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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7813364 No.7813364 [Reply] [Original]

you know my biggest complaint is that you never see or know what's under you. it's a leap of faith the entire game. oh shit I'm falling and there are spikes everywhere but this part, fuck me. super frustrating.
>games where designed to be hard back in the day so they take longer to beat
yeh but hard and unfair because you don't know where you land are two different things
>learn the entire level design by heart

>> No.7813413

>memorization is unfair

>> No.7813417
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>trial and error bad
>memorization good

>> No.7813460

Cry harder.

>> No.7813507

Quit video games

>> No.7813527

you'd love megaman

>> No.7813604

no I hate Mega Man and I already made a thread that Mega Man is a copy and paste game and the same game over and over again just with different bosses and different graphics but otherwise it's the same just like FIFA and it is just nostalgia goggles why people love it. Mods couldn't tolerate anyone not sucking off Mega Man and had to delete the thread.
Don't worry I will do this thread again and remove some wording. I already posted the replies you would give me so you don't really have anything to add, just because I know you guys too well and your reactions but really not being able to see what is under you and always falling into spikes fucking sucks.

>> No.7813636

Literally what is wrong with you?

>> No.7813642
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you're clearly stressed about bullshit please relax play whatever you feel like
we're not all the same really
i don't like megaman either and I can't really fathom how would anyone have fun with it but whatever

>> No.7813751

>you never see or know what's under you
That's one of the best things about it. It creates tension, you pansy

>> No.7813763

You know what else creates tension? My cock under your mom

>> No.7813775

It's not really that hard. I've noticed with a lot of people who hate on memorizing that they have some underlying assumption that they're so good that they could handle any reasonable problem by reaction alone. When, in reality, they kind of suck at games.

Memorizing level placement is a classic nod to those who aren't that good at games but the developers still want them to enjoy the game. Folks just overestimate their own ability and get angry at the game instead.

>> No.7813781

There’s lots of qol improvements between the first 4 games. Besides, it’s just an action shooter except you can choose which level to do. I feel like you’re expecting too much from games made in the 80s. The only thing that makes them stand out is the capcom polish.
This too, do you just expect to never die? What’s the point of playing then? Just one big ego trip?

>> No.7813865
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t. seething sperg filtered by simple platforming

>> No.7813921

>I feel like you’re expecting too much from games made in the 80s
A lot, maybe even most, of the best games are made in the 80s. Why wouldn't you have high expectations?

>> No.7813951
File: 465 KB, 500x281, dissapointed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most were made in the late 90s, early 2000s, silly boom

>> No.7813962

Yeah this game has fun controls but the way the levels are structured kind of sucks. The worst part was that one level with the super wide jump that was followed by the level with the really hard fight against your doppelganger that sent you back several levels if you lost.

>> No.7814061

stop being disgusting, creepy anime whore

>> No.7814143

>it's a leap of faith the entire game
I think there's like 1 of those the entire game? And it's painfully obvious?

>> No.7814341

you can fly, you know

>> No.7816019

well I don't fall for cheap tricks, the same game over and over again just with different bosses and yet you all love it. It is nostalgia goggles or people who love Mega Man aren't allowed to shit on FIFA or COD for pulling of exactly the same thing just not in 2d.

>> No.7816024
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yeh but you can only fly in STRAIGHT lines so you never know where to drop exactly. like you have to jump, fly and catch those bottles in the air and then you fall and you have no fucking idea where to land until it is too late.
So how do you handle those situations? Asking without even meming.

>> No.7816034

yes you can fly but you can only fly left to right and NOT up and down, so you do NOT know what is under you. So you fly all the way to get one of those magic bottles which are placed so far away you only get them by using up all your fly power. so you are out of fly juice and you will drop down and you will never know where it is save to land and where not until it is too late and you fall into those fucking spikes. Really annoying.

>> No.7816809


>> No.7816849

GQ2 is so fucking trash compared to the frist one

>> No.7816932

What makes you think every Mega Man fan gets their panties in a bunch over COD and FIFA? Imagine caring this hard about what games people like to play. Each Mega Man game has different weapons, enemies, level design, and bosses. Some of us are perfectly fine with such simple changes while keeping the core formula intact. There also different series' in the Mega Man franchise that do things very differently from the original classic series (Mega Man Zero, ZX, Legends, Battle Network, StarForce).
Your opinion does not matter as much as you think it does, get over yourself.

>> No.7816964

>So how do you handle those situations?
React quickly or take damage

>> No.7816979

>Mods couldn't tolerate anyone not sucking off Mega Man and had to delete the thread.
You sound as unhinged as tardo who seethes at jrpgs, same paranoia that the mods are out to get you, what next? Assassins stalking you?

>> No.7818874

as a matter of fact the thread got quickly deleted. explain this.

>> No.7819151

Gotta love it when you encounter an actual schizo on here.

>> No.7819417

Don't pay attention to these janny lovers. Megaman 1-6 are all the same shit.

>> No.7819549

exactly! are there ROM hacks that give you more life or something? couldn't find anything. i suck at those games but I really like the music