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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 145 KB, 1024x768, 1622151873425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7803916 No.7803916 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last Thread: >>7796673

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Half-Life WON version
Doom Shovelware
Fileplanet archives
Doom RPG series
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.7803917

500ml of /vr/ v 5.0

current beta: https://x0.at/zQX.zip

=== NEWS ===
[5-27] Zones of Fear updated to version 2.0

[5-25] Combined Arms updated to 2.3

[5-22] GZDoom 4.6.0 released

[5-21] DavidN announces RAMP community project

[5-21] Tarnsman's Projectile Hell released

[5-19] Abandonware anon launches website for his releases

[5-18] Combined_Arms, Malefactors & Space Hunter updated

[5-15] Anon updates his multi-pwad map randomiser, adds mods support

[5-15] Woof! updated to 5.1.0

[5-14] La Tailor Girl updated to 1.775

[5-14] Explodable props released, makes Doom props explode like GoldenEye

[5-12] New build for Quakespasm-Spiked

[5-12] Anon makes new map

[5-11] Q2EGL, a new Quake 2 port released

[5-8] DoomDynMus mod released, adds dynamic music to GZDoom

=== PREVIOUS ===


>> No.7803918
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From now on I will just be updating this Mega folder, so you can go in and get relevant files instead of redownloading the whole thing every time. I'll also try to update daily, so things can be tested faster. Update notes are in UPDATES.txt in the folder.

Good luck with your mapping!

>> No.7803919
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>> No.7803940

Is there a new-ish Build Engine source port? I heard about something like that somewhere, but I don't remember what it was called. And if so, does it run smoothly on REALLY shitty computers? I wanna play Blood with Death Wish with as little performance issues as possible and I'd like to try out as many source ports as possible.

>> No.7803951

Raze is new, but it doesn't mean it's the best. Build GDX runs all the build games. Some prefer it; I prefer RedNukem for douk and NBlood for Blood since they can play the music packs from sc55.duke4.net/games.php

>> No.7803958

Going to guess that you're using a gaming mouse. Reduce your mouse's polling rate from whatever it currently is, probably 1000, to Window's default rate 125.
(Got the solution from here: "http://www.avpunknown.com/cgi-bin/YaBB.pl?num=1395781641/0"))

>> No.7803990

my graphics card is ded and I have to play on software mode, buildgdx works fine so far

>> No.7803992

scrolling past some weapons spams "no weapon" in this new version

>> No.7804035
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I kind of prefer the original Afraid of Monsters.

The bad audio and textures give it a far more creepy and otherworldly feeling.

>> No.7804040

>Window's default rate 125.
Is there any way to override this? Alter the default polling rate for all normal-speed mice.

>> No.7804068

If you've got a gaming mouse, it's probably best to either Google or check the manual on it.
Otherwise I'm not sure; I found this tutorial, but I haven't tried it. https://youtu.be/xBAercX0p-4

>> No.7804170
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>> No.7804183

hidusbf can do that

>> No.7804189

Keycards: 3,600$
Doomguy: spend less on keycards
UAC: no

>> No.7804191


>> No.7804209
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>> No.7804227

>!!! Note - overclocking may not work for Low speed devices which controlled by non Microsoft USB stack, like USB 3.x at Windows 7 or newest Microsoft drivers.

Well, damn.

>> No.7804230

WinCDEmu can't do CD Audio, last time I tried
others like Deamon Tools work

>> No.7804275

Yep, it's cacodemon

>> No.7804283
File: 175 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210528_050510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get the fuck out of there
How did it take me this long to realize this was a Metal Gear reference

>> No.7804287

how is it a metal gear reference?

>> No.7804291


>> No.7804293

Meant to reply to >>7804287

>> No.7804296

You're way, way off.
It's in reference to this, anon.


>> No.7804302


>> No.7804308


>> No.7804326

>TFW you're stuck on ~8 years old laptop because you're an unlucky loser
I mean, there's truth to his words.
Neat. How easy or bad was it to get Heretic 2 servers working and what about other games you've mentioned before (if there's any progress)?

>> No.7804365


>> No.7804503

Hey guy do you how to make a mods with slade?

>> No.7804560
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Related question, how would I go about making a character pack out of Preacher guy? I want to MARANAX INFERMO in wads that are a little less brutal. Cacomatos for your time.

>> No.7804574

>August 31st deadline
Which means, September 7th deadline, which gets pushed back to September 14th, which won't be fully compiled and final touch up until October 10th

>> No.7804585

Good, don't want any unpolished crap, those maps must be sparkling clean

>> No.7804618

Just in time for an extra spooky Halloween release!

>> No.7804620

Bros, what if, hear me out, instead of a Quake map pack, we made a Turok map pack instead.

>> No.7804627

Turok kind of sucks.

>> No.7804628

Come up with a catchy title and shill it here until you get enough interest. Be the change and all that.

>> No.7804683

Why did H Doom Guy not also mod revenants?

>> No.7804686

I have a 10 years old computer and the only things I can't play are horizon zero down, death stranding and the x360/ps3 emulators because they ask for avx

>> No.7804690
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>> No.7804691

Turok more like Turokroach.

>> No.7804698

IIRC there was one sprite sheet from years ago and was an anime girl with the same proportions as a Revenant

>> No.7804705

>an anime girl with the same proportions as a Revenant
That sounds horrifying. I want to see it.

>> No.7804717

They are already boners.

>> No.7804719

Fellas, how the fuck do you access the yellow key arena in map 12 of Running Late 2? I can't seem to find a way to open the door that leads to it for the life of me.

>> No.7804724

It was intentional

>> No.7804762
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>> No.7804778

Who's this we shit? Put the tools together, make a compelling post, and maybe you'll get some people. Faggot.

>> No.7804779
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>> No.7804862
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>SArais is actually hot
oh no

>> No.7804864

>purpleing of skin
what the fuck, are they a zombie?

>> No.7804903
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>That room
Jesus Christ how the hell you end up like this?

>> No.7804904

We've had enemy projectiles since Doom.

>> No.7804905
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>> No.7804909

The hint is in the username

>> No.7804923

your room/house is usually a reflection of your mental state

>> No.7804945
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>> No.7804949
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>> No.7804952

people usually tend to be moving and live with other individuals anon so that's not true.

>> No.7804953
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>> No.7804954
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where can i get the DN3D 20th anniversary duke3d.grp file? fuck those shady full game exes i just want that file

>> No.7804959
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this somehow justifies living in a dump

>> No.7804962
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>> No.7804963

Why would someone make cathedral with stained glass made of heroes of game?

>> No.7804968

But that doesn't justify how everyone in the same house agree living in a messy place.
At least try to keep it clean.

>> No.7804971
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>> No.7804975

I don't know much about the lore of Hexen but I guess it's something to do on that being their fortress but it's been invaded by several demons.

>> No.7804978

imagine the smell
better not

>> No.7804979

Holy shit. How can a real-life human bean look so much of Pepe.

>> No.7804986

That's no longer the case with Horizon Zero Dawn, they removed the AVX requirement a few months ago. I have an older CPU as well and am able to play it at 60 fps.

>> No.7804987
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Speaking about another human bean


>> No.7804997
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>Freeman's face was done using Greg Coomer's one
>The composer of the games actually looks like him

>> No.7805001
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>> No.7805002

They forgot 2006, Killed himself to become a dragon god https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLWAr3TQ-S8

>> No.7805003
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eh, I don't plan to play it but I actually bought death stranding

>> No.7805004
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>> No.7805008
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>human bean

>> No.7805017
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>> No.7805027
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>> No.7805042

Using the C-Buttons to move is better than using the analog stick to do so in this case, though I'd still argue that it takes some getting used to (I just really prefer playing FPS games with a keyboard and mouse instead of a controller.) I will agree that the framerate was a big issue though, especially in Perfect Dark.

>> No.7805072

Where is chad Race X?

>> No.7805074

Was Call of Duty first FPS with proper iron sights?

>> No.7805085

The intro song is also amazing, though any high-quality version of it is essentially lost to time.

>> No.7805132
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>> No.7805157

The heroes are just average humans. Lore goes that humanity in Cronos (the world of Hexen) is ruled by a totalitarian oligarchy/ triumvirate made up of the Legion and it's leader (Zedek is the leader and Baratus, the fighter is the PC), the Church/ Clergy (Traductus is the leader and Parias the Cleric the PC) and the Mages led by Menelkir with Daedolon as the PC. In game both the leaders and the heroes share their sprites so it's safe to assume that the stained glass depicts the standard uniforms of all of the factions.

>> No.7805202

Why there are so many pics of people in latex suits in public?

>> No.7805219

On the same level as Xen race.
They're xeno scum

>> No.7805432

How about Turok 2? The weapon variety is better.

>> No.7805439

Theyre actually depictions of the 3 leaders of the world, who you fight as bosses in the final hub. They reuse the player sprites.

>> No.7805447

the pandemic

>> No.7805456
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>> No.7805457

my pc from 2008 still going strong, ironically the brandless shitty psu never needed replacing so far

>> No.7805475
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>the pandemic

>> No.7805483
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>> No.7805484

>the schizo is butthurt because his hl bait thread is autosagging

>> No.7805494

>[5-27] Zones of Fear updated to version 2.0
A Czech megawad? Neat. I've been enjoying Whitemare, so this'll probably have the same flavor.

>> No.7805503
File: 440 KB, 529x466, E2Z0PwIWUAE6Hze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this image.

>> No.7805504

Does anyone know how to modify/remove the orange bullet hole effects for Final Doomer? They cartoony in the worst way. I'd just prefer the vanilla Doom way bullets hit geometry.

>> No.7805505

Russian compilation?

>> No.7805519

>meme hffm imagine

>> No.7805523

oh wait it's actually a mod

>> No.7805574
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>> No.7805575
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>> No.7805593
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Did you know that HL2 originally had same crossbow from first instead of red hot iron? They didn't even change HUD in release so it doesn't match.

>> No.7805596
File: 1.58 MB, 640x480, flashblend.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7805606
File: 119 KB, 853x1280, 1593830704_photo_2020-05-17_20-43-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up enjoying the Half Life soundtrack a lot more,I didn't like how the tracks don't last that long but the lack of it for the most part actually sets the atmosphere.

The few ones that don't sound weird on a loop are Military Precision and Nuclear Jam.

>> No.7805613

AKA GLQuake lighting.

Too bad the cutoff value is hardcoded, so you get those hard contours around the lights.

>> No.7805614

I finally figured out how to get EAX working in retail half life, don't know if A3D is working too but I'm no longer getting those horrific bee noises when shooting in a vent. I never realized how much I was missing out on

>> No.7805616
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> this much of a loser whos has over 50 basedjak memes

>> No.7805619
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For me its Hexen/Heretic, i would like to hear more of same 90s fantasy music, so far only Diablo, Warcraft and Gauntlet IV come close.

>> No.7805642


>> No.7805661
File: 904 KB, 1200x1350, d5y8b8u-553dc23b-8126-4a5a-a80d-239f442a0959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hexen have some good music to set the gritty mood but lacks more upbeat ones when you're going up against multiple streaks of enemies.
Some songs more like Golden Axe 2 would've been welcome

>> No.7805668

I thought EAX didn't work on later systems and hardware?

