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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7795223 No.7795223 [Reply] [Original]

What are some opinions you have about retro games that amount to heretical blasphemy?

I don't like A Link To The Past.

>> No.7795228

Donkey Kong Country is nearly as good as Toki

>> No.7795230

It's the worst game in an overhyped series. Only trannies will consider your statement as blasphemy

>> No.7795231

I keep my systems mint in the box while I play emulators

>> No.7795235

Xbox was never good

>> No.7795240

I like to play videogames.

>> No.7795243

I don’t like Rareware games. They’re janky.

>> No.7795245

Why is links hair pink?

>> No.7795250

Jrpgs are the most boring style of game, in both design and theme.

>> No.7795251

will never be retro

>> No.7795257

Same except for GoldenEye. I was never fond of their N64 era platformers.

>> No.7795270

The effects of the game crash are overstated and an america only thing

>> No.7795278

To me good Zelda games started with Link's Awakening. For instance the Sea Shells you find under rocks and bushes were the precursor of the Korok Seeds in Breath Of The Wild. Having a collectible to find across the land gives you an excuse to explore every area more thoroughly. I also think Link's Awakening just had a better sense of adventure, a better story, better dungeons, etc.

A Link To The Past just falls flat for me.

>> No.7795280

I think Earthbound isn't anything special and am clueless as to why it's a cult classic.

>> No.7795286

Hot pink was all the rage back in the 90’s.

>> No.7795287

I also don't like LttP same as I don't particularly like any Mario game. That's not a bad thing though, I just have different tastes and everyone can enjoy what they like.

>> No.7795290

Links Awakening took a lot of the concepts in ALTTP and elevated them. It also told a much more interesting story and managed to have a handful of fleshed out characters, something ALTTP lacked. All on inferior hardware, it's a very impressive game. I agree ALTTP is pretty criminally overrated, but it's such a gargantuan step up from Zelda 1 and 2 that I see why people heap so much praise on it.

>> No.7795293

I love LttP AND DK64

>> No.7795296

I don't think that's really blasphemy, it's basically the meme: that the biggest Earthbound fans haven't ever played it.

>> No.7795529

I feel that way about Majora’s Mask as well. I’m fairly certain a large percentage of its internet fanbase has never actually played the game itself and just base their opinion on fan art and that one fan made movie trailer.

>> No.7796065

People with this opinion tend to be dismal Ocarina of Time fanboys without fail.

>> No.7796214

Return of Ishtar is better than The black onyx

>> No.7796217

Criticizing ALttP isn't particularly uncommon here

>> No.7796220

I hold that opinion and I'm a dismal Adventure of Link fan who doesn't like OoT either

>> No.7796292

>It also told a much more interesting story and managed to have a handful of fleshed out characters, something ALTTP lacked.
100%. Koizumi should’ve been put in charge of Zelda instead of Aonuma.

>> No.7796351
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Jarpigs are just shitty anime stories only a weeb could love.

>> No.7796989

Same but I owned LA as a young kid and played LTTP several years later. LA was definitely better

>> No.7797147

I could almost agree but I remembered strategy games exist. And non-Jap RPGs

>> No.7797149

>They got the idea to add quirky NPCs to Link's Awakening from Twin Peaks
>Every other Zelda game got the idea to add quirky NPCs from Link's Awakening.

We unironically have David Lynch to thank for giving the Zelda series SOUL

>> No.7797157

Mega Man 2 is one of the weakest games in the franchise

>> No.7797158 [DELETED] 
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found the illiterate with atrophied brain & imagination

>> No.7797163

Doom 1 > Doom 2. Doom 2 is only good as a base game for fanmade content.

>> No.7797169

Wario Land (1994) is the best Mario game.

>> No.7797178

>I don't like A Link To The Past.
Yeah, that's def. blasphemy. So... Stop.

>> No.7797307
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yo homie the words "heretical blasphemy" together are redundant

>> No.7797376

*Mario 64 was mediocre when it came out and has aged since there are 3D platformers with far more interesting worlds to explore.
*The Zelda games are not that great because they are too easy.
*Most JRPGs are for low testosterone, low intelligence gamers.
*Megaman 2 is among the worst of the classic series, people praise it because it's easy. The charge shot and slide were improvements and the 4-6>1-3
*SotN is the second-worst of the Igavnias. Too much backtracking, too low challenge, its only redeeming feature is the graphics.
*Metroidvania is by and large a shitty genre.
*No other metroidvania comes close to the quality of Metroid from Super onwards. Those offer actual worlds to explore.
*No 3D platformer is above a B grade. Almost all are D or C
*SRPGs were you can grind are bad games.
*Besides consistently having good visuals from 6 onwards there is nothing noteworthy about the Final Fantasy series

>> No.7797408

E1 is the only Doom episode that is good in its entirety. The game is carried by fan made content.

That isn't a bad thing

>> No.7797415

You have stated nothing but the truth

>> No.7797417

I loved e2 and 3 so I disagree. There are always going to be a few shitty levels in any game, but most of the maps in Doom '93 are fantastic and well-designed. Doom 2 feels rather slapped together, especially in the aesthetics department. You could also consider Sigil as part of Doom 1 since it was made by Romero himself, and uses nothing from Doom 2.

>> No.7797426

Super Metroid sucks. Yes, the music and atmosphere is great, but that gay jump where you slowly leap through 75% of the screen is too floaty and lame. The controls are awful. The two gba games are way way better.

>> No.7797436


- SOTN has its soundtrack as well! Its more of a walking sim than a vidya game.
- Not retro, but environmental station alpha is great, and I think fans of classic metroidvanias would enjoy it.
- POP Sands of Time and Warrior Within have great gameplay but I guess that stretches the definition of a 3D platformer

>> No.7797484

N64/PS1 are far better than NES, SNES, Genesis, Master System, and Saturn combined.

Of all those shitty 2D games only mario and Chrono Trigger hold up and even they are overrated. NSMB series > SMB1-3, LL, W
PS1 rpgs blow chrono trigger and other nes/snes rpgs out of the water.

2D era was shit. No wonder a crash happened

>> No.7797497

Earthbound is boring, ugly, and has bad music.

Oh wow, it has a dark story and creepy final boss though, 10/10.

>> No.7797505

I instantly disregard the opinion of anybody who says the word "shmup". Never seen a genre so boring have such obnoxious fans. Of course you only ever see them here because everybody knows the genre died for a reason, nobody wants to play that shit.

>> No.7797530

You don't actually believe this, you just typed out an opinion that would piss everyone off

>> No.7797538

This, the only good shmup is Thunder Force IV. Everything else is extremely boring.

>> No.7797568


Agree with everything apart from Mario 64. It was truly ground-breaking at the time and one of the few n64 games that holds up well today. Nintendo really put their best men on the job.

>> No.7797576
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Is this post about the term or the fanbase?

If it's about the term, eh, you get used to it. Not only is it short and easy to say, but there's some people who think of gallery shooters, rail shooters, or light gun games when they hear "shoot 'em up", or they might just think all of those genres together with FPS as one genre, the shooter. STG is really clunky to say and other alternatives like shooting game and 2D shooter are still pretty vague, so it makes enough sense that people gave the genre with the most generic-sounding name a unique five-letter word.

If it's about the fanbase, dunno, I don't think I can say anything that'll change your mind

>> No.7797583


>2D era was shit. No wonder a crash happened

Zoomer detected

>> No.7797623

I mean, the fans, yeah. Only somebody entrenched in those games would say shmup, a normal person that happens to like those games would just say shoot em up and not care if it was an inaccurate title. Those people l can respect, because there are some good shoot em ups. But people who are obsessed with the genre and act as though it is some untapped land of hidden gems drive me crazy, people talking about putting 1000+ hours into some random game nobody's ever heard of for discord thumb ups, rationalizing it as the best genre and shit talking games "beneath" it when its just a repetitive reflex test in my eyes. Arcade style games are fun but people who think that stuff is the only legitimate style of gaming are kinda weird to me. Yeah, it might be banter, but eh, some of them probably are this autistic.

