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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7804704 No.7804704 [Reply] [Original]

Are Cave STGs any good?

>> No.7804709


>> No.7804713

They're great if you like bullet hell shooters. Though IMO their BGM and art styles are also very good.

>> No.7804730

Some of the best style and consistency of any shmupdev out there.

>> No.7804745

I initially got annoyed their games got increasingly more anime moeish, but now I just miss them.

>> No.7804835

I wasn't much of a fan either, though I understand it was just a way to gain more players. Small gripe but I liked the Daifukkatsu comms over the Saidaioujou comms much more. Much prefer it sounding like it was coming out of a scratchy speaker and I didn't need a video feed of the girl talking.

>> No.7804850


>> No.7804941

They are obviously very good at their particular niche.

>> No.7804965

Yes. Ketsui in particular is a bullshit free well designed bullet hell with stellar BGM and great visuals.

>> No.7804984

What do you mean bullshit free?

>> No.7804991

they're the only guys to make good bullet hells

>> No.7804996

Well balanced with a clean difficulty curve and the game doesnt throw curveballs. In fact many of the more confusing or fast patterns start with a taste of the real thing with few projectiles or telegraphing before letting loose. Allows skilled players to 1CC faster because survival relies less on memory because of telegraphing. Also scoring is not chain based like DDP so its less railroady for scoring.

>> No.7804998

That sounds rad, picked up

>> No.7805015

How about you just fucking play them and formulate your own opinion in stead of starting a thread that obviously is intending to be inflammatory.

>> No.7805020

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.7805035

Cheers. Its their magnum opus IMO. If ESPra.de didnt have that fucked hitbox issue it would have been next to it on the podium. I believe there's a modern re-release on consoles and I heard its great. Comes with an alternative arrange soundtrack too. OG soundtrack is phenomenal. Namiki truely is GOAT when it comes to shmup BGM.

>> No.7805171
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One of the worst retro shmup devs that helped ruin the genre with tranmaku faggotry.

>> No.7805186


>> No.7805218

Taito baste

>> No.7805220

If they make the shmupg autists mad, then they must be good.

>> No.7805317

shmupg is actually a cavetranny circlejerk thread.

>> No.7805353

out of your pic only cave makes shmups anymore
>b-but raiden
not seibu

>> No.7805374

huh? cave hasnt made a new STG since 2012.

>> No.7805384

>Latest game was in 2012
>They now make gachashit
it was unevitable for this kind of company but still

>> No.7805392

Wow anon you weren't kidding, Ketsui is fucking cool. I don't know what I'm doing but I like it.

>> No.7805416

Really hard game but it's good. If you can kill the battleship on stage 3 without bombing you earn a hidden extra life.

>> No.7805421

alright, alright... "out of your pic cave made shmups for the longest time" then

>> No.7805436

Dont worry mate you're forgiven. We miss the golden era too.
I hate this part. You actually need to destroy every side part before destroying the main one or it doesnt give you shit I think.
Its also fucking beautiful. DDP DOJ is supposed to have been made on the same engine and at the same time but for some reason Ketsui came out a lot prettier and cleaner.

>> No.7805451

also not true, for example konami developed shmups from 1979 to 2011, longer than cave's entire existence.

cavecucks just can't stop losing. sad...

>> No.7805492

Yeah and they ended their run with things like "otomedius excellent" lmao I hate SDJ but even that is preferable to whatever the fuck konami was was doing.

>> No.7805510

>0 gameplay reasons

>> No.7805515

Did you give any for cave ?

>> No.7805582

Cave is shit but it's the best the genre has to offer, which is why it's dead, but I'm not going to fucking spend 10 hours looping some dadshit to get the same challenge I can get scoring a Cave game for 40 minutes.

>> No.7805604
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Any tips on how to 2-all the Strikers 1945 trilogy? I have 7000 hours of shmup chatting practice.

>> No.7805634

Explain this meme

>> No.7805648

JRPG players seething about some guy called ricardo

>> No.7805687
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I'm a big fan of Yagawa but what inspired him to make the rank system in Raizing games? Was it just luck?

it's just games bruh

>> No.7805725

Says the poser with no scores in either of those companies games! Lol

>> No.7805728

Yagawa main inspiration for Garegga is Gun Force from Taito

>> No.7805732

*Gun Frontier I mean

>> No.7805741

Shmupg is mostly kraut, cee and ric
All of them suck and seethe at cave games lol

>> No.7805752
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great thing about it is newfags don't need to know, everyone else knows and gets reminded

>I have 7000 hours of shmup chatting practice.

Not familiar with Gun Frontier besides it's aesthetics and music which are godly. Does it have a variable rank system too??

>> No.7805760

>getting punished for picking up items, holding down autofire, and not dying often enough

his games and rank systems are meme trash. figures that hack would go on to work at CAVE.