>> No.7805716

just copy the .ini and the two .dlls into the same directory as hl.exe, then enable it in the sound menu

this one probably works too, but I don't think I did it right

>> No.7805747

Is it too late to start contributing to this? I want to throw together a shit noob Quake map in order to learn Trenchbroom.

>> No.7805768

You have 3 months anon,you have time.

>> No.7805772

Same, I love Hexen's tracks, especially under OPL3 emulation
levelr, voidr

>> No.7805826
File: 884 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210528_220039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is doom so good bros? Even though it's all about hellish demons it's truly a godsend to humankind.

>> No.7805830

actually, it seems DSOAL implements 3D sound and EAX in one, if I'm reading that right, but I have a bit of a fucked up ear so I'd have trouble telling the difference

>> No.7805835

germs do in fact exist, /pol/

>> No.7805845

Do not engage with the wojak poster

>> No.7805856

Wait, if this post is deleted why can I still open its pic? It would say the pic is deleted usually

>> No.7805863

it's probably cached in your browser

>> No.7805890

Should be fixed now.

Not at all. We'll probably end up having fewer map submissions than an equivalent Doom project, so anything to pad things out is welcome.
Anything above QuasiOtter-tier I mean.

>> No.7805942

A3D or EAX?

>> No.7805959

A3D is technically superior, but it ruins the audio with excessive muffling.
EAX is just reverb effects on steroids, but you get some basic 3D audio on top.

If I had a choice, it would be DirectSound3D without EAX, but that doesn't seem possible.

>> No.7806030

>average half-life 1 audio.mp3

>> No.7806040
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Heretic_20210528_160903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sky cutting off like this is making me very upset

>> No.7806058

You were never meant to look at the ceiling.

>> No.7806069

It's either that blur at the top or bottoms, or you see the weird misaligning shit that actually happens underneath it. I think some older ports with support for a 3D sky sphere like that lacked the fog effect, letting you see that, and it looks distractingly shitty.

I imagine there may exist a more elegant solution for this problem though.

>> No.7806106

By intermission text, do you mean the text screens before MAP07, MAP19, etc or the actual intermission screen stuff? I'd be willing to help out with the text screens but I dunno how long it should be and I haven't messed around with dehacked at all

>> No.7806115

It should ideally be something funny.

I think we could get away with just short Gachi bits.

>> No.7806119


There's a Discord server dedicated to this topic I recommend checking out.

>> No.7806123

is that a map from the 90s? I know most of the maps from 90s were shit but there was a certain charm to them

>> No.7806145
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>> No.7806148

map07 is full thrust which starts out in the showers while a ram ranch midi plays, so we could fit in a funny little ram ranch skit. map12 is later forever, I don't recognize the song, but the level is kinda sewerish if you want to make a short quip about poop holes.
Give me like a couple of hours to find out how to do this in dehacked and I can try to whip something up real quick.

>> No.7806154

I hate this game for existing, simply because my own dream game would have been Half-Life with a Y2K global disaster instead of some magical teleportation crystals.

>> No.7806158
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>"Xen aliens are people!..... Man!"

>> No.7806168

Despite what memesters say, YIIK won’t be some cult classic, so no ones going to cry plagiarism if you do it not like YIIK isn’t guilty

>> No.7806173

other than smooth doom.pk3 what else should I get for QoL improvements on gzdoom?

>> No.7806180

Y2K is basically what you shouldn't do when it comes on making a retro style game.
The artstyle for the most part is good but is stuff in a average at best game.

It's not a new concept,I remember when Family Guy had an episode like that.
I feel you could do better on making the player feel like it's set in 1999 and not late 2000s/early 2010s

>> No.7806195

essential viewing

>> No.7806202


>> No.7806207
File: 1.20 MB, 2210x1854, exp barrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got bored and decided to try some texturing. Shat out a basic exploding barrel. Not very impressive, but might fill a nice niche as a weaker alternative to the vanilla explosive boxes.

>> No.7806210

more like outdated viewing lmao

>> No.7806215

Did you just fuck up the reply?

>> No.7806218

Oh fug, ye meant to reply to one above you.

>> No.7806219

Is that a caco?

>> No.7806220
File: 50 KB, 800x600, DLDgpqJXUAElt0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last video was from a year ago
Hope they're alright,every single time there's someone showcasing mods and addons for Doom other than Icarus they don't last that long

>> No.7806221


>> No.7806228
File: 430 KB, 800x600, FRIDAY_NIGHT_FIREFIGHT_17_MOTHERFUCKERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7806239
File: 128 KB, 880x658, 1620105660573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is doomguy left handed with the pistol but right handed with the shotgun?
>It's not a new concept,I remember when Family Guy had an episode like that.
Wasn't it KOTH? FG probably had one too though.

>> No.7806241

How did he get that beard lol

>> No.7806243
File: 7 KB, 320x200, INTERPIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open Slade. Open Doom2.wad as a reference, and open Preacher.wad, and open a new wad where you will dump the resources. Explore Preacher.wad and copy/paste what you need, it should all be pretty self-explanatory. All Doom sound effects have a DS- prefix, so type DS in the filter to find them fast. Some of Preacher's cultist sounds come from the actual boss alert/death sounds themselves.

>> No.7806252
File: 792 KB, 1264x675, that's right jay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 years can make wonders

>> No.7806281

a soldier should know how to shoot with both hands

>> No.7806290
File: 123 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210528_173623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, taught myself how to use WhackEd and edited some strings. We never reach Map21 with the amount of maps we have, so I only edited Map06 and Map11's intermission text screens. I also edited the pick up text strings for picking up health/armor bonuses, medkits, and armor to reflect sprite changes. I also went and edited the monster roll-calls, which change the monster names to mostly bad puns. I also changed the nightmare confirmation screen to state that the difficulty "isn't even remotely straight" instead of remotely fair. Humor not guranteed!
In order:
>zombieman = cowboy
>shotgun guy = pilgrim guy
>heavy weapons dude = construction dude
>imp = ricardimp
>lost soul = lost toy
>cacodemon = cacademon
>hell knight = hell jock
>baron of hell = boss of this gym
>arachnotron = phallictron (not the brightest one so any other suggestions would be neat)
>pain elemental = masochist elemental (doesn't roll off the tongue either)
>revenant = the gimp
>mancubus = mankinibus
>arch-vile = gachi-vile
>the spider mastermind = spider menacemind (reference to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIMTFYimJXg))
>cyberdemon = the leatherman
>our hero = our hero?
Here's the download to the .bex file. The various renames won't make sense in the censored release, so I named the file the same as the uncut hffm version. I also only tested this in gzdoom but (not trying to jinx anything) there is really no reason this shouldn't work in boom considering I used the default boom set up.

>> No.7806294

It was a recurring theme back then.
The Simpsons did it as well in a halloween episode.

The KOTH episode was more about the panic than an actual apocalypse

>> No.7806298

is that a ram ranch reference?

>> No.7806304

full thrust's, map07's, midi is ram ranch, so I thought it was fitting

>> No.7806338

Afraid of Monsters is probably my favorite half-life mod and one of my favorite FPS experiences. It's very no-bullshit in its execution and its overall aesthetic is so well-crafted and delicious. It accepts the fact that it's limited by blurry textures and crusty old soundfiles and really, really, really runs with that baton.

>> No.7806363
File: 268 KB, 512x512, Enable HD content if available.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7806371

that HD Gman model is not used anymore

>> No.7806380

It's one of those weird middle road models between classic and HD ones.
Seriously never liked those.
OG models are the best even if they feel more dated.

>> No.7806385

>enable HD models
>weapon brand & model changes

>> No.7806390

Nothing is ever forgotten enough that you can't find it in Half-Life: Source.

>> No.7806407

>MP 5 turns into an M 16
>Glock turns into a Beretta
>And several more

>> No.7806418

those are fan models

>> No.7806423

Still,not a fan of them.
It just feels too low poly or too detailed.
It's just weird

>> No.7806430

The MP5 turning into a M16 always bugged me. First off, there's no way that a M16 and Beretta can share ammunition. But more importantly I just think the M16 looks too bulky and for lack of a better word punchy and big for how weak the MP5 kinda is.

>> No.7806468

I know HL weapons have never been accurate in terms of realism but even M16=MP5 is where I draw the line.

Also I never liked the sound of the M16 in the game it feels too loud and compressed.

It's still not as dumb how a MAC 10 was stronger than an assault rifle

>> No.7806480
File: 3.28 MB, 4916x4463, 85343823_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of weapons which cases of weapons you found really weird in a FPS?
Like odd recreation of a real gun or strange behaviour from it

>> No.7806487

As with any 4chan-associated creator they probably just got hit hard by the depression/lack of motivation.

>> No.7806489

>pain elemental
pain S&M-tal


>> No.7806491

They said they've been busy with IRL stuff and planning to comeback.
At least they're still alive.

>> No.7806494
File: 81 KB, 575x475, 259_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless I'm mistaken, that's the Strogg skull.

Having tried resizing that skull to a similar size, it needs a bit of touchup. Also, this is super obscure but the way the eyes join and reach the nose reminds me really heavily of the 'crossed flags' skull ("Jake") that Corvette Racing uses on their Le Mans cars.

>> No.7806505

>resizing that skull
It's actually not resized, just took it directly off the crate texture. I will try to clean it up though.

>> No.7806514
File: 40 KB, 935x296, videogay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7806526

That's nice to know.
>It's really outdated

Quick rundown of major releases we got in the last 2 years?

>> No.7806542
File: 276 KB, 362x447, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me happy.

>> No.7806546

a day or two is enough for a myfirstmap.bsp.
2 months is enough to learn TB and make an actual proper map. 3 months has plenty of wiggle room.

>> No.7806562

Ah, my mistake. I never actually looked at the id crate textures that closely.

>> No.7806574

I know, I was just joking :y

>> No.7806610
File: 97 KB, 461x461, its_the_kind_of_tired_that_sleep_won_t_fix-591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 months is enough to learn TB and make an actual proper map.
>mfw five years and counting

>> No.7806679

Look on the bright side,at least you didn't try to learn digital art for 3 years and fail at it

>> No.7806680
File: 974 KB, 750x600, 1622223709765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for joining boys, it appears I didn't fuck anything up my first time hosting.

>> No.7806692

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good job. no idea if my ascii horseshit is going to come through, just fucking around.

>> No.7806694

Well it was supposed to be a thumbs up. Maybe I'll get it right next time.

>> No.7806701

It's a really thin thumb,we still appreciate it

>> No.7806702

Pic is soulful

>> No.7806706

4chan automatically reduces double spacing to single apparently.

>> No.7806713

I like the intermission screen. I'd change it to just "18 naked demons in the showers" rather than "roughly 18." The roughly messes up the flow, and nobody would say "roughly 18." at that point you'd say "roughly 20," since you're already giving a ballpark estimate. Why wouldn't you round to a nice whole multiple of 5/10?

>> No.7806759

He's probably left handed, but right eye dominant. I'm the opposite, it sucks.

>> No.7806774

The M16s make way more sense to be used with the M203 grenade launcher.

Half-Life 1 / 2 SPAS-12 firing two barrels simultaneously on alt fire despite the weapon only having one barrel.

>> No.7806779

For me it's Deathmatch Classic

>> No.7806790
File: 79 KB, 900x1000, 1619837206173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I missed it. Deathmatch withdrawals for a whole nother week for me.

