ports.


(with Kaillera)


● Basically everything noted in SNES9k's multiplayer section


● Disables Transfer, Rumble and Memory Pack emulation (AFAIK, not 100% sure about Memory Pack)
● It sometimes fails to properly initialize Glide64 video plugins, giving them a black screen when the game starts
● It also seems to hate certain older video plugins, causing massive FPS drops
● Basically everything noted in SNES9k's multiplayer section

Likewise, you can use a P2P Kaillera client with PJ64k. Links already on the thread. (Will be making a compiled list when I'm done).

>> No.789683
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(with AQZ Netplay)


● Allows for unlimited (???) connections (4 players only, the rest are spectators)
● Unusually low bandwidth usage
● Can change latency on the fly to smooth out netplay experience at the expense of input lag
● Works very well with 2-3 Players, even with +200ms
● Only the host needs to open a port


● Definitely disables Transfer, Rumble and Memory Pack emulation
● If a client drops while a game is in session, the entire server stops automatically
● The server seems to work reliably smooth with 3 people, but might stutter and lag with 4, regardless of latency
● It sometimes fails to properly initialize Glide64 video plugins, giving them a black screen
● It also seems to hate certain older video plugins, causing massive FPS drops
● It's sometimes troublesome to get it to properly synch during the first few minutes, but works flawlessly after you get it working
● Randomly freezes the emulator with no warning
● VERY rarely produces a BSOD

While Kaillera compatibility is restricted to specific emulator versions, AQZ can be used on any emulator. In any case, MAKE SURE everyone is using the exact same emulator, version, kaillera client version/AQZ plugin, or else you'll have massive FPS drops/frequent desynchs.

>> No.789692

Minor bump while I prepare the next couple of posts.

Also, if you haven't already, you can join us at


For live feedback, help, matchmaking or just to chat.

>> No.789790
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As far as I know of, the only Playstation emulator with capable netplay has been ePSXe through an ancient plugin called CyberPad which uses Kaillera for this purpose.

While it is certainly functional, Playstation Kaillera netplay can be finicky at best when compared to other emulator's performance. Still, it's much better than nothing.

Worth noting is that the best version to use it with (in my experience playing Legend of Mana with a friend over the internet) is 1.6.0 with a very specific set of plugins and settings, and that's the one I will be earnestly recommending. A more in depth guide will be written until after I describe every emulator with netplay capabilities that I know of.

You're still free to use whatever, and whether you succeed or not, feel free to post results.



● Basically everything noted in SNES9k's multiplayer section


● The emulator is extremely sensistive and desynchs if you focus on another window, move the window around or minimize it
● Not long after the game desynchs, the entire emulator will freeze
● Dropping from a game or trying to exit Kaillera will freeze or crash the game
● Basically everything noted in SNES9k's multiplayer section

Likewise, you can use a P2P Kaillera client with ePSXe. Links already on the thread. (Will be making a compiled list when I'm done). Worth noting is that it's still as likely to randomly freeze as with the multiplayer client.

>> No.789843
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bump with a completely unrelated image

>> No.789869

Why the fuck is this on rizon instead of the chip/game centered esper?

Also, is no one idling? Looks empty

>> No.789873

derp, typed while in the wrong window/server

>> No.789879


To be honest, I chose the first netowrk I found on Google. I've never managed chat rooms outside obscure private servers before, so I really didn't care much about it.

As long as you can type in things and people can read them, it's good enough for me.

>> No.789976
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The many platforms that conform the term "Arcade" have got to be considered the most extensively researched and emulated platforms in existence. Choosing the right emulator is quite daunting task, since there are so many different versions that accomplish the same thing in almost impercetible different ways, branching off from a standard official emulator that, by itself, is commonly regarded to leave much to be desired.

The emulators I'll be talking about are Mame32 Plus Plus v0.119 (extremely old!!) and Kawaks 1.63. They both use Kaillera. I must confess that I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to MAME or general arcade emulators. If you happen to know of better alternatives, do kindly post them so that I may revise the contents of this threads in the future.

>Mame 32 Plus Plus

● Supports up to 4 players (maybe more, depending on the game)
● Robust library of games
● Extremely configurable
● In-game chat
● Despite being old, many consider it being able to handle Kaillera the best
● Basically everything noted in SNES9k's multiplayer section

Likewise, you can use a P2P Kaillera client for fighting games with Mame Plus Plus. Links already on the thread. (Will be making a compiled list when I'm done).


● Incorrectly emulates many games, while outright not being able to emulate others
● Mapping controllers and binding keys can only be done in-game, which might be confusing to first-timers
● Freezes occasionally
● Basically everything noted in SNES9k's multiplayer section

>Kawaks 1.63


● More simplistic, user friendly UI
● It's catered specifically towards Neo-Geo, CPS1 and CPS2 games
● In-game chat


● It doesn't emulate EVERY Neo-Geo, CPS1 and CPS game
● It only works with the stock Kaillera client or P2P client. It freezes/crashes when using the multiplayer client.

>> No.790040
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Honorable mentions:


Widely considered to have the best netcode for only multiplayer available. It's so great that its used in some more recent commercial games. Only disadvantage is that you need to open ports to use it, and it's severely limited to games that were made or modified specifically to use this technology.


Said to have a comparable netcode to GGPO, it's also capable of emulating console games through MESS. However, using MameHUB requires registration, and the frontend, being coded in Java, is an absolute resource-hog which heavily impairs your gaming experience if you're using a low-end computer.

>> No.790054



You can join a game that's already in session.

>> No.790121
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>Game Boy Color

More of a novelty, and perhaps not as interesting to this board, as it might be more up /vp/'s alley, but worth mentioning for anyone wanting to try one of the many Pokemon clones with friends over the internet.

Very basic and functional. Not sure if it works with anything beside Pokemon games and clones, but you're free to try. Post results.


>TGB Dual Vol. 8.3.1


● Beside VBA-Link, it's the only other Game Boy (Classic/Color) emulator that emulates Cable Link
● You can trade with yourself
● Very simple to use
● Resource light, so you can run several instances even on lower-end computers
● Has basic chat during netplay


● Requires a physical LAN or a VPN to use
● Documentation doesn't mention what port does it use to bypass using VPN
● Works very well up to 150ms. Anything beyond that is nigh unplayable

>> No.790140

And that's it for today.

Tomorrow I'll be posting individual tutorials for every emulator. Hopefully you would have figured that out on your own by now, but if you haven't, I'll write some guides slowly over the course of the day.

If you have questions of any kind, feel free to post.

As a friendly reminder, you're free to join us over at #/vr/_Netplay in http://www.rizon.net/chat for general questions, setting up a game with someone else, idle or just to chat.

Take care everyone, and have a nice evening.

Would someone be so kind to bump the thread once or twice during the next 10-12 hours, please?

>> No.790181

I should point people to this thread or the irc whenever I mention netplay because we just gotta do this shit sometime

>> No.790582
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Well done, OP. As mentioned before, this definitely should find it's way to the emulation wiki when you're satisfied/done with it.

>> No.790730
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Arise, thread!

Also: I'm not sure how many netplay-enabled retro console emulators you intend to cover, OP, but both the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast have emulators with working netplay.

>> No.790738

the NES was cool and all but that's kinda overload

anyhow, does the netplay on Dreamcast emulation make it possible to use private PSO servers... if there are such a thing

>> No.791001


>Sega Saturn

None as far as I'm concerned. I believe I heard about Dreamcast netplay, but I'm also not very sure about that. I do know that you can connect your Dreamcast to private PSO servers already, though. Not sure if that's what you meany.

I'm currently done introducing every emulator that I planned to share my finds of. I am aware that I'm currently missing an Atari 2600 (WinUAE) and Intellivision (Bliss) emulators, both with Kaillera netplay. But I've never touched either for personal offline play before, so I can't really speak about them knowing what I'm talking about. If someone else can handle those, it'd be much appreciated.

I'm also lacking proper guides for the convoluted cryptic mess that is Mednafen, since it's the only emulator with Turbografx16, Supergrafx and PC-CD emulation with netplay. I barely figured out how to set a server, but I never got to make find settings for the game to be displayed at a proper resolution and not sound stuttery.

I'm also missing RetroArch for the Accuracy focused crowd; a more updated MAME version, since the one I posted is half a decade old; and MameHUB, which I couldn't even test because my computer couldn't handle it and the emulator folder itself kept scaling in size without me knowing what it was making it grow so big (it was around 700 MB by the time I uninstalled it).


I would like to continue this thread by posting tutorials on how to setup every individual emulator now.


The thread is a rough draft as-is. There is still some editing left to be done before it's considered "complete". I... would actually like to see what this wiki is about first before allowing this to be added, if I may. This was written by a shut-in wanting to socialize with strangers on the internet.
Most emulator threads I've seen are pretty elitist, and the contents of this thread would be a stark contrast to the overall strict, absolute, standardized mood in them. So, I dunno.

Link to this emulation wiki?

>> No.791004

Minor bump while I prepare the individual emulator set-up tutorials

Also, if you haven't already, you can join us at


For live feedback, help, matchmaking or just to chat. Be sure to at least idle for a (very long) while if you're looking to find someone to play. The IRC channel was just open, and it's gonna take a bit for it to take off if ever.