>> No.7805769

>challenge is punishment
time to quit shmups and play something easy

>> No.7805771
File: 78 KB, 732x617, gunfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gun Frontier rank increases the longer you shoot (like in Garegga) and the higher your score/longer your survival is too. There are also hidden places to bomb to earn extra points (like the rock outcrop) in the game's opening seconds.

Unlike Spanish /vr/ Yagawa probably did spend hundreds if not more hours on Gun Frontier; he's said as much (and owned the PCB at one point).

The rank is much less forgiving than Garegga because of checkpoints and a hellish stage 5 (as long as the previous three stages combined). Awesome game to credit feed to though. Finale is pure, unadulterated kino.

>> No.7805776

or play a shmup with non-retarded rank mechanics lmao

>> No.7805778
File: 54 KB, 296x404, cee_glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unlike Spanish /vr/ Yagawa probably did spend hundreds if not more hours on Gun Frontier;
oh this made me grin like pic related

>Gun Frontier rank increases the longer you shoot (like in Garegga) and the higher your score/longer your survival is too. There are also hidden places to bomb to earn extra points (like the rock outcrop) in the game's opening seconds...Awesome game to credit feed to though. Finale is pure, unadulterated kino.
I should give it a try sounds fun

>> No.7805784

>rank management is too complex
>me go play Mushi original instead
we understand you're retarded, no need to repeat yourself

>> No.7805801

Any other horizontals like Progear?

>> No.7805823

and they all got filtered by shmups and are still trying to cope with it

Cave games are like puzzle games which dopey players find intimidating and scary.

>> No.7805840

Darius Gaiden (Extra ver once you 1CCd regular) and Eïnhander

>> No.7805849

>Even with the Autistic rank garrega is still regarded as one of the best ever
No wonder he joined Cave and went on to make of of some of the best ever

>> No.7805853

cave ruined shooting games

>> No.7805874

No they died because arcades died.

>> No.7805879

not in japan

>> No.7805883

It feels like bullet hell was the next step for shmups back then.

>> No.7805889

Yeah their games are really good. But I don't like how the later games rely so much on bullet cancelling. I just don't like that mechanic so much.

>> No.7805893

Danmaku is the natural evolution of shmups just like Anime is the natural evolution of 2D fighters. Dads and FG boomers just don't want to accept it so they pretend garbage like R-Type and Gradius is any good. It's not. Just like the tards that pretend ST and 3s are good (they're not).

>> No.7805898
File: 114 KB, 800x800, rtype_final2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>R-Type: still alive and booming
>DDP: dead for nearly a decade


>> No.7805902

>newfags don't need to know, everyone else knows and gets reminded
>as he posts on a board full of complete failures that need to use MAME cheats
consider suicide, larping reject.

>> No.7805907

>garbage like R-Type and Gradius
Why do people that sucks at R-Type and Gradius all says that?

>> No.7805910

>R-Type: still alive and booming
>same shit, different decade

>> No.7805915

great games, designed to rape you for coins.

>> No.7805917

Yeah and they're filled with party/rhythm games. also they're no going be alive for much longer

>> No.7805923

You're delusional my man. this thing had barely any impact outside of the already small shmup fanbase.

>> No.7805927

>also they're no going be alive for much longer
days of arcades are well and truly over with. arcade machines for best part of 15 years or more are nothing more than generic PC garbage running low-latency version of linux or some other god awful cancer like windows ce.

>> No.7805930

Final 2 is surprisingly okay fun, marks review was shit compared to shmup junkies', as expected desu.

You're overcompensating and sound retarded, cool it

It's more like a branch on the tree, or a mutation, it has an appeal and style but saying "more bullets = better = progress" ignores quality in favour of quantity. Not that cave lacks quality, but elevating the danmaku sub genre above the rest is arbitrary preference.

>> No.7805932

>You're overcompensating and sound retarded, cool it
the anon is right. that anon is also exposing you as the true frauds that you really are. you just can't stop replying, exposing how little you know about anything.

>> No.7805941

Post a streamable clip of u seething in barcelona arcades

>> No.7805947

i like the bit with the lasers

>> No.7805952

>designed to rape you for coins
Like all arcade games. That is how they work. It's like saying "consoles are designed to rape you for electrical power".

>> No.7805961

Some are bullshit difficult only rich people could beat them 1cc or score. Others better balance and fair for normal income players

>> No.7806078

Refunded that boring fucking piece of shit. Rtype died after Delta.

>> No.7806138

your fault for not playing on R-Typer difficulty lad

>> No.7807124

Toaplan if he shite.

>> No.7807130

posers and newfags attacks Cave because they are the last big and good shmup dev, after them it was no one industry dead

>> No.7807173

>Danmaku is the natural evolution of shmups just like Anime is the natural evolution of 2D fighters.
The natural evolution is that when normal people stop playing you target pedophiles

>> No.7807251

the four horseman of shmups: dad, collector, arcade purist, the touhou cave lolicon

>> No.7807787

they are good until you play for score

>> No.7807864

Why's that?