>> No.7806841

>The M16s make way more sense to be used with the M203 grenade launcher.

Yeah but I would've preferred an HD version of the weapon rather than a completely different one.

>Half-Life 1 / 2 SPAS-12 firing two barrels simultaneously on alt fire despite the weapon only having one barrel.
Even if it's weird I gotta admit,it's still a great shotgun in HL 1

>> No.7806854

Aren't the M16's notoriously unreliable? Sounds like a bad choice for a hazardous enviroment combat unit. The MP5 was fine, even if it was kinda stupid that an unfitting grenade launcher was standard issue and yet none of the HECU uses it in combat, prefering their dumb slow hand grenades

>> No.7806862

Come to think of it,do the HECU in Black Mesa game use any other weapon than the usual one in HL 1?

>> No.7806867

in project brutality there's a touch where you can actually see a sprite of your legs when you look down. is there a standalone mod of just that somewhere?

>> No.7806870
File: 291 KB, 800x493, 800px-Models_HL_HECU_HD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not liking these kino models

>> No.7806874



>> No.7806878

The HECU look good but I don't like pretty much any other one.

The balaclava one is badass

>> No.7806886
File: 478 KB, 1280x1046, tumblr_b65daa67cb2e8cf26b455ea13113e6fa_12ddc7d3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7806894
File: 302 KB, 2828x990, hecu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7806901

I appreciate that this exists as a meme edit, but it disturbs me that people are making these simulated interaction videos. I mean, I'm a lonely fuck, but I'm not at the point of watching youtube videos of a girl talking to her phone and pretending she's talking to me.

>> No.7806910

There's a reason why people make fun of these type of videos.

>> No.7806927

Could be worse, could be dead, like the Immoral Conduct guy.

>I also changed the nightmare confirmation screen to state that the difficulty "isn't even remotely straight" instead of remotely fair
That's funny as hell, but we need a new name for Nightmare! in that case. Was Ultra-Violence already named Boss Of This Gym?

>> No.7806947
File: 688 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_p3t1w0yKy91tgxtbgo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7806948

The Colt SMG is an example of the AR15 as a 9mm subgun, though it would look different.
Anyway, to me, it's all just simple cosmetics, the shit accuracy and damage doesn't make sense for either the MP5 or M16, the Glock or Beretta being more powerful and precise makes even less sense.

>> No.7806949
File: 154 KB, 904x446, remotelystraight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll look into it next morning (est). The wording is pretty clunky in both intermission screens anyways
I also made the difficulty names. Nightmare is Boss Of This Gym in the most recent build of hffm_uncut, so yeah it fits.

>> No.7806952

>Boy Next Door
This is beautiful.

>> No.7806956

yeah about that

>> No.7806969
File: 297 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Heretic_20210528_210440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your fat caco ass down here

>> No.7806972

Fellow cross eye dominance sufferer. Long guns are pain.

>> No.7806985

W-where are you gonna put that chainsaw anon?!

>> No.7806989


>> No.7807024

>No cigar

Say, is there a HD addon that aims to retain the original look?

>> No.7807113

I sometimes entertain the thought that G-man comes from another galaxy.

>> No.7807121

Bro maybe that's what the G stands for... fucking galaxy man

>> No.7807123

>not a coke pipe or joint added in for lulz.

>> No.7807125
File: 159 KB, 816x758, Screenshot_2021-05-28 PROJECT BRUTALITY LOREBOOK (PUBLIC EDITING VER).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the inhabitants of Hell have a weight gain fetish.

>> No.7807140


>> No.7807143

Stay where you are. The police have been called. Resistance will be met with force.

>> No.7807149

a lit cigar would give any ambushing marine away so that's probably why they took it out

>> No.7807157

Ah yes, wouldn't want anything unrealistic in my 90's shooter. That would totally ruin the immersion and prevent anyone from enjoying the game.

>> No.7807161

if the hdoom equivalent isn't fat mike12 is a coward

>> No.7807163

i always interpeted the imps as transformed former humans specifically because tnt map20 where there's weirdly just an office complex full of imps which always seemed to me like they were humans corrupted mid-workday

>> No.7807170

did i say it ruins the immersion? i just said that there's some sense to taking the cigar out assuming it was done for an actual reason

>> No.7807190

either way i always thought imps were about as smart as humans and the implication was that they took over the base and started using its facilities for their own benefit
the cyborg demon tech has to come from somewhere, after all

>> No.7807273
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, ''when it's done''.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's the alpha themed stuff I mention for the next SNS of fevellesco (however tf you spell that) episodes cuz they're kinda alpha themed, iv'e made more custom status bars but zandronum seems to hate them, these wads were made to work in crispy, GZ, and Zdoom, idk how to make zandro not vomit on the status bars tho. I'll include more bonus stuff when my next batch of skins is ready

>> No.7807397

Y'all wanna play doom on zandronum tomorrow night? Or do you already?

>> No.7807405

Sure. What server/map/mods?

>> No.7807409

/vr/ server, sunlust, hideous destructor

>> No.7807416


>> No.7807420

Hello i have a problem related to a doom wad and pk3 file, when i try to run them together in gzdoom, it only rums the pk3 file and doesnt load the map wad, can anyone help me out?
The pk3 is vanilla plus monster randomizer and the wad is a map generated by oblige by the way

>> No.7807421

>hideous destructor
That version is old as hell, and doesn't even let you strafe properly. Please update Zandronum to include ZScript, I really hate discord and want to play HDest coop.

>> No.7807464
File: 10 KB, 372x248, Shotcycler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daikatana's 6 round burst shotgun. With a burst that long, why not make it full auto?

>> No.7807471

we all know how it works by this point but mechanically the BFG is unintuitive and weird as shit

>> No.7807524

Every lazer gun with kick.

>> No.7807532

This one I'm fine with really. Satisfying feedback always beats out making sense.

>> No.7807579

I think a few series give it the sensible explanation of "recoil is simulated because energy weapons being recoilless fucks with soldiers' instincts"

>> No.7807595

>Why is doomguy left handed with the pistol but right handed with the shotgun?
I remember them talking about this in an interview or whatever, Kevin Cloud is right handed so he used his right hand to take pictures while holding the weapon with left hand, but there were some changes done afterwards. I can't remember exactly what though

>> No.7807598

drag'n'drop both / use autoload / use a launcher

>> No.7807602

Can Doom run on IBM PC DOS?

>> No.7807604

I did the first one and didnt work, might try the other methods

>> No.7807615

I actually really like how we don't know Adrian Shephard's face

>> No.7807620

i use linear filters for any other 2d emulated game but doom only feels right unfiltered

>> No.7807624
File: 35 KB, 579x575, b1d216d2ddec7625a5959f771f724494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both G-Man are shit imo, didn't like his Source 2 version either looks too human
HL2 did him the best where he kinda looks human but still something weird with him, imo

>> No.7807642
File: 1.80 MB, 1616x1125, G-Man_Half-Life_1_models.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7807645

I use linear filter in real life

>> No.7807662

Quake in software is cringe.

>> No.7807673

Thanks for keeping it going, anon. I had no doubt that you were the right guy for the job.

>> No.7807681

just checking in to say i'm still here. compiling the in game credits lump now based on nmn3anon's text files

>> No.7807682

Can someone upload this somewhere else? I'm stuck at 69% and keep getting "temporary error, retrying" over and over. This is my fourth time trying to download this.

>> No.7807689

Strange. Are you trying to download the whole folder (with info pics and whatnot) or just 'vr'?

>> No.7807696

I was trying to download just the vr folder, but just now I went for the whole enchilada and I finally got it.

>> No.7807703

>"temporary error, retrying"
The one time I got this error was because my HDD was full and I hadn't noticed it

>> No.7807704

Yeah, unfortunately Mega can be weird like that sometimes. Seems to be the best free file host for doing daily updates while keeping the same link though.

>> No.7807712

i like old gman the best, looks like an actual alien

>> No.7807714

I'm using some budget Lenovo laptop (hence why family could afford it at the time) and it works fine... for the most part. Obviously can't play stuff like DOOM 16, but was fairly alright with Amid Evil, surprisingly enough.

...also it was kind of dead for some time, but then just as suddenly started to turn on again (except keyboard stopped working). My luck (for a lack of better word) is just damn odd.
>Nightmare is Boss Of This Gym
>Not "Suction!"
Maybe its just me, but it feels like a missed opportunity

>> No.7807765


>> No.7807779
File: 63 KB, 337x290, King hippo has a migrane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those gameplay videos
>excessive view tilt
>player turns and everything becomes a cinematic vaseline smeared blurathon

Really with all the plugins he's using it seems like a very generic, homogenized gameplay mod, like something you'd pull off Moddb

>> No.7807784

I will never understand what Russians and third-worlders find impressive about excessive GRAFIX and motion blur.

>> No.7807793

Try to not let your laptop get damp or cold.

>> No.7807810

Also, don't feed your laptop after midnight.

>> No.7807812

>Russians and third-worlders
Wait, they do? Well, what a пoзop.
I don't. Extra careful with it and trying my best to take as much care as I can. There was an insident when laptop got damp, but my older brother screwed up and that was way before that incident I'm mentioned previously.

>> No.7807816

Wolf had them with the fake hitlers

>> No.7807835

This stuff may as well be a subculture of its own. It's like the videogame equivalent of ricing your civic or slapping RGB everything onto your ebin gamer rig.

>> No.7807842
File: 46 KB, 600x600, c64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. IBM PC DOS (or MS DOS as it is sometimes called) was still in development and distribution when Doom was first released.

>> No.7807934
File: 338 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210529_045646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. Here's some new text strings. I renamed the arachnotron and pain elemental to the orgasmatron and the sub elemental, thanks to >>7806489 for the suggestions.
I changed the first intermission like >>7806713
said, and completely changed the second one.
I went ahead and changed the automap map names (I think that's what hustr is for). I
also completed a version for the censored version, just to keep parity; this only changes
map names, and changes the only map name with a slur (faggot single finish) to FSF. This is only in the censored version. I made faggot single finish and I'm fine with this, if anyone worries about permission or whatever
hffm uncut: https://x0.at/k4b.bex
hffm censored: https://x0.at/R2Z.wad, https://x0.at/k3N.bex

>> No.7807979

My headcanon is that Doomguy holds the pistol with his left hand because he's using straps to carry all of his weapons and uses his right hand to stabilize them/ keep them at the ready and he pulls out the pistol when he doesn't have time to reload.

>> No.7807984

IBM PC DOS and MS DOS were only broadly the same thing for a time, and they moved away from each other when Microsoft and IBM broke up.

>> No.7808082

Heh, that's funny.

>> No.7808152

>coded hard
I should spend some more time looking at the code of source. I wanted to know if that was possible.

>> No.7808159

>"Heeeee's going to kiiiiiil us!!!!"
>"I will shoot at him," said the Cyberdemon.

>> No.7808176

Heretic music isn't that good at all imo, yeah Cathedral is very memorable but the rest isn't good. Certainly isn't on the same level as Duke, SW, Blood
If you like 90s fantasy shit Daggerfal was pretty good from what I remember of it

>> No.7808182
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7808185

I disagree.

>> No.7808221
File: 468 KB, 1920x1080, [redacted].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2newb speedmaps (doom2/boom): >>7797669 >>7800639

>> No.7808227
File: 428 KB, 1920x1080, detailing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>289 textures in the .bsp and counting
I don't have a problem, I can quit anytime I want!