>> No.791257
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EDIT - I guess the previous section should have been:

c) Choosing your emulator

Just imagine I did, for now. I'll get to editing that in the next revision.


d) Setting up your emulator(s) for netplay

Now that you have an idea about what each emulator is capable of, I assume that you've already picked at least one from each category to try out with your friends/random strangers on the internet and have a couple of ports open, just in case as well.

Our next step is getting stuff ready to play with. It's not really hard to do without assistance, and I'm sure many of you have already figured it out. But I'd like to make this as complete a tutorial as possible. So, without further ado, let's begin.


Emulator: http://goebish.free.fr/snes9k/
Kaillera clients: http://www.mediafire.com/?o15hhi2stnnnijc

1.- Unpack the emulator wherever you want.
2a.- Replace the stock kailleraclient.dll inside the emulator folder with the multiplayer version (aug-2011) IF you want to play with more than 2 players, OR you have horrible ping while using the P2P version.
2b.- Replace the stock kailleraclient.dll with the P2P version (v0r6) IF you just want to play with 2 players AND you have a >100ms (>150ms tops).
3.- Configure your emulator: map buttons (physical controller preferred!), change resolutions (no fullscreen supported), apply filters (if you want them).
4.- MAKE SURE THAT EVERYONE HAS "sync Sound" ENABLED, but if you notice constant desynchs, have everyone disable it and see if that works.
5.- Load any ROM to test your controls and to set a default ROM directory path.
6.- Restart the emulator.
7.- Go to File, then click Play Kaillera Game.
8.- After your emulator is done checksumming your ROMs, a smaller new window will appear.

>> No.791296
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(if you're using the multiplayer client)

9a.- You'll see pic related. You can set your nickname here (preferrably use a "/vr/" tag to tell you apart from the regulars), and your Quit Message. Leave Connection Setting at LAN, and Change Mode at "2. Client"
10a.- Click Master Servers List, and look for a server that has the lowest ping for both you and your friends to play in, and enter it.
11a.- Once you're in, you'll see pic related. This is the public chat. You can join a Waiting Game on the list by double clicking it (if you joined the server with the same emulator and own the ROM they have), or create your own by Clicking the "Create" Button.
12a.- You'll see pic related. You can chat in-game privately with your friends here, while having several different options:

"Start" button starts the game for everyone, and should only be pressed by the host.
"Drop" stops emulation on your side only. It's used for when you want to restart emulation after a desynch.
"Leave" makes you leave the room, and if you're the Host, it closes the room (use this responsibly, as it may crash everyone else's emulator).
"Kick" does exactly that, except it permanently bans that person from your room as long as it's up.
"Lagstat" shows how many lag spikes each player has had since the game started.
"Lagreset" resets this counter.
"Record game" records controller input, so that you may watch your session some other time.
"Options" lets you set number of players that can join your room, highest ping allowed, amongst other miscellaneous stuff.
"Advertise" posts your game and number of players in your room on the public chat. Try not to abuse this as it is seen as a form of chat flood.

>> No.791374
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(if you're using the P2P client)

9b.- You'll see pic related. You can set your nickname here.
10b.- If you're hosting, remember to set your port to one that you know is open, then select the game you want to play from the list, and click Host.
11b.- If you're connecting, make sure "Let system allocate port when not hosting" is checked, then click the Connect tab, and write down the host's IP in the "Peer IP" box and click Connect.
12b.- You'll see pic related. You can chat here (???) while you're playing the game. You also have the following options:

"Click here when ready" allows you to start the game. Both people need to have this box checked in order to start.
"Record game" records all controller input so you can watch your game session later.
"Smoothing" comes in a drop-down menu with 3 options to smooth out choppiness at the expense of input lag.
"Enlist in waiting games list" when checked, shows your game on the Master Server list for others to join you in a P2P session (???).
"Whatismyip" shows your external IP, in case you haven't memorized it or you don't want to Google it (it didn't do anyhing on my side).
"Force Port" makes it so that anyone connecting to you has to use the same port you opened on your router in theirs.

>> No.791658
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Managed to get a game running using GGPO. It was pretty fun.

>> No.791667 [DELETED] 

guys its Robo, what happened

where did everybody go

>> No.792000
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sorry about the delay...i assume we are on different sides of the pond, hence why I never seem to catch you while you're posting.


Journeying WELL off-topic: The Dreamcast emulator with working netplay is Demu. It's still being actively developed,and game compatibility is pretty good. The Gamecube version of PSO is currently the only way to play online (via emulation). It's easier to simply use a real Dreamcast, or play the PC version (they are cross-compatible online).

Great work,OP. I admire and appreciate your efforts. If there's anything I'm able to assist you with, don't hesitate to ask. An in-depth /vr/ tutorial is long overdue. I don't mind answering questions/helping out, but helping with the same exact (and easily solved) problems everytime gets tedious sometimes.

>> No.792458
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So I have a static IP and I know how to forward ports, can I actually choose a game to play with someone?

I know someone out there wants to comp me in this.

>> No.792590


Glad you had fun. I had fun too. Too bad that it crashed my computer.


I'll take a look at the wiki sometime between today and tomorrow.

>The Dreamcast emulator with working netplay is Demu. It's still being actively developed,and game compatibility is pretty good.

That's nice to hear. But I personally can't test it as I'm currently on a crappy 9 year old computer.

>If there's anything I'm able to assist you with, don't hesitate to ask

If your computer is up for the task, you're free to playtest netplay for this emulator, MameHUB, RetroArch and Mednafen and write a report. If I ever get around to understanding how Mednafen works, I'll do it myself.

>An in-depth /vr/ tutorial is long overdue

I just hope that this effort is enough to get people to play console games online together. It's pretty frustrating when there's little to no response despite the handholding.

>I don't mind answering questions/helping out, but helping with the same exact (and easily solved) problems everytime gets tedious sometimes.

Thanks. Feel free to join our IRC channel and idle there if you want.


Yep. It's pretty straightforward. If you still need help or someone to play with, bump the thread with your request or idle on our IRC channel.

>> No.792601

I'm gonna call it quits for today and continue tomorrow.

I was half-way through writing a guide for the next emulator when my computer crashed, and then my internet went out for several hours, which I spent trying to fix. I'm pretty stressed, so... yeah.

If you have questions of any kind, feel free to post. Don't be shy about posting game requests too, you hear?

As a friendly reminder, you're free to join us over at #/vr/_Netplay in http://www.rizon.net/chat for general questions, setting up a game with someone else, idle or just to chat.

Take care everyone, and have a nice evening.

Would someone be so kind to bump the thread once or twice during the next 10-12 hours, please?

>> No.793117

Thank you for responding. I am >>790582 and >>790730 and >>792000I don't idle much, but you will see me :)

>> No.793141


do I need a supercomputer to run a n64 emulator with multiplayer capabilities?

>> No.793146


Not really. Why do you ask?

>> No.793157


No, I have an older Core 2 Duo and it's just fine. That should probably be the lowest anyone has right now who's running an emulator, but Pentium 4 isn't bad at it either.

What you need to make multiplayer more desirable is better internet. Wired connections are more stable (this is just what i believe)

>> No.793158


I'm on a toaster at the moment. this thing is a piece of shit. but i wanna play with my /vr/ bros and fuck shit up in mario party & kart

>> No.793162


PJ64's requirements are VERY low. Unless you're using a toaster from early 2000, you're good to go. Just don't expect to use OpenGL plugins if you have a shitty integrated card.

>> No.793198

IRC channel is giving me sh@! right now...but I'm good. I'm registered already.

As far as emulation goes, it's no problem as far as /vr/ goes. Saturn, 3DO and Dreamcast need "a little extra ", but anything from Playstation and on back is easily emulated on a PC, phone, tablet, or, if you catch a cheap deal, PSP.

>> No.793262

One last bump before bed.

>> No.793986

Morning bump. I'll be writing a tutorial for every emulator today. Hopefully.

>> No.794191
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Small bump. Got caught up playing Super Bomberman 3 with some anons from the thread.

Pic related.

>> No.794421 [DELETED] 

One more bump. Gonna start writing the rest of the tutorials this time. I promise.

As always, you can join us at


For questions, matchmaking or just to chat. You're welcome to stay and idle if you want.

>> No.794450



Use the (Jul-2011) client for multiplayer. NOT the (Aug-2011) which is prone to desynch.

This applies for EVERY EMULATOR THAT USES KAILLERA FOR MULTIPLAYER. Still, if one fails, try the other.

I have also included two different versions of the P2P Kaillera client. v0r7 is the one you should choose by default, but if that one doesn't work, use v0r6.

All 4 kaillera clients are included in this mediafire link:


I urge you to make a note of it.

Yes, yes. After I'm done with the thread, I'm editing and properly formatting it so it isn't confusing as fuck. I'm very sorry for this mess.

>> No.794459

One more bump. Gonna start writing the rest of the tutorials this time. I promise.

As always, you can join us at


For questions, matchmaking or just to chat. You're welcome to stay and idle if you want.

>> No.794590

Keep this thread alive. I will figure this out and get my other buddy to do it to. But i guarantee I will get frustrated if I try to do this right now.