Sorry to indirectly shit talk you by shit talking the group you associate with, you're probably pretty cool, just venting since I ordinarily ignore the shmup threads and keep it to myself.

>> No.7797641

>A Link To The Past just falls flat for me
Overpolished turd of a game. Yea, it looks pretty and does everything "right", but it only works the first time around. Its literally impossible to replay ALttP when the game tries the hardest to funnel you through the exact same gameplay everytime.

>> No.7797649

>I don't like A Link To The Past.
Shit game. I didn't like it either.

>> No.7797654

Sonic CD is great and most people who disagree don't understand what the game was going for.

>> No.7797672

>people talking about putting 1000+ hours into some random game nobody's ever hear

Most shmups are unheard of. Normies know Touhou, Ikaruga, and R-type. If you like this genre at all you are going to end up mostly playing games unknown to outsiders.

>> No.7797680

MegaDrive is through and through inferior to the SNES in every aspect

>> No.7797714
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>> No.7797893

Honestly, it just sounds like shmupg gave you a really bad impression. And I don't blame you, I'd hate to see what someone's opinion on, say, Castlevania would be if their first/primary exposure to the series was through /vr/ Castlevania threads. Every fanbase has its crazies. Doesn't help that something with a reputation for being unpopular and difficult to get into (regardless of how true that really is) will naturally attract a lot of obnoxious people who want to feel better about themselves. If you look for shmup discussion off this site, or in the rare thread that hasn't been invaded by Discord drama, you'll find that the vast majority of fans do none of those things you talk about. Usually they just like the challenge and play them pretty casually.

>> No.7797903

it's about the only zelda I do like

>> No.7797910

Final Fantasy IX proves that players will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as the art is good

>> No.7797917

Pretty sure that supposed quote from Miyamoto was just a hoax.

>> No.7798002

Here's something boomers will fight you over.

Galaga is NOT better than Galaxian.

You want me to prove it? All the "improvements" in Galaga are just gimmicks. Case in point: Gaplus. Gaplus was the third game in the series. It's even more gimmicky. You can bolt together even more spaceships, clear waves even faster, it's even faster paced, and it's universally regarded as not as good as Galaga. Gaplus was a total flop. I bet only a few people in here have even heard of it.

Well that's what I've always thought about Galaga! I don't think the gimmicks actually add anything to the game at all. I like that in Galaxian I have to be frugal with my shots because only one of my missiles can exist on the screen at a time. If an enemy is trying to dive bomb me I have to be accurate or I die. It's got real tension. I love arcing in my shots to take out the red wingmen then the enemy flagship to score mega points. Galaxian is one of the best Fixed Shooters ever made.

You know how John Boyega was cast in Pacific Rim II and he told the director "Why do these skyscraper sized robots move so slowly? Why can't they jump around like power rangers? Faster is better! Faster! More action!" that's basically Galaga. It's faster and has some gimmicks. That doesn't make it better. If it did people would just play Gaplus.

>> No.7798017

I don't give a shit about chrono trigger and I don't like said types of jrpgs

>> No.7798053

OoT and MGS are overrated, masturbatory nonsense that gave devs the worst habits.

>> No.7798154

Not really. One describes a person who has ideas and the other describes actions committed by a person.

>> No.7798160

heresy is also an action. Somebody who is heretical has committed heresy, which is an act of blasphemy. So pedantic anon is correct.

>> No.7798195

2010 - Street Fighter is a better game than the entirety of the Street Fighter series.

>> No.7798206

the only good contra games are the ones on the NES, rest are mediocre

>> No.7798217


you subhuman trannies should leave this board you gigantic faggots i bet you like trash movies like 2001 a space odyssey, lost in translation, clockwork orange, her and eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

you pigs disgust me i wish this board wasn't full tranny redditors like you
you degenerated gen. Z cancer anime trannies don't know what good games don't talk shit about milestone classics with your underdeveloped tranny brain

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is the best Zelda game there is and ever will be and you can dilate and cope all you want but you know it's true

>> No.7798239

kek, where do I start?

Zelda Orcarina of time is overrated
The Simpsons - Bart's Nightmare for the SNES is actually pretty good
Final Fantasy is boring (all of them)
N64's game library is more fun than the PS1's
Megaman 5 is the best Megaman

>> No.7798314
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>> No.7798439

Everyone agreed years ago.

>> No.7798496

DX is superior to links awakening gb. People will shit on color dungeon for "casualizing" the game but are totally fine with tracy potions. Acorn/power was uncessesary but it was cool to zoom an enemy across the screen even if it was irratating reading all that dialog

>> No.7798578

Replying to yourself is cringe. Go back masturbate on your funkos with your replica of ALTTP’s master sword in your butt.

>> No.7798589

The only tranny i've ever known hates a link to the past though

>> No.7798593

The original Star Fox is miles better than Star Fox 64.
Or is that really a blasphemous opinion?

>> No.7798648

RPG games are either boring or a stressful chore

>> No.7798656

I played a video game the other day and I had fun.

>> No.7798660

Fucking liar.

>> No.7798662 [DELETED] 

that's a retarded opinion seeing as SF64 is basically the same game but better in every single conceivable way but your diseased brain would probably argue that the characters having farts for voices or the ships being 6 polygons somehow makes it a superior experience

>> No.7798669

So it is a blasphemous opinoin then...
My main beef is that the original soundtrack is 200% better. It has so much attitude and punch. You will not find a track in Star Fox 64 that is equal to the Corneria theme from the SNES original:

Also I feel it's a more streamlined and a perfect game overall.

>> No.7798672

I just find most Nintendo games boring. I like their earlier arcade stuff like balloon fight.

>> No.7798690 [DELETED] 

yeah no youre fucking retarded and that music is garbage compared to sf64. jesus christ grow some taste you beta soicuck fag.

>> No.7798694

ok, edgelord

>> No.7798698

Policenauts and Snatcher are better games than MGS.

>> No.7798709

Are you fucking serious because I tried to listen to the SF64 soundtrack and it all was just generic shit with a few memorable parts whereas every track from the original is fire.

>> No.7798724

He pretty clearly said JRPG though

Many people who like something in film or games have his bizarre brain to thank for it.

I can agree, the levels are a slog and the super shotgun is unbalanced as fuck for the rest of the roster (but must exist to help deal with the damage sponge enemies).

Agreed on metroid clones, except I think super is boring and awkward. I'll take metroid 1 over super any day.

Also, SRPGs in general are all shit, they sound like great games in concept, but inevitably the game designers in charge can't make anything that isn't either brain-dead easy or "do this exact set of moves and get lucky or you die and reroll". There's nothing fun about them, and the ones that are also RPGs are even worse as it just gives you more room for dumb bullshit to waste your time or your sanity.


Sonic 1 and Sonic CD are the best sonic games. Sonic 3D Blast and Sanicball are the only good 3d sonic games, the rest range from bad to godawful.

Spindash was the beginning of the end for the series, as sonic 2 demonstrates in shoving way too much emphasis on speed and spectacle into the game. It kept going until you hit 3D, which was basically all spectacle, no gameplay, total shit.

I think SNES as a whole is overrated. So many inferior sequels to true NES classics (basically everything Nintendo made first party on SNES was better on NES) and so much slowdown or limitation in other games. I grew up with it and aside from a couple one-off games, I prefer the mega drive by far. Gain Ground alone is better than half the SNES library.

>> No.7798726

Why would someone who gets this triggered over unpopular opinions enter an unpopular opinion thread?

>> No.7798728

I appreciate your insights. However, I do think pacrim 2 was better than pacrim 1, but only because pacrim 1 was horribly realized attempt. Pacrim 2 at least just gave a good robot/monster fight.

