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7837763 No.7837763 [Reply] [Original]

RE3 was the only proper sequel to 2. It is the best in the original series. Only a retarded Steve fan would think otherwise.

>> No.7837786

Then why is it named Nemesis instead of Code Veronica? Checkmate tranny

>> No.7837789
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Code Veronica was more of a sequel in that it advanced the plot, for better or for worse, of the first two games. I still prefer RE3 however. RE3 is the peak of pre-rendered environments on PS1, Jill is perfect, and CV's visuals look bland and washed out. Steve is retarded and Claire should have shot him the moment they met.

>> No.7837790

Scroll to the bottom

>> No.7837791

Steve literally did NOTHING wrong.

>> No.7837798

Steve did everything wrong and everyone's glad he's dead and gone

>> No.7837802
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Agreed. People are just jealous of his ability to obtain Claire's pussy. A chad would never dislike Steve, because he is too relatable.

>> No.7837807
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>> No.7837868
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What was the deal with Code Veronica's development? Did most of the RE2 team work on CV instead of RE3?

>> No.7838007

There was a bit of console warring between RE3 and CV. Sony lobbied to name Nemesis RE3 on Playstation, even though Nemesis was considered a side-story by Mikami, amd CV was designed as the follow up to RE2. Capcom's main team worked on RE3 and CV was outsourced. Sega stepped in to optimize CV to make sure it was a showpiece for Dreamcast

>> No.7838018

>Capcom's main team worked on RE3 and CV was outsourced
other way around. just look at the credits of both games, 3 is a bunch of Capcom B-Teamers

>> No.7838085

>Sega stepped in to optimize CV to make sure it was a showpiece for Dreamcast

Capcom made some deal with Sega to port Resident Evil games to the Saturn. Resident Evil 1 was ported by NexTech, RE2 was announced as well. The devs made claims that they had issues getting RE2 running on the Saturn. I think NexTech was reassigned to do coding duty for Code Veronica instead . They seemed to specialize in porting games to the DC console. CG cutscenes were outsourced. As well as some other production stuff. But the core game was still made by internally by Capcom.

>> No.7838101
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Indeed, CV had all the real talents. Pic related.

>> No.7838106

Have it YOUR way then, anoooooooooon~

>> No.7838120


>January 27th 1999

This is early concept art for the game, it launched in February 2000 for both Japan and NA. Code Veronica really didn't have a long development behind it.

>> No.7838124

>Code Veronica really didn't have a long development behind it.

About the same as every other RE game except for RE2 but only if you count the 1.5 time...

>> No.7838224

>About the same as every other RE game except for RE2 but only if you count the 1.5 time...

Capcom originally announced the game for the Dreamcast in 1998. They showed off real time demos of a WIP to the media privately. The media was impressed by the real-time environments and Dreamcast upgrades. They showed the game off to the public at October 1999 Tokyo game show. This is the beta with a place-holder RE2 Claire model. There were also screenshots posted online and for magazines as well. Between October and release, there were a few more previews with updated versions of the game. It is kind of typical. But no delays, it seems.

>> No.7838526


>> No.7838543

>It is the best in the original series
No way fag.

>> No.7838683
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he caused a gas leak from being distracteed by Claires ass

>> No.7838724
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>it's that other thread but inverted
This board has been pretty bad for a while now

>> No.7838742

Resident evil was better when the "plot" was just "this place is full of zombies, go kill them"

Every time they wanted to expand the ~~LORE~~ the dumbest shit came out of it

>> No.7838746

stop making these threads, loser

>> No.7838797

I remember reading somewhere that the concept artist for CV or 0 (maybe they were the same guy, I don't know) hated blood and gore so all his zombie concepts just looked like gray people. Someone else had to go back and rework them to make them look like zombies.

>> No.7838802

Does he also hate art?

>> No.7839004

says the phoneposter

>> No.7839061

Yes, the board must be getting pretty bad if even the phone posters are complaining.