>> No.794595
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http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/zsnes/zsneswv1.36.zip (for most Konami games)
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/zsnes/zsnesw142.zip (for everything else)

1.- Unpack the emulator wherever you want
2.- Configure your emulator: map buttons (physical controller preferred!), change resolutions, apply filters (if you want them)
3.- Agree on whether you will have sound on or off. If one has it but the other doesn't, the game WILL desynch
4.- Load any ROM to test your controls and to set a default ROM directory path
5.- Restart the emulator
6.- Go to Netplay, then click Internet

>> No.794597
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7.- Pic related will appear.
8.- Input the Port that you'll be using. It MUST be open both in your computer and router's firewall!! (UDP and TCP).
9.- Type in whatever nickname you want in the corresponding field

>> No.794602
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(if you're hosting)

10a.- Press Start as server
11a.- Pic related will appear
12a.- Share your IP to your friend, along with the port you're using (don't rely on what the "Your IP" field in the previous window tells you)
13a.- Wait for him to connect (it should take no more than 2-5 seconds)
14a.- If the connection is succesful, move on to the next step

>> No.794605
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(if you're connecting)

10b.- Ask your friend for his IP, port, and whether he will be using UDP or TCP
11b.- Input this data in the corresponding fields
12b.- Press Connect to Server
13b.- Pic related will appear. Wait for it to connect (it should take no more than 2-5 seconds)
14b.- If the connection is succesful, move on to the next step

>> No.794621
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- If the host gets a "Found Client" message with nothing happening within the next 15 seconds, or no message at all, make sure both people have their ports properly forwarded and try again
- If you still can't connect, both switch to TCP by unchecking "Use UDP instead of TCP" and try again
- If you still can't connect, use a different port and try again
- If you still can't connect, have your friend host and try again, using the previous possible solutions if necessary
- If you still can't connect, use a VPN like hamachi

>> No.794625
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15.- Pic related will appear (remember you can netplay fullscreen with this emulator!!)
16.- In addition to your regular emulator options, this window also has the following

"Chat log" where you can read your current conversation (in-game chat isn't recorded to this log).
"Chat box" where you can type whatever.
"Player Select" with boxes numbered 1-5. The checked box represents your controller(s) you'll be using, while the crossed one(s) are the ones the person your connected to will use (it is possible for more than 2-4 people to play on one computer of either end while netplaying). You can swap controllers by checking/unchecking the box you want.
"Latency" helps balance between choppiness and controller input.
"Back Buffer" No idea what it does.
"Save Data" gives you three options: 'None', which ignores SRM files; 'Local' which uses the host's SRM file; 'Remote' which uses the client's SRM file.
"Disconnect" ends the session.

17.- Once you've agreed on what to play, load a game normally and enjoy!


Press 'T' to talk, 'Esc' to Pause emulation. You can Reset, create and load Savestates as for both people as well.

>> No.794634


Might I remind you that I made this thread and IRC channel PRECISELY to answer any and all questions that might arise?

What seems to be the problem?

>> No.794767
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1.- Unpack the emulator wherever you want
2.- Configure your emulator: map buttons (physical controller preferred!), change resolutions, apply filters (if you want them)
3.- Go to Option, then click Folder
4.- Set your ROM and Save file folder paths, then click OK
5.- Restart your emulator (to save settings).
6.- Go to File, click Open and choose the game you want to play. Your friend should do the same
7.- Once the game is running, both players should go to File, then click Netplay. A new Window will appear
8.- Type in your Nickname

(if you're hosting)

9a.- Make sure you have port 10000 open in both your computer and router's firewall, both as UDP and TCP (or choose another open port)
10a.- Depending on how far away your friend is or your connection quality, adjust Latency (1 being "close to your location" or "great connection speed", 9 being "far away from your location" or "horrible conection speed"
11a.- Select "Server"
12a.- Click on Connect
13a.- Share your IP along with the port your using to your friend, and wait

(if you're connecting)

9a.- Ask your friend for his IP and port, and tell him where you're from and your connection quality
10a.- Input both numbers in the corresponding fields
11a.- Select "Client"
12a.- Click on Connect
13a.- Wait 2-3 seconds to connect (usually instantly)

As soon as both click "Connect", the game begins immediately and each will get a small chat box which you can use to communicate with each other. You can Reset, create and load Savestates for both people as well.

You can Pause emulation by clicking anything from the Menu bar, but there's a chance this will desynch the game. Use sparingly!

>> No.794850
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Kaillera Clients:

1.- Unpack the emulator wherever you want.
2a.- Replace the stock kailleraclient.dll inside the emulator folder with the multiplayer version (jul-2011) IF you want to play with more than 2 players, OR you have horrible ping while using the P2P version
2b.- Replace the stock kailleraclient.dll with the P2P version (v0r7) IF you just want to play with 2 players AND you have a >100ms (>150ms tops)
3.- Configure your emulator: map buttons (physical controller preferred!), change resolutions (no fullscreen supported), apply filters (if you want them)
4.- Go to Options, Paths...
5.- Set a path for Images (ROMs), Save Data and Savestates. Click OK.
6.- Restart the emulator.
7.- Go to Netplay, click Connect...
8.- On the following Window, click Add... and select the ROM(s) you want to netplay with. You will have to do this once for every ROM.
9.- When you're done adding ROMs to your list, press Launch.

If you're using the multiplayer client, follow the guide here: >>791296

If you're using the P2P client, follow the guide here: >>791374 (the related pic is slightly different, but functions just the same)

>> No.794859

EDIT - Not 100% sure if fullscreen is supported or not. Don't take my word for it.

>> No.794886
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That's it for tutorials today. Tomorrow I'll write some for Sega and N64 emulators, maybe even for that one PlayStation one as well .

Has this been of any help to anyone? Does anyone have any questions that haven't been answered by this thread's content? Did I make a mistake somewhere?

Friendly reminder that you can join us at


For questions, matchmaking or just to chat. You're welcome to stay and idle as much as you'd like. Here's hoping we can make netplay a regular thing for /vr/.


>> No.795365


Afternoon bump.

>> No.795392
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Come on and join us

>> No.795951

Evening bump.

>> No.796198

One bump before bed.

>> No.797079

Morning bump.

Will start working on tutorials shortly.

>> No.797453
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Kaillera Clients:

US Sega CD Bios:
JAP Sega CD Bios:
32X BIOS (M68k, Master and Slave):

1.- Unpack the emulator wherever you want.
2a.- Replace the stock kailleraclient.dll inside the emulator folder with the multiplayer version (jul-2011) IF you want to play with more than 2 players, OR you have horrible ping while using the P2P version
2b.- Replace the stock kailleraclient.dll with the P2P version (v0r7) IF you just want to play with 2 players AND you have a >100ms (>150ms tops)

Both multiplayer and P2P clients display gibberish entries in the ROM list amongst actual ROMs. Common sense is your best friend.

3.- Make a folder called "BIOS" inside your emulator folder and unpack all the BIOS files in that location
4.- Go to Option, click Bios/Misc Files...
5.- Set a path for each file, click OK
6.- Configure your emulator: map buttons (physical controller preferred!), change resolutions (no fullscreen supported), apply filters (if you want them)
7.- Load any ROM to test your controls and to set a default ROM directory path
8.- Restart the emulator
9.- Go to File, click Netplay

If you're using the multiplayer client, follow the guide here: >>791296

If you're using the P2P client, follow the guide here: >>791374 (the related pic is slightly different, but functions just the same)

Whenever you need to Drop from a game, press Ctrl+C, then Drop in the Kaillera window.

>> No.797520

Is this info being saved somewhere other than the foolz.us archive?
Like a netplay wiki or something?

>> No.797530


Don't know. Don't care.

The reason I'm writing this is to get people to PLAY VIDEOGAMES, not to archive information,

>> No.797547

Gens is total shit.

Get Kega Fusion instead, all you need is to have identical ROMs and know the IP number of whoever you are connecting to.

>> No.797583


I would appreciate that, before you unnecessarily bash things, you read the comparison section of this thread where I have already acknowledged KegaFusion's superiority (IMHO).

Despite that, I still decided to list and write a tutorial for Gens to demonstrate the various options people have to netplay with beside KegaFusion. If you haven't noticed the pattern yet, I'm listing 2 emulators from the same platform that accomplish netplay in different ways: one that relies on Kaillera (Gens), and another that uses it's own netcode. They both have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it's up to people to decide which one is best for their situation.

You're entitled to your own opinion, and that is a right that I won't force you to forfeit, but I must ask that you keep your elitist comments to yourself.

I'm currently writing a tutorial for KegaFusion, just as I promised yesterday I would. Please wait patiently while I do, as I do remember saying in the OP that I'd be writing these VERY slowly.

Why don't you post a request to play a game with someone instead of bitching about trivial things like /v/ would?

>> No.797678
File: 4 KB, 48x48, kega-fusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


US Sega CD Bios:
JAP Sega CD Bios:
32X BIOS (M68k, Master and Slave):

1.- Unpack the emulator wherever you want.
2.- Unpack every BIOS file within the folder called "BIOS" inside the emulator folder
3.- Configure your emulator: map buttons (physical controller preferred!), change resolutions (no fullscreen supported), apply filters (if you want them)
4.- Go to Options, Click Set Config...
5.- Click on the Sega CD tab, and set a path for each BIOS, then click Apply
6.- Click on the 32X tab, then set a path for each BIOS, then click OK
7.- Load any ROM to test your controls and to set a default ROM directory path
8.- Restart the emulator
9.- Load the ROM you want to Netplay with

>> No.797693

I like you.