>> No.7807881

>I'm more of a survival player
Let's be real. Show us your best 2-alls.

>> No.7807983

I can show you a 10 seconds clip of me playing stage 1 of strikers 1945

>> No.7808084

Let it go.
Not so fast. How many stages does Strikers 1945 have? What is the rank like and what was the hardest section?

If someone can talk well about a shmup I will believe they got whatever score or 2-all they say. And so should you. First sign of a poser is they spread misinformation.

>> No.7808116

>First sign of a poser is they spread misinformation.
DOJ hyper lasts how long?

>> No.7808983

this annihilates the spaniard

>> No.7808989

1 second

>> No.7809614
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Based & Dadpilled.

>> No.7809653
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God tier: Toaplan / Cave (pre-PGM) / Raizing / Orange-Juice / Ruminant's Whimper

High Tier: Psikyo / Seibu / Technosoft / Siter-Skain / Daisessen

Medium Tier: Frozen Orb / Taito / Squaresoft / Takumi / Irem / NMK / Yotsubane / G-Rev / Platine Dispositif

Low Tier: Cave (post-PGM) / Konami / Edelweiss / Treasure / RebRank / Qute

Shit Tier: Euroshmups

Touhou tier: Team Shanghai Alice

>> No.7809708

>no compile
Found the shitposter.

>> No.7810462

Quite possibly the most forgettable and rehash-happy shmups of all time.

>> No.7810518
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>> No.7810539

I like the Konami, Taito and Compile addition. I hate the Dr. Pepper and Mario ones, though.

>> No.7810546

But that what the old school dadsujin boomer chad multilooper wants.

>> No.7810598

fuck it im gonna start doing steroids and playing tatsujin ou

>> No.7810646

Replace dr pepper with a&w root beer for me

>> No.7810648

Good taste.

>> No.7810669

Not Mario, though.

>> No.7810713
File: 104 KB, 816x568, dd3ohrw-02ecfaf0-4e2c-4c33-95b5-6548908e3265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Mario.

>> No.7810916

Mario is fine if you speedrun it for a real challenge. The principle and appeal of shmups is the same as speedrunning.

>> No.7811426

>mid tier
Garbage list

>> No.7811637

Team Shanghai Alice should be in based tier

>> No.7811642

Yes, they're probably the best bullet hell shooters

>> No.7811702

speedrunning isn't dead though, people will watch replays and streams and comment and the leaderboards for the popular games are busy. not much incentive to be competitive at shmups which is what they're supposed to be about
playing shmups casually is boring as shit

>> No.7812090

>playing shmups casually is boring as shit
disagree. 1cc collecting various games has been very fun, moreso than playing the same game over and over to get a better number like speedtranners and scoretists do.

>> No.7812172

1cc isn't casual unless you're collecting clears way below your skill level. If the clears are around your skill level then yeah it's gonna be a fun challenge

>moreso than playing the same game over and over to get a better number like speedtranners and scoretists do.
should've deleted this cope, smells of insecurity and unresolved issues.

>> No.7812287

>1cc isn't casual
they are looked down on as such by scoretists.

>should've deleted this cope, smells of insecurity and unresolved issues.
nah just simple observation and logic, you're going to be miserable and frustrated more often than not chasing after those world records and trying to get that new nigh-unattainable pb, for what purpose? you're better off spending that time developing skills in real hobbies such as playing darts and juggling rings.

>> No.7812331

>no Seibu Kaihatsu
>no Video System
>no Namco
>no SNK
>no Data East
>no Kaneko

>> No.7812368

Casual is more of a mindset that is low effort, mostly aimless playing, low progress, no distinct goals, changing games as soon as they are too hard, making many excuses instead of admitting mistakes , etc

>score players look down on 1cc collectors
Not really. They might look down on scrubs or ex-players who insult scoring or insult competitive gaming...that's different.

>> No.7812372

>Casual is more of a mindset that is low effort, mostly aimless playing, low progress, no distinct goals, changing games as soon as they are too hard, making many excuses instead of admitting mistakes , etc
basically me

>> No.7812396

>nah just simple observation and logic, you're going to be miserable and frustrated more often than not chasing after those world records and trying to get that new nigh-unattainable pb, for what purpose?
They'd only be miserable if they had wrong expectations, like scoring for shmup clout.
Some players enjoy a particular game and scoring is a structured way to replay it with ever increasing challenges. It's fun to get better at a game you like, that's all it is.
Most score players quickly realize there's no clout or money or secondary rewards to be had pretty quick.

>you're better off spending that time developing skills in real hobbies such as playing darts and juggling rings.
Wtf are you talking about lol.