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7824575 No.7824575 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's Ninja Gaiden (NES). Like, it had such a good story, and cinematic cutscenes and everything, but like it was so much freaking torture to suffer through the repetition and near frame-perfect moves you had to memorize in order to get to the next chapter, lol.

I mean, having actually made it to the end after three months of struggle was ecstatic, when I finally managed to do it, but like in the long-run, I'd definitely recommend just watching a full playthrough, lol.

Great story; brilliant animation and music (especially considering that it was like 1989), but... yeah. I might could possibly be able to do it again, given a primo controller with an original system, however I don't think I'd spend the time at this point when I could just watch the results of someone else who already did.

So what game did you slave over until you finally beat it, only to find years later that it wasn't something you were interested in doing again, /vr/?

>> No.7824583

All of them. I don't think I've finished a single game out of the ones I've recently played in years

>> No.7824591

>like like like
Dude you should seriously get rid of that shit

>> No.7824596

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.7824612

See I gave up on that as a kid but as an adult it doesn't seem that bad.

Monster Party though, I don't think I will ever have the patience for that again. I used to effortlessly breeze through that haunted house maze, somehow I memorized exactly where to go without a map or a guide.

>> No.7824613
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For that matter, getting all 120 stars in Super Mario 64 was a pretty harsh go; like I don't even think getting a graduate degree was that hard except maybe toward the end when they were like harassing me about the spaces between the periods in my table of contents in my thesis, but like even then it was like rationally negotiable instead of the chaotic hellscape that I had to navigate only in order to find that there was an unplayable Yoshi on the roof of the castle who gave me a hundred lives, which is... well, it's like basically nothing, because you've already seen everything in the game if you're talking to him (her? it? I don't know Yoshi's pronouns, but I assume they're pretty much genderless).

>> No.7824619

Pretty sure Yoshi is male

>> No.7824631

NG is a very mean game
for me, i can still usually deathless all the way to 6-2, since i played those stages so damn much. but getting past that one room with the green jewstar platforms and literally every enemy the NES can handle throwing at you, its just a total crapshoot. i know HOW to get past it, but the timing on some of that stuff is as tight as it gets

for me its baldurs gate 1 + 2
i always think i want to play through both again, then i get started on BG1, realize how long both games will take, then nope tf out

>> No.7824637
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I mean, it's hard to when you know you can just look up some playthrough that's going to basically just give you the same experience... and yet, it's also extremely frustrating that you're not capable of doing something that you've already done so many years ago simply because the opportunity exists for you to skip the struggle and just cut to what you're looking for, innit? But then you remember that the only reason you were able to devote so many hours to perfecting this skill is that you had nothing better to do, and then comes the haunting question: did you actually have nothing better to do?

>> No.7824638

real men dont lay eggs desu
its a reverse tarp

>> No.7824648
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Like, what like exactly are you like talking about, like lol?

Good advice, though, I suppose, in a generic way, so, like thanks.

>> No.7824659

opie is norcal af desu
i can envision him, just before hitting post, having to go back and edit out all the "hella"s

smol heda
cultur of valley girl

>> No.7824693


Lol; I'm down for any story where I meet some otherworldly monster, and I ask them their name and it's "Bert." I'd totally play that game to find out the rest of it. That is, if this were 1989 and that were my only choice, lol.

I found a walkthrough, though, and it's only less than 40 minutes, though, so I'm definitely going to give it a look-see, because it seems like a good story.

>> No.7824696

Dragon Warrior 1. It's so fuckin boring now. I honestly don't know why this series took off like it did (but at least they got way better).
Game is about 25 minutes of actual dungeon gameplay, and 7 hours of mindless grinding with a single hero.
What a dumb fuckin game

>> No.7824709
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They're oviparous. Yoshis are hatched from eggs. And from what I've seen in the Mushroom Kingdom, any Yoshi is going to hatch an egg if you give them enough to eat. Therefore, attempting to assign any type of gender to a Yoshi is like trying to tell whether a Seahorse is male or female, lol. Yoshi isn't male, though; nor are they female. They're just Yoshi. Not a problem.

>> No.7824735

>7 hours
Try 15+. Also it took off because it was the first of its kind

>> No.7824745
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>green jewstar platforms

Lol dead.