>> No.7839168

Dino Crisis 2 and Onimusha are also better than 3 and CV

>> No.7839240

Honestly Raccoon City should never have been nuked, they should have walled it off or something so they could keep doing plots around it as an abandoned space with too much research underneath it to truly discard. Do Jurassic Park 3 style plots where people have to enter it long after everyone should be gone from there, instantly regains the old abandoned manor feel of 1 in a way wider scope, especially with the age of many of its structures. Maybe the labs under various parts have cures needed to combat current outbreaks or spreading endemic variations.

That would have left so many better plots to go for than the totally unrelated weirdo bioweaps later games have to keep justifying.

>> No.7839243

I'm getting Escape From New York vibes from this, I like it

>> No.7839248
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>calls out Sony's planned obsolescence
>knows Rebecca is worst girl
>thinks RE3 is low quality and CV is the real RE3
How can one man be so based?

>> No.7839254

>Resident evil was better when the "plot" was just "this place is full of zombies, go kill them"
That was never the plot. That's not even the plot for RE1.

>> No.7839261

Yeah, walled off would've been much better. The thing is that they needed the nuclear explosion plot device as a motive for Leon, Claire, Jill and Hunk to try to escape Raccoon city as fast as possible. There is no sense of urgency in RE2 and 3 if there is no missile strike.

>> No.7839264

There is no missile strike in RE2.

>> No.7839274

and in RE3 it only happens at the end.

It was added as an extreme take on the "shit blows up at the end" trope RE1/2 used

>> No.7839348

>Only a retarded Steve fan
There's no such thing. Steve fans are great thnkers, the best and brightest among us.

>> No.7839392

IGN RE:CV confirmation (September 1998):

> Capcom will announce a Resident Evil game for Dreamcast at the New Challenge Conference Part 2 (on October 6), but will continue to bring the franchise to other platforms: new PlayStation and N64 Resident Evil games have been confirmed.

IGN first gameplay footage report (October 1998):
>Presented to the obviously on-the-edge-of-their-seats crowd by Capom R&D chief Yoshiki Okamoto, a brief teaser of Biohazard: Code Veronica elicited plenty of "oohs" and "ahhs." As well it should.

> Here are the hard facts we know so far: the game is the true sequel to Resident Evil 2, though Capcom has abandoned its traditional numbering scheme (at least for this title). Claire Redfield has journeyed to Europe in order to find her brother Chris (co-star of the first game), and has obviously found him, since they're both playable characters in the game.

So according to Yoshiki Okamoto, this is the sequel to RE2? Yoshiki is mostly known for the Street Fighter series. I guess he is the ultimate authority.

>> No.7839405

>new PlayStation and N64 Resident Evil games have been confirmed
What is the other N64 RE game?

>> No.7839412


>> No.7839416
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>What is the other N64 RE game?

BioHazard 0

>> No.7839418

>So according to Yoshiki Okamoto, this is the sequel to RE2?

That's an assumption. There is nothing here that says Okamoto said that. The journo could have said that only because he saw Claire and got some details about the story.

This being said of course CV is a sequel to RE2.

>> No.7839449

>This being said of course CV is a sequel to RE2.

Chronologically it takes place 3 months after Resident Evil 2. The first part of RE3 takes place before RE2, and the second half after RE2, but before CV.

>> No.7839485

The "sense of urgency" of an imminent nuke was unnecessary, I get that the lab exploding was important to force Claire/Leon to gtfo when there were undoubtedly loose ends in the lab and Ada to find otherwise, but Raccoon exploding did nothing for Jill and Carlos, who were being hunted by worsening threats and were desperately trying to leave the city the whole time anyway.

>> No.7839507


> RE0
June 1998
> RE1
July 1998
> RE3 (first half)
September 1998
> RE2
September 1998 (days after?)
> RE3 (second half)
October 1998
> RE: Survivor (PS1 game)
November 1998
> RE: Code Veronica (DC)
December 1998
> Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
Sept-Oct 2004

>> No.7839570

From the same retard who gave us Resident Evil 4.

If they were going to stray so far off from the series, Devil May Cry would have a been a much better title TBQH.

