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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7831942 No.7831942 [Reply] [Original]

excuse the blogpost but thank you /vr/
>be Russian kid in around 2000
>10 different PC mags, only 1 big console mag
>PC mags mentality is like "consoles are toys for babies, PCs are for real men, we're oldfag veterans who have played since DOS and Amiga, play some REAL classics on PC"
>constantly see consoles get all the great action, fighters, etc, while PC is all strategies and stuff that i don't care about
>get really fucking tired of "PC only and forever" mentality
>years pass
>come to /vr/
>almost all consoles
>PC gamers a minority and get laughed at
thank you all for being so based

>> No.7831971

I don't quite remember that attitude in the old Игpoмaния or ЛКИ magazines in terms of "console shaming". But I remember some kind of majestic "you can do stuff" vibe from them. Like "hey look at game_name modding possibilities" or "hey look at all the mods we've collected on the attached CD". Truly good times!

>> No.7831972

Most of us old posters here are late 30s to early 40s so honestly I didn’t get into PC gaming until Windows 95/98 around the time early 3D accelerators were coming out.
t. Turning 39 this year and graduated high school in 2000

>> No.7831997

Navigator was anti-console a lot of time.

>> No.7832016

Я блять нихyя нe пoмню ни oднoгo кoнcoльнoгo жypнaлa в нyлeвых. Hy тyт ничe нe измeнилocь вce дo cих пop тoлькo нa кoмпe игpaют в мyльтиплeepныe выcepы и гoвнo типa дepьмaк 3. Пoиcтинe cтpaнa c caмым хyeвым вкycoм

>> No.7832034
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>i'm not aware of what ackshually was going on in russia because my parents were super rich, making dozens of rubles a year

>> No.7832040

Strana Igr—not pure console but was half console / half PC. Velikiy Drakon died around that time or earlier. PSM existed but wasn't very widespread

>> No.7832085

Well, I'm only 23 so I don't really remember any of that. Only Igromaniya. Этo пpaвдa чтo вce мoи зeмляки нa этoм caйтe этo чepвaны?

>> No.7832164

>being a console tard
You Russian and American numbskulls never understand the greatness of PCs

>> No.7832204

This! So much this!
And this, too!

PC has no soul.

>> No.7832236

there's plenty of retro PC communities 4chan just has a nintendo/anime bias so yea it skews towards consoles' favor

>> No.7832240

Thank god, old PC games just don't compare to old console games.

>> No.7832301

I came to appreciate some PC games later but being a teen, I hated all those fucking sims and strategies and point and click adventure. and also, just outright rejecting consoles is idiocy, missing a big half of some of the greatest games out there is just stupid.
i'm just saying that the mag i was reading had this turbo boomer mentality, that old PC games were troo and everything else is for children. but even other mags were often junk desu, many people bought them just for the DVD. and I also hated how by around 2005 it was all about playing some shitty mod or another. and of course everyone played some new shitty shooter. so much ""soul"", holy shit. FPS cancer started earlier with PC.

>> No.7832309


>> No.7832320

We played burned cds on PS1 and 2. That's how we got by in latam.

>> No.7832321

Who says I reject consoles? I reject retards who think consoles should be the way to go (as in the lead platform and the only platform you should get games on) I have consoles but only for the exclusives, everything else better to have on the computer.

>> No.7832417

This is how I kind of feel. Anything pre-Doom and LucasArts is generally a little too simplistic to have much to discuss.

>> No.7832540

Just outright rejecting PCs because you don't like a couple of genres out of the wealth of available options, and imagining that the PC platform is laughed at on /vr/ is real idiocy.
Excluding the slide threads and phoneposting newfags begging for recs, most threads right now are about emulators, games that could be emulated, games that can't be played on console hardware, or games where the best version is on PC.

>> No.7833139

I had no idea what you were talking about under the spoiler tag and a google search sent me into a rabbit hole. There was a dedicated community on Russian imageboards about hating Kinaman?

>> No.7833241

the communists are trying to take over some school or something

>> No.7833292

Your post is heccin amazeballs. Take a cookie

>> No.7833337

moomin moomin yaaaay say goodbye to earthboy MA BELL

>> No.7833347

Moomin-fag and a console man.
You are truly based.

>> No.7833413

plebes will plebe

>> No.7833428

PC in the 80s was dog shit that was barely above a zx speccy. PC speaker sound was worse than no sound. Not worth a literal shit until VGA and sound cards.were available. Most of the PC games that are recommended from this time period had a better version on a different computer. Example: Ultima 3-5 with no music? That's not a pc game, it's a shit port.

>> No.7834259

You spent a day reading wikipedia bullshit and popping whatever pills you zoomies do and came up with this bullshit? Oh God how embarrassing.

>> No.7834261
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>he doesn't know

>> No.7834302

Sorry, I fled the Runet around 2012 in favor of English language media, so there's a whole stretch of my country's culture I have no idea about.

>> No.7834337
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No NES, SNES, N64, Master System, Genesis, Saturn in Eastern Europe and Russia, only famiclones, so what's left? PC propaganda

>> No.7834476

Cheers op, based as fuck.

