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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 139 KB, 398x435, max-payne-writer-and-model-can-still-pull-the-face-perfectly-19-years-later.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7856613 No.7856613 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it is Max Payne

>> No.7856619

wack the sucka

>> No.7856654

For me its Payne Max.

>> No.7856661

Ladies and gentlemen, it's the pain in the butt!

>> No.7856665


>> No.7857146


>> No.7857153

I hate the fact they replaced Sam Lakes face in Max Payne II. Ruins an otherwise great game for me. Sam Lake IS the Face of Mr Payne.

>> No.7857162

Did you make that up yourselves or did you get some wino downstairs to come up with it?

>> No.7857215

Should I play 2, or just pretend the first game is the only one that exists?

>> No.7857220

Don't answer that.

>> No.7857228
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>> No.7857238
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>I hate the fact they replaced Sam Lakes face in Max Payne II. Ruins an otherwise great game for me. Sam Lake IS the Face of Mr Payne.

The reason why Sam Lake no longer used his face for Max Payne had everything to do with 3DRealms and Remedy selling their shares in the Max Payne franchise to Rockstar. Sam Lake was replaced by an actor named Timothy Gibbs.

>> No.7857247
File: 272 KB, 1013x400, maxpayne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should I play 2, or just pretend the first game is the only one that exists?

2 is a fine sequel. If you liked the first game, there is no real reason not to play Max Payne 2. And if you don't like Tomothy Gubbs face, use the Max Payne 1 mod skin? IDK. The MP1 model does look weird in MP2, as it does not have any lip syncing or cinematic models.

>> No.7857289

Not only play 2, also play Alan Wake and Control. Control is the best new era game I've played.

>> No.7857292

>2 is a fine sequel. If you liked the first game, there is no real reason not to play Max Payne 2. And if you don't like Tomothy Gubbs face, use the Max Payne 1 mod skin? IDK. The MP1 model does look weird in MP2, as it does not have any lip syncing or cinematic models.

The biggest complaint I had with Max Payne 2 was the lack of Sam lake. I didn't like the look of the new guy. But outside of that. Max Payne 2 still uses the same game engine, but with many more enhancements including DX9 from DX8.1, Havok Physics engine for ragdolls and random items you can knock around, the engine adds cinematic models for in game cutscenes. But the core gameplay still plays like MP1 with some slight gameplay tweaks to the bullet time. In max Payne 2, Max can go into a sub-level bullet time where he moves even faster. The game adds NPC's and there are sections where NPC's will help you. Which is neat. Story goes for a love story. It's not a bad premise. The core game is great. Plus MP2 added Dead man Walking, which is basically a survival mode, and New York Minute, which is like a speed run mode. The PC version even has development tools that were officially released by remedy online for modding. Like a level editor, model viewer/ animation editor and other things. Max Payne 1 PC had those as well.

>> No.7857295

>Tomothy Gubbs

Best typo ever? That was not intentional.

>> No.7857332

It hurts me when I think that Max Payne will probably end up as a forgotten series. I fucking hate Rockstar, and I hate the sort of low standards that cause people to call GTA5 or RDR2 good games.

>> No.7857416

>I hate the fact they replaced Sam Lakes face in Max Payne II. Ruins an otherwise great game for me. Sam Lake IS the Face of Mr Payne.

I'm a little surprised that Sam Lake didn't try to work a face change into the plot. It is a film-noir/ John Woo trope. But instead they just didn't acknowledge it. I guess they would have had to change Max Payne's identity for that plot to work. Max Payne 3 did do this better, by using James McCafrey as the character likeness. Sam is still my favorite.

>> No.7857465

>wack the sucka

> *Whistles tune*

>> No.7857635

I don't think there's room for a new game with Max. 3 was already stretching it, although I liked the game.

>> No.7857663

I didn't play 3, it looked like shit and the only connection I felt it had to the first two games was the name and character

>> No.7857679
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>It's Payne!
And so on and so forth.

