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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7840721 No.7840721 [Reply] [Original]

Rank these or tell me your favorite series:

R-Type, Gradius, Raiden, Donpachi, Darius, Xevious, Strikers 1945, Aero Fighters, Thunder Force, Radiant SilverGun, Ikaruga, Fantasy Zone

>> No.7840918

My favorites are Thunder Force 4 and Thunder Force AC and Fantasy Zone 1&2 but those are all nice serieses

>> No.7840990 [DELETED] 
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I prefer the trad shmups with checkpoints, low shot rates, fast patterns, fat hitboxes, and takes a while to get fully powered up. Modern "bullet hell" shooters dumbed all of these fundamentals down unfortunately which turns me off of them.

>> No.7841003

Same here, anon.

>> No.7841007
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They all rank below this.

>> No.7841020 [DELETED] 
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I prefer the touhou and Cave shmups with complex patterns, multiple shot types, dense patterns, small hitboxes, and high execution skills. Old "trad shmup" shooters dumbed all of these fundamentals down unfortunately which turns me off of them, basic memorization solves old shmups with very low execution required, and mindlessly holding down auto-fire without any intricate shot switching, max four bullets on the screen, I might as well go play some baby platformers or Hearthstone.

>> No.7841102 [DELETED] 

based and area1488pilled.

>> No.7841103
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>> No.7841112

Rayforce is my favourite shooter, followed by Einhander. And out of the series (or games) you listed I like R-Type, Gradius, Darius, and Radiant SilverGun best

>> No.7841113

These modern games you bitch about came out 20 years ago.

>> No.7841126

God I fucking love Darius. I played Rtype as a kid but recently tried the Cozmic collection (arcade) and Dariusburst CS and I think It's my new favorite classic shmup series.

I wish Rtype Final 2 didn't suck shit

>> No.7841145 [DELETED] 

The best shmups are older than 1995, the year shmups were ruined forever.

>> No.7841150

I'd say
USNAVY > Area 88 SFC > Area 88 ARC

>> No.7841173 [DELETED] 

reminder don't go to /tv/ today, I asked about airplane / shmup movies and oh boy...BIG MISTAKE

>> No.7841179 [DELETED] 

t. never played Dai-ou-jou (presented in 2002)

>/tv/ today
holy kek

>> No.7841202 [DELETED] 

played it, it's shite like everything else excreted out of ikeda's arsehole.

>> No.7841205 [DELETED] 
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filtered by chaining

>> No.7841612
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DOJBL is the best schshcmup ever.

>> No.7841683

Somehos this threads post count is getting lower and lower

>> No.7841685

WTF is Gradius IV?

>> No.7841747

touhou is better than all of those

>> No.7842296
File: 110 KB, 807x173, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh yeah, I'm thinkin it's finally time to sickgrab.

>> No.7842309

touhou and bullet hell are garbage

>> No.7842368

My favorites are Gradius Gaiden & V, Xevious Arrangement & 3D/G, R-Type Delta, Fantasy Zone 2 DX (not the MS version obviously), Raystorm, G-Darius

>> No.7842392

the fourth mainline Gradius game

>> No.7842401

You can thank jannies trannies for their monitoring.

>> No.7842410
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>tfw you get drawn into certain shmups based on the audiovisual presentation and first level gameplay and then you play them further and they go and kick your shit in
Or maybe that's the case with every shmup and I just generally suck at them.

>> No.7842419

Not retro Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours is on sale 60% off on Steam and half price on Playstation Store right now. Still 20ish bucks but it's a great deal as it's rarely, if ever, available for less than full price.

>> No.7842423

*Not retro but

>> No.7842616

classic arcade game design yeah

>> No.7842619

So there aren't any other shmups that are easier and simply look and sound worse than the ones I like, and I should just man up and deal with it?

>> No.7842651

I mean generally speaking they're all fucking hard, but some are definitely harder than others. Which shmups are currently interesting and BTFOing you?

>> No.7842658 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 450x338, g4-moai-boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GOAT Gradius game, don't let Trashurefags or Gaidenshitters try to tell you otherwise.

>> No.7842661

>Darius Gaiden
>Thunder Force 4
>Space Manbow
>Parodius da!
>Crisis Force
>Fantasy Zone II
My usual go-to shoot'em ups. Not retro, but I also played a bit of Devil Engine the other day and it seems really solid.

>> No.7842675

I have a couple that I've been returning to on and off. X Multiply, R-Type Leo, Truxton II, Batsugun, Fever SOS, Gunlock, Gunbird, Gunbird 2, 19XX, and unless I'm mistaken 19XX so far is the only one where I've made it to the third level without continues (if available).