Like, I don't know why they chose to use the star of David for that particular graphic, but it does sort of raise the question of why they did. If there's a backstory for that decision, I'd relish hearing it, lol.

>literally every enemy the NES can handle throwing at you

ikr? Like, and the respawns are ridiculous, like I literally just killed that shuriken-jetpack-ninja, and like there they are again; how many can there be for goodness' sake?, lol?

Where is this shuriken-jetpack-ninja factory, and how are they that efficient?!

>> No.7824746

monster party is weird as hell desu

>> No.7824753
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Real men also aren't hybrid-dinosaur mammals that only belong to the mushroom kingdom, desu.

Like, what are you even arguing about, lol?

>> No.7824768

its not the star of david i mean it literally is, but not in this context
like most old symbols, its been used by many different cultures for different reasons.
its using it in the paganist sense, where that symbol is common in things like summoning circles

since jaquio is trying to use the two demon statues to be re-incarnated as a demon lord, i bet the nip devs were just like "yea that looks spooky" and put it in there
jews arent even a thing in nipland, so they might not have even known it was a jewish thing
you see it pop up in a lot of older nip games
iirc tales of phantasia save points are the same thing as well

>> No.7824826
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I mean, opie is midwestern, according to the lore, if you're talking about the kid from the Andy Griffith show.

I'm not saying he couldn't be norcal, but I'm just saying it's a story I'm unfamiliar with in terms of where you think opie comes from, lol.

And he's like 30 years early to even know what a "valley girl" is, as he's from the '50s, and valley girls from from the '80s.

>> No.7824850
File: 33 KB, 220x320, Dragon_Warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol; I used to kill the time by holding my NES controller as if it had an extended sword, and swinging it as such when I'd fight the wyverns or whatnot, and I swear when that sort of a thing was actually made possible by the Wii some twenty-odd years later, I literally cried, lol. Turns out it wasn't that great, because like that shit is tiring af, but still, the concept was like *chef's kiss* lol...

>> No.7824860


I mean, I'm only like barely 3 minutes in, and I'm just seeing some kid with a sword striking the quivering remnants of legs trapped in some sort of concrete until they become a monster for some reason, lol...

What even is logic when it comes to that point, lol?

>> No.7824874

You must have really liked No More Heroes and Skyward Sword...

>> No.7824881
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So, I may have underestimated exactly how effed up "Monster Party" is. This is like what Silent Hill was before it knew it was Silent Hill, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7824913
File: 7 KB, 277x182, what_if_zelda_was_a_girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, actually. I thought "No More Heroes" was a refreshing postmodern twist on the predictable narrative of fighting games, and that Skyward Sword was basically the complete opposite, but a far more rewarding journey in terms of the years I've spent trying to rescue Princess Zelda, lol. I'd just like to see some sort of game where Zelda is kicking Ganon's ass on her own and doesn't need Link's help at all. Like, what access does he have to bows and arrows that she doesn't, lol?

>> No.7824929


Yeah, lol, I mean, they're beating giant fish with a stick in a sewer and then the next minute they're transformed into a dragon-beast who kills everything with its fire-breath, so in terms of things I would like to see directed by David Lynch, this is one...

But I liked "Dune," so I don't think my opinion matters, lol.

I'm just here for the weird chaos.

>> No.7824938

I liked the romhack Let's Go Again, it takes out some annoying stuff like the empty rooms

>> No.7824941




>> No.7824951


Wait - it just turned into an onion ring. And then into a stack of what looks like three onion rings.

Because that makes sense, lol.

>> No.7824972

yea, you definitely seem stoned enough to enjoy monster party opie

>> No.7825249

> like like like
like sffu

>> No.7825432

Just started playing NG recently, been skipping all the cutscenes and just doing levels for fun, but maybe next time I'll actually follow the story.

It’s a lot of fun but the later half does have an increasing number of points you need to have memorized, because if you dont KNOW that a bird is gonna spawn in this exact location it’ll knock you into a pit. Oddly what I’ve found to help when a spawn point is at the edge of the screen, is to not kill the enemy. That way they dont immediately respawn ahead of you. Feels like a weird thing to take advantage of, but I’ll take it.

The soundtrack is fucking great.