>> No.7798732

pleb opinion

>> No.7798739

Why don't you fuck off to /v/eddit?

>> No.7798751

Studies done by the US government in the early 60s were carried out to investigate the human brain. They wired buttons directly to the brain so that they could press one and send electrical signals to it to activate it, and they then asked people what they felt as they were hooked up.

The button that people enjoyed being pressed the most was the one that made them slightly irritated and angry. That feeling made people more pleased and satisfied than any of the other buttons they tried.

People who come into threads that they hate are doing it because their brain feeds off of that anger and enjoys it.

>> No.7798772

"Metroidvania" is a dumb word that means nothing. The correct genre term should be "action/exploration" plus whatever addition mechanics are present (ie. RPG leveling/equipment system).

Zelda and Metroid are the same genre, just metroid is action/exploration with platforming and the zelda is action/exploration sans platforming (most of the time).

>> No.7798784
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It's bad. Tons of slowdowns, low resolution graphics with weird and anemic colours, muffled and lifeless audio. The only games anyone likes for this thing are the same list of 10 overrated Nintendo IPs (Mario, Zelda, the list goes on) and pre-Playstation Squaresoft games, before they hit their prime. It has literally nothing going for it. The Mega Drive is vastly better. Hell, the PC Engine is vastly better. The Neo Geo, the X68000, 16-bit arcade games, all far better. Shit, I would rank the Amiga higher. I just do not see the appeal whatsoever.

>> No.7798792

amiga was never good

>> No.7798796

>"Metroidvania" is a dumb word that means nothing.
That's not exactly true. It's come to mean "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night clone" and the Metroid part has been completely extinguished from almost every game released under the "Metroidvania" label. They should just be called SotNlikes because that's what they actually are and it would stop getting my damn hopes up.

>> No.7798828

Fallout is easily a top 5 computer RPG, but it just can't get around how CRPGs are inferior to real tabletop. Fallout plays more like a puzzle game with many interesting solutions than it does like an RPG.

It's unusual; most would point to its poor framerate as a big detractor.

>> No.7798845
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Front Mission shouldn't have been translated

>> No.7798846

What would the metroid part be that those games are missing that SotN has?

>> No.7798925

SotN is more combat focused with movement designed around combat on flat ground, involves a lot more forced backtracking (even if you know exactly where to go the game makes you trudge back and forth across the entire map many times), has an extremely horizontal map full of flat corridors, and features RPG and loot mechanics.

(Super) Metroid is more exploration focused with movement designed around jumping and navigating, makes attempts at limiting backtracking (if you know where you're going you'll only retrace your steps 2-3 times in a controlled fashion), has a much better balance of horizontal and vertical areas of the map that are generally more interesting to navigate, and has no RPG or loot mechanics so your power is tied to fixed power-ups and difficulty can't be circumvented with grinding.

>> No.7798929

No, they all copy the "we need color-coded weapon doors" shit from metroid too. Leave it to people using a shit term to describe their game to only copy the worst and least interesting form of metroid gatekeeping for their game.

>> No.7798987

>Mario 64 was mediocre when it came out
Good job on outing yourself as a retard from the get go. I'm not even a Nintendie but SM64 was a huge deal.

>> No.7799014

donkey kong 64 ruined DKC, its a soulless 3D platfomer chasing the Mario 64 train

starfox adventures has more soul then ocarina of time

pokemon died after crystal

>> No.7799017

1080 was better than SSsuX

>> No.7799019

>*Mario 64 was mediocre when it came out and has aged since there are 3D platformers with far more interesting worlds to explore
for me as kid, watching Mario run up the stairs in 3D was the coolest thing ever.
At the time all games were side scrollers so that was mind blowing to see

the rest i agree

>> No.7799020

I hate it, so you're not alone.
Toki is one of the greatest games ever made, while DKC is a junky eyesore.

>> No.7799116

This, even people that were mocking nintendo for the 64 (and for the virtual boy) were in awe of the quality of Mario 64. The only people I know who disliked it were people that were in their 30s when they first played and who struggled to control an analog stick game.

>> No.7799127

most retro communities centering around nintendo leads to a lot of shitty retarded attitudes
>jrpg worship
>muh developer's intentions
>getting angry over romhacks and mods
>taking nostalgia too far

>> No.7799136

>Sonic 1 and Sonic CD are the best sonic games. Sonic 3D Blast and Sanicball are the only good 3d sonic games, the rest range from bad to godawful.
>Spindash was the beginning of the end for the series, as sonic 2 demonstrates in shoving way too much emphasis on speed and spectacle into the game. It kept going until you hit 3D, which was basically all spectacle, no gameplay, total shit.
This might be the worst take in the entire thread

>> No.7799162

Spin Dash being a bad addition isn't too uncommon of an opinion. In Sonic 1 you have to make use of the terrain to gain and maintain speed, whereas 2 onward, stopping and spindashing everywhere is the best strategy even in high-level speedruns.
Dunno how he thinks 3D Blast is anything but repetitive garbage for 9-year-olds though

>> No.7799169

Im mad

>> No.7799172

Toki is god awful and deserved to die the death he died

>> No.7799176

>Toki is god awful
lol git gud.

>and deserved to die the death he died

>> No.7799189


Difficult games are poorly designed, not a fun quirk of the era.

>> No.7799242

I would agree if it weren't for the fact that Sonic 1 is really boring to me compared to Sonic 2. The spindash is fun. I also loved the drop dash that they later implemented in Mania.

>> No.7799246

Oh yeah, should probably point out, he forgot that Sonic CD had the spindash and the super peel out. He contradicted himself, the absolute retard. Contrarianism is a disease.

>> No.7799252

I agree with this. Especially knowing now that many devs made games bullshit hard just so they couldn’t be easily finished in a rental period.

>> No.7799253
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Not so fast DKtranny. When was your last title again?

>> No.7799257

>mean words is now considered edgy

>> No.7799310 [DELETED] 

Any tips on surviving the path to Death in the first game? Somehow this alone is harder than all of Stage 10. I guess I should use the stopwatch?

>> No.7799805

Metroidvanias are shit
Duke 3D is remembered more for being funny than actual gameplay
Vampire Savior is better than any version of street fighter.

>> No.7799810

Half Life 2 was a massive disappointment.

>> No.7800272

t. Zoom

>> No.7800279

Duke’s multiplayer was awesome though. Duke 64 was a staple of gaming nights with friends back then.

>> No.7801781

I'll give you that, Duke's multiplayer was really fun.

>> No.7802275

RPGs are not games

>> No.7802396

It's literally the only Zelda worth playing

>> No.7802409

knuckles chaotix is the only good sonic game

>> No.7802416

>The controls are awful
>on one of the few snes games that allows you to fully customize the controls

>> No.7802451

wow what a retarded opinion

>> No.7802465

Nah, the gameplay is just plain shit, not mediocre. Even by FF standards

>> No.7802467

i mean i play alttp randomizers a lot and love that game, but i kinda feel him on the replayability
going through it again vanilla would feel like a chore

>> No.7802471

Goldeneye n64 is a medicore shooter. Graphics are shit even for the time, artstyle is non-existent, the soundtrack sucks (dolphin noises on frigate), everything about goldeneye is fucking boring that even talking about it puts me to sleep. The world is absolutely dead and boring to navigate.

>> No.7802487

this isnt even a mildly unpopular opinion anymore dude

goldeneye got its spot in the sun due to being one of the only multiplayer shooters that console gaymers had
as soon as anything else in the console FPS genre existed, goldeneye became completely obsolete

>> No.7802526

Video games aren't important and people take them way too seriously.

Games are supposed to be fun. Refusing to use patches/guides/save states, etc. is dumb unless it you actually think it's more fun that way, and developer intent should be disregarded.