>> No.797695
File: 159 KB, 648x906, 4b4de71a7e5637807b7ce3d9aee90cb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(if you're hosting)

10a.- Click File, highlight Netplay, then click Start Netplay Game
11a.- A small window will appear with the following options:

"Nick" where you can type in your nickname
"Players" where you can set up to 5 players (press click DOWN to increase)
A dropdown menu with 3 options - "Normal Play" where each player has their own controller; "Shared Port 1" where each player shares Controller 1; and "Shared All" which I have no idea what it does
"Latency" which is an adjustable slider to smooth out choppiness at the expense of input lag
"Bandwidth" which you should pick depending on your connection type (High meaning DSL, Low meaning Dialup)

12a.- When you're done fiddling with these settings, press Create (make sure you have port 5394 UDP open!)
13a.- Share your IP with your friend(s), and wait.
14a.- As people connect, the "Waiting for Players." section will start listing people and their ping.
15a.- Adjust the latency slider's value so that it's equal or close to the player with the highest ping
16a.- Once everyone's connected, click Start

(if you're connecting)

10b.- Click File, highlight Netplay, then click Join Netplay Game
11b.- A small window will appear with the following options:

"Nick" where you can type your nickname
"Server" Where you'll type in the host's IP (make sure you have port 5394 UDP open!)

12b.- Click Join and wait 2-5 seconds to connect (usually instantly) If you get a "Forcefully rejected" message, make sure you opened your ports in both your computer and router's firewall, and try again, or have someone else host.
13b.- If connection is succesful, you'll get a small message below the "Server"box that reads "Connected. Waiting for Game Start." along with a list of players and their pings.
14b.- Wait for the host to start the game

While in-game, press TAB to chat. Messages appear (and disappear very quickly!) in the bottom right side of the screen.

>> No.797730
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geez man, calm your tits.

>> No.797783
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Help us decide a game to choose

>> No.797865

I'm not OP btw. But an alternative option for Sega CD Bios is here:
And a supposedly complete version of Kega is here:

Don't bother with the Sega CD complete pack's, I couldn't get them to download properly. Just browse through the ISO's and pick the games you want (takes about 30-ish minutes per game).

>> No.797892


Thanks for your contributions. The US BIOS downloaded fine, so I assumed the rest would, so I recklessly posted those without checking.

>> No.798637

Afternoon bump.

>> No.798693 [DELETED] 
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bump because I love you /vr/

>> No.798791 [DELETED] 
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god damn why are we having a conversation about countries

>> No.798805 [DELETED] 
File: 371 KB, 625x477, dundun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does West Virginia have a confederate flag hat.

>> No.799065 [DELETED] 

Because West Virginia was forced to stay a part of the union. There is/was actually a strong confederate sentiment there. Same thing goes for Kentucky. Missouri, and to an extent, Maryland.

>> No.799081 [DELETED] 


OP here. I appreciate the thought but...


... these will derail the thread, and threaten to have it deleted. Please stay on topic.

>> No.799084 [DELETED] 

West Virginia isn't a real state.

>> No.799092 [DELETED] 

North Dakota and Minnesota are incredibly accurate.

>> No.799125 [DELETED] 

St. Paul > Minneapolis

>> No.799136 [DELETED] 

I'm a Fargoon, so you can keep both of them frankly.

>> No.799350 [DELETED] 

Evening bump

>> No.799364

Friendly reminder you can join us at:


where we just fool around playing Bomberman and other stuff. Feel free to join in for any questions, game requests or just to chat. You can idle all you want, don't be shy.

Here's hoping we can make netplay a regular thing for /vr/.

>> No.799501

Last bump before bed.

Tomorrow I'll write a tutorial for N64 and Playstation emulation.


>> No.800941 [DELETED] 

Morning bump

>> No.801185

I want to play online with you guys, but I cannot think of any console games that would be fun playing multiplayer on. Can I get some recommendations on games that would be fun to play online?

>> No.801191

Arcade games are usually pretty damn fun online. Other than that we have two player SNES games like Contra for example.

>> No.801196
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Mystical Ninja
Smash Bros
Kirby Super Star

>> No.801323


After testing the most recent of PJ64k, I've found that it's nowhere as good as the old package it was supposed to deprecate that was around since 2006. That said, the old 2006 build wasn't that great either, since it was based on an even older version.

Instead, I will only write a tutorial for PJ64 1.7 using AQZ. After testing it for a couple of hours, it's proven to have every bit of improvement that 2.0 has over older versions of the emulator, minus the annoying game breaking bugs that plague it.

Please disregard the post I just quoted. While the provided emulator DOES work, the aim of this thread is to provide emulators that work right out of the box reducing the ammount of configuration needed to get them up and running. You are still free to download that emulator, but I will no longer endorse it.

I'll begin writing a tutorial immediately.

>> No.801554
File: 14 KB, 90x103, Project_64_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PJ64 1.7
AQZ Netplay Plugin v0.20 Already included and enabled by default in the emulator, but you can use it with other N64 emulators if you really want to.

1.- Unpack the emulator wherever you want
2.- In the "Options" group, uncheck "Pause Emulation when window is not active?"
3.- In the "Plugins" group, select "AQZ Netplay v0.20" for your Input plugin for netplay (selected by default). You may switch to another plugin of your choice when playing offline by yourself
4.- In the same "Plugins" group, choose whatever Video plugin you want to use
5.- After clicking OK, go to Options, click Configure Controller Plugin...
6.- Select the input plugin of your choice, then click Configure and map your buttons to your controller/keyboard/whatever
7.- Go to File, click Choose ROM directory... and set a path to your ROM folder
8.- Once everything is ready, load the ROM everyone agreed on playing. A window will pop up
9.- Set your name by typing "/name WHATEVER" (minus quotes)

(if you're hosting)

10a.- Type "/server PORT"(minus quotes), where "PORT" is an open port in your router.
11a.- Share your IP and port to your friends, and wait for them to connect. MAKE SURE THEY LOAD THE EXACT SAME ROM VERSION
12a.- After enough people have joined, you may start the game by typing "/start" (minus quotes)

(if you're connecting)

10b.- Ask the host for his server IP and port
11b.- Type "/connect IP PORT" (minus quotes), where "IP" and "PORT" is the host's address and port respectively (note the space between IP and port).
12b.- Wait until the host starts the game

If you experience lag/choppy netplay, type /lag 'x', where 'x' is any value between 1 and 99 (a value between 7-20 is usually enough).

>> No.801683



- Go to Options, click Configure Audio Plugin...
- Check "Sync Game to Audio", click OK

>> No.801796
File: 560 B, 32x32, epsxe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ePSXe 1.6.0


Cyberpad 1.4

Kaillera clients:

A video plugin:

Eternal SPU 1.50b2

1.- Unpack the emulator wherever you want.
2a.- Replace the stock kailleraclient.dll inside the emulator folder with the multiplayer version (Jul-2011) IF you want to play with more than 2 players, OR you have horrible ping while using the P2P version.
2b.- Replace the stock kailleraclient.dll with the P2P version (v0r7) IF you just want to play with 2 players AND you have a >100ms (>150ms tops).
3.- Place SCPH7502 (unzipped) inside the "BIOS" folder inside your emulator folder
4.- Place your video plugin, Eternal SPU and Cyberpad in the "plugins" inside your emulator folder
5.- Configure your emulator: map buttons (physical controller preferred!), change resolutions (no fullscreen supported), apply filters (if you want them). Make sure you ONLY pick Digital or Analog, no rumble on, Multitap disabled and a blank profile for Controller 2
6.- Go to Config, then click Sound
7.- Click Configure
8.- Make the following configuration changes:

Audio device - Wave Mapper; Buffer size: 64
Audio Out Method - SPUasync; Async mode: Simple

Misc - Show realtime config window: blank; Cache VAG decode: blank
Fine tune: 0; Reverb: Off

Special game fix - Update before accessing register: checked

9.- Click OK to close this window and again to close Config Sound
10.- Go to Config, click Netplay. A window will popup
11.- In Select Netplay Plugin, choose CyberPad 1.4, then click OK
12.- Load a game

>> No.801797


If you're using the multiplayer client, follow the guide here: >>791296

If you're using the P2P client, follow the guide here: >>791374 (the related pic is slightly different, but functions just the same)


>> No.801809

Friendly reminder you can join us at:


where we just fool around playing Bomberman and other stuff. We're about to play some Smash Bros. You can find a thread about it here: >>801753

Feel free to join the channel for any questions, game requests or just to chat. You can idle all you want, don't be shy.

Here's hoping we can make netplay a regular thing for /vr/.

>> No.802187 [DELETED] 

Afternoon bump.

>> No.802837 [DELETED] 

Evening bump.

>> No.803101

So, rename those files to kaillera.dll and drop into each emulator's folder?