>> No.7808230

>289 textures in the .bsp and counting
that's like 1 mb, anon, what are you doing

>> No.7808235

>Go right on through, sir. Looks like you're in the barrel today
What did he mean by this?

>> No.7808237
File: 148 KB, 386x283, 1OfG1FN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4mb actually, half the bsp

>> No.7808261

>The Gatehouse
>Hell's Maw
>The Graveyard
>River of Fire
>Ice Grotto
>The Labyrinth
>Portals of Chaos
>The Glacier

>> No.7808262

the test chamberrrrrr

>> No.7808274

I like how he slaps fucking dubstep onto all of this.

>> No.7808302
File: 882 KB, 1266x680, __doomguy_imp_and_cacodemon_doom_drawn_by_kurashiki_nanka__e7ea1dad7a7e9f68bddd7d94d964b807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be like that. I shoot pistols right handed just fine but shoot rifles left handed. I'm extra weird though because while I am left eye dominant, I also ergonomically feel better about using my right arm to aim a rifle over my left. I just don't feel nearly as coordinated with that arm.
I imagine Doom guy's situation is either the same or he is some autistic sperg with his gear and keeps a pistol on his left hip for faster draws or something when he is bringing a rifle or shotgun down and switching. Idk this is all head canon autism

>> No.7808324
File: 2.15 MB, 800x450, Staff spin adjustments.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working on those Kustam tweaks and adjustments, the staff spin now uses a separate meter, and reflected shots now ping off where you aim them. The homing counter shots will be saved for the rebound potion.
Spinning the staff no longer builds heat either, this is done for the upcoming medi-tool changes.

Wouldn't be a fuckin GMOTA update without characters getting drastic changes to them. But at least it's all for the better.

>> No.7808328

holy fuck that jump in the first video. He nearly reaches the roof of that room in entryway. what's the point?

>> No.7808329

I'm stoked for the animation updates. Combined Arms 1.4 to 2.0 was rad.

>> No.7808336

I hope Samson doesn't give you much grief as Kustam did.

>> No.7808339
File: 593 KB, 933x711, blaz_and_bold_shake_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I don't think I'll be doing any drastic animation changes to the heroes, I'm pretty content with everything there, and really the only thing I'd WANT to do is reanimate a lot of the attacks in TEXTURES. Though you guys wouldn't really notice much of a difference.

So the plan is to adjust Kustam's stats and a few weapons were needed, then finally add Samson.

Here's hoping.

>> No.7808416

Have you replaced the DOOM II logo?

>> No.7808537

I am testing the doom builder.
This is my first map:


>> No.7808540

I've tried shooting rifles lefty but it feels completely fucked up. I know they say you should train yourself to do it if you're left eye, right hand dominant, but I can't freaking do it. I just can't hold the damn thing right or something. Holding it righty feels completely natural and I can get a good weld even on the weirdest of furniture but then my stupid eyes don't wanna focus correctly and I hate having to close or squint my left one. It doesn't help that I like milsurp and a lot of that old stuff is either really uncomfortable to work lefty or wants to spit brass right in your face.

>> No.7808556

Trying to complete Hexen for the first time. Couldn't get the last stairway to open up in the courtyard so I just ran off the other stairway onto the platform to open the big room off the courtyard. Truly Hexen is the biggest filter game I have ever encountered. Guessing it only gets harder from here on right?

>> No.7808625

any good megawads/mapsets released in the last 5 years?
make long lists if you have to

>> No.7808629

I wonder if Duke Nukem Forever was even mentioned in the ending credits of Duke3D? We know that it was planned via magazine interviews and press statements from 3D Realms, but what about in the ending to Duke Nukem 3D after killing the final boss?

>> No.7808632

>Its 4 in the morning Protoman, why on Earth are you making E-Tanks?

>> No.7808634
File: 108 KB, 542x407, 1578232387211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the ending to EP4, I think after EP5 was added they removed it? I'm assuming that's why you haven't seen it

>> No.7808653
File: 31 KB, 250x280, 1616571553185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the game catches you by surprise yet again
Thought it was just another trap when a Shambler appeared right next to me, imagine the surprise when I realized what that horn actually did.[\spoiler]

>> No.7808662

muffling is good because it prevents the audio from clipping the shit out of headphones and killing them

>> No.7808703
File: 772 KB, 532x290, ezgif-4-b6361226b3cc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I improved my Caco model, wanna do a Baron next

>> No.7808725


>> No.7808756

Just play old megawads with Babel.

>> No.7808759

What courtyard? Where you at, my boy?

>> No.7808767

Does that there VR mod setup have horns?

>> No.7808795

What are the current best source ports for Quake 2 and 3?

>> No.7808818

KMQuake or Yamagi for QII.

>> No.7808821


The first chapter. I actually managed to find the secret level, too.

Finally unfiltered and on to the second act, got my lightning spell already.

Any tips for the rest of the game?

>> No.7808826


I was gonna say Yamagi too.

The RTX version of Quake 2 runs in gl mode and maybe software too, and its a good way to play the game too. On Steam and Nvidia's site too and its free.

>> No.7808830

Thank you to the anon(s) who keep saying to run Quake II with a timescale of 1.2. This actually makes the game VERY fun. A fine shooter with the added speed.

>> No.7808986

RTX is ass and built on top of Q2PRO, and it hates most community maps like skyscraper

>> No.7809034

>2048 Minutes Of /vr/
>Doom Damnation (updated to add the fourth episode)
>Doom 64 For Doom 2

>> No.7809040

If you get to Hub 2 secret level, you have to kill all the enemies as fast as you can to solve the puzzle. Look behind the vines to find three helpful items.
Hub 4 secret level only opens up if you find Hub 2 and 3 secret levels.
Hub 5 secret level closes if you visit any other location before it.
You're playing as Mage, so use your lightning spell as much as you can since it's your most effective weapon, but only if the enemies require it (don't waste the mana), be careful around tight, bendy corridors because the lightning might get stuck on level geometry and fizzle out.
Hub 4 has two potentially infuriating switches, one is a clever trap that opens up a pit beneath you so you assume that switch IS the trap, but you actually have to stand really close to it and jump over the gap after you press it. This switch is mandatory.
The other one isn't so bad since it's communicated to the player in a way, but it's hidden behind a fake wall with a pull chain on it. This switch is also mandatory.
Actually, all switches are.

>> No.7809041

>FutureShock32 update that supports the full games inbound


>> No.7809047

here's a good mapset that doesn't get much love.

>> No.7809052

quake 2 xp of course

>> No.7809085
File: 438 KB, 911x732, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on the Baron of Hell now

>> No.7809108

in reelism 2, i think exploding cars respawn if you simply look away

>> No.7809167


I did not know this, cheers anon. I've never really played any Quake 2 mods!


That sounds interesting, gonna try it! What's the command line?

>> No.7809182

timescale 1.2

>> No.7809209
File: 515 KB, 1920x2160, overbright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The newest version of Yamagi regressed on old OpenGL functionality.
If you don't like modern OpenGL and shaders, you should use an older build.

>> No.7809212



Lol cheers m8

>> No.7809253

good work, i'll get to adding this.
not yet

>> No.7809293


Simply changing this significantly improves the appearance of dynamic lights.
There is even a comment proposing that the constant should be configurable. I find it baffling that they didn't make it so.

>> No.7809318
File: 58 KB, 640x480, doom216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done MAP30 for Skulltiverse this week, feels a little bland design-wise, but I suppose it'll do. Gameplay-wise it's pretty fun.

>> No.7809319
File: 13 KB, 447x333, 92FS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine the ingame M16 is somekind of a M4 carbine variant converted to 9mm to appease your autism, no idea about interpreting the Glock>>>Beretta thing without it being any of the automatic fire models (951R \ 93R)

>> No.7809372


Top tier intel thanks bud

>> No.7809392

>Half arm is just painted blue for no reason...
Why did I never noticed this before?

>> No.7809394

OpenGL is better

>> No.7809409

Y'now, all this talk about HL1's HD mdoels being shit makes me wonder why no one's tried their hand at making actual HD models that stick with the original game's aesthetic. IE the glock and mp5 don't change into a thick beretta and m16 respectively, characters don't look weird, and so on.

>> No.7809417

Anon have you never heard of fpsbanana, or as it is now known as gamebanana?

>> No.7809426

Than what?

>> No.7809427

Can't tell if it's just the lightning and actually painted blue to give the illusion

I'm starting to think Gearbox has less guns knowledge than Valve did.

>> No.7809428

I mean, a prominent project or something that is essentially what an "HD Half Life 1" was meant to be. Not counting Black Mesa of course, I mean a mod for the original game with overhauled models and such.

>> No.7809435
File: 56 KB, 751x1063, shepard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7809439

Why are you complaining over optional content?

>> No.7809451
File: 389 KB, 640x452, 9268db1c1a54e15c3dd8ec8e2d04e74a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7809491

Meanwhile, that makes me wonder about how widespread those models were at the time and what people thought of them.

>> No.7809492
File: 202 KB, 1000x532, M16 to M16A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aren't the M16's notoriously unreliable?

I'll sperg for a bit:
>M14 adoption taking stupid amounts of time and money, production going pretty poorly
>people in charge get convinced to adopt another rifle, but only as a stopgap because the SPIW project will be finished soon
>Colt Model 601 gets adopted as the M16
>SPIW never gets finished because it's a stupid bullshit idea
>M16 did extremely well in testing and soldiers love it early on
>very lightweight, very easy to shoot, very accurate, .223 Remington (5.56mm NATO) makes nasty as fuck wounds, especially when it hits bone
>magazines aren't too great though, but if you only load them with 18 rounds instead of the full 20, they usually work
>Robert MacNamara, Secretary Of Defense, and the patron saint of beancounters everywhere, decides that there's money to be saved, so let's change the gunpowder we're using for 5.56mm ammunition to a cheaper kind
>new gunpowder produces a lot more pressure
>increased pressure makes the action cycle faster, meaning timing problems like the bolt outrunning the magazine and giving you an empty chamber, or the hammer following the bolt instead of cocking and the trigger does nothing, or extracting too early
>new gunpowder was also dirty, which with Vietnam's humidity leads to pitting and corrosion in the chamber and bore, which can make cases stick in there if left to sit long enough
>originally it was supposed to have the bore and chamber chromed but they nixed that on adoption to save more money
>also you weren't issued a cleaning kit, because that costs money too, the gun totally cleans itself bro (lmao no, probably an attempt by the Army Board Of Ordnance to sabotage the M16 because they were bitter that their beloved M14 was replaced)

>> No.7809505
File: 159 KB, 1024x576, 20150210_084349_zps5e00ca3f.jpg~original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism 2:
>M16 being fucked causes a lot of uproar, congressional hearings, etc
>after much experimenting, the M16A1 pattern is developed
>M16A1 has a heavier recoil buffer, which slows down the cyclic rate, so you don't get the fucked timing (or wear problems) anymore
>also has the chamber and bore lined with chrome, which protects it very well from all kinds of corrosion, on top of increasing the lifespan of the barrel and making it much easier to clean
>speaking of which the M16A1 now has a compartment in the buttsock, inside you find an included cleaning kit
>M16A1 also has some other benefits, like a protective 'fence' around the magazine release button (people complained about accidentally bumping it on the M16, leading to your magazine falling out when carrying the rifle)
>resulting rifle works fantastic, as easy to shoot and carry as the M16 initially, but also far more hardy and dependable, easy to take care of
>contrary to common belief the gun actually handles dirty environments very well, the action is well enclosed, and the bolt vents gas out of the ejection port with every shot, so its actually kind of difficult to get dirt inside of there, or making it stay
>later magazine designs are also much better, improving reliability further
>later variants like the M16A2 and M16A4 take some steps forward towards improvement, though also some steps back, however they work as well as always
>carbine variants of the AR15 don't work great at first, but they manage to get them to work alright during Vietnam (if you take care of them)
>in the 2000s, the M4A1 has been worked on and upgraded to the point that it functions really well, arguably one of the best infantry combat rifles/carbines you can find

I guess the short of it is; "Yes, briefly, but no, not really."
The carbines the HECU are shown with in Half-Life (with the HD pack), would be Colt 723 carbines, which would be very dependable and trustworthy.