For every great retro game, there is a similar modern game that's at least as great. People who think there's something magical about "retro" games are either old men chasing their youth or callow contrarian teens.

I don't give a shit about video output, filters, shaders, and the like. As long as I can see the whole screen and recognize everything on it that's fine. If you spend a lot of time and money fiddling with visual settings you should step back and think about how much you actually like playing games.

>> No.7802546

no it's based because it makes quakeniggers eternally seethe, same with perfect dark.

>> No.7802549

My favourite Silent Hill game is the first one, tied with Homecoming not retro though.

>> No.7802570

games with lock-on and other handicapped console centric aiming systems are so thourghly mogged by m+kb that they're not worth playing unless the shooting is a secondary component in a game like RE or metalgear. huge swaths of the post 4th gen libraries are basically worthless to me.

>> No.7802585

i struggle to see how literally anyone would disagree with this

i thought i was in the "vidya blaspheme" thread?
im confus

>> No.7802590

the one thing that was unforgivable was having a face button be wasted as a dedicated menu button.

>> No.7802601

wait why would someone playing quake be jealous of goldeneye?

quake is a much better game, with a much better engine, on a better platform, with better controls
not only that, but quake had deathmatch, with like 4x as many players, via either online, or by LAN

ill give you that goldeneye had a lot of fun cheats, and was a good party game back then, and i definitely had some great times with it.
but it really was only a success due to the fact it had no direct competition in its market
i couldnt go back to play it now, whereas im sitting here typing this, and already im thinking about how i wanna go play some Q3 deathmatch now

>> No.7802602

>The world is absolutely dead and boring to navigate.
I had the same thought when going through the timesplitters games, something about the levels just felt oddly lifeless and bare bones inspite of the goofy sense of humor on the surface.

>> No.7802624

Rare split killed both companies.

>> No.7802629

objective-based shooters > arena shit
quake singleplayer was mediocre

>> No.7802682

Taltical/strategic rpgs are my favorites
He said jrpg and i find thos super boring and grindy

>> No.7802687

Never liked golden eye for the n64

>> No.7802689

i think by the time quake was in development, and id saw how massively popular multiplayer was for doom, they ended up putting most of their effort into making a good multiplayer game
an idea supported by Q3, where they ditched singleplayer entirely

>> No.7802692

and still a mediocre series

>> No.7802851

WRPG's and CRPG's are better than JRPG's.

>> No.7802973

>I don't like A Link To The Past.
that's not really an opinion, you're just stating a fact about yourself.

>> No.7803046

Leave now

>> No.7803051

Well, not exactly. For example, you can't fix having to use the Select button to cycle through all your secondary weapons, which is especially obnoxious if you don't skip the Grapple Beam and X-ray Scope. The GBA games fixed that up a lot by giving you a dedicated "activate missiles" button and making Power Bombs contextual so they can only be activated while in morph ball.

As it stands, Super Metroid does have some flaws in its controls that can't be fixed with remapping, but with a redesign I think an ideal control scheme for Super Metroid would be:

L - Hold to activate Missiles (or Power Bombs while in morph ball)
R - Hold to angle aim up (press Down while holding to angle aim down)
Select - Switch between Missiles and Super Missiles
Start - Menu
A - Jump
B - Run
X - Shoot
Y - Toggle between Grapple / X-ray / Off (Grapple and X-ray are used infrequently enough that toggling them when needed would be fine, they replace the beam when active so it doesn't interfere with Missile or PB use)

>> No.7803080

I think this is the opinion of everyone thats not just married to consoles

>> No.7803086

lol yea

>> No.7803127

dedicating a whole face button to grapple/x-ray sounds awful desu
and not having buttons dedicated solely to angle-up/down would make lower norfair a fucking chore

if youre cycling through weapons with select, youre doing it wrong
you can remap select to something else
personally i play almost default controls, and the only thing i do before i start is go into config and swap Y with select
that way i turn weapons off which i normally dont need to do very quickly right in the middle of a fight with select and cycle with Y which i DO often use in the middle of fights

>> No.7803179

>dedicating a whole face button to grapple/x-ray sounds awful desu
As it is, those items are not used often and that function would replace the "Cancel Item" button which isn't needed with the updates to missile and power bomb selection. And as you mentioned, that could always be switched over to Select or whatever other button you prefer.

>not having buttons dedicated solely to angle-up/down would make lower norfair a fucking chore
There is a dedicated angle up button still, to angle down you just press down on the d-pad while holding the angle up button. It actually works really well, it's how they do it on the GBA games due to fewer buttons and after getting used to that scheme the separate up and down angle buttons in Super feel a bit silly. Overall you angle up a lot more than you angle down anyway.

>if youre cycling through weapons with select, youre doing it wrong
It doesn't matter which button you set it to, the cycling is what's bad. There's no reason to have to press a button 3 times to activate power bombs when they could just only activate while in morph ball mode. The fact that the cycling system necessitates a dedicated "Cancel Item" button should demonstrate how clunky it is in the first place.

>> No.7803243

I've never enjoyed any Metroid games.... I've tried, the first 2 had some charm i guess, but prime sucks my ass and i never understood the hype behind that game. I never finished any of them, I tried to power through super metroid but.... nah

>> No.7803258

I’ve finished all three Metroid Primes, Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission but never finished Super. It just doesn’t hold my attention for some reason.

>> No.7803926

I have no interest in the Castlevania series. I played the first, and it had some fun sections, but the controls were too stiff and the cheap hits were too frequent for me to want to play any of the other games.

>> No.7804242

Zelda Ancient Stone Tablet is my favorite 2D zelda (outside of Links Awakening that I consider to be an outsider)

>> No.7804857

First zelda’s better

>> No.7804884

You started with the baby games. Super Metroid is the real deal. I would go so far as to say you haven't even played Metroid. Your closest experience is Zero Mission. Which is baby mode for babies who are too coddled for the challenges of the pre smartphone era.

>> No.7804890

Also you fucked up by even playing zero mission. The game is a remake of the original, but it functions as a prequel with the extra content on the surface and references to Super Metroid.

You're like a pathetic goon to me. It's funny.

>> No.7804894

Not to mention you never played Return of Samus, so you wouldn't even have a clue what's going on in Fusion.

You are the dumbest retard nigger I've ever seen on this board.

>> No.7804902

Metroid prime used to be my favorite game back in high school but the more I go back to it, the more I realize it’s just not very good and doesn’t capture the Metroid atmosphere like I wish it did. Looking into the history of retro makes it all make sense, since it’s iguana programmers and the president went on to make the guy game. Nintendo also was going to dissolve the studio because of how much trouble they had finishing the game until it was a surprise hit. It makes me worried for prime 4 that they came back
2 was alright though

>> No.7804908

>getting this mad about a series that’s had more bad games than good ones

>> No.7804995

It nails its setting, dialogue and music so perfectly but the gameplay is so bland.

>> No.7805021

Not really, unless you somehow came to a turn based JRPG expecting something else other than a goddamn turn based JRPG. You can avoid combat (even more than, say, Chrono Trigger since you can actually despawn enemies here), instakill weak enemies you'd have to fight otherwise in any other game, get an extra chance to survive thanks to the rollin HP counter, all which makes it surprisingly dynamic.

>> No.7805029

Donkey Kong Country is an extremely average plat former, and 1 was better then 2.

>> No.7805061

Link to the past is vastly overrated. It's nowhere near the best 2D Zelda game.
You guys are idiots. Sure there might be fake fans (Though nowhere what retards meme about) but these games didn't become well liked just because of memes. For Earthbound its because the setting was so unique and it had an odd style of humor through out. For MM it was the fact that it was a slightly darker OOT but with cool shit like the mask system to spice up gameplay.

>> No.7805065

Ocarina of Time feels like a far-gone prototype of Majora's Mask.

>> No.7805071

Majora's Mask needs 3 days to shine Ocarina of Time's boots.