>> No.803108


Pretty much, and depending on whether you want multiplayer or just 2P. There's a small readme included in the pack.

>> No.803362 [DELETED] 

Late night bump.

>> No.803661 [DELETED] 

Bump before bed.

>> No.804659

Morning bump.

>> No.804710
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MAME32 Plus Plus


1.- Unzip the emulator
2.- Replace the kailleraclient.dll inside the "kaillera" folder in the emulator directory
3.- Place your game(s) ZIPPED inside the "roms" folder in the emulator directory
4.- Run the emulator, then press F5 to refresh your ROM list
5.- Go to file, click Kaillera Netplay...

If you're using the multiplayer client, follow the guide here: >>791296

If you're using the P2P client, follow the guide here: >>791374 (the related pic is slightly different, but functions just the same)

In order to configure your controllers, you need to press TAB once the game is running. Clear every key for Player 1 using "Esc", and only map the directional buttons, and buttons number 1 through 8, which should cover most standard games.

You may also chat in-game by pressing Home twice.

Also, you have to restart the emulator EVERY TIME you load a new game, or attempt to restart the current one. Else, you'll get a black screen.

>> No.804791
File: 51 KB, 256x256, kawaks1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kaillera Clients:

1.- Unzip the emulator
2.- Replace the kailleraclient.dll inside the "kaillera" folder in the emulator directory with the one called v0r7 it doesn't support Multiplayer clients AFAIK
3.- Place your game(s) ZIPPED inside the "roms" folder in the emulator directory (if it doesn't exist, create one)
4.- Go to File, click Load Game
5.- Check "only Available", then click both "Rescan All" and "Scan for new".
6.- Make sure the games you want to play locally/netplay appear on the list.
7.- Go to File, click Start Netplay

Then, follow the guide here >>791374

In order to set your controls, you need to go to do so while a game is running. Press 'T' to talk while in-game.

>> No.804840
File: 1 KB, 32x32, tgb_dual-479923-1322115830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TGB Dual Vol. 8.3.1

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need a VPN to netplay with this emulator. Download hamachi or Comodo VPN. Unless you can figure out what ports does this emulator use, there is no other way to play this over the internet besides VPNs.

1.- Unpack the emulator wherever you want
2.- Configure your emulator: map buttons (physical controller preferred!), change resolutions, apply filters (if you want them)
3.- Go to Options, click Folders
4.- Set a path for your save files and ROMs folders, click OK
5.- Go to File, click Netplay. A window will appear.
6.- In the ROM section, set the ROM you'll be using in the "Player" box, and the ROM your opponent will be using in the "Rival" box (unless you're both using the same ROM).

(if you're hosting)

7a.- Click Server
8a.- Type in a number between 1024 and 65535 in the Timeout field (1024 usually works just fine)
9a.- Click connect and wait

(if you're connecting)

7b.- Click Client
8b.- Type in your opponent's VPN IP
9b.- Click Connect and wait

10.- The status section will change to some other illegible gibberish and a status bar will appear (AFAIK, haven't used it in a very long time so I don't remember)

Once connection has been established, the game will start for both people and a small rudimentary chat box will appear. Enjoy!

Worth noting: the game will be choppy/laggy, and will still be somewhat playable at 150 ms. Anything beyond will respond too slowly to be playable. Be warned.

>> No.804891 [DELETED] 
File: 733 KB, 1058x1323, f1b67873e43732d3ceb0f939dc2e3087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with that, I'm done writing tutorials for every emulator that I know of. I will probably be experimenting with Mednafen within the next couple of days to add the option of also netplaying TG-16/SuperGrafx/PC-CD games as well.

Aside from properly editing this thread to mend mistakes and whatnot, I'm done for now. Thanks for reading. I hope this was of help to someone out there. I'm open to feedback on how to improve this, add stuff I might have missed, correct something or contribute with new finds.

A couple of afterthoughts:

- Emulator netplay is NOT perfect. Desynchs WILL occur very often. It sometimes takes several consecutive tries for the game to stay synched well enough to enjoy some multiplayer action. Do not be discouraged and try again.

- When netplaying, make sure not to have anything downloading (torrents, youtube videos, etc.)

- Also, try not to move the emulator window around, or switch focus to windows other than the chat/kaillera window and emulator, or you risk desynching the game

- I earnestly suggest getting a controller. Some emulators still register input from keyboards while your chatting on separate chat windows.

- Finally, MAKE SOME NETPLAY REQUEST THREADS. And bump them more than 2 or 3 times. The thread ain't gonna succeed on its own. You can bump the thread with official or fan artwork, or just dumping random retrovidya related images.

That's it for now.

Friendly reminder you can join us at:


where we just fool around playing Bomberman and other stuff. Feel free to join in for any questions, game requests or just to chat. You can idle all you want, don't be shy.

Here's hoping we can make netplay a regular thing for /vr/.

>> No.804904
File: 733 KB, 1058x1323, f1b67873e43732d3ceb0f939dc2e3087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with that, I'm done writing tutorials for every emulator that I know of. I will probably be experimenting with Mednafen within the next couple of days to add the option of also netplaying TG-16/SuperGrafx/PC-CD games as well.

Aside from properly editing this thread to mend mistakes and whatnot, I'm done for now. Thanks for reading. I hope this was of help to someone out there. I'm open to feedback on how to improve this, add stuff I might have missed, correct something or contribute with new finds.

A couple of afterthoughts:

- Emulator netplay is NOT perfect. Desynchs WILL occur very often. Choppy/stuttery gameplay is also very common, and sometimes we get controller input lag. It comes with the experience.

- It sometimes takes several consecutive tries for the game to stay synched well enough to enjoy some multiplayer action. Do not be discouraged and try again until it works.

- When netplaying, make sure not to have anything downloading (torrents, youtube videos, etc.)

- Also, try not to move the emulator window around, or switch focus to windows other than the chat/kaillera window and emulator, or you risk desynching the game

- I earnestly suggest getting a controller. Some emulators still register input from keyboards while your chatting on separate chat windows.

- Finally, MAKE SOME NETPLAY REQUEST THREADS. And bump them more than 2 or 3 times. The thread ain't gonna succeed on its own. You can bump the thread with official or fan artwork, or just dumping random retrovidya related images.

That's it for now.

Friendly reminder you can join us at:


where we just fool around playing Bomberman and other stuff. Feel free to join in for any questions, game requests or just to chat. You can idle all you want, don't be shy.

Here's hoping we can make netplay a regular thing for /vr/.

>> No.804946

>I'm done writing tutorials for every emulator that I know of
Does Visualboy [Advance] work with Netplay?

>> No.804952
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>> No.804967


1.- Not retro
2.- TGB Dual actually WORKS over the internet
3.- VBA-Link only works on the same computer or physical LAN

>> No.805334

>Not retro
>what is backwards compatibility

>> No.805403


I assumed that this anon here >>804946 implied GBA Link Cable emulation, to which I responded that it is neither within the board's theme, and dosn't work as well as TGB for internet multiplayer.

VBA can be used for Classic and Color Game Boy games, but the purpose of this thread is to provide the best or most reliable emulators that fulfill the purpose of allowing people to play over the internet.

>> No.805574

Can somebody archive this so we can go back to it?

>> No.805606


I wouldn't archive it yet, since it's a WIP. Needs editing and corrections, which I don't feel like making for the next couple of days.

>> No.805686

Any change of a bigger pic for wallpaper?

>> No.805814


Nope. That's the biggest one I found.

It's all pixelated. You could probably scale it up with no problems and wouldn't look too ugly.

>> No.805864

Bump for posterity.

>> No.806034

has OP post been made into a pastebin yet?

>> No.806459


Not that I know of, no. Mostly because, as I said earlier here >>805606 , this thread is pretty much a rough draft. I still need to correct it.

Why is it that people insist on archiving this thread, yet none of them actually want to play? That was the whole point of the thread.

>> No.806463


*so few of them actually play?


Sorry, I didn't mean to sound recklessly absolute,

>> No.806523

>Why is it that people insist on archiving this thread, yet so few of them actually play?
Because despite you going through and giving fairly simple tutorials for the emulators, many of us (myself included) cannot host due to various issues with our router. A task that is fairly tedious, or at least seems to be. Especially when you're not the only person on a network, or if you don't quite know how to use your router in the first place.

Also, a lot of people have already chosen what emulator they prefer to use, which is not always the one represented in this thread (znes vs snes9k, or TGB vs VBA). Thus requiring them to go through and set up their emulator/ROM's all over again.
Then there's also the issue that you both must be using the same ROM's. Which is not a major issue, but can be a setback for MAME users, or lazy people.
And finally, despite following your tutorials, sometimes things just don't work. I've tried to play Cadillac's and Dinosaurs online several times already, but just can't seem to get it to function.

>> No.806973

Late night bump.

>> No.807061
File: 334 KB, 848x477, z-net1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Anon familiar with Z-net?

>> No.807990


Yes, I am.

It's a matchmaking service that still requires people to forward their ports, and uses mIRC.

>> No.808553


Testing Mednafen.

>> No.808595
File: 402 KB, 1260x589, 1370117623758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet jesus, this is one hell of a thread. Good on you OP, i'd defiantly be up for some netplay some of these days.