>> No.7857686

Give it a shot. It's not perfect, but worth a playthrough. The atmosphere is definitely much different, but it's still a very dark and serious game. Even though it may not look like it.

>> No.7857724

>And so on and so forth.

It's actually quite lethargic when replaying the OG game. I love the mafia banter, battle cries and death throws.

>> No.7857957


>> No.7857989

I remember playing Max Payne when it first came out and bullet time being all the rage and everything; had a fucking blast with it and tons of fond memories from the era.

About a year or two ago I tried to give the game a spin again because nostalgia and my goodness has it not aged well. Don’t get me wrong I’m a huge retro freak and I definitely play way more Doom II than I should but while Doom II’s sprites have aged gracefully Max Payne’s graphics and lighting just seems so… off. Even Quake’s (1, 2 & especially 3) 3D models have aged so much better. I don’t know how to describe it really, there’s just something about Max Payne’s specific art style that doesn’t work for me anymore, even the original Deus Ex — another game I replay on a yearly basis — aged better. Maybe I’m just retarded and doing something wrong, though I’ve just leaned there’s a rather recent-ish texture pack for Max Payne that seems worth checking out. How does everyone run this game these days in terms of enhancements?

>> No.7858005

>How does everyone run this game these days in terms of enhancements?

Frankly, with older games I only use widescreen patches and just accept how they look. Yes, some of them aged badly, but if you don't think about it and start playing, it's fine. It's funny, because with certain games I enjoy them more now that I don't think about the visuals, because they're crap by today's standards anyway.

There's one exception however. The early 3D forced in games that would be completely fine if they were isometric 2D (RTS etc.). It just triggers me immensely to the point that I can't get over it.

>> No.7858013

>Frankly, with older games I only use widescreen patches and just accept how they look. Yes, some of them aged badly, but if you don't think about it and start playing, it's fine.
That’s typically me, I much prefer to not fuck around with enhancements for the most part — especially “improved” models — since the overwhelming majority of them fuck with the original feel of the game. Texture packs are like the hard limit for me, since they do make playing some games a little more pleasing with the hugeass monitors we have today. But I don’t know Max Payne seems to look particularly crap compared to just about everything else I’ve played. Like I play Quake 1 with nothing more than a source port and still go out of my way to turn most modern effects off, but I seem to get a fucking migraine when trying to play Max Payne today.

>> No.7858030

I don't know Anon. Maybe it's that weird spot for you where the visuals are too bad and too good at the same time, so they bother you, but you can't desensitize yourself.

>> No.7858316

>Frankly, with older games I only use widescreen patches and just accept how they look.

same except its entirely because i hate most graphics mods look for older games, it just makes the game look cheaper and reminds me of those GTA SA BRAZIL ENB 4K mods that put dumb bullshit and make all the surface just wet for no reason

>> No.7858324

The latter

>> No.7858463

but...but wasn't mad Payne 3 by Rockstar and 2 was still remedy so what you are saying doesn't make sense.

>> No.7858475

Problem is most graphics mods lack visual consistency original game has, so everything looks dumb and out of place.

>> No.7858482
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>even the original Deus Ex — another game I replay on a yearly basis — aged better.

This is the craziest shit I've ever heard, anon. Can't understand that at all.

>> No.7858596

actually they replaced the face model because they had a higher budget for 2 that allowed the usage of actual actors instead of game dev studio staff members and random vending machine repairmen they also scanned for goons.

>> No.7858603

Of course you should, it's a good game. Never play 3 tho. No Remedy no Payne

>> No.7858623

Is max payne good in 2021?

>> No.7858626

Games don't age, Max Payne will always be good

>> No.7858632
File: 65 KB, 985x636, do not want.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For me

>> No.7858928

3 sucked major ass, but most of /v/ can't handle this fact

>> No.7858956

>but...but wasn't mad Payne 3 by Rockstar and 2 was still remedy so what you are saying doesn't make sense.

