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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 800x388, 800px-Dreamcast-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7820268 No.7820268 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck the pussy cowards at Sega for dropping out of the console race in 2001 and killing the soulful Dreamcast early. They could've at least gone up to 2006 like the other 6th gen systems.

>> No.7820276

They should hire Bernie Stolar. That will fix everything

>> No.7820281 [DELETED] 

Still mad they didn't port Outrun 2 to it when everything else got it, even the PSP.

>> No.7820287

Want to know how I know you're a zoomer?

>> No.7820449

Look at Sega's output to the Xbox and imagine those games on Dreamcast. It would have been GOAT system. Though they probably would have had to been scaled back a good bit

>> No.7820482

Imagine if Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Sonic 06 came out on the Dreamcast with the decent controls of SA2, instead of their third-party versions which had shit slippery controls.

>> No.7820673

Would be great too because the Xbox might have been even more of a no games system

>> No.7820675

All three of those games are badly designed at their core so they would have still been shit

>> No.7820692
File: 129 KB, 800x800, 1558843501671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one was buying dc games because you xould pirate them simply by copying them to a cd rom. no further action needed. me and my friends all had stacks of burned games. Sega fucked up, simple as.

>> No.7820717

This, Dreamcast could never recover. Even if they started giving games insane copy protection crackers would just beat them in a few days. The Dreamcast was completely fucked, even though they updated the hardware there were still a shit ton of DCs in the world that you could run burned discs on

>> No.7820735

Would the DC be able to handle outrun2?
I hear people bitch about the ps2 version all the time and I never had an issue with it

>> No.7820985

This and most games past 2001 wouldn't run well on the DC due to it well below the 6th gen systems powerwise.

>> No.7821009

not in a million years maybe the PSP version but even that would be a stretch

>> No.7821013

>Imagine if Sega shovelware came to Dreamcast

>> No.7821017
File: 35 KB, 360x260, if this nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it a rest already. There are people who move on faster after having lost loved ones.

>> No.7821025

the zoomers really made this board shit

>> No.7821097

they were in too big of a hole. And unlike with their previous systems, their biggest competitors were tech companies who could manufacture components directly whilst sega had to buy them on the market, so even if it became a sleeper hit it wouldn't have saved their console division.

>> No.7821114

Outrun 2 would have been made for Naomi2, Chihiro would not have existed.
Outrun2 would have probably been different

>> No.7821123

Developers didnt want to touch it with a 10ft pole when it's discs had 1/4 the capacity of the PS2/xbox and the games would instantly be pirated en masse. How can you blame them? Sega had no choice but to quit while they weren't ahead

>> No.7821156

Stolar helped the Dreamcast have the solid launch that it did. But the PS2 demolished it, and by that point SEGA were in shambles anyway. They were already in shambles in 1996 when he was hired.

>> No.7821185

And yet it had twice more games than the n64

>> No.7821228

if sega had had the money it still would've replaced the dreamcast by 2004, it would've gotten a bunch of shoddy downgraded ports

>> No.7821328
File: 478 KB, 1885x1986, dreamcast crt vga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They could've at least gone up to 2006
With what money? Lol. Piracy was rampant and Sega was already in the hole.

Buddy, the Dreamcast was a gift. After shitting on the fan base with the Sega CD, Sega 32x, and Sega Saturn, Sega decided to make one last great system for us when they were already 6 feet under. The library is small and amazingly soulful, as the kids say. Look at those 2-3 years as a special treat instead of an "early exit" ya bratty zoomer.

>> No.7821337

And? Devs didn't want to make N64 games either

>> No.7821371

This. Not a chance in hell the aging Dreamcast hardware could’ve competed until 2006. I swear people on this board so vastly overestimate how powerful the system was with absolutely nothing to back it up.

>> No.7821629
File: 239 KB, 1242x546, 7AD645D4-AF2E-4ED6-8247-D71EA54AC1C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there was a Dreamcast 2, anon

>> No.7821816

Exactly this. The early Xbox library was great for Dreamcast fans. JSR Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Crazy Taxi 3, House of the Dead 3, Shenmue 2 and more.

>> No.7821820

ive never played any of these games
i cant be alone in this

>> No.7821824

>no further action
you had to flip the iso iirc

>> No.7821825


>> No.7821831

tbf i hate all sanic games except for knuckles chaotix, because the music is gud, so im sure im some heretic worthy of death anyways

>> No.7821836

that's a pretty respectable stance in my opinion

>> No.7821859

careful, or well burn together

>> No.7821883

sonic adventure 2 is my favorite 3d sonic game but mostly because of the deep side mode where you evolve and breed chao, the actual gameplay ranges from alright to bad

>> No.7821913

oh shit thats the one with the chao?
nvm i played a bit of that with my cousin
thats literally the only part i remember of it tho