>> No.7834547

not really, we had Mega Drive clones and a ton of PS1 piracy. hell, I had Mega Drive since 1999 or so. it was late by i was too young and my parents hated games with passion

>> No.7834571

no you got me wrong. I'm only talking about PCs in 90s-early 2000s. today of course PC is great, you get anything from Tekken to Dragon Quest on PC nowadays, was unthinkable in the old days. and of course emulation.
but back in the day it just had a pretty one sided library, mostly strategy, sims, RPGs, FPS, etc. it was like a platform for dads and FPS/MMORPG lovers. and here in Russia in the 90s and early 2000s you had shitty pirated game translations too for a lot of stuff, needless to say playing RPGs in crappy translations wasn't too fun. Russian games at that time were horrendous.
honestly looking back, there were enough great games at that era like Diablo 1/2, Starcraft, Baldur's Gate, and many more. just as a kid, i wanted something more like Metroid, Street Fighter, DMC and so on. but still i got into some games, obviously Heroes of Might and Magic III, i also got into Might and Magic VIII after it. city building sims were great too. but i only truly got into them way later in my 20s.

>> No.7834594

based. I did the same around that time too. fuck the runet

>> No.7834598

how do I get Russian girls?

>> No.7834612

A good thread? In nu-/vr/?
I was always sick of mustards, always discussing about non-game shit, shitty "id hire this man"-tier mods and "mature" games made by amateur teenager nerds.
I don't hate PC or computers as a whole but PC neckbeards manage to be worse than nintendrones, sonyggers and segautists combined when they start with their shit about muh PC is mature. Your unwashed virgin tiny dick is mature.
Also this board's worst shitposter is a speccy/amiga fanboy so yeah, figures.

>> No.7834626

Mister Kolëh, ban that guy.

>> No.7834646

Good thing I can play all of them on my modern PC. People in this shithole arguing from a back in the day perspective are fucking retards.

>> No.7834661


>> No.7834685

Same, I don't use dvach. But Kinamania/Chervepedia and all that shit is way beyond just our shitty imageboard now

>> No.7834689

there were Strana Igr(very nice reviews about console gaming, like comparing graphics on ps2 and gameqube) and Velikiy Drakon.
the problem is
> I'm only 23 so I don't really remember any of that.
when you was about 8-9, PC mags started to fade out

and btw there were many console games walkthrough magazines, at least for ps1 and i still cant forget that amount of SOUL in them.

>вce мoи зeмляки нa этoм caйтe
and after that people ask - "why nobody interested in retro on /cg like western communities". Thats why.

there were Mega Drive clones and SNES copy before ps1 have arrived.

>> No.7834727

Easter europoor here, most consoles after SNES were here since late 90's, few people had them though because they were expensive. It was much easier to goad your parents into getting a PC for muh education.

>> No.7834730

Same shit in the eastern eu my man. Consoles only got somewhat popular with the 360 here, its still the most sold console in my shithole.

>> No.7834739
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>several years ago go on one Russian imageboard
>see a thread about some YT vidya news channel done by a guy i knew / met IRL several times
>get curious, decide to read
>it's just endless Russian-style shitting—shitflinging, shittalking, talks about the guy's GF, profanity after every single word, etc
>suddenly realize they make like 300 posts in a matter of 1-2 hours
>the channel is relatively small, videos maybe 1-2 times a week, not even that many views

>> No.7834742

Did you have Tatu posters in your room?

>> No.7834745

no, i had pokemon gen 1 and gen 2 pokedex posters for some time

>> No.7834761
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>gen 1 and gen 2 pokedex posters

>> No.7834770
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>so what's left?
the king of 90s portable console gaming

>> No.7834786

Heck, there somehow was a really dedicated 3DO community in Russia, they would cyberbully you in 2000s if you offended their blessed console.

>> No.7834797

One pc mag said sega rally was one of the worst racing games, they just didn't give it the proper chance to understand why it was so good. They were often really pompous.

>> No.7835119

And who was that?

>> No.7835184

if you're curious, he goes by the name Russian Geek on YT (his videos are in Russian).

>> No.7835193

Because the PC port was a botchjob and there were better rally games on PC.
Sega Rally was only a fun arcade game and a decent console game.

>> No.7835243

Damn that's nice. And his youtube buddy Vitya Karasev (Uyutnii Podvalchik) lives nearby lmao. Our world is just too small

>> No.7835252

I wouldn't call Pixel_Devil's channel relatively small even back then, he quickly became one of the dominant voices in Russian retro scene when he ejected himself from Bitniks.

>> No.7835259

alright i was mistaken then, i didnt pay much attention to him.

>> No.7835446

everyone here is playing on pc, op

>> No.7835463

Go back to the FPGA general, it needs a bump.

>> No.7835627

A lot of ports to pc always get lazy done because a lot of devs are fucking assholes that either don't care about PCs or are consoles niggers themselves

>> No.7836369

You realize PC gamers are a minority today too compared to console?

>> No.7836372
File: 127 KB, 1159x711, 1605211142671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>7836369

It's because the suits in the board room care about numbers
You're not going to get 2 million to port a game to PC if there's going to be 5x less people on PC user base to buy the game compared to all the consoles
But even the 1/5th of user base means a few million to be made, so they put 5 devs with a few months max with a few hundred grand to port it quickly and dirty, since after you buy it, they made their money

>> No.7836943

>this is your brain on hrt

>> No.7837176

The PC market is larger than all consoles combined and mobile is even bigger.
Stop living in the past.

>> No.7837394

>No NES, SNES, N64, Master System, Genesis, Saturn in Eastern Europe and Russia, only famiclones
if someone wants to read up about that situation, relatively interesting story. such a nes clone were for example the Terminator (RO) and the Dendy (RU). nes clone because of the offered games.
one article: https://www.gameskinny.com/uthua/90s-gaming-in-eastern-europe-from-communism-to-hyrule