>> No.7809521

why is there no download button

>> No.7809529
File: 214 KB, 680x383, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are blind

>> No.7809536

Is there some addon, that can turn inventory managment in Hdest in less painful experience?

>> No.7809556

Cacowards (inc runner-ups) usually have the necessary stuff. Last year howerer missed the best ones, Akeldama and Wormwood EU.

This year has had very high quality releases: Heartland, Arrival, Tarnsman's Projectile Hell, Doom 2 In Spain Only

>> No.7809568

What exactly are your issues with HD's inventory management? There might be some tricks you aren't doing with the included systems.

>> No.7809573
File: 553 KB, 995x690, adblock off, CTRL+F files gives no result.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7809574

Seconding Mutiny. It has quite all-star line-up of mappers with Jimmy, Ribbiks, Pavera, Tarnsman and I don't even remember them all. Very good gameplay.

>> No.7809608


>> No.7809612

Thanks. I don't know why it's just plain missing on my end, it doesn't even show if I view the code for the page.

>> No.7809613

Too many samey commands
Heretic-like item cycling is awkward

>> No.7809659

Judging by that filename you had your adblock off,which is weird,my adblock is on and still got it.
Maybe it's a glitch.

>> No.7809662
File: 300 KB, 1174x1600, 20070818_d7a50efb3908a3aa2ce7qCh4DhPWBilR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agree with the weird thing with him

>> No.7809687
File: 1.15 MB, 2250x750, vrfiw8ihs9041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something about HL 2 model that goes in the uncanny valley,feels more like an alien.

HL Alyx is still great but feels more creepy.

>> No.7809712
File: 280 KB, 1600x900, 1457398749_half_life_harem_by_raliuga999-d6xq6uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Decay there's a removed cutscene where the HECU capture and kill Freeman
>One of their cut lines is "been wanting to do this a long time"


I know it's removed but how's 2 days a long time? Did the HECU soldiers know about Freeman prior the incident? Or just worked in Black Mesa occasionally?

Better yet what Freeman did to piss him off so much before the events of the game?

>> No.7809726
File: 180 KB, 950x1024, 1537479166168m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me sad how Duke was done dirty. I really love how the Duke 3d had some fairly ''random'' feeling levels that were still fun and had soulful easter eggs and cheeky naughty bits in them.

That said some levels were just stupid with the nasty traps and enemies that instantly explode in your face but all in all I enjoyed it quite a lot.

I am hoping there'll be more modern built retro shooters that don't intentionally want to look insufferable and instead combine the best of modern day tech with 1990s soul and late 1990s / early 00s gameplay.

>> No.7809732
File: 28 KB, 320x400, credits example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

credits lump, censored and uncensored. the updated bex file has also been added. map03 has been removed as requested by the author. piss easy will either take its place or go somewhere between map10-map14, haven't decided yet

>> No.7809752

Duke 3D is one of those games that feel dated in terms of references but are forgivable.
It feels like they're done by a bunch of people who legitmately liked that stuff and wanted to put in there and not to be cool and up to date.

Like Shadow Warrior and Half Life devs who put a couple of anime references as well

I wish we get more Build engine style games as well,Ion Fury proved that aesthetically they've a lot to offer.

>> No.7809761
File: 662 KB, 3313x1801, powerup flex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, we got all the mission pack powerups except DOE's vengeance sphere and the modified runes that give buffs. Will definitely get get around to adding the latter though. Not sure about the former since it only affected players.

We also have jump boots from that one mod.

>> No.7809771

my man's got more relics than the catholic church

>> No.7809776 [DELETED] 


Look at the ground and wall behind.

>> No.7809781

in Alyx he looks less like an alien pretending to be human and more like a scheming villain
i don't honestly mind the change but it's certainly a bit different
considering what he does at the end of that game, though, maybe the sinister look is appropriate

>> No.7809797

I appreciate the autism. I knew about the M14 replacement, but didn't know about them switching up the gunpowder and messing about with the reliability of the demand.
The carbines in HL1 do seem like a decent choice then. Still weird that it shares an ammo pool with the beretta though. At least the MP5 and glock share 9mm bullets

>> No.7809814

Looking good, I really like the rainbow logo, nice attention to detail

>> No.7809817
File: 2.34 MB, 1817x1328, zucc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people defined HL 2 G-Man as an observer hence his appearance.
While HL Alyx G-Man fits for his role in the game,he looks like he's about to set his plan right away.

>> No.7809819 [DELETED] 

Doom might be the only series which was sold on machismo and ended up catering to homosexuals and left-leaning gen x spergs. Life is funny.

>> No.7809832

>2004 model looks better than 2020

>> No.7809849

He doesn't look quite like that in-game in Alyx that I remember. The focal length on the promo shot is all fucked up, so the side of his head is visible.
I remember him looking better in-game, but I could also just be fukken wrong.

>> No.7809853


>> No.7809862
File: 902 KB, 1920x1200, 23123213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker.

>> No.7809867
File: 41 KB, 375x375, DtJkq0YE-O-yoDkJ0xXdfltpklZreeqon5KiN5ZmVjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying homosexual and bisexual dudes can't be macho
But jokes aside it's just a loud minority,Doom fanbase on social media is not a summary of the whole community.

To this day I don't understand wtf happened post Old Blood,both that and New Colossus had solid writing and overall good games.
It's just the last two feel like a completely different team

>> No.7809880
File: 1.36 MB, 268x347, b0a3b0d25ac730d93348d7a387fc1066.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That photo don't do him justice. It's impressive the amount of details on his face and looks better in-game.

>> No.7809884
File: 31 KB, 704x576, 1614788451647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't that true of every series?

>> No.7809892

>Too many samey commands
I'm not sure what you mean by this, every inventory key seems useful and distinct to me.

>Heretic-like item cycling is awkward
If the issue is using items, then I don't know what to tell you since my prev/next/use item keys are all huddled around my movement keys and I've never had an issue, you could bind keys to quickly use specific precious items in the console with "bind [key] use [itemID]" or swap "use" with "select" if you just want to highlight it for later, It might help if you're fumbling to return to a favorite item after using some utility like a ladder or doorbuster.
If the issue is dropping items when you don't need them, are you using the Item Manager that you get when you press the Mag Manager twice? It has some commands to drop items in bulk. You can also load a ton of loose ammo into a backpack faster if you drop it all on the ground first, and then scoop it up with the use key into an open backpack.

>> No.7809913

Doesn't DOOM cater to everyone who loves a good action shooter? Or are you saying DOOM does something specific to cater to homosexuals ?

Yeah, more Build Engine-based modern retro shooters like IF or even Half Life 1 / Soldier of Fortune style games with some modern aspects like ragdoll physics etc, would be quite dank.

>> No.7809918

what kind of mentality do I need to have to enjoy NEIS?

>> No.7809930

Looks great anon. Well done.

>> No.7809938

That looks uncanny as fuck.

I don't like it.

>> No.7809962

That's pretty good.
I realize though that I left a hidden message with the word faggot in one map, I think I need to go and make a slightly altered variant of it for the Cut version.

That should just take a second.

>> No.7809969

The Citadel is a great map.

>> No.7810000
File: 381 KB, 680x419, ranger 1 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7810009

tried threewave for quake 3. the main feature is the addition of 30 great maps, but changes it makes to the presentation like flag trails, plasma and rails changing to the team color and radio voices adds soul. would love to see a game night with this someday.

>> No.7810016

Just started playing DOOM64, loving is so far. Any tips on the beginning bit of episode 9? finding it quite tricky

>> No.7810041

Oh fuck off Randy

>> No.7810071
File: 658 KB, 957x875, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished for now

>> No.7810145
File: 766 KB, 885x651, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7810162

I'm getting the idea that this is what the baron would look like if Doom 3 was an idtech2/3 game

>> No.7810187
File: 423 KB, 640x480, baron_N64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a perfect world yeah

>> No.7810195


>> No.7810198

Which is your favorite Doom port?

>> No.7810227


>> No.7810229
File: 85 KB, 640x480, baron_N64_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one I promise

>> No.7810343

SMT Nocturne featuring Baron of Hell from the Doom series?

>> No.7810379

Official or unofficial? If the former, the Unity port, if the latter, DSDA-Doom.

>> No.7810534

I don't think he even shared anything that wasn't already known.

>> No.7810665

Crispy Doom, Doom Retro, prboom+ fork
They all have some things I dislike about them though so I regularly switch between them even for the same .wads

>> No.7810675

[5-30] Complevel MBF21 released and integrated into DSDA-Doom

>> No.7810679

I want freedoom weapons sprites for HDest

>> No.7810680
File: 40 KB, 477x379, 1364750258676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7810685

Just tested out the new instakill sector types in UDB. Really neat that theres a version that only kills if you lack a radsuit/invuln, and a version that kills regardless.

>> No.7810694


>> No.7810723

Playing the HFFM beta, why was the sergeant given back a shirt? The DI hat now looks like a wizard's hat. And what are the imps supposed to look like? What happened?

>> No.7810730

Redpill me on Doom Retro. It's not demo-compatible, it's not feature rich, it doesn't have any fancy visual shit going for it. What's the point?

>> No.7810738
File: 28 KB, 495x781, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spent too much time today adding new games to my little server rotation.
the missing icon is ricochet. i still have to make an icon for that...

but everything seems to be working. and it's a bit better organized i think.
probably won't be adding anything for a long while until i get more coop games working.

>> No.7810743

yeah while 2020 looks awesome in term of "more close to realism" even more with that creepy face and details, the 2004 gives me more of an emotionless character of what's about to or will happen, no empathy for gordon freeman or anyone else, is just like a living body with that expressionless face already dead inside and it freaked me out back then and well still does.

>> No.7810747

how to join? who to play with?

>> No.7810806

Very nice, looking forward to messing around with this sometime.

>> No.7810809

Depends on what's running at the time. Right now it's running the old schedule so it's quake 2 and zandronum. Tomorrow I have to manuakly run q2 coop and QuakeWorld. Then the scheduler takes over...
And you can play with whoever joins. Or by yourself.

>> No.7810826

brose where's lord decino? i miss him

>> No.7810840

Oh. Also joining instructions are on the site, clovr.xyz. click in the game icon , it'll say what ports the server is using etc...

>> No.7810843

it isn't that surprising people still don't know that youtube has community section desu

>> No.7810882

Because the sergeants and the zombiemen looked too similar and it affected gameplay.
The imps were always supposed to look that way, it's a meme.

