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7800292 No.7800292 [Reply] [Original]

>Lifespan 1977–1992

>> No.7800302

By the mid-80s it probably cost about $5 to manufacture and games were also very simple and cheap/easy to make.

>> No.7800304

It had games unlike ps5, n64, Atari jag.

>> No.7800306


>> No.7800307

Console generations used to be longer than 6 years.

>> No.7800314

Because the material that makes up the resistors and capacitors deteriorates over time?

>> No.7800380

It got something like a 2nd release in about 1987 so many kids who got it thought it was much newer than it was. Games and consoles were cheap so it was a good Christmas present because you would get a big box of stuff for cheap. When the nes and sms had their big price chops in 1990 the atari was quietly bargain binned. It would only be small toy shops carrying atari 2600 games after 1990. Christmas 1990 they pretty much cleared it out by targetting it as younger persons system.

Would be interesting to sell a mini xbox 360 for $50 but manufacturing would probably be still too expensive unlike back then.

>> No.7800393

The last run of Atari 2600s were made in China in 1989-91. They had a slightly revised chipset with a newer manufacturing process that broke a few games (notably Kool-Aid Man).

>> No.7800742

had no copy protection so it was homebrew machine from the get go

>> No.7801048
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>> No.7801057

Technology didn't advance so fast as it does now, anon. Pieces of hardware were bound to stay around for a little longer, even when newer ones came into existence.
In poorer countries, it was even more like that. I must have kept my Atari 2600 connected to the TV almost the entire time I had a Super Nintendo already.
People in poorer countries don't just throw a console on the sidewalk just because they got a newer one.

>> No.7801061

Where do you live? In Brazil, the price of an Atari 2600 at launch, translated to today with calculators, cost 3.604,62 Real, which is barely 4 minimum wages here.
You'd pay one third of your annual wage on the console only.

>> No.7801063
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>People in poorer countries don't just throw a console on the sidewalk
I foiund my xbox on this sidewalk. Worked for many years until I eventually bought a 360 and left my old xbox on the sidewalk.

>> No.7801179

that doesn't look like a poor country

>> No.7801341

cheap to produce, massive software library

>> No.7801351

look past the façade, it's a 1940s/1950s housing block that's been gentrified. looks a lot like shit you see in sydney, australia. only a small percentage of people in that city have any money at all. go into the city center and you see homeless people everywhere. it's a dump.

>> No.7801496

I think some poorer countries still play ps2 games regularly. Didn't they continue making fifa for the ps2 until very recently?

>> No.7801654

I didn't know anyone who was playing a 2600 after around 1985, but I suppose someone must have been.

>> No.7802939

>I didn't know anyone who was playing a 2600 after around 1985
i was playing it in 1987, you boomer

>> No.7802947

I'm sorry your childhood was tough like that.

>> No.7803062

The Famicom was supported until 2003. Your point?

>> No.7803154

But the Famicom has good games

>> No.7803543

Consumers were not yet addicted to measuring the worth of their system by the specs of the electronics. Instead they enjoyed the size of the game library. Switching to a new console would be abandoning their running collections.

>> No.7803569

Yeah, but wasn't Super Mario Bros. a phenomenon that every kid had to get a NES for? And didn't most kids stop playing Atari after the crash?

>> No.7803572

Actually, I dunno, before the NES came out, I imagine kids still played Atari, it was either that, watch TV, or play outside, (yuck.)

>> No.7803573

Only the bandwagoners. Some of us stuck with our principles because we knew Pretendo was a fad, and we were damn right in retrospect.

>> No.7803582

You had to play it to know it. It takes time for news to spread.

I know that I kept my old Commodore connected to the TV even when I got an NES. Most people took the same approach with the Atari. It just takes a bigger leap to pay for a second system instead of getting a bunch of new carts for your existing system with the same amount of money.

>> No.7803586

>It takes time for news to spread.
Wasn't Nintendo mania all over the news? I mean TV and newspapers.

>It just takes a bigger leap to pay for a second system instead of getting a bunch of new carts for your existing system with the same amount of money.
Isn't that still true today?