Also Resident Evil was a large success thanks to Kenichi Iwao. Mikami is and always has been a large hack as evidenced by all the shit he directed and produced after Resident Evil.

>> No.7839585
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All Resident Evil games are too scary to be fun.

>> No.7839596
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The Reddit take

>> No.7839602

>all the shit he directed and produced after Resident Evil
Literally all masterpieces

>> No.7839636

Anon I can't even play serious horror games from fright and RE doesn't register on my scale most of the time

>> No.7839642

go back to v

>> No.7839650

I played some Resident Evil game that was free for PS4 and it was too satanic for me. Ended up deleting it. Maybe the retro ones feel more tame since the graphics are worse

>> No.7839654
File: 475 KB, 1213x1656, EK-bghxWwAEfwW1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Six years ago when it surfaced that it was actually Kenichi Iwao who wrote Resident Evil and created Umbrella, Wesker, Barry, The Tyrant, the T-virus and everything else people about the series, Kenichi Iwao actually gained some recognition:

>> No.7839662

>I have no arguments
>le reddit take with le reddit screenshot

Go fuck yourself.

Evil Within sure was a masterpiece.

>> No.7839667

>and RE doesn't register on my scale most of the time

I'm with you on this. Aside from the random well-placed jump scare. The RE games were a mixed bag on the 'scare' factor. the OG RE1 may be the most tense, because it limited the player with ammo and resources. RE2 went "Aliens" with the game, and to be honest... it is quite easy to end up with a large stockpile of weapons and health by the end. RE3 did a better job with this. Code Veronica was trying to find a middle ground between RE1 and RE2.

The development of Code Veronica really seemed like it was just a collection of every movie the developers saw between 1997 and 1999. The 1998 remake of Psycho staring Vince Vaughn and Anne Heache. The movie was shit on for being a scene for scene remake of the Hitchcock film. Literally a : "what was the point of this?" movie. I think the CV team saw this movie and decided to do their own take. The X-Files movie from 1998 with the ending in Antarctica.

>> No.7839703

I wonder exactly how involved he was with RE4. Didn't he only come in at the very end when the gameplay and everything was already pretty firmly established? It always seemed to me that his major contribution was scrapping the story about the Spencer castle and Leon being infected and replacing it with some nonsense about brainworms that turn Spaniards into Mexicans.

>> No.7839739

No. He keep shitting all over the versions the team was developing for it (Devil May Cry vers., Castle/Fog vers., Zombie vers.) because he felt it wasn't Resident Evil and then he took matters into his hands and assumed direction over the project.

>> No.7839754

Also some internal devs got pissed off at Mikami's decision to scrap entirely the Spencer arc and went on the develop Haunting Grounds with assets left over from Resident Evil 4 production. If you play it you'll understand it if you're familiar with the ideas they had for the original Resident Evil 4.

>> No.7839798

I never really kept track of all the different RE4 versions but wasn't there one with fixed camera angles that switches to the familiar over the shoulder view when you aimed? Is that the one called Castle? It remember it already had Leon in his bomber jacket so I guess that's one thing that carried over.

>> No.7839905

>The X-Files movie from 1998 with the ending in Antarctica.
God damn, can you imagine if this is reason why Antarctica is a location in CV? Kinda funny to think about.

>> No.7839953

Vanquish was a masterpiece.

>> No.7839969 [SPOILER] 
File: 328 KB, 1260x377, 1623106316909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God damn, can you imagine if this is reason why Antarctica is a location in CV? Kinda funny to think about.

Left image: Code Veronica disc 2
Right Image: X-Files movie (1998)

They took some inspiration.

>> No.7840023
File: 225 KB, 1244x1952, wesker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also a sketch of Wesker with a Xenobiology patch, so I wonder if they intended to add ayyys to the mix at some point?

>> No.7840043

>There's also a sketch of Wesker with a Xenobiology patch, so I wonder if they intended to add ayyys to the mix at some point?

That's a good theory. Maybe, they were experimenting with Umbrella being connected to Ayy technology? The plot was already off the rails. That would have drove the RE fanbase insane.