>> No.7810895

>Because the sergeants and the zombiemen looked too similar and it affected gameplay.
The black hat on black uniform looks immensely jarring and bad now. Why not make the sergeants look like Billy Herrington as seen here,
and either Mark Wolf, nearly naked except for his purple underwear,
or Van Darkholme, nearly naked except for a mask, collar, and speedo.
Or maybe it's too late to change anything.

>> No.7810902

To clarify: Mark Wolf and Van Darkholme suggestions are for the zombies.

>> No.7810918

>The black hat on black uniform looks immensely jarring and bad now
Disagree, he looks fine. He's recognizably a shotgunner and it reads that he's a drill instructor. He doesn't look like a wizard at all.
>Why not make the sergeants look like Billy Herrington as seen here
Are you about to draw up the sprites for us, anon?

>> No.7810921

If you weren't the artist, why are you replying to me? I'm trying to reach the guy who drew these in the first place.

>> No.7810938

>If you weren't the artist, why are you replying to me?
Because it's annoying that after the project's been delayed for so long and is about to get a release, some anon starts complaining that brand new sprites need to be made.

>> No.7810941
File: 82 KB, 320x200, Doom go hom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the artist wants to veto me, that's fine, but the beta is up for people to give feedback to. Last I saw, the sergeant was shirtless with a hat and he looked good. You really, really don't need to suck the artist's dick for him.

>> No.7810975
File: 1.40 MB, 804x512, 1467959311550.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7810981

Cool. This means we are gonna get even cooler wads at future.

>> No.7811003

What does this mean for people who don't record demos, or who don't give a shit about recording demos?

>> No.7811010

New mapping standard with some neat features, but doesn't go full GZDoom retarded.

>> No.7811016

So nothing's really changed. Got it.

>> No.7811059

>Black beret and Medic models: unused

>> No.7811069 [DELETED] 

Holy based! MBF is almost getting close to what ZDoom could do 15 years ago. We did it recoorders! How will GZDoom ever recover?

>> No.7811081
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x960, doom 64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MAP06: Alpha Quadrant
Who the fuck made this level? Satan?
Took me a while to get to the location of the stairs, (you know the ones) took me longer to find them. I do like it, it's a nice level.
By the way, how do I get better at finding secrets? They're especially tricky in this game.

>> No.7811115 [DELETED] 
File: 377 KB, 700x655, Randy_Pitchford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7811134

So are there some new features that are neither boom nor udmf format features?
Does it mean we have to wait until source ports and map editors implement new map type "mbf" to use those features?

>> No.7811136

Complevels aren't just for demo recortding/playback. They're also useful as playtesting standards for Mappers.
MBF21 also has a new mapping configuration thats more advanced than Boom
DSDA-Doom isn't the only port that will support this, either.
>The spec is fully implemented in dsda-doom, with work well on the way in woof (probably pr+ after that). Eternity, odamex, and doom retro support is planned as well (and probably more ports I don't know about).

>> No.7811140

UDB already has MBF21 as a config in its latest version

>> No.7811158

Oh nice, I tried UDB once, but it's just so clunky and inconvenient after Slade. Controls are weird, and cancelling a linedef leaves a vertex unless you do it with escape.

>> No.7811181

Only if you're looking at this from a GZDoom-only player's perspective.

>> No.7811207
File: 454 KB, 1024x1024, 1612066666852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's important that when the wad eventually gets distributed elsewhere, there's a clear and honest explanation of its origin: that this word cloud randomly spat out those words (with enough of a hint what they actually were, like one starts with "f" and is offensive), around which a mapset was then started. That's like the core essence of the project. Without knowing about it, it would appear as just a bunch of maps and edits with all these vague references to homosexuality for no apparent reason, which makes it liable to get misrepresented as hating gays or something.

I propose also including the full word cloud image in the zipfile and/or any forum/whatever posts (with "faggot" censored apart from "f"). It would not only promote the wad but also the general atmosphere of /vr/ that gave it birth.

Also, are we fully set on the replacement word yet? I thought "fabulous" and "friendly" were great tongue-in-cheek alternatives. "Friendly" is maybe better of the two because it's more obviously a joke and "fabulous" would set expectations for the maps to be less dark and brown.

>> No.7811218


Anon where do you think you are?

>> No.7811228
File: 3 KB, 200x200, 1604896241298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7811229

Anyone else really hate ModDB's website layout? I dunno why, but I've always found it really ugly and hard to follow at times.

>> No.7811230
File: 1.08 MB, 600x609, WeeW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7811234

Unlike other websites they don't change their layout every year at least, how have you not gotten used to it yet?

>> No.7811238

I don't use it as much as idgames, or other links from forum threads.

>> No.7811239

Damn, that's a lot! Impressive stuff.
>but everything seems to be working.
Pages (the ones with instructions) for Ricochet and No One Lives Forever are "404 Not Found" though.

>> No.7811242

Is DOOM the only game you play? ModDB has content for shitload of games

>> No.7811249

What mod is this again?

>> No.7811251

I've used Quaddicted more than moddb for Quake, too.

>> No.7811262

It still has some small mods you don't really find anywhere. My most recent use of it was for Bloodlines skins, there are lots of different skin mods for clans if you've already replayed the game and got bored of the default ones

>> No.7811273


>> No.7811293

now the only problem is where do i get that version of DSDA doom with MBF21?
I want to make maps with it.

>> No.7811294

It's alright, but like anon said, it hasn't changed in like 12 years.

>> No.7811320

Nevermind i found out where, il link it here.

>> No.7811332

Man dada-doom doesn't have 32bit support :(

>> No.7811338
File: 483 KB, 1242x2208, 125F3845-C133-4A7B-AEED-029E2EE50789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7811332 Oh nevermind

>> No.7811340


>> No.7811372

Well there's a difference between "that's a funny phrase, let's see what kind of a wad we can make from it" and "out of the blue during pride month, here's a wad where you SHOOT AND KILL THE GAY DEMONS". While I can't speak for the mappers I doubt many of them are in favor of pushing the latter interpretation (or similar, it's bound to happen) to the extent that it would be worth all the players missing out on the wad as a result of being deplatformed from wherever. On the other hand that interpretation is possible regardless and I have no idea where they draw the line, but I think it's best to try to limit confusion at least.

>> No.7811378

people still use 32-bit?

>> No.7811392

I agree. It's important to consider the optics here, lest some people come to the conclusion that HFFM is homophobic in any way, shape, or form. We here at /vr/ denounce all forms of bigotry, especially during the fabulous Pride Month.

>> No.7811407

A LOT of people who play Doom/Quake and other classic video games are poor.

>> No.7811423

The internet users who matter will see it as a celebration of gachimuchi, everyone else can feel free to stay away

>> No.7811441

>>7811407 True my computer are very weak so that why I started playing doom

>> No.7811442

Meh. That's what the censored version is for. I didn't make my map for everyone to see, I just wanted to take a crack at a /vr/ mapping collab and see if what I made was any good.

>> No.7811451
File: 279 KB, 842x595, Granblue.Fantasy.full.2884220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't be homophobic if we're all faggots either way
looks cute
i imagine if doom 3 had models based off the original designs, people would find some of them creepy
maybe not the cacodemon but the mancubus and former humans could have looked scary

>> No.7811562 [DELETED] 

Question about some new-ish Quake content - please remind me what map/mod introduced first that one cool custom blocky Golem monster (NOT the ones from Hexen2/AD) who pretends to be a wall untill its awakened via external trigger like picking up a key/weapon or pushing buttons???

>> No.7811565

Question about some new-ish Quake content: please remind me what map/mod introduced first that one cool custom blocky Golem monster (NOT the ones from Hexen2/AD) who pretends to be a wall untill its awakened via external trigger like picking up a key/weapon or pushing buttons???

>> No.7811567

The staff dude from the mission packs is the closest thing I can think of, but he's not blocky. He morphs out of the floor.

>> No.7811585

2020 feels like a TF2 Universe model if TF2 had a Source 2 update

>> No.7811602

Sorry for doublepost, All i can elaborate about this question is that I remembered about this thing existance just by accidentaly grabbing my old phone a month ago, and looking at one old browser tab wasnt refreshed from 2016/15's QuakeCon website and the cached images on the mobile site failed to reload - retyping the adress to my computers browser is blocked by the antivirus program for some reason (not gonna risk it) - just remembered about this randomly yesterday...

>> No.7811605

Past the address here.

>> No.7811608

Nigga how were we supposed to know its pride month? Just because some assblasted queers throw a celebration doesn't mean we have to give a fuck, besides, if you really interpret HFFM as a wad where you target gay people you obviously didn't play it

>> No.7811627

So I've been playing through Doom 64 for the first time and here are my thoughts so far
What I like:
>Great level architecture and really cool how they pulled off tricks like bridges and arrow traps with the engine
>The new sound effects are great
>The weapons all look and feel good
>Some of the monsters have really cool sprites (pinky, caco, pain elemental)
>The monsters seem more aggressive and overall it feels more challenging than Doom 1 and 2
What I dislike:
>The monster sprites feel less distinct than their originals
>WAY too much switch hunting, and the buttons often blend into the walls unlike D1/2
>Lighting is usually a bit too dark for my taste

>> No.7811634
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda sounds like you're describing Altar of Storms (ne_ruins), it introduced golems and eidolon - but both of these are from Hexen 2.
also iirc its release was timed to 2011 qexpo, so again it's similar to what you're describing but not quite.

>> No.7811669

It'd be smart to consider gains and losses
What's gained by not changing the name? It's a funny joke and part of the whole point of the project in the first place.
What's lost by not changing the name? Less exposure toward a mapping project in places like doomworld or zdoom forums, might be a bit of an embarrassing association for people in a few years if they continue being doom mappers. It's a matter of weighing which is more important than the other

>> No.7811672

I meant server-wise. But the site is a bit broken atm. I think what you listed are the only broken things there.
I'll probably do that tonight.

>> No.7811674 [DELETED] 

Touch grass, turn 18, have sex

>> No.7811689

Why does Quake/2 not have a map?

Why does Quake 2 not have muzzle flashes?

Why do some Quake 2's enemies LITERALLY not function correctly? (Spike arm guy is the most pointless enemy ever. The little robots with the green shield don't do shit)

Why is 90% of the level design in Quake 2 boxes?

Why was this game allowed to be released?

>> No.7811694

>Why does Quake/2 not have a map?
Quake didn't so why did you expect otherwise?
>Why do some Quake 2's enemies LITERALLY not function correctly? (Spike arm guy is the most pointless enemy ever. The little robots with the green shield don't do shit)
The berzerker is a pinky analogue. Think of it from a mapper's perspective in terms of putting pressure on the player. Otherwise the way id used them, yes, they're totally useless. Haven't been hurt by them in years. The robots with the shield still hurt me sometimes.

Just to springboard off that, I think Doom, Quake, and Quake II could benefit a great deal from removing monster-infighting and reducing the damage monsters do to each other like Serious Sam.

>> No.7811696

Quake 2 is a tech demo

>> No.7811704

"anon, it appears in our automated background search using the 'Cancel-Bot-Trans-3000' algorithm we have had some concerning information flagged for viewing. It would appear you published a "map" for a videogame which contained the..... Hard F slur? Is this correct? Im afraid you have been terminated effective immediately and you will soon receive notice your bank account has been suspended and your mortgage revoked. You will also be unable to ever vote again. A PoC social worker will now escort you directly to the nearest re-education facility."