>> No.7842681

Gunbird 2 and Truxton 2 are both really fucking hard even by the genre's standards so don't sweat those. For Batsugun, are playing regular or Batsugun Special? Because if you're not playing special, try that instead. It's a great babby's first 1cc.

>> No.7842685

meant for >>7842675 obv

>> No.7842695

I have both but Special looks weird for some reason with super high contrast in some backgrounds so I've preferred to play the original.

>> No.7842897

Is Game Tengoku CruisinMix Special on Steam worth buying? It's 75% off, but the DLC makes it expensive as hell.

>> No.7842912

It's worth the 7 bucks, but I wouldn't pay more than that for it.

>> No.7843308

Never buy DLC anon.

>> No.7843634
File: 898 KB, 728x546, Lame Jigoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcade or Saturn soundtrack?

It's become one of my personal favs so I'd definitely recommend it, especially at it's current price point. Can't deny that the DLC is overpriced though, which you should only consider buying if you really like the game. Homura (the baseball dude) is one of the most unique characters I've played in a shmup so far.

>> No.7843681

Do you know if the Steam version is censored? Apparently the PS4 version is. One of the screen shots on the Steam page has one of the Asanagi artworks with underbooba but I feel like I should still ask.

>> No.7843682
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anything by these guys

>> No.7843718 [DELETED] 
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>Today we're gonna talk about GG Aleste
>Wait a sec...
>Cum pile?

>> No.7843741

The Steam version contains all five of the bomb cut-ins, including the one the PS4 version removed.

>> No.7843763

>Arcade or Saturn soundtrack?
I don't know about the soundtrack, but the voice option is actually pretty important. A few characters have different charged specials based on whether it's set to classic or arcade voices. (Momoka's is a big pretty big deal, since she has a lot of trouble dealing with tanky enemies without her single-target charge)

>> No.7843797

Buying it right now, thanks anon.

>> No.7843804

Oh yeah, Momoko's charged attack is the only one that changes depending on the voice setting. I've also come to notice that arcade mode + allows you to shoot normally when the Saturn charged shot is active, which you aren't able to do in classic mode.

>> No.7844008

Is DariusBurst Chronicle Saviours any good? Ultimate Edition worth it? It's on sale right now.

>> No.7844034
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Uhhhhh shmup bros??? I don't feel so good...

>> No.7844062 [DELETED] 

>we wirr keep makingu vertically scrolling arcade excrusive shooters while every consumer market around the world wants complex long 3D single player games
>we have stopped making horizontally scrolling shooters entirely despite home consumer electronics clearly favoring 16:9 horizontal widescreen displays
>we will now make our vertically scrolling arcade only shooters so legendarily hard that the number of people who have beaten them is less then 10,000
>we will now build our entire genre exclusively around high score attacking for a group of less than 400 autists living in Japan

Shmups deserved to die, they are made by retards. Fuck Cave by the way.

>> No.7844121

>Is DariusBurst Chronicle Saviours any good?
I only know the arcade version, but yes, it's very good.

>> No.7844135

I like 1944

>> No.7844136

>liking a shmup
god look at this fucking idiot

>> No.7844142

I didn't think anybody liked that one

>> No.7844234 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 528x704, strikers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheatbros we're not gonna see the Strikers replays are we?

>> No.7844264

I like Strikers 1945 series because it's the only bullet hell I don't completely suck at

>> No.7844434
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Everyone should play through Jets N Guns at least once in my opinion.
It's on steam and very worth.

>> No.7844749 [DELETED] 

Let it go. Let's be real, he could 2-all the strikers trilogy if he wanted, but Nintendo platformers are just better (more fun).

>> No.7844793
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>> No.7844804


>> No.7844821 [DELETED] 

>be ric
>hate trannies
>cheat at shmups like trannies
>get into discord with trannies
>switch to nes games like a tranny

really makes u think.

>> No.7844828

>Is DariusBurst Chronicle Saviours any good?
Yes very good. So is G-Darius. Excellent horis

artificial jank difficulty

>Truxton 2

>> No.7844894
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Does it have to be a series? Because 'Tyrian 2000' is one of my favorites.

>> No.7844908

>Darius Gaiden
>Thunder Force 4
>Space Manbow
>Parodius da!
>Crisis Force
>Fantasy Zone II
those are some okay beginner shmups, except Ikaruga

It's a good series but piss easy for someone with my dad shmup talent, I looped all of those at arcades in barcelona with my buds.