Remedy and 3DRealms sold the rights to Rockstar before the completion of Max Payne 2. Sam Lake didn't wan to use his face after they sold the game rights. Take 2 published Max Payne 2. The first Max Payne was published by a group called Gathering of Developers. But Take 2 bought GoD and became publisher for part 2. 3D realms owned a stake in max Payne because they partially funded it.

>> No.7858985

>actually they replaced the face model because they had a higher budget for 2 that allowed the usage of actual actors instead of game dev studio staff members and random vending machine repairmen they also scanned for goons.

That is also true. But also, probably a good time to change to a professional actor. It's funny, I use to visit the Max Payne forums regularly. I remember when the first magazine scans for max Payne 2 were posted on the forums, and the general response was a big "what the hell!" and "wack em!". Nah. But it was very mixed with a lot of confusion over the new look. Game looked better than the first at least. I don't mind Timothy Gibs. the game is great.

>> No.7859013
File: 84 KB, 1020x1449, R8713c28d4e1483c06b3e959f1deec914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder of Rockstar ever considered Mark Wahlberg as the likeness for Max Payne in the third game?

>> No.7859070
File: 3.90 MB, 3840x2160, maxpayne1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the craziest shit I've ever heard, anon. Can't understand that at all.

This screenshot was made by pausing the PC game and letting the camera spin around. The only mod used is the widescreen one. Max Payne supports any resolution your monitor will allow. But the game will still be locked in 4:3 aspect ratio.

>> No.7859071


>> No.7859094
File: 1.96 MB, 3840x2160, maxpayne2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Max Payne 2 with a widescreen mod. This screenshot shows off cinematic models. Max Payne's pose was made for this one camera angle.

>> No.7859104
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>> No.7859110
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>> No.7859119
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>> No.7859171

literal quotes from the game retard

>> No.7859223
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>> No.7859398
File: 80 KB, 640x640, gba_max_payne_p_zjwizb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone play the GBA port of Max Payne? I played a few minutes of it, but need to get a physical cart, considering the PC/Xbox/PS2 version is in my top three favorite games ever.

I liked the movie. Only paid $1.99 for the DVD at Big Lots and it was pretty damn entertaining.

>> No.7859445
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>> No.7859460

>samsung CRT with popup control panel
>elsa logo
>younger Sami with the most late 90s haircut ever
Shit's comfy.

>> No.7861138

2 is good. It's one of the saddest and generally most genuinely emotional video games ever made. It also looks nice and has some good humor and great combat.

I prefer 1, but I've played 2 through multiple times as well. I'd recommend both of them.

>> No.7861172

there's a mod for 2 that returns the bullet time to the way it was in 1, it's not perfect, enemies are a little too accurate for mp1 speed, but it's certainly better than how stupidly overpowered it is in vanilla.

>> No.7861190

two criticisms of 2's story:
1. The way mona and max interact makes it seem like they previously had an on again off again relationship instead of just two momentary encounters, not that the romance couldn't still work with their history but they just seem weirdly nonplussed and familiar if you had just played the first game. At the point where Mona casually walked into Max's place eating an apple their on screen relationship comprised less than a minute.

2. The amount of brooding in the game about Max's guilt over Winterson seems completely unjustified by the reveal. Max stops an obvious setup and then almost immediately afterward is proven right in doing what he did. At worst it was a neutral action.

>> No.7861197 [DELETED] 

>This is the craziest shit I've ever heard, anon. Can't understand that at all.

The MaxFX engine that was designed for Max Payne was used for the original Futuremark 3DMark bench marking software:

It was used in the first five benchmarks. 3DM99, 3DM99 Max, 3DM00, 3DM01 and 3DM01SE. Each version showcases different upgrades and switches to different versions of DirectX. The last games that Remedy used the MaxFX engine in were Alan Wake and American Nightmare.

>> No.7861198
File: 502 KB, 922x595, maxfx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the craziest shit I've ever heard, anon. Can't understand that at all.