>> No.7840282

I think it's related to something like the Las Plagas, not aliens directly, at the time Sugimura wanted to make the Progenitor's origins something from the primordial era.

>> No.7840326

That even sounds a little like the X Files movie. It dealt with an alien virus that came to Earth in the distant past and lay dormant until some kids stumbled across it in a cave.

>> No.7840907

>I think it's related to something like the Las Plagas, not aliens directly, at the time Sugimura wanted to make the Progenitor's origins something from the primordial era.

that's interesting. I actually really like the arctic based of Code Veronica. The first part with the prison camp isn't bad in design. The main facility is a bit of a standard RE environment, the underwater section is nice. The Mansion area is a nice throw back to the first game. The arctic base is really the best set pieces in Code Veronica. I thought Capcom did good with the real time environments. Nothing looked pre-rendered, but for real-time they were pretty detailed. They did a good job with cinematic model rigging for cut-scenes as well. There is an un-lockable first person survivor mode, which is one of the best bonuses in the game.


>> No.7840934

RE3 was tired, uninspired and more of the same. You could tell crapcom was running out of steam, ideas and creativity at that point.Its still a decent game. But lacks the excitement of the first two titles.

>> No.7840957

This is the same Chad-sama that indignantly walked out on Microsoft's initial Xbox pitch to 3rd parties

>> No.7841201

tl;dr version:

>RE3 was repurposed/extended from a spin off project but not given more dev time
>CV was made by the A team, for a more powerful console, and had a much longer dev time
>RE3 still ended up 1000% better than CV

This only makes RE3 shine brighter. Mikami must have known these guys were good too since he reused a lot of them for his baby Dino Crisis.

>> No.7841375
File: 97 KB, 400x550, 4b68cf29ba5e182ceb0840c9852d5ec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I made this thread as a joke, because someone said in another thread that the next thread will be called "RE3 was the REAL Code Veronica". I didn't expect anyone to take this thread seriously, but I was completely wrong. Honestly, CV is my favourite RE game. Everyone is just falling for this low-tier bait.

>> No.7841401

>I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.7841504

All the others are for real.

>> No.7841574
File: 50 KB, 615x409, JS46652522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scroll up from the bottom and you will see the intentional joke I made, when someone was criticising the originality of RE debates on /vr/. You guys are the true retards for replying to this shit thread, which should've been archived after the first post.

>> No.7841579


>> No.7842835

This dumb motherfucker thought it was a good idea to make a series known for being gory action-horror a Nintendo exclusive and then cried and bitched when, to no one's surprise, it sold like shit. He also said he'd kill himself if RE4 was released on anything besides the Gamecube, and we're still waiting on him to follow through on that 15 years later. That move damn near killed the series and if the Remake and Zero had released on PS2, they probably wouldn't have been miserable flops that lead directly to the goofy action era of 4-6.

>> No.7842868

>Nintendo exclusive
Yeah idk why they released a gory horror series on a console mostly for children.

>> No.7842878
File: 15 KB, 380x285, miyamotomikamishake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was just thinking about that. It's funny how his complains about RE3/CV all comes down to the exclusivity deal with Sony, and then what does he do just after that? Close a similar deal with Nintendo, so the same thing but worse.

>> No.7842887

Why did Nintendo want Biohazard? I thought Miyamoto hates gore and violence. What did Nintendo gain from it?

>> No.7842916

If REmake was on PS2 it would have looked like shit and been unplayable in a year due to disc read error. GameCube is why that game has had the longevity and reputation it does.

>> No.7843001
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> it would have looked like shit

Onimusha begs to differ and that's an early title. On the downside the 3D models would have been slightly less detailed but on the up side backgrounds would have been less blurry and there wouldn't be that disgusting distance fog.

if REmake was on PS2 it would also have sold 1-2 millions more units, and then that would have been enough to make them port it to GC anyway.

>> No.7843009

>I thought Miyamoto hates gore and violence. What did Nintendo gain from it?
No and are you serious, in that order?

>> No.7843276

I want to FUCK CV Claire