>> No.7811707

Didn't this literally happen to Sgt Mark IV

>> No.7811708

pretty much all fps games are

>> No.7811713

Arcane Dimensions has a flag for turning off monster infighting for mappers. The in development Keep mod has this too I believe.

>> No.7811715

Isn't he a hue himself?

>> No.7811723

Brazilians are super fucking racist in general

>> No.7811731

>I think Doom, Quake, and Quake II could benefit a great deal from removing monster-infighting
You must be joking.

>> No.7811735

is there a list of all /vr/ wads?
like 200minvr.wad etc.

>> No.7811736

Read the OP

>> No.7811740
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Supposed to be a blue glow given off by the bfg

>> No.7811741

No. I've been playing Quake so long that it's pretty much instinct for me to run around the enemies and make some of them fight each other. There's no penalty to this because the player is faster and more agile than all the monsters.

>> No.7811745

from what i gather, stuff like enemies being dumb and how bland the setting is down to tim willits being an idiot. rumor has it that he cut most of the game's AI before launch (but some behaviors were restored in Stroggs Gone Mad and Ground Zero, coincidentally both were more fun than the vanilla game). and instead of going the abstract route for maps that could lead to creative gameplay, they instead went for the "realistic" route for level design while also simultaneously forgetting that they need to be built off an interesting theme for them to work. so you get shit like "power stations" (read: corridors with crates). tim willits also led to that change in design philosophy. i think it may have been fondly remembered because of its multiplayer component, which was really fun and had some good mods. you can still play that part with bots and there's some servers running with people still in them.

>> No.7811746


>> No.7811752

And it's something that makes the game easier and something that wouldn't be possible if there was no monster in fighting. Why did you ask and to such a simple idea?

>> No.7811758
File: 253 KB, 1818x1176, ravenholm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree. With all the imperfections and compromises comes a really cool texture and mood. Something completely absent from CoF. Oh, and unlike CoF AoM is also feels more consistent in it's delivery.

>> No.7811768

>>7811605 Just found a dead link at Quaddicted archive page of one map that contained this dude Ive been describing... "VeniVidiFutzi" by MadFox - Authors original site (defunct for ages it seems, cache page works for me but no images are loaded): https://members.home.nl/gimli/gimli20.htm
^The one thing that bothers me is that isnt the map i remember that Granito monster from (it definetely wasnt Venice-themed at all) despite it being the first one made with him...
I like how the authors of this map stole the Q2 SSG model and turned it into that QBS monstrosity as a way to not implemment anything more sensible like an Auto-Shotgun thts already present in other mods like Neharha or Zestoer (Riot-Controller)

>> No.7811769

Isn't the shotgun from Nehahra and Zerstorer the same?

>> No.7811805 [DELETED] 

Eat the bugs, kys, get aids.

>> No.7811807

This is why i wish for a quake II source port that doesnt use the animation.c files and uses independent IQM format for it.

Q2 models doesnt agree with Q1 format due to animation differences, meanwhile Q1 monsters has smoother animations in Q2

>> No.7811810

Quoth and presumably AD also have some automatic infighting disabling, like enemies of the same family (e.g. the Knights, Death Knights and their new variants) only infighting with other monsters and not among themselves, which I feel is a really good compromise that still allows a clever player to force infighting, but only if an equally clever mapper lets then.

>> No.7811823

Remember some anons spamming about DF Retro episode of Quake here in some previous threads, so I'm posting that here.

>> No.7811825


>> No.7811826

I feel like Infighting is too important to just get rid of in Doom.

>> No.7811841

>The robots with the shield still hurt me sometimes
Protip: Try to always crouch infront of a Brains at point-blank range and jump away immideately - there is an almost guaranteed chance it will use the tentacle attack at the empty space where you've been a sec ago insteead of flailing their hook-arms which also deactivates their power-screen during the attack animation - it works as long there is a place to backpedal to (however this doesnt work on Reckoning Beta version of that monster sadly, due to them having a grapplig-hook effect added with an annoyingly long range)

>> No.7811854

>QBS monstrosity as a way to not implemment anything more sensible
it's more of a cargo-cult way to match ssg to Doom2's equivalent, not the only case.
can't help with other maps using Granito, but that site is on archive.org with pics. MadFox is also among the last active posters on func_.
Zer has the revolving duplex shotgun, Nehahra has high firerate full-auto

>> No.7811857

Nope, the term 'fag' just reffered to Cigarettes actually - they just forgot to rename the map-pack later after removing all references to Tobacco smoking from the project ;^)

>> No.7811858

Afaik, 2048 units of /vr/, 100 minutes, 200 minutes, 300 minutes, and HFFM soon. I think that's it for community stuff. We have individual releases time to time but I don't know if those are catalogued accurately anywhere.

>> No.7811868

>I'm gonna play every cacoward/10 years of doom winner
>halfway through 1994
Kill me

>> No.7811872

drink my knob bitch

>> No.7811881

Things pick up quickly, anon. By 1994 tools had only just been created to make doom wads.

>> No.7811891

No. Satan made ep4 of No End In Sight.

>> No.7811894


>> No.7811903

Boom wads with unlimited new monsters and new weapons. Both with custom missiles and custom hitscan attacks. Expect all pro boom mappers go insane with the new possibilities.

>> No.7811904


first of all this is still news material >>7803917
Second, is interesting that they have the footage of people playing Quake 1 on Thrustmaster Mark II Sticks and CM ones.

that was uncanny as fuck back then.

>> No.7811906

The airstrike part was way better than simply running around a flat with a garg could ever be. It would be S+M1

>> No.7811910


>> No.7811945

Most of the 94 picks are stuff that stood out for a time where most community maps were very low quality, and map editors were cumbersome to use. By today's standards, they're competent, but fairly unremarkable.

>> No.7811952
File: 7 KB, 284x177, LavaSNG_reforged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the /VR/ project will utilize the KeepMod's metric clusterfuck of content, there is one thing I'd like to suggest for consideration:
Anyone knows how there are some custom monsters with 'timed invulnerability shields' / 'damage blocking forcefield' (FiendQueen or MegaEnforcer for example) and this mod includes LavaNails ammo that in SP are basicly a damage bonus for NG/SNG (unless you foolishly fire upon Hephaeustus for ~1dmg), thus I had an idea from how in the Q2 addon 'Ground Zero' had this new ETF Rifle weapon which worked exactly the same in MultiPlayer like the LavaNails did in DoE (same with Vengeance Sphere - same creators) but in Q2:GZ SinglePlayer the ETF rifles projectiles aditionally ignored enemy PowerShields - if they had any, making efficient use of this gun extremely situational (unless you played the rare mod like Citadel or Pax Imperia where it actually worked wonders vs. BetaGladiators);
What I am trying to say - how difficult is it to make LavaNails work like regular nails in this freak instance of fighting a Force-field with its shields active (or hit for half-damage if thats too cheap), so there wold be somekind of more tactical use for them outside the somewhat boring +30% extra damage - is this even worth the hypothetically required effort?

>> No.7811956

Aktschually the VR anon built it with code from Quoth, a bit of AD, a bit Drake, but mostly the mission packs. Not using Keep. Otherwise I cannot help you anon, but I'm sure VRanon can when he sees your post.

>> No.7811962

Honestly I agree. We don't lose anything by briefly mentioning the word cloud in the text file. It gives context for the WAD and its humor. It could even mention that many of the map names were derived from word clouds.
Why are you guys against giving the word cloud origin story? It's what ties the project together.

>> No.7811965

Also foud this site while looking for that Quaddicted page previously - are those reccomendations missing anything noteworthy?

>> No.7811969

A RYM page on Quake? What the fuck?

>> No.7811981

About time.

Is there really nobody that can leak them? A fucking month feels like forever to wait.

>> No.7811989

Does this one support more advanced mapinfo lumps? With custom episodes and intermissions?
Also, what versions will be able to play this? PR+? I like the features but does this mean those maps will lose DOSdoom compatibility? Cause one of the things I really liked about Boom compatible maps was that they could run on Dosdoom

>> No.7812005

Not just mapinfo. More lineactions like instakill floors and use of boss death actions everywhere where it's wanted. Very much more flexible dehacked, example: >>7811903

But no it's not vanilla compatible. Boom wads haven't been vanilla compatible since beginning. Or what do you mean?

>> No.7812007

I wouldn't call Serenity/Eternity competent

>> No.7812009
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>missing anything noteworthy?
Warp Spasm
the rest of Tronyn's maps (masque, drysorrow, soe, nsoe)
the rest of Than's maps (DM remixes)
Beyond Belief & Beyond Belief 2008
last year's Dwell and EoE
this year's smej2

>> No.7812036
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>> No.7812083

NMN3anon had fun as the replacement word so i'm doing that
as for including the word cloud, i don't really know. maybe we could include the screencap in the uncut version with "I think we just found the name of the next /vr/ project" and all

>> No.7812086

I somehow accidentally made the console list all the names of the maps in my map folder in Quake 2.

How did I do this?

>> No.7812091
File: 172 KB, 450x300, 86327312-homeless-man-using-laptop-sitting-by-the-brick-wall-in-the-street-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom? More like bum.

>> No.7812113
File: 29 KB, 112x112, 649e56b3-4594-46c5-bb41-c4de5ed2e6ce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there ever a fan remake of Doom in the Quake engine?

>> No.7812117

just press up once?
in Q1 you'd either type "maps" or press tab after "map "

>> No.7812134

>Or what do you mean?
Oh, nevermind, Im just dumb, I meant original Boom running under DOS
Damn, this really opens up a lot of possibilities

>> No.7812135

your path of destruction?

>> No.7812160

>maybe we could include the screencap in the uncut version with "I think we just found the name of the next /vr/ project" and all
If you feel the need to provide context then that's all you need to give. It shows that the wad authors are a bunch of dudes screwing around just having fun and not a bunch of Nazi sympathizers. There will still be losers who read way too much into this and want a full explanation as to why the word "faggot" was used in the current year, but you can't rationalize with these people anyway so no use wasting your time in appealing to them.

>> No.7812242

It has a minimalistic approach, some QOL improvements. I would probably recommend it to new, casual players but yeah I don't use it that often.
I do since I'm temporarily stuck with a low-end laptop that runs 32-bit Windows 10, because my other laptop (which I used as a stand in for my Dekstop, which is stuck at my dad's semi-abandoned house) broke.

>> No.7812246

>Is there really nobody that can leak them?
Maybe someone will appear eventually. So far I've only seen here an anon with Civvie's Patreon, which only shows that it can happen.

>> No.7812263

>No mention of overbrights not working in GLQuake


>> No.7812295

QRD? What's the implication of this?

>> No.7812315
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>Turok Anon still dead
>Judge Anon also dead
I miss them
Lighting autist is pretty cool I guess

>> No.7812345

what about that system shock doom anon?

>> No.7812348

It's almost that time again. How about you bake some Turok baguette for this one?
Yes, >>7812315 gave me that idea.

>> No.7812436

imagine if imps could extend their spikes like the iron maidens from resident evil 4

>> No.7812450
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>> No.7812469
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Anyone wan to to co-op some hideous destructor?