>> No.7825684

the trick with NG is to keep it moving
if you just inch forward at parts, youll get stuck in infinite bird spawn hell
if you keep pushing forward youll get past that point by the time you kill them, and then you wont have to deal with it other than the one enemy

now to contradict everything i just said, theres also a few points where enemies appear and if you stand still, theyll move backwards and despawn
this helps a LOT in certain points in later stages

the story is pretty goofy, but its honestly pretty cool that a late 80s 8-bit home console game even had something like that
and yea the soundtrack is top-tier

>> No.7825695

also also
another really helpful trick
if you get spinslash, and want to conserve it for harder parts, but still need to kill something in the air, or slash a torch to get more magic, jump then press down + B
this will cancel the spinslash, and youll just do a regular attack

really helpful since spinslash is so OP

>> No.7826597

Everyone plays the NES version of Ninja Gaiden, but I'd recommend giving the Sega Master System version a go as well. Obviously it's easier, but it's still a fun, fast-paced game

>> No.7826652

Seconding this

>> No.7826723

>if you just inch forward at parts, youll get stuck in infinite bird spawn hell
This has definitely happened and it can take me from full health to death, especially near pits.

The strategy I talked about I mostly learned from dealing with bats that are in obnoxious spawn points, they’re slow and move straight so jumping over instead of killing them is usually the best way to deal with a batspawn ahead of you. It was a mistake to apply that to birds though. I’ll try to keep a fast pace next time.

I knew about this one from experimentation, really glad they put that in cause always spinslashing just ate through ammo or energy or whatever it is. I think orange ninja star is probably my favorite power since I can jump over it on the return swing to get multiple uses and just have this deathsphere moving around me, it’s a little tough to maintain but it’s fun to do. Fire is also good and thankfully usually put in places that are actually useful to have it. Thinking about it, there’s really no power in this game that I would call bad. It’s fun to switch them or hold onto one and try different level parts with different subweapons. Only played this game off and on for a couple days now but I’m really enjoying it a lot.

Thanks for the tips.

>> No.7826903

Like, Scoooooooooooob!!!

>> No.7827671
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>> No.7827776


Not that big into the Zelda games (Only played BOTW, Link to the Past and Oracle of Ages). But, I was under the impression that Ganon can only be defeated/subdued, only if Zelda and Link work together.

>> No.7827791
File: 108 KB, 287x332, Like like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a shield?

>> No.7827928
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Like, sort of? But pretty sure in the original, he was pretty much just rescuing her from a tyrannical overlord ogre-sort of thing. For that matter, why did Ganon even have any interest in some random human princess when all he really wanted was to control the triforce, lol?

Like, what did Jabba the Hutt want with Princess Leia, and why would he force to wear such a revealing outfit considering that he was a 400-pound sludge monster from some random place in the universe? It doesn't really make any sense unless he saw her as some sort of collateral he could use in order to get what he wants, and I guess that's basically the same way Ganon probably saw Zelda... until like the fifth time he kidnapped her, and it was like "Okay, this is starting to remind me of that toxic Bowser/Princess Peach dynamic," lol.

>> No.7827937
File: 7 KB, 512x479, reset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*Tries to stab them when they're against the wall*


"Well, that was an expensive shield. Gotta remember how to fight again until I can buy a replacement, lol. Or I could just reset and try again. Yeah; that's probably better. *Bloop*"

>> No.7827947

Zelda has the triforce of wisdom you know, Ganon needs it to control the world. Unlike Koopa who’s just in love with Peach
As for Jabba the Hutt: having a princess in your harem is pretty cool, who wouldn’t want that?

>> No.7827968

Jabba's thing with Leia is primarily a control and power thing. It's quite clear he has a lot of power when he's got the venerable Princess Leia in a bikini on a leash, on display for all. If it was a fucktoy thing he'd have her in a fuck dungeon somewhere, where he could hoard her and shoot slug cum on her toes.

>> No.7828646

those 3 super star wars games. I remember thinking as a kid how easy the entire rotj one was compared to the other two, now I can't even beat the first level

>> No.7830710

Fuck the stupid piece of shit birds

And fuck the pale hunchback projectile guys, they take two sword swings to kill. One item hit will do them in but if you have flame it’s a bitch to hit them with it.

>> No.7830723
File: 37 KB, 220x310, 366E815D-A76F-45ED-BA16-EFD56E275E3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game.

>> No.7830804

most rpgs
they're just utter time sinks. i honestly feel more productive shitposting on 4chan than playing them