>> No.7803593

In the 80's it was a bigger leap. Most home games were still crummy ports of arcade games, and nobody had really strong reasons to follow one brand over another.

>> No.7803792

> In Brazil


>> No.7803803

Brazil are the biggest Sega Chads on earth. Let me guess your country is the leader in buying ps5?

>> No.7803815

I do remember as a kid going down to either my cousin's or friend's basement/den and you played Atari/Activision if you weren't able to use the NES/SNES or PC. It gave you at best a half hour of distraction I guess? As a kid in the mid 90s I assumed that most of the games had been made prior to 83. I had no clue they were still making games for these fossilized rocks from 85 to 92 still. Even as a ten year old in fucking 94 I thought the Atari 2600 was a fucking antique wtf?

>> No.7804138

If you had games like Asteroids or Centipede or Frogger or Donkey Kong you could play those games for years. If you had like Stampede or Kool Aid Man or Burger Time or the lousy Pac Man port maybe not as much. And if you had ET or Oddysey: A Space Adventure yeah you probably threw that shit out the window

>> No.7804319

A fuck ton of people still owned Atari 2600, so it still made financial sense to make games for it. Not to mention that a lot of games at the time only took one guy to make, so it's not like they were investing millions to port some arcade clone to one more system. Also, Atari 2600 games could be made somewhat more sophisticated by adding extra ram to the game carts themselves.

>> No.7805047

I don't think they made new consoles and such until then, they just still performed service on them since they had spare parts around.

>> No.7805051

>I know that I kept my old Commodore connected to the TV even when I got an NES
Unless you're referring to that failed console based on the C64 that's completely different since Commodore's machines are computers rather than video game consoles.

>> No.7806785

This is true, cities like that spend more money trying to hide their homeless than actually doing something about it.

>> No.7806798
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Because neither the 5200, 7800 or XEGS were successful enough to replace it.

>> No.7806851

I thought Australia was a wealthy country.

>> No.7808150
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Our metropolises are the same as everywhere else. They're an extreme mixture of wealthy sociopaths, dirt poor wage slaves and even poorer homeless people. An absolute shitbox house in Sydney costs a fucking million dollars, because living in a concrete jungle filled with foreigners and homeless is apparently so prestigious. Australia IS a wealthy country, but everything is so expensive in all of the capital cities. A shitty job at Mc Donald's would barely cover your cost of living, let alone allow you to accumulate wealth.

Point is, big cities are fucking shit and anyone who tells you otherwise is either a millionaire or a liar.

>> No.7808178

Let me guess, you're white

>> No.7808204

The system limped along for several years after the crash thanks to the 2600 Jr, but its lifespan as a "main" console was shorter - 77-84. 70% of all Atari games were released in either 82 or 83.

>> No.7808259

most of the population of australia is white, tyrone.

>> No.7808263

all good answers.

It was the classic, the standard that everyone knew. Plenty of alternatives came along that arguably were better in this or that way, but they weren't clearly better and so the one that's best known remained relevant. It was only when the NES came along that something was finally clearly better.

And remember: all your info in those days came from word of mouth and fucking magazines and shit. And electronics were very expensive, so it made even more sense back then not to take a risk.

>> No.7808271
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, be-disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, you're not a filipino-samoan aborigine chinaman.

>> No.7808276

I can accurately guess that the amount of children you've molested is greater than 10.

>> No.7808290
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>Point is, big cities are fucking shit and anyone who tells you otherwise is either a millionaire or a liar.
Anon I left for the country and it's certainly different. Theres a bus that comes to my town 3 times a day. 97% Aussies and hardly any cops or pretty girls. I really took it for granted all the food I had access to in the city.

>> No.7808345
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>> No.7808357

>Point is, big cities are fucking shit and anyone who tells you otherwise is either a millionaire or a liar.

True, smaller towns and rural areas are superior in most ways.

Learn to cook them on your own, it's a very giving experience.

>> No.7809437

>Lifespan 1977–1992
Same as my crackhead 2nd cousin, lol