>> No.7844971

I like battle garegga and dodonpachi. I'm actually working on a shmup in game maker rn.

>> No.7845284

>okay beginner shmups, except Ikaruga
Truth be told, I suck anyway and only 1cc'd a couple of them. I just like playing them and have a lot of fun.

>> No.7846565

>game maker rn
show pics/progress

>> No.7846593

Been playing through a bunch.

Raiden and Darius first games blow but the series' continue to get better and better as they go on.

R-Type started pretty good with 1 and 2 but then has gotten worse and worse.

Xevious I can't seem to find a way to play at all.

Donpachi and touhou and bullet hells are just not for me. I hate that your hitbox is apparently just your cockpit or whatever, with many bullets going through your wings or other parts of your ship making you think you should be dead when youre not.

Fantasy Zone I played in Yakuza and it didnt really hook me

TB H the genre gets dull pretty quick as most games play pretty identical to one another. Upgrade to spread shots or lasers, dodge yellow ball "bullets" that come out in the same patterns over and over.

>> No.7846931

Any recommended shoot'em ups for the NES/Famicom? The system seems like has a ton of them but how many of them are worth a spin?

>> No.7846971

Can't go wrong with Gradius, Abodox, Zanac and Gun-Nac

>> No.7847178

Just play arcade shmups.

>> No.7847193


>> No.7847198

Journey to Silius and LifeForce are probably the best on the system.

>> No.7847205

>but then has gotten worse and worse
Leo and Delta are the best games in the series you mong

>> No.7847246

lowest iq post ever

>> No.7847267
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>i disagree with opinion
>ur dumb
3 and final are ass

>> No.7847375
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With G-Darius HD and ACEx Plus on the horizon, what's the likelihood that we'll ever get a fresh new Darius title? I'd like it if they made a new once since Burst has been getting ports since 2010.

I just finished CS mode in that game the other day. Gotta say I don't feel like the true ending was worth the grind at all

>> No.7847423

I've thought about getting it but but also the Darius Cozmic Collection. It is CS worth it if I get another port of Darius Burst?

>> No.7847501

If you want to play CS mode which has like 200 stages of branching missions and is a huge time sink then it's worth it. There's also the DLC which is pretty neat

>> No.7847505
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crisis force is good

>> No.7847609

>that "new" version of CS is getting a NA release but there's no update on G-Darius
Should I just give up and buy the JP version?

>> No.7847725
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sure, sorry for shit video quality. not experienced in video at all. This is very early in development, so right now I am just experimenting. hopefully i can follow through and finish lol

My core idea for the game is to make a shooter where you're rewarded for accuracy in more impactful way than just score. My original idea was that reaching 100 "accuracy points", for example, would upgrade your weapon. 1 point for hitting a target, -1 for missing. Now, I feel like this would work better if you're rewarded with bombs instead, and maybe you have to reach a consecutive amount of hits to achieve this.

I've been doing some experiments with the graphics as well. The sprites in this vid are cel shaded 3D models that have been prerendered. I like this because it allows me to get some really smooth animation with less effort than doing it by hand. The test background is digitally painted, but i'm thinking that pixel art tiles will work better. Visually, I'm conflicted between going for something akin to radiant silvergun, or a cute em up like parodius or star parodier. Maybe even use prerendered sprite in a similar fashion to kirby super star.

right now, the camera scrolls a la raiden, but I think i will change this so it is static, and the game is rendered in 16:9 with a limited play area typical of shmups

dashing is done by double tapping, which will make the typical shmup strategy of doing subtle movements by tapping a direction impossible, but maybe I'll keep this as an intentional subversion of the genre? idk yet

>> No.7847798

Out of those, my favorite has gotta be either Gradius or Thunder Force.

>> No.7847971
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what controller do you use for shmups?
I bought pic related for fighting games but playing shmups with it is really comfy

>> No.7847995

I really like keyboard for shmups, actually. I can't do fighting games on keyboard but shmups are alright

>> No.7848107

>dashing is done by double tapping, which will make the typical shmup strategy of doing subtle movements by tapping a direction impossible, but maybe I'll keep this as an intentional subversion of the genre? idk yet
Just assign dashing to a button. Double tapping is cancer in every game it appears in.