Put this in a wiki or a paste and then maybe we can really get rolling with some gaming this summer

>> No.808621


I will. Taking a break at the moment, and still doing research. I'm testing Mednafen, cuz I sure as hell want to play 5-Player Dungeon Explorer with you guys (it's a Gauntlet-like game).

>> No.808630


>(it's a Gauntlet-like game).

Isn't there any Gauntlet 4p or was that the reboot?

>> No.808635


Nope. This is an independent series.

There was a 4P Gauntlet on the NES, and I think there was another on the Genesis.

>> No.808979


OP here. Just got done playtesting Mednafen emulating Dungeon Explorer for TG-16, and it worked surprisingly well.

I'll write a tutorial about it tomorrow.

>> No.808986

The NES version only supports 2, but the Genesis version (Released in the US as "Gauntlet IV" for some odd reason) has 4 player. And it has an incredible soundtrack by Hitoshi Sakimoto.

>> No.808996


Nope. Gauntlet 2 on the NES supports 4 players with Four Score.

>And it has an incredible soundtrack by Hitoshi Sakimoto

Well, god damn. Now I want to play that too.

>> No.809026

Oh, my mistake, I only ever played the first one on the NES, not the second.

And, yeah, the music to the Genesis version of Gauntlet alone makes it worth playing.

>> No.809038


We might get around to playing that with 4 people one of these days if you're interested. Hang around our IRC channel. I'm a bit hyped about having a way to netplay Dungeon Explorer on Mednafen right now, though, and I wanna give that a try since I played it alone as a kid.

Gonna make a thread about it in a couple of minutes.

>> No.809095

I'd love to do this, but I'm worried. If a Seperate IP adress is needed for every device, won't this fuck up everything connected to the router?

I'd rather not have my parents screaming at me when their devices go all wonky.

>> No.809109


You will be assigning a Static IP for the device you'll be forwarding ports for. It will only affect your own computer/device.

The only (unlikely) conflict that may arise is your computer/device suddenly sharing the same IP. Take a look at every device listed in your router, and pick an IP that is not currently being used by anyone.

>> No.809175

Damn OP, nice thread. I'd love to put all this into the /emugen/ wiki, we've started setting up pages for each emulator, so a guide and the pros/cons would be great. Went ahead and just added the port forwarding guide as a start. http://emulation-general.wikia.com/wiki/Port_Fowarding_Guide_For_Netplay

>> No.809201


Haven't proofread it yet, but have you made the pertinent corrections I've made special note of?

Also, is your wiki being actively posted on Reddit? I don't want to deal with meme spouters on our IRC channel.

>> No.809220

>Haven't proofread it yet, but have you made the pertinent corrections I've made special note of?
Yep, unless you've made more corrections later in the thread that didn't link back to what's being corrected.
>Also, is your wiki being actively posted on Reddit?
I hope not, and from the traffic it gets, I highly doubt it gets posted anywhere but /emugen/ and the odd thread on /vr/.

>> No.809229


I was talking about, for instance here >>786562

Is your wiki open for registration? I'd like to be able to correct/edit/add stuff as I find it when I have the time.

>> No.809236

Yeah I got that, and added the info for Linux.
>Is your wiki open for registration?
Yep, it's on wikia so anyone can join, and you can edit/add pages without registering.

>> No.809257


Gimme a holler in this thread or over on IRC once you're done. I still have one tutorial pending, and I'd like to proofread it one last time.

Thanks for your help. Remember you're always welcome over at our IRC channel.

>> No.809576

Midnight bump.

Also, clockworkyggdrasil, sorry for not answering your question. I wasn't at the keyboard at the time you asked your question. You're free to post about it here, or join us again tomorrow on IRC.

>> No.809919
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>> No.810497

Looks like i was using a bad version of kaillera... I'd like to try out when i'm not too busy.
also bump

>> No.810882

Bump. While write a Mednafen guide in a few hours.


Join us at our IRC channel, or make a netplay request thread. Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.811658

Afternoon bump.

Still toying with Mednafen.

>> No.811681

Anyone here have an opinion of multiplayer via snesbox? I've never done it, but it seems incredibly easy?

>> No.811694


Basically it's "SNES netplay for dummies". It's limited to 2 players, coded in java, and I think you need to register in order to keep your save files.

>> No.811751

I'm already registered, and am aware of the things you listed.

I doubt I'll get anything resembling a straightforward answer here without being treated like an idiot, so

>> No.811776


>I doubt I'll get anything resembling a straightforward answer

It's slow and very laggy. Not sure how prone it is to desynch, but the previous alone is enough to put most people off. It's also limited to 2 players, and whatever ROMs the website has available. This means that if you want to play specific hacks, you're fucked.

It still gets the job done, especially if you still can't open ports on your computer and router's firewall despite how this thread is dedicated to teaching you to do so.

Whatever gets the job done, I always say. Just don't expect people to speak highly of it, or its sibling project NESbox when there are (modestly) better options to netplay available.

>> No.811804


This page is new and is sorely in need of updating. I know nothing about netplay for emulators, so please, please update it.

>> No.811810

OP here.

I will get to that in a few days.

>> No.811836

Thank you, I appreciate the response.

I use their "load own rom" feature anytime I want to play a patched rom, but I doubt that functionality carries over into co-op.

In light of all that, I'll have to study up on the real mccoy and learn how to do it the right way.

>> No.811847


Sure thing. If you have any questions, feel free to post or drop by our IRC channel anytime.

>> No.812049

RetroArch's netplay is supposed to be lagless GGPO-style netplay, that works with any core that supports save states, according to the developers.

>> No.812861 [DELETED] 

Evening bump.

>> No.813515
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Arise, and be replenished by this necrobump.

>> No.813673 [DELETED] 

Late night bump-

>> No.814878 [DELETED] 

Afternoon bump.

>> No.815661

Another bump.

Writing info and tutorial for TG-16 emulation through mednafen.

>> No.815754
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Hudson's gambit in the old console wars of yore. Relegated to an unfortunate obscurity outside Japan, where it actually enjoyed moderate success.

Even so, TG-16 emulation has met with mixed results. Early attempts achieved it with some success, but left many games unplayable when emulator development stopped. For many years, Magic Engine was the only viable solution... for 20 bucks, that is. Fortunately, over the years, many independent developers have made it so that viable alternatives actually exist.

... which brings us to this post. Amazingly enough, I've found a pretty decent emulator that's both free, handles TG-16 emulation (amongst others) nicely AND supports netplay.



● It's a multiplatform emulator that handles PC Engine/TG-16, PC-FX, PC-CD, NES, Genesis, SNES and Playstation emulation for netplay
● It also handles Classic and Color Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, Atari Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket, Virtual Boy and Wonderswan emulation (you can only spectate when using netplay, though so NO FOUR SWORDS FOR YOU. STOP ASKING, GOD DAMMIT.
● You can make and load savestates
● Netcode allows for people to join a game that's already in session
● In-game chat
● Playing it fullscreen works (sometimes)


● Command-line only (you can use a frontend, though)
● Weird, convoluted settings (or lack thereof)
● SNES emulation will be slow to you if you're on a low-end computer (uses BSNES core)
● Playstation is inexplicably slow (haven't checked to see what core it uses, but probably has one that's focused on accuracy)

>> No.815760

If you wanted Four Swords online then you should use the VBA network edition someone made. I never used it online admittedly but it works fine for 4-player splitscreen (using 4 emulator windows running Four Swords).

>> No.815765

Mednafen uses its own PSX core focused on accuracy.

>> No.815775


This thread is focused on netplay, as in "online multiplayer". I'm aware that VBA-Link works locally, and on a physical LAN, but not over the internet (unless you have incredibly low pings).


Oh. Good to know.

Sucks that I can't handle it. Mednafen's netcode is fantastic.

>> No.815776

I didn't know Mednafen handled netplay in the PSX core. I thought it didn't even handle savestates yet... (It might just be a retroarch thing.)

>> No.815796


.... there's a good chance I might be wrong. I'm being a bit reckless here.

I'm assuming that, since TG-16 netplay has proven to be succesful, that it would inherently mean that netplay on every other emulated platform also worked. Didn't stop to think about such.

But wouldn't it just work like any other emulator, where you can just upload your savefile/mempak and have every player download and use it?

I admit that this needs further testing. But with my current computer specifications, I cannot test SNES or PSX emulation at the moment. It'd be awesome if someone volunteered to do it so we could document it better.

>> No.815810

Like I said, it might not even do savestates, so you couldn't sync it properly...

I could be wrong. I need to check on it all.

>> No.815874

Ah, my apologies then.

>> No.816258

Evening bump. I know I was supposed to write a tutorial DAYS ago, but I was still tinkering with stuff. A friend showed me a much better front end. Won't probably write anything till tomorrow.

>> No.816737
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Late-night bump for OP ENGAGED.

I would have been the coolest kid on the block with pic-related.

>> No.816942 [DELETED] 

2 AM bump.

>> No.817914

Noon bump.

>> No.818141

>Another multiplatform emulator with netplay that uses BSNES' core, in case some of you actually want extreme accuracy while netplaying.

It uses GGPO style netplay. How good is it? has anyone tried it?

>> No.818147


I've heard the same, but I can't vouch for it as I've never tried it.