>> No.7805082

I’ll be honest: I tried and failed to get into Earthbound when it was ported to Wii U. I love the idea of it more than I liked the JRPG gameplay. The story and characters are very charming though.

>> No.7805109

All those things actually make Earthbound the best designed JRPG of all time in my opinion and I wish more JRPGs had copied it.

>> No.7805113

Yeah I’m sure I really need to understand the “deep lore” that was most likely presented in the instruction manual for a Game Boy game.

>> No.7805118

The first two Prime games are significantly more difficult than Super Metroid.

>> No.7805127

Morrowind really ain't that great.

>> No.7805136

My only complaint with Earthbound is that it's too easy so a lot of the cooler features of the game and a lot of the psyabilties and neat items go unused. It really REALLY needs a hard mode hack of the quality that FF 6-12 all have to really shine in perfection.

>> No.7805172

Mother 2 Deluxe would be the perfect difficult hack if it didn't increase enemy spawns so hard the framerate tanks everywhere (don't get me started on all the extraneous bullshit it adds like restoring the original translation but arbitrarily switching names to their original equivalent), it makes boss battles a fuckton more strategic and requires careful use of PSI Refresh, shield killers and so on. It's a shitty hack but a fun one.

>> No.7805268

beat link's awakening this morning!

really liked it a lot. but link to the past is a better game.

the difficulty in link's awakening is too uneven. the bosses are too easy.

some of the things you need to do are too damn cryptic. some of the puzzles are cruel since that make you wander back and forth across whole dungeons for dumb key placement locations.

overall i can't knock link's awakening. and i can see why people would love its quirkiness. it was my first time beating it and i really love my time with it.

BUT... to think link's awakening is hot shit while acting like link to the past falls flat when they both play pretty much exactly the same is just you being naive or dumb as shit. i can see saying you like one over the other but to act like one is shit while the other is great is just odd when 99% of the games' mechanics are the same.

>> No.7806404

Show me your death count, pleb. You didn't really beat the game.

>> No.7806463

yeah, the music is amazing.
yes man jr.

>> No.7806639

The thing that makes the first Zelda fantastic is that it plops you into the middle of an open world and tells you to figure out your shit, it's actually what makes the first (and only the first) Dragon Quest such a fantastic game.

ALTTP turned the franchise into a railroad. It opens up a bit but it is full of hard locked areas that demand you do things in a linear way.

>> No.7806714

I did! Beat it on the switch. Died twice! But I'm always with medicine and two fries. First time ever playing it in any form.

>> No.7806753
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>What are some opinions you have about retro games that amount to heretical blasphemy?
I do see more people agreeing with me on this front lately. But, Squaresoft didn't really hit their prime until they moved away from Nintendo. FF7 was leagues better than any of the previous iterations, and FF8, FF9, FFX only served to improve the series further, aesthetically and in terms of gameplay. Chrono Cross is far better than Trigger. Aside from that, Square mostly was pumping out cookie-cutter RPGs for the SNES, which were largely forgettable, or otherwise too limited or flawed to be interesting, when compared to other RPGs of the time. Their output on the Playstation was infinitely better than their output on the SNES.

>> No.7806763

Do you have a hacked Switch or are SNES games now available to buy on it?

>> No.7806827

You get a bonus ending if you don't die.

>> No.7806834

Link's Awakening is probably the remake version, and SNES games have been available through Nintendo Switch Online for a long time now.

>> No.7806840

Oh gotcha. I’ve been refusing to subscribe to Switch Online. I just want to be able to buy individual games via Virtual Console but that’s clearly not happening on Switch.

>> No.7806858

Yeah, Nintendo clearly only cares about the Switch Online style virtual console now, they don't give a fuck about a la cart ROM purchases any more when they can sell it as a subscription service.

>> No.7807806

>i bet you like trash movies like 2001 a space odyssey, lost in translation, clockwork orange,
Kys nigger faggot whore

>> No.7807827

Zelda games are not arcade games, you autist. It doesn't matter how many times a player dies.

>> No.7807861

The only Zelda game I ever fully enjoyed was BotW.

>> No.7807868

Took the words right out of my mouth

>> No.7807870

Nobody does this other than twitterfags

>> No.7807875
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>> No.7807927

2D topdown zeldas are some of my favorite games, yet i cant get into 3D zelda for the life of me. something about 3D zelda feels really off, and i dont know why

>> No.7807943

All 'toddlers are like this. Nintendo and their shit games are a cult to these retards. Just like this mong with no self-awareness >>7798217 and don't tell me he's just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.7808439
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>Of all those shitty 2D games only mario and Chrono Trigger hold up and even they are overrated. NSMB series > SMB1-3, LL, W
>PS1 rpgs blow chrono trigger and other nes/snes rpgs out of the water.


>> No.7808443
File: 101 KB, 594x394, harlan ellison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Videogames aren´t art, they´re virtual toys

>> No.7808507


>> No.7808529 [DELETED] 

i agree with you. i think toys can be art, but most art games fail to be toys first and thus games.

>> No.7808539
File: 3 KB, 102x124, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think toys can be art

>> No.7808667

Only people that think Mario 64 was good were kids that had parents too poor to afford a PS1 lmao

>> No.7808682

As a PS1 owning kid, I tried to pretend Crash Bandicoot was just as good but come on. PlayStation had lots of good games but nothing that could compete with Mario 64.

>> No.7808683

Based and factually correct

>> No.7808724

Every Sonic game sucks.

>> No.7808727

yeah played the remake! give it a try. the visuals and music are pretty darn charming. i'm hoping they do a link to the past or oracle of seasons/ages remake in the same way. that would be insanely cool. or even doing the original in a similar style would be badass.

>> No.7808751

I actually really liked the Link’s Awakening remake. Naturally Nintendo is far too shiesty to include Link’s Awakening DX as an unlockable bonus though.

>> No.7808853

That would have been cool, like including NES Metroid in Zero Mission.

>> No.7808904

>or even doing the original in a similar style would be badass.

I really think they need to remake the original. Doing it in a style similar to the Links Awakening remake could work. I like the idea of a slightly expanded game. It's the Kingdom Of Hyrule. What kingdom? It's a bunch of old men living in caves. There's no kingdom. Where's Hyrule Castle? Where's the town? If you look at the map for Zelda 1 it's a big rectangle. In the remake they could expand the map in the South to add Hyrule Castle, a town, etc. Make it a more fleshed out lived in world. And the rest of the map could remain the same.

I think it's crazy they haven't tried to update Zelda 1 yet. It's a good game, with flaws of the time it was made. It's ripe to be polished up.

>> No.7808907

I was born in 2000

>> No.7808910

>What kingdom? It's a bunch of old men living in caves.
Zelda 1 is post-apocalyptic. Ganon fucked everyone's shit and you're trying to un-fuck it.

>> No.7808914


>> No.7809530

I grew up only playing retro games because my brothers were 10 years older than me and I only got hand me downs, from there, never stopped

>> No.7809539

when n64 came out ps1 was the same price

>> No.7809550

Fps games suck

>> No.7809584

I'm sorry, only humans released on or before December 31, 1999 can be considered retro.

>> No.7809595

I do not like the BattleToads games.
>1 i thought they were a beat em up
They are not beat em ups. I feel like they sold me on all this dope Final fight style cartoony style beat em up action
And what i got what a little bit of beat em up action and tons and tons of trial and error BS death platforming
Thanks bros

>> No.7809603

Everything he said was right though. Except talking shit about Clockwork Orange.
This thread really outted the newfags

>> No.7809635

>he fell for the battletoads meme

>> No.7809636

Crash is dog shit and always was
Spyro was better for way more than just 'muh skyboxes'
Banjo Kazooie was better than Mario 64 (Mario 64 was still good though)
Tooie is a very good game
PS1 was the better overall system but N64 was good
TTYD > Paper Mario 64
SH 1 > RE 1 by far

>> No.7809645

I did I did desu. Almost like going into Earthworm Jim and thinking its a Run and Gun.
When like one level is a Run and Gun and the rest of game is a bunch of weird shit.
Well thats actually the second one. Earthworm jim 1 has more than one level of run and gun. and could maybe be called a variation of a run and gun

>> No.7809685

That’s the thing, though. The setting/theme of both is more appealing then the game itself. The gameplay isn’t really the draw.