>> No.7848218

>My core idea for the game is to make a shooter where you're rewarded for accuracy in more impactful way than just score. My original idea was that reaching 100 "accuracy points", for example, would upgrade your weapon. 1 point for hitting a target, -1 for missing. Now, I feel like this would work better if you're rewarded with bombs instead, and maybe you have to reach a consecutive amount of hits to achieve this.
Bombs aren't much of a reward, because most players just sit on them. What you need to do is make your combo affect your score somehow, but give tangible rewards for hitting a target score within a level. Like maybe an alternate path through the level or changing up the boss fight somehow. Hell, with that method, you could even have multiple tiers of rewards based on performance so that you can implement one that's ridiculously high and makes the player feel like a badass for clearing it (and maybe make it turn the ship gold as a flex, so a skilled player can attempt "full gold" runs on top of just 1cc).

Oh, and implement some kind of mechanic that rewards the players for hitting 2-3 enemies at once with the spread shot, to make it less useless in an accuracy-focused game.

>> No.7848720

Thanks for the suggestions bros. I'll definetely consider implementing some of these ideas. I particularly like the idea of split shots giving a score bonus.

>Just assign dashing to a button. Double tapping is cancer in every game it appears in.
I do want to keep the amount of keys being used to a minimum. Right now I'm using 3, which is pretty much all I want. Personally, I like the way tapping feels, but I know it's going to piss some players off, especially experienced shmup players. Might make it an option, or get rid of double tapping entirely. Or maybe make your ship move faster when you're not shooting.

>What you need to do is make your combo affect your score somehow, but give tangible rewards for hitting a target score within a level.
I will eventually add combos once I get around to implementing scoring. You're probably right about bombs being kinda an underwhelming reward, but I don't think id be doing alternate paths connected to score because I imagine a lot of players would purposely play poorly to get the path they like. If anything, I'll just the player choose his or her path. It might be cool if your rank on a level affects the difficulty of the next, a la godhand, but that's thinking far ahead for now.

What I might do to reward accuracy is provide a damage boost that is affected by an accuracy meter. Full meter = 2x damage or something. Also, something I'll be implementing soon is allowing the player to unleash a huge spread of bullets by holding down the key that changes your projectiles direction. This would lead to some missed shots, of course, but it might be neat if you could get your accuracy meter to max and then go ham during clutch moments.

>> No.7848830

There's an updated version of Batsugun called Batsugun Special, it's a bit easier, but it loops.

>> No.7848928

Hori RAP 4 with Sanwa JLF stick + OBS buttons, 2lbs spring, octagonal gate and enlarged activator. No idea if it's any good for shmups in particular but feels better to me than the stock parts.

>> No.7848943

I can't even imagine reaching loops in anything anyone soon.

>> No.7849032

>2lbs spring and oversized actuator
I haven't really considered modding my stick. How would you say they compare with the stock spring and actuator?
Also, what are OBS buttons? I've only heard of Sanwa and Hayabusa

>> No.7849050
File: 188 KB, 640x900, battlemania 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>battlemania 2
>everything else

>> No.7849069

The Reap

>> No.7849174
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Anything else like Burunyan-man? Just played the PSP version and it's pretty fun even if the stages are way too formulaic on normal mode. I wish it had more lolis though since that's precisely why anyone would play it, picture related's stage was the best.

>> No.7849186

based as fuck

>> No.7849278

ill admit i really like r-type too
but the console ports are all kinda weak imo

battlemania 2/trouble shooter vintage is absolutely the best /vr/ console shmup ive ever come across
it also has one of the best soundtest screens ever, where it has little chibi versions of the characters playing each of the tracks

>> No.7849293

In general the stock Sanwa spring (1lb?) makes the stick feel kind of floppy. The 2lb spring in combination with the octagonal gate and larger activator to me just feels better for directional accuracy with less stick 'throw'.

OBS buttons are just the standard Sanwa buttons.

>> No.7850910

is the 8-way shot in this game worth using?
it seems the 2-way shot is a lot easier to use and just as effective

>> No.7850915

>is the 8-way shot in this game worth using?
only way to play imo
makes it unlike any other shmup of its time

takes getting used to, but once you do its worth it. especially since there are some more vertically oriented levels later

>> No.7850925
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hm, alright
what probe type do you use? I've had the most success using Reverse

>> No.7850949

just try em all desu
youll figure out which ones work best for what stages
the trick is to use them liberally, whatever one you choose

>> No.7851136

oh shit im retarded
yea reverse for the probes is usually what i go with too
i thought you meant the screenclear weapons

>> No.7852537

>love Mushihime-sama's psychedelic visuals and bug-filled fantasy setting
>can't stand shit CAVE gameplay

>> No.7852568

after playing Daioh I decided these games are not good

>> No.7852607

Based and Barcelona-pilled