>> No.818157

>I've heard the same, but I can't vouch for it as I've never tried it.

Yeah, that's what EVERYONE says. No one's actually tried it.

God damnit, someone set this up and try it now. I want actual testing to see if it works. In theory it could be the best netplay for several systems, like snes/nes.

>> No.818165


Make a netplay thread, then. Test something like Super Bomberman 5 or something.


We tested NES netplay through Mednafen, which uses FCEUX core, and it worked like a charm.

>> No.818976 [DELETED] 

Can you upload your epsxe setup with the specific plugins for it to work?

>> No.819061

Evening bump

>> No.819657
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@OP: You have been way more informative (and, I suspect, you've learned much more) than I ever expected you to. Kudos/congrats/many thanks to everyone that has contributed to this thread.

@OP again: Netplay/emulation across the various /retro/ consoles is much more easier than you thought it would be (Even though you told us you are working with a desktop-dinosaur), huh?

Bump for OP.

>> No.819702


I've been experimenting with several people who've generously offered their help on the provided IRC channel. We've made some breakthroughs, and discovered some neat things.

As it stands, Mednafen could easily deprecate NES netplay (theoretically, still need to test it with more than 2 players). It comes close to doing so against Kegafusion's and Gens netplay... if only because it currently supports 2 players.

We're still doing research, and enjoying every minute of it.

>> No.820309 [DELETED] 

Morning bump.

Just a reminder that we're still checking our options... and I might end up having to rewrite/scrap some stuff.

>> No.821530


Fiddling with RetroArch.

Mednafen tutorial pending.

>> No.822249

you are all so sexy to play with, I wish we could have sweaty showers.

>> No.823274

Midnight bump.

>> No.823508

Welp... RetroArch looked kinda promising. I mean, from what little I've tried it, it's been great. But pertaining the thread's topic (netplay), I've found that it is unfortunately P2P only.

I mean, it's great if you want to netplay with accurate emulation (via BSNES' core), but I honestly believed it deprecate SNES9k's usefulness for multiplayer (read: 3-5 player) netplay.

It's great for people who wish to netplay with accuracy (or something close to accuracy with SNES9x's core). But if you've already setup ZSNES for netplay and don't care much for accuracy or configuring another emulator, you're just as well off.

This, however, is just OP's own humble opinion. I will still write a tutorial for Retroarch eventually.



●Only supports 2 Players on Genesis.
●Frontend doesn't always save settings correctly.
●Frontend defaults to detecting compressed ROM archives instead of the actual ROMs (you can still load uncompressed ROMs by selecting "All files *.*" from the dropdown menu).

>> No.823601
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1.- Extract the emulator.
2.- Extract the frontend, and copy the following files over to the root directory of your emulator:

● MedGui.exe
● 7z.dll
● 7z64.dll
● SevenZipSharp.dll

3.- Run MedGui.exe
4.- You'll get a small window. On your left, you'll see two arrow buttons with a console/handheld icon in between. Choose your desired platform. Please note that only the following consoles allow for netplay:

● TG-16/PC Engine/PC-CD/SuperGrafx (option for both accuracy and fast cores)
● NES (FCE Ultra core)
● Genesis (heavily modified Genesis Plus core; experimental but mostly functional; 2 Players only)
● Master System
● SNES (very old BSNES core)
● Playstation (proprietary accuracy core)

The rest of the available platforms only allow you to spectate the host.

5.- Click the button with the blue lightning icon and look for the folder that contains your game(s). The emulator looks for compressed archives by default, but you can still load uncompressed files by clicking on the drop down menu
6.- Pick your game
7.- Click the button with a checkered red ball and joystick to start the game
8.- You'll then (very likely) get a message an update prompt. Click Yes, and wait
9.- Start the game. If it asks you to update again, ignore it and restart the emulator.
10.- While the game is loaded, press ALT + SHIFT + 1 to map your controller. You'll get several options per button (for example, UP 1, UP 2, UP 3, etc.). Just map the first one to your controller, and the rest to a key you'll never press. You will have to repeat this step for every emulator core
11.- Close the emulator

>> No.823602


12.- Click the arrow button on the right side of the window. It should expand it
13.- Click Advanced Mode
14.- Click the tab called Media/Network/Utility

(if you're hosting)

15a.- In the Netplay-Server section, you have the following options:

● "Max Clients", as in, the number of people that can connect to your server (not necessarily players; theoretically you can use this as a makeshift stream)
● "Conn. Timeout" which is the number of seconds you'll allow for your clients to attempt establishing a connection
● "Port" where you'll choose one an open TCP/UDP one
● "Password" which you can establish or leave blank

16a.- When you're done fiddling with your settings, click Create standard.conf
17a.- Click Create Server. A cmd window will appear
18a.- Click My IP to obtain your external IP address, and share it along with your port to your friend(s)
19a.- Launch the game
20a.- Press T, and type /server localhost
21a.- Wait for your friend(s) to connect

(if you're connecting)

15b.- In the Netplay-Client section, you have the following options:

● "Host", which is the server's IP you'll connect to
● "Port, which is the one used by the server (which you should also have open on your end)
● "Password", blank if there is none
● "Nickname" where you type whatever you want
● "Localplayer" is the number of players that will also be playing from one computer
● "Small font" which makes the chat font smaller

16b.- When you're done fiddling with your settings, launch the game.
17b.- Press T, and type /server IP_goes_here

You can chat in-game by pressing T. Also, remember that you can drop in and out of the game at any time, so you don't need to reset the game if someone accidentally disconnects.

There are way too many settings, commands and features to list, so take a look at the emulator's documentation.

>> No.823607


Please note that the provided frontend is pretty buggy, as it tends to ignore changes to audio/video settings and ROM paths, but there aren't many frontend options available to begin with. Someone on IRC found this:


Seems to be a bit better in some aspects, but it is buggy as well. They both accomplish the same thing in different ways, so use whichever you're comfortable with. Not writing a tutorial for this one, though. But it isn't much different.

>> No.823613
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At any rate, feel free to drop by at


For general questions, netplay matchmaking, or just to chat. We're pretty chill (despite how eccentric we may appear to be) and open to play mostly anything.


>> No.825074

what about ganoo linecs users like me?

>> No.825108

p much all of the emulators in this thread are also on linecs jsut use them

>> No.825729


>> No.826440 [DELETED] 

Late night bump.

Need to write a tutorial for RetroArch, then revising stuff that's already made its way to the wiki.

>> No.827921 [DELETED] 

Small bump.

>> No.829196
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I used to play Arcade games over the net with a buddy of mine. It was so much fun. Shadows over Mystara, Alien vs Predator, Battle Circuit, Dynasty Wars, Warriors of Fate... Those were good days.

We really, REALLY wanted to play all the Metal Slug games but we could never get it to emulate properly without desynch after a few minutes. It was infuriating and we finally gave up. We're gonna try playing it together again some time in the future, and if we still have trouble maybe I'll look for help around here.

>> No.829215
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By the way, if you haven't played Wild Guns and Sunset Riders with a bro, you owe it to yourself to do so as soon as you can. You won't regret it.

>> No.829717 [DELETED] 

Have you tried any of the kaillera clients I provided in this thread?

Since Metal Slug are 2 player games made for Neo Geo, maybe you should consider netplaying these through WinKawaks. I wrote a guide for it here >>804791

I can vouch for this emulator's quality, and the suggested kaillera client as well. I've used it myself to play these very games with other people as well. As long as you have less than 150 ms with your friend, you should be good to go.

Feel free to ask any questions here, or on our IRC channel.

>> No.829719 [DELETED] 


Have you tried any of the kaillera clients I provided in this thread?

Since Metal Slug are 2 player games made for Neo Geo, maybe you should consider netplaying these through WinKawaks. I wrote a guide for it here >>804791

I can vouch for this emulator's quality, and the suggested kaillera client as well. I've used it myself to play these very games with other people as well. As long as you have less than 150 ms with your friend, you should be good to go.

Feel free to ask any questions here, or on our IRC channel.

>> No.829720


Have you tried any of the kaillera clients I provided in this thread?

Since Metal Slug are 2 player games made for Neo Geo, maybe you should consider netplaying these through WinKawaks. I wrote a guide for it here >>804791

I can vouch for this emulator's quality, and the suggested kaillera client as well. I've used it myself to play these very games with other people as well. As long as you have less than 150 ms with your friend, you should be good to go.

Feel free to ask any questions here, or on our IRC channel.

>> No.830745

Several of these can be played over GGPO or Supercade. If you can forward your ports, have you tried those?

>> No.832082
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>> No.833089

Just get Supercade
One of you has to open the port 6000 on your router, then make an account, and then put the rom files in the rom folder and then you're all set

>> No.833101

Anyway to fix the constant freezing while playing Super Bomberman 5 on ZSNES 1.42n?

>> No.833118
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I love you, /vr/

>> No.833123


You don't. You use ZSNES 1.36 for Bomberman games.

OP here. Forgot to add that to the ZSNES tutorial AND emulator description.

>> No.833207


PS1 netplay doesn't work on it right? I heard it would need savestates, and it doesn't have those. Shame.