>> No.7812472


>> No.7812494

See quake II source code
https://github.com/id-Software/Quake-2/tree/master/game it
c files has animations for all monsters

has any of the autists here ever tried to rebuild the model of these pics

>> No.7812501
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Zandronum, doomseeker?!
I dunno, i'm pretty new to this.

>> No.7812517

Any map packs for doom 2 you would all recommend. Already finished the ones recommended from the so you want to play some fucking doom image. I'm not playing the Eric Harris maps.

>> No.7812526

so boom wads and zdoom wads are going to become interchangeable

have we reached the doom singularity

>> No.7812540

I find it funny (and also sad), that mbf21 probably killed Eternity mapping. Heartland made it seem like Eternity wads could be a thing as it still felt vanilla unlike gzdoom, but with much more extended possibilities than prboom+. Now when you can make all kinds custom monsters, weapons, pickups, projectiles and even multiple boss death tags inside one map in boom wad (also not forgetting the umapinfo that came earlier this year), all that Eternity has is just portals. And most who want to play with verticality seem to go straight to gzdoom mapping. Rip Eternity Engine wads.

>> No.7812542

Zdoom wads won't have boom compability.

>> No.7812546

I think Eternity is going to incorporate mbf21 soon anyway.

>> No.7812548

tarnsman's projectile hell

>> No.7812550
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So what happens there?

>> No.7812557

Water accumulates and then comes back down onto the surface as rain.

>> No.7812560


Knock yourself out, fag.

>> No.7812571

What wads are made by /vr/ users that are not local community projects?

>> No.7812575

Jackie Chan

>> No.7812589


>> No.7812593 [DELETED] 
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moar like SHITTR amirite?

>> No.7812596

If you're playing through a megawad pistol start and can't find the secret entrances do you still let yourself warp to map 31/32 or do you wait until you can find them

>> No.7812679

still no render only slopes and portals
Look, mbf21 got some advanced scripts, but still not as advanced as eternity. I'd rather think of mbf21 as a middle ground between Boom and Eternity(while Eternity is middle between Boom and GZDoom)

>> No.7812680
File: 81 KB, 250x187, Valve_head2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at Mr Valve in the intros. We know the one they're using since 2007 is some random guy but what who's this?
He looks like Kelly Bailey, the composer of HL games

>> No.7812685

Soooo, does this mean we can make more than 32 maps, and customize what exit goes to what level?

>> No.7812702 [DELETED] 

>Kelly Bailey is not a woman
My whole life was a lie

>> No.7812725

Are there any neat Hexen mods that just add more weapons for the classes and maybe more enemies without changing too much drastically? Kind of like a Hexen+ I guess.

>> No.7812728

my wad

>> No.7812742
File: 934 KB, 1920x1080, sf2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like violence or really just want some very high quality practice of circle strafing, Slaughterfest 2012.

>> No.7812758
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Make sure you pistol start it, some levels are pretty much ruined by continuous play, maybe even most of them. Probably has something to do with every map being a slaughtermap which means every map has high tier weapons and a lot of ammo, which you don't want to have on the next level start.

>> No.7812761

Quake 1 got melee enemies practically perfect and then they went back to Pinky-tier retardation in Quake 2.

>> No.7812768 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 640x360, pStbsdHScINJela-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol does this look like a woman to you

>> No.7812770

Q2 enemies are way less bullet spongy than Q1.

>> No.7812772

Yes, and kinda. You can't make hubs, but you can make as much maps and secret maps as you want. You can't howerer make more 2 than different exits on one map: normal exit and secret exit.

>> No.7812773

Tempered Arms adds altfires

>> No.7812775 [DELETED] 

>/vr/ - Retro Games

>> No.7812781

This is in the realm of what I'm looking for, thank you anon.

>> No.7812792

Isn't that just a consequence of the weapon hierarchy?

Even the super shotgun in Quake is fast and acceptably accurate, so it doesn't do much damage per shot.
If you actually had the ammo, the lightning gun would quickly dispatch everything in your way.

>> No.7812795
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What are your top 'modern' retro shooters? I am looking for something like Ion Fury with some amounts of militaryporn like I want to feel something like a HECU grunt or a police officer blasting through bad guys. But it doesn't 100 percent need to be that and I want to hear what you guys like.

>> No.7812801

Dusk episode 2 relies heavily on an industrial aesthetic and it doesn't hidw being inspired by Half Life there.

>> No.7812804

Sweet Jesus.

I should probably read up on the Quake model formats.
Is there anything special to them other than storing a vertex position permutation for every keyframe?

>> No.7812816
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This time around we're playing Faviellesco or some shit :P


>> No.7812835 [DELETED] 

Anon I...

>> No.7812843
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>> No.7812862
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>> No.7812869
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I'm sorry, just a lil joke.
I loved 2048 units, especially those castle invasion type maps.
Maps 14 and 17 were highlights.
29 had the coolest expanding of the play area, but it was so fuckin hard, the only one i had to savescum.
For this fight with the archvile that has the disappearing small pillars, is there like a legit way of learning to time it?

Looking forward to HFFM!

>> No.7812885
File: 69 KB, 768x768, Hlbs_rosenberg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the original models are bett-
Also voiced by Jon St. John

>> No.7812901

There we go. Got Ricochet and NOLF download instructions and icons now... Shoooould be it for a while. Any other games I add will be added to these weeks instead of making new weeks... A month is plenty. Cross that bridge when I get to it.

>> No.7812906 [DELETED] 

I've jerked off to "her" easily 250 times

>> No.7812919
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>> No.7812923
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>> No.7812932

Tank is more of Shambler equivalent in Q2.
Even so he is slow as fuck and his attacks are joke unlike homing balls of vore.

>> No.7812936

that's my map lol
best approach is to position yourself so that there are two pillars between you and him, that way you have better odds of avoiding his shots

>> No.7812937

Also compare health of ogre and gunner for example.



>> No.7812940

And then Q2's enemies get back up.

>> No.7812960

Q2 Ai as we know now is a rushed job compared to the original code
It would be neat if there it was a source port that recognized a game folder inside BaseQ2, Zaero and so on with external .c files with tweaks, or recognize DLL ai patches for it that doesnt need another mod folder

>aipatch(or Gameai).dll

>> No.7812975
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>> No.7812997

can you repost your doom comparisons? i gotta save these because it's ridiculous how long this lie has been perpetuated

>> No.7812998
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>> No.7813003
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Q1 deathknights fucking suck though

>> No.7813012

Shambler has hitscan attack, baron has slow projective and is also very slow.

>> No.7813013

How do the damage outputs compare to other weapons in the same game? A Q1 SSG may not equal a Q2 SSG.
I have no dog in this fight, either way. Just curious.

>> No.7813017
File: 999 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210220_123638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would someone go about making a custom monster for vanilla Doom? I don't know where to start.

>> No.7813019


oops i broke my own link fuck>>7812998

>> No.7813028

my trick for death knights is two grenades and a double shotgun
they have an odd tendency to juke me on the grenades though, pain in the ass

>> No.7813031

I can't see the server on Doomseeker, is it still called Sunday Night Shitshow?

>> No.7813035

shambler, vore and fiend sport highest hp. point isn't comparing the roles, just the "bullet sponge" argument

>> No.7813036

i dunno i think alex is pooping or somethig

>> No.7813040

Ah okay, I thought the post was him saying the server was back up.

>> No.7813046

Oh no no no no Doom bros we got too cocky

>> No.7813059

>how difficult is it to make LavaNails work like regular nails in this freak instance of fighting a Force-field with its shields active (or hit for half-damage if thats too cheap), so there wold be somekind of more tactical use for them outside the somewhat boring +30% extra damage - is this even worth the hypothetically required effort?

Violent Rumble anon here. Probably not too hard, would just need a flag on the enemy with an if/else to apply to correct damage in the projectile touch function. I've actually been thinking about adding a powershield spawnflag to ogres and death knights (along with corresponding custom models), just to make things interesting. Having lava nails ignore their damage protection makes a lot of sense.

Reducing the health of the 'rambler' back to that of a normal shambler but giving it some damage reduction that lava nails ignore is also a possibility...

>> No.7813074
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>no alpha wads

alex u good?

>> No.7813085
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I'm fuckin' sorry dude. I couldn't find your wad for the longest time. I was being really retarded, but now I've found it. Really sorry for such a long wait. I have to go now too sadly, my grandma's birthday party. Fun playin with you guys but sadly I gotta dip. Tell me how fun the Alpha weapons were when you're done :)


>> No.7813094
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>> No.7813097

Currently baking a new bread.

>> No.7813104
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>> No.7813113

Thank You

>> No.7813143

I know exactly what you mean anon but nothing. Also Ion Fury was boring.
Not only is fun not allowed, also stuff like rainbox six 1 is dead.
That episode of Dusk does have some soldiers but its not what you are looking for.

I also just want Huntdown or Valfaris in fps form with zero bullshit and some cool, monsters\or punks to blast with some bosses. We are not there.

Go play some old stuff.

>> No.7813149

does doomseeker not have a way to directly connect to an ip? I tried connect <> in zandro's console, but it just popped up that I didn't have the pwads

>> No.7813153
File: 3.14 MB, 1200x1877, DOSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to feel something like a HECU grunt or a police officer blasting through bad guys
neither retro nor modern anymore really, but KF 1&2

>> No.7813163

Temporal Tantrum

>> No.7813205

Just watch this
There's also some other versions of dehacked for boom, mbf etc. Might be of intrest

>> No.7813338
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Additional upload for Jawbreaker, it's still version 3, and I haven't done any more changes to it (I'm not sure what else to do with it right now). I included a censored variant for the Fun/Friendly version, the only difference being a word in a piece of hidden text.

Apologies for using a Discord link, but it's a tiny file and it only needs to be up for a short while.

I agree that it's worth including a short piece of backstory, because it's funny, and it does make it clear just what it is. Not that I think many people would look at a project just dripping in Gachi references and jokes, and then think "They must hate The Gays!"

>> No.7813365

>And most who want to play with verticality seem to go straight to gzdoom mapping
Eternity needs a hardware renderer with proper mouselook for verticality to not be annoying and/or look awful with the Software Y-shearing.

>> No.7813386
File: 13 KB, 320x224, OutRun_Course.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. You can do level pathing like this if you want to, using secret exits as you second exit.

>> No.7813415

New thread. Was waiting for this one to reach page 10.

>> No.7813431


It's not like SWAT 4, it's very fast paced and it's much less stupid about rules of engagement.

>> No.7813432

People will make more Boom style maps, but use some of the more convenient features which previously have been exclusive to much more advanced ports.

People don't map too much in GzDoom or stuff, so even if you're playing in GzDoom, you're going to see more mapsets with branching paths and custom decorations, and they're going to conflict less with whatever gameplay mod you want to play, because people don't need to replace existing things anymore.

tl;dr this will largely benefit everyone, purists or brutalbabbies alike.

>> No.7813435

Not even, because people were very rarely using GzDoom/UDMF just for stuff like MAPINFO or added decorations for a mapset which is otherwise Limit Removing or Boom

>> No.7813628

I said from a PLAYER's perspective.
MAPPERS very rarely mapped for GZDoom if all they wanted was MAPINFO or mild decorate use because that sacrificed port compatibility for very little gain. MBF21 and UMAPINFO actually solves this issue if anything.