Thus, many people find enjoyment in the idea of the game but don’t actually play it. Leading to the meme.

>> No.7809691

Sorta but to experience the theme and setting you kinda have to like...play it. Also the gameplay isn't BAD. It's just DQ.

>> No.7809751

They should add ruined towns in some parts of the map then

>> No.7809868
File: 895 KB, 800x800, Legend_of_Zelda_2,_The_-_Adventure_of_Link,_The_-_NES_-_Map_-_1st_Game_Inset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre on the wrong side of death mountain for that
no one lived in that part of hyrule cuz theres a bunch of monsters there
link was only over there to get triforce pieces and save the princess

>> No.7810072

>Zelda 1 is post-apocalyptic. Ganon fucked everyone's shit and you're trying to un-fuck it.

When Impa finds Link it's only been a few days or weeks since Ganon took over Hyrule. The setting isn't 100 years after the fall. It's like a week after the fall. And all traces of a once mighty kingdom are completely erased? There's just some old people in caves?

The world building is something that always bugged me about Zelda 1. Even a ruined castle, a ruined town, would have fleshed out the world a lot.

>> No.7810086

Its one of the first adventure games ever made. Why are you being so autistic?

>> No.7810104

It's just a suggestion, why are you getting upset?

>> No.7810153

>all traces of a once mighty kingdom are completely erased
No, pay attention because you were already told this. During Zelda 1 you don't explore the part of Hyrule people live in.

>> No.7810201

Faggot needs to play more shooters. There are some really good ones out there.

>> No.7810216
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For me, it is:
>A Link to the Past is okay at best. The first half of the game is amazing, but it gets real boring after you go into the Dark World. At that point, every dungeon feels rushed and uninspired.
>I find every Megaman game to be mediocre. I was never a fan of its pretty gay aesthetic, but the gameplay of each game is alright. Megaman fits the definition of soulless; a product made every year to produce a greater volume of sales for Capcom. I've beaten MMX and MM2, but I can't be bothered with playing anymore of them because they are just ok.
>The NES is shite compared to the SMS. Even though the library for the SMS is tiny, it has much better games than the NES. Wonder Boy III: A Dragons Trap hasn't aged a single day and is still an incredible experience.
>I despise Earthworm Jim.

>> No.7810307

Ok I'll let Miyamoto know

>> No.7810527

>Zelda games are too easy
outing yourself as a 3D Zelda only player

>> No.7810530

The first good Final Fantasy Tactics game was Tactics Advance

>> No.7810549

What are you talking about? I'm not the anon in question, but every Zelda game is fucking easy (besides Zelda II).

>> No.7810593 [SPOILER] 
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The best retro fighting game is pic related.

>> No.7810610
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Claymates is better. They should've stuck to platformers.

>> No.7810627
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Hudsonsoft was a C tier developer at best and most of their games were only mediocre. Same with Data East

>> No.7810628

That I couldn't give less of a fuck about what anyone think of the games I enjoy.

Yall take everything way too personal

>> No.7810643

>*Most JRPGs are for low testosterone, low intelligence gamers.
As a JaRPiG fan, this is true. Sorry we are like this

>> No.7810651

There's two hard Zelda games and a whole bunch of easy ones.

>> No.7810681

Microsoft has done poorly in every single console war
in 6th gen, they did take second, but they barely did any better than the gamecube. 1/6th the sales of the ps2.
in 7th gen, they took last place
in 8th gen, second again, but the gap from xbone to ps4 was still huge. less than half.
So far they're losing to ps5, less than half
They're easily the least successful of the 5 main console manufacturers. Even sega at least got more than halfway to winning that one time.

>> No.7810686

>pre-Playstation Squaresoft games, before they hit their prime
the snes FF games completely outclass the playstation ones.

>> No.7810715

>thread specifically for unpopular opinions
>people come in and get mad when they see unpopular opinions
are you lot slow or something

>> No.7810717

bizarre bait

>> No.7810754

No Sonic game is fun.

>> No.7810772

>No, Sonic game is fun!
I agree.

>> No.7810785

>in 7th gen, they took last place
with licensing taken into account they probably edge out the ps3 even with the late gen comeback.

>> No.7810829
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>in 7th gen, they took last place
Are you fucking retarded? The 360 was much better than both the PS3 and the Wii. The only good game exclusive to PS3 was Demon's Souls.

>in 8th gen, second again, but the gap from xbone to ps4 was still huge. less than half.
So far they're losing to ps5, less than half
I would argue that the Xbox One is worse than the Switch. There is not a single point in owning an Xbox, unless you are one of those stupidly manipulated consumers who is a "loyal customer" to the company in question.

>> No.7810836
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Ignore this:
>So far they're losing to ps5, less than half

>> No.7810906

>The NES is shite compared to the SMS. Even though the library for the SMS is tiny, it has much better games than the NES. Wonder Boy III: A Dragons Trap hasn't aged a single day and is still an incredible experience.
Agreed, and I believe anyone whom has spent any appreciable time with both consoles would come to the same conclusion. The vast majority of NES games, even the "classics", are janky bullshit, SMS games are almost a generation ahead in terms of playibility and presentation.
>A Link to the Past is okay at best.
Would also like to add, it is MASSIVELY outdone by games such as Soleil and Beyond Oasis on the Mega Drive, or Neutopia II and Valkyrie no Densetsu on the PC Engine. By comparison it's honestly not even worth playing.

>> No.7810998
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with one notable exception

>> No.7811053
File: 134 KB, 722x1024, 77121-golvellius-valley-of-doom-sega-master-system-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe anyone whom has spent any appreciable time with both consoles would come to the same conclusion
Based taste and I can't agree anymore. Most of the so called best NES games are alright. The masterpieces of the SMS stand far above them (The Wonder Boy games, Golden Axe Warrior, Golvellius, Phantasy Star, R-type, Shinobi and Ninja Gaiden). People who disagree are clearly biased towards Nintendo and grew up with an NES. Honestly, try comparing Double Dragon on the SMS to the NES version and the difference is day and night.

>> No.7811058

it's good, but one of the weakest zeldas

>> No.7811146

the N64 here was regarded as the 'premium' console because the games were more expensive.
playstation was edgier and 'cooler' but it had the feeling of being saturated with shovelware titles, and when goldeneye came out that was the thing everyone wanted for local multiplayer, and the N64 became the console for people with friends due to having four inputs and games based around it (even the dudebro sports players played goldeneye).

>> No.7811157
File: 23 KB, 305x480, 7_05bc91d9-f94b-4d73-b0af-0214be548938_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't people (not you) accept that both N64 and PS1 were good consoles. People are fucking retarded for still fighting a 25+ year console war that only existed because of brand advertising.

>> No.7811164

From the janky and primitive NES, to the sluggish and bottlenecked SNES, to the blurry and choppy N64, and beyond, Nintendo has never been good. More and more people are finally waking up to this truth.

>> No.7811190
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I truly disagree there. Both the SNES and N64 had some very good games. Hell, I would gladly argue that the SNES is better than the Megadrive. However, during the N64 era, Nintendo just became utter shite. It is only a meme to argue that Nintendo was never good, especially if you compare modern releases to what we got back in the day.

>> No.7811328

Still better than the ds games eith tjier forced touch jank

>> No.7811449

Xbox fan here. Game Pass is a great deal so I’m sticking with the SeX as my primary console this gen. PlayStation is generally only worth getting once the slim revision comes out imo.