>> No.833206

>But if you've already setup ZSNES for netplay and don't care much for accuracy or configuring another emulator, you're just as well off.

You still have to deal with the problems of zsnes, which can mean games freezing or other game breaking bugs. Zsnes should be phased out as much as possible, and if other emulators can do netplay, then that's a good thing. Also I don't think zsnes has ggpo style netplay.

>> No.833224


>You still have to deal with the problems of zsnes, which can mean games freezing or other game breaking bugs

True. There's still always workarounds like using specific emulator versions. At any rate, I haven't discarded it yet completely. I will cover it in this thread eventually.

>should be phased out as much as possible

Despite it's age, I believe it deserves a spot in this thread if only to serve as an alternative or "last resort" for people desperate to netplay, even at the expense of accuracy. It is still reliable enough to be considered an option.


I haven't extensively tested RetroArch's netplay, or used many of its cores for that matter. I can't really give you an honest, well informed answer until then.

I've heard that it doesn't like Memory Cards over netplay, though.

>> No.834141

You'd benefit a lot of people if you also added this information here:


>> No.834880

>Mednafen's netcode is fantastic.

Better than Retroarch's?

>> No.834875

>● Playstation is inexplicably slow (haven't checked to see what core it uses, but probably has one that's focused on accuracy)

Mednafen PSX is original. It is native resolution and high accuracy. It needs 2.0 Ghz to run minimum. Several of their cores are original. Read more:

>> No.834895

>I admit that this needs further testing. But with my current computer specifications, I cannot test SNES or PSX emulation at the moment. It'd be awesome if someone volunteered to do it so we could document it better.

What kind of craptop do you have?

>> No.834909

>Despite it's age, I believe it deserves a spot in this thread if only to serve as an alternative or "last resort" for people desperate to netplay, even at the expense of accuracy. It is still reliable enough to be considered an option.

That shouldn't be needed. Snes9x has netplay right? That should be better than zsnes'. And Retroarch definitely has it, and you can use the Snes9x core.

>> No.834914


My stance is that Zsnes and epsxe should be completely phased out entirely, and shouldn't be recommended for any reason.

>> No.834928

>Only games specifically made or modified

False. You can netplay any game that the FBA Emulator supports. Real talk. If we're talking using the GGPO Adobe AIR Frontend for the emulator as a matchmaker, it's simple. That's how people persisted to play 3s on there despite it being removed from the games list (Karnov's Revenge was the new room for most of the regular players.)

All you have to do is rename the rom file to what room you're entering. The emulator is told by the GGPO Air frontend what the name of the romfile is to open, not telling it what specific game it is. FBA Will scan the designated romfile, find the header information and the actual encoded rom, load the proper files, and you're good to go.

I've played through just about every single Beat 'em up that FBA Supports with my girlfriend.

>> No.834938

Retroarch is using a large portion of Mednafen's netcode I believe.

>> No.834945


They should probably merge those projects. RA seems to be the successor to Mednafen.

>> No.834954

So wait, are you saying that you can play any game outside the ones specified in the games list...?

>> No.834965

Take a gander at the supported games list for Final Burn Alpha, the emulator GGPO uses on the PC. Every single fucking game in that list is netplayable via GGPO because of the fact GGPO isn't using a P2S type of netcode, it's P2P, and it's working to eliminate the middle man as sort of a Game Ranger esque Matchmaker for the FBA Emulator.

Every game used by FBA Can be played on GGPO, for the exception of like, five or six, due to the unique rom requirements and a few not working at all.

>> No.835000


>Final Burn Alpha

First I heard of it. Is it better than Mame?

>> No.835565


>My stance is that Zsnes and epsxe should be completely phased out entirely, and shouldn't be recommended for any reason

Might I remind people that this thread is to setup netplay and get people to play together, not about emulator wars? If the elitist in you compels to fight pointless battles, then make your own thread.

I CANNOT deny RetroArch's overall superiority, but I WILL NOT eliminate ZSNES because it's still a viable option for people on low-end computers who just want to play online. Besides teaching people how to port forward and setup their emulators for netplay, the purpose of this thread is to gather people to play together, not to separate them over something as silly as emulator preference.

People will use whatever they want and feel will satisfy their needs. And that's OK, because I WANT people to play together.

I regret making the post that started this argument, simply because it was more of a soliloquy than a point to be taken for discussion. I will keep these comments to myself from now on.

RetroArch's tutorial is still pending.


The kind that the /v/irgin inside you would find irresistible to point and laugh at with generic reaction images.

>> No.835632

>The kind that the /v/irgin inside you would find irresistible to point and laugh at with generic reaction images.

I'd recommend upgrading, since 2.0 Ghz dualcore is the recommended minimum for Mednafen psx, and that's not too high. You can probably find something cheap that's way better.

>> No.835641


Believe me. I am working towards that. The limitations I have to work with right now compromise my research so.

>> No.835646

>RetroArch's tutorial is still pending.


I made the wiki page since someone asked why there wasn't one. However, I really couldn't add much to it myself since I'm clueless on the netplay aspect. But the wonderful thing about Wikis is that they attract lots of different people who contribute. They are wonderful group projects. Love it.

Keep up the good work.

>> No.836470

For netplay, you must specify whether you will be hosting (server) or joining (client) the game. If joining, you must also enter the host's IP address in the field below. Make sure your firewall is open on port 55435 (default; you can change it if you like) and that the port is forwarded in your router, if applicable. You can also specify 'spectator mode,' which will allow an arbitrary number of spectators to join and watch you play without being able to play themselves.

Delay frames denotes the maximum number of frames RetroArch will need to emulate at once to maintain synchonization due to actual network latency. You can figure out an appropriate ballpark for this number by pinging the other player and dividing the time (in milliseconds) by 16 (roughly the number of milliseconds in a frame from a game running at 60 fps). If the gameplay is a bit choppy, try increasing the number of delay frames a bit.

Similar to the GGPO platform, RetroArch creates a constant stream of savestates which, along with button presses, are exchanged and compared between the server and client machines. If the savestates start to diverge, the game rolls back in time to a point where they both agree and then emulates the missing frames all at once to get back to the appropriate spot. This gives the illusion of completely lagless inputs, which is invaluable for twitchy, fine controls.

If you try to connect to a server and it immediately says client disconnected, open your log and make sure your ROMs match exactly (it will complain about a hash mismatch otherwise). If it gives you a weird time-out error, just close the window and try to connect again and it should work itself out (sometimes excessive spikes in network latency can cause the states to diverge catastrophically, resulting in this error).

>> No.836552

Godlike thread, thank you for all of this info

>> No.836602

Define "Better"

FBA has been around for awhile, pretty multiplatform too. AFAIK, it only supports a specific set of boards, sort of designed to be the better, open source big brother to Kawaks and Nebula, meaning

>CPS 1/2, 3 Support is split on good and bad, pretty stable, one of the few MAME types that can support it
>Konami boards

And there's one ortwo others that I can't recall at the moment. It's a variant of MAME, not as massively configurable as that, but it's fairly open source as I said, you can pretty much put money on, if there's emulation support for a platform, there's a version of FBA available for it.

>> No.837037
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Welp... at least we tried.

Long story short, there was this one see-saw section that required both of us to take turns jumping up and down. But for some reason, Mickey here got shot right up into the air really high, hit a wall he wasn't supposed to hit and clipped right through it where he got stuck in an invisible box.

And we were so close to finishing the game, too.

>> No.837042

the reason was because I pressed jump

>> No.837443

Morning bump.

>> No.837461

I have this link in my bookmarks, I think it's from /vg/ and seems that they have stopped updating. Maybe it has some info you can use.

>> No.837473

Replaced by a wiki. Which has already been mentioned. Everything here is better than what was there, so I hope it gets added or is.

>> No.837494

Damn how anticlimatic, look up a password and start that level over!

>> No.841631 [DELETED] 

Late night bump.

>> No.844051 [DELETED] 

Afternoon bump.

Experimenting with RetroArch.

>> No.844271

Thank you to all who are testing and adding to the Emulation General wikia. These sorts of Wiki projects survive and thrive just because of individuals contributing to it.

>> No.845879 [DELETED] 

Evening bump.

>> No.846219 [DELETED] 

Morning bump.

>> No.847242

Noontime Bump.

Not OP but very well versed on the topic. Any questions?

>> No.848606

Evening bump.

>> No.850798
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Eighteen days and counting. Good on you, OP. Biggie bump.

>> No.851986

get in the irc so I can ask questions quickly

1 sister 400 miles away, 1 sister 10 feet away on a laptop on our house's wireless router, me. Bomberman. How do?

It seems I cannot open ports for my closer sis seeing as we have the exact same IP.
I'd much rather not connect to a kaillera server if at all possible.

(also, bump)

>> No.853040

Not OP, but use Google to find the address for your specific router/modem (I assume most people that ask this question have that weird modem/router combo prodived by your Internet/cable company). Once there, you can adjust settings quickly.

>> No.853052
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*provided. I despise my laptop's keyboard.

>> No.856238
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MAMEHub should probably have its own tutorial by then, since it's so awesome.. then again, that frontend could use a lot of work

Then we can go head to head in Atomic Punk/Dynablaster/Bomberman World or Neo Bomberman


also lazy bump