The MaxFX engine that was designed for Max Payne was used for the original Futuremark 3DMark bench marking software:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovBUb_Yr_iw&t=348s [Embed]

It was used in the first five benchmarks. 3DM99, 3DM99 Max, 3DM00, 3DM01 and 3DM01SE. Each version showcases different upgrades and switches to different versions of DirectX. The last games that Remedy used the MaxFX engine in were Alan Wake and American Nightmare.

>> No.7861523

>actually they replaced the face model because they had a higher budget for 2 that allowed the usage of actual actors instead of game dev studio staff members and random vending machine repairmen they also scanned for goons.

Also, when the game was released, people were making fun of Max Payne's gassy-constipated expression. It makes some sense that they would put a little more money into the sequel. But at the same time, I remember devs at Remedy saying that they spent a long time on Max Payne 1 (though they were able to create part 2 much quicker) and wanted to move on to a new project.

>> No.7861570

Why do you hate MP2 so much?

>> No.7861585

gameplay is broken.

>> No.7861650
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>The MaxFX engine that was designed for Max Payne was used for the original Futuremark 3DMark bench marking software

The MaxFX engine was used in one games that I was unaware of. Max FX has always been a DirectX engine, but they constantly changed the DX renderer.

> 3DMark99 - uses the earliest public version of MaxFX. Uses DirectX6.
> 3DMark99 Max - Updated with DirectX6.1 features
> 3DMark2000 - Second version of MaxFX with DX7
> 3DMark2001 - Released months before Max Payne 1. Uses DX8.
> Max Payne - I think this is the same engine as 3DMark 2001. Uses DX7 for the menus. but DX8 for the game.
> 3DMark2001 SE - The last time MaxFX gets used in 3DMark. This was released in 2002, and has Havok physics and DX8.1 rendering.
> Max Payne 2 - 2003. Incorporates Havok from 3DMark 2001 SE and launched with DX9.
> El Matador -2006 - licensed game, uses the Max Payne 2 engine unmodified. Direct X 9.
> Alan Wake - Was released as an Xbox exclusive in 2010. Released on PC in 2012. PC version uses DirectX10 and pixel shader 3.
> Alan Wake: American Nightmare - released 2011 on XBLA and 2012 on PC. Uses DX10 as well. I think it is the same engine as AW.

>> No.7861765


>> No.7861815

>> El Matador -2006 - licensed game, uses the Max Payne 2 engine unmodified. Direct X 9.
It looks rather meaningfully upgraded from payne 2, using self shadowing, aggressive shader distortion effects, etc.

>> No.7861971

it's too short and easy

>> No.7862081

>It looks rather meaningfully upgraded from payne 2, using self shadowing, aggressive shader distortion effects, etc.

Max Payne 2' s engine can do those effects too. The game came out in 2003 and didn't push the DX9 shaders hard.

>> No.7862152
File: 157 KB, 901x1200, 65302163-7BE1-4ECE-8D97-D4F9A5294317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like he’s in a lot of ‘payne’ there, straining to take a huge shit!

>> No.7862240

>It looks rather meaningfully upgraded from payne 2, using self shadowing, aggressive shader distortion effects, etc.

They may have wrote a lot of new shaders for El Matador that weren't in the original game engine. I think they licensed the Max Payne 2 engine from Remedy and made their own upgrades. The minimum system requirements are much higher too in El Matador. It is an upgrade.

>> No.7862274


I have never played the game, yet. I think I will track down a copy. Watching the footage, that is definitely the Max Payne game engine. It even has a shortened version of bullet time. The game is using a lot more normal mapping/ shadow/shader effects not seen in Max Payne 2. The gameplay looks very MP1-like.


>> No.7863756

>>>7856613 (OP)
> He looks like he’s in a lot of ‘payne’ there, straining to take a huge shit!

Constipated and gassy. Sam Lake has still got it.

>> No.7863762
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>they had a higher budget for 2 that allowed the usage of actual actors instead of game dev studio staff members and random vending machine repairmen they also scanned for goons.

Did you ever notice that Nicole Horne looks a bit like Max Payne? She was played by Sam Lake's own mother for the graphic novel cut scenes.

>> No.7863786

he looks like a complete chad