>> No.7811459


>> No.7811461

Its dogshit

>> No.7811468

False. The only good Contra are Super and Hard Corps

>> No.7811556
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Nah, you are just retarded.

>> No.7811743

Pretty sure anon means it means as a label. I agree with that statement. If a game is trying to be a "metroidvania" it's gonna suck.

>> No.7811780

Because everyone should know the PS1 is superior in every way other than that no game having piece of shit

>> No.7811794

That image has a spoiler. Someone should replace the image of Link obtaining the bottle under the bridge for something else.

>> No.7811798

Nintendo first party is overrated

>> No.7812001

I firmly believe all good games should have at least one section that frustrates the fuck out of the player (as long as its based in good game design). You have to put the player in his place sometimes, can't let him get too cocky.

>> No.7812790
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no its actually this desu
easily the most delightfully busted fighting game ive ever come across
imagine a 4-button style FG where """balance""" is achieved by basically every character having a completely broken set of combos
a game where nearly any move can be linked into anything

since discovering it, all other FGs have become completely irrelevant to me

>> No.7813082

With the release of recent pandemic, zoomers born before 2007 are now considered retro

>> No.7813093
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Most older retro gamers who actually still play games sold their collections years ago and now play on emulators. And they prefer it that way.

>> No.7813102
File: 28 KB, 600x450, malus sieversii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of arcade games would benefit from a hack to make the game easier to 1cc. They have beautiful graphics and sound but casuals don't want to play them because of the difficulty balance. Or worse they credit feed through them and never touch them again.

A series of hacks which simulate a console style arranged mode would re-popularize some arcade games.

>> No.7813105

So in your opinion what is an example of a 10/10 game?

>> No.7813207

You sick bastard.

>> No.7813221

8 and 16 bit era action games were meant to be the easier version of arcade games.

If they ported an arcade game they straight up made it easier. If the made a new game they made it so wasn't nearly as brutal as arcade game. And the gave the player several or even unlimited credits inexchange for making it send them back extra far.

Casuals do not use this as stepping stones to the arcade. They play them for 30 mintues and either give up on improving or they save state scum their way every time they run into a section that would require them to get better.

Many casuals do even worst. They just "heard" that the old game was hard and never touch it to begin with.

>> No.7813224

I'm sure whatever he says you'll just go out of your way to nitpick it to death.

>> No.7813247

Fucking hot take.
I'd play my original hardware more, but I finally bought my own place and set up a retro room only to have to leave when I had a death in the family. I can't win.

>> No.7813248

There needs to be more african american and lgbt representation.

>> No.7813253

Agree, we need more negress cuties with huge asses in our vidya.

>> No.7813290

>lgbt representation
Link has been a character for over thirty years.

>> No.7813884

Mortal Kombat only ever became popular because of impressionable young boys in awe over blood spatter and fatalities. If it weren't for MK9 there wouldn't be a single good game in the franchise.

All licensed retro games (i.e. Batman, X-Men, Terminator, etc..) suck, unless it's a pinball table.

Blaster Master Zero is better than the original NES title.

Sparkster is better than Rocket Knight Adventures.

>> No.7813905

Unironically agree, and there should be more representation of other groups too. It could be fun playing as a Native American hunter-gatherer, Bedouin nomad, etc.

>> No.7813930

As a nintenfag
>I dislike jrpgs
>I pirate all of my shit
>Couldn't care less for devs
>I like romhacks and mods
Might be a bit guilty of the last one, but that's it

>> No.7813958

SNES sprites and pixel art looked better than the choppy polygons on N64 and PSOne.

>I'm gonna try too hard to piss off literally everyone or appeal to fellow hipsters

yeah, if they're idiots. I never sold any of my SNES games, all of them, work, and at least half of them go for over $100 in used game stores. I don't even have a ton of games, I just happen to have ones that became valuable, like Silent Hill 1, Earthbound, and Final Fantasy 1. I don't get why people get rid of old systems tho. Don't you people like replaying stuff?

>> No.7813990

>Blaster Master Zero is better than the original NES title.

That's not controversial. The original NES title is borderline unplayable for me.

>> No.7814851

Virtual Hydlide is actually fun to play when you get past the graphics.

Daggerfall isn't worth playing at all. It's just too broken and the UI is terrible.

Morrowind is slow and boring.

>> No.7815386

Why though?

>> No.7815498

2D games on sega saturn and ps1 are often overly pixelated and often look worse than 16 bit graphics.

>> No.7815519

there's too much already, in fact they're over-represented

>> No.7815612

I'm OK with black or gay characters. I just wish that it wasn't a plot point that they're black or gay. That's just pandering bullshit, and even the groups they're pandering to know it.

>> No.7815691

2D Donkey Kong games are much better than Mario

>> No.7815742

/vr/ is a depressing hobby because no new classic games will ever be created and all of the good ones have already been discovered. likely you will have already played most of them.
/v/ is worse though because new games just entirely went to shit.

>> No.7815806

This board has some great, really tech savvy posters. I like learning about how old console hardware worked.

>> No.7816168
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>SNES sprites and pixel art looked better than the choppy polygons on N64 and PSOne
Are you joking? Nearly everyone has this fucking opinion.

>> No.7816254

>all of the good ones have already been discovered.

Oh really? You've played Cosmic Guerilla?

>> No.7816393

yea i always hear that argument and think how retarded it is. theres always something youve never played or even heard about

its also a moot point because romhacks, fan translations, and mods etc for many popular old games are constantly coming out, and due to how much more accessible making such things is now, compared to 15yrs ago or whatever, theres basically always something new to play, even with games that are now 30yrs old
imo us /vr/ troopers have it WAYYY better than the /v/irgins

>> No.7816396

There's all kinds of cool stuff to be found on sixth gen consoles and arcade games of that era.

>> No.7816403

If you like both old and new games you have the largest library of things to choose from.

The people I really pity are the ones that have narrow taste they only like 1 or 2 genres so they eventually play the good games in the genre, then they play all the mediocre ones. Then its either a choice between replaying the same games or struggling through the bad games for the few nuggets of fun they have.

>> No.7816495

I don't think that's a controversial opinion at all.

>> No.7816497

shoot em ups are fun

>> No.7816508

100% agreed

>> No.7816523

He's probably a zoomer. There are zoomers who unironically think pixel art is ugly but PS1/N64 low poly is nostalgic and looks good.

>> No.7816547

>I just wish that it wasn't a plot point that they're black or gay
this can be as stupid as the pandering. works of fiction aren't reality, when you deviate from convention it needs to serve a purpose beyond 'happens to be a minority'.

>> No.7816571

Having racially diverse characters can make sense even if it's not a plot point, for instance if the game takes place in a major city or spans many locations. But I agree that LGBT characters seem shoehorned in if the game makes a point of saying they're LGBT without doing anything with it.

>> No.7816652

on the contrary, I'm a person who lived through the pixel to polygon transition. At the time, my opinion actually was heretical because everyone thought games looked outdated if they weren't 3D. I remember one game magasine I had as at the time even said the sprites in Xenogears were "bad graphics". Forgive me if my opinion about this has actually become mainstream without me realising it.

>> No.7816779

I think DKC3 is better than DKC1.

>> No.7816785
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>> No.7817080

This is 100% true. MM is alright at best.

>> No.7817291
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Get over it, schizo

>> No.7817310

not like i wanted to sell my collection, my life was going in the shitter

>> No.7817510

I don’t like any 2D Sonic and prefer 3D. I don’t like any 2D Zelda. I don’t like any JRPG ever. I don’t like Symphony of the Night. I don’t like REmake. I used the rewind feature before.

>> No.7817535

the gunplay in first max payne is ass, as much as I love everything surrounding it. the bullet spread and tanky enemies lead to you just spraying in the general direction of an enemy, waiting for the death scream, then spraying at another target.

>> No.7817737
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>implying cowadoody consistently had some of the best vidya music ever
half the reason i play MM is to rock out

>> No.7817787

There is more to the Mega Man franchise than just the classic series

>> No.7818208

Wrong. Dogshit unfun trash. Literally the only mario game I've never replayed because I had so little fun the first time.

>> No.7818338

well i was referring to classic mega Man but mods deleted that thread within a few minutes.

>> No.7818389

the first zelda games were all groundbreaking, their hype was well-earned, and only the most retarded of faggots would deny this. lttp came close to perfecting the formula. unfortunately, it also showed signs of the problems that would eventually ruin many of the subsequent games.

>Links Awakening took a lot of the concepts in ALTTP and elevated them
what, concepts such as hand-holding and railroading?

>> No.7818918

>the first zelda games were all groundbreaking
nuff said

that said, while i enjoy alttp randomizers, i cannot be arsed to play the vanilla game basically ever again
first one tho?
any day
and i really have a soft spot for 2 just due to how satisfying the swordplay is

as for trashing LA, i guess i can see it
i think that games fucking wonderful tho
i think that guy was talking about some of the things that it did first
>first trading quest in the series
>first game where characters actually exist and do things in the world as opposed to sahasrahlalalalal being basically the only named char, who you talk to like twice
>first game that tried to bring the theme of music into the forefront of its plot later expanded upon heavily in OoT and WW
>first zelda game to be something other than lol go save duh princess
>first game to include rocs feather sorely underused/unused mechanic in nearly every other 2d zelda
>first game to introduce collectables seashells had me scouring the whole map as a kid
>first game with optional sidequests
it did a lot right imo
its important to remember that it was a gameboy game and an early one at that
that meant smaller world, smaller dungeons, smaller game in general
its also good to remember that it was primarily created by one dude, in his off hours, and it wasnt even going to be a zelda game in the first place
yes, it absolutely DID railroad you from dungeon to dungeon, but its hard not to do that in a small game thats centered around finding items to open new areas
that said, its great pacing makes up for it to me. it really keeps you going from dungeon to dungeon, basically the whole time
it also had a lot of really awesome tunes, and imo is one of the more memorable 2D zeldas by a pretty decent margin

Z1 + 2 + 3 = agreed
Z4 = agree to disagree

>> No.7818995

Mario Kart 64 is not only the worst Mario Kart but is also nearly unplayable dogshit.

Actually I find N64 in general to be kinda dogshit. Most titles look like shit and are barren lifeless worlds.

GameCube is the best system Nintendo ever produced. Possibly the best console full stop. Just enough 3D tech at the time to still make it bearable today.

PS2 was the most technically superior console of its generation, but GameCube had the best library and four controller ports which made it better when all was considered.

Genesis was VASTLY superior to Super Nintendo.

I don't understand why anyone would want anything older than an NES as anything other than novelty. Any graphics worse than an NES are unplayable garbage.

It is better to have good 2D art than 3D art just because you can. It is for this reason I pin the Genesis and Super Nintendo as better than the PS1 and N64. Not sure this is actually controversial though.

The Wii was a fucking great idea and I miss it dearly.

Graphics are as important if not more so than game play. 2D and low resolution does not necessarily mean bad graphics. High texture and polygons does not necessarily mean gold graphics. It is entirely about the mood and feel of a game.

>> No.7819640

Mk64 is at least better than Super Mario Kart

>> No.7819697
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>PS2 was the most technically superior console of its generation
It wasn't, the xBox was, however, the PS2 is far closer to the xBox in terms of capabilities than many seem to realize. The GameCube was a distant third behind both of them technologically.
>Genesis was VASTLY superior to Super Nintendo.
Picrel. The SNES is a meme console, it's not even good. There are so many better 16-bit platforms to choose from.

>> No.7819703

Zoomzoom without a doubt.

>> No.7819710

The GameCube was a capable console but of course they all had their weaknesses. Most PS2 games ran at relatively low resolutions for example. The GameCube’s main fault was its mini discs that couldn’t store as much as a full size DVD rather than the specs of the console itself which were pretty damn good.

>> No.7819714

Also, it’s Xbox, not xBox. I have no idea where you got the notion that it was spelled like that.

>> No.7819731
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The GameCube also had other serious deficiencies, such as being far more constrained in terms of lighting effects or particles, and having far less general-purpose RAM.

>> No.7820765

93 so whatever that is

Yep I remember that being the big debate and everyone arguing graphics capabilities between the consoles when I was younger. GameCube always lagged behind quite a bit and felt technically outdated, but the amazing library made up for it. If that did not exist I don't think people would remember the cube so fondly. After all a large part of consoles is the experience we have through them

>> No.7820782

Some of GameCube’s exclusives rank up there as the best looking games of their generation imo. I couldn’t believe how good REmake looked when I first saw it for example. You’re right though, the GC generally got short shrift when it came to multiplats because they didn’t sell as well as they did on PS2/Xbox.

>> No.7820784

I not only prefer the original JSR to JSRF but think it's plainly and clearly the better game. Sometimes I feel like either an insane person or the only one who can think logically because nobody agrees with me.

>> No.7820790

>93 so whatever that is
Safely in boomer territory my fellow millenial, zoomer is 95 and on

>> No.7820791
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The character designs in Golden Sun are ugly and generic. So ugly that I ended up dropping the game because of it. I have played so many jrpgs and so many of them are derivative garbage that when I start a new one it better have amazing art design to hold my attention. Golden Sun didn't.

>> No.7820817

Gamecube never felt technologically inferior, that was always the PS2 which got low resolution 30FPS versions of games that ran at 60FPS and looked beautiful on the other two consoles. Shit like described in >>7819731 never came up in any practical context, all one has to do is look at multiplats and situations like GC exclusives that got PS2 versions later that were laughably inferior.

Yes, I'm sure the developers of every Sonic game, RE4, Tales of Symphonia, etc were all colluding just to make the PS2 look worse.

>> No.7820824

Seeing a this anon >>7820765 wasn’t even 10 years old when the GC launched, I’m pretty sure he’s just going by his childhood memories and biases.

>> No.7820835

Chrono Trigger is a generic jarpig overrated by DBZ watching children

>> No.7820841

I’m not sure I’d even heard of DBZ yet when CT came out in 1995.

>> No.7820842

>overrated by DBZ watching children
Toriyama didn't write the game ya idiot

>> No.7820875

But he designed the characters you dumb fag

>> No.7820942

Do you really think people only enjoy the game for its character design alone?

>> No.7820956

Little kids do. Jarpigs have crappy stories anyway

>> No.7820957

This argument doesn't really hold up to any scrutiny does it
Why even make it in the first place

>> No.7820962

An ancient evil has awakened, travel back in time to stop it

>> No.7823102

Crash Bandicoot is incredibly mediocre. Nothing remotely exciting about any of the games.

>> No.7823119

less than 60fps is awful.
<30fps is not a stylistic choice. It's poorly optimised.

Never have I been playing a game at 60fps and thought "if only this were 24fps, then it'd be more cinematic".

"Cinematic" is a weird ambition. It's a game, not cinema. Would a film ever aspire to be "gamey" ?

I don't expect these to necessarily be controversial views.

>> No.7823135
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>Would a film ever aspire to be "gamey" ?

>> No.7823917

The only games that are good on the NES are games that are better on some other system

>> No.7823921

If the game is 30fps but stable then its fine.

>> No.7823927

>I hate all platformers, rpgs, metroidvanias, mario, zelda, final fantasy etc
youre a special snowflake
+1 reddit gold

>> No.7823929

>oh no people spam credits to beat mundane repetitive 30 minute games designed to eat quarters rather than a fun difficulty balance that challenges players skills
arcadefags are delusional